Friday, June 9, 2023




When you listen to the sound of your voice, while you speak, you begin to recognize the two patterns of language, which have never before been clear to you. Surely, because of your Embodied Language (EL), you can finally acknowledge and let go of your Disembodied Language (DL). Due to conditioning, you are more prone to engage in the pattern of your DL than EL, but, strangely, once you engage in EL, you find, EL is actually more familiar to you than DL.


We can say, experience and understand something new in EL, as we have brought ourselves into the situation in which this could occur. We needed our language to create this situation, but DL never made that situation possible. Unless we acquire a different pattern of language, we never say, experience and understand anything new. With DL, we repeated the same old negative pattern over and over again, without even realizing it. With EL, on the other hand, we feel rejuvenated and say or write things, which we have never said or written before.  


Are your going to do it or not? Oddly, when you do it and engage in EL, you will realize, there’s no you – inside of you – who does anything. In other words, you are there, yet there is no you. This effortless dropping away of duality is the indication, you have stopped your DL and are now able to engage in EL. You are there, but there’s no you, because your EL provides a unified experience of everything at once. This wholeness is completely different from the fragmentation, which characterizes your usual DL.


As you speak with yourself and experience your own resonant voice, you know, nothing is separating you from your experience and this incredible aliveness, is captured and continued by your language. You feel like an eagle soaring through the sky. The sound of your voice is your freedom and you laugh at how you and everybody could be so stupid, to believe, that there was someone – inside your body – who was presumably having the experience. It was all a big mistake, but there was a reason, why you and so many others kept making this mistake, although you forgot your identity – which turned out to be merely a pattern of language – every night in your sleep.


While everyday experience contradicts this, our DL demands, we believe in our so-called ego. Although we don’t have an inner behavior-regulating self, we always talk in such a way as if we do and, therefore, we are expected and assumed to have one. It would be considered weird to say: there is no me, who has an experience. Although, we have all felt, there is no self, we keep fantasizing and fabricating one, even if it means, we are miserable, frustrated, confused or twisted. Can you imagine that you say: there is no one, who is feeling sad, lonely, angry or tormented?


The big taboo of DL is: there can’t be an experience without an experiencer. In DL, you feel the constant, impossible, social pressure and obligation, that you are the one, who is experiencing everything your experience, but this person doesn’t exist, it is just a fallacy created and maintained by our common DL. There is only your experience, but there’s no you, as you have dissolved in experiencing your EL. There couldn’t be any other way to solve this maddening, language-riddle of separation, which has been our obsession ever since we as humans became verbal.


We have never deliberately, repeatedly, verbally, consciously and skillfully debunked the myth or the fake news of our duality, as we haven’t stopped our DL. In EL, it is obvious to us, we have been endlessly torn between good and evil, right or wrong or life and death. In just one breath, we can solve all our so-called psychological dilemmas, about making the right choice and doing the right thing. You know, in EL, for sure, you engage in EL, as your DL has been stopped and you feel an absolute sense of trust or faith, your behavior will have beneficial outcomes.


In EL, you feel utterly relieved from the imprisoning idea of having to choose what you do. You don’t choose to sleep, when you are tired, you don’t choose to eat, when you are hungry and, you don’t choose to write about your EL, when you express your Language Enlightenment (LE). It all happens by itself. Even when, due to stress or some old habit, you didn’t have sufficient sleep to feel rested, even when you ate or drank too much – as you tried to reward yourself with something that wasn’t good for you, because you had not yet discovered only your EL could fulfill you – it all just happened by itself. Yes, DL happened and stopped by itself, so you could have EL and then, your LE was revealed by your EL. Your peace and your happiness are bound to happen, when you begin to avoid the unnatural pattern of your DL and go with the flow of your EL. Everything fits in EL, as it is the expression of nature.                       

Thursday, June 8, 2023




Hardly anyone laughs, because, apparently, the motivation is lacking. The reason for this is, that laughter is generally understood just to be another group-event. Presumably, if we don’t all laugh about something – together – it wasn’t really funny. Real  laughter, however, isn’t determined by consensus. As a matter of fact, those who laugh, that is, those who can laugh, always do so, because they don’t conform to what is expected. To laugh, is to be free.


Surely, this whole issue of what we call motivation is ridiculous. We don’t laugh, because there are forces acting within us, which initiate our behavior. There is no such a thing, as an inner self, which decides or regulates our behavior. Your laughter isn’t caused by an inner social stimulus. Regardless of what the cause of behavior may be, it is always inextricably having to do with how we talk about it, and thus, it is a matter of how we deal with our language.


Motivation comes from Latin, motivus, which means moving. However, in our common, unconscious way of using language – in Disembodied Language (DL) – we don’t move at all, as we are hopelessly stuck, with our heads up our own or someone else’s ass. Only if we become aware of the sound of our voice, while we speak, are we, quite literally, moved again.  In other words, our motivation for a healthy, happy, peaceful way of life is absent, as long as we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. Thus, Embodied Language (EL) is the language of our motivation.  


Our wrong notion about laughter – which derives from our involvement in DL – goes against anyone being able to have fun on their own. DL smothers not only our individual ability to laugh at ourselves, but it also makes us less and less motivated. This is  the paradox of life: we dutifully, but, unconsciously, do what we do and have to do, but we aren’t really motivated, as our DL obfuscates what is going on. With me, this nonsense ends, as I can laugh alone.


I have great fun – without anyone else – because I am enlightened. More precisely, my humor derives from my Language Enlightenment (LE), which is the joy of being the master of one’s own language. Of course, I could say, you simply don’t get my kind of humor, but that wouldn’t be correct, as you know damn well what I’m talking about. You are jealous, I’m having fun, while you aren’t, because I know how to have fun and you don’t. You would like to shut me up, because I laugh at you, but you can’t laugh about yourself, while I can. Besides, what you consider to be humor, isn’t anything I’m even able to produce, because I don’t need you to have fun. To the contrary, I’m fine by myself, but you always need someone else to facilitate your so-called humor, which, in my opinion, is merely a hype, a belief, an assumption of having some fun.  


My go-it-alone approach – to stand-up-comedy – is the real deal, because I am true to how I feel. In other words, I am in touch with my own, but also with your emotions. By the way, emotion comes from Latin, emotus, past particle of emovere, to move away or movere, to move. It may be quite a jump, to get into your EL, but you’ll feel a lot better and you’ll be surprised, how it motivates you to do what is truly beneficial: to laugh. Although you don’t know this, DL always makes you feel terrible and it also makes other people feel horrible as well. It is so good, to deliberately move away from anyone’s DL, so you can move on to better things, to your EL.


I am not going to stand here, pretending I’m having fun, that’s not how I roll. Why is it, you can’t stand,  I don’t pretend? You should praise me, as you are too much of a coward, to do what I do. I get it, why you hate my humor, because it reveals how phony you are. Since my attempts at trying to be like you have always failed, I laugh about myself and I also laugh about you, trying to be someone you are not. I find it funny. You could also laugh with me, if you gave yourself the chance to laugh about yourself.


Laughing at yourself isn’t as bad as it sounds. You are incapable of laughing about yourself, for the same reason, everyone else is incapable of having fun. All of you are in the same predicament. Anyone who laughs about him or herself, doesn’t act, as if he or she is part of some group. Don’t you forget, that historically or, perhaps, I should say, hysterically or hilariously, those who laugh alone, have always been declared insane, by those who can’t laugh. My humor is about coming to terms with that tragedy.  


The thing with humor-as-you-know-and-expect-it, is that it is too noisy, to allow you to get in touch with yourself. The screaming, cussing and restlessness of how – according to your DL – humor is supposed to be, is a big smoke-screen, which prevents you from recognizing, that you can’t laugh about yourself. Like preaching to the choir, it is a form of ass-kissing, to make you feel at ease about being a tight-ass, but you never feel at ease, as you are only getting more angry, as long as you don’t laugh about yourself.


To summarize your dreadful situation: all your ideas about humor do not only prevent you from laughing about yourself, it also de-motivates you and doesn’t allow you to have any peace of mind. DL makes you jump on the band-wagon of what is fashionable, but you keep falling off, because you are pushed off, by those, who claim to be funny. They may give you the impression of having a good time, but they are never the funny happy-go-lucky people they appear to be, as they will stop you from feeling, who you are, so that they can keep getting all your attention.


The act of the stand-up-comedian – to make us all laugh together – depends on the audience’s level of self-denial. Have another drink, smoke some more pot, pop a different color pill or use more drugs, so you can claim, you have laughed your ass off, but the miserable reality of your DL always comes back to haunt you. I know, my talent, skill, personality and intelligence, makes you laugh against your will. I can’t help it, but I’m funny in that specific manner, because I happen to know what it is like to be like you and that is why I seem to get under your skin.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023




Those who are famous for making others laugh, don’t have the ability to do what I do. I don’t make you laugh about me, but about yourself. I cure you from your religious belief in having to laugh about others. My approach works, as the fact that you don’t laugh about what I say, indicates you’re beginning to pay attention to yourself.


You only laugh about yourself, if you pay sufficient attention to yourself, to be able to do so. Getting annoyed with me doesn’t work, so get over it. Be curious about how paying attention to yourself works. Stop being distracted, the moment you don’t like it, because you need all the energy for your laughter. It isn’t me, who demands your attention with some stupid joke or word-game, but you, who knew, you haven’t been true to yourself, for such a long time. The only way to turn the verbal tide, is to ride the waves of your Embodied Language (EL).

I don’t know your history, but I know one thing for sure: you have been conditioned, just like me, by Disembodied Language (DL), which means, your way of dealing with language never allowed you to pay attention to yourself and be conscious about yourself. I don’t speak or sound like you and you can hear, in me, what you keep missing. I’m not going to tell you anymore, in great detail, what your DL or EL is, as you have to figure that out yourself. I stay with what I find funny, as that will do the trick of leaving you to yourself. I’m not busy with you and you know it. My fun is private property. You aren’t welcome on my verbal, fertile, fantastic land. I don’t tolerate, like you, anyone, who stress passes  my domain.


I throw you out with my words, which protect my joy and intelligence. My humor isn’t like yours, a smoke-screen, but mine is an impenetrable wall. Your humor doesn’t have any substance, but mine is made of bricks and you can keep running into it with your expectation, the results will be the same. My fortification of my Language Enlightenment (LE) with my EL, is solid as a rock. Your imprisonment in your shallow, miserly, shameful humor is revealed by me as the self-torture it really is. Don’t blame me for your ordeal, as you bought into it, hook, line and sinker. You can’t catch my humor, which belongs to me. The best you can do, is to admire me for having achieved what you have failed to accomplish. You are under-performing. I don’t need your admiration, but this is as close as you can get to being humble.


I know very well what I’m talking about. I wouldn’t call my humor sacred, as to me, it is normal, nothing special. For me, there’s nothing to laugh about what you laugh about and I don’t care about any of the so-called sacred cows of your cultures. My humor stands alone, as I should. It’s enough for me, to find myself funny. To acquire your own sense of humor, is more important than anything else you’ve tried to pursue. Not me, but all these things, which, presumably, were more important, distracted you from laughing. I’m reminding you, that you can still laugh, just like that, in spite of everything that was getting in the way. I’m not in your way and accusing me of not being funny, is inevitable, but it will pass.


I don’t have to be funny for you. My ability to admit that is to your advantage. If I would pretend, I’m funny so well that you believed me, that would be a real problem. I’m not making this shit up, it is the truth, which I’m laughing about and you keep chickening out of what I’m talking about. As I was saying, there’s much more to laugh about than you’ve ever been able to imagine, however, you only gain access to that abundance, by saying what you want to say and are able to say, to yourself.


You don’t say to yourself what is funny, because you believe you can’t or shouldn’t say it, but you can and you should for your own good. You believe you don’t want to say what is funny to you, because you fear, you aren’t able to say it. If I can say, so can you and if I can overcome my fear, so can you. I cannot do it for you, that’s why I do what I do. Have some self-respect and try to laugh out loud at yourself, as that is what real self-respect is about. If you do that,  you will come to know, what it is like to go with the verbal flow, which isn’t some phony show, but going where only you can go. Your verbal laughter is your LE and the cure for your miserable history with DL.     





Tuesday, June 6, 2023




It doesn’t matter, you have already read or heard what I have written or said. It will help you, to hear or read me repeatedly talk about the same thing, as that will make clear to you, what I say is true. I am now particularly referring to what I say about humor, as it is the gateway, through which you can reach your Nirvana. This word comes from Sanskrit and it literally means, blow out, as in an oil-lamp.


If my consciousness was a flame – I am just making this up – it got blown out by my Embodied Language (EL) and, against all odds, I attained my version of Nirvana, which I call Language Enlightenment (LE). When I first noticed my enlightenment, around age 20, I couldn’t believe, that it had already happened, because I was still having so many problems and conflicts. What I didn’t know back then was, I didn’t have the proper way to deal with my language, to express my experience. I was a complete laughing stock, as my Disembodied Language (DL) invalidated everything I said. Paradoxically, my EL let me know, again and again, I already was capable of it, even though, I habitually engaged in DL again and again.


Neither Judeo-Christian tradition, nor any Indian religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism or Sikhism) mention humor as a sure path to self-realization. If there was any mention at all about laughter, it was so boring, that nobody wanted to know about it. It is a point of discussion, if cancel culture or politics is the reason, we have lost our sense of humor, but, in my opinion, our religions have always destroyed it. While many people are no longer religious, they still experience the hang-over from this indoctrination.


Enlightenment can only become a laughing-topic, if you are reassured, that your laughter isn’t going to take away your awareness about yourself. You know very well, you got lost, you fell of the wagon or you got carried away by what you believed to be humor or entertainment, but, you also have already felt and experienced, that real humor makes you find yourself, rather than lose yourself. Since real humor was never repeatedly experienced and confirmed, you’ve always struggled with that you felt in your gut, real humor is always in favor of you – while phony humor is your enemy – even if you didn’t understand how it worked. Of course, it always worked fine, without your dissociative approval, as it only needed your conscious agreement. However,  unconsciously, you demanded more of the same, lame, distracting, but unambiguous humor, which leaves you alone, so you can sleep and dream about having imaginary fun. The inescapable, medicinal, irritating humor, I have verbalized, blows you out of the water – forget about this blowing-out-the-flame nonsense – and knocks you off your socks.


The mysterious, gentle power of laughter manifests itself, as words still have meaning, even though we are laughing. Fake-humor, you are used to, which makes language a moot point, is dead, as far as I am concerned. You cannot avoid admitting, what I say matters, because you matter. My words matter because you are reading or hearing them. What you hear or read or understand, isn’t me, but you, so the joke is entirely on you. You should be grateful to me, as nobody else does what I do. They try to do it, but they fail, as they don’t know, how to have fun with themselves. What you read, hear or understand about my humor, is: I let you be alone with yourself.


In the name of having fun – supposedly, together with others – we keep avoiding our aloneness. It has never been said, but being alone is the essence of laughter and genuine joy. If I would keep busy trying to make you laugh – as other comedians obviously do – I would interfere with your aloneness and stop you from having fun. You need to be left alone, to have your own expression, which, in one aspect, is very different from me, but the same, in another. It is totally different, in that your laughter is always triggered by specific words and combinations of words, which belong to your own unique verbal repertoire, but it is the same, in that we both laugh about ourselves, and, therefore, with each other.


I believe, the issue of laughing with ourselves is always down-played and brushed under the carpet, because it dismantles the fake-humor and separates it from real humor. It is absolutely worth sacrificing a few phony laughs for some real laughter. Once you get going, you can’t stop, as you notice, you get rid of your own shit-show and drama. Unless it is funny to you, it isn’t funny, but how are you going to be able to determine if it is funny, if you don’t notice,  others have always told you what was, presumably, funny? I don’t do that. It is good, you don’t find me funny, because I know and love my own humor. I like to write like this, to amuse myself. It may seem, as if I do a one-man show, for an audience of one, but there are not two of me, there is no audience.  


Of course, you don’t need to decide what is funny for you, as you know it already. Surely, you need to spend enough time with yourself, to let yourself know, you know it already and you can have a laugh with yourself. Although you live an isolated, lonely, disconnected life, you fear being alone, as it has never occurred to you, that you can – without any practice – laugh about everything, instead of worrying or feeling upset. You already know this, but this writing reassures you, that it is really true. Likewise, you already knew about the difference between DL and EL, but – like me, in the past – you didn’t have the words to describe it. Indeed, if you listen to the sound of your voice, while you speak, you find out, that you already have the words, to express your happiness, your humor and your LE.                   

Monday, June 5, 2023




There is such a thing as verbal deprivation and we are all, unknowingly, suffering from it. My vacation to Grass Valley, set the stage, to quit writing on my blog – for a couple of days – but now that I’m back again, I feel a great urge to express my Embodied Language (EL). I realize how important it is for me to continue writing and, if possible, speaking, about my EL, as I don’t want to deprive myself. Something important was lacking and this greatly motivates me to keep writing and posting my EL. I don’t put any effort in reaching anyone, as I write only for myself.   


There is already enough satisfaction for me, in the possibility, that someone might read my writing and understand it. I write, because I want to and need to, since my EL enables me to express my Language Enlightenment (LE). There’s something humoristic about my EL and my LE, which I have already explored, but I like to come back to it again. It’s funny, as I was so convinced, I was going to stop writing, but here I am, still feeling, as if I have so much more to say, which could only be said with humor as my focus.


There’s something funny to be said about the odd reality, that what is commonly presented as humor, isn’t funny. It is funny to say this, because those, who believe in what is presented to us as fun, get annoyed with my claim. Yes, I’m funnier than anyone else, I won the argument about who is the funniest, as I have again out-smarted everyone, by being such a smart-ass.


There’s a link between humor and intelligence, but there are multiple reasons, why this connection is never properly addressed. One of them is: we laugh too little and only more laughter, can make us aware about the true nature of this relationship. Another unaddressed reason is: we laugh so little, because, supposedly, only stupid things are funny. Although  philosophical remarks have been made, about the link between humor and intelligence, such cerebral expressions were always made by intellectuals, who didn’t know much about humor themselves. Those who knew and who know humor, have always felt,  these presumably psychologically-advanced people – who write serious papers and publish meaningless books about the important connection between humor and intelligence – actually have their heads stuck up their ass, as they stop all the laughter.


If anything, humor needs to be liberated from the limitations, put on it by nasty intellectuals, who, at all cost, want it to mean something. The simple fact that humor can and should be a thing in and of itself, is intolerable to those dry-bones, who want to explain humor. There never was or is a reason for why something is funny, it just is. In other words, there is no need for a joke and you’ll be fine having missed the punch-line, as there is none. The real deal of sophisticated humor, is to go beyond words, rather than to engage in some verbal masturbation.

Instead of being exhausted by the deafening flood of words, which – we must keep reminding and convincing ourselves and each other – are funny, we  feel rejuvenated, unburdened and relieved, as our words finally just don’t fucking matter anymore.  


The use of cuss-words is very significant, as we need all the help we can get, to get whatever it is off our chest, since we’ve been so deprived of laughter and so God-damn stuck with and hung-up on language for so long. It is about time, we get done with our habit of being imprisoned by our own language and have some fun. Actually, some fun isn’t enough. It is miserly to only want to have some fun, who even fucking cares, to only have a little bit of fun? We want a lot of fun, but to achieve that, we’ve got to dump our way of dealing with language whole-sale.


People like to unload their shit on each other, but they never get rid of their own verbal fixation. Freud spoke about oral and anal fixation, but I speak about your addiction to words. Don’t you realize, by now, how much you impair yourself from having a good time, by demanding to hear, read or speak, words, which, presumably, are specially for you? Language isn’t obligated to fit your needs. If you don’t do what it takes, your need for more humor will never be fulfilled. Stated differently, you aren’t going to laugh, unless you manage to make yourself laugh. Yes, you can and should make yourself laugh and your language isn’t as advanced as you believe it to be, if it interferes with your ability to enjoy yourself. Laughing, for you, is out of the question, as long as your words remain dreadful, while not realizing how depressing and frustrating your own language is.


Once you say it, your will get it – because you have dealt with it – you are done with your shit. Now, you can be funny at your own expense or at the expense of everyone, who tries to stop you. Fuck them, your laughter is more important and if it isn’t, no matter how you put it, you are screwed by the language of others. Even if they don’t say a single word, you know what they, presumably, are thinking, but you say it – as you can say it – and let them have it.                   

Saturday, June 3, 2023




Als je mijn blog hebt gelezen – wat op zichzelf al een wonder zou zijn – maar je hebt nog steeds niet met me gepraat, dan weiger je eigenlijk, om toe te geven – en daarom dus te stoppen – met je Ontlichaamde Taal (OT), zodat je je Belichaamde Taal (BT) kan hebben en je Taal Verlichting (TV) kan realiseren. Het Engelse werkwoord voor weigeren – refuse – komt uit het Latijn, recusare, terugtrekken; refuto, controleren of onderdrukken; weigeren, in bedwang houden of zich ertegen verzetten. Weigeren is een verzoek of eis afwijzen.


Hoewel ik je in mijn schrijven ben blijven vragen om met me te praten, zodat je meer te weten kunt komen over je OT, BT en TV, heb ik het nooit van je geëist. Het was en is nog steeds aan jou, wat je gaat doen met wat je hebt gehoord, gelezen, begrepen of onthouden over OT, BT en TV. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk ga je, zoals je altijd al hebt gedaan, door met je OT, omdat je conditioneringsgeschiedenis bepaalt, dat je niet kunt zeggen wat je wilt zeggen of in staat bent om te zeggen en dus niet op een positieve manier met je taal omgaat. In dit laatste schrijven herinner ik je er nogmaals aan dat al je problemen en conflicten verband houden met je betrokkenheid bij OT. Er is maar één manier om uit je hachelijke situatie te komen en dat is: door je eigen OT te erkennen en te stoppen, zodat je BT kunt hebben.


Je starre weigering, om met mij te praten, geeft aan hoe waar en hoe fundamenteel transformerend BT is, omdat je bang bent voor het nieuwe, dat nog steeds op je wacht. Vanwege je bijna permanente, onbewuste, betrokkenheid bij OT, geloof je, dat je  zelfkennis kan opdoen, door te het lezen van ik of  iemand anders heeft geschreven, maar geschreven taal kan je gesproken taal niet veranderen. Alleen gesproken taal kan onze gesproken taal veranderen van OT naar BT, dat wil zeggen, alleen door met mij te praten of met iemand die, zoals ik, weet van het grote verschil tussen OT en BT, ben je in staat om te herkennen – ook al ben je nog steeds geneigd, om je eigen vermogen om dat te doen te ontkennen – dat wordt je gestimuleerd, om van OT naar BT te gaan.


Op dit moment zijn er maar twee mensen, die echt het verschil weten tussen OT en BT: mijn dierbare  Nederlandse vriendin AnnaMieke en ik. Ook mijn lieve vrouw Bonnie weet er van alles van, maar zij is niet de persoon, om er met jou over te gaan praten. Natuurlijk zijn er inmiddels veel mensen, die erover hebben gelezen, die mijn cursussen psychologie aan het Butte College hebben gevolgd of die hebben deelgenomen aan een van de vele workshops of sessies, die ik in de loop der jaren heb gegeven. Ofschoon ze misschien voor zichzelf zijn begonnen en er een business van hebben gemaakt, om, met het geven van cursussen, het Luisterend Spreken zogezegd aan de man te brengen, dit zijn echter weer de blinden, die de blinden leiden, want ze weigeren met mij of AnnaMieke te praten. Iedereen die BT echt heeft begrepen, is altijd bereid en verheugd, om met iemand anders te praten, die het ook heeft verworven. Zoals ik al zei, AnnaMieke en ik zijn de enige twee mensen, die hun BT en TV  samen delen en onderzoeken en we voelen ons zo gelukkig, dat we elkaar hierin hebben gevonden.


Als je mee wilt doen aan onze ongeveer twee-uur durende wekelijkse skype-gesprekken, mijn skype-naam is limbicease en we praten elke zondag om 4:30 Pacific Standard Time (PST). Deze gesprekken zijn geheel gratis en zijn de enige mogelijkheid om direct te ervaren wat BT en TV is. Als je je bij ons wilt aansluiten, moet je eerst je eigen OT stoppen, aangezien wij dit niet voor je kunnen doen. We gaan onze tijd niet verspillen aan jou OT en zullen niet met je praten, als je met je OT op komt dagen. We gaan echter met grote vreugde, zonder enige moeite, zonder enige oefening, met je mee in jou BT, aangezien je onmiddellijk je TV zult realiseren. Er is geen tijd meer te verliezen met om de hete brij heen draaien. Je natuurlijke manier van zijn is je TV en je BT stelt je in staat om dat helder uit te drukken, te horen, daarnaar te handelen en dan de geweldige resultaten daarvan te ervaren. We kijken ernaar uit om zondag 11 juni met je te praten, want ik zal er niet zijn op 4 juni. Ik hoop dat ik je een aanbod heb gedaan, dat je dit keer niet kunt of wilt weigeren.





If you have read my blog – which, in and of itself, would be a miracle – but you still haven’t talked with me, you simply refuse to admit, and, therefore, stop, your Disembodied Language (DL), so you could finally have Embodied Language (EL) and realize your Language Enlightenment (LE). The verb refuse comes from Latin, recusare, to withdraw; refuto, to check or repress; refuso, to restrain or oppose. To refuse, is to decline a request or demand.


Although I have continued to ask you, in my writing, to talk with me, so that you could find out about your DL, EL and LE, I have never demanded it from you. It was and still is up to you, what you are going to do with whatever you have read, understood or retained about DL, EL and LE. Most likely, you are going to continue, as you have always done, with your DL, as your conditioning history determines your inability to say what you want to say and are capable of saying and thus, deal with your language in a positive manner. In this final writing, I remind you once more, that all your problems and conflicts are related to your involvement in DL. There is only one way to get out of your predicament and that is: to stop your own DL, so that you can engage in EL.


Your rigid refusal, to talk with me, signifies how true and how fundamentally transformative EL is, as you fear the new, which is still waiting for you. Due to your almost permanent, unconscious, involvement in DL, you believe, you can gain self-knowledge, by reading what I or what someone else has written, but written language doesn’t and can’t change your spoken language. Only spoken language can change our spoken language from DL to EL, that is, only by talking with me or someone who, like me, knows about the great difference between DL and EL, are you able to recognize – even though you are inclined to refuse your own ability to do so – that are you stimulated, to change from DL to EL.


At this moment, there are only two people, who really know the difference between DL and EL: my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke and me. Actually, my lovely wife, Bonnie, also knows about it, but she is not the person, you can approach, to talk about it. Of course, there are many people by now, who have heard about it, took my courses in Psychology at Butte College or participated in one of the workshops or sessions, I have given over the years. Although they may have started their own business, giving courses in Listening While You Speak, it is the blind leading the blind, as they refuse to talk with me. Anyone who has truly understood EL, is always willing and delighted to talk with someone else who also acquired it. As I was saying, AnnaMieke and me are the only two people, who share their EL and LE together and we feel so fortunate, that we have found each other.


If you want to join our weekly skype conversations, my skype name is limbicease and we talk every Sunday at 4:30 Pacific Standard Time (PST). These talks are for free and are your only option to get a direct experience of what EL and LE is. If you would join us, you are required to stop your own DL first, as we are unable to do it for you. We are not going to waste our time on your DL and will not talk with you, if you come with your DL. However, we joyfully engage, without any effort, without any exercise, in EL with you, as you immediately will realize your LE.  There is no more time to lose with beating around the bush. Your natural way of being is your LE and your EL allows you to express that, hear that, act on that and experience the great results of doing that. We look forward to talking with you, Sunday,  June 11, because I will not be there on June 4. I hope, I have given you an offer, which, this time, you can’t and don’t want to refuse.