Sunday, January 15, 2023




Since I can hear, feel, understand and explain the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL) and permanently have withdrawn from DL, so that I could have ongoing EL and become aware of my Language Enlightenment (LE), this is the only thing I still talk or write about. I want to speak and write about my LE because I can.


Anyone can, like me, recognize and stop their own DL and experience that ongoing EL reveals their LE. I should be invited to speak to audiences all over the world, but for reasons, I fully understand, this isn’t happening and, it is never going to happen either. However, because I am the founder of as well as the authority on LE, I feel the urge to let anyone who reads this know, that colleges and universities should, of course, honor me with a special degree.


It is my strong conviction that LE cannot be taught and, therefore, cannot be learned, as it can only be experienced. To make this marvelous experience happen, I let you know, from the get-go, that your stupid DL is none of my concern. I reject your usual way of talking, as it is so dumb. Moreover, I know something better and the only way for you to find out about that, is to let me do all the talking, so that you can come in contact with yourself. Yes, you are not in touch with yourself, because of your DL, but if you would listen to me, there would, temporarily, be no room for your mechanical behavior to occur.


I know that when you engage in EL, you sound like yourself and if you engage in DL, you disconnect from yourself.  You are only allowed to speak, when the former is the case, since I reject the latter in this writing, before I have ever spoken with you. Stated differently, you either accept my authority or you don’t get to speak with me at all. I have to be strict with you, because, unknowingly, you keep wanting to push your disgusting, nasty DL on me and I will not have any of it. I reject everyone’s DL, period (.)


The fact that I can be so direct, is because my LE can only be expressed in this way. Therefore, although, I have certainly no respect at all for anyone’s boring, unintelligent, demanding, oppressive DL, I still speak and write with EL about your stupidity, superficiality and superstitiousness, which has prevented you from exploring how you deal with language and the way you talk. I don’t attack you, but I call your DL what it is: the pretention that you talk and listen.


I am sure, you have never heard anyone speak or write as audaciously as I do, as there never was such a person. I have declared myself enlightened for the simple reason, that I have truly acquired the highest possible knowledge: self-knowledge. My LE couldn’t have been attained in any other way than with my ongoing EL. I am aware about psychology, behavioral science, behaviorology, empiricism, linguistics or religion, but nobody is able to speak or write about what I address, since they haven’t done the work I have done, to get where I have arrived.


Someone on the radio, spoke about the presumed necessity of setting up a truth-commission. Hahaha, what a joke. We only speak the truth – about who we really are – if we can keep listening to ourselves while we speak and, thus, keep engaging in EL, but the reality is, we don’t do that, as nobody inspires us to do this. I know you are not going to do it, but I do it and that is the whole point of this writing. You will only be able to do it, if you experience I do it. I write this, so that you can read it and remember it.

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