Thursday, January 19, 2023




Het is Donderdag vandaag en ik zit in een gemoedelijke laag, die toont, dat hier nooit iemand heeft gewoond. Het gaat nergens om en er is geen eind aan wat nooit begon.


Dit is geen antwoord, want er is geen vraag, morgen is het Vrijdag en de zon schijnt weer vandaag. Omdat het dagen lang aan het regenen was, is er ineens overal vers groen gras. Ik ben blij samen met de koeien, die mij begroeten met hun loeien.


Zij die dit aandachtig lezen, weten wat hier wordt bewezen. De hoogste waarheid en het allerbeste, brengt klaarheid en lachende liefde ten lange leste.


Er valt zoveel meer te beleven, wanneer we niet aan onze woorden blijven kleven en ons eindelijk volledig aan onze stem-klank kunnen overgeven.


Wij zijn allemaal op precies dezelfde wijze ontstaan en we beseffen maar al te goed, dat we vroeg of laat toch een keertje dood zullen gaan. Er is niets te treuren, je hoeft ‘m niet te knijpen en er is niets van te begrijpen.  


Hopelijk ga je nog wat verder leven, maar dan zonder nog ergens naar te streven.  Gewoon zijn, wie je altijd bent geweest en genieten van het ware levensfeest.


Je taal hoeft nergens anders over te gaan, dan wat jij kan zeggen en verstaan. Jou eenvoudige woorden spreken nu vele boekdelen, omdat je met je taal bent gaan spelen. Ja, het mag, want je wil het en het kan, het is zo fijn om te kunnen leven volgens je eigen plan.


Vandaag val jezelf dus niet meer in de rede en je ervaart een gelukzalig gevoel van vrede. Tijdens die droeve, lange jaren van klagen en zeuren, kon deze ervaring eenvoudigweg niet gebeuren. Alles wat je zei, heeft je bekoord, want je hoort, vandaag laat jij jezelf aan het woord.            






It is really true, when I say what I feel, you reject me. I am okay with it, I am used to it. To me it is not a big deal, as I know what is happening. However, for you, it is confusing, that what is real is not reinforced, but punished. You feel totally embarrassed, confused and upset, if people don’t reciprocate your feelings, but I have so often gone through this experience, that I have come to expect that you can’t validate my feelings. 


Once you come to know about your Embodied Language (EL), you will come to terms with the fact that other people are unable to relate to it. They talk about their religion, their values, their beliefs and their identity, but they can’t really talk about their feelings, as that is taboo. It is an enormous smoke-screen. We believe, we need to continue to talk about what we have already been talking about, but the real conversation is, of course, always about what we haven’t been talking about.  


We get together, to sing, to pray, to have a good time, to meditate, to let each other know, that we believe in the same thing, but the fact remains, we are on our own, we create and live in our own world and our usual phony way of talking is not is going to be able to change that.  However, if we listen to ourselves while we speak and engage in EL, something different happens, which instantly, effortlessly and surprisingly changes everything: we have a conversation, which takes us out of our conditioning, as we produce a different sound.


The point of EL is, that we are not regurgitating our old, retarded, idiotic, self-denying belief in what we feel, we are supposed to say, as we only say what we want to say, what we can say and what we were bound to say, as we finally allow ourselves to say it to ourselves. There is, in that sense, no mystery in EL, as everything becomes clear. Initially, we are impressed with what EL reveals, but as we engage in it more often, it is clear, that we are communicating our reality, which isn’t very pretty.


When we first start with EL, we can’t help but admit our totally life sucks, as we finally express to ourselves everything which needed to have our attention, but which couldn’t get our attention with our Disembodied Language (DL). When we take our first steps in EL, we  realize, we have always had DL, but now our DL has stopped, because we ourselves have stopped it. We cry and admit that we were suffering unnecessarily, but we are coming around to ourselves and we are happy this is happening. Yes, we are happy, we can acknowledge that have been our own worst enemy. With EL, we finally are allowed to love ourselves, as we create and maintain the situation in which we can feel this way. We have strict and well-defined boundaries, as we know that our equanimity depends on the continuation of our EL.    


When we have EL, we completely stop pretending that it is normal to have DL. It isn’t normal, it is abnormal, although we engage in it every day. Our usual DL is a denial of our intelligence. We act as if we are dumb, but we aren’t dumb, we are just trying to, supposedly, fit in. Of course, we never really fit in, we only just pretend to fit in. Those who are still doing their best, to fit in, simply don’t know, that they are forcing themselves have DL, while in fact, they would like to have EL.


There really is so much more to say, than what we allow ourselves and each other to say. Saying what we can say and want to say, is not some ideal, but a possibility, we r achieve or miss out on. Due to DL, we miss out on what we are capable of. We don’t give ourselves the chance to say it, we don’t take the time to say it, we don’t pay attention enough to what we want to say, to be able to say it. We can still change this and this opportunity always challenges us, but only someone who knows and is familiar with EL, stimulates us to change ourselves.


When you read this, don’t go on again with other things, but contact me (skype:limbicease) and talk with me, so that this change can begin to happen. It will happen, I am absolutely sure of that. However, it couldn’t happen and it never happened with your outdated, superficial DL. Your DL has to stop and you must do this yourself. Only if you have done that, you can have ongoing EL and become aware of your Language Enlightenment (LE). This is a different of enlightenment than all the nonsense  you have read in books or heard in lectures, as it is about how you use your language. If you read these words, if you have found your way to my blog, you are ready to hear this, by saying all of this to yourself.             

Wednesday, January 18, 2023




How wonderful it is to be able to say and write what I want and to know and experience that what I have said and written honors my real feelings. There is such a wonderful outcome unfolding that continues to amaze me about how all of this apparently works.


Today I understand a still rather underexposed aspect of my Embodied Language (EL), about which I have not said or written much. It is about the vulnerable, precious fact that during EL we actually speak from our feelings. Oddly enough, speaking with feeling is a skill very few people seem to have.


In our usual feeling-deprived Disembodied Language (DL), we are only capable of pretending over and over again that we are speaking with real, true feelings and expressing our polite, fanatical, docile, obedient, obliging, impatient, easily distracted, so-called listeners, also only pretend that we are very frank, personal, straightforward, authentic and therefore sensitive, while everything is always merely acted.


Emotionally blocked, dissatisfied people have remained, to this day, deeply in awe of all sorts of self-righteous, supposedly passionate, attention-seeking celebrities, who can seemingly afford and even get paid big money to express their feelings , which, in turn, hit the very core, which we – the listeners as speakers - never seem to get to.


Others always seem more able to say it like it is or what it really is about, but because of our unconscious participation in DL, no one notices at all that all our celebrated, important personalities, show nothing of what they actually really feel, let alone that they could talk about it honestly. We are all preoccupied with DL without even realizing it, because we have no idea what it feels like to talk from our feelings.


In DL, we all involuntarily pretend that the way our emotions are spoken about is an issue that some are more gifted at than others. That is why we give up talking about our own feelings and leave it to well-spoken, educated, overwhelming, distraction-providing others. We pretend to appreciate the feelings which are expressed by others, when in reality nothing is said about how we feel ourselves.


We simply don't know how to communicate our real feelings verbally and look up to charismatic figures, who are only good at pretending to express their own feelings as well as ours. The only speaker who can express his feelings, is he or she who has EL. And, the only person who knows this and who, like me, can speak or write about this simply and intelligibly, is someone who has discovered his or her Language Enlightenment (LE) and who speaks about feelings in such a way that words clarify feelings, instead of suppressing them.


In DL, what we really experience - and thus feel - is completely lost, because weighty, profound, playful, meaningful, supposedly intelligent words are at the expense of what we really experience. It is obvious that what we say or write – the content – ​​is always seemingly more important than the way we say or write it, and as a result, our feelings come out in dribs and drabs, in a contrived way. Either it's all too obvious, or we pretend we don't care again and laugh like crazy, because it's all so fascinating and amusing.


Speaking with feeling is very rare. That's why even if we have a moment of EL, it can't last and show us what really matters to us and others. Cults always arise around speaking with feeling. We give it fancy names like spirituality, psychology, meditation or philosophy, but nothing we've done so far has led to the progress of EL. On the contrary, everything we claim to know has made us forget our feelings. There has always been a huge overestimation of what one knows and a huge underestimation of what we can feel and therefore what we mean.


From the foregoing it becomes clear that there has always been a conflict between what we say we know and what we still feel, because we cannot forget it. We still experience our emotions, even if we are unable to speak about them honestly and continuously. Our use of language is almost exclusively focused on struggle, because we try to cope with the continuation of negative emotions, while pretending to have positive feelings. There is an unavoidable reactivity going on with DL – and  thus with almost constantly experiencing negative emotions – that makes everyone defensive, reserved, anxious and fearful, or very extroverted, dominant, assertive, explosive or expressive.


Nobody knows about EL, in which we verbalize our feelings in a positive and balanced way. There is also a generally accepted notion that when someone is feeling emotional, it is always be about something negative, which is of course utter nonsense. On the other hand, our emotional nuance is something that is negated by all our superficiality and superstition. People often talk these days about what should or should not be said, but there is a great taboo on talking from our constantly changing emotional life.


EL is the language of our aliveness, in which we can stay in the flow of our positive feelings. However, as soon as someone shows anything of what he or she really feels – that is, in a positive sense – then others try to take it away, by immediately go over it with their insensitivity and it is made to appear, as if there must be some kind of competition going on between how we feel, because, subconsciously, because of our almost constant participation in DL, all of us feel deeply emotionally malnourished.





Wat is het toch heerlijk, om te kunnen zeggen en schrijven wat ik wil en om te weten en te ervaren, dat wat ik heb gezegd en geschreven, eer doet aan  mijn werkelijke gevoelens. Er is zich zo’n prachtige resultaat aan het ontvouwen, waar ik nog steeds versteld van sta, over hoe dit alles blijkbaar werkt.


Vandaag begrijp ik een nog tamelijk onderbelicht  aspect van mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT), waarover ik nog niet zoveel heb gezegd of geschreven. Het gaat om het kwetsbare, kostbare feit, dat gedurende BT wij daadwerkelijk vanuit ons gevoel spreken. Gek genoeg is het spreken met gevoel een vaardigheid, die maar zeer weinig mensen schijnen te hebben.  


In onze gebruikelijke gevoels-arme Ontlichaamde Taal (OT), zijn wij tot niets anders in staat, dan maar weer keer op keer te doen alsof we met echte, ware gevoelens spreken en onze beleefde, dweepende, volgzame, gehoorzame, verplichte, ongeduldige, snel-afgeleide, zogenaamde luisteraars, doen het ook slechts voorkomen, alsof wij zeer openhartig, persoonlijk, recht voor z’n raap, authentiek en dus gevoelig zouden zijn, terwijl alles altijd is geacteerd.  


Emotioneel geblokkeerde, ontevreden mensen zijn, tot op de dag van vandaag, diep onder de indruk gebleven van allerlei zelf-ingenomen, zogenaamd gepassioneerde, aandacht-eisende beroemdheden,  die het zich schijnbaar kunnen veroorloven en die ervoor worden betaald, om hun gevoelens te uiten, die dan weer, precies de kern raken, van waar wij – de luisteraars – als sprekers nooit aan toe komen.


Anderen lijken altijd beter in staat, om te zeggen waar het op staat of waar het werkelijk om gaat, maar vanwege onze onbewuste deelname aan OT, heeft helemaal niemand in de gaten, dat al onze gevierde, belangrijke persoonlijkheden, niets laten zien van wat ze nou eigenlijk echt voelen, laat staan dat ze daar eens eerlijk over zouden kunnen praten. We houden ons ongemerkt allemaal hoofdzakelijk met OT bezig, omdat we geen enkel besef hebben, van hoe het voelt, om vanuit ons gevoel te praten.


In OT, doen we onwillekeurig allemaal alsof de wijze  waarop er over onze emoties wordt gesproken, een kwestie is, waar sommigen nou eenmaal begaafder  in zijn dan anderen. Daarom geven we het op, om over eigen gevoelens te praten en laten wij het over aan wel-bespraakte, gestudeerde, overdonderende, afleiding-verstrekende anderen. Wij doen net alsof we de gevoelens, die door anderen worden geuit, waarderen, terwijl er in werkelijkheid niets wordt gezeg over hoe wij ons nou eigenlijk zelf voelen.


We weten eenvoudigweg niet, hoe wij onze echte gevoelens verbaal kunnen communiceren en kijken daarom op naar charismatische figuren, die alleen maar goed zijn in het doen alsof zij hun eigen en ook onze gevoelens uiten. De enige spreker, die zijn gevoelens kan uiten, is hij of zij die BT heeft. En, de enige persoon, die dit weet en die, zoals ik, hierover  eenvoudig en begrijpelijk kan spreken of schrijven, is iemand, die z’n Taal Verlichting (TV) heeft ontdekt en die zodanig over gevoelens spreekt, dat woorden gevoelens verhelderen, in plaats van verdringen.  


In OT gaat wat wij werkelijk ervaren – en dus voelen – volledig verloren, omdat gewichtige, diepzinnige, ludieke, betekenisvolle, zogenaamd intelligente woorden ten koste gaan van wat wij echt beleven. Het is overduidelijk dat wat wij zeggen of schrijven – de inhoud – ogenschijnlijk altijd belangrijker is dan de manier waarop wij het zeggen of schrijven en bijgevolg komen onze gevoelens mondjes-maat, op een gekunstelde manier naar buiten. Of het ligt er allemaal te dik bovenop, of we doen net alsof het ons weer niets kan schelen en lachen we er op los, want het is toch allemaal zo boeiend en amusant.   


Spreken met gevoel is eigenlijk heel zeldzaam. Dat is  waarom, ook al hebben we een moment van BT, het niet voort kan duren en ons kan tonen wat werkelijk voor ons en anderen van belang is. Cults onstaan altijd rondom het spreken met gevoel. We geven er  mooie namen aan zoals, spiritualiteit, psychologie, meditatie of philosophie, maar niets van wat wij tot dusver hebben ondernomen heeft geleid tot het voortgaan van BT. Integendeel, alles wat we zeggen te weten, heeft ons ons gevoel doen vergeten. Er is altijd een grote overwaardering geweest voor wat iemand weet en een enorme onderschatting van wat we kunnen voelen en wat we dus bedoelen.


Uit het voorafgaande wordt duidelijk, dat er altijd een conflict is gebleven, tussen wat we zeggen te weten en wat we nog steeds voelen, omdat we het niet kunnen vergeten. We ervaren nog steeds onze emoties, ook al zijn wij niet in staat om hier eerlijk en voortdurend over te spreken. Onze omgang met taal is bijna uitsluitend gericht op strijd, omdat wij het hoofd proberen te bieden aan de continuatie van onze negatieve emoties, terwijl we dus maar pretenderen, dat we positieve gevoelens hebben. Er is bij OT – en dus bij het bijna constant hebben van negatieve emoties – een onvermijdelijke reactiviteit gaande, die iedereen of defensief, terughoudend en dus eigenlijk angstig maakt, of juist heel extrovert, dominant, assertief, explosief of expressief maakt.


Niemand weet van BT, waarin we onze gevoelens op een positive en gebalanceerde manier kunnen verbalizeren. Er heerst daarom ook een algemeen aanvaard besef, dat wanneer iemand emotioneel zou zijn, het altijd zou gaan om iets negatiefs, wat natuurlijk volslagen onzin is. Anderzijds, is onze emotionele nuance iets dat wordt ontkend door al onze oppervlakkigheid en bijgelovigheid. Men heeft het vaak over wat er wel of niet gezegd zou mogen worden, maar er ligt een groot taboe op het praten vanuit ons voortdurend veranderende gevoelsleven.


BT is de taal van onze levendigheid, waarin we in de flow van onze positieve gevoelens kunnen blijven. Zodra iemand echter ook maar iets laat merken, van wat hij of zij echt – dus in positieve zin – voelt, dan gaan anderen daar meteen met hun ongevoeligheid weer overheen en doet men het voorkomen, alsof er een soort competitie gaande moet blijven tussen hoe wij ons voelen, want, onbewust, voelen wij ons allemaal, vanwege onze bijna voortdurende deelname in OT, emotioneel zwaar ondervoed.              


Tuesday, January 17, 2023




What is happening now, this is yet another deja-vu, it all sounds like a familiar and trite story, but we accept it, because it is normal.


It may be the usual style, but everyone knows, the conversation is and remains substandard. What is it actually about? Who is the biggest show-off?


Everything can be summed up in two sentences: it's more of the same and we had it again. I'm fed up and therefore, I left my old town and my country.


Now that I have the words I want to say, it is no longer necessary and I become silent. I have said everything ten times and laid my egg every time.


There may still be a bone to pick, but my voice begins to tremble and I pause to let the heavy traffic pass and experience my peace, clarity and laughter.     


No one to stop me, but I feel pooped out again, I've had enough of all the sweat and toil and forget the suffering I still carried. I greet the coyote in the field.


It's so nice to throw off ballast and scatter my words around me and now finally leave them alone, even if they keep walking out of the scuppers.


My true nature is worth a long explanation, because it is the only thing that calms me down. I have no daughters or sons, because I live in my language.


My words are lively and sincere, but precisely these free words have alienated me from you. I go my own way with what I say.


That you do not hear me has made me hear myself. I can't be disturbed now. You may speak the highest word, but you sound quite crazy.




Wat gebeurd er nu? Dit is de zoveelste deja-vu. Het klinkt als een bekend en afgezaagd verhaal, maar je accepteert het maar weer, want het is normaal.


Het is dan wel de gebruikelijke stijl, maar iedereen weet, het gesprek is en blijft beneden peil. Wat gaat het nou eigenlijk over? Wie is de grootste uitslover?


Alles kan in twee zinnen worden samengevat: het is meer van hetzelfde, dat hebben dan weer gehad. Ik ben het zat en ik verliet daarom mijn land en stad.


Nu ik de woorden heb, die ik zeggen wil, hoeft het niet meer en word ik stil. Ik heb nu alles zo’n beetje  tien keer gezegd en elke keer weer mijn ei gelegd.


Er valt misschien nog wel een appeltje te schillen, maar mijn stem begint te trillen en ik wacht even en laat het verkeer voorbij gaan en blijf even stil staan.


Niemand die mij een halt toeroept, maar ik voel me nu wel uitgepoept. Ik heb schoon genoeg van al het gezwoeg en vergeet nu het leed dat ik nog droeg.   


Het is fijn om ballast af te gooien en mijn woorden om me heen te strooien en ze nu eindelijk met rust te laten, ook al blijven ze lopen uit de spuigaten.


Mijn ware aard is een lange uitleg waard, omdat dit het enige is wat mij bedaard. Ik heb geen dochters of zonen, omdat ik in mijn taal ben gaan wonen.


Mijn woorden zijn levendig en welgemeend, maar precies juist deze vrije woorden hebben mij van jou vervreemd. Ik ga mijn eigen weg met wat ik zeg.


Dat je mij niet hoort, heeft mij mijzelf doen horen. Ik ben nu niet meer te verstoren. Jij voert dan wel het hoogste woord, maar je klinkt nogal gestoord.

Monday, January 16, 2023




Since I can tell the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), I want you to know – on Martin Luther King Day – that the reverend, like you, only knows about DL. I listened to his entire speech on Democracy Now. I object to his bombastic, acted, phony, manipulative way of talking, which, in my opinion, has always been the real problem, but nobody wants to address it.


Let’s look at some of the things he said. The very fact that MLK talked politics, shows that he wasn’t into EL, but into DL, as all political discourse is DL. Supposedly, politics and power, is more important than EL, but it isn’t and that is exactly, why things are still as bad as they are today. MLK continuously speaks about we, as he is addressing the group of people, who believes in his dream. However, in EL, there is no group to be addressed. The only group which is addressed by anyone who engages in EL, is the one people inevitably create, due to their DL. It doesn’t matter what belief or ideal they have, as all those who believe to belong to groups, are out of touch with themselves. Moreover, MLK pitted us versus them. Everyone who celebrates his legacy,  does exactly the same. Nothing has really changed!         


MLK challenges other so-called leaders, but those who have EL, don’t care about leaders, as they don’t believe in any power higher than themselves. MLK claims to know the truth, because he is a man of God, but anyone who has EL, knows such religious mumbo-jumbo has always prevented us from living our lives as individuals. I don’t talk about American foreign policy here, but refer to the fact that we either engage in DL or EL, as I hear the difference. You could hear the difference too, if you listened.  

Wars are the inevitable consequences of our usual way of talking, which is DL, but MLK, like everyone else, engages in DL, while pretending to have EL, by “giving a voice to the voiceless”. MLK, like so many others, pits the wealthy against the poor, but he is unable to recognize, that the real issue is whether we engage in DL or in EL. MLK never promoted EL, but advocated struggle and struggle is the very essence of DL.     

MLK insist “this madness must cease” and “we must stop now”, but never acknowledges the irrefutable fact, that each of us must stop our DL. One doesn’t stop one’s DL by claiming that one is “a child of God” or “a brother to the suffering poor of Vietnam”. One continues to have DL, by pretending to “speak for those whose land is being laid waste, whose homes are being destroyed, whose culture is being subverted.” In DL, one deludes oneself into believing that one does something “for the poor of America, who are paying the double price of smashed hopes at home and death and corruption in Vietnam.” In DL, one ridiculously claims to “speak as a citizen of the world, for the world as it stands aghast at the path we have taken.” In EL, by contrast, one creates and lives in one’s own world. Once we have ongoing EL, we have stopped the war that is fought with our words. Stopping that treacherous war is far more important than preventing soldiers from dying in battle. Once  that war has been stopped, there will be no battle.   

Also “the great Buddhist leaders of Vietnam” have never addressed DL. They are too concerned about their power within the Vietnamese culture. To me, as someone with ongoing EL, America is not the “the image of revolution, freedom and democracy”, but the country of transcending every form of tribalism. Supposedly, we are still in a battle for the soul of this  nation, but the real issue is, whether we are going to recognize the great difference between DL and EL.

It is hard to come to terms with the facts, but MLK was just another zealot, a fanatic, who believed that religion would save us from disaster. It didn’t and it couldn’t, as something totally different was needed. He says “we must continue to raise our voices and our lives if our nation persists in its perverse ways in Vietnam.” In DL, people raise their voice or try to be heard.  According to MLK “We must be prepared to match actions with words by seeking out every creative method of protest possible.” How about listening to ourselves while we speak and engaging in EL instead of DL? In EL, our words are actions.


MLK says “Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest.” I don’t protest DL, I avoid it, but MLK says “we must enter that struggle” and he says “something even more disturbing.” He demands  each one of us must carry, like him, the weight of the whole world on our shoulders. Our DL requires us to obey our conditioning history and do as we are told. We are told to care about others, we are not allowed to be individuals, who really care about ourselves.   

The profoundly problematic group-think is equally evident in other powerful people. John F. Kennedy is recorded to have said “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” It is almost like a declaration of war, but this man, presumably, is in favor of peace. It is only in DL, that we demand and expect that others must “give up the privileges and the pleasures that come from the immense profits of overseas investments.” MLK says “we must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society”, but the individually-oriented society, that is America, is against his DL and the group-think he espouses.

MLK dishes up outdated biblical stories, to score political points about what according to him is “true compassion.” Unless we have faith, we cannot say “This is not just.” However, I don’t really need you to believe in EL. Your disbelief in EL and your sheepish faith in DL is not my problem. To me, DL is not just, as it “cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.” This has nothing to do with the nation, but with you. Your DL implies your “spiritual death”.

Who cares that MLK said “These are revolutionary times?” Many years have passed and look what has happened? We haven’t acknowledged the fact that our usual way of talking is DL and that nothing will change, unless we stop our DL, so that we can have EL.  It is utter nonsense to make it seem as if “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.” Quite to the contrary, we inevitably are dealing with the horrific consequences of our unaddressed DL.

MLK, sounds like a preacher, admonishing his people for their sins, but he is just another closet-politician, an anti-American, who is in favor of communism. Today, it is clearer than ever, the left believes that “only Marxism has a revolutionary spirit.” Our DL, has prevented our EL. This sad fact has nothing to do with having a so-called revolutionary spirit, but with listening to ourselves while we speak. If MLK would have heard his own dramatic, exaggerated voice, he would have realized, he wasn’t listening to himself, he would have spoken in a different tone of voice.

I love and praise the American culture, as it is the best fit for my individualism. Like many immigrants, I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to live here. MLK with his so-called “revolutionary spirit” wants people to believe in nonsense. He says “every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain.” This is just pure demagoguery. It is astonishing to me so many black Americans are still so enthralled with this charlatan, whose insidious views are tearing American society apart today. I don’t consider MLK a man of peace, as he has no EL.