Wednesday, August 2, 2023




Ik heb mezelf heel vaak tevergeefs afgevraagd, waarom ik iets weer helemaal fout en verkeerd had gedaan, terwijl ik toch zo hard mijn best deed, om het goed te doen? Waarom vergat ik iets, wat ik had moeten meenemen? Waarom schreef ik iets niet op, zodat ik het me later kon herinneren? Waarom had de twijfel over de juistheid van mijn handelen, bijna altijd tot gevolg, dat ik – tot mijn eigen grote onsteltenis, spijt en schaamte – precies nou juist datgene deed, wat ik niet had moeten doen?


Ofschoon ik, als kind, altijd wel probeerde, om, zogezegd, na te denken over het katte-kwaad wat ik had uitgehaald – omdat ik wilde voorkomen, dat ik voor de zoveelste keer, met veel geschreeuw en fysiek geweld zou worden afgestraft – begreep ik nooit, wat men nou eigenlijk bedoelde, als men honderden keren op dwangmatige, kwade wijze tegen mij zei, dat ik maar eens moest leren, om beter na te denken.


Als ik weer in de fout was gegaan, dan kwam de waarheid altijd wel boven de tafel en ik was nooit in staat, om te doen zoals iedereen doet en om dus mijn fouten te verbergen. Het zat mij altijd dwars, als ik iets fout had gedaan en ik ben dan ook lange tijd bezig gebleven, mezelf omlaag te halen, door te proberen het goed te maken of het goed te doen.


Omdat ik maar niet kon begrijpen, waarom ik niet in staat was om mijn wan-gedrag te voorkomen, was ik  mij er al op jonge leeftijd pijnlijk van bewust, dat de fout niet bij mij lag, maar bij anderen, die, zo scheen het mij toe, leken te wachten op mijn fouten, zodat zij mij weer konden straffen en hun gelijk bewijzen. Men zei dan heel geirriteerd tegen mij: en ik had je nog zo gezegd, dat je zus of zo moest doen en wat gebeurt er dan? Je doet nooit wat er gezegd wordt.


Op vierenzestigste leeftijd, weet ik heel zeker, dat het begaan van mijn vele fouten, altijd een bewijs was van mijn gelijk. Ook al heb ik mijzelf eigenlijk nooit echt kunnen of willen bewijzen, toch is mijn falen, voor mij, het bewijs, dat het goed was, dat ik het keer op keer fout deed. Elke keer als ik hierover, trachtte na te denken, kon ik nergens op komen en dwaalde ik af naar zaken, die mij afleiden van wat er aan de hand was. Mij werd verweten, dat ik totaal geen realiteit’s besef of bewustzijn zou hebben.


Van jongst af aan al, was ik niet in staat om te doen zoals de anderen deden en wilde ik ook eigenlijk helemaal niet doen zoals de anderen. Waarom zou ik mij intereseren voor dit onbelangrijke, schijnbaar onmogelijke, onaangename en altijd veroordelende nadenken? Al werd ik hiervoor vele malen gestraft, ik had heimelijk altijd al de gewaarwoording, dat ik me heel goed kon redden, zonder na te denken.


Ik besef nu, dat denken niet eens bestaat en dat de oplossing, die ik vond voor mijn dilemma, altijd te maken had, met wat ik hardop tegen mijzelf zei en daarom dus kon horen. Eveneens was het schrijven aan mijzelf – over dit praten met en dit luisteren naar mijzelf – een gedrag, dat een nieuw perspectief  opende, aangezien ik hierdoor zelf-verzekerd begon te handelen vanuit de instructies, die ik mijzelf had gegeven. Zonder dit schrijven en zonder het lezen van wat ik aan mijzelf had geschreven, bleef ik nog steeds vele schadelijke dingen doen, waarvan ik eigenlijk al vele jaren tegen mijzelf zei, dat ik dat niet zou moeten doen. Zonder het lezen van wat ik aan mijzelf en voor mijzelf had geschreven, leek ik nog steeds niet volledig te vertrouwen, wat ik aan mijzelf met mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT) had gezegd.


Wanneer men volledige aandacht heeft voor het feit, dat men, over het algemeen, wat is geschreven als veel belangrijker beschouwd, dan wat is gezegd, dan is het ineens ook niet zo merkwaardig, dat mijn schrijven aan mijzelf, over het praten met mijzelf en het luisteren naar mijzelf, van zo’n doorslaggevend karakter was. Het is heel opmerkelijk, dat schrijven aan mijzelf, pas goed op gang is gekomen, nadat ik was opgehouden, om anderen te instrueren over psychologie en BT. Met andere woorden, ik kon mijn taal pas werkelijk op mijzelf gaan richten – zowel in het spreken, luisteren, schrijven en lezen – nadat ik mij niet langer meer met anderen bezig hield.  


Mijn taal is levendiger dan ooit tevoren en iedere dag heb ik prachtige inzichten en openen zich weer nieuwe perspectieven, die met mijn Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) onmogelijk waren. De volledigheid van onze taal is afhankelijk van de tijd en aandacht, die wij spenderen aan ons spreken met onszelf, het luisteren naar onszelf, het schrijven over, waarom dit spreken met onszelf en luisteren naar wat wij aan onszelf te zeggen hebben, zo belangrijk is en het lezen van wat daadwerkelijk voor ons zwart op wit is komen te staan, omdat wij het hebben geschreven. 


Er is geen enkele twijfel aan de waarneming, dat onze eigen taal, onze BT, alleen werkzaam is, als wij er bewust mee bezig zijn, door te spreken, te luisteren, te schrijven en te lezen. Bovendien zijn de vele positieve gevolgen van deze gewaarwording van taal zeer verstrekkend, omdat het niet valt te ontkennen, dat taal volledig afwezig is, als wij ons niet bezighouden met spreken, luisteren, schrijven of lezen. De afwezigheid van taal is een extatisch gebeuren, aangezien de aanwezigheid van BT een bewuste aangelegenheid was. Met OT komen wij nooit tot het weldadige besef van de afwezigheid van taal, omdat we in OT onbewust met onze taal omgaan.


De afwezigheid van BT is net zo verkwikkend als de aanwezigheid ervan. BT is onze eigen taal, maar OT is de taal van anderen, waarin wij het contact met onszelf ongemerkt verloren. In OT is onze omgang met taal automatisch, omdat wij niet naar onszelf luisteren terwijl wij spreken. Bijgevolg is al het schrijven en het lezen, over hoe wij gewend zijn te spreken, een voortzetting van de desastreuze wijze waarop onze taal ons van onze taal doet afkeren.


OT heeft een dissociatieve werking en ofschoon dit effect ons in staat stelt om te overleven – zoals ik al eerder beschreef – blijven wij in OT spreken vanuit angst, strijd, conflict, vlucht of afleiding. OT is altijd reactief, maar dit wil echter niet zeggen, dat BT bedachtzaam is. Wij noemen het zo, omdat wij nog niet hebben erkend, dat er niets te denken valt als wij volledige aandacht hebben voor ons spreken, luisteren, schrijven en lezen. BT stelt ons daartoe in staat, aangezien wij niet langer vastlopen in de door OT in stand-gehouden illusie, dat wij iets denken.


Wanneer wij ons tegoed hebben gedaan aan BT, dan zijn we stil zonder taal. Ik weet, dat ik kort geleden zei, dat ik stilte preferer, die vanuit de taal mogelijk is en dat ik die zogenaamde  stilte, die dus altijd de ontkenning van onze eigen taal inhoudt, verafschuw, maar vandaag zeg ik, dat de stilte, die tot stand komt, omdat wij weten, dat taal altijd samenhangt met spreken, luisteren, schrijven en lezen, een hele andere stilte is, dan de stilte, die wordt gecreerd door BT. Je zou dus ook kunnen zeggen, dat die stilte niet wordt gecreerd en alleen wordt waargenomen in de afwezigheid van taal, wat dus inhoudt, dat wij nog spreken, nog luisteren, nog schrijven of lezen.


Stilzijn zonder taal, is niet stilzijn voorbij de taal. Er is geen taal en wij gaan niet voorbij taal, in de stilte van BT. Er valt niets over die stilte te zeggen of te schrijven en er is ook niets over te schrijven of te lezen. In stilte zonder taal zijn wij dus ook niet meer over Taal Verlichting (TV) aan het praten. Het is zalig om deze stilte te ervaren en te beseffen, dat alles in deze ruimte wordt losgelaten. Wij kunnen de ogen sluiten of openhouden, het maakt helemaal niet uit. Ook kunnen wij hierover toch weer verder praten, luisteren, schrijven en lezen. Deze transformerende gewaarwording maakt dat wij ons heel anders gaan gedragen, dan voordat wij tot dit inzicht kwamen. Eigenlijk maakt het helemaal niets meer voor ons uit, wat we doen of niet doen en het idee, dat we het iets fout deden verdwijnt.    

Tuesday, August 1, 2023




Only because I have Embodied Language (EL), can I acknowledge the catastrophic lies, created by our Disembodied Language (DL), which set the stage for how we use our language. Only in EL, do we have a realistic experience of our language, because in DL, we fabricate and fantasize without even knowing it.


Only if you listen to the sound of your voice, while you speak out loud with yourself, will you be able to make the blissful discovery, that language is only happening, is only existing and is only noticeable, when you say, hear, write or read something. There is no language, if you don’t do any one of these four.


What people have called the mind and thinking, is a product of DL, our habitual way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves, as listening to others, as well as being listened to by others, is considered to be more important, than listening to ourselves. The fact that we, unknowingly, don’t hear ourselves in our usual way of talking, is deeply problematic.


We can only begin to really listen to ourselves – or for that matter, to each other – when we completely abandon this nonsense idea that we think. Thought is an invention of our DL. The fact that everyone, all the time, everywhere, engages in DL, doesn’t make it so, that it is true, there is an inner me, who thinks or has an inner dialogue.


In addition, to our, unconscious, dumb, mechanical, inability to listen – to ourselves or each other – we are also incapable of having genuine interaction, as long as we remain so enthralled by our infatuation with our verbal constructs. Furthermore, since we find, what is written, more important than what is said, everything is upside down with our language.


Another way of formulating the aforementioned, is that our language is out of control, because we have this false, frightening, superstitious idea, that it is determined by thought, rather than by something we can see, hear, write or read. This lack of control is at least somewhat apparent, as we, presumably, always have something on our mind. However, all our attempts to quiet our illusive mind have failed.   


Only with our EL, can we express and, thus, realize our Language Enlightenment (LE). Language doesn’t exist inside of us, as it is always – only – said, heard, written or read. Once we calmly and repeatedly say this to ourselves – while we listen to and enjoy the sound of our own voice – we can’t help, but admit, that this falsehood is at the core of all our problems.


Only by logically, consistently, joyfully, confidently and patiently instructing and telling ourselves, by speaking and by writing – that we can really stop our DL, that we can boldly step out of our traumatic, tragic, troublesome history of conditioning, that we feel fortunate, intelligent and happy, to engage in EL, as it allows us to express our LE, and, therefore, be who we are – can we address and change any other self-defeating behavior, which came about and was maintained by our involvement in DL.  


There is only a deep and profound silence, when we don’t speak, when we don’t hear anyone, who says anything, when we also don’t speak with ourselves, when we don’t write something and when we don’t read anything. Our perception has totally changed, because, indeed, our nightmare of having a mind, is no longer created and maintained by our language.


The correct use of our language is revealed to us by our EL. Only by becoming involved in and familiar with our EL, can we recover from the devastating effects of our almost permanent involvement in DL. Of course, we have all experienced moments of EL, but we have never consciously, skillfully capitalized on these accidental brief instances of our verbal clarity and wellbeing. Our language only makes sense, if the speaker is listened to by a listener. However, it is so easy to forget, each speaker is also his or her own listener. Likewise, each writer is also his or her own reader. In other words, we can speak to or write for ourselves, but we will only regularly do this, after we have first experienced and become aware of the gigantic difference between our DL and EL. It is this difference which initiates us into our EL, in which we accept and explore, that talking with ourselves, is of much greater importance than talking with others.                   

Monday, July 31, 2023




This writing is about my Embodied Language (EL), which always immediately, effortlessly and simply expresses my Language Enlightenment (LE). I have not arrived at this peaceful, enjoyable, interesting way of dealing with my language, because I am such a special person. In fact, I have worried about this a great deal, because I am usually not treated by anyone, as someone who is special. To the contrary, I feel mainly rejected, ignored and forgotten.


I am no longer puzzled about how this can be. Since I express my LE with my EL every day, in my writings, but also, whenever I talk out loud with myself EL – I still do this almost every day – I acknowledge, I am  special, because, except for my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, no one is doing this. I always felt, I am special, as I have secretively, guiltily – without doing anything for it and, paradoxically, in spite of all my problems, stress and worries – been very happy.


I have felt so confused, tormented and obsessed by  this, as I couldn’t figure out, with my Disembodied Language (DL), why a trouble-maker like me, was somehow always able to toss all his dramas and traumas aside and carry on again with his language of unconcerned innocence? It wasn’t until I stopped teaching Psychology, but also, most importantly, because I gave up preaching about my EL, that my  LE began to shine – for myself – more clearly.  


Everyone engages, unconsciously, every day, in DL and, thus, misses out on EL, which would inform them about their LE. I didn’t make this up, but this is the reality of how most people live their entire life. For me, every day is a discovery, a blessing, a gift and I feel so grateful, I am able to say and write this and live like this. I don’t believe in anything, other than my own language and I can no longer afford to be busy with the ugly and stupid language of others.


While I write this, it is midnight. I went to bed at seven and look forward to sleep some more after I am done. I just opened the window and my room is filled with cool air. A helicopter flies over and makes a lot of noise, but afterwards, it is really quiet and I hear a dog bark in the distance. Here I sit, with legs folded underneath me, in front of my laptop, calmly waiting for my EL to appear. This is my greatest joy.


I no longer feel I miss something. This completeness is so superb. I arrived at it, by giving my own words to it. I remember, there were times, I felt hesitant to express myself about the fullness of my emptiness. I have never felt empty – as my stillness always was and continues to be with my language – and I prefer this stillness over the so-called stillness, in which we misjudge the importance of our language. There is absolutely no need at all to go beyond our words.  


When we acknowledge our DL and can switch to EL, our voice changes. There are three reasons, why the sound of our voice changes. Firstly, in EL, we no longer fixate on what we say, as we pay attention to how we say it. Therefore, we experience the fluidity of our language, which wasn’t there before in DL. Secondly, we no longer struggle, as we don’t try to sound calm, peaceful, certain, interested, strong or knowledgeable. We simply express what we are capable of expressing, in the moment that we speak with ourselves and listen to ourselves. We liberate ourselves from moving away from that which is. In other words, in EL, there is no conflict between who we are and who we should be. We sound so good, when we are truly at peace with ourselves. Thirdly, our voice changes, because own EL returns all our energy to us. During DL, our energy is always getting drained, but during EL, we get energized. This is a very tangible, immediate and blissful experience.   


I used to call EL the language that creates space and feel so happy to be reminded of this. Surely, my EL has gone through many different phases. I want to conclude this writing, by going into this crucially important aspect of language, which is completely misunderstood. EL is the language of freedom, but this freedom can only be experienced by someone who is an individual. With DL we forget about our individuality, as our own language is, unknowingly, overtaken by predetermined beliefs. We should not call DL group-think, but group-language. Every time someone says, I think so and so, they say so and so. The freedom of language can only reveal itself, if we admit, there never was any language inside of us. I mean this literally: there are no words in our brains.            

Sunday, July 30, 2023




Our Embodied Language (EL) always says something new, which builds on what we have already said. Anyone who reads my work, will notice the internal coherence and magnificence of what they would be inclined to consider as my system, but which to me,  it is my natural way of dealing with my language.


I am convinced that anyone, who begins to listen to him or herself, while he or she speaks, will discover things, which are similar to what I have discovered. EL is so enjoyable, interesting and energizing, as it is about feeling safe, peaceful and relaxed. With our Disembodied Language (DL), by contrast, we create a hostile, anxious and stressful reality for ourselves.


It is the lack of coherence, in DL, which determines the inevitable fragmentation of ideas, which can’t and don’t fit together, because they contradict each other. The false, ad nauseum repeated notion of complementariness is a clear indication, that we are merely trying to justify the utter chaos, the lack of safe, enjoyable, meaningful consistency and the absence of any rhyme or reason, consciousness,  truthfulness or satisfaction about our own behavior.   


The possibility, that our use of language can be so immensely gratifying, is continuously obliterated by the inevitable upsetting, overpowering, intimidating effects of our involvement in DL. Unknowingly, we feel humiliated, ashamed and helpless, as it is so common, to be blown away, pushed around or pressured, by someone with forceful DL. Due to the lack of passion, there is never a real confrontation, in which DL is unmasked and identified as DL, and, therefore, instantly capable of transforming into EL. 


In DL, everything just drags on and on. What we call our debates, arguments, conflicts and differences of opinion, never unleashes any positive energy. To the contrary, it drains the very life out of us and makes us more vindictive, fanatic and resentful. However, if our DL could change into EL, we would experience the blissfulness of new behavior, which makes us view everything from our enlightened perspective.


People have been doing all sorts rituals, to pretend as if all the bits and pieces of their meaningless lives somehow fit together, but only EL could accomplish this task. After many years of being stuck in DL and experiencing its negative outcomes, it is miraculous to hear, in the sound of one’s own voice, how things come together, become integrated and make sense.


The logical coherence of our EL can only emerge from our positive emotions, which make it possible for us to be genuine. We all know this to be true, yet, we have accepted our DL as normal, in which we are constantly fighting, fleeing and dissociating. The natural harmony of our experiences cannot be revealed by our habitual way of using our language.    


EL is the skillful, harmonious arrangement of your voice with your words. Nothing needs to be added, your language is good as it is, but your sound is off, as long as you still engage in DL. Once you switch to EL, you let out a sigh of great relief, as you unburden yourself from your dismal, long, until that moment, unexpressed, history of conditioning with DL.


The concinnity, elegance, congruity, consonancy, symmetry, balance and unity of EL is breathtaking. Why are there so many different people, animals and plants? And, why are there mountains, rivers, oceans and forests? They are simply there, just like we are there and there is no purpose to evolution. Of course, the coherence of our EL is the expression of our Language Enlightenment (LE), that is, we are not trying to improve on what comes by itself.           


Saturday, July 29, 2023




Obviously, you can only be happy, if you recognize and enjoy your own energy, but your unhappiness has to do with being overtaken by energies, which have nothing to do with you. You are possessed by some belief, some theory, some explanation, some interpretation, some perception, which isn’t yours.


Obviously, to find out about what is really yours, you  have to describe to yourself, as often as you want to  – in your own words, in your own language, in your own rhythm, in your own voice, in your own way – what is your experience, what is your reason for being who you are, what is your modus operandi, what is your is your fashion, what is your how, what is your home, what is your manner, what is your form, what is your conviction or what is your truth.


Obviously, you are confused, distracted, frustrated, fearful and hopeless, because you haven’t had any prolonged, conscious, effortless, graceful, funny and interesting conversations with yourself. While you may be absolutely sure, that you are right, that you know who you are, that you are willing to sacrifice  everything for your version of the reality, as long as you engage in Disembodied Language (DL), you are unconsciously carried away by the energy of others.


Obviously, to engage in Embodied Language (EL), it is absolutely necessary, that you first recognize and then stop, your own DL. Obviously, since you have never done that, you feel constantly overpowered, hurt, upset, stressed out about, preoccupied with and drained by, language which isn’t yours. Only in EL, do you acknowledge the great importance of experiencing and staying true to your own energy.


Obviously, your Language Enlightenment (LE), which is simply your natural way of using your language, is only expressed by your EL, but never by your DL. It is because of your incorrect way of using language, because of your overrated DL, you never paid any  attention to how you mechanically, unconsciously, anxiously, reactively and superficially use language and have remained totally unaware, about the fact that you have your own way of using language.


Obviously, you are endlessly affected by the energy of others. You have all sorts of convoluted, idiotic,  nonsense ideas, about being stuck in your mind, of changing your mind, of improving your mind, of being re-minded of something, of getting out of your mind, of having a lot on your mind, of being mindful or even, of having a mind of your own, but it never ever occurs to you, that you don’t listen to what you are saying. Obviously, you don’t have any EL, if you don’t listen to yourself, while you speak.


Obviously, you don’t listen to yourself while you speak – you habitually fall into the conditioning pattern that, presumably, listening to others or being listened to by others, is more important than listening to yourself – because you are not allowed to have or express your own energy. Obviously, you never say what you really want to say, because you will get ridiculed, punished, rejected, ignored, fired, cancelled, beaten up, tortured, imprisoned or killed.


Obviously, there is much more to the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution, which disallows the government from infringing on the right(s) to pursue Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, which applies to all citizens of the United States regardless of gender, race, religion or age. Whether we know it or not, are aware of it or not or willing to admit it or not, with DL, we overstep our freedom, as individuals. Although we believe, we are going our own way and doing your own thing, the reality of our miserable, conflicted, chaotic, shallow lives, is that we are imprisoned by our conditioning history.


Obviously, it gets very annoying to read this word, obviously, again and again, but it is very clear, that the pervasiveness of DL is a gigantic problem, not only here in the United Stated, but across the world. Obviously, you keep having your problematic DL, as you don’t want to know about EL. Obviously, you are too much of coward, to talk with me and to find out that my EL is real, but your DL is total bullshit. If I would have DL with you, you would know it is DL, because I would let you know and you would know that I am correct. As a matter of fact, I have always been correct in my assessment of what is DL or EL. Obviously, once you get to your own experience of EL, you say the same thing: you have always been correct of your assessment of what is EL and DL, but you never bothered to say it out loud, to yourself, so that you could hear it and begin to act on it, as I do.     


Friday, July 28, 2023




Embodied Language (EL) involves a confrontation with reality, but Disembodied Language (DL) makes us deny the reality of our lives. Once we find out about EL, it becomes possible to talk about our conditioning history with DL with EL. Before this discovery, we were only able to talk with DL about DL, but we were unconscious about it. Also, of course, in those few moments, that we were able to have some EL, we were unconscious. As long as we didn’t know about EL, we were in the dark about our language.


When we, with EL, become conscious of ourselves and our relationships, we realize all previous talk about being conscious was utter nonsense without our EL. Moreover, only then it is obvious to us, that we were always pretending to engage in EL, while, in fact, we were engaging in DL, all the time. There simply was no other way, as we didn’t know about our EL yet. To untangle ourselves from our DL, is at the same time simple – as it merely requires us to speak with and listen to ourselves – but it is also very complicated – as we were lying to ourselves for so long, due to our history of conditioning with DL.


Discovering EL and continuing with it, is a constant confrontation and adventure, as we are renewed by our language. Our EL is tremendously refreshing and energizing, as it liberates us from the troubles which were created and maintained by our DL. It is true, that we couldn’t talk with our DL about our DL, but is also true, we couldn’t talk with DL about EL. The biggest confrontation about knowing the difference between DL and EL, is that we admit, what is what.


Someone like me – who truly knows about the great  difference between DL and EL – is able to say, at any time, in any conversation, with anyone, whether he or she, someone else or they together, engage in DL or in EL. While it is comfortable to have EL, it is very unpleasant to consciously have DL. Nevertheless, anyone who knows about the gigantic difference between DL and EL, is always able to accurately observe and say: now we are having DL or now we are having EL. Someone who doesn’t know about the enormous difference between DL and EL, can’t make this observation and, therefore, is bound to get deeper caught up with DL, which, although nobody wants to admit it, always escalates. Thus, with DL, we always seek the confrontation, but when push comes to shove, we deflect, as we never go into how we are dealing with our own language.


With our EL, we can finally accept and admit what is our DL, but once we have done that, once we know what is what, this doesn’t mean, we are done with our conditioning history with DL. The challenge of addressing our history with DL with EL continues, as we aren’t only addressing our own DL, but also the DL of others and, actually, of all of mankind. Every human being struggles, due to DL and, to face the reality of our own DL, is to acknowledge what each human being has endured throughout history.


In a real love relationship, a couple, inevitably, but, unconsciously, goes through the confrontation, to figure out, what is DL and what is EL. Without EL, there can’t be any intimacy. Although people may take therapy classes, in how to talk with each other or how to express their emotions, psychology hasn’t acknowledged, let alone embraced, the difference between DL and EL as the utmost important issue. I have studied psychology, I have worked in the field and have taught it for many years, but to my own knowledge, the issue of EL is too much of a hot potato, as it confronts us with the devastation of DL.


The difference between DL and EL can be described as using our language out of fear or out of freedom. There has to be an extended experimental period, in which we are able verify – alone, by talking out loud with ourselves – when we engage in DL and EL. Also, we want to have EL with others, but this is when we are confronted with the astonishing, horrible fact, that nobody is interested in EL. Each time we try to talk about having EL with others, we are rejected and the only way to continue with EL, is to only talk about it with those, who, like us, experiment with it.

Thursday, July 27, 2023




The current cultural mass hysteria, in which both manhood as well as womanhood are dishonored, is in essence nothing new. It is absurd, that a young boy can now simply say, that he believes to be a girl and, then, we are all socially expected to call him a girl and treat him as a girl and a little girl can just say, that she feels, she is a man and from then on, we should refer to her as he and treat her as a boy.


The term woke is thrown around a lot, by right wing people, to criticize the failed attempt by the left, to address what is the real issue, namely, how we use our language. The wave of increased alertness and concern about social injustice and discrimination divides us, because it prevents us – as individuals – from recognizing how we use our language. Instead, our individuality, as it historically has always been, is again crushed by the social pressure to conform.    


What is goes completely unnoticed in the discussion about what is referred to as gender-identity, is the reality that both the proponents of this new fad and those who are against this, unconsciously engage in Disembodied Language (DL). Nobody is able to talk clearly about the problem, which has been with us for a long time, but which cannot be addressed by producing more of the same old DL. Our usual way of dealing with language – that is, our common way of talking – doesn’t allow us, to really be ourselves.


When we take into consideration the general lack of skill, to use our language naturally, effortlessly and peacefully and engage in Embodied Language (EL), it is not surprising, our dissatisfaction, disdain and disgust with our language is causing us problems. I say this emphatically, as a hetero-sexual, satisfied, confident male, who himself greatly struggled with the problems he experienced, due to how he used  his language. Only recently, at age 64, I was able to  embrace my manhood, when I realized, that being myself, is my Language Enlightenment (LE), which could only be expressed – after I had identified and stopped my conditioning history with DL – by my EL.


I am not the only man, who has struggled with his manhood, but I am definitely the only one, who has overcome his problems with his own involvement in DL. Although, I might still be somewhat affected by my history of conditioning with DL, it doesn’t bother me anymore as it used to. Actually, I feel grateful, I was so much troubled by my own DL, as it made me discover and explore my EL and acknowledge my LE.


Millions of men doubt their masculinity, but have no idea, that how they use their language, causes them to feel humiliated, ridiculed and rejected. However, with EL, it is crystal clear, also, of course, all women have short-changed themselves with their own DL. The quest for women’s rights hasn’t resulted into an awareness about the difference between DL and EL.


While EL is certainly a skill one can develop, one will only set out to do this, if one feels motivated to do so. DL is rampant everywhere, because there is no incentive at all to stop it. To the contrary, there is only more political, woke-reason to continue with it or to argue against it. Since we don’t know how to engage in prolonged EL, we, inadvertently, end up addressing our DL with more DL, which is a vicious circle. Therefore, in addition to the lack of skill, we miss out on EL, because we have no passion for it.


What is increasingly more absent in the miserable, violent, conflicted, superficial, chaotic, consumer lives of men as well as women – who still can’t seem to figure out how to live peacefully together – is passion. For modern human beings, there is nothing to dedicate their so-called heart and soul to. Those, who believe to be passionate, don’t want to admit, they are beating themselves up, in order to follow their dream. They proudly lose themselves, by being  part of something, that is bigger than themselves and sacrifice themselves on the altar of some cause.


In its original form, woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. In other words, it was an attempt to address DL, but only someone with EL, would see it that way. With DL, we like to believe, in the beginning in the 2010, woke came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism. In other words, one word, came to include more than what it meant before. Woke has also been used as shorthand for some ideas of the American Left involving identity politics, social justice, such as white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans. Stated differently, in DL we throw everything at each other except the kitchen sink, but we never ever get to EL.


Since nobody is getting anywhere with their DL, we are all disappointed and disillusioned. While we have all had some moments of EL, it was never enough to develop a passion for it. Yet, this is the only way out of our meaningless, mechanical existence with DL. Our language works for us with EL, but against us with DL. Thus, in EL we take control again over how we use our language. However, this is not a political, philosophical, spiritual or social issue, but a personal issue. Are you going to do it or not?