Thursday, August 8, 2024



Kort gezegd, ongemerkt begeeft iedereeen zich iedere dag in Ontlichaamde Taal (OT). Ik zal kort antwoord geven waarom dat zo is: we luisteren niet naar onszelf, terwijl we praten. Ook wil ik even kort aanstippen, dat al onze problem, die wij ervaren, worden veroorzaakt en in stand gehouden door onze OT en zouden kunnen worden opgelost door Belichaamde Taal (BT).


Wat BT betreft, hebben wij allen slechts een kort geheugen, maar met OT blijven wij ouwe koeien uit de sloot halen. Kort voordat wij BT kunnen gaan hebben, zullen wij eerst alle tijd en aandacht moeten besteden, aan het feit dat wij zelf onze eigen OT volledig moeten stoppen.


Ook zullen wij meerdere malen, kort na elkaar, met elkaar in gesprek moeten zijn geweest, zodat onze BT wederzijds bekrachtigt kan worden, want zonder die bestendiging, zal onze BT slechts van korte duur zijn en vallen wij onwillekeurig weer terug in ons oude verhaal met OT. Ook al doet iedereen in OT heel naar en kort af, er lijkt nooit een einde te komen aan het gebruikelijke gezijk, gekanker, gejammer, geouwehoer and gezift.


Bij bejaarde stelletjes is het vaak zo, als de een de pijp uit gaat, dat kort daarna ook de ander het loodje legt. Dit is een kort voorbeeld van hoe mensen – met OT – altijd leven voor elkaar, maar nooit voor zichzelf. Met OT is men altijd kort door de bocht. Omdat wij niet in contact zijn met onszelf, zijn wij voorbarig en ontbreekt het ons aan nuancering. In OT voelen wij ons te kort gedaan, maar worden wij ons niet bewust van wat wij zijn tekort gekomen. In BT maken wij korte metten met onze tekort komingen.


In OT zeggen wij tegen elkaar, laten wij het kort houden, maar we blijven maar door drammen. In BT zijn wij echter kort en duidelijk, omdat wij kunnen zeggen wat wij willen zeggen. Wij zijn, of we het nou toegeven of niet, kort gehouden door onze eigen OT en niet, zoals wij beweren, door andere personen. Soms hebben wij, heel even, omdat er zich een positieve situatie voor doet, een korte adem pauze van onze OT, maar het valt ons niet echt op, hoe onze BT tot stand kwam. Daarom is het, als wij soms toevallig wat BT kunnen hebben, altijd maar van korte duur en zijn wij niet in staat, om voort te gaan met BT.


Zodra wij de vaardigheid ontwikkelen, om naar onszelf te luisteren, terwijl wij spreken, dan valt het ons kort daarna op, dat onze voortgaande BT onze Taal Verlichting (TV) impliceert. Vanaf dat uitzonderlijke moment, hebben wij, kort en goed, altijd gelijk, omdat wij op correcte wijze over onszelf spreken en omgaan met onze taal.


Dit schrijven geeft ons een kort overzicht over het verschil tussen OT en BT. Uiteraard is dit eveneens een kort fragment van mijn BT, dat het beste hardop kan worden gelezen, zodat de lezer een korte, aangename, gerichte ervaring kan hebben, van het luisteren naar zijn of haar eigen stem. Wanneer het aldus mogelijk is, om een korte, maar krachtige, episode van BT te beleven, dan zijn wij in staat, om eindelijk toe te geven en te begrijpen, dat wij, vanwege automatische OT, schromelijk te kort schieten, in het spreken over wie wij zijn.


Met onze voortgaande BT kunnen wij – zoals het eigenlijk ook zou moeten – eindelijk heel kort zijn over moeilijke toestanden, conflicten, complicaties, dramas en tragedies, want we hebben al zoveel van ons leven verspild. Wij zullen, nadat wij het verschil tussen OT en BT erkennen, het nog maar heel kort over OT hebben. Het groeps-gedrag, OT, waarin wij telkens – verbaal – de hele boel kort en klein zijn blijven slaan, heeft geen enkele toekomst, want BT is de taal van onze individuele vrijheid.         

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



I have said so before and I will say it again: my silence is different from the imaginary silence of anyone, who still believes in inner language or in having thoughts or a mind. Whenever I don’t talk, don’t listen, don’t write or don’t read, I am totally silent, because I am without any language.


Those who know the difference between DL and EL, will stop their DL, because they prefer to have EL and they experience their silence as a result of their ongoing EL. In effect, they will know, their silence is created and maintained by the presence of their effective language, language which accurately describes who they are and what they experience. Those who engage in DL, however, view language and silence as incompatible, because DL describes their experience incorrectly. Consequently, in DL, silence means, the absence of language, but in EL, silence means, the presence of language.  


Interestingly, a very similar thing occurs with listening. In unconscious, automatic, unnatural DL, listening always only either seems to mean, listening to others or making others listen to you, but in EL, listening only means listening to yourself. Moreover, in EL, listening to yourself means listening to others, but in DL, listening to others means not listening to yourself. To be clear, in DL, we never listen to ourselves and in EL, we always listen to ourselves.  


Silence and listening are, of course, connected, but this connection is only becoming evident to us during EL, because it is obfuscated during our usual, insensitive, coercive, unintelligent DL. In EL, we realize, we are silent, and, yet, there is no urge to be silent. Stated differently, in EL, we no longer believe in becoming silent, because it is our self-nature, to be silent. In our conflicted DL, we are endlessly trying, to find peace and quiet, but we never succeed, since we believe ourselves to be the product of DL. Although we have been conditioned by DL, our self-nature hasn’t changed. Each night, in deep sleep, we are rejuvenated, as we are without language.


For those who begin to explore the difference between DL and EL, it is of great importance, to fully recognize – each time, when they don’t speak, listen, write or read – that there really is no language, no thought and no mind. Initially, due to our common history of conditioning with DL – when we don’t speak, listen, write or read – we still believe, that we have private speech, covert conversation or inner language, but if we manage to have ongoing EL, and, therefore, stop our DL a little longer, we become more and more sure, there really never were any words or sentences inside of our heads.  


Another fascinating aspect about silence, is that in EL, it continues, while we engage in language, – that is, while we speak, listen, write or read – but, also while we don’t engage in language. In EL, we understand, rationally, that we never go in or out of our silence, but in DL, we seem to be either going away from our silence or out of our silence, but seldom, if ever, into our silence.


When it is said, someone’s silence is worse than his or her anger, we refer to the so-called silence of DL. Also, if someone’s silence said volumes, we are dealing with DL. These two sayings are good examples, to make clear, that it is merely a way of saying. Likewise, having thoughts, a mind or hearing internal speech, is due to our habitual way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves, which is DL.


When you say, that his or her silence lasted for a minute and then, he or she began to speak, you first didn’t hear him or her say anything, but then, you heard him or her say something. In both cases, you weren’t listening, because in both cases, you were – due to DL – assuming, imagining, believing, that he or she was quietly, deeply, mindfully, thinking something, which he or she, then, supposedly, expressed, as if covert language became overt. However, this person was simply relaxing his or her body, so he or she could speak. ‘Thoughtful’ speech is less noisy or coercive or emotional than our usual speech.


Only during DL can a silence be experienced as uncomfortable. The discomfort is always about the fact, that – although we don’t know about the difference between DL and EL – we don’t like DL and, unknowingly, prefer EL. When, in DL, someone, finally says something, he or she,  of course, broke the painful silence of DL. Yet, this so-called speaking up or speaking out, has never resulted in EL, as it always meant more of the same DL. Breaking the silence also indicates that we speak, in order not to feel what we feel.


The silence of our ongoing EL is our Language Enlightenment (LE). With EL, we are silent with and without language. Everything we say in EL dissolves and, therefore, we are continuously new. Moreover, in EL, our silence isn’t – as we say in DL – deepened, but it is renewed. In the same way, that what we say – in EL – is never the same, our silence is also never the same.      

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 I Am Your Last Chance,


Although you probably believe I am exaggerating, I am your one and only chance, but also your last chance, to have Embodied Language (EL). Everywhere you go, you find people unconsciously engaging in treacherous Disembodied Language (DL), which is ruining everything in their lives. Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but unless you accept, I truly am your last chance, you’ll miss out on the best part of your life. No, I am not anyone’s savior, because you’ve got to clean up your own shitty act. Yes, you’ve got to stop your unintelligent DL. In this writing, I will tell you how to do that.


Talking out loud, alone, with yourself, about the things which are important to you, listening to the sound of your own voice and recognizing the difference between your own DL and EL, is your last chance, at achieving and maintaining your sanity. As you can see and hear, DL is escalating everywhere, and total chaos is upon us. In one way or another, you’ll be swept up in the destructive hype and madness of DL, if you yourself don’t stop it.


Of course, I am warning you. I know EL and you don’t. Moreover, I don’t have – like you – any doubts, about the devastating consequences of DL. You go on and on with your ugly DL, as if it means great things, but I say: you simply don’t know, how to have EL. You would like to have EL, but you lack that skill and you are, basically, incompetent, because you use your language incorrectly, as long you don’t listen to yourself while you speak. I am your last chance, because I am the only one to challenge you, to actually do the work, to stop your own stupid DL and then to talk with me, so that we can have EL with each other. I am the only person, you will ever meet, who does that and who can do that.


I have achieved my Language Enlightenment (LE), because I have ongoing EL. If you acknowledge, I am your last and only chance, to do something drastic, about what has been troubling you your entire life, then you will do as I say, not for me, but for yourself. Stopping your DL is an arduous task, because you go against the conditioning of all of mankind. Human beings have always been used to group-behavior – DL – which condemns individual behavior – EL – and have never been able to stop DL and continue with EL. Whether you believe me or not, I am the embodiment of that possibility. Yes, I have the final word on what is the most important issue of our time. I say, fuck all of you, experts, gurus and authorities, because you don’t know shit about the difference between your DL and your EL.


I am your last and only chance, to finally do what you have always wanted and longed to do, but couldn’t do, because you never paid attention to your use of your language, by speaking with yourself and by listening to yourself. You must stop your own DL, because only you can do it and then, you can speak with me and we will enjoy our EL and our LE together. Involvement with your own language, could be your mission for peace, your last chance at overcoming why you were always so troubled and tormented.


This writing, which encourages you, to stop your own DL, is your last chance, to return to yourself. You have done many useless things, which didn’t and couldn’t bring your clarity, because you never spoke with yourself, in your own words, with the sound, that you wanted to hear, about who you are and what is going on in your life. You couldn’t do this, as you were, like everyone else, conditioned to use language, to move away from yourself. To you, it seems as if your language is your thought or mind, which is happening without your consent, but you find, that this is not how language works, when you begin to listen to yourself. When you stop your DL and have EL, there is no inner language, as there is only voluntary, overt language and all problems of your imaginary mind are solved.  


I am your last chance, because I am, to my own surprise – because I have spent many years of studying, working in psychiatry and teaching psychology and nobody has shown any interest in what I have been saying – the only one, who is capable of saying, what I am saying. Yes, I am the authority and being open to my knowledge, is your last chance of being benefitted. There is definitely something to say for the wonderful possibility of being initiated into, ignited by and informed about, the true nature of your own language.  


I am your last chance, because I stimulate you, to have the courage, to oppose your history of conditioning. I am your last chance, as I know the difference between DL and EL, which is the same for every human being. In DL, you don’t listen to yourself while you speak, but in EL, you finally listen to yourself, while you speak. Stated differently, you can’t take care of yourself in DL, because you don’t take yourself seriously, but in EL, you care about yourself, because you stay in touch with yourself, because you listen to what you tell yourself with your own self-knowledge. Please, check out my You Tube channels: 1) Maximus Peperkamp and 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw       

Monday, August 5, 2024

 No Ego,


Although I can be very polite, I have absolutely no tolerance for anyone, who still has Disembodied Language (DL). To me, the link between politics and Embodied Language (EL) and DL, is of utmost importance, particularly, the irrefutable fact, that Left-wing politics maps onto DL, while Right-wing politics maps on EL. While I know that people are ignorant about the DL/EL distinction, they do already know about the Left-wing/Right-wing distinction. I make use of that.


EL and individual freedom go hand in hand. Those who cannot wholeheartedly admit and say that, are not only hopelessly stuck in DL, but also refuse to be honest about their destructive, oppressive, Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Fascist, Anti-Semitic, Cancel-Culture, Gender-Ideology, Identity-Politics, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) group-behavior, which, of course, is Left-wing.


In DL, we act as if nothing is personal, because we view taking it personal, as something that’s wrong, but in EL, everything is personal, because it is the truth of our own experience. This is why only in DL people say to each other: don’t take it personal! In EL, there is no difference between our politics and who we are, but in DL, people pretend, as if politics doesn’t have any connection with who we are and who others are, as individuals. This is why, in the name of their belief, historically, people have killed, without any remorse, millions of their fellow men. Moreover, they are still doing the same thing today. Yes, I claim it was always in the name of their DL.


I have basically broken off all contact with anyone who wants to continue with their DL. For instance, I don’t talk anymore with anyone of my family, as it became clear to me, that, apparently, it is perfectly okay for them, to expect me to behave in the way that they want me to behave, but nobody seems to even want to consider behaving in the way I want them to behave, towards me. It took me a very long time, to get clear on this. Although I always have felt rejected by my family, I didn’t want to reject them, but I had to, to be able to continue with my own EL.


We still don’t know anything about the difference between our DL and EL and that is why DL goes on everywhere, all the time, while EL is nowhere to be found. We don’t realize, we constantly engage in DL. This is why in, supposedly, polite conversation, we consider religion and politics, as forbidden topics. We further justify our, presumably, rational stance, by being the bigger, supposedly, wiser person, who, supposedly, accepts reality as it is, by distracting from the topic, with some phony, holier-then-thou bullshit, that we cannot expect to be reasonable about things, which were never acquired by reason.


In DL, people were taught and keep telling others, how to be a wonderful, magnanimous, person, who realizes, that he or she is not willing to be entangled with someone else, in one way or another. Also, it is presumably very important, to always recognize, that one isn’t always right and, therefore, one needs to give an apology, as much as receive one from others. As they say, it is better to set aside one’s ego and take a few minutes to apologize, than to have years of arguments and conflicts. This shows how we beat around the bush and never acquire EL, in which, surprisingly, we find out, we are always right. EL has nothing to do with false concepts, like ego or making or accepting apologies. DL contains our irrational beliefs, which inevitably were acquired while we grew up. Reason plays no part in DL. Only if we listen to ourselves, while we speak and explore our EL, do we become reasonable.          


I am convinced, politics plays an important role, in the fact that everywhere around the world - not just in America – we have DL, not EL. I cannot escape the impression, that although DL is at the basis of every culture, the opposite is also possible. Actually, I am convinced this is where the future lies for EL. And, it seems to me, EL will ultimately determine politics, because EL is the language of the future, not DL.  


I'm not imagining anything, because I know all too well what the current state of affairs is. It is as clear as day to me, Left-wing politics fits with our DL, but Right-wing politics fits with our EL. Anyone who is interested in EL, has to be able to acknowledge this, but those with unconscious DL, will behave according to their history of conditioning and never fundamentally change their old, troublesome point of view.


I am happy to say, I have given up trying, to make it clear to others, that they have DL, as they will have to do this themselves. I am only interested in the progress of EL. If I notice others aren’t getting it, I withdraw from the one-way street interaction. It is impossible to have EL and adhere to policies which go against individual freedom. Likewise, it is also impossible to have EL, if one still lives in the illusion of being a Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, or someone, who believes to be important, because of meditation, consciousness, sensitivity, creativity, education, weapons, science or economics. Who we believe to be is always tied to our DL. I don’t believe I have EL, because I have it and that is my Language Enlightenment (LE). EL has nothing to do with faith.


I have nothing to say and therefore I can say what I really want to say. I always start with nothing and speak and write only from there. Left-wing politics is the biggest obstacle to individuality and to EL and anyone who has listened to themselves, should be able to fully admit, that this is unquestionably true. Only capitalism – no other worldview – has really  enriched humanity and has resulted in individuals being given rights in Democratic Western societies. However, all the enemies of capitalism are and have always been, against the freedom of the individual.


DL is the history of mankind, in which our group behavior has repeatedly, violently, suppressed and obliterated our individual behavior. It is an indisputable fact our EL could only have emerged from prosperity created by capitalism. I am a product of the free society, where I happen to have grown up and realize, others weren’t as fortunate as me. I foresee the possibility, that with our EL we will create a different, peaceful, orderly society, based on our prosperity and well-being.


My view is realistic. Everything we have created and maintained with DL will disappear and be replaced by something better, which fits with EL. Only the behavior that matches EL will remain, which means our lives will be simpler and much more satisfying. Right now, everyone experiences how everything only becomes more difficult and complicated. This is the inevitable consequence of our unconscious participation in and approval of DL. There is great pretense about simplicity and being at ease in DL, but these empty slogans have no support in reality. With DL, we are told something, which is not true, but we believe it, because others believe it too. This is our historical group-behavior, which, to this day, perpetuates the progression of our unnatural DL, but this finally comes to an end with our natural, ongoing EL.



Sunday, August 4, 2024

 Proper Behavior,


For anyone to meet and talk with me, they will have to conduct themselves properly. I consider your usual, unconscious way of talking, in which you don’t listen to yourself, while you speak, to be improper and unacceptable. You keep having this improper behavior, because no one else is able to point out, that your habitual way of dealing with language, is ineffective, incorrect, inappropriate and unsuitable. I don’t teach you proper behavior, but demand it! You either stop your own Disembodied Language (DL), so you can have Embodied Language (EL) or I don’t even want to talk with you or have anything to do with you. In EL, nobody demands anything from anyone. That is the proper way of talking.     


If someone never had a proper job, we mean to say, that he or she never had a real job. When a painter doesn’t have the proper tools, he or she doesn’t have the right brushes, paint or canvas. To receive proper treatment, one has to go to a specialist, who is knowledgeable and capable. When my eyes are all blurry and I couldn’t see properly, I wasn’t able to see correctly. We had nodded and said hello to one another, but had never had a proper introduction, indicates we never paid careful attention to each other. You need to go on an appropriate or proper diet, if you want to lose weight. When we are talking about Malaria, Ebola or Cholera we distinguish or identify a group of diseases, that are proper to the tropics. Use of proper quotation marks connotes an academic fitness marked by nicety and discrimination. The underlined words give you an idea, why proper behavior is necessary.


In the same way, that proper detective work calls for an orderly investigation, proper speech requires the extensive exploration of what it is like, to listen to ourselves while we speak and to experience the gigantic difference between DL and EL. We only know the proper thing to say, to ourselves, when we engage in EL, but as long as we – because we were conditioned to listen to others – engage in DL, we are forever concerned, worried, anxious or stressed about,  whether we say the right things to others and we remain totally oblivious about speaking with ourselves in a self-regulating manner, with an authentic-sounding voice, we enjoy to listen to.


When you engage with me in ongoing EL, you will have the proper responses and we will both equally enjoy our conversation. In DL, it appears someone is always more important than the other. Consequently, the, supposedly, superior person, presumably, enjoys the conversation, while the, supposedly, inferior person has to behave politely, obediently, accommodatingly and properly. Interestingly, a powerful person or a top-dog, may express or show his or her negative emotions and is able to get away with his or her forceful, manipulative, inconsiderate DL, but the under-dog, is always expected to suck it up and maintain the illusion of positivity.


During EL, there is turn-taking and reciprocation of proper, positively-stimulating responses, but in DL, the so-called communication is a one-way street, during which one speaker is allowed and even expected to dominate the listener. Surely, such a listener isn’t even permitted to speak and must know his or her, supposedly, proper place. In a job, you should receive proper pay for your work, but in daily conversation – which is DL – you never receive proper attention. It is because your conditioning history, you accept this as normal, but once you find out about the difference between your DL and EL, you realize it is improper to be treated like that. Moreover, you fully understand, only EL, in which we listen to ourselves while we speak, is the proper way.


During EL, we don’t interfere with each other, because we are in touch with ourselves. This means, we have proper boundaries and, yes, we recover from our DL, in which there were never any proper boundaries. What people in DL – during our common, fear-based, chaotic, conversations – consider to be psychological problems, should be summarized as a complete lack of proper boundaries. Certainly, during DL, we have improper boundaries, due to which we are unable to have honest, open conversations.


Under proper circumstances, our EL will flow naturally and effortlessly. I not only know, but I also create and maintain these circumstances and anyone, who comes to talk with me, must trust me, to guide their behavior. I immediately notice if anyone resists me and I don’t tolerate anyone’s DL. I expect you to stop your own DL and I will reject you, if you come with your DL to me. I do this, as it is the proper thing to do.


If you behave properly to me, you will be able to recognize, the proper feelings, which belong to EL, are so nourishing, energizing, healing and enlightening. With EL, you will feel better than you have ever done before. Furthermore, it is proper for your EL and for these new experiences to continue and, yes, it is proper, to acknowledge, that the continuation of your EL reveals your Language Enlightenment (LE). With your ongoing EL, you can’t miss your LE, as you are the proper authority, to speak about this.  

Saturday, August 3, 2024

 Whoopi Hitler,  


Keep reading, I’ll get to this pretentious ardent defender of democracy in a little while. I first want to write about something else. These words are the only words I have and need. I don’t need to say or write anything else, but this. I feel so happy, I can say and write this. I am so fortunate, my language has come to fully describe who I am. There is this sense of continuation, which manifests, while I write or speak, but also, when I don’t write or speak.


My attention can be completely absorbed by being without any language. I don’t believe, like most people do, in inner language, thought or mind, so, my silence has a different meaning. Those, who haven’t experienced this, are in for a big surprise. Embodied Language (EL) is amazing, in that nothing is as we believed it to be with our Disembodied Language (DL). This is a great relief. The silence of Language Enlightenment (LE) is caused by my ongoing EL.


With EL, we create a new way of life, which is based on our LE. The order, which is created by our EL, produces tranquility and joy and gives meaning to our discovery, to our exploration, our translation and our excavation. Everything that was previously described, interpreted and supposedly understood, by our DL, is expressed and transformed by EL. The lucidity of LE, is the satisfaction of the certainty our action with EL.


At this moment, I have the right, correct, exact language to be who I am. Unlike people, who religiously believe in a so-called higher power or who are enthralled with their own power, abilities and their presumed potential, I don’t believe in myself with my EL, because I am myself. Stated differently, my EL is always clear about why I am here, because there is no fear. To be without fear means, my language is working.


As long as there is fear, our language is working  against us. We seem to involuntarily experience covert, private speech, within our skin, which we have called our thoughts or our mind, but this auditory illusion is created and maintained by our DL. I can hear the fear of everyone, who has DL. I have no fear, since EL is voluntary. I am in charge of it and I am conscious because of it.


With DL, you may act as if you know, as if you are important, as if you are capable, as if you are free, but your knowledge is rubbish, as it isn’t genuine self-knowledge, which can only be acquired with ongoing EL. Moreover, with your DL, you are dull, mediocre, phony, superstitious, unintelligent and unnatural, as your life is full of conflicts, chaos and problems. You are, due to DL, repetitive, stuck, bored and imprisoned by your language. This is not some wild accusation, but a fact, from which you can and will only be liberated, if you skillfully switch from DL to EL.


As stated, the change from DL to EL is not about changing one belief for another, as you will be without any belief in EL. However, this doesn’t mean, that you don’t have any preferences or that you can’t have any opinion about others. To the contrary, with your EL, you will have an opinion about everyone and everything and you enjoy expressing and exploring your perception of what you consider to be the reality. Simply stated, you are at ease, with the irrefutable fact of life, you are the only one who views reality the way you do. EL is your ability to stay with yourself.


For instance, I have an opinion about Whoopi Hitler. Yes, it isn’t Adolf, but Whoopi. And, no, this isn’t racism, but the record, which speaks for itself. Sure enough, it wasn’t the disgusting sounds and words, which were coming out of Whoopi Hitler’s nasty mouth – that’s not what happened – it was her hideous, intimidating, filthy, hair, which, like Medusa’s snakes, turns anyone, who dares to look at her, into stone. Yes, such is my opinion about this Communist, Marxist, creepy, super-bitch, who snapped at Republican Governor Chris Sununu, during an episode of The View, it is presumably perfectly okay – for those who are loudly saying, they are saving our democracy (?) – to disregard the will of the voter. Sununu correctly mentioned to her, the so-called Democratic Party elites have installed Kamala Harris as their presumptive 2024 presidential nominee, without any input from the voter. Actually, it wasn’t even Sununu, but Whoopi Hitler herself, who used the word ‘elite’, as she tried to justify, it is just fine Kamala Harris was elevated by the Democratic apparatchicks. Oh, yes, I hate the DL-leaning Left, because in my EL view – pun intended – they are and they have always been against our individual freedom.


I don’t have any problem, and I don’t lose my EL, by confronting these moronic, women-hating women, who find it acceptable, that disturbed men, who pretend to be women, are allowed to outcompete women in sports. My EL doesn’t all of a sudden become meaningless, because I call out the horror, which is caused and maintained by our usual appalling DL. It is because of EL, I dare to have strong opinions, as I can recognize the danger, disaster and tragedy, which is DL.


While all of mankind is trapped and troubled by DL, I continue with my EL. This awareness about myself, which happens due to my EL, is totally different from what you – with automatic DL – have always considered as your consciousness, watchfulness, mindfulness or responsibility. In other words, in EL, you are always right about yourself. Initially, you just can’t believe that this is possible, but after rejecting your EL multiple times and after stopping your own DL again and again, you no longer go back and forth between DL and EL, as you accept EL as your truth, which always has good outcomes. Anticipation of the a positive future is essential to the continuation of your EL, because, as you can go on with your EL, you know very well, everyone remains busy with DL and doesn’t have any interest in EL.   


Another aspect of your dedication to your own EL, is that you have experienced, over and over again, it keeps getting better and better. These developments occur because they can occur, as you continue with EL, in spite of what everyone else does. What happens during EL is within your reach and you are confident, it will always be this way. In EL, language is the description of what you have already achieved. Certainly, in DL people will also achieve many things, but they aren’t satisfied with these achievements, as it required them to go against themselves.


No matter how small your achievement may be, in EL, you are happy with it, because you know, your EL gives you permission, to enjoy yourself, to relax, to notice subtle nuances, to be alone with yourself and stay away from the madness that is DL. Thus, your EL is about taking care of yourself, which has nothing whatsoever to do with what you believed that to be. What people consider to be self-care in DL, is their stubborn ability to never give in to their need for EL. You need to have EL, but you don’t know it. You go on with effortful, energy-draining, ineffective DL, as you believe it is important, to act out your dreadful conditioning history. You neglect yourself and expect others to do the same. Please go go to my You Tube channel maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw then you can hear and see me read this text.             

Friday, August 2, 2024



This is the moment, to talk about my ongoing Embodied Language (EL), which is my Language Enlightenment (LE). Right now, I don’t speak, I just write these few words, that signify my LE.


This moment is complete and extended in time, as there is the oceanic totality of my language. I am this, even when I would never speak or write another word. You can come and get this.


This writing in paragraphs of four sentences has a cadence, which fits my spacious truth. I like to compose more those and wonder how it comes about, I have a calm, relaxed and closed mouth.


This is not a question, but a joy, to touch silence with words. This stillness tastes like water. I take little sips and feel the stream going on inside of me. I have quenched my thirst for knowledge.


This is the middle, where I have always been. As far as this is concerned, I’m fine leaving that to others. They can have it, as that is not my thing. I can express my elegant LE with this simple EL.


This writing is your reading and speaking, when you say it and listen to your voice. This is your EL, which expresses your LE, if you leave these words behind. Then, this transmission is happening.


This is also funny. There was nothing to laugh, but, suddenly, there is. This is how your humor works, which derives from your EL. You laugh about DL, which was never funny, but stupid.


This is also political, because you were right, to leave the left. This LE is not going to evolve into another group of individuals. Your EL takes you out of the group, which you have never belonged to.  


This is practical and useful. You do no longer do, what you feel you have to do, but you only do, what you truly want. Doing what you really want to do is a liberating, monumental task.


This could be written, because this was said and this will be written and said again, because my EL expresses my LE. This is how I live my life. This place, where I sit, is unoccupied.