My Embodied
Language (EL) consists of concise, terse, laconic, memorable expressions. People
with Disembodied Language (DL) call those formulations aphorisms. Their lives are a complete mess, because they don’t
listen to themselves, while they speak. Also, in science, people define things
as precisely as sharply as possible, this is called Ockham’s Razor. However,
this term is based on the problem-solving principle that recommends searching
for explanations with the smallest set of elements. Listening to yourself while
you speak consists of two behaviors, which occur simultaneously and at the same
rate. You do not really listen to yourself, while you speak – and engage EL –
if you speak too much and listen too little or if you listen too much and speak
too little.
The popularity
of short, meaningful, appropriate verbalizations, is due to the fact, that in
DL, people get endlessly carried away by their verbosity. We appreciate the simplest
explanation, because, not coincidently, it is usually the best one. DL makes
everything unnecessary complicated, because it creates a smoke-screen of words.
This is the case, because we are not truthful and conscious, during our usual
way of talking. Instead, we are constantly fighting, arguing, pretending,
defending, distracting and fantasizing. Fantasy or imagination is overrated, as
it is a temporary escape from our DL. Of course, this never results in the
change from DL to our EL.
While I was still
studying psychology, I often came across the term parsimony, which is the term,
which refers to the notion, that the simplest explanation is also the most useful.
Parsimony is always preferred, because
it leaves out any extraneous factors, as it only pays attention to the most impactful,
effective evidence and data. Well, this is my experience: in all the years, that
I have studied, worked in and taught psychology, I haven’t met anyone, who
showed any interest in EL, because it is just, too good to be true. People reject
EL, because it is too simple and their conditioning history with DL demands
complexity and predicts chaos.
In EL, we can
be very complex with our language, as our way of dealing with our words, is
based on our own direct experience. While it can be said, that we are in touch
with our feelings, there is absolutely no one inside of us, who has feelings.
In other words, there is no me, who has an experience. Therefore, our language in
EL can flow freely and joyfully, as it is unimpeded by the fallacy that there
is a speaker, a listener, a writer or a reader. Yes, there is speaking, listening,
writing and reading going on, but there is nobody who does it. EL happens spontaneously
and effortlessly, because – when, for the lack of a better word, the speaker
listens to him or herself, when he or she realizes, that he or she, as so-called
speaker, is his or her own so-called listener – it can happen.
What was previously
stated, about the wrong verbal construct of being in touch with ourselves, also,
of course, applies to, having thoughts, as there is no me, inside of me, who
has these illusive thoughts. In EL, we find out, there is only language, which
we speak, hear, write or read, that is, there is only overt language, as there can’t
be any language inside of us. It is an indisputable fact, there are no sentences
inside our brains. Thus, so-called thinking is merely a figure of speech. However,
it is a product of DL, in which we don’t talk with ourselves about our own
experiences and accept what we can let ourselves know, if we listen to
ourselves, while we speak.
Another meaning
of parsimony is the quality of being careful with money or recourses. Thriftiness
or frugality is also a version of not letting anything go to waste
and of conserving energy. Due to our unconscious involvement in DL, we waste most
of our energy on language - usually referred to as our mind - which doesn’t work for us but is against us. We suddenly
feel, we are flooded with energy, when we shift from DL to EL. This is because
we finally express our Language Enlightenment (LE) with our EL. In DL, we say that
we express ourselves, but in EL, there is no self to be expressed. We express
what we are capable of expressing in EL and that happens to be our LE.