Saturday, February 3, 2024




Jou Belichaamde Taal (BT) zou heel nuttig zijn, maar je gebruikelijke manier van praten, waartijdens je niet naar jezelf luistert, is totaal zinloos. Je gelooft waarschijnlijk, dat wat ik hier schrijf nutteloos is, maar je hebt het mis, want ik schrijf dit voor mezelf en ik vind dit van het allergrootste belang. Ik schrijf dit niet voor jou, want jij met je verwarrende, idiote Onlichaamde Taal (OT), bent voor mij een verloren zaak. Ik zeg dus niet, dat je wat mij betrefd, naar de hel kunt gaan, maar ik laat je weten, dat je al in de hel bent, met je mechanische, achterlijke war-taal.


Zou het niet bevoordelijk zijn, als je eens daadwerkelijk de baas zou zijn over je eigen taal, in plaats van maar wat af te fantaseren, dat je gedachtes, een mind, een innerlijk zelf of een ziel hebt? Je probeert tevergeefs om zogenaamd uit je hoofd te komen, om je illusie van het denken los te laten, of om je eens eindelijk je gedachten tot rust te laten komen, omdat je überhaupt geen innerlijke taal bezit of zelfs niet eens kunt hebben. Daarom is elke poging om, je niet bestaande geest tot rust te brengen of om jezelf van je verzonnen, drukke, conflicterende woorden-stroom te ontdoen, bij voorbeeld tot mislukken gedoemd en dus verwerpelijke, stomme, onzinnige onzin.


Met je onbewuste OT, toon je eigenlijk maar aan, dat je helemaal geen ene reet afweet, van de enorme waarde van je eigen taal. Het gevolg is dat je een leeg, waardeloos en zinloos leven leidt. Natuurlijk voelt je je altijd gefrustreerd en ontevreden over je onbeduidende, energie-verspillende, leugenachtige  manier van leven, omdat jou bijgelovige taalgebruik je geluk constant ondermijnt. Ongeacht hoeveel macht, kennis, geld of bezit je kunt verwerven, met OT zul je ongetwijfeld een irrelevant, oppervlakkig, depressief en onintelligent leven leiden.

Je lijdt onbewust en je veroorzaakt, 
met je taal, je eigen problemen, 
door de manier waarop je elke 
dag spreekt. Als je zou beseffen, 
hoe noodzakelijk het is, om het verschil 
te kennen tussen je eigen OT en
 je BT, neem dan onmiddellijk
 contact met mij op en praat eens
 met mij, want tot nu toe ben 
ik de enige met wie je een 
gesprek kunt hebben, waarin 
BT, opzettelijk en op vaardige
wijze kan worden voortgezet. Ik
 zeg je, dat je radicaal moet 
stoppen, met het verspillen 
van je tijd en je energie aan
 OT, omdat je moeiteloze, 
natuurlijke BT dringend 
nodig is.


Zou het niet heerlijk zijn als je net zo zeker, kalm, vredig, energiek, helder en oprecht over jezelf zou zijn als ik? Het is wenselijk, dat je dit hardop leest en luistert naar het geluid van je eigen stem, want als je dat doet, kun je misschien daadwerkelijk gaan ervaren en begrijpen wat BT voor jou betekent. Ja, het bewijs van de geldigheid en de bruikbaarheid van jou BT, bevindt zich in jou eigen ervaring, dat wil zeggen, het gaat ook over alle ervaringen, die jij – met je meedogenloze, fanatieke OT, met de taal van zelfverloochening, zelfmarteling – buiten beschouwing hebt gelaten. OT is de taal van je knagend schuldgevoel, van je verwoestende schaamte en van je eeuwige ontevredenheid.


Je kunt me horen, in mijn You Tube video's – type mijn naam Maximus Peperkamp – en je kunt dan eens voor jezelf bepalen: hoe vaak klink jij zoals ik? Nooit! Als je ooit een klein momentje hebt gehad, dat je je eens goed voelde en dat je daarom dus goed klonk terwijl je sprak, dan kwam dat niet omdat je, zoals ik doe, bewust naar je eigen stem luisterde, maar het kwam omdat de omstandigheden, min of meer toevallig, op dat moment niet al te bedreigend of negatief waren. Je had even een lekker etentje met je familie, je hing wat rond met je vrienden, je had eigenlijk eens eindelijk, een heel miezerig klein beetje plezier en je voelde je eventjes veilig en je was niet bang, defensief, haatdragend, jaloers of achterdochtig. Deze positieve, plezierige, wenselijke, behulpzame omstandigheden konden echter nooit al te lang duren, omdat jij het zelf was, die alles elke keer bleef verpesten met je vervelende, opdringerige, impulsieve OT.


Het is heel waardevol, om te zeggen: de bal is rond. Je moet OT bij de naam te noemen en ophouden met  met het hebben van excuses, rechtvaardigingen en afleidingen, waarom jij je nog steeds bezighoudt met het taalgebruik, dat niet alleen jou zogenaamde liefdesrelatie vernietigt, maar die ook relaties met andere mensen onmogelijk maakt, omdat jij alles wat je zegt of beweert schijnbaar belangrijker vindt. Jij voegt nooit woord bij daad met je bedrieglijke, intimiderende, ongevoelige, manipulatieve OT. Het wordt hoog tijd, dat je eens gaat erkennen, dat het niet om de economie, de politiek, je stam, je geloof, je geaardheid, je huidskleur of om je slachtofferschap gaat, maar om jou desastreuze, problematische taalgebruik.


Met OT heb je geen enkel respect, omdat je jezelf mishandeled en anderen psychologisch misbruikt. Hoe praktisch zou het toch zijn, als jij jezelf eens werkelijk zou kunnen ontdoen, van al het opgedrongen gedrag, dat je eigenlijk helemaal niet eens wilt hebben? Je vertoont zoveel onvrijwillig neurotisch gedrag en dat wordt allemaal gecreëerd en in stand gehouden door jou eigen gebruikelijke, alledaagse wijze van praten, die dus OT is. Om dit negatieve gedrag te kunnen stoppen, zul je eerst je onbewuste OT bewust moeten worden en je zult daarin alleen slagen, nadat je het verschil hebt erkent tussen je eigen domme OT en je verhelderende BT.


Het zou heel goed voor je zijn, om eens met mij te praten, want dat zou je echt veel meer helpen, dan je zogenaamde therapiesessies met een of andere verraderlijke therapeut, die zelf ook helemaal niets afweet van het gigantische verschil tussen OT en BT, maar die ondertussen wel lekker doet, alsof hij of zij zo betrokken is bij jou. Met psycho-priet-praat, doet hij of zij het voorkomen, alsof hij of zij BT heeft, terwijl hij of zij altijd alleen maar doorgaat met OT. Je moet me maar op mijn woord geloven: ik heb vele jaren psychologie gestudeerd en lesgegeven, en ik weet absoluut zeker, dat de psychiatrie iedereen voor de gek heeft gehouden en onder de bus heeft gegooid en in de steek heeft gelaten, aangezien alle arrogante, nietszeggende hotemetoten in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg – maar ook iedereen in de academische wereld of in de wetenschappen – net als ieder ander mens, volledig in het duister tasten, wat betreft het vermogen om onderscheid te maken tussen OT en BT. Er is, ten aanzien van jou BT, geen enkele reden om iemand anders - ook mij niet - meer te vertrouwen, dan jezelf. Bovendien is BT natuurlijk veel effectiever, dan je verdovende, vergiftigende, zogenaamde, anti-psychotische of anti-depressieve medicijnen, waardoor je altijd in een soort van chemisch keurslijf terechtkomt. Zou het niet oneindig veel beter zijn en daadwerkelijk genezend zijn, om jezelf met je taal te bevrijden van de stigmatisering en hertraumatisering, die steevast optreden vanwege onze OT? Natuurlijk!


Zou het niet waardevol zijn, als alle psychiaters, psychologen, maatschappelijk werkers, leraren, ouders, wetenschappers, schrijvers, politici en leiders uit het bedrijfsleven op de hoogte zouden zijn van BT? Doen ze dat niet, dan gebruiken ze, wellicht volledig onbedoeld en uiteraard onbewust, altijd hun status, om jou dus te onderwerpen, door jou OT te exploiteren. Zou het bovendien ook niet geweldig zijn, als we eindelijk eens alle religie en dus iedere vorm van zogenaamde spiritualiteit zouden laten verdwijnen, omdat wij in staat zijn, om met onze BT, echt – met elkaar – te praten, in plaats van met een of andere denkbeeldige, niet-bestaande godheid, een of andere zogenaamde hogere macht? Het zou zo goed en mooi zijn als je voortdurende BT zou kunnen hebben, omdat het zou onthullen, wie jij  werkelijk bent en hoe jij je echt voelt. BT beschrijft nauwkeurig jouw eigen ervaring, waardoor je in contact komt en blijft met jezelf. In feite zal je eigen BT direct jou Taal Verlichting (TV) kenbaar maken.




Your Embodied Language (EL) would be very useful, but your usual way of talking, in which you don’t listen to yourself, is totally useless. You may believe that what I write here is useless, but you are wrong, because I write this for myself and not for you. You, with your idiotic Disembodied Language (DL), are a lost cause. I don’t say, you can go to hell, but I say, you are in hell already, with your mechanical speech.


Wouldn’t it be useful, if you were actually in charge of your own language, instead of fantasizing that you are possessed by your so-called mind? You try in vain, to, supposedly, get out of your mind, let go of your mind or go beyond your mind, because you don’t have - and you even can't have - any inner language, in the first place. Therefore, any attempt to, presumably, quiet your mind or empty yourself of your thoughts, is useless, senseless, reprehensible bullshit.


With your unconscious DL, you don’t know anything about the enormous value of language. As a result, you live a useless, meaningless, empty, worthless and pointless life. Of course, you feel frustrated and dissatisfied with your insignificant, effortful way of life, because your superstitious language undermines your happiness. No matter how much power, knowledge, money or possession you are able to acquire, with DL, you are bound to live an irrelevant, shallow and futile life.


You are unknowingly suffering and causing your own problems, because of how you talk, every day. If you knew, how useful it is, to know about the difference between your own DL and your EL, you immediately get in touch with me and talk with me, because as of yet, I am the only one, with whom you can have deliberate, continuous, skillful, ongoing EL. I tell you to radically stop wasting your time and life with your DL, because your effortless, natural EL is absolutely, urgently needed.  


Wouldn’t it be useful for you to be as certain, calm, peaceful, energized, clear and sincere about yourself as I am? It is useful for you to read this out loud and to listen to the sound of your own voice, because if you did that, you might actually begin to experience and understand what EL is. Yes, the proof of the validity of your own EL, is in your experience, that is, it is about all the experiences, you have been discounting with your relentless, fanatical, DL, the language of self-denial, self-torture, guilt, shame and eternal dissatisfaction.


You can hear me on my videos, and you can say for yourself, how often, you sound like me? Never! If, by any chance, you ever have a moment of feeling, and, therefore, sounding, good - while you speak - it was not because you consciously listened to your voice, but because, momentarily, the circumstances were non-threatening, you were having a nice dinner with your family, you were hanging out with friends, you actually having a tiny little bit of a good time, you were feeling safe and you were not fearful, defensive, hateful, jealous or suspicious. However, these positive, enjoyable circumstances could never go on for very long, because it was you, who kept spoiling everything, with your nasty DL.


It is useful to call a spade a spade and to stop having excuses, justifications and distractions, for why you still keep engaging in the language, which ruins not only your so-called love-relationship, but which also destroys all your relationship with people and with anything you say or claim to care about. You never put your money where your mouth is, with your deceitful, forceful, insensitive, manipulative DL. It is about time, you realize; it is not the economy, your overrated politics, your gender, your religion, your skin color, your victimhood, but it is your language, stupid.


With DL, you have no respect, because you use and abuse, yourself as well as others. How useful would it be, if you could really relieve yourself from any behavior, you don’t want to have? You have many involuntary neurotic behaviors, which are created and maintained by your common way of talking, which is DL. To stop these behaviors, your DL has to be stopped, but you will only succeed in stopping your own DL, if you know the difference between your DL and your EL. 

It would be useful to talk with me, as that would really help you much more, than your so-called therapy sessions with some therapist, who also doesn’t know anything about the difference between DL and EL, but who actually pretends to engage in EL with psychobabble, while he or she is always merely continuing with DL. You've got to take my word for it, I have studied, and taught psychology and I know for a fact, that psychiatry is failing everyone, as mental health professionals - but also, anyone in academia or in the sciences - are just as ignorant about the DL-EL distinction as everyone else. Also, of course, EL is much more useful, than your numbing, poisoning psych-medications, which put you in a chemical straitjacket. Wouldn’t it be useful and healing, to be free from the stigmatization and re-traumatization, which invariably occur because of our DL?


Wouldn’t it be useful if psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, teachers, parents, scientists, writers, politicians and business leaders would know about EL? They don’t, and all of them, inadvertently, use their status, to subdue you and to exploit your DL. Moreover, wouldn’t it be awesome, if we, at long last, got rid of all religion, that is, if we would finally be able to genuinely talk with each other, instead of with some imaginary, non-existent godhead, some deity or some so-called higher power? It would be so good, if you could have ongoing EL, as it would reveal, who you really are and how you truly feel. EL accurately describes your own experience, which allows you to be and to stay in touch with yourself. In effect, your own ongoing EL is going to reveal to you your Language Enlightenment (LE).

Friday, February 2, 2024


Dear People From Western Capitalistic Democratic Societies,


Unfortunately, you have, due to your unintelligent, unconscious, coercive Disembodied Language (DL), still not been able to connect the dots and, consequently, you have never fully acknowledged, that individualism – the modern foundation of your culture – requires an urgent change in the way that you talk, so that you can begin to engage in and enjoy Embodied Language (EL), which is the one and only true capital of the happy and free individualistic way of life.


Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, as it is the center of all commercial activities. When the Dutch settlers created their colony, it was called New Amsterdam, which later became New York. It was the Dutch individualistic mentality, to basically not bother about anyone’s belief, but to trade with anyone, who had something to trade, as long as the transaction was profitable. Later, this foundational principle was enshrined in the US Constitution: we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


As we can and should all agree, the aforementioned statement from the Declaration of Independence – which, obviously was the best anyone could do with superstitious DL – considers, not the individual, but god, as the capital of the land of the free. Certainly, it was man himself – that is, the Founding Fathers, the group of 18th century American revolutionary leaders, who united the Thirteen Colonies, oversaw the War of Independence from Great Britain, who established the United States – who crafted a framework of government for the new nation. Yes, it wasn’t some god, but some roughed individuals – who rebelled and moved away from the so-called rule by divine right of King George III – who drafted and signed this important, fantastic document.


Few people know, that the Pilgrims, who had first  escaped from England, found sanctuary – before the Mayflower took off – in the Dutch city of Leiden, where they were free to worship and enjoyed much peace and liberty. They had lived there for more than a decade. Some even said, they were doing so well, in the Netherlands, that there wasn’t even any reason anymore, to go to America, as they already had found religious freedom in Holland. The only real reason these pious people eventually faced the unknown, left their pleasant environment and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, was, of course, commercial.


Interestingly, these Pilgrims, who made their way to America, were – like many other people nowadays – economic migrants. They had worked in Leiden’s flourishing textile industry. As former farmers, they had little else to survive on, except the skills of weaving, spinning and making cloth, they learned from the Dutch. However, their life wasn’t so cozy anymore, after the wool market had collapsed. My point is, they didn’t have any capital anymore.


It is really fascinating to know, that these fanatical, moralistic, English Pilgrims appreciated, but also, at the same time, judged and rejected their Dutch religious freedoms, which, they felt, spoiled their children. It was, however, their notion of greater economic prosperity in America – mixed with their new sense of individual freedom, which they had inadvertently picked up from the Dutch culture – which was to be their capital, once they arrived in the New World.


The Pilgrims saw more opportunity to preach their Christian religion in America, but the investors in the profit-seeking corporations, which were established in James Town, were more down to earth and more interested in profits than in prophets. Consequently, also a whole bunch of economic, non-believing adventurers had to come along, to make the voyage profitable. When the Mayflower landed far north than they expected, they were suddenly on their own, and felt, they were no longer obliged to the Virginia’s Company’s Charter. The Pilgrims gave investors little or no return on their investments and were only able to find some sense of stability, once beaver hides began to bring in more money. As you can understand from this brief historic overview of America, it always was – and it still is – capitalism, which paves the way for individualism.  


With EL, we will truly make individualism the capital of our culture, but with DL, we maintain, at all costs - similarly to these puritanical Pilgrims - our outdated, unrealistic, anti-commercial and, ultimately, non-productive beliefs. Capital: a Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx is also the bible of communists, who are, vehemently, against individualism. In my opinion, it is not the economic structure, or as Marx says, the forces and relations of production, which are the crucial factors in shaping a society, but the freedom of the individual. The only real capital we have, whether it is economical or psychological, is always individual.   

Thursday, February 1, 2024


Dear Ken Griffin, Founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Citadel,


I wholeheartedly agree with you, about why you withdraw your financial support for Harvard’s stupid Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) education. I feel aligned with what I heard you say about problem solving and write this letter, in the hope, that it will reach you, somehow. To be any good at problem solving, our individual language is needed, but since we all were conditioned, to slavishly, unconsciously, mechanically engage in Disembodied Language (DL), we are unable to optimally use our own intelligence.


I fully agree, that solving problems ideally is done together with others – as we always know more together, than alone – therefore, it is of utmost importance, to have the right people around us. Of course, the people who are more than ever very much needed, are the innovators, those who can get us out of our history of conditioning with DL. I know for a fact, that I am the only one, who can do  this. The proof is in the pudding, so you will have to talk with me, to find out for yourself, what it is like, to stop DL and engage in Embodied Language (EL).


If you – or any other business leader – is really looking for aptitude, perseverance, grit, resilience and communication skills, you definitely don’t want more of that same stupid, insensitive, coercive DL, but you want people to know and capitalize on EL, which, I should say, is the language of the future. I say this with great conviction, because DL is already on it’s deathbed. The very reason, that the tide on DEI or Critical Race Theory (CRT) and all sorts of other narrative-oriented indoctrination is turning, is that our outdated DL, the language of the group, is superseded by EL, the language of the individual. I know, that people haven’t heard anything yet about the huge difference between their DL and their EL, but we are all about to find out, as the rapid decline of the aforementioned necessary qualities in Gen-Z, are the inevitable consequence of our dull, reactive, obsolete, impulsive, immature, demanding DL.


Make no mistake, in DL, which is our common way of dealing with language, there is, in essence, never any passion to learn anything, because all we really care about, is that we are, supposedly, right about whatever bullshit we say we believe in. Of course, all of this Woke crap is protected by the Freedom of Speech, but we have yet to discover, what it actually takes, to be responsible, so we can finally begin to take charge of our own language and engage in EL.


Anyone who manages to stop their self-defeating, problematic, unproductive DL, so that he or she can engage in EL, must be a very resilient person, as the bottom line is, that we all unconsciously, cave into our conditioning history with DL. So, in other words, those who engage in EL, dare to stand and be alone. Only those, who have truly worked through their own difficulties, can have EL and are able to face challenges, which require logic and simplification.


Ken, when you speak about the need to be resilient, when things don’t go smoothly, you fail to recognize that things never go smoothly in DL, as DL is always a struggle about who or what is the most important. When we know the difference between DL and EL, we would be inclined to stop DL first, and have EL instead, before we proceed with what we are doing. When you say, you’ve got have perseverance, you are basically saying, that you’ve got to endure DL, but if you have the choice to have EL, you know that DL is inferior to EL and EL leads to better outcomes.


Our DL cannot and does not create a collaborative environment – we merely pay lip service – because all DL communicators always are adversarial to each other. Without admitting and exploring the great difference between DL and EL, our extra emphasis on communication implies, we must accept, rather than stop, DL. EL and DL are mutually exclusive, we can’t have EL as long as our DL keeps going and we cannot demand a collaborate environment.


Our over-appreciation and over-exaggeration of the importance of debates, will completely change, if we have ongoing, effortless EL and realize, this new way of dealing with language, is a viable, crucially important communication skill, which is much more productive in generating and sharing stimulating, novel ideas with one another, than our usual DL. The technology revolution hasn’t done anything to help improve interpersonal communication. Right now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, inadvertently, still based on our unconscious DL, which we are feeding into our speech-recognition and speech-rendering programs. The so-called efficiency-gains, which will emerge from our EL, are going to be much greater and this will make us more powerful economically.


DL is the language, which undermines action and is the very anthesis to improving productivity. It has to be stopped, because there is a better way of dealing with language, EL, the language of cooperation, which will make it emphatically clear to us, that this language must always be done by us, individually, consciously, skillfully, consistently and cannot be programmed. In fact, although we speak with each other, DL is, in and of itself, a form of programmed speech, because we are acting out our conditioning. Thus, discerning what can be automated and what needs to be done by people, looks and sounds totally different when we acknowledge DL and EL.


DL and not EL, has resulted in the sad, but, luckily, reversable situation, where major elite educational institutions produce snowflakes instead of leaders. I agree that business is all about how we can make things happen, but what impairs this process, has to be purged, that is, we have to abandon the way of talking, DL, which has led to these outlandish ideas, which are being produced, as we haven’t, with our EL, communicated our individual freedom correctly.




I find it very interesting, that people, who engage in Disembodied Language (DL), always demand, to get what they want – from others – immediately, but they never experience, the great satisfaction, the truth, or the wonderful results, which always occur immediately, of their own Embodied Language (EL). It is matter of insensitivity – to themselves – , but also of unawareness – about themselves – , which determines, they can’t say or have what they want.


When you sense the difference between your DL and your EL, you will feel immediately a great relief. This tangible liberation, which is felt, immediately, is because, with DL, you have used your language incorrectly. The direct positive effects of EL, let you know, with DL, you did things, unconsciously, wrong all the time. Immediately comes from Latin immediatus, which means without anything in between. Also, it means, with nothing interposed, at the present time, at this moment. An in (im), meaning, not or opposite of and mediatus, meaning, in the middle.


When we consider the real meaning of immediately, we inevitably talk about instant gratification. In our modern way of life, we tend to remain completely oblivious, about the irrefutable fact, that we always want things, as consumers – cheaper from others – in increasingly short order. The more we obtain our food, entertainment or shopping online, the less sensitive we have become about what we can give to ourselves, with our own language. In effect, we have been literally sold, hook, line and sinker, to our DL and we are enslaved by getting things immediately.


It is more valuable and costly, and it is making us happier, to get what we want, from ourselves. Of course, our attention will have to be brought back to ourselves with our language. We can accomplish this and truly become, free, responsible individuals, who don’t childishly and immaturely demand everything – from others – if we transition from DL to EL. Right now, a lot of young women, supposedly, transition into becoming men and a lot of young men, presumably, transition into becoming women and we are told, that we should all cheer them on and constantly walk on eggshells with our new language, because the real issue of DL versus EL remains unaddressed.


The digital age drives the need for immediacy. The quick-fix solutions and instant-gratification-fueled impulsive behaviors, to which we are conditioned and, ultimately, addicted, make us into zombies. As dopamine, the reward neurotransmitter, is already flooding our brain, before we will have our fix, our brains are rewired to increasingly pay less attention, to the more meaningful, long-term goals. All of this is happening with the language that facilitates this. Our EL acknowledges our real need for safety and avoidance of aversive stimuli. Moreover, it reveals to us, immediately, that effective use of our language always depends on whether we are in charge of it.             

Wednesday, January 31, 2024




Your usual way of talking, in which you, as a speaker, do not listen to yourself, is the language of sacrifice. Disembodied Language (DL) doesn’t allow you to say what you want to say and makes you postpone your wellbeing. Basically, you sacrifice yourself on the altar of the group you identify with, since your individuality isn’t expressed by your language.


Sacrifice comes from Latin sacrificium, which means to make sacred. It is also related to sacrificus, performing sacrifices and priestly functions or sacra, sacred rites and the word facere, to make or to do. Astonishingly, nobody is willing to admit, let alone explore, why we religiously devote ourselves to DL, which disconnects us from ourselves. In effect, we sacrifice both ourselves as well as each other.


When we engage in Embodied Language (EL), we come to terms with the fact, that we no longer want to sacrifice ourselves. We were told, it is honorable to sacrifice ourselves, to help or to save others, to achieve our challenging goals or to do the so-called right thing, but with EL, we realize, we have always short-changed ourselves. With EL, we find, it simply isn’t worth it, to sacrifice ourselves, which always goes hand in hand with putting in a lot of effort.


Throughout human history, there have been many  brave individuals, who sacrificed themselves, to advance the existence of the group, they felt, they belonged to, but as societies began to grant rights to each person, the tension grew between the goals of the individual and the goals of the group. It is this conflict, which is at the core of why we still engage mainly, unconsciously, in self-defeating, stupid DL, every day and don’t have the slightest notion, that our EL, is actually possible and very badly needed.


People have sacrificed everything for a variety of goals, which never paid off, but their insensitive DL prevents them from ever acknowledging, they have given up everything for nothing. It is definitely not a pretty picture, we have forsaken again and again our individual objectives, because, presumably, there were much more important matters, our family, our career, our belief in who we are as a people and our  spiritual understanding of who we supposedly are.


EL puts an end to all our superstitious sacrifice, as our individual path is more important, than what we were taught. Talking with ourselves – and having and enjoying our own ongoing EL – is considered to be more important, than talking with others and, inevitably, being trapped by DL. Stated differently, individual freedom trumps our allegiance to any group.  


The bottom line of those, who sacrifice themselves is, they always want or expect something in return, but they are never getting it. Yes, DL is the language of expectation and unfulfilled needs. The need to be needed, of course, underlies every sacrifice. If we  ever come to having ongoing EL, we will find, to our amazement, there is no need to sacrifice anything for anyone, as each of us takes care of themselves.  This is the crucial issue of individual responsibility, which should be the very basis of every society.


Everyone who unconsciously sacrifices themselves is always, inadvertently, guilt-tripping everyone else who didn’t. So, everyone with DL, constantly blames me or anyone with my EL, that I should, like them, be morally obligated to engage with them in DL, but my EL totally rejects this ludicrous proposition. I am not into being a martyr, as my EL is the antithesis to this outdated bullshit. DL is on its deathbed. I am not going to revive it back to life. To the contrary, I let it die and find it should have died, long time ago.


If there is such a thing as individualism, everyone would take care of themselves and there is really  no need at all for any sacrifice. Those who sacrifice themselves, don’t take care of themselves, that is the very core of our DL. They want others to care about them and always feel disappointed, because they never get what they hoped they would get.


We have all seen those pictures, of those who gave their lives, to supposedly save others. In their last horrific moments, they were depicted as if they had found eternal bliss, but this is not what happened. They felt betrayed and cheated, as they gave their life for nothing. Millions of lives have been wasted and still, we are further away from recognizing our EL, as the only way forward, more than ever before.  


It is very interesting to see and hear, that any kind of patriotism is nowadays, by many left-wing people, considered as having no self-respect. Yet, we may very well see the total collapse of everything we have supported as our common values, that is, the values of our individual freedom. Ultimately, any kind of sacrifice is just another stupid superstition, to supposedly defeat or cast out the bad influence that is threatening us. The reality is, our sacrifice has always backfired, and we are traumatized by it.                    




I’m sitting in my garden and it is a lovely afternoon. The leaves have all been cleaned up and it feels so pleasant, to look at the patio, which is overgrown with green moss, after the rain. We have picked the giant grapefruits and the oranges and they taste delicious. These days are so relaxing and nourishing.


I don’t really mind, that I am still without a job and feel sure, that I will find something, which I can keep doing for another year or two. Bonnie is planning a vacation with her mother and her sister. I will be on my own for ten days then. I am happy, she is doing this, without me. Her mother is a piece of work. She is very bossy and domineering. Bonnie takes more after her father, who I loved so very much. This hard working, resourceful, modest man immediately took a liking in me. I cherish the wonderful times we had together. He passed away more than ten years ago. He had brain cancer and when they found out about it, it had already spread all over his brain.


My father-in-law had a short sick bed, which lasted only a couple weeks. He stayed in a house in San Francisco, where people who are mortally ill could go and spend their final days. The people who worked there were part of a Buddhist meditation center. We all gathered around his bed, when he blew out his last breath. It was such a beautiful experience. We were all crying, but the atmosphere was so serene, natural and honest. After the nurse ascertained he had passed away, we did a ritual.


Each of us had a cloth and we washed his body, taking that part from where we were standing. I was near his head and gently rubbed his forehead and cheeks. Others took care of his extremities. It lasted only minutes. It felt intimate and eternal. Although many tears were flowing, we were all very still. Only her brother was overwhelmed by emotion, and he left the room, we were in. You could hear him wail, as he went into the hallway. After her father had been ritually washed, his body was covered with a white sheet, and he would be prepared for his cremation. Something had changed in me, while I was at the deathbed of this marvelous man.


I was in the final phase of my psychology study for the Ph.D. and was writing on my dissertation and accruing my clinical hours, as a psycho-therapist. The mourning process made it clear to me, that I didn’t want to go on. I had been working so hard and pushing myself for so many years. Suddenly, I felt, I couldn’t carry on anymore. While Bonnie’s father had been such a great source of support and encouragement, it was not that I couldn’t have continued, I just no longer wanted to. It had been such an uphill battle and I was suffering so much.


Actually, there have been many of these seminal moments in my life, in which I knew, that from that time on, everything would be different. It always had to do, amazingly, with some kind of loss and my dissertation was about complicated bereavement. Grief is a natural response to the loss of a loved one. For most people, the symptoms of grief begin to decrease over time. However, for a small group of people, the feeling of intense grief persists, and the symptoms are severe enough to cause problems and stop them from continuing with their lives.


It is even a diagnosis now in the bible of psychiatry, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM-5-TR), that prolonged grief disorder is characterized by intense and persistent grief that interferes with daily life. At the time, I was doing my practicum and giving therapy to fifteen, to twenty people a week, who were all having severe mental health problems.


Inadvertently, I was reminded of my own parents, from whom I have been estranged, for many years. They are very old and are ready to leave this life. I know, because my oldest sister once wrote it to me in a letter. One of these days, they will be gone and I haven’t made any effort anymore, to get talk with them. I have stopped being in touch with my family, as I want to continue with my Embodied Language (EL). They don’t show, they have any interest in it at all. To the contrary, the message I kept receiving was, that I just needed to drop my way of life and adjust or conform to and be with their way of life, which is based on the continuation of Disembodied Language (DL). I have tried to do so in the past, but it didn’t work for me and after many difficult years of frustration and re-traumatization, I gave up.


Perhaps, it is because I live far away, here in the United States, that I was able to abandon my own family. I have never been back to the Netherlands, since my immigration in 1999, but it is due to my family, that it is this way. I don’t blame anyone, but I simply want to go on living, the way I want to. My family always seems to believe, there’s something wrong with that. I have recovered from my trauma of being rejected, disrespected, blamed, abused and accused. Nobody is allowed to do that anymore. I continue with my EL and that determines my wellbeing. If I had not found my EL, I would have gone insane. Many people are literally driven insane by other people, because they keep having DL.


It took me many years, to understand, that although I was conditioned to have DL, I could leave behind my conditioning history with DL and continue with EL. I doubted my own ability many times, but I no longer do that. I was feeling incredibly tormented as a child, teen-ager and later in my twenties. I had no idea what to do or how to be in this life and I kept failing in so many things. I felt like a total failure.


I believed, I loved acting, but in acting school, I found out, I didn’t even want to act, as I wanted to be myself. I loved and still love singing and studied classical singing, but I gave up after one year at the  conservatorium. I studied psychology for many years, but I quit, luckily still with a master degree, which allowed me become a psychology instructor.  I’ve had many jobs, but always liked to do simple work, which wouldn’t involve technical or computer stuff. I have loved landscaping, park-maintenance and even swept the streets of my home town for many years. I just don’t like any complications or multitasking and these years of being a teacher were a real challenge from which I have gladly retired. The coming job will be my last job.      

I am reminded of a poem, which I wrote when I came the United States. 

Now that I am here

I know that for year after year

I have been avoiding my fear

Now that I see 

What is there inside of me 

I let it come out and be free

Now that I know

My trouble was just a big show

I can finally let it all go

Now that I feel

It is not a very big deal

I calmly step out of the wheel  

(I don't believe in language being - deep - inside of me anymore, as I have attained Language Enlightenment, which is based on the fact that all language is overt)