is nothing like having my own language, because this is the only way for me to
get something clear. My Embodied Language (EL) is, of course, also proof that
your Disembodied Language (DL) is destructive. If you took the trouble to talk
to me about the difference between your DL and my EL, you'll find that your DL
turns into EL, and that now that you finally have that choice, you prefer, like
me, your EL over your DL.
can join the conversation about EL free of charge on skype every Sunday morning
at 4:30 am Pacific Standard Time. My skype name is limbicease and you are most
welcome. You can then hear me and my Dutch friend AnnaMieke and draw your own conclusion
whether EL is something you want to be involved with. AnnaMieke and I have been
talking about this for quite some time and so both of us know quite a lot about
it, which we like to share with others. You only talk to us to have EL, however,
because we are not waiting for your or anyone’s DL. Surely, we believe what we say is true for
everyone. Since nobody knows the difference between DL and EL, it never really
becomes clear that we all really only want to have EL.
course, many people have already tried to speak more clearly about their
feelings. However, when you come to talk about your experiences with yourself –
and therefore simultaneously with others – in EL, you’ll immediately notice, you
have never done this before, in this way, and, yes, you have never
really truly spoken your feelings. This staggering experience only comes about
in EL, because we can only face this fact in EL. This occurs because what we
feel and experience – while we are speaking – is something quite different, when
we continue to listen to the sound of our own voice. The so-called seeing of
what is going on is therefore determined by our hearing of ourselves talking.
In fact, everyone tries in vain
to get to their own language
and yet no one realizes that
getting to EL is what getting
to your own language is really
about. There is no clarity about
what real communication is.
You hear a lot lately about
whistle blowers, people who
broadcast important information
that should have been kept secret.
Supposedly, their morals are of
the highest order, for they
sacrifice themselves as martyrs.
It is always about someone who
has a conscientious objection,
because he or she possesses knowledge,
which is extremely burdensome for
him or her, because they disagree
with something or consider it a
great injustice. They even take
the risk of committing a criminal
offense, because according to them
it is absolutely necessary that they
speak out publicly about this abuse.
As mentioned, their organization
or government has no desire to listen
to them, because they go against the
established order. So, they are looking
for another audience that has an ear
and attention for what they have
to say, so that they can finally be
recognized – in what they fight
for – with what they claim and believe.
everywhere, again and again, degenerates into deafening blaring, exhausting
bullshit and energy-consuming bla-bla, because expensive lawyers and power-hungry
so-called champions of the truth, never, with a word, have said anything about
EL. Under the guise of truth, officially recognized, famous experts have only
continued old-timers DL, as they never stopped fighting. In EL, however, there
is no struggle and not a single suffering that still affects us.
AnnaMieke and I can still experience the effect of our old, problematic
language habits, the influence of our conditioning with DL has almost
completely diminished. We may, every now and then, experience something that
seems like a struggle, but we don't fight anymore, because our fight, every
time, was resolved in our EL. And, even if it sometimes seems as if we are still
apparently experiencing some suffering again, we are no longer suffering,
because all of our problems were just a storm in a cup of tea. In other words,
we no longer identify with what we used to believe in. As time passes, all
sorts of things – which turned out to be insignificant – fall away by
themselves. We both still feel the need to keep repeating to ourselves what our
EL is like, as each time we do that, it adds something new and becomes even
more complete.
Our Language Enlightenment (LE) is
becoming more and more interesting,
clearer, simpler and more fun. Because
we really have come to find our
own language to be much more
important than the language of
others, we feel chosen, as we
don't let anyone impose anything
on us with DL. Anyone who
reads, that for me and AnnaMieke,
talking to ourselves is more
important than talking to others,
probably immediately thinks,
we are crazy. This is how, in
general, people with DL reason
about someone with EL. Only
we have our own truth, for
which we do not depend on
anyone, since we are not martyrs
or moral knights. We laugh our
asses off at the great nonsense
that is spoken in your DL.
someone supposedly has found their own audience, with the way they handle their
language, artificially, superficially and automatically – with a book, song,
poem, lecture, video, course, podcast, publication, interview, TV program,
play, or memoir—they have become but the banner-bearers of DL. It's just ridiculous
how fake intellectuals everywhere, always demand attention and how the stupid
public, willingly gives attention, only to lose themselves once again. Real intelligence
is never audible in any social, political, scientific, public, philosophical
discussions or debates. I know my intelligence speaks in EL. I don't feel
misunderstood because I recognize myself. Others, however, feel misunderstood
and judged by me, because I do not participate in their DL. They always notice
Although I no longer feel the need
to throw away my pearls before
the swine, because I know very
well, without speaking to me or
to AnnaMieke, people are simply
unable to do it - not for us, but
for themselves – to recognize that
DL must be stopped, somewhere
people do experience that everything
is completely different for us.
Whether they know it or acknowledge
it or not, they are taking something
from us, that they, apparently, had
to resist at first. I'm all too familiar
with that resistance, having studied
psychology and behavioral science
for years, worked in psychiatry
and being a psychology teacher
at Butte College. Despite my
unusual demeanor, perceived
by many as clumsy, there is a kind
of influence that produces irrefutable
change. I have always been a catalyst
and I can let the dust fly, because I
have a long breath and I blow well.
my EL, I named and identified everything that demanded my attention. My biggest
fear, my deepest hatred, my morbid disgust and my vilest lies, have all been
heard and released by me. It is precisely because of this, that I have gained
access to my sense of wonder, love, gratitude and have no reservation
whatsoever about what I have already said, heard and experienced about myself,
because it is clear, my intelligence continues to add to this as long as I
live. According to me, anyone who cannot allow this, is in deep trouble. If you
would talk to me and AnnaMieke, it would become clear fast that all your dramas
and problems are related to your DL. So, I don't care whether you're going to
join our conversation next Sunday or not, because I've already written this and
said this to myself. We don't concern ourselves with the suffering and struggles
of others, because we know, there clearly is a completely different way to deal
with that.