It is truly
amazing what happens, when you listen to yourself, while you speak. You never
say, what you have said again. What you have said, is gone for good and there
is no repetition, ever. Due to our usual way of talking, we deal with our
language in the repetitive way we currently do. We commonly engage in
Disembodied Language (DL), in which we don’t listen to ourselves and make it
seem, as if this is how things will always continue to be. In effect, we are constantly
defending against our natural way of using language – our Embodied Language
(EL) – which, not surprisingly, happens only briefly, accidentally and
unconsciously. We are so annoyed, stressed, frustrated and anxious, that our EL
can’t continue, we want to forget about it completely.
We all hear
and experience – each day – the world is falling apart, at an amazing rate.
There is no other explanation for this tremendous decline, than with our EL,
but since we have, unknowingly, given up on our EL, things spiral out of
control and we seem to have no other choice, than to continue with our DL. However,
our DL causes the chaos and conflict we witness and continuing with it makes
things worse.
If a hammer
is your only tool, everything starts to look like a nail. With your insensitive
DL, you are but a fool, to believe, that your language is a tool. Surely, your language
works against you, that is why you imagine you are stuck in your mind. Of
course, language is a behavior and not a thing. It would be an amazing behavior,
if you acquired EL, but it is a self-defeating behavior, if you continue business
as usual with DL.
In DL, you
use this word – amazing – so very often, because your sad reality is, that nothing
is amazing. You falsely believe, you can change your reality, by repeating or
singing certain words. This is what all people do, who practice so-called spirituality.
Every American knows this famous hymn, Amazing Grace. It is no coincidence, the
first line of this song goes like this: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but
now I see.” If there is any truth to hearing a redeeming sound, it must have
been a human being, but not god, who expressed some EL. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with being bling and then, being able to see, but with being psychologically deaf and then, being able to hear and act, as a genuine individual, on your own truth, with your own EL.
Someone like
me, who knows the great difference between DL and EL, is no longer surprised, when
people – only for a few blissful moments – consider and explore their own EL, but
then go on with their dreadful life, as if nothing happened. Paradoxically, once
they find out, their ongoing EL expresses their own Language Enlightenment (LE), they hastily
and often apologetically withdraw from this enchanting experience of creating
their own reality. Their justification for this is, they don’t succeed in
sharing their EL and LE with others. They couldn’t cope with the undeniable fact,
only they knew about it, while others, with DL, don’t want to know about it. They
would feel discouraged, that their happy experience was only for them, as that
would be unbearable. It is amazing, how someone could be so perceptive at one
moment and clueless the next. They would say that about others, not realizing, they
were actually projecting and always just talking about themselves.
Although I
have known about my EL and my LE for many years, I still experience each day, the
amazing reversal of all kinds of detrimental behaviors, which, obviously, were caused
and maintained by my own DL. It is such immense relief to notice, that these unnatural
behaviors stop by themselves and simply fall by the way side, although, like
everyone else with DL, I too have struggled because of them for a long time. My
fight is over. I experience the amazing grace, which is released by my EL. It is
as true for me as it is for others, that because I couldn’t share my EL and LE –
that is, my happiness – with them, I just couldn’t and didn’t believe it myself.
If you go to my You Tube channel, you can hear me sing and speak about this and
get a feel for your own EL and LE.