Friday, January 19, 2018

January 11, 2018

Dear Reader,

Once you know about Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB), you realize how dumb Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB) is. To have more SVB, it is necessary that you recognize and withdraw from NVB. Initially, it still may seem as if you are missing out on something, but, as your ability to engage in SVB increases, you understand that NVB is a hoax, a hype, a deception. The word hoax comes from hocus pocus, disguising what is actually happening; NVB is meaningless talk.

NVB is an act intended to deceive and trick you into obedience. While you are engaged in it, you are never allowed to talk about how it works. No matter how hard you keep trying, as long as you remain engaged in it you can’t talk about it. Only this realization will take away from NVB. The moment you realize this, you will engage in SVB, naturally and effortlessly. The moment you shift from NVB to SVB, you have broken the spell. There is no way back. You must learn SVB. 

The NVB speaker’s perceived superiority as well the NVB speaker’s perceived inferiority have historically always been (and continuous to be) established by fraudulent means. Throughout history human beings have always struggled with each other as they have endlessly tried to dominate and exploit each other. Those in authority, in one way or another, have always fabricated and trumped up their ascendancy. There has never been any agreement among those who presumably were first, second or third class.

The inferior as well as the superior NVB speakers are all liars, schemers, pretenders and swindlers. NVB speakers will always betray each other while giving the impression of trustworthiness. Inferior NVB speakers aren’t any better as superior NVB speakers. They may seem to be humble, modest and willing to sacrifice, but they literally step over dead bodies, they will use their so-called spirituality, their mindfulness, their simplicity and kindness to be holier than others.

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