No wonder,
everyone is so upset, frustrated, angry, pretentious and phony, we all,
unknowingly, engage in Disembodied Language (DL), twenty-four-seven. I don’t
believe in miracles and the reason, I am able to continue with my meaningful,
truthful, blissful Embodied Language (EL) is not some magic trick, but a skill,
which most people are lacking, because they are dumb, lazy, slavish, unconscious
You really should
wonder and worry, where the hell all of this pompous, ubiquitous, meaningless
DL is going, because – you know it already – it isn’t good. I don’t wonder, what
the world is doing, because my way of dealing with language made me realize, I
am the world. With my ongoing EL, I create the reality how I want it to be and,
yes, I live in my own world.
Many people,
who have met me, couldn’t help but wonder, whether I like them or hate them,
because they have never asked and answered this question about themselves. The
self-defeating behavior of everyone, who engages in DL, is obvious to anyone
who engages in EL. With your DL, you don’t wonder about who you are – since you
have, unknowingly, given up on yourself – that is why you don’t
care about me. My way of caring about myself shows, because I am capable of
having EL, but you don’t.
If you ever
come to acknowledge and explore the immense difference between your DL and your
EL, you will listen in wonder, to what you are able to say to yourself. You
will wonder, what has taken you so long, to permit yourself, to have some EL
instead of DL? Although it will probably not last for very long and, most
likely, you quickly abandon your EL – as soon you notice its irrefutable implications
– you won’t be able to continue with your superstitious fantasies anymore, about
how things should be.
One instance
of deliberately switching from your DL to your EL, is sufficient, to make you
forever wonder about what you were missing? One moment of your EL confirms,
what you have always wondered about: what is the meaning of your life? Instantly,
it is clear to you, without your own language, without your own truth, you will
never be truly happy. With EL, you no longer wonder about why you are unhappy, as
you find, your DL has always undermined you.
is dull, meaningless, grim, fragmented and worrisome, due to DL, but with EL,
everything comes alive, because you are full of wonder, energy, purpose and self-knowledge.
You are not making things up anymore, as you discover, that you create your own
reality, with your ongoing EL, which is the expression of your Language
Enlightenment (LE).
I let you
wonder, about why I can write, talk and sing about my EL every day? Although I
can tell you, what I say to you, isn’t the thing which matters, but what you
say to yourself, is what matters. And, it is not just what you say to yourself,
but what you hear yourself say. With DL, you say all sorts of things to
yourself, but you don’t listen to yourself and that is why you speak with a sound,
which seems alien to you. It is no wonder – when you listen to yourself while
you speak – it appears, as if you are listening to someone else, because you
were conditioned to listen to others, but not to yourself. In other words, if you
bring attention, to listening to yourself while you speak, you feel as if you
do something, you are not supposed to do: you pay attention to yourself.
No wonder so
many people go crazy, because their DL prevents them from being themselves. It
is truly appalling – but not surprising – even psychologists, therapists and
psychiatrists have no interest at all in exploring the difference between DL
and EL. They jump on the safe-trauma-band-wagon, as this will allow them to go
on with their DL, while pretending to have EL. While they – and all sorts of supposedly
spiritual or educational people – don’t know shit about EL, they claim to have
it, by virtue-signaling words like awareness, meditation, consciousness, kindness,
acceptance, empathy, equity, diversity or inclusion. None of these
attention-grabbers have EL.
A wonder drug
is a term used to describe a drug that elicits a dramatic positive response in
a patient’s condition. People who are diabetic, take insulin medication, but, usually,
they are absolutely unwilling to change their unhealthy food habits. It is not,
that they are incapable of doing this, but they have given up on doing this,
because they literally drank the cool-aid and are sold on medications for anything
that is wrong with them. Surely, those who can’t figure out, why they are so unhappy,
are prone to fall victim to charismatic gurus and leaders, who tell them what the
solution is to their problems, or they escape responsibility for themselves, by
being addicted to drugs, alcohol, travel or entertainment.
When you finally
admit, there is – there has always been – a gigantic difference between your DL
and EL, you will hear your own EL and, consequently, you begin to act on what
you are saying to yourself, you will stand in wonder about your own authority regarding
your dignified use of your own language. You don’t wonder any longer about what
others are saying or writing, as you have, at long last, become involved with
your own use of language. Being the master of your language, is what I call LE.
If you wonder what that is like, come and talk with me.