Wednesday, July 26, 2023




Someone like me, who has Embodied Language (EL), is always ready, but someone like you, who is stuck with Disembodied Language (DL), is never ready for anything. You aren’t ready, because you haven’t had enough of your DL. Although you suffer and have many conflicts, you accept DL as your reality. Unless, you begin to have some EL, you will be unable to admit, that you don’t want to live like that anymore.


How is it possible, that only three people are ready to have EL? Only my lovely wife Bonnie, my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke and I have EL, while the rest of the world is constantly arguing and fighting. Certainly, people grow old together and celebrate their fiftieth, sixtieth or seventieth anniversary, but they are never going to be ready to have EL. As they grow older, their resistance to EL keeps increasing. Even the wisest person doesn’t know the difference between DL and EL and takes great pride in being able to have totally forgotten about themselves.


Only someone who has EL, whose language works for them instead of against them, can be themselves and, yes, apparently, only three people, are ready. If you happen to read this, you just can’t believe it and you immediately dismiss this as nonsense, but what if it is true? You aren’t ready for EL, as you refuse to stop your DL. You don’t contact any of us to have EL, as you don’t understand why this is important. We are strangers, who don’t care about your problems.


I write about my EL every day, not because I hope that you, one day, will be ready to have EL with me, but because I acknowledge, that I am enlightened. It is because of Language Enlightenment (LE) that I or anyone has EL. So, actually, to be ready for EL, is to be ready for LE. Whether you are ready or not, your LE is already the case and the sad fact that you keep trying to avoid it with DL, causes you tremendous harm, since you are going against your own nature. 


My friend, my wife and I acknowledge that nobody wants to know about LE. Perhaps, it appears as if someone, occasionally, shows some interest in EL, but, each of us knows, that people aren’t ready to have EL with us, because their conditioning with DL keeps telling them they are something, which they are not. Whatever people believe themselves to be, is not who they are and having EL would make that absolutely clear. Moreover, our true nature, our LE, urges us to adjust our language and this means, to go against our own conditioning history. Surely, we are not only going against our own conditioning, but we go against the conditioning history of everyone.


I had so much fun today, driving my truck and doing my deliveries. I was talking out loud with myself and I said: I am right and you are wrong. I repeated this sentence, with small modifications, multiple times and each time I did, I was laughing and laughing, because it felt so good, to just say this. LE is about being verbal about who you really are and if you would ever be ready – to verbally be yourself – you would have to say the same thing, as no one else can do it for you. It is so hilarious, to have taken the verbal jump, to talk out loud with yourself and you tell yourself, again and again, that you are you.


With DL, you have given up on yourself, as aren’t ready to face the fact, that your own conditioning history with your own language makes it impossible to be yourself. You might want to sit through some boring sermon, read a book, stare at TV, listen to a podcast, watch videos, take a class, do a workshop, fall asleep during a lecture, repeat the prescribed political narrative and virtue-signal, in the hope to become a smarter, conscious, spiritual, stronger, powerful, confident, successful, healthy, happy person, but you aren’t ready, to hear yourself say – to yourself – that your words are no good, because the sound of your voice is no good. To be ready, is to fully acknowledge, that you don’t like to hear your own voice, while you speak, because you always sound so pressured, confused, phony, frustrated, stressed, fearful, angry, disappointed, pretentious, tedious, stupid and repetitive. To be ready, is to let that be the case, so you can make the switch to EL.


To be ready, is to verbally be with what is. You say what is in your attention and your attention can go wherever it wants to go and you can say whatever you want to say. And, yes, you may act out all your drama, but you do it verbally and you listen to the sound of it. Do it alone, talk out loud with yourself, so that there is only your own response to what you say. You have to say, you are not ready, to get ready. You must let yourself know, you need to experience it, feel it and hear it, that you are really ready, even though you keep saying you are not. You are already ready, because you are good as you are and you can hear it in your voice, which sounds so good to you.  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023




When you are able to have Embodied Language (EL), the whole issue of letting go seems ridiculous. Why does anyone, supposedly, need to let go? Oh, I get it. It is because everyone, almost continuously, engages in Disembodied Language (DL), in which no one can be, who he or she really is. We hang on to our misery in DL, but, oddly enough, we never hang to our happiness. Presumably, there’s only a need to let go of negative, but not of positive emotions. Of course, there is barely enough happiness to hang on to anyway, but there is a lot of misery to hang on to.


Why do people say, misery loves company? What a stupid question. Everyone knows that someone who is unhappy likes to make other people unhappy too. This is what everybody does with their mechanical way of dealing with language. Why is DL happening everywhere and not EL? I tell you why and can tell you why, because I  have EL, and, basically, nobody wants my company. I can put people out of their misery with my EL, but they strongly believe, they don’t want EL, so they hang on to their DL. You are destined to make a life of misery with your DL. I or anyone who knows about EL doesn’t want to be in  your company, as we rather remain alone. However, we always find each other and enjoy each other.


The Germans have a word for what seems to be the experience of joy, pleasure or satisfaction, that comes from learning of or witnessing the misery, failures or humiliation of another. Of course, it isn’t real true happiness, but since happiness is hard to come by people hang on to their Schaden-Freude, which means Harm-Joy. Interestingly, the Dutch – who are the neighbors of the Germans – have a similar often used word, Leed-Vermaak, which means Misery-Entertainment. However, a person, who him or herself is miserable, is far less likely to smile at the stupidity of others, than someone who is happy. Although the person with EL, laughs more about him or herself than about others, he or she mainly laughs about others, as he or she has EL, while others, unknowingly, hang on to DL.


With EL, there’s nothing to let go or to hold back and one simply laughs at how others try to let go or hold back. I don’t see any reason, why I should let go of my experience of being rejected and avoided, because I am rejected and avoided. My misery of not having anyone to share my EL with, is as real as my EL itself. I can’t pretend I’m not affected, I am. At times, I still feel pissed, resentful, misunderstood or sad, but these episodes last shorter and shorter and happen less and less often. I mostly laugh at my own misery. A while ago, I was talking out loud with myself and I said: you don’t feel miserable anymore. It seemed like a long time ago that I cried. I never felt there was anything wrong with my sadness and I have always cried a lot. Crying has always been a great relief to me. I burst out laughing, as I said to myself, that I was sad, that I was no longer sad. After I said that, I suddenly started crying and crying. I still felt sad, so few people can have EL with me, but I am so very grateful to be able to talk every week, on skype, with my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke.    


You can’t help but live in misery and conflict your whole life, because of how you deal with your language. Your repetitive, automatic DL signifies, that you have never paid any attention to how you sound while you speak. If you would do that, you would hear yourself and you would experience what you actually experience and you begin to deal with your language in a different way. All of a sudden, you are able to produce a different sound, which changes everything, as you say what is really going on with you, in the moment that you speak. 


You neither let go nor do you hang on to anything in EL, because you use your own language, to express to yourself what is in your attention. This is not the same as what is called being mindful, because you are being verbal to yourself about your experience. In other words, whatever asks your attention, in EL, can finally get your attention, because you describe it, in your own way, to yourself. You know, that in EL you can talk about many things, which you cannot talk about with others, because they don’t know EL.


Of course, you are going to talk with your EL about your DL, but this has nothing to do with letting go of your DL, but with becoming knowledgeable about your conditioning history with DL. It is always about fear, fighting, fleeing, escaping and dissociating. The more you know about DL with EL, the more you will be able to have EL, even when nobody recognizes it.


Misery is always exploited, but happiness cannot be exploited. Certainly, miserable people are constantly befooled into believing that someone or something will make them happy. Someone with EL, however, is already happy, and, therefore, isn’t deluded by or sold on any too-good-to-be-true deal. He or she can’t be manipulated, as he or she is the real deal. This triumphant certainty can only be acquired with EL. In DL, we brag and pretend, but we don’t listen to ourselves, because if we did, we would have to admit, we are not as happy as we claim to be. We want to be happy, because misery is our reality. 


Someone with DL, is per definition miserable. You may try to put up a happy face for others, but when nobody looks, you look miserable and ugly. These two always go together and the more miserable you are, the uglier you look. Certainly, with DL you also sound miserable. However, you pretend to sound upbeat, motivated, passionate, friendly or patient,  but someone like me, who knows the difference, can hear the difference. I always hear your misery in the sound of your voice, even when you are angry, frustrated, stressed, anxious, panicked or violent.


One day, in my early twenties, it was short after I had discovered my Language Enlightenment (LE) with my EL, I had put an advertisement in the local paper. It read: whatever it is, we can talk about it. I wanted people to know, what I had come to know. I heard the bell ring, opened the door and looked up at a giant of man, who was at least seven feet tall. I immediately felt alarmed, but not by his seize, but by his energy. I let him into my house, but he didn’t want to be seated. While we were walking down the hall, he already began to ask me, how that talking was supposed work and I answered him, that I will help him, as best as I can, to listen to himself, so he could make a wise decision. He looked bewildered and I was afraid he was going to get angry with me. I told him, that I was listening to myself and hearing myself and he could do the same thing and feel the benefit, which effortlessly reveals itself. He asked,  but what am I supposed to say? I told him: whatever you want to say. He then blurted out: I’m not going to do it! He was stunned and wanted to leave, but I asked him, what was it, you are not going to do? He then told me, he was very angry with someone and was about to go beat him up and perhaps even kill him, but he said, he was not going to do it. He stuck out his hand and shook my hand and squeezed it so tightly, it hurt, but he had, in one moment, changed. He thanked me profusely, walked himself out and I was totally baffled and relieved, that it all went well. I didn’t even have the chance to ask him for money.   

Monday, July 24, 2023




I’ve heard people say, that if you want peace, then work for justice, but where is that justice? When will it ever happen? It didn’t happen, it couldn’t happen and it isn’t going to happen, with our violent way of dealing with language. All the injustice was created and maintained by our Disembodied Language (DL) and as long as that doesn’t change, nothing is going to change, regardless of how many laws and treaties we make, to, supposedly, regulate human behavior and create a more just and a more peaceful world.


Only an idiot would say, that the wheels of justice  grind slow and fine. There is no justice, other than you talking out loud alone with yourself and hearing in your own voice, the immense difference between your own DL and EL. Everyone seems to want justice from others, but no one is giving it to him or herself. Presumably, peace and justice are two sides of the same coin and one can’t happen without the other. I hear nothing but unpeaceful, unhappy, unconscious people screaming for justice, everywhere, every day.


The fact that the word justice appears so often, in so many of the United States founding documents – including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance – should be considered a failed attempt at addressing the need to switch from DL to EL. How can we be fair, with a way of talking in which we don’t even hear ourselves? Our way of dealing with our language is entirely dependent on the way in which we speak.


Anyone who knows about EL, understands that the people, who only have DL, who are hopelessly stuck with their insensitive language, can’t really feel anything. Whether you accept it or not, know it or not or are aware of it or not, with DL, you are not in touch with yourself, and, therefore, you will do all sorts of weird shit, to hopefully, still feel something.


The senseless violence – similarly to self-mutilation of some suicidal, attention-seeking person, who cuts him or herself; similarly to the longing for safety, protection and stability of someone, who covers his or her entire skin with tattoo symbols; similarly to the plastic surgeries, which are done in the name of beautification, feeling confident and being yourself; similarly to someone, who imagines to be in the wrong body and fanatically believes, a sex-change will make a big difference – is really a matter of selling and buying and people are sold, hook, line and sinker, on what others are saying or writing.


You have endlessly been reading about, watching and listening to violence as a form of entertainment, as a way to fill yourself, because your own language isn’t available to you. EL doesn’t depend on your skin color, gender or the clothes you are wearing. All these are important to you, because your DL keeps you busy with how you believe that others perceive you, but never with how you perceive yourself. In DL, you don’t listen to yourself, but you want others to listen to you. Certainly, in DL, listening to others is always more important than listening to ourselves.  


Presumably, justice delayed is justice denied. This means that if legal redress or equitable relief to an injured party is available, but it is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no remedy at all. People like justice to be swift and vigilante justice is when the law is enforced without legal authority. It can be done by individuals or groups, who take the law in their own hands, by punishing criminals to create order. Movies, books and social media echo-chambers are all forms of quick justice in which people supposedly right what was wrong, but nobody transitions from DL to EL.


Another often discussed aspect about justice, is the need for more outrage at injustice. Presumably, we need to speak out, stand up for ourselves and make our voices heard, speak truth to power or be a voice for the voiceless. All of these are effortful, forceful, domineering ways of speaking are examples of DL. In EL, we speak effortlessly and peacefully with ourselves and, then, only then, we hear ourselves, because our voice is natural and calm. Nobody can be this voice for us and we can only hear this voice if we ourselves produce it. If we don’t produce EL, we unknowingly do ourselves a great injustice.


Justice is blind, because it needs to be distributed in a neutral, fair and impartial manner, but how is that supposed to happen, if DL continues to be our way of talking? We should all close our eyes, to be able to really listen, to what we say, to ourselves. We can hear, if we are lying or speaking the truth and we can all agree, whether we listen to ourselves or not,  by the way in which we sound. Actually, this is such a wonderful experience, truly as if justice is done, because we are finally, verbally, on the same page.      


Sunday, July 23, 2023




I’ve seen the bombastic movie – pun intended –  Oppenheimer, which is based on the autobiography of this immensely complex physicist, who was considered the father of the atomic bomb. Funny, that he is called the father of this terrible child. He was the director of the Manhattan Project’s Los Alamos Laboratory in the 1940s. I want to contrast the work of this troubled man with my work. I am very happy with what I have done. I didn’t want to be a father, as I felt I had something more important to do. You could say – I hope you will – my discovery of Embodied Language (EL) is the exact opposite of this destructive force, which is still with us today and which may very well mean the end of mankind.


I am not exaggerating, by stating, our future is going to depend on whether we will finally be able to acknowledge the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and EL. DL has given us the arms race and EL is our only way out. According to the critics, the movie was historically mostly accurate and only contained a few elements of fiction. However, in my opinion, the whole movie was based on fiction, as the intense conversation going on, from beginning till the end, was an example of DL. Actually, the movie was merely another failed attempt at EL.


Although, the relentless, forceful, predetermined, loaded, deceitful, so-called dialogue, which went on against the back-drop – another pun intended – of the big nuclear bang, that is, the big bang created by men, it wasn’t clear, that people, who engage in DL, will do horrible things and it makes absolutely no sense, to try to speak with DL about DL. Neither Oppenheimer nor Einstein remotely resembled EL.


While this noisy movie didn’t say so explicitly, its message was, of course, that regardless of our romantic relationships, science and politics, we have remained ignorant about our EL. Presumably, it is not our own way of dealing with language, which is    complicated and needing all our attention, but the scientist Oppenheimer, the American Prometheus.


What got Oppenheimer this title? In ancient Greek mythology Prometheus was referred to as the God of Fire. Interestingly, the name is also believed to refer to forethought. Prometheus is best know for defying the Olympian gods by stealing fire from them and giving it to humanity in the form of technology, knowledge and more generally, civilization. So, the fire, is just language and the so-called stealing of the fire, is reasoning with our own language (EL), but we are too hung up on and carried away by what we can do with language – physics, atomic bombs and movies – to pay attention to how we want to use it.


The question: are we going to use our language for good or for evil, depends on how we define good or  evil. Historically, good was defined in terms of what was beneficial to the group we belonged to, as our tribe helped us to survive. However, such a survival mechanism has brought about the nuclear doom. Moreover, our DL has created and maintained all divisiveness, as it deals with how we decide for each other how we deal with our language. First, parents decide for their children, then teachers decide for their students, preachers decide for their flock and, supposedly, politicians tell people what they want to hear. We have never decided, for ourselves, as individuals, how we want to use our language, as that would reveal the choice between DL and EL.


Actually, there is no choice to be made between DL or EL. Once it is clear what is DL and what is EL, we want EL. Yes, EL will be a tremendous explosion of intelligence, wellbeing and collaboration, as we will finally be able to deliberately, properly, skillfully use our own language. In other words, individualism, as expressed by our EL, benefits us as human beings and is not at odds with our history of conditioning, which, so to speak, gave birth to our individuality.


In Western civilization, in which individualism was eventually born, Prometheus became a figure, who represented human striving, particularly the quest for scientific knowledge and the risk of overreaching or unintended consequences. Only with our DL, in which speakers always dominate listeners, do we create an arms race. Surely, there is nothing wrong with nuclear science and its potential to benefit societies. It is not about the science, but about how we use the science, and, in the same way, EL is not about the language, but how we use our language.


The fact that Oppenheimer was concerned about the long-term implications of nuclear weapons runs parallel to my concern about the general ignorance of the destructiveness of DL, which is our common way of dealing with language. Oppenheimer was a lone wolf in the company of people, who couldn’t fathom, as he could, the consequences of what he had discovered. I know that to talk about EL is like dropping a bomb. It is surprising and alarming, that, without any warning, we suddenly become aware that our DL, which is – and, I can’t emphasize this often enough – our own habitual, unconscious way of dealing with language, is utterly devastating.


There was – in my opinion – reason for an F-bomb, because the movie contained a scene, in which a woman reads in Sanskrit from the Bhagavat Gita, the famous Hindu scripture, while she was wiggling on top of Oppenheimer and having casual sex with him. She made him read the sentence: I am become death, destroyer of worlds. Hollywood, of course, would never make such an offensive movie scene  about the Koran and Islam or about China, because they know very well, that then, all hell would really break loose. This is an example of how Western culture is okay with denigrating Hindu culture and that insidious DL is always about group dominance.     

Saturday, July 22, 2023




The difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL) is like day and night. I’m not saying that DL compares to the day or that EL compares to the night. I’m also not saying that EL compares to the day or that DL compares to the night. I’m only using this metaphor to indicate a big difference. However, EL compares to DL, like heaven compares to hell. And, yes, I consider it to be a case of life and death, whether mankind is going to wake up to the big difference between DL and EL. I went through many twists and turns, before I acquired my clarity about all the ins and outs of these universal ways of dealing with language. Surely, these ups and downs were needed, to get where I am today. My Language Enlightenment (LE) has allowed me to compare and contrast my involvement in DL and EL.


We all know, but we never have any clear, prolonged and deliberate conversation about, the way in which DL and EL come and go. EL is only with us for a few moments and, most of the time, unknowingly, we are involved in DL. We huff and puff, we blame and complain, but the fact is that we don’t know how to have EL, that is why DL takes over, again and again. With DL, we simply cannot be in the here and now.


Nowadays, more and more people make a big deal about the environment, but, by and large, nobody really cares about the environment we create with our language, which sets the stage for how we deal with all our other behavior. We have dismally failed to have EL so often and so embarrassingly, that, by and by, we accepted DL as normal and we consider EL as unattainable. However, EL isn’t far and away, it’s possible for everyone and it’s nice and easy.


Every now and then, there is someone, who seems to be having a little bit more EL than others and he or she is getting some attention and recognition, but there is never any appreciation and validation of LE, so that our EL could continue through and through. As consequence of our ignorance about our LE, we have only been having EL with leaps and bounds.


It is, in DL, often repeated, that, supposedly, there are no absolutes, however, the difference between DL and EL is black and white. It is undeniable that EL only occurs if DL has stopped, therefore, it is always one or the other. Nobody has ever been down and out with EL, but everyone, in one way or another, always ends up black and blue, because of their DL.


With EL, we feel alive and well, pure and simple, as it will make us feel better and better and go above and beyond our superficial differences. Moreover, as we are going to discover and acknowledge our LE, our EL will become more and more important to us, while our DL will be basically dead and buried.  


Since we predominantly engage in DL, the so-called carrot and stick are not working, because without EL, there is no carrot. It is utterly useless and totally disgusting, that we keep trying to beat a dead horse. With DL, we are scattered all over the place, in bits and pieces and we don’t have the energy and the attention, needed to verbally describe to ourselves what is going on with us. During DL, there are no checks and balances, as listening to others is more important than listening to ourselves. There is no give and take in DL. We only reciprocate each other in EL, without which we continue to act out of fear. There is only wear and tear, but there are no pros and cons to DL, our usual way of dealing with language. Only in EL can we experience and express the natural law and order about our own behavior.                 

Friday, July 21, 2023




Fun depends on language. Without language, there is nothing to laugh about. Surely, it cannot be boring language, so it has to be funny language. Embodied Language (EL) is funny language, but Disembodied Language (DL) is boring and not funny. If you want to have fun, you must stop DL, so you can have EL.


I am so happy. I have so much fun, because I engage in EL so very much, as I don’t engage in DL so often anymore. EL is fascinating and enjoyable to me, but few people think so. They say so, not because they think so, but because they say so. In other words, it is their language, which is so meaningless and dull.


I wonder, what is taking you so long, to get to EL? When will you get so fed up with your DL, that you will stop it? So, I or someone else isn’t going to stop it for you, but you must do so yourself. Although you brag, I don’t hear you being so happy about DL. To me, you sound so depleted. I understand why this is so, because it is so energy-draining to have DL. Once you have EL, you will feel so grateful, you listened to me and you will laugh, because I’ve told you so.


So what, that you have achieved all sorts of things? It is so clearly audible, in the sound of your voice, that in spite of all your great accomplishments, you are so frustrated, irritated, stressed and dissatisfied. How come, this is so? You sound so mechanical, so phony and so carried away, with everything you say.


So expresses a consequence and means: therefore. I took my umbrella with me, so I didn’t get wet. So, if the consequence was experienced as desirable, the probability of a behavior, which, so to speak, made such a positive result possible, is likely to increase. The result of your actions are never great, magnificent, wonderful or fulfilling, but always only so so.


When person A says: Mr. Smith is the nicest teacher I’ve ever had, but person B says: if you say so, this indicates that person B doesn’t quite agree with person A. However, if person B would have said: I don’t think so, he or she would still have said, what he or she had said, but it would be a stronger disagreement. My point is so very apparent, but also so easily dismissed. When you say: I don’t think so, you say it.


So that you understand this, I’m making this as clear as possible. In this sentence, so expresses purpose. It is so interesting, that it can also be turned around in: I’m making this as clear as possible, so that you understand this. In this instruction or explanation, it is so, that the purpose (understanding), precedes the behavior (making it clear), which predicts or results in the consequence (more understanding). Thus, the consequence becomes the stimulus, which sets the stage for the desirable behavior.


In the sentence: this battery is empty and so is this one, the word so adds a second clause. With DL, we are all like empty batteries. I was conditioned with DL and so were you. So, we can charge our batteries with EL, which only stimulates energizing behaviors. EL is so good, because it motivates, it intensifies and it enhances our positive emotions. EL is so ancient,  it was always there, waiting for us to be discovered. So, down the ages human beings have attempted to acquire EL, but so far, they haven’t succeeded.


In EL, we agree with each other, so confirmation is the essence of language, as without it, what we say is meaningless. The difference between DL and EL is the quintessential issue of our time. As long as you haven’t stopped your DL, your way of dealing with language stops you from laughing and being happy, I told you so. So, are you going to try it? It is quite so, your DL has created all your misery and so, stopping it, is of utmost importance. You can do so today and you will not regret it. EL is so different from DL. It is  not so and so, some unspecified, authority figure who said this to you, but Maximus Peperkamp, who knows it is so, because he has realized his Language Enlightenment (LE). Your tedious DL is more of the same destructive, distracting nonsense and so on. So, this is funny, although you can’t laugh about it.      

Thursday, July 20, 2023




From our current dealings with language, it is almost inconceivable, that our true happiness lies in speaking while listening - in talking to ourselves and listening to our own voice, which leads to writing with and to ourselves - because in this way we finally begin to have our own language. In other words, talking to others has never made us happy as it kept us from discovering our own language. Only if we can be alone with ourselves are we able to appreciate our own Embodied Language (EL).


Our EL can only be shared with him or her, who, like us, can be alone and who is allowed to be, who wants to be alone, with himself or herself, in his or her own language. This realization is inevitable and necessary, because every human being creates and lives, as an individual – whether we recognize it with our language or not – in his or her own world. Of course, for anyone who can have EL, there is the understanding, that it really is true, that everyone lives in the self-created reality with their language. So, there is no conflict in EL, because we know and we fully recognize, that everyone has his or her own language. Our appreciation for someone's language can only be genuine, when we have come to have our own language. As long as this is not the case, the language of others is always in conflict with our own language, because our own language has never actually come to fruition.


Due to our Disembodied Language (DL), we live under the assumption, that what others have said or written is more important than what we could have said or written ourselves. This creates a distortion of language, in which one person, supposedly, is more intelligent than the other. Furthermore, our concept of rationality is, inadvertently, based on what is demanded from us and forced on us. For example, it is said, one has the right to have one's own opinion, but one does not have the right, to determine one’s own facts (according to others, who, presumably, know better and always seem to be in charge). We firmly believe that scientific facts represent an objective and, therefore, disembodied, external reality, outside ourselves and our opinions are always subjective, internal, preventing us from sticking to those important facts. To be factual, scientific or rational, we throw our own experience overboard, because – so the DL reasoning goes – our subjectivity prevents us from observing objectively. Thus, our science supports our DL.


Be it math, physics or chemistry, it doesn't matter, learning something is always difficult, because what we are naturally inclined to do should be ignored. In order to learn, it is said with DL, it is of the utmost importance, to unlearn what stands in the way of our so-called learning. There is no getting around the fact, that having our own language stands in the way of the learning process, in which we are driven into the straitjacket of the language of others.


Since we do not yet recognize the big difference between DL and EL, there is no clarity whatsoever about what has always prevented or impaired the learning process for having desirable – instead of undesirable – behavior. All of our problems are really behavioral problems and come down to our inability to control undesirable, reactive, impulsive, unconscious behavior, so that we can finally get to conscious, free, intelligent and civilized behavior.


It is always said – with our common DL – someone is unintelligent, if he or she resists, doesn’t want to be forced, doesn’t accept, what is pushed down his or her throat and doesn’t agree, learning always has to be uncomfortable. We are being told that feeling uncomfortable and finding something difficult, are challenges we must accept, otherwise we cannot  progress and will not grow or develop in this brutal so-called intellectual process. Intelligence, we are strictly told, requires effort, but not our relaxation. In EL, however, we are completely relaxed and so, we don't make any effort, while our own language flows, naturally, like a clear, splashing stream.


We always know exactly, with our own language, with EL, what is going on with us and we see no need to be forced by anyone or by anything, to gain knowledge or to learn anything that alienates us from ourselves. From EL's point of view, most of the knowledge – which we, unconsciously, have carried around with us for years, with great pain and effort, and about which we, in the vain hope of convincing ourselves of its so-called value, have continued to brag – is a headache-inducing, weighty, exhausting burden. And, this is not Eastern wisdom, but a fact.


As soon as we take our first steps
 in EL – in talking to and listening
to ourselves – it becomes clear, 
that we don't know what we 
believe we know, from our 
grandiose, DL-imagined ability
 to supposedly think. The 
so-called mind is a huge 
problem for everyone, because
apparently everyone is trapped 
by what we call our mind, which 
perpetuates the belief that our
 language is something external 
as well as internal. With EL, 
however, we know – at once – and 
without any effort, that our language
 is, always, exclusively, only spoken, 
heard, written or read. The duality 
of what is presumably outer or 
inner dissolves in EL. Certainly, 
there is absolutely no language 
within us – as there are no words
 anywhere in our brain – and 
therefore, there is no such a thing, 
as the mind, our covert, private 
speech or so-called silent thinking. 
It is our unnatural, forced way of 
speaking – DL – that perpetuates
 this auditory illusion. We believe
 that something is there, which 
isn’t really there. Surely, DL sets 
the stage for our mental health problems. 


We may have heard about visual illusions. For example, a painting on the ground can create the illusion of an abyss, one fears falling into. Because of our DL, we have, since time immemorial, remained bewildered, overwhelmed and mesmerized by the sound of speakers, who – even though they did not know anything about the difference between DL and EL – pretended to have EL. Our intelligence, in EL, comes to mean and function very differently from DL, because we have come to realize that our language, consisting only of words, has to be heard or seen and any reference to language as an inner process, known as thinking, is confusing nonsense. If someone says something and the other does not understand it, it is always, yes, always, because of the sound of the speaker's voice was not adapted to the listener. And, if the speaker would start to listen to himself or herself - which never happens in DL - he or she would come to the astonishing realization, that he or she, as a speaker, wasn’t even listening to himself or herself and therefore is experiencing body-dysphoria.


Realization of the undeniable fact, that we, in our  normal, everyday way of speaking, do not listen to ourselves, means our language prevents us from realizing the far-reaching negative consequences of the lie, we have called our thinking. Simply put, it is our belief in our thinking, which has caused us to stop talking to each other. Above all, of course, we don't talk to each other, because we don't talk to ourselves. However, in EL, we talk to ourselves in the exact same way as we talk to each other, but in DL, we experience the eternal conflict between how we talk to others or to ourselves. Even though we never talk to ourselves, out loud, as we would in EL, even though we don't yet know the huge difference between DL and EL, the difference is already there. The conflict between how we talk to ourselves or others, like our thinking, is an illusion. In DL, talking to ourselves is merely the fantasy of having an inner conversation with ourselves, which is always at odds with and distracting from what is actually being said by us or by others.