Wednesday, November 1, 2023




It is truly amazing what happens, when you listen to yourself, while you speak. You never say, what you have said again. What you have said, is gone for good and there is no repetition, ever. Due to our usual way of talking, we deal with our language in the repetitive way we currently do. We commonly engage in Disembodied Language (DL), in which we don’t listen to ourselves and make it seem, as if this is how things will always continue to be. In effect, we are constantly defending against our natural way of using language – our Embodied Language (EL) – which, not surprisingly, happens only briefly, accidentally and unconsciously. We are so annoyed, stressed, frustrated and anxious, that our EL can’t continue, we want to forget about it completely.


We all hear and experience – each day – the world is falling apart, at an amazing rate. There is no other explanation for this tremendous decline, than with our EL, but since we have, unknowingly, given up on our EL, things spiral out of control and we seem to have no other choice, than to continue with our DL. However, our DL causes the chaos and conflict we witness and continuing with it makes things worse.


If a hammer is your only tool, everything starts to look like a nail. With your insensitive DL, you are but a fool, to believe, that your language is a tool. Surely, your language works against you, that is why you imagine you are stuck in your mind. Of course, language is a behavior and not a thing. It would be an amazing behavior, if you acquired EL, but it is a self-defeating behavior, if you continue business as usual with DL.


In DL, you use this word – amazing – so very often, because your sad reality is, that nothing is amazing. You falsely believe, you can change your reality, by repeating or singing certain words. This is what all people do, who practice so-called spirituality. Every American knows this famous hymn, Amazing Grace. It is no coincidence, the first line of this song goes like this: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.” If there is any truth to hearing a redeeming sound, it must have been a human being, but not god, who expressed some EL. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with being bling and then, being able to see, but with being psychologically deaf and then, being able to hear and act, as a genuine individual, on your own truth, with your own EL.   


Someone like me, who knows the great difference between DL and EL, is no longer surprised, when people – only for a few blissful moments – consider and explore their own EL, but then go on with their dreadful life, as if nothing happened. Paradoxically, once they find out, their ongoing EL expresses their  own Language Enlightenment (LE), they hastily and often apologetically withdraw from this enchanting experience of creating their own reality. Their justification for this is, they don’t succeed in sharing their EL and LE with others. They couldn’t cope with the undeniable fact, only they knew about it, while others, with DL, don’t want to know about it. They would feel discouraged, that their happy experience was only for them, as that would be unbearable. It is amazing, how someone could be so perceptive at one moment and clueless the next. They would say that about others, not realizing, they were actually projecting and always just talking about themselves.


Although I have known about my EL and my LE for many years, I still experience each day, the amazing reversal of all kinds of detrimental behaviors, which, obviously, were caused and maintained by my own DL. It is such immense relief to notice, that these unnatural behaviors stop by themselves and simply fall by the way side, although, like everyone else with DL, I too have struggled because of them for a long time. My fight is over. I experience the amazing grace, which is released by my EL. It is as true for me as it is for others, that because I couldn’t share my EL and LE – that is, my happiness – with them, I just couldn’t and didn’t believe it myself. If you go to my You Tube channel, you can hear me sing and speak about this and get a feel for your own EL and LE.          

Tuesday, October 31, 2023




Today is the last day of October and the ending of a dreadful process, which has prevented happy things from happening. Although you may not realize this, your Disembodied Language (DL) has been officially put to rest, by me. The only way forward, for you, is with your own Embodied Language (EL). However, your unwillingness, to find out about EL, is your loss, because each of us can only benefit from our own EL. I can show you my EL and I am benefitted from it, but my sharing only matters, if you start to have your own EL. You don’t respond to my writing and you don’t contact me, because you want me or someone else to do, what you must do for yourself.


You want a silly story with a happy ending, because you tend to hang on to the illusion, that everything is going to be alright. However, nothing is going to be alright, as long as your DL continues. Things only will begin to improve, once you start to have some EL. And, even when you had some EL, you would still hesitate to end your DL, as you have been used to it your entire life. Ending your DL, implies a total transformation, from which you quickly shy away, because you have to create a whole new way of life.


Today, I was having my lunch, near a beautiful lake. I sat there, looking out, over the quiet water and was listening to the sound of birds. Suddenly, I heard the loud sound of a heavy motor-cycle, right behind me. I hoped the person, who arrived, would turn off his engine, but the noise continued. Next thing I know, a guy, dressed in black leather, wearing a German helmet, briskly walks up to me and hands me this little colorful card, which says: Jezus loves you. The moment I see what is on the card, I tell him to take it back and that I don’t want it. I asked him: why don’t you live your own life? He walked away saying: because I didn’t create my own life. Presumably, his life was created by god. Apparently, he wasn’t too sure about that belief, as he tried to convert me. I said to him, while he was sticking some of his cards between the bathroom door: you just don’t want to be responsible for creating your own life. He drove off fast, with an angry roaring sound, then, it was quiet again. I liked the ending of this little episode.  


In DL, misery follows you in a never-ending pursuit. I didn’t make it so, that DL has its inevitable negative consequences. Your ignorance about this fact makes you repeat your problems and keeps you hopelessly stuck. Language is the only way out, but, of course, not your usual, unconscious, insensitive DL. Your DL has to stop and only you can stop it, but since you don’t know, you can’t stop it, you believe you have to keep going with it. When you stop your own DL, you will know, you have made the ending of your DL possible.


There is a beginning and an ending to your DL, but with your EL, there is only a beginning. In effect, EL is always new. When you worry, that your world will be ending, you are absolutely right, it will come to an end, as your DL will end. Although your DL can come to an end and although you can have some EL, DL will certainly begin again, because you were conditioned to have DL, not EL. If you want to have EL, you have to acknowledge, every time your DL is ending and beginning again, only then EL happens.


When your DL is ending, you will stop defending, pretending, offending, spending or condescending.  I am strongly recommending the ending of your lack of attending. In DL, while you keep depending, you are descending into a quagmire trouble, but in EL, you are comprehending and ascending, to a higher level of befriending. With EL, you are amending, but in DL, you are overextending. I didn’t make this up.


At some point, all behavior is ending and nothing of what we were so upset, worried, stressed, fearful, angry or confused about, matters anymore. We can experience this stillness, this death, while we speak and have ongoing EL. The continuation of our EL, is our Language Enlightenment (LE), which makes us  die and let go of our language, while we are alive. The peace of LE is unimaginable, as it is real. Our LE is the ending of our suffering and it is a great joy, to continuously explore and express this with our EL.


As we, knowingly, skillfully and deliberately express our LE with our ongoing EL, our inferiority complex is ending, as it is no longer maintained by our DL. It is unknown to those, who don’t know yet about the great difference between DL and EL, that everyone with DL has feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness, which are, however, not caused by parenting styles, trauma, abuse, social pressure or lower status, but by how we mechanically use our language. Our DL will not be ending, because we want it to end, but because acknowledge it for what it really is, because we listen to ourselves and we hear the sound of our own voice.    

Monday, October 30, 2023




I only have Embodied Language (EL), if my speaking or my writing, deepens my experience of rest. When I talk out loud with myself or write for myself – like I do on this blog – it is very apparent, this is the case. I can hear it, in the tone of my voice and I read it, in the words I have written. EL is always very satisfying.


My conditioning with Disembodied Language (DL), is different from everyone else, because I don’t deny it. Those, who don’t acknowledge and know the great difference between DL and EL, are ignorant about the fact, that they could also stop their DL and have EL. I am not. I neither care about my own DL nor about the DL of others. My EL lets all DL rest.


Although, initially, it felt like it – because I was used to the rush of my own DL – my EL doesn’t cause my rest, but it simply expresses my restfulness. In other words, only if I am calm, do I embody my language.  So, in the past, even while I was feeling peaceful, I couldn’t express it, as I didn’t have, like I do now, the language to express it. Stated differently, my DL never allowed me, to rest while I was speaking.


In DL, we never take a rest, as we are continuously hyped-up, stressed, anxious, frustrated, angry or confused. And, if we, seemingly, take a short break from our energy-draining DL, we habitually always do something – watch football, overeat, race cars, use drugs – to distract from our language. So, we never experience any rest in how we use language.


Of course, in spite of all the chaos and conflict, we experience every day, we still manage to have brief moments of rest, but these short-lived moments of relief, are unable to find their way into our way of talking, listening, writing and reading, because we, unconsciously, continue with our DL. And, even if we experience a little quiet time, by reading a book, this doesn’t translate in our own peaceful talking, listening or writing, about a serene use of language.


Our chronic lack of rest, during our common way of talking, sets the stage for unhealthy, compensatory behaviors, which facilitate an escape from our own negative feelings. Consequently, talking determines how we use language and in DL, we use language, to ignore our worn-out, unhappy experiences. It already starts early, while we learn to speak and it usually continues throughout our lives, until we die.


When someone dies, we say: may he or she rest in peace. Hilariously, it is the ultimate phrase of denial, to express a wish, which, presumably, is meant for the deceased, to be free from trouble and to have peace in death. However, death is the end of all our experiences and, therefore, it is only when someone dies, that we may suddenly experience a wake-up call about our own mortality. In effect, we don’t say our well-wishes for the deceased, but for ourselves.


In EL, we die, while we are still alive, to our previous way of using our language. Basically, we put our DL to rest. Moreover, we don’t die only once, because, unless we die, again and again, to our dreadful DL, each time it rears its ugly head, we will continue to create a restless life, that is full of conflict, violence and despair. And, each time we die, we are reborn in an experience of blissful rest, in which we speak and hear about our Language Enlightenment (LE).


With ongoing EL, we experience eternal rest and peace, because we have died to our conditioning history with DL. Finally, we can and we do express our rest, which, of course, is our wellbeing. Thus, our LE is expressed by our EL and nothing stops us from doing that, as we keep taking time, to talk out loud, alone, with ourselves, to listen to the sound our own voice, which expresses, who we really are.


Certainly, the phrase R.I.P. is only said to the living, to express condolences and sympathy, to the family and friends of the deceased. It is astonishing, that, as of yet, we are only capable of expressing our EL, when someone has died. Presumably, we comfort others, who experience the loss, with the illusion, that they may, at long last, rest in peace, especially if they have had many struggles in life. However, we all experience an unnatural existence, full of battle and effort with our DL. Perhaps, we only have a shot at acquiring our own EL, when we mourn the dead?


I am reminded of my dear father-in-law. At the time of his death, I was in the final stretch of my Ph.D. study in Psychology. I had completed all my course work and I was writing on my dissertation about loss (!), while accruing clinical hours as a therapist. My wife’s dad died after he was found to have brain cancer. By the time they discovered it, it had already metastasized. His beautiful death and the spreading of his ashes on the ocean, created a break from my arduous effort, to achieve that doctorate degree. It was a turning-point, because of which I suddenly realized, there was no rest anymore in my life. I was suffering so much and soon afterwards, I quit my graduate study. After I withdrew, we left the busy Bay Area again and returned back to Chico, where I became a psychology instructor for many years.


It is already a couple of years ago, I quit teaching psychology. Although I have, for all these years, known about my EL, I wasn’t experiencing the deep sense of rest, it has come to represent, at this point in my life. However, I am very sure, I don’t have an eternal soul, which doesn’t cease to exist after I die. Dying to our own DL, according to me, is much more important, than the death everyone creates such a  big fuzz about. We are all going to die, so why not try this possibility of EL and experience this rest and peace, while we come alive, while we speak?                 

Sunday, October 29, 2023




There’s a lot of talking going on these days about the issue of moral clarity. Presumably, one must have a certain set of beliefs, about what is good or what is bad, to be able to make the right choice between the good and the bad. However, this useless discussion, which has been going on forever, has never allowed us to differentiate between our Disembodied Language (DL) and our Embodied Language (EL). Indeed, our moral clarity is missing, because we don’t acknowledge this big difference, which would make us want to stop our DL, so that we can have EL. Our autonomic nervous system, doesn’t choose our body’s reaction to anything, which threatens us. Thus, there is no such thing as a choice, to be made, but it is urgently needed, we listen to our voice, while we speak, so we can embody our language and engage in EL instead of DL.


Moral clarity is as simple as I have just described. All the philosophizing and posturing about what is, supposedly, good or bad, derives from our DL and will be completely dissolved, once we finally are able to have EL. This knowledge is needed more  than ever, but nobody is interested, as everyone, supposedly, already knows everything there is to know about morality. As someone, who knows how to continue his EL, I say, on my own authority, that what we claim to know about morality, is based on our DL. To me, it makes no sense, to make any claims about the presumed moral superiority of EL.


I am not part of any debate about the good and the bad, because all of these so-called dialogues are, in fact, monologues about our beliefs. I don’t have any beliefs, as neither DL nor EL is a belief, but a reality of which I am keenly aware. My knowledge about the difference between DL and EL has nothing to do with certainty. I enter or exit my house through the door and unless I am drunk, I can’t find my way out.


We are contaminated, confined, confused and conflicted, due to how we use our language. We commonly, unknowingly, mechanically engage in DL. Only rarely and very briefly, do we engage in EL, but, always unconsciously. Even if we have a moment of conscious experience of the immense difference between our DL and our EL, we flinch, because it is so overwhelming. However, we can never deny, we have had this experience and all our efforts to stick our heads back in the sand trouble and harm us.


I recently heard someone say: since it is a matter of survival,  there needs to be absolute clarity about the definition of security. In my view, there exists only our clarity or the falsehood of what we believe to be true. The difference between these two, just like the difference between DL and EL, is absolute. Our insane insistence on absolute clarity signifies, we are – because of our pretentious DL – in denial about the difference between life and death.


Being able to see clearly is a powerful metaphor for clarity. Presumably, seeing is believing. However, we over-emphasize what we see over what we can hear and, consequently, we ignore the clarity, which only can come, if we listen and, perhaps, even close our eyes, so that we can bring more attention to what we hear. DL maintains our automatic preference for seeing over hearing and, as a result, we erroneously believe, what is written can actually change what is being said. Our books are useless, when it comes to interaction, as listening is our biggest problem.


Our clarity can – and absolutely will – only come from our ongoing EL, because only when we listen to ourselves, while we speak, do we begin to speak with a tone of voice, which evokes our own listening as well as the listening of others. Our insistent focus on what can and must be seen, is tiring and after we walk, for while through a museum, with the world’s most famous paintings, we feel exhausted from just looking. Likewise, we are, unconsciously, worn out, distracted and imprisoned by and obsessed with written language.


We have read, numerous times – and, therefore, we believe – that our emotions are clouding our clarity. However, this is complete hogwash. This common down-playing of the importance of our emotion, is a typical feature of our DL, in which we are unable to speak, with clarity, about our emotions. It is our arduous belief in an inner, subjective world, which, presumably, is separate from the objective, outer world, which prevents us from having any clarity.  


All our so-called self-reflection or meditation, on the issue of clarity, is downright useless and ineffective, as it is based on a false premise, perpetuated by our DL, that we can be in the grip of and carried away by our intense – inner – emotions, which are said to make us experience the – external – world, as we feel, rather than how it really is. There’s this famous song, by Johnny Nash, which goes like this: I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had made me blind. It’s gonna be a bright, bright, sun-shiny day. However, when we hear – in EL – with clarity, we are free and there are no obstacles in our way. Our negative emotions aren’t in our way, because they really help us, to stay on our path of wellbeing.


A person’s lack of clarity is believed to indicate his or her lack of understanding or confusion about something. Note, that we are referring here to this elusive cognitive quality inside of us, but not to the way of talking, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language. If we did that, it would be instantly apparent, the misunderstanding and confusion is caused by our DL and evaporates when we have EL.


I want to end today’s writing about clarity, by stating that unclear instructions – we give to ourselves and to each other – are the inevitable result of DL and of not being in touch with ourselves. Presumably, we can become conscious of ourselves, of our emotions and our thoughts, by watching our so-called mind, but the reality is, that we remain trapped by our DL. Only if we talk out loud about what we, supposedly, feel or think, can we experience, immediately, the  release of having switched from DL to EL. Moreover, as we continue with EL, we express and, therefore, realize our Language Enlightenment (LE), which is the joyful clarity about how we can use our language to our own benefit.         

Saturday, October 28, 2023




Does it pay, not to laugh? Does your crime pay? You probably never even asked yourself this question, that’s why you don’t really laugh. If you did, you would laugh, because, of course, it doesn’t pay and your miserable lack of humor equals sheer stupidity.


I don’t like any of your so-called comedians. While, generally speaking, people seem to have lost their appetite for the superstitious belief in some higher power, they still needily flock to the newly invented  churches, where smartass dealers dispense humor, as if it was some kind of drug. These nasty hustlers don’t make me laugh, they disgust me. Only all the  idiots are laughing. You are laughing, but you aren’t having any fun. It is a bizarre phenomenon.  


Whenever I hear some comedian working his or her audience, I am appalled. My humor is very different. With me, you laugh, even when it isn’t funny, even when it isn’t meant to be funny. I mean it seriously: you laugh, because you don’t want to laugh about the truth, you have been avoiding your whole life.


Comedians, like politicians and priests, pretend to be truth-tellers. I am not interested in any of them and my humor is about why nothing is funny. Yes, you read that correctly. Something isn’t funny just because you have laughed about it. Your neurotic laughter indicates something is terribly wrong. You are clearly not well, that’s why, even if you happen to laugh, you keep having such awkward laughter.


Did you know, that high-rate criminal offenders commit crimes with little regard to the net yield? In spite of their grandiose claims, they don’t know how to maximize the benefits of their crime, because they are highly present-oriented and opportunistic. The same is true for all the funny people, who get in front of the crowd, because of their schmuck neediness. The audience is in on the crime. They believe, they can steal laughter and every job, supposedly, is their last job, but, they long to get caught, red-handed.  


Having more of the same fabricated laughter isn’t changing anything about your lack of real laughter. For real humor, you must stop laughing as usual. Don’t complain, that something important is stolen from you or taken away, because such possessive complaints show, you don’t realize the enormous gravity of the dismal situation that you are in.


Laughing for the wrong reason is and has always been the worst thing any human being can do. Actually, we stop being human, because of it and yet, we make it seem, as if humor makes us more human. This notion, that humor makes us more relaxed and, therefore, more human, is nonsense. What the hell does being more human mean? You either are human or not. Can a dog be more dog?


How is it even possible, you believe, you can have, you should have more fun? There’s only one reason. You are living in a falsehood about who you are. You  try to be happier, but the fact is, you are unhappy. You try to be a winner, but you are a loser. You act as if you’re strong, but you’re weak. If you would be  natural, you would be happy, strong and victorious, but you’re unnatural and that is why you try to be more like this or more like that. Your reality is, that you are a mess. My humor is, that I am not a mess.


In this writing, I’m referring to who I am, because I am into my own truth, which I find quite amusing. I don’t mind waking up at night and producing a few sentences like these, because I know for sure, when I’m done, I fall right back to sleep again. Unlike you, I don’t lose any sleep over all the problems in the world, because these problems aren’t mine, that’s why I can laugh at them. Yes, although there are many casualties of my humor, I leave them behind, because I dare laugh about the reality, as it truly is.  


There’s no escape for those who keep insisting, I’m not funny, as they are exposed by my humor, as the evil people, they really are. Please, pay attention, anyone who is against my humor, is a criminal, not a victim. Forget about this bullshit, I’m not allowed to blame the victim, as I’m holding you responsible for  all the violence, which happens because you refuse to laugh, whole-heartedly, authentically, honestly.  


I didn’t cause your lack of humor and if you laugh at my words, it will be because you finally get my joke. I know very well, you don’t get it, that’s why I bring you into my own court, where I am the judge. No lawyer is going to help you here to prove, you are innocent. Your sick humor has no value whatsoever and you are guilty as charged by me. However, your punishment is, that you can’t stop laughing about your own lies and it will continue, until you accept, you’ve created your own prison and torment.


I simply tell what is happening, but I didn’t cause it, you did. My insistence is based on your inability to address your own situation. To me, it is a piece of cake, but to you, it is a big problem. I say it as it is, but you keep beating around the bush. I know, I’m funny, but you decline to laugh and own up to it, because you are too uptight, too angry, too stupid, too frustrated and too confused. The evidence is in, these words straighten you out and justice is done.


As a fair judge, my decisions are binding. You can’t plead not guilty, because your laughter is giving you away. I can hear it is breaking through. At long last, your laughter proves, you are paying the time, because you did the crime. Indeed, false laughter is a consequence of your insidious actions. And, stop acting like you didn’t know, it was wrong, not to laugh. The earnings from your foolish crime of not laughing – and spending days, weeks, months and years, in the verbal prison of your own making – decrease, as phony laughter behind bars, which are words, prevents you from acknowledging, being a high-rate offender doesn’t have any consequences.                           

Friday, October 27, 2023




Ja, het is echt waar, ik ben verlicht, maar bijna niemand durft het te erkennen, omdat dat zou inhouden, dat jij zelf ook verlicht bent. Alleen een verlicht iemand, kan een andere verlichte herkennen. Eigenlijk is het  alleen een niemand, die een andere niemand kan horen, maar, aangezien het hier (ha-ha) om lezen en schrijven gaat, is het een niemand, die, met plezier, iets niets-zeggends leest over een ander niemand.  


Jezelf zijn, is echt zijn, is gelukkig zijn, is verlicht zijn en dus niemand zijn en daar met jezelf over durven en kunnen praten, zodat jij ernaar kunt luisteren en ernaar kunt gaan handelen. Ja, dat heb jij natuurlijk  nog niet gedaan en dat ga jij ook nooit doen, omdat jij zogezegd een obsessievelijk bedenksel bent van je eigen taal. Ook dat zogenaamde denken is iets wat jij alleen maar zegt, want het bestaat echt niet.  


Dat niet-iemand-zijn is werkelijk wie jij echt bent, want wanneer jij hardop met jezelf spreekt, dan is er echt geen spreker binnenin je, die spreekt of een luisteraar, die luistert. Je weet dan echt ineens heel zeker, dat die vermaarde spreker en die onvindbare luisteraar echt niet bestaat en nooit heeft bestaan. Als jij uiteindelijk, net als ieder ander mens, de pijp uitgaat, dan houdt ook jou zwaar-moedige, domme,  dwangmatige Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) op, want er blijft er echt helemaal niets van je over. Het hebben van Belichaamde Taal (BT) is dus het echt toegeven, dat jij stervelijk bent en dus ook altijd bent geweest.           


Het horen van niemand, is een heel ander verhaal dan het lezen van niemand. Als jij hoort, dat jij echt niemand bent, dan ben je er meer van overtuigd, dat dat echt zo is, als wanneer jij het leest. Dit is zo, omdat jij het zelf zegt en ook zo ervaart. Miljoenen mensen zijn, ongemerkt, uitsluitend en alleen maar naar anderen blijven luisteren, in de illusie, dat die gewichtige ander dus echt iemand was, die beter of belangrijker was dan zij zelf. Indien zij echter naar zichzelf zouden hebben geluisterd, omdat zij echt met zichzelf hadden gesproken, dan zouden zij tot de ontdekking zijn gekomen, dat die overmatig gewaardeerde ander, net als zij zelf, ook niemand is.


We doen allemaal dan wel heel druk over elkaar en over onszelf en we zijn overtuigd van ons gelijk, met onze gebruikelijke, onbewuste, zijkerige OT, maar met BT, worden wij eindelijk wakker uit onze verbale slaap en is die belachelijke flauwe-kul-illusie van wie wij geloofde te zijn voorgoed afgelopen. Het mooie is, dat we allemaal verlicht zijn en dat er dus echt helemaal niets aan iemand hoeft te veranderen, omdat wij echt allemaal stervelijke niemanden zijn.


Als je echt tegen jezelf zegt, dat je het onmogelijk is, om, innerlijk, een zogenaamd onhoorbaar gesprek met jezelf te hebben, begint er iets te spreken, dat nog niet eerder heeft gesproken, namelijk, je Taal Verlichting (TV). Uiteraard drukt jou TV zich alleen maar uit met jou BT en nooit met je OT. Met je OT, blijf je altijd maar doen alsof jij zo belangrijk bent met al je drama en je problemen, maar met BT, kom je eindelijk tot leven. Je bent uit de mond-dood van je OT herrezen en je zegt eindelijk wie je echt bent.


Ik had al eens eerder over echt geschreven, maar vandaag is het nog echt eventjes weer iets anders. Je kunt het nalezen op mijn blog, dat het waar is, maar ook, dat het waar was, wat ik toen schreef en zei. Het feit, dat er echt geen lezer is, die iets leest, maakt dat deze geschreven BT een impact heeft, die andere geschriften nooit konden bewerkstelligen. Je hebt er, vanwege je oppervlakkige OT, nooit echt bij stil-gestaan, dat alles wat je hebt gelezen, uiteraard van de OT van anderen afkomstig was. Dit lezen is anders, omdat er geen enkele twijfel over bestaat, dat alleen niemand dit kon schrijven en begrijpen.     


Alleen als jij dus echt gaat luisterend spreken, kan ook jij, met vaardigheid, alle puntjes op de ie gaan zetten. Dit is een eerbiedwaardige en noodzakelijke taak, die alleen vergund is aan hen, die met hun BT over hun TV kunnen spreken en schrijven. Zij zijn echt het licht in de Babylonische duisternis, die een oorverdovende kakofonie van lawaai is, omdat het altijd weer gaat, over het onuitstaanbare geluid van de dwingende sprekers, die met elkaar vechten om de aandacht. Er is geen grotere vorm van teistering, dan te luisteren naar iemand, die doet alsof hij of zij vriendelijk is, maar die dat echt helemaal niet is.  


Met je OT, blijf je altijd lui op je krent zitten met je zielige, overdreven gebakken peren, maar met BT weet je dat dit onnodig is. De eindeloze problemen, die jij veronderstelde te hebben en waar jij je hele identiteit aan ontleende, verdwenen als sneeuw voor zon, die dus echt de klank van je eigen stem is. Jij hebt inderdaad de oplossing, maar zolang als jij je eigen stem nog blijft verwaarlozen, dan zijn en blijven die stemmen van anderen toch belangrijker.

Thursday, October 26, 2023




Each time there is another competition – and there is always a new one, every day – you win the first price for your victimhood. I can never win from you, as I am too happy, too lively and too intelligent. I let you win, because it is your thing. You are good at it, but being the victim never worked for me. I’ve failed bitterly at being a victim. No matter how hard I’ve tried, nobody sees me that way. With you, it is very different. With you, it seems as if being a victim really means something important. To you, it comes naturally and everyone agrees, your victimhood fits you like a glove. I’ve tried to be many other things, besides being a victim, but everything I’ve tried to be didn’t work. Nothing of who I believed to be worked out and it wasn’t for a lack of trying. Anyone else would feel frustrated, paralyzed or lost, but not me, I feel great about what I haven’t achieved. I consider what didn’t work out an achievement, rather than a loss. I also feel relieved, I no longer try to feel empathy for everyone else’s victimhood.


I became who I am, because of my failures, not in spite of them. Such is the strange life of someone like me, who has achieved Language Enlightenment (LE). Looking back, it all adds up, why I managed to  screw up, on even the most common Disembodied Language (DL). The language of victimhood, which everyone is involved in and hangs onto, made me look, sound, feel and act bad. Nobody seems to have any problem with DL, but for me, DL was hell. Furthermore, people always made such a big deal about my DL, but never about their own. Inevitably, I didn’t fit in, that’s how I came to have Embodied Language (EL). It was the only thing that worked for me, after I gave up trying to have DL and be like everyone else. There is hardly anyone, to have EL with me, but I’m not complaining, because – since I didn’t have anything better to do – I realized my LE.


You may get a lot of attention by being victim, but in my case, nobody wanted to give me any attention. I’ve felt so alone and so hurt, but compassion isn’t part of the DL, that everyone sticks to. I’ve felt such a hatred and condemnation from people, whenever I felt needy. I couldn’t help feeling like a victim, but it only made things worse. I felt entitled because, I had experienced real trauma and abuse, but my application for victimhood was harshly rejected.  Actually, the first twenty years of my life were so miserable, I didn’t even want to give any attention to myself. However, I always felt, I wasn’t going to rise to fame, by being a victim, but by being a hero.


In my twenties, I had a glimpse of what it was like, to not be a victim. It was such a shock. I couldn’t believe, I could be so happy, but I was. Moreover, I have been happy ever since that moment, I heard for the first time, the soothing sound of my own voice, while I was speaking, out loud, alone with myself. Although I was so delighted, my old, rotten DL, wouldn’t allow me to express it. I remember how confused I was. Every time I just talked a little bit with myself, I effortlessly stopped being a victim, but each time I fell back in my conditioning with DL, I became more of a loser. I was convinced, I was the biggest victim, but nobody would ever believe me.        


Certainly, I am the one, who discovered his own LE with his EL, but, nevertheless, I remained a victim, until I finally gave up trying to teach others about it. I had given myself this grandiose task, which, I felt, was my sacred duty. I wanted to save the world, but apparently, I couldn’t even save myself. I continued to suffer tremendously, until about a year ago. How could something so beautiful bring such misery? It was because I wanted to have EL with others, that I kept missing the point, that it was sufficient, to have it with myself and with the few people, I was able to have it with. There have always been a few people, I could occasionally have some EL with, however, it was never enough for me. I always wanted more, as I was still trying to live up to my own martyrdom of victimhood. I justified myself, by saying, that I was right and in my own way, I have always been right. I was a zealous fanatic, but I’ve snapped out of it. I’m free, because I am no longer the victim I used to be.    


The word victim has an interesting history. Being a victim today, implies – besides being injured, hurt, harmed or killed, as a result of a crime, accident or event or action – that a person is being tricked or duped. DL is the biggest hoax, that has ever existed. And, it has been going on every since human beings acquired language. In the 15th century victim meant, a living creature, killed and offered, as a sacrifice to a deity or supernatural power or in the performance of a religious rite. Yes, whether you know it or not, admit it or not or are conscious about it or not, you are sacrificed, every day, on the altar of DL – of how you are expected to deal with your language – and you don’t realize this penance or self-punishment undermines your life. Victim derives from the Latin victima, which means sacrificial animal, person or animal killed as a sacrifice. When you acquire EL, you stop sacrificing yourself to those who have DL. Victima is related to vicis, turn or occasion, as in vicarious, if the notion is an exchange with the gods. The Latin word vicarius, means taking the place of another, substituted, delegated, related to vicis, a change, exchange, succession, alternation. The goal of your DL, is to make others do for you, what you refuse to do for yourself. There are only victimizing victims in DL, who all compete to get each other’s attention. DL is one big ugly struggle and when it becomes war, it is going to be another meat-grinder.


All of the wonderful so-called places of worship, all of the temples, the cathedrals, the mosques and the synagogues, have always made you feel like a victim, because, presumably, there is some power, higher than you. Indeed, all religions perpetuated your DL, as well as your victimhood. The monstrous battle for who is the biggest victim is intensifying, day by day. Each religion, inadvertently, claims to produce and maintain EL, but EL was never even addressed, let alone, achieved, by any religion. Mankind has yet to begin to pay attention, to how it actually deals with language and to fully acknowledge, the far-reaching consequences of our devastating DL. And, our belief in some none-existent deity, is as victimizing, as our belief in a so-called inner self, our mind or our soul.


Another fitting definition of victim is, one that is acted on and usually affected by a force or agent. In DL, the speaker forces him or herself on the listener, who is not the speaker, but also on the listener, who is him or herself the speaker. Stated differently, in DL the speaker in you appears to be more important than the listener in you. Of course, there is neither a speaker nor a listener inside of you. The existence of such imaginary agents is merely a figure of speech. Nonetheless, once you assume, there is a speaker inside of you, who does the speaking, it is likely that you also fantasize, there is a listener, who does the listening. Furthermore, that so-called listener never seems to get to speak and that so-called speaker never seems to shut up and listen. In other words, your way of talking, in which the imaginary speaker separates him or herself from the imaginary listener, sets the stage for you being in conflict with yourself. It is easy to remain a victim of your so-called mind.