Tuesday, November 7, 2023




Now that I am almost sixty-five, I have come of age. It is a comfortable sense, which has nothing to do with feeling old, but with having fun, with being mature and being wise. I know what I am talking about and this writing, is to let you know, we live in the age of Language Enlightenment (LE). Although nobody seems to realize this, our Disembodied Language (DL) – which, until now, has been the dominant way in which we have been using our language – is giving us so much trouble and has been causing us so many problems, that it is almost impossible to continue with it. Only at great peril and increasingly higher cost, can we continue with our unaddressed conditioning history, which has been proven to be utterly disastrous. The chaos and decline are audible and visible everywhere and our only option is, to stop our own DL, so that we can have Embodied Language (EL), which reveals our LE.


Gurus and philosophers have talked about the need to become conscious, but none of them have ever mentioned, the importance of being busy with our own language. Yes, you have your own language. Your natural, original way – your LE – makes you  use your language in such a manner, that it always benefits you. This writing is how I enjoy using my language. At this day and age, you are either finally going to discover your LE with your EL or you will end up being destroyed, by the quagmire of DL. It is already happening. If you are honest with yourself, you know, that your language isn’t working for you.


Whether you believe me or not, accept me or not, or take me serious or not, in today’s reality we are experiencing the final stages of escalation of our DL. Everything is coming to a crescendo, but I keep my eye on the ball, which is my own EL. To me, your language, which DL, is unimportant. I have already made the switch to EL and that is why I can write or speak like this. My words herald a future, different from what you have ever imagined. However, it is up to you, to create that future, as I or someone else is incapable of doing it for you. You either take your life into your own hands, by radically stopping your own dumb DL or you will never be able to master your language and to enjoy your LE with EL.


I can be this emphatic, because I am absolutely sure about what I am talking about. The age of prophets is over, for good. Nobody told me, what I have come to know about myself, by talking with myself and by listening to myself. What I know, can be known by everyone, if they, like me, talk with themselves and listen to the sound of their own voice, while they speak. I believe, my discovery will be known and celebrated, as long as human beings remain alive, on this beautiful earth. I insist, you were not born in that age, in which we didn’t have the right words for the fantastic change, that is now necessary and possible. This isn’t any longer the age of some guy named Moses or Muhammad, as this is the age of talking as a nobody, that is, of your LE and your EL.


What is the point of living to a ripe old age, if you can’t enjoy yourself? When you discover your EL, you will know and you will fully admit, that you have never enjoyed your language. There will be great sadness about the loss of time and opportunity, but soon this sadness will subside and make room for lightheartedness. In EL, you no longer say what someone else has told you to say – speak as you are supposed to speak, listen as you are expected to listen, read to only understand, what others have forced you to understand – as you will remain true to your own way, to your own rhythm, to your own wellbeing. Your sound is felt like energy, which brings a smile to your face. Your EL is always about your own blissful understanding. Even if you are already old, age doesn’t prevent you from acquiring your EL and reaping the fruits of your own language.


In our modern age, everything is about language, but your common DL isn’t cutting it. Unconsciously, we endlessly try to dominate each other with our DL, but, obviously, this isn’t – this cannot be – the future of mankind. Thus, EL is our conscious use of language, which sets the stage conscious behavior. Right now, your DL creates and maintains more and more unconscious behavior, which results in conflict and confusion. Positive change can happen rapidly due to EL. Actually, the results of EL are immediate and predictive of more positive results in the future.


The Golden Age comes from Greek mythology and denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability and prosperity. Although I work every day, I don’t feel it as work, as it is something I like to do and feel good about. Due to ongoing EL everything just happens by itself and anything I used to worry or stress about with DL has somehow left me. I still occasionally am reminded of my old conditioning, but there is no involvement in it anymore and DL never really catches a hold of me.


People with DL believe to be troubled by their mind or by what they believe to be their thoughts, but to me, there is no mind and there are no thoughts, as I deal with my language effectively. I have everything I want. I don’t desire anything I can’t have. At this day and age, I can live in the moment and I feel very grateful each day with my happy lifestyle. Yes, I have come out of the dark ages of my own DL and I know very well how much you are suffering, because I used to suffer too, while I was having DL. If you talk with me or listen to my You Tube videos and songs, you will hopefully feel inspired, to try out what I say. Have you had enough of your own and everyone’s  DL and have you reached that age, that you simply no longer want to put up with that noisy, superficial, meaningless, miserable, neurotic, self-defeating, unnatural, disgusting, unintelligent, boring crap?                             

Monday, November 6, 2023




Er is geen liefde, omdat je de taal niet kent, die de liefde mogelijk maakt. Jou gebruikelijke, onbewuste, onintelligente Ontlichaamde Taal (OT), is de taal van negatieve emoties. Die taal moet ophouden, zodat jij over je positieve gevoelens kunt gaan praten. Jou Belichaamde Taal (BT) is de taal van jou liefde, die alleen kan gebeuren, als jij liefdevol gaat en blijft klinken en spreken. Het is een enorme omslag.


Een stille stem fluistert mij zacht

Waar heb je jezelf toch heengebracht

Hoe raakte je gewend

Aan het zinloos argument

Je hebt de liefde nooit gekend

Je hebt de liefde nooit bedacht

Zo hield je je afgewend

Van de liefde die je bent


Het is niet – zoals vaak wordt beweerd – moeilijk om over liefde te praten. We zeggen dit, omdat we niet in de gaten hebben, dat wij OT als voertaal hebben. Indien wij OT blijven houden, is het onmogelijk om over liefde te spreken. Waar wij het in OT over hebben, is altijd over wat de liefde in de weg staat. Als er enige liefde wordt ervaren, dan is dat altijd, omdat onze liefdeloze OT eindelijk even stilviel. Gewoonlijk gebeurt dit alleen maar toevallig, maar nooit, omdat wij echt de taal van de liefde zijn gaan hebben en kennen. Wij hebben hopelijk enige korte, spontane, moeiteloze, gelukkige momenten van BT ervaren, maar we zijn er nog niet vaardig in.


Uiteraard kan liefde alleen gebeuren, indien onze taal eraan is aangepast. Vooralsnog is dit absoluut niet het geval. Zodra wij echter het verschil gaan ervaren tussen onze eigen OT en BT, beginnen wij BT te prefereren, omdat wij alleen dan pas eindelijk de taal van de liefde kunnen gaan ontdekken. In BT is er dus sprake van een ontvouwen van onze individuele taal, maar in onze automatische OT, hebben wij het altijd over anderen en de religieuze, professionele, etnische, culturele, intellectuele, politieke groepen, waartoe wij geloven toe te behoren. Kortom, in OT spreken wij nooit namens onszelf, over onszelf, met onszelf, omdat wij onze eigen stem niet waarnemen tijdens het spreken. We produceren gedurende OT een onaangenaam stem geluid, dat niet bij ons past.


Het raakt kant nog wal, om te blijven herhalen, dat spreken over liefde altijd zou gaan over wat wij in ons hart zouden voelen, voor de persoon van wie wij zeggen te houden. Metaforische, bijgelovige, poetische of spirituele onzin is, net als plastic rozen, de vervanging wat liefde is. Ook onze zogenaamde  uitdrukkingen van liefde, die we van anderen zijn blijven na-apen, hadden nooit tot gevolg, dat wij bewust BT zijn gaan hebben. Hoe meer wij zijn blijven hangen, in wat anderen hebben gezegd – die schijnbaar meer over liefde weten dan wij – des oppervlakkiger en dwangmatiger wij ons uiten.


Er wordt heel vaak tegen de zogenaamde geliefde zoiets gezegd, als dat wij alle ellende in de wereld zouden zijn vergeten, omdat wij eindelijk veilig bij die ander onszelf kunnen zijn. Natuurlijk is dit niet zo, maar wij doen – in OT – alsof dit zo is. Iedere liefdes-tragedie is gebaseerd op het droevige feit, dat de geliefden niet bij elkaar kunnen zijn en ieder sprookje eindigt met: en ze leefden nog lang en gelukkig. Onze BT laat ons echter ervaren, dat liefde niets met die ander te maken heeft en dat die ander alleen dan pas in beeld komt, indien hij of zij, net als wij, eveneens BT is gaan hebben, in plaats van OT.


Wij willen het, met onze platvloerse, ongevoelige OT, doen voorkomen, alsof zogenaamde liefdevolle woorden, liefde zou mogelijk maken en in stand zou houden, maar dit is uiteraard volslagen onzin. We zijn allemaal – vanuit een nooit duidelijk geworden onderliggend verlangen naar BT – eindeloos in de maling genomen en begoocheld geweest, door mooie woorden, die niets bleken voor te stellen.


De alom bekende uitspraak, dat de waarheid je vrij zou maken, heeft niemand ooit vrij gemaakt. Het is welbeschouwd – met BT – eigenlijk onvoorstelbaar, dat wij daar nog steeds niet achter zijn, want het is voor iedereen mogelijk, om OT te stoppen en om BT te hebben en om zich aldus werkelijk te bevrijden. Men doet, in BT, altijd alsof het in de liefde, om de ander, de zogenaamde geliefde, gaat. Bijvoorbeeld, de liefde van de man gaat door de maag. Hier wordt verondersteld, dat een vrouw de liefde van een man kan winnen, door lekker voor hem te koken, maar er is geen enkele noodzaak, om liefde van wie dan ook te winnen. Liefde kan niet van een ander worden gewonnen. De relatie die daarop is gebaseerd heeft met liefde niets te maken. Liefde maakt, dat iemand met volledige aandacht en toewijding kan doen wat  wat hij of zij doet. Alleen BT maakt dit mogelijk. Ja,  al ons handelen zal vanwege BT gaan veranderen.


Liefde ontstaat in de taal, die wij op de juiste wijze zijn gaan gebruiken. Waar dient taal toe? Onze taal heeft alleen betekenis, indien wij elkaar, maar ook onszelf begrijpen. BT is de taal waarin ieder van ons doet wat goed voor haar of voor hem is. Wij kunnen dit alleen voor onzelf bepalen. Het bezigblijven met anderen – in OT – heeft ons hiervan weerhouden. In BT komen wij er dus achter, dat liefde eigenlijk niets met anderen te maken heeft, maar met onszelf. Wij hebben nog nooit onze taal zodanig gehanteerd, dat wij hierdoor helemaal aan onszelf zijn toegekomen. De voortgang van onze BT is daarbij essentieel, want daardoor blijkt hoe zalig en verhelderend het is, om liefdevol met onze taal om te gaan. Als BT begint te stromen, ervaren wij onze Taal Verlichting (TV). Wij bevinden ons in een staat van ongekende liefde, die door onze taal wordt voortgezet. TV is onze ware natuur, die met BT onder woorden wordt gebracht.           

Sunday, November 5, 2023



Embodied Language (EL) is logical and coherent. Of course, logic also means soundness, sensibleness or lucidity, but those words seem to have lost all their meaning, since we prefer to talk about judgement, thinking or rationality. If you do this, then you get that. In other words, there is such a thing, as cause and effect. Also the term coherence, can be said or understood as sound, articulate and consistent, but it is mostly referred to as systematic, methodical or unified. Certainly, there are always multiple causal factors setting the stage for any particular behavior, but there are definitely certain factors, which weigh more than others and, therefore, only if these factors change, then our behavior changes. EL shows us, the logic, that one behavior – language – is more important than any other behavior, because it determines and regulates all our other behaviors.


Obviously, our behavior can change for the worse or for the better. However, what is considered to be  desirable or undesirable behavior, is determined by others and not by us, ourselves, since we, almost permanently, tragically and unconsciously, engage in Disembodied Language (DL). To be able to change our own behavior, in terms of what we, individually, experience and perceive, as better or more effective behavior, we have to stop acting according to how others expect us to behave and listen to ourselves.


It is of utmost importance, that we, finally, become aware about those factors, which for us, personally, mean behavioral improvement. However, logic isn’t, as we perceive it to be, because of our involvement in DL, a balancing act between what we think and feel, as that is how we have remained unreasonable and inarticulate. With DL, we have never instructed ourselves, verbally, to do what we need to do and to not do, what we shouldn’t be doing, to stay true to our own sense about what is right or wrong. Simply stated, our lives lack any logic, because we adhere to a way of dealing with language, which prevents us from being and staying in touch with ourselves.


Regardless of who we are or where we are, we must  survive, to be able to have any behavior at all. Our survival behavior should always have priority over any other behavior, but if we stop being reasonable and applying our own logic, about why we do what we do – and why we must do, what we must do – to survive, other behavior than our survival behavior will take priority, and, consequently, there will be a break-down of the institutions, we have supported in the past, which created a somewhat orderly, civil, safe and stable society. Indeed, the very essence of a government should be about protecting its people from those, who want to wipe them out. This goes for any population, regardless of whether they are democratic or totalitarian. We all know, that those who govern, generally, are more invested in being and staying in power, than in securing a decent way of life, for the people they, supposedly, represent.


Due to DL, our common way of talking is in denial of logic. Democracy – considered to be the safest form of government – is falling apart as we speak and all Western civilizations are on a path of rapid decline. Although Democratic governments have sought to secure the rights of the individual, they have never addressed, let alone, established EL, that is, the language of individuality. Instead, what we have heard and seen, are more versions of outdated DL, which, in one way or another, always emphasizes group-behavior over individual behavior. Stated differently, genetically and historically, we have survived, due to our allegiance to the groups we belonged to, but if this doesn’t involve any longer a shared understanding, appreciation and preference of our individual freedom – as is documented in the Constitution of the United States – we will lose the rights, so many people have fought and died for.


We have never had any clarity or logic about the great difference between DL and EL, which would, naturally and effortlessly, bring about a preference for EL, as only EL is the language of our individual freedom. In absence of any reasonable, skillful and knowledgeable adherence to EL, we have endlessly pretended to have EL, while we have continued with our DL. This has gone on, around the world, in the name of politics, religion, entertainment, culture and commerce. If you turn on the TV, you see and hear disgusting, appalling and annoying commercials, because they will attract your attention. Likewise, in politics, division and frustration motivates people to vote.


Although we still mainly engage in DL, in Western societies nobody wants to go the Christian churches anymore, because the old-fashioned belief in God or some sort of higher power, goes against any logic. Christianity used to preach against the evils of the devil and make people feel guilty, but the very few people, who still go to the church, for the most part, no longer tolerate a religion, which is overtly in denial of their individual freedom. Although anyone, with any religion, inadvertently, unconsciously, acts holier-than anyone, who doesn’t have that religion, it is no longer in vogue in modern-woke Christianity, to preach that Christians are better than others, that they are the only chosen ones, who, therefore, may convert, dominate and exploit, those who don’t believe, who are doomed and who may even be killed, if they are in the way of their sacred mission.   


People in Western cultures have massively left the churches, but it was Christianity, which gave birth to their individual freedom. Generally speaking, people who are used to enjoying their individual freedoms, are impervious to fear-mongering or demagoguery, yet, there is no awareness, anywhere, whatsoever, that DL, masquerading as EL, takes away freedom. Western cultures will no longer exist, if the gigantic difference between DL and EL is not acknowledged. 


Anyone with EL knows, if someone is looking at or listening to TV, a phone or a computer, they are not involved in their own language. Technology only  enhances DL, which is based on the fact, that we remain busy with the language of others, who put out this language, at the expense of those, who, presumably, consume it or live in the illusion, they possess it. Those who dominate others, with their language, as well as those are dominated by the language of others, are both busy with others and not with themselves, as DL doesn’t allow it. Only if our DL is stopped by us, can we have our individual language, our EL. We need EL, to be able to reason about what behavior fits with us and what behavior undermines us. Once our behavioral repertoire is fully supportive of us, as individuals, we will realize our Language Enlightenment (LE) with our EL.        

Saturday, November 4, 2023




De grootste leugen, in stand gehouden door onze gemeenschappelijke manier van praten – die de toon zet voor de manier waarop we met onze taal omgaan – is representatie, of, om het beknopter te zeggen, dat de ene persoon zogenaamd de stem van iemand anders kan zijn en zogenaamd het woord doet voor anderen. Dit is precies waar het individualisme wordt verlaten en hoe groepsaanhankelijkheid wordt gecreëerd, gehandhaafd en uitgebuit.


De taal zelf brengt het risico met zich mee dat we de beschrijving verwarren met het beschrevene. Het is duidelijk dat het woord appel niet de appel is. Ons onvermogen om de taal correct te gebruiken is echter niet zo eenvoudig als het zogenaamde zeggen waar het op staat. We laten ons meeslepen door wat we zeggen, omdat we geen aandacht besteden aan hoe we het zeggen. Met andere woorden: we spreken, maar we luisteren niet naar onszelf terwijl we spreken, omdat het vermoedelijk alleen van belang is of anderen naar ons luisteren. Om het probleem te overwinnen om anderen naar ons te laten luisteren, proberen we anderen te overtuigen, te beïnvloeden, te bekeren of te manipuleren.


Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) – of onze gebruikelijke manier van praten, waarbij de sprekers nooit echt naar zichzelf luisteren, omdat het hun doel is om anderen naar hen te laten luisteren – legt de nadruk op representatie en daarom zijn we eindeloos in gevecht met elkaar, over wiens geloof of theorie de werkelijkheid beter weergeeft. Strijd om aandacht is, niet verrassend, het belangrijkste kenmerk van OT. We proberen elkaar in OT te domineren en te controleren met onze verbale representatie of verhaal. Maar, door dit te doen, laten we onszelf in de steek, terwijl we onszelf en elkaar opofferen op het altaar van wat in de Bijbel wordt beschreven als het Gouden Kalf.


Onze terugkeer, naar wie we zijn, vereist onze Belichaamde Taal (BT), waarin we naar onszelf luisteren terwijl we spreken en daarom alleen voor onszelf spreken. Een dergelijke manier van praten vormt de basis voor een geheel andere manier om onze taal te gebruiken. In BT laten we ons niet meeslepen door wat we zeggen, omdat we graag naar onszelf luisteren en ons bewust zijn van hoe we zeggen, wat we zeggen en waarom we het zeggen. Bovendien wordt onze ervaring versterkt en verduidelijkt door onze taal. In BT zijn onze woorden niet – zoals dat zeker het geval is in OT – een gedissocieerde, onsamenhangende, vervormde representatie van onze ervaring, maar ze valideren onze ervaring.


Vanwege onze OT, die nooit goed werd begrepen en uitgelegd met onze BT, zitten alle mensen over de gehele wereld nog steeds vast in de hardnekkige overtuiging dat onze zogenaamde verklaring of representatie van onze realiteit belangrijker is dan de realiteit zelf. Als je plotseling een snaterend geluid hoort en omhoog kijkt in de blauwe lucht en een groep ganzen in V-formatie ziet overvliegen, weet je heel goed, dat het deze ganzen niets kan schelen wat jij zegt. Mensen in democratische samelevingen geloven graag dat het recht op vertegenwoordiging zich over de hele wereld gaan verspreiden, maar wat ongemerkt overal wordt gepropageerd is OT.


Hoewel er – alleen in westerse beschavingen – enige beweging in de richting van individualisme heeft plaatsgevonden, heeft de zogenaamde vrijheid van meningsuiting nooit geleid tot de erkenning van BT, die voorgoed een einde maakt aan de verwoestende massapsychosen, die worden veroorzaakt door de waan van representatie. Meer dan ooit hebben we BT nodig, de taal van het individualisme. Ik kan dit met zekerheid zeggen, aangezien ik 100% gelijk heb – en altijd heb gehad – in mijn beoordeling van wat OT en wat BT is. Met andere woorden: als je BT in plaats van OT wil hebben, zul je met mij moeten praten en ook naar mij moeten luisteren. Maar, ik vertegenwoordig BT niet en ik geef geen BT les, ook al heb ik het elke dag. Alleen door BT bij mij te hebben, kan en zal het duidelijk worden, dat representatie de ultieme vijand is van het individu en dat ben jij.


Hoewel het één ding is om het grote verschil tussen je OT en je BT te erkennen, is het iets heel anders om door te gaan met je eigen BT en om te beginnen te leven als een waardig individu en om OT in de vuilnisbak van de geschiedenis te gooien. Zelfs als het je maar één moment van BT lukt, is het je meteen duidelijk, dat doorgaan met je eigen BT iets heel  buitengewoons is, omdat iedereen onbewust bezig is met OT. Eén ervaring van jou BT is inderdaad genoeg om je leven voor altijd te veranderen en om te besluiten, hoe groot de uitdaging ook is, dat je door wilt gaan met je BT. De reden dat dit mogelijk is, is omdat je doorlopende BT geen representatie is van je Taal Verlichting (TV), maar het is je TV.




The biggest lie, perpetuated by our common way of talking – which sets the stage for how we are dealing with our language – is representation or, to put it more succinctly, that one person, supposedly, can be the voice for someone else. This is exactly, where individualism is departed and how group adherence is created, maintained and exploited.


Language itself poses the risk, that we mistake the description for the described. Obviously, the word apple, is not the apple. However, our failure of using language correctly, isn’t as simple as calling a spade a spade. We get carried away by what we say, as we don’t pay attention to how we say it. In other words,  we speak, but we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak, because, presumably, what matters only is if others are listening to us. To overcome the problem of getting others to listen to us, we try to persuade, influence, convert, convince or manipulate others.


Disembodied Language (DL) –  or, our usual way of talking, in which the speakers never really listen to themselves, as it is their objective, to get others to listen to them – emphasizes representation and we are, therefore, endlessly fighting with one another, about whose belief or theory better represents the reality. Struggle for attention, not surprisingly, is the main characteristic of DL. We try to dominate and control each other with our verbal representation or narrative. Yet, by doing so, we abandon ourselves, as we sacrifice ourselves and each other on the altar of what in Bible was described as the Golden Calf.


Our return, to who we are, requires our Embodied Language (EL), in which we listen to ourselves while we speak and, therefore, only speak for ourselves. Such a way of talking, sets the stage for an entirely different way of using our language. In EL, we aren’t carried away by what we say, as we enjoy listening to ourselves and are aware about how we say, what we say and why we say it. Moreover, our experience is enhanced and clarified by our language. In EL, our words are not – as they certainly are in DL – some dissociated, disconnected, distorted representation our experience, but they validate our experience.  


Due to our DL, which was never properly addressed by our EL, people around the world, are still stuck in the tenacious belief, that our so-called explanation or representation of our reality, is more important than reality itself. If you suddenly hear a chattering sound and look up in the blue sky and see geese fly over in V-formation, you know very well, that these geese don’t care about anything you say. People in democratic countries like to believe, that the right to representation is spreading around the world, but what keeps being propagated everywhere is DL.


While there has been some movement – only in Western civilizations – towards individualism, all of the so-called freedom of speech, never led to the establishment of EL, which permanently dissolves the devastating mass-psychoses, which are caused by the delusion of representation. More than ever, do we need EL, the language of individualism. I can say this with absolute authority, as I am – and have always been – 100% correct in my assessment of what is DL and what is EL. In other words, if we are going to have EL instead of DL, you will have to talk with and listen to me. I don’t represent or teach EL, but I have EL every day. Only by having EL with me, can and will it become clear, that representation is the ultimate enemy of the individual, which is you.


While it is one thing, to acknowledge the difference between your DL and your EL, it is quite another, to continue with your own EL and to begin to live like an individual and leave DL in the dust-bin of history. Even if you only succeed in having one moment of EL, it is immediately clear, that continuing with your own EL is something extra-ordinary, because everyone unconsciously engages in DL. Indeed, one instance of EL is enough to change your life forever and make you decide, no matter how great the challenge, you want to go on with EL. The reason this is possible, is because your ongoing EL isn’t a representation of your Language Enlightenment (LE), but it is your LE.  

Friday, November 3, 2023




I am Maximus and my name means something, which, only recently, I have come to fully accept. I am grateful, my father, gave me this name. It means the greatest. Several saints were called Maximus, including a seventh-century monk, theologian and scholar, known as Maximus the Confessor. I never knew Maximus is a typical name for a philosopher, a sage, a scholar or a theologian. I have discovered something really great, profound and beautiful.


My greatness isn’t arrogance, but it is my truth and ability to communicate who I am. If you get to know me, you will get to know yourself. Maximus equals self-knowledge, which is only acquired by Embodied Language (EL). I ridicule your pettiness for a reason, because I don’t even believe, that you have a mind. Without a mind, you can’t be called small-minded. Since you can’t talk in a meaningful way about your language and since you are only into small-talk, you engage in Disembodied Language (DL). You pretend, that your unintelligent, mechanical, effortful way of using language is important, but, in my opinion, it is utterly useless. Actually, your DL undermines you, but you are too much of a coward and too phony, to explore, why your craziness continues.


When I came to the United States, it struck me, that each time I said my name is Maximus, people would ask me: you go by Max? They immediately abbreviated my name. It happened so often, it used to piss me off. At some point, I got tired of insisting to be called Maximus, as it seems to be something of the superficial, superstitious American culture. I  was told repeatedly, that my attention for language is really deep, but, calling it deep is a defense to not get into it. Even when people miraculously become somewhat familiar with their EL – I taught many students about it – they still tend to minimize it, by considering it a theory, a concept, a perspective, a tool or a technique. Basically, people can’t stand EL, because it is too vast, too all-encompassing and too overwhelming. Surrender is the only way to come to know more about EL. I don’t want or need anyone to follow me, because EL is about expressing and following and acting on your own language.


My name has come to acquire a new meaning. To me, Maximus means authority. I am knowledgeable on what I speak and write about and people should have the respect, to listen to me and read my work with great care. My understanding is apparent and agreeing with me is instantaneously transformative. If you type my full name, Maximus Peperkamp, you can listen to my songs and talks about DL and EL, on my You Tube channel. Anyone, who takes time to listen to my songs or hear me speak, must wonder, how is it possible, that one person can have such a  variety of songs and is capable of saying what he says, with such certainty, clarity and authenticity?   


Many people have heard about Maximus Decimus Meridius from the movie, the Gladiator. Commodus – the emperor’s son, who kills his own father (Marcus Aurelius) – demands Maximus’s allegiance, but Maximus refuses and somehow manages to escape Commodus’s men. Later, after Maximus has entered the Colosseum, Commodus asks him “Why doesn’t the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name?”, but Maximus replies” My name is Gladiator.” Commodus objects, because that’s not his name, but his role. Maximus then takes off his helmet and tells Commodus, who he really is. “My name is Maximus Decidius Meridus, commander of the armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father of a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.” If I look back, on where I have been and what I have done, I’ve also been a fighting for my freedom with my DL. However, I took off my helmet, by declaring myself enlightened. My Language Enlightenment (LE) isn’t vengeance, but liberation. I have put DL in its place: DL is on its death bed. Due to my allegiance to my EL, I am victorious and have become crystal clear about my LE.


With DL, we, unknowingly, conceal our identity, but with EL, we reveal and come to know who we really are. Those who refuse to talk with me or listen to me, aren’t ready yet to acknowledge who they are. Quite literally, they can’t say what they want to say. Of course, they too want to be who they are, but, as long as they don’t say it, they can’t be who they are. You can’t say who you are with DL and saying it with EL can only happen, once you have stopped your DL. It is said, seeing is believing, but – you may quote me on that – Maximus says: saying is believing, because only then, you can and will hear yourself.


Lastly, the Gluteus Maximus, commonly referred to as your butt, is a strong hip stabilizer. If the Gluteus Maximus is weak, trunk lurches backward (Gluteus Maximus Lurch) at heel-strike on weakened side to interrupt forward motion. The Gluteus Maximus, is the largest muscle of our body, without which we cannot stand or walk erectly. It is due to this muscle that humans, unlike other primates with flatter hips, are bipedal. The Gluteus Maximus plays a major role in walking. Walking and talking go well together and when we talk and walk together, we move physically in the same direction and are more likely to become  psychologically attuned to ourselves and each other.             

Thursday, November 2, 2023




Human beings have been lost – and will continue to be lost – as long as they don’t listen to their own voice, while they speak. It doesn’t matter what their ideology is or which belief is, presumably, better. We are hearing and seeing the inevitable consequences of our Disembodied Language (DL), in which talking with others, supposedly, is more important than talking with ourselves. It is impossible, to have any kind of positive feelings about others, if our usual way of talking doesn’t permit us, to express positive feelings about ourselves. Once we begin to listen to ourselves, while we speak with ourselves, we find out – to our own astonishment – that we don’t like our own tone of voice, because we sound negative.


We will only stop trying, to get others to listen to us and to, inadvertently engage in and perpetuate DL, when we, finally, begin to listen to ourselves. While we take our first steps with our Embodied Language (EL), we realize, with great relief and without any doubt, that all of mankind has been lost, due to our common, delusional, violent use of language. This is a matter of utmost urgency, as our DL sets the stage for all our other self-defeating behaviors. Moreover, our accepted, scripted, forceful, unconscious way of using language, pits us – as members of groups, we believe to belong to – against each other and breeds problems, hatred, conflicts, and, ultimately, wars.


When someone goes crazy, we say, that he or she has lost his or her mind, but we don’t acknowledge, there is no such a thing, as a mind. What is lost for the person, who experiences, what we call mental health issues, is language. Whether we know it or not, acknowledge it or not or are aware of it or not, we want to get rid of our dreadful DL, but we don’t know how to do this. We only know how to distract from our language, as DL can’t be talked about with  DL and can only be properly addressed with our EL.


We are used to – and we expect DL – the language of regret. We say, lost time cannot be replaced, but I say to you: nothing is lost and everything falls into place, once you have EL. Our obsession with time, is due to how we deal with language. Nobody seems to have time for anything, because their DL makes them ignore their own needs, but I always have time for what is important to me. Yes, I effortlessly acquire whatever I need and I am happy to be who I am. I feel very satisfied with and proud about what I have accomplished, because, with my ongoing EL, I have expressed my Language Enlightenment (LE).


DL is a lost cause, yet, everyone engages in it, every day, without knowing it. Human beings have been forever trying to dominate, manipulate, exploit and exterminate each other, since their language didn’t offer them any other option. As you keep trying to address DL with DL, you become more insidious. It is  clear to me, your convoluted talk about equality, doesn’t address or establish any EL. Your DL will have to be stopped first, before you can have EL.


I am reminded of a poem, I wrote many years ago. Of course, it was an early notion, that DL had to be

stopped first, before we could have any EL. So, what is lost, is DL, because with EL, we express and, thus, realize, our LE, our natural, effortless, peaceful self.


If you could be

Lost with me

Yes you

You are lost too

If we could sit

And truly admit

That we are lost

Where would we be

No more you

No more me

If we were lost

We would be free


In spite of all our science and technology, we don’t have any real understanding about the immense importance of the great difference between DL and EL. However, there are always individuals, who are less violent than others, who are more peaceful and more accommodating, but no matter how hard the softies have tried – it’s called Stockholm Syndrome, look it up – to please the hard-asses, DL was never properly addressed, as I do, on this blog, with my EL.


Although some people read my blog or listen to my songs and talks – about DL, EL and LE – on You Tube, I don’t get any responses. Nobody approaches me, to talk with me about EL and LE. Remarkably, while the whole world is going up in flames, I continue to calmly express my LE with me EL. I am not lost, like you, because your DL means nothing to me. Indeed, I am my own authority, as I am fully responsible for my own life. The bigger, the senseless chaos and the meaningless killing and conflict, which is created and maintained by your DL, the clearer is my EL, which expresses my true self, which I call my LE.