Friday, November 17, 2023




De switch van je gebruikelijke Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) naar Belichaamde Taal (BT) is zeer betekenisvol. Het is een betekenisvol en belangrijk begin van iets geheel nieuws. Ik kan wel twintig bladzijdes elke dag volschrijven, over hoe prachtig en betekenisvol het is om BT, in plaats van OT te hebben. Schijnbaar ben ik de enige (samen met mijn vrouw Bonnie en mijn dierbare vriendin AnnaMieke) die vanuit BT leeft. Er zit niets anders op, dan bij onszelf te blijven en om te erkennen, dat iedereen blijkbaar meer interesse heeft in OT dan in BT. Het is een onthutsend feit, dat ik lange tijd niet kon, maar ook niet wilde geloven.


Ofschoon BT eigenlijk altijd gaat over spreken, dat kan worden gehoord of schrijven, dat kan worden gelezen, verklaart onze voortgaande BT eveneens, waarom een betekenisvol stilzwijgen een positieve stem rechtvaardigt. Ja, daarover kan dus – zoals in deze tekst – ook geschreven en gelezen worden. Mijn positieve houding liet eenvoudigweg lange tijd niet toe, dat ik zei of schreef, wat ik nu dus zeg en schrijf, namelijk, dat wij de enige drie mensen zijn, die de oplossing weten voor alle problemen, die duidelijk alsmaar groteskere vormen aannemen. Met OT – wat dus de gangbare wijze is van hoe wij omgaan met taal – is het volslagen onmogelijk, om betekenisvol met taal om te gaan, omdat wij altijd alleen bezig blijven met domineren, manipuleren, intimideren, beschermen en pretenderen. Bonnie, AnnaMieke en ik hebben die problemen niet, waar iedereen die vastzit in OT mee te maken heeft. Wij hebben BT en ons leven is vredig en betekenisvol.


Een mensenleven verliest zijn betekenis, indien de persoon niet kan ervaren, dat hij of zij vrede heeft met zichzelf. De persoon waar ik het over heb, is een individu, iemand die ondeelbaar is, die dus niet afhankelijk is van zijn of haar lidmaatschap, bij de een of andere groep, maar die volledig op zichzelf staat en die echt leeft vanuit een besef van vrijheid,  vanuit verantwoordelijkheid voor zichzelf en die op geen enkele manier, zijn eigen belang te kort doet vanwege anderen. Historisch gezien echter, hebben vele mensen hun leven gegeven, om anderen te kunnen laten overleven, maar ik besef met mijn BT, dat deze conditionering niet de toekomst van de mensheid kan zijn, want, indien wij daarmee zouden doorgaan – zoals wij dus nog steeds doen – dan gaan wij steevast onze eigen ondergang tegemoet.


OT houdt niet in, dat wij letterlijk ten onder zullen gaan, maar het feit, dat wij vrijwel uitsluitend met OT bezig zijn, impliceert dat wij psychisch het loodje hebben gelegd. Psychologisch gezien zijn we dus een chaos, een conflict, een contradictie, die wordt veroorzaakt en in stand gehouden door onze OT. Mijn BT, echter, is zo totaal anders. Ik ben gelukkig, ook al is iedereen ongelukkig. Ik ben tevreden, ook al is iedereen ontevreden. Ik ben kalm en relaxed, terwijl iedereen opgefokt en gefrustreerd is. Mijn taal is betekenisvol voor mij en is daardoor anders.


Een betekenisvol leven komt niet voort uit status, er is altijd wel iemand, die meer heeft dan jij. Wat het meeste betekenisvol is, voor mij, is dat mijn BT zo fundamenteel anders is, als de OT, die wij overal horen en lezen. Ik ga met mijn BT nergens anders naartoe, dan naar mijzelf. Het is echt zo heerlijk, om dat te kunnen doen en om zo te kunnen handelen, want ik was natuurlijk ook geconditioneerd, om dat niet te doen. Ook al ben je dus geconditioneerd, dat houdt niet in, dat je geen BT kan hebben. Je kan wel degelijk tegen je eigen conditionering ingaan, maar je hebt dit nog nooit – bewust, met je taal – gedaan.


Wij worden pas echt helemaal aandachtig, wanneer er iets betekenisvol’s in ons gehoor komt. BT toont aan, dat het meest betekenisvolle, waar wij ooit mee te maken zullen krijgen in ons leven, de klank is van onze eigen stem. Je hoort en je weet heel zeker, wanneer je je eigen stem produceert of wanneer dit niet het geval is. Je kunt beslist nee zeggen tegen je eigen conditionering, omdat je jezelf afgrijzelijk, onecht of zonder meer onaangenaam vindt klinken.


Indien je je werkelijk tegen je conditionering keert, dan zal er veel veranderen, in een snel-trein-vaart, want je BT toont aan, dat je verlicht bent. Zodra je, ook al is het maar even, je BT kan laten voortduren, kom je er onherroepelijk achter, dat Taal Verlichting (TV) je ware natuur is en altijd is geweest, die alleen met BT expressief kon worden gemaakt. Ik leid een betekenisvol en prettig leven, omdat ik met mijn BT verder ga en inmiddels heel zeker weet, dat het mijn echte stem is, waarvan ik zo geniet en waarmee ik kan zeggen, wat voor mij van wezenlijk belang is.


Men heeft het altijd over zogenaamde vooruitgang,  maar wat wij gaan doen, in de toekomst, is alleen betekenisvol, wanneer wij BT gaan hebben, in plaats van OT. Zoals eerder gezegd, het gaat mij in BT, niet om het jezelf opofferen voor anderen en juist omdat het alleen om jezelf gaat, heeft wat je zegt of schrijft dan een bindende betekenis. Met OT kan hieraan nooit aandacht worden gegeven en met BT is er dus voor het eerst volledige aandacht voor onze eigen taal. Dat wij onze eigen taal zouden hebben en dat onze gezamelijk, gedeelde taal, dat mogelijk kan maken, is iets wat wij niet eerder wisten, voordat wij voor het eerst konden voortgaan met onze BT.


Ik hoop, dat als jij dit aandachtig leest, wat ik tot dusver heb uiteengezet, de juiste voorbereiding is, voor iets wat van onschatbare waarde is. Nadat wij  dus onze OT stop zetten, dan vergissen wij ons niet meer in het verschil tussen onze eigen taal en onze gedeelde taal, want die gedeelde taal (Frans, Duits, Engels, etc.) gaat dus altijd om anderen en daardoor verliezen wij onze eigen taal (BT) uit het oog. Onze  eigen taal is geen gedeelde taal en gaat dus altijd echt uitsluitend en alleen om onszelf. Daarom is BT zo verkwikkend, verhelderend en verrijkend en kan die gaan plaatsvinden in iedere bestaande taal. BT is precies juist daarom zo betekenisvol, omdat onze inspanningen worden beloond met goeie resultaten.


Met behulp van onze voorgaande BT, wordt onze TV alsmaar verder uitgebreid. Uiteraard kan hierover met anderen worden gesproken of er kan ook over worden geschreven, maar de enigen die hier baat bij zullen hebben, zijn zij, die zelf ook met zichzelf spreken en naar zichzelf luisteren. Anders gezegd, BT blijft volledig verborgen voor hen, die niet zelf de noodzakelijke stappen ondernemen, om het te ervaren. Eigenlijk staat de waarheid dus voor ieder’s neus, maar we trekken allemaal onze neus op voor het praten met onszelf, omdat wij onze identiteit ontlenen, aan de mate waarin wij ofwel anderen naar ons kunnen doen luisteren of de mate waarin wij altijd alleen maar – onbewust en gedwee – naar anderen luisteren en daardoor dus niet naar onszelf.


Wij zijn dus in OT – wat evenwel de algemeen aanvaarde, maar incorrecte, onintelligente wijze van omgang met taal is – altijd onwillekeurig bezig om 1) macht over anderen uit te oefenen, of 2) om onze eigen verantwoordelijkheid uit handen te geven, door slaafs naar anderen te blijven luisteren en dus niet naar onszelf. Eigenlijk is het ook niet zo, dat wij in BT verantwoordelijk nemen, want we zijn dan, voor het eerst, werkelijk in contact met onszelf.


Ik hoop dat de lezer deze woorden betekenisvol vindt en dat hij of zij daarom met mij hierover wil gaan praten, want dat praten over BT en TV, wat het eerherstel van de klank-beleving van de stem van de spreker betekent, is van absoluut belang, om met BT verder te kunnen gaan. In OT zijn wij dus ongemerkt nooit in contact met onszelf, ook al pretenderen we dit en ook al geloven vele mensen dit, waardoor wij het ook zelf gaan geloven. BT is geen geloof en heeft niets te maken met gelijk hebben of krijgen, omdat wij alleen namens onszelf spreken. Wij hebben dus altijd gelijk, ook al maken wij fouten of hebben wij het volledig bij het verkeerde eind. Alles komt met BT op z’n pootjes terecht en ons vertrouwen daarin onstaat, omdat wij daadwerkelijk de blijvende goeie gevolgen van onze BT ervaren. Wat dus nodig is, om een betekenisvol leven te leiden, is het verwoorden van die zogenaamde diepere lagen of gevoelens, die met OT niet konden verwoord, maar die moeiteloos met onze BT kunnen worden gezegd en gehoord.             




Met mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT) voel ik mij rustig, maar met mijn Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) ben ik altijd onrustig. De rustige zorgeloosheid, die tot stand is gekomen vanwege het stoppen van mijn OT en het voortgaan van mijn BT, drukt mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) uit. Hoe werkt die BT, die mijn welzijn, mijn TV, verwoordt? Blijf rustig. Doe het maar rustig aan. Haal eens rustig adem. Laat je stem eens rustig klinken. Vertel eens rustig aan jezelf wat er aan de hand is.


Rustig met jezelf praten, naar jezelf luisteren en dus echt aan jezelf laten weten, wat jij in staat bent om aan jezelf, maar ook aan anderen, te zeggen, maakt je wijs. Je laat je dan niets meer wijs maken, door wat anderen tegen je zeiden. Als je met jezelf praat over wat anderen jou zeiden, dan hoor je helemaal geen wijsheid, maar domheid, maar als je eindelijk eens rustig gaat luisteren naar wat jij aan jezelf kunt zeggen, dan hoor je je eigen intelligentie spreken.  


Men zegt heel vaak tegen iemand anders: doe eens rustig, maar men zegt dit nooit tegen zichzelf. Zelfs al zegt men dit tegen zichzelf, dan maakt dit ons nog onrustiger dan we al waren. Ook al zeggen we het nog zo vaak, tegen onszelf, dat we het rustig aan gaan doen, we horen het niet, omdat we het niet op een rustige manier zeggen. Ook als we, blijf rustig, tegen anderen zeggen, dan zeggen we dat meestal op een toon, die niets met rust te maken heeft.


Alleen als wij BT, in plaats van OT hebben, dan heeft het zin, om, nou, rustig maar, tegen onszelf of tegen anderen te zeggen. Het kalmerende effect van taal, gaat altijd gepaard met onze rustige, aangename en dus niet-dreigende klank. Je houdt jezelf niet rustig, zolang je, hou jezelf rustig tegen jezelf zegt, op een bezorgde, angstige of strenge toon. Ook horen we vaak het ongeduldige, ja, rustig aan maar, wat leidt tot het maken van fouten en ongelukken. En, dan is er natuurlijk ook nog het Haagse dialect, waarin we kankeren en elkaar zeggen, doe effe lekker rustig.


In BT zijn wij het helemaal met elkaar eens en als wij dan tegen elkaar zeggen, laten we even een rustig plekje opzoeken, dan vinden wij dat plekje ook. Met andere woorden, onze taal heeft dan goede en juiste gevolgen. Het is echt waar, dat wij in BT tot rust komen op een wijze, die wij nog nooit eerder hebben meegemaakt, want we zijn nog nooit eerder werkelijk rustig geweest met onze taal. Als iemand met BT, rustig maar, tegen zichzelf zegt, dan wordt hij of zij rustig, van wat hij of zij tegen zichzelf zegt.


Men zegt, dat een leider altijd rustig en kalm moet blijven, maar iemand zoals ik, die het verschil kent tussen OT en BT, die weet, met 100% zekerheid, dat iedereen die altijd zogenaamd rustig en kalm blijft,    die doet met OT alleen maar alsof hij of zij rustig en kalm is. Met OT kunnen wij nooit rustig en kalm zijn. Als wij zeggen, daar moet je maar eens rustig over nadenken, dan ontgaat ons vrijwel meteen het feit dat wij dit alleen maar zeggen. Dat zogenaamde nadenken, is iets wat wij altijd zeggen en tenzij wij zogezegd hardop nadenken, stelt het geen moer voor, omdat het de essentieele verbinding tussen onze taal en ons andere gedrag verbreekt. De veel beklaagde splitsing tussen ons zogenaamde denken en doen, komt omdat wij niet rustig kunnen praten.


Ik garandeer je, dat wanneer je rustig hardop met jezelf gaat praten en het grote verschil tussen je BT en je OT gaat onderkennen, dat je dan, met BT, tot het onomstotelijke besef komt, dat je natuurlijk ook zo met anderen kunt en wilt praten. Als je dus BT oftwel rustige taal met anderen begint te hebben, dan wordt je helemaal rustig en dan ontvouwt zich jou TV. Het is vanwege je rustige BT met anderen, dat je wordt erkent in wie jij werkelijk bent. Ook al ontdek je je TV in het rustig praten met jezelf en in het erkennen en verkennen van het verschil tussen je BT en je OT, toch ga je pas echt geloven in je eigen TV, als jij jou rustige BT met anderen gaat hebben.  


Hier is een voorbeeld van OT. Iemand zegt tegen je, ik zeg het je niet nog een keer, maar op zo’n rustige toon, dat het zo dreigend mogelijk klinkt. BT is geen ideaal, maar een werkelijkheid, omdat de klank van je stem van invloed is op je zenuwstelsel. Jou hele zenuwstelsel gaat rustig worden, vanwege jou klank, die jou taal voortbrengt. Rustig betekent ook geen verstoring en dus een stroom van jou taal, die alleen met jou belichaamde stem-klank tot stand kan komen. Je zult met BT bemerken, dat jou taal een rustige plek gaat creeren en beschermen, waar jij jou geluk gaat vinden en kunt blijven ervaren. We hebben het allemaal wel eens een keertje gehoord en meegemaakt, maar zeker niet vaak genoeg. Het was waarschijnlijk ook slechts de ander, niet wijzelf, die zei, rustig maar, met een diepe, welluidende stem, waarin geen enkele agitatie doorklonk.  

Thursday, November 16, 2023




Anyone, who would calmly speak with him or with herself, in order to be able to listen, to the sound of his or her voice, would not return from this quest empty handed. To the contrary, he or she, who would seriously undertake this investigation, would discover his or her Embodied Language (EL) and feel greatly enriched. We have, unknowingly, remained empty of joy with our Disembodied Language (DL), which is our common way of dealing with language.


Our vacuous lives are utterly meaningless, because we simply lack the language to express our delight. Each time, we experience a brief moment of truth or happiness and try to express it, we run on empty, as nobody is recognizing, validating or celebrating it. People feel empty and useless, because their few, accidental, short-lived, unconscious instances of EL are never reinforced by others. We can’t strengthen someone’s EL with DL and, inadvertently, we punish each other for the beneficial behavior, which is so very necessary. Only someone like me, who engages himself, consciously, in EL, is capable of encouraging others to go on with EL, by connecting with them.


While human beings have endlessly fought and died for beliefs and ideologies, which were always the product of DL, they still don’t know the difference between DL and EL and continue to be bamboozled by the empty DL-parade. Yes, you get carried away, over and over again, by the shrewd affectation of someone, who measures every word for effect. Such so-called professional speakers – who, presumably, talk on behalf of others – are the scum of the earth.  


In our usual way of talking, which is DL and sets the stage for how we deal with our language and all our other behavior, we are forever trapped by behavior, speech or writing, which is artificial and designed to impress. People, who can justifiably be called empty suits, speak and write empty words, which have no meaning, as they are not coming from an individual, but from a representative of some sort of group. If you read my other writings, you will be shocked, to find out, the consistency and coherence of my EL, addresses something you are completely unfamiliar with.


With EL, you will finally be able to fill the so-called empty hole in your heart, because you have found true love. However, this love, is not for another, but for you, yourself. The word philosophy, comes from the ancient Greek words philos, which means love and sophia, which means wisdom, related to sophis, which means learned or wise. Obviously, philosophy or love of knowledge, is a verbal endeavor, but our common, disconnected, empty DL always prevented us from having our own language. We try, in vain, to inflate our empty words – which creates the illusion of a mind – with our grandiose pretentions, because without EL, without the language of authenticity, we can't acquire or possess the verbal skill, which is our self-knowledge.


In DL, we argue and bicker about whether the glass is half full or half empty, but in EL, we know, that in DL the glass is empty, but in EL, the glass is full. In fact, in EL, our cup runneth over, as we experience our Language Enlightenment (LE), once our EL can continue. With EL, we come to know about our LE, which means, we always have more than enough for our needs. Whenever we say, we feel empty and we don’t know what to think, we actually approximate our ability engage in EL. In EL, we feel perfectly fine being empty and having no thoughts, since this is our natural state of wellbeing, our LE. Moreover, we are cured from the delusions of our DL, as our language now works for us, instead of against us.


What I say and write isn’t some empty promise, but it is really going to happen, if you let it happen. You can make it happen. With EL, you won’t feel empty or drained, as you do right now, because you engage in DL. How is it possible, that I am always so full of positive energy, while almost nobody wants to have EL with me? It is because I reap the consequences of my EL, which, believe it or not, are getting better and better. You always say, with your automatic DL,  life would be empty without you, but you are in the habit of using someone else, to fill your emptiness.




As anyone can see, it is very quiet on my blog and no one has the urge to respond. Also, my songs and my talking with myself, on You Tube – although they are listened to by more people, than those, who are willing to read my blog – don’t inspire anyone to get in touch with me or at least let me know, that they appreciate what I do. Nevertheless, I am where you are and if you ever get to be yourself with Embodied Language (EL), you realize, I was talking and singing about that, all along. I am happy to be myself and to stay with myself. You could only be happy with me, if you would acquire the language, to do what I do.


In this writing, I am recording my language. This isn’t your language, it is mine and mine alone. You would have your own language too, if you stopped your Disembodied Language (DL), which isn’t yours. Your DL was taught to you by the people you grew up with and they got it from those who conditioned them. Our DL has always made us more concerned about others than about ourselves. Obviously, this is causing enormous problems for us, which cannot be solved, unless we somehow manage to stop our DL.


I am happy to say, that I got to where I am today, because I have left my own DL, as well as the DL of others, as this was needed, to be able to continue with my EL. When we truly begin to consider how we have used our language, we can’t escape the realization, that the other, is always a member of a group, who tells us how to behave. Only when we talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves, do we begin to tell ourselves, how we want to behave.


My happiness or my Language Enlightenment (LE), can only be expressed by my EL. I couldn’t be happy, as long as my own DL was stopping me from having EL. I am now in charge of my own language, which means, I reject my own, but also your conditioning history with DL. I am the master of my own destiny, because I have gloriously succeeded in doing what I write, speak and sing about; my LE is my ongoing EL.


I am feeling very grateful to everyone, who has had EL with me, even though they didn’t continue with it. Except for two people, nobody has ever come to me and said: hey Maximus, let’s have EL. The reason this isn’t happening, isn’t because I have failed, but because I have succeeded, whereas everyone, who has DL, has failed to prolong their EL. Basically, they were never conscious about their own EL. Quite to the contrary, they remained preoccupied with DL.


I am totally at ease, because I can have ongoing EL, but people, who don’t know the difference between DL and EL, are, unknowingly, obsessed with the DL of others and the DL of themselves. I am absolutely needed by anyone, who wants to have ongoing EL, because nobody with DL can support anyone with EL. The fact, that I have been able to continue with my EL, is partially a matter of great luck, as well as perseverance. Things could have ended very badly for me, but, most likely, due to my traumatic history, I was always able to escape from imminent danger.


I am so fortunate, that from a young age, I figured out, that what other people feel comfortable about, I always felt threatened and disturbed by. It is only now, I can fully realize the horrible fact, that DL, our usual way of dealing with language, makes people perceive unsafe situations, as safe. They are so used to DL, they dissociate from it and, of course, they do so to survive, socially, psychologically and physically.


I am on your side, because I have EL, but you aren’t on my side, because you have DL, which means, you are against yourself. I am not saying, I can stop your DL, but you can certainly stop your own DL, if you would talk with me. Once you experience your own EL, I am sure, you want to continue with it, as it will liberate you from all your problems and conflicts. It will be up to you, to say to yourself, I am not okay with my DL. I never even knew, I was having DL all the time and unconsciously causing and maintaining my troubling life-style with my own language. I am used to suffering, but I am unhappy and dissatisfied, but with my EL, I realize, I am already enlightened.   


The language of the individual (EL), is the language of the future of mankind. Regardless of what group we are talking about, the language of the group (DL) is outdated, as it has always prevented the language of real freedom. I am perfectly sure, our DL is on its way out. It may not be clear to you, but it is clear to me, we are living in the final days of DL. No matter, how deceitful, brutal and overwhelming our DL may be, it is bound to be recognized for all the tragedies it has created. I am not vitally concerned about DL, as the damage has already been done and its odious results are audible and visible everywhere. For me, it is morning and I am awake. However, my dawn is not merely an awakening from sleep, as it pertains to my conscious endeavor of how I deal with my own language. My LE is always revealed by my EL.


I am telling you, my dear reader, that neither my EL nor my LE, has anything to do with your so-called spirituality. The often denoted need to wake up spiritually, refers to the necessity to stop our own DL, before we can have ongoing EL and realize our LE. In other words, religion has taken the place of the importance of paying attention to how we deal with our language. We literally are spoon-fed what we should say and how we should talk, but never considered for ourselves, how we want to speak.


I am listening to myself and this is why, I can act on what I tell myself. I always follow through on what I say. I do as I say, because to me, saying is doing. It is only due to our DL, we make this weird difference, between what we say and what we do. If we don’t do what we say, then what we say is meaningless. It is quite a hard thing to accept, but most of what we say is total bullshit. It is DL, business as usual. If you discover your own EL, you know that you cannot do anything other than what you say. What you say to yourself sets the stage for all your other behavior.


Similarly to religion, the entire field of philosophy is, of course, based on our unconscious participation in DL and our inability to have ongoing EL. The eternal question: who am I? is equally irrelevant, as the often-repeated phrase: I-think-therefore-I-am, since both of these conundrums derive from our DL. It is only in DL, we fantasize about who we are, because we cannot be ourselves. The second phrase is based on our belief in thought, a delusion, which is caused by a faulty way of dealing with language, in which we can never express our own experience correctly.   




Today, I celebrate my 65th birthday. This milestone in my life makes me feel whole. I have really reached this age and my Embodied Language (EL) can only express my Language Enlightenment (LE). I wish the whole world to know what I know and my daily writing, speaking and singing is about what I have realized, as an individual, with my language.


While I am able to joyfully, sensitively, gratefully, intelligently and peacefully engage in EL, every day, I know, everyone is struggling with, confused about and burdened by their language, as they absolutely don’t know anything about the beauty of expressing their LE with their EL. Whether they know it or not, admit it or not or are aware of it or not, they reap the devastating consequences of their Disembodied Language (DL). With their demanding, destructive, dumb, dreadful DL, they will never be able to say to themselves, listen to and find out about, the whole story of who they are, as they use their language unconsciously, mechanically, against themselves.  


In the United States, the phrase “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” is a part of the statement sworn by witnesses giving evidence in court. It means, that the witness is promising to tell everything that is true and not deceive or omit anything. The whole truth, however, about the way in which we talk, can only come out with EL. Unless we say, hear, recognize, understand and know the  difference between our own DL and our own EL, we cannot know the truth about our own experience.


The reason, so many countries still adhere to this ridiculous tradition, to swear an honesty oath, tells us how rampantly common DL is around the whole world. Swearing that you will speak the truth is, of course, a haphazard, coerced and phony attempt, to address and stop our DL, but this is not how our DL will end and how we will be able to finally have EL.


Prior to the early addition of witness oaths to the English common law tradition, it was believed that the specter of god’s vengeance alone was enough to coax witnesses into telling the unvarnished truth. It is clear that fear of shame and punishment, is used in religion and law, to force people to be truthful, but our DL was never appropriately, voluntarily, addressed by us, as the speaker, who is his or her own witness, that is, his or her own listener. As a result of our involuntary participation, in a way of dealing with language, which essentially is based on fear, we have lived fragmented, chaotic, conflicted and dishonest lives, in which we could only long for, but never say and, thus, achieve, our wholeness.


Being the person, who has discovered, explored and crystalized his own LE with EL, I know better than anyone else, that our manipulative, energy-draining, attention-grabbing DL is everywhere accepted as normal, while our EL is considered as abnormal. The  whole thing is crazy and all our problems lead back to the way in which we continue to use language.


Like everyone else, I have known my whole life, who I was and who I am, but as long as I wasn’t able to be continue with my EL, I was stuck in my DL and I was confused, frustrated, troubled and tormented. I didn’t have the correct language, which fit with my own experiences. Today, I look back and realize my whole journey has been, to understand and stop my conditioning history with DL and I have succeeded.   


If you want to have ongoing EL and experience your LE, you will first have to stop your own DL, before you can do that. Yes, I have done this and it is really possible to step out of your miserable conditioning. You can stop the whole thing, but you have to bring all your attention to your language. Your whole body will be talking, listening, writing and reading, as you are going to embody your own language. You are totally in charge of your own EL, but your DL was just happening to you out of habit. The whole idea of having your own language, emerges from talking out loud with yourself and listening to yourself.


EL will make you come to terms with the difficult, but crucially important fact, that your whole life, you have mistakenly believed, that talking with and listening to others, was more important than talking with and listening to yourself. With EL, a new way of life is waiting for you. However, EL is not a religion, but your skill, which will create a different reality.


EL is a whole different ball game than your usual DL. You will be doing something for yourself, instead of going out on a limb for someone else. EL truly is the language of individuality, as it makes you aware that DL prevented you from being who you are and have always been, but couldn’t be, as your language was a form of group-behavior, which didn’t and couldn’t acknowledge or allow your individuality to blossom.


From the moment I first discovered EL – somewhere in my early twenties – I wanted the whole world to know about it. However, I feel so fortunate, I was able to give up teaching about EL, as this shifted my focus permanently from my EL to my LE. For years, I was hesitant to speak about my LE, as my EL wasn’t as steady as it is today. EL is only learned by those who are ready, who are convinced by these words, they are ready, regardless of what situation they happen to be in. EL is the only hope for mankind, to live a life of truth, consciousness and bliss. These words take on a whole new meaning, due to our EL.


DL doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but once you switch to EL, you realize, why you engaged in it so long. Only you can let yourself know about your EL and your DL. Yet, you don’t decide what is EL or DL, you just hear, feel and instantly know the difference. Your experience of EL is self-evident, because what you say to yourself makes you feel whole again. You were divided due to DL and once your DL stops, you immediately feel the healing force of your own EL. It is so pleasant, so magnificent and so transformative.         

Wednesday, November 15, 2023




The truth is out there, somewhere. If you happen to read this, you know, somewhere is here. You have found your way to this blog, on which I write about Embodied Language (EL). If you really consider what I am writing about, you begin to listen to yourself, while you speak with yourself. EL isn’t for those, who don’t want to participate, who, unknowingly, continue with their Disembodied Language (DL).


You may have heard the famous song, somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there is a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby? EL has nothing to do with fantasy. That lovely song merely distracts us from our ugly DL. What I sing, speak and write about, is creating my own reality with my EL. If you would do that, you would realize your Language Enlightenment (LE). You can attain your LE with EL, anywhere, any time. You may not know this, but, I know, you came here, to do so. Your LE is going to happen, somewhere.


Somewhere isn’t anywhere, because somewhere nearby, is closer than you expected it to be. Your language, is never inside your body, but, after you breathe in some air, then you breathe out, over your vocal cords, your voice is heard. This is simply how you produce your language, which is said and heard. The language which is written or read, depends on visible movements of your hands, with a pen or on a key-board. You can also record your speaking voice with some voice-dictation device. In other words, your language is never hidden, as it can be heard or it can be seen by you, wherever you are. Language always happens somewhere, where you are.


Somewhere is always a location, where a certain language occurs and matters. In France, speaking and understanding French, is of importance, but in China, to make yourself understood, you must, at least, know some Cantonese or Mandarin. The old saying, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, means,  DL and EL are universal. There is great difference, however, between being conscious about DL and EL or not. In the former, EL can flow effortlessly, but in the latter, we get stuck in DL, without knowing it. DL takes us nowhere. Its meaninglessness discourages us from even paying attention to our own language.


The often referred to here-and-now is somewhere, but also, anywhere, yet to acknowledge that, with our language, requires EL, instead of DL. This is not some esoteric game of words, the here-and-now is wherever you are and whatever you experience. It is a gigantic problem, your harsh, insensitive, coercive DL never matches with that. Basically, you can never really be where you are, due to your DL. With your EL, you find out, how you ended up, where you are and you certainly will leave, to go somewhere else.


Your EL brings you, guides you and instructs you, to go to and to stay somewhere, where it’s safe, where you can finally get your feet on the ground, where you can truly get your act together, where you can recover from the abuse, you have endured in places where there was only DL. You need this safe place, which is created by you and which is very different from the safe-space that is demanded from others.


I really don’t care that, somewhere or other, you go on with your ignorant, tragic DL, as I will continue with my delightful EL, regardless of what you do. I am not where you are and I will remain in my place. I can truly say, I know my place. With DL, however, you cannot find your place, as you are all over the map. You have never given any proper attention to the crucial notion, that your language holds the key, to who you really are. In the name of your so-called meditation, consciousness, equity or justice, you have abandoned your own language, without ever  listening, to what you can actually say to yourself. 


The unavoidable question, I raise, with my ongoing happy, fulfilling, intelligent EL, to everyone with miserable, frustrated, angry, stressful, confused DL, is this: are we getting somewhere, with our usual way of talking? What is the result of how we talk? I know the answer to this question. I am not waiting for your answer. I am absolutely sure, you are lost and the reason for this is your DL. You may pretend all you want, it isn’t going to do you any good. The only thing which matters now, is you admit you’ve failed. Your failure is so visible and audible and, yet, you don’t have the EL, to admit and acknowledge it.


When your so-called mind is beginning to function somewhere near normal, you produce something, which approximates EL. Sadly, you may get close, but not close enough, because you either engage in EL or in DL. The two are mutually exclusive and, yes, they are absolutes. Your denial of reality resembles the entire history of mankind. It is nothing personal, that I address the obvious: somewhere, somehow, you already know, your DL is a lost cause, as there is such a thing, as real interaction and it isn’t your DL.


The assumption, that your nasty, deceptive DL is going somewhere, keeps it going. Your DL always promises a beautiful future, which never comes. I don’t promise any positive future. To the contrary, I insist, we are heading for total disaster with our DL. We’ve lost our power somewhere. The only way to get it back, is to say to ourselves, we’ve lost it, here, and, as I have said, here isn’t anywhere, it is where you are. You can only get to your EL, where you are.  


Ultimately, it is about whether you trust me, to take you, to where I can be, where you can go as well. I take you to somewhere awkward, uncomfortable and unknown, as that is needed, to get to where we want to be. Recognizing your horrible, disgusting DL isn’t something fun, but it definitely pays off, as it makes your EL possible. Are you up to it? Can you accept that you were wrong? Can you admit, that you are somewhere, where you shouldn’t be? Yes, you have been here before and you are here again, as you have never even left, being where you are…


You don’t have anywhere else to be or to go, then where you are. You are here and, surely, you read these words. There is no better, somewhere, than here and only here are we going to find out about what is really going on. With EL, we are not going to leave things unaddressed. It is always going to show up somewhere. If we don’t want that or avoid that, it comes back to haunt us, because we have denied our reality. With EL, we accept our reality, we feel so grateful, we can admit it is true, our DL didn’t get us anywhere. We are finally going somewhere with EL.               

Tuesday, November 14, 2023




Even before Hitler came on the scene, people have tried – in vain – to describe the common reality, which is the expected result of our unconscious participation in Disembodied Language (DL). None of the so-called Holocaust experts have spoken about the difference between DL and Embodied Language (EL). We are at a complete loss today, to speak of the evil, which is tearing us apart, but which has continued, because of how we use our language. We make it seem, as if it is all about the hate-speech of others, but it is our very own DL, which has unknowingly continued and  was never properly addressed. The personification of evil is a feature of our usual way of talking.


The seemingly endless battle between civilization and barbarity, between good and evil, at its roots, is the struggle between the speaker and the listener. In DL, the speaker forces, manipulates, dominates, exploits, overwhelms, distracts and punishes the listener. Moreover, the speaker separates him or herself from the listener and there is a struggle for attention going on, between the speaker and the listener. Hitler’s dramatic, forceful, incendiary and accusatory speech, is in essence, no different from how everyone talks, every day, around the world. Those who win the battle for attention, get to do all the talking, while the rest are merely listeners. This is why only a few determine everything for others. Supposedly, they are the voice for others and talk on their behalf. This ludicrous, corrupt arrangement is the best we are capable of with our stupid DL.   


Calling someone a Nazi or Hitler, is name-calling and  virtue-signaling, which could never solve anything, as it didn’t address the difference between our DL and EL. Look at where we are today? It is apparent, that millions of people have very different opinions about what is moral or immoral. The antisemitism we see today, shows even our highest institutions of education are utterly powerless and ignorant about what is actually going on. What we are witnessing is the inevitable escalation of our DL, our usual way of talking. It is often said, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. However, the past, is always what someone else has told us, but our own past, is what we tell ourselves, that is, if we get to speak with ourselves and listen to ourselves.  


When we talk out loud, alone with ourselves, about our own experiences and listen to the sound of our own voice, we begin to attend to how we deal with our language. Before we took the time to finally do this, language was only something, which happened to us, like the weather. However, when we listen to ourselves while we speak, we instantly, effortlessly and joyfully discover the great difference between our own DL and our own EL. As we talk more often, we find, that our EL continues and our DL subsides, since we prefer the former, but we were burdened by the latter. Thus, by talking out loud by ourselves – instead of with others – and by addressing the big difference between our own DL and our own EL, we come to terms, with our own history with language.


The ugly, brutal, senseless history mankind keeps repeating, is always repeated with our language. It isn’t repeated by our EL, but by our DL. With DL, we are – whether we know it or not, admit it or not or are aware of it or not – digging our own graves. In fact, we are already brain-dead, since we engage automatically in DL. Once we manage to stop our DL, because we speak with and listen to ourselves, we realize, in retrospect, all problems were caused and maintained by our DL. As soon as our DL stops, we are flooded with bliss, as we have opened the gates of heaven. This is not some spiritual fantasy.


People who commit suicide, are like Hitler, because they realize, they aren’t winning – they can’t win – their battle. Giving up on the battle is out of the question, for anyone who doesn’t talk with him or herself, who doesn’t have a conscience. However, anyone who is in a love-relationship, will have to acknowledge, that giving up on the struggle is essential. Moreover, we are struggling with each other, because we pretend to be something, which we are not. We try to show to others, how powerful and certain we are, but by ourselves, we feel lonely and insignificant. Remarkably, Hitler was married with Eva Braun only for 40 hours, which they lived, as husband and wife, in their bunker. When we have our first taste of our EL, we cry, with relief, because, at long last, we can let go of our pretention. Hitler greatly admired Mussolini, who described him as a pleasant and old sentimentalist at heart. Not surprisingly, the failed painter cried in Mussolini’s presence, as he was a fan of Italian art and he even had a vague plan, to retire to Italy, after the war.


Hitler got it right – about DL – and about getting the attention from others. Reportedly, he said: if you wish the sympathy of the broad masses, you must tell them the crudest and most stupid things. This is what we have kept doing and this is why our DL has continued unabated. We have never explored what it would actually be like, to have ongoing EL, as we have only been able to experience a few, accidental, brief moments of it. If we recognize and prolong our EL, a whole new way of life would be possible. I live that life and I can tell you all about my Language Enlightenment (LE). If you talk with me, you are going to find out about EL and LE as well.