Sunday, September 25, 2016

May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader, 

It is evening and I sit in my garden near the fire. I am happy and quiet and I enjoy this peaceful moment. Tonight I am alone and I like it. There is no need to fulfill, everything seems to have been done and I am not doing anything. 

I hear a pigeon and a car while the silence is descending. Tomorrow things will be very different, but I will not forget this time in which I digest who I have been and think of who I am going to be, taking my instructions from the flames. 

Two birds flew in the evening sky and nearby animated neighbors are talking with family members. Each has their domain. I feel complete. The birds flew by and the neighbors went inside to watch TV. 

Air-conditioners are humming and one bird sings one last song before the darkness sets in. As the wood is consumed the logs rearrange themselves and the smoke goes straight up because there is no wind. 

A mosquito tried to land on my skin, but its sound near my ear gave it away and made my hand move. A dog barks at the arrival of a car and from my back yard I can hear what is happening in my street. 

Oh fire, I love and admire you for being so lively and beautiful. The light is just right for these words to make sense. My shadowy friends have left without saying good bye while I was staring at the glow.

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