Thursday, August 22, 2024



The reason people don’t and can’t reason, is their common way of talking. In our usual way of talking, which is Disembodied Language (DL), we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. Using our language effectively, is not a matter of so-called thought – because thinking or having a mind, is the inevitable fantasy of having inner language or private speech, which, of course, is created and maintained by our unconscious, effortful, involuntary involvement in DL – but a matter of speaking with and listening to ourselves, while we speak. Only when we hear our own voice, while we speak, can and will we engage in Embodied Language (EL) and are we capable of speaking rationally, coherently, effectively and joyfully, about our own experiences. Only our EL allows us to finish our sentences and, therefore, we act on how we instructed ourselves. In DL, by contrast, we say one thing, but we do something that contradicts what we are saying. In EL, we are congruent, but in DL, we are incongruent, fragmented, conflicted and dumb.


Your Language Enlightenment (LE) is simply the continuation of your EL. Once you have ongoing EL, everything is in place and there is nothing to do or to say. Enjoying your LE is not a matter of having EL, since your EL has subsided. Although you have used your intelligence optimally – due to your EL – you now reap the fruits of your EL and your intelligence. In other words, your LE is the result of your reasoning. You have created order with EL and now you live in that reality. You are neither happy nor sad, as these experiences, at this point, do not matter anymore. Stated differently, because you have followed your own EL to its ultimate rational conclusion, you are happy with nothing. This nothingness, however, is very different from the negative nothingness you experienced with DL.


The nothingness, which is experienced, but never acknowledged, by those who engage in DL, is the absence of wellbeing, but the nothingness of EL, is – you can’t miss it – the presence of wellbeing. A nice word to describe your LE is grace. EL makes you graceful and grateful. Also, the nothingness of DL is a sense of permanent restlessness, but nothingness of EL is a notion of timelessness, which was accomplished with great patience, as you have been capable of saying what you were able and willing to say. Elaborate, full expression of your EL took time, but brought you in touch with eternity. Your LE is the nothingness from whence you have come and became who you are today and into which you will certainly one day dissolve again, at the moment of your death. There’s nothing to say about death, as there’s only something to say about life. What has been said about death by people with DL, is a bunch of nonsense.


With your DL, you cannot even talk about your own experiences correctly, let alone about your own death. Obviously, you fear the end of your life, as long as you engage in DL, but you will no longer be in denial of your mortality with your EL. You already die, while you are still alive with your EL and your let go of your EL provides you with a sense of deathlessness. To us, who have faith in our own EL, there is no death, as we are the master over our life and our death. Our LE is a transitoriness or wisdom, which was afforded to us by the fluidity of our EL. In DL, everything is stuck, and our words sound like one big failure.


Our LE is as much about animals and things, as it is about other people. Here too, the latter makes the former possible and our care about animals, trees, streams and mountains makes us compassionate about the suffering we hear and see in those, who have DL. Furthermore, our forgiveness is our understanding, that those who have DL, cannot understand what they are going through. Moreover, we have – with our EL – no longer any urge, to intervene or help, as our interference would prevent others from discovering their own salvation with their EL. Surely, we can only have EL, if we have had enough of our own DL. No one is able to decide for others, when it has been enough. Likewise, no one with DL is able to divert me from my EL.  


I can leave people alone, because I am alone with my LE and no one with DL can appreciate or acknowledge my aloneness. Only someone with EL is able to do this, as they have their own experience of their LE with ongoing EL. No matter how briefly your EL continues, it always indicates your LE, immediately. Brevity of EL stimulates you to stay with it longer, as you experience your participation in DL as a lost opportunity. Simply stated, your EL shows you, you have been wasting your life with DL. In that sense, EL is shocking, as you can’t escape the far-reaching implications of this conclusion.


One of your stunning realizations with EL will be, that others can’t help you, as they, unknowingly, engage in DL. Those who have EL, will tell you to figure it out yourself. Each time, you turn to others, your DL is affirmed and turning away from them, doesn’t necessarily result in turning to yourself. Once you recognize and stop your DL, you will attend to yourself with your ongoing EL and instruct yourself very differently.


DL of others is irrelevant. You must only pay attention to your own DL. You can only have EL, if you acknowledge your conditioning history with DL. Everyone – in DL – pretends, like you, their DL isn’t all that bad, but you experience this every day, the tragic consequences of your DL are devastating. Perhaps, this is one of the most difficult aspects about DL. You have to admit how ever-present its terrible consequences are, in yourself and others. It is more disturbing to admit your own catastrophes, then to complain about the foolishness of others. Only if you hear – even though you don’t want to – your DL, it stops. You carry on with EL, while everyone goes on with DL. It is possible for you, as you bravely keep doing whatever it takes, to be able to have ongoing EL.           

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



If you are fortunate enough, to live in a Western Democratic country, you have the freedom, the opportunity, to engage in Embodied Language (EL), instead of Disembodied Language (DL). Although this opportunity exists, DL rules, even in so-called free societies. Those who have the chance to be individuals, for the most part, waste this opportunity, because they refuse to do the work, to acquire the language, needed to be an individual. They rather immaturely, irresponsibly, irrationally scream and whine about freedom, than seriously talk about it, with EL.


There has always been a lot of phony talk going on – in DL – about the presumed possibility of turning a crisis into an opportunity. Instead of calling a spade a spade, we spin it, keep going on with stupid DL and make it seem, as if it is great. Moreover, we are so used to going from one crisis to the next, it seems, as if crises are needed, to create opportunity. This sick gaslighting bullshit is the essence of DL.


With insidious, manipulative, unnatural DL, we are constantly told – and this is why we keep telling this to ourselves – we can reframe how we view the unfolding of the crisis. Yes, we can magically take advantage of it, provided – and here is the catch – we learn to stop resisting unwanted change. In DL, we are supposed to welcome these unwanted things, struggle and fight and get out of our so-called comfort-zones – which, of course, weren’t comfortable anyway – and that, supposedly, will make us better. This is such horseshit.  


We can only create our own opportunity, to be an individual and to live like an individual, after we have stopped listening to the DL of others and ourselves and started talking with ourselves and listening to ourselves and engaging in EL. A crisis – everyone repeats what everyone else has said – can become a turning-point? Toward where are we turning? Not to ourselves, not to our use of language and not to our intelligence. The real tipping-point only occurs, due to our deliberate switch from DL to EL, which can and will only happen, when we are not in a crisis, and are feeling safe and at ease. The sad fact is, with DL, we never felt that way. So, our opportunity to be who we are only reveals itself, if we turn away from DL. We must, at all costs, avoid it. Moreover, our active avoidance of DL, will have to be the largest proportion of our behavioral repertoire, let’s say 75%. This leaves 25% for two other types of behaviors.   


The remaining part of our biologically-driven, innate, autonomically-determined, behavioral repertoire, consists of escape and approach behavior. As living organisms, we only want to approach what sustains us, not what threatens us and from which we must escape. In other words, we must carefully discern, with our EL, what behavior is truly supportive, what creates an opportunity, what has positive outcomes? Thus, we keep our escape-behavior – which, in the worst of circumstances, can be lethal – to a bare minimum, let’s say 5%. This leaves 20% for our approach behavior. Perhaps this is even too high, and the proportion needs adjustment. We have to individually figure this out for ourselves with our EL. We have this opportunity, but we must take it. Perhaps, it is better for us to 85% actively avoid DL, approach only 10% and escape only 5%?  


The great opportunity, which is certainly going to be created by our ongoing EL, is that we no longer – involuntarily – have to engage in any kind of the forced, unnatural, neurotic, stupid behaviors, which were demanded from us, by our own DL. We voluntarily, consciously engage in EL and all the behaviors, which strengthen it. We are not bothered by the utterly false notion of inner language, private speech or our so-called mind. Instead of imagining, that we can create opportunity for ourselves, with our thoughts, with mindful, inner, meditative, presumably, non-reactive contemplation, we talk out loud with ourselves, we can listen to and hear ourselves and, therefore, we act and follow through on how we have been instructing ourselves.


With mechanical DL, we, inadvertently, focus on the loss of opportunity, rather than on the creation of opportunity with our language. In DL, in our conditioned way of talking, we use language incorrectly, since we don’t listen to ourselves. DL is based on fear, which makes us freeze, whenever we experience or perceive the unfamiliar. We can’t talk and we don’t want to talk about the new with DL, because our ears are trained to listen to others - who threaten us - not to ourselves, with whom we have the opportunity to feel safe, with our EL. Basically, our DL symbolizes anxiety and retreat, while EL creates opportunity and growth. All talk about opportunity with DL is an empty promise, the future, which never comes, while your life goes by. With ongoing EL, you are in control of and you are in possession of your own language, which isn’t happening – as you experienced in DL – unwillingly, but which creates and achieves opportunity.        

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Don’t Miss It,


Read this text slowly and listen to your voice. Take a break after each sentence, to assure yourself, you have understood what you have read. When you engage in Embodied Language (EL), your words disappear, because you don’t hang on to your words, like you were used to, when you engaged in your usual Disembodied Language (DL). Consequently, you will disappear. However, this wonderful sensation – it is very pleasant, to be relieved of being who you believed to be – only occurs, because you, at some point, probably sooner than later, go back again to your habitual DL, because your conditioning history doesn’t come to an end by only one or two moments of EL.


Don’t miss it, what you have been missing so many times. You have already, unknowingly, switched from your dumb DL, to intelligent EL, but you weren’t really paying attention, but now that you have given a name for the use of language, in which you don’t listen to yourself, while you speak – that is DL – and when you listen to yourself, while you speak – that is EL – you connect the dots, or rather, you reinterpret everything you have been describing with DL into a new description, a new perception, a new understanding, with your ongoing EL. It is with this ongoing EL – which, of course, as of yet, is still future-music – that you will notice, that the aforementioned blissful, nourishing, energizing sensation, which – I repeat – occurred because you switched from DL to EL, no longer occurs. So, that liberating feeling, that your words, your so-called mind, who you believed to be, dissolves, will no longer happen, once you can have ongoing EL.


So, initially, when you change from DL to EL, it feels, as if you disappear, but once you are able to continue with EL – don’t miss it – you will no longer disappear, as you are conscious, present or awake, with your ongoing EL. In other words, instead of going back and forth between DL and EL – which is rather unpleasant, uncomfortable and troubling – you will experience a continuing awareness of how fantastic it is, to have EL and to be truly yourself and in touch with yourself. It is not – don’t miss it – that you compare what you experience in ongoing EL with what you felt when you were still having DL, when you were unconscious, conflicted, on automatic pilot and struggling, but it is a wordless intrigue, about the fact, that everything, apparently, is really what it is. Although you have heard other people or you say, probably, numerous times, in a resigned manner, it is what it is, when things were really bad, with your usual DL, you now say it with your EL. And, when everything is what it is, because of our ongoing EL, we begin to come to terms with the obvious fact, that it will always be that way. Surely, everything will always be what it is with your ongoing EL and this acceptance of how things really are, is entirely different from what you believed to be the reality.


Don’t miss it, that I have written this, that you have read and understood this and that you can reread it again, if you need to or want to. If you do the work, if you experiment and verify my words, you find, when you speak with yourself, listen to yourself and engage in your ongoing EL, on the one hand, everything is constantly changing, but on the other hand, you know, things will always be what they are and, in that sense, they will always be the same. Due to this realization, you will no longer be inclined to try to change anything. You have no opinion; you are neither for nor against something. Even when you say something about your experience or what you believe to be happening, there is no real involvement with what you have said, because you are no longer concerned with what you have experienced, as your attention is always with what is now and new. Moreover, what is new, is new, when it is expressed with your EL, but also when you are not busy with language, that is, when you are not speaking, listening, writing or reading. So, with EL, you experience the new, whenever you speak, but also, when you don’t speak; when you listen, but also, when you don’t listen; when you write, but also, when you don’t write; when you read, but also, when you don’t read. In DL, you can’t express the new, as you are not talking with, connecting with or listening to yourself.


In DL, because we can’t say the new, we also can’t hear the new – don’t miss it, this is very important, so I will repeat it again in different words – because if you don’t produce a sound with your voice, there is nothing for you to hear or to listen to. There is no inner voice and you simply imagine, due to your DL, you are hearing your so-called private speech or inner self-talk. Since there is no such a thing, as listening to yourself – without saying anything out loud, to whatever you fantasize to be within you – your natural inclination for language is, due to your DL, diverted into writing and reading. In your repetitive, insensitive, effortful, unnatural DL, you only dare to say what everybody else is saying. Presumably, there is nothing new under the sun, because everything has already been said. Furthermore, you have heard it all before.  Speaking about the new, with DL, doesn’t really convince you. However, it is impossible, for you or for anyone else, to say anything new, in DL, because we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak whenever we engage in our common DL. The point of this writing is – don’t miss it – and modern technology enhances and exploits this: you appreciate the written word more than the spoken word. Around the world, what is written takes precedence over what is being said and people grossly overestimate the importance of what has been written but underestimate the importance of what is being said. This terrible, but unaddressed, situation is created and maintained by your DL, in which you could never assert, that speaking and listening are – don’t miss it – more important to human relationship, than writing and reading.


We live in what I call the age of the tyranny of the written word. Hilariously, hahaha, everyone who, supposedly, has something to say, is trying to write a book. Stated differently, DL is on its deathbed and is singing its so-called swansong. DL has run its course, and it is very clear, that the group-behavior, which is DL, is going to lose from individual-behavior, which is EL. EL is the future, DL is the past. There is no future for DL, yet since you still don’t know anything about the difference between your DL and EL, you go on with DL by default, while you are, basically, digging your own grave. Your problems with DL keep piling up, they can’t be addressed, let alone, resolved. Unless, you learn to have EL, there is no solution, only the escalation of your DL into war. We have already witnessed this senseless, destructive, tragic process many times throughout mankind’s history. And pay attention to this – don’t miss it – it isn’t history that is magically repeating itself, it is your DL.


Whatever people say publicly today, is totally scripted, rehearsed, acted and predetermined. Those authors, who proudly speak about what they have written, remain fixated, in what they say, on what they have written, and they never deviate from their own talking points. Due to our DL, we all believe, those who have written books, have something important to say, but the fact is – don’t miss this point – they never had EL and what they have written derives from their DL. This is, of course, very clear in politics. Which brings us to the stupid, nasty Burden-Horribilis administration, which is campaigning from the basement. Empty-Suitala carries the so-called torch of democracy, by blatantly refusing to speak with we The People – don’t miss it – which is, whether you are Democrat or Republican, you. Presumably, there’s no need for someone who attempts to become the President of the United States, to explain how she is going to achieve her objectives, because we are swept off our feet by the incredible joy, that we feel in her cheap promise of free stuff for everyone.


The whole world can hear, how fake the empty promises are from the dumb, sad, angry, old man and the lies of his female replacement. The Democratic crowd, at least a large majority of them, is energized to gain power and to keep inventing and forcing anti-Democratic laws onto The People, who are supposed to forget they have rights, documented in the Constitution. I have said this numerous times – don’t miss it – we are experiencing the inevitable, horrendous endgame of our DL and things are going to get really ugly. Certainly, Trump and most people on the Right, are much more sincere, rational, honest, lively and accountable, than any of the race-baiters, gas-lighters, grifters, hoaxers, liars, haters, screamers, schemers, sick creeps, losers, victims, complainers, DEI-morons and attack-dogs on the Left. I say and write this – don’t miss it – as someone, who knows the difference between DL and EL. I hear, people on the Right want to talk and negotiate, but those on the Left only want to force their way. Differences between Left and Right, come down to one thing, and one thing only: individual responsibility! This is, not coincidentally, also the issue in your ability to have EL instead of DL. We have DL, as we refuse to be responsible for ourselves and EL is only possible, if we accept, what we must do, for ourselves, to have it. This issue has always been playing in the background, but now it is on full display. Do we want a society, in which we accuse others, or do we take responsibility? Are you – don’t miss it – going to have EL or will you continue to live a vicarious life with your DL? You can hear me read this text on my You Tube channel maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw also check out my other You Tube channel Maximus Peperkamp. 


Monday, August 19, 2024



It is full moon today. You have probably heard the quasi-meaningful question: is the glass half empty or half full? I don’t really care. To me, what is important is, if the glass is full or empty. In other words, are you finally engaging in effective, satisfying, natural, interesting and enjoyable Embodied Language (EL) or are you still engaging in your meaningless, pretentious, retarded, forceful, unconscious, repetitive, energy-draining, involuntary Disembodied Language (DL)?


For those who are spiritually inclined, full moon symbolizes a time of release and completion, but few people seem to realize, spirituality is only of interest to those, who have DL, who like to believe, some full moon ceremony or some language-denying meditation, brings about EL. Anyone, who knows about the difference between DL and EL, is aware this isn’t true. No spiritual ritual has ever brought about EL. The fact, that DL is going on everywhere means all people who behave spiritually are actually full of shit.  


People, who are full of themselves, bother us very much. Why is that? Presumably, they are self-centered people, who demand and drain our attention. Why do we get so exhausted? It seems impossible, to have a conversation with them and any attempt to do so, felt as if we were walking through a desert. However, with DL, we are all concerned solely with our own desires, needs and interests. With DL, we are unable to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, as it is always my way or the highway. In our insensitive DL, which is our usual way of talking, everyone, unknowingly struggles to get each other’s attention and tries to become the center of the attention. We all know about this continuous, ridiculous competition of joys and anxieties, but we never acknowledged the full picture and called it DL. Everyone with DL coercively assumes others share their values and way of seeing life. In DL, everyone is full of themselves all the time, because they are fake.  


When we have EL, instead of DL, we discover ourselves and we are full of surprises, as we are continuously saying new, interesting things. In DL, by contrast, we are bored with and frustrated about, ourselves, that is why we are always busy with others, but never with our selves. So, paradoxically, being full of ourselves, means, we are always preoccupied with others. DL gives rise to the false consensus effect, in which we believe – against all odds – the vast majority shares our habits, preferences and opinions. Moreover, if we find out, they don’t, we believe and say and insist, they should.


Another weird thing about people, who are full of themselves – while they are never truthful about themselves – is that we keep saying, they like to hear themselves talk. Fact is, they don’t hear themselves, as they don't listen to themselves while they speak and they certainly don’t like anyone who says: hey speaker, it is not what you say, but how you say it. Yet, we commonly say, with DL, they like to hear themselves, because they keep talking, without being open to signals of disinterest. Vacuous people, with automatic DL – basically everyone – are always extremely uptight about any form of feed-back or criticism. Bottom-line is with DL, we are all constantly walking on eggshells, around anyone who is more important than us. We are always walking on a tightrope around those who we consider to be superior to us, because we are inferior to them and superiority as well as inferiority go hand in hand in our usual DL.


With EL, conversation is full of meaning, energy and reason. No one is above or below others or forcing anyone, to listen, but not speak. Nobody gets any preferential treatment. Interestingly, in EL, we view our own behavior as fair, effortless, good and satisfying, but consider behavior of those with DL as unfair, stupid, careless and unintelligent, yet we are not self-centered. To the contrary, in EL, we are full of love, patience, laughter and understanding. Moreover, we are keenly aware, that all our successes – which deal with the continuation of our EL – are due to our own behavior and all our failures – which are due to our DL – are due to those, who don’t admit the difference between DL and EL and, therefore, force their DL on us. With EL, we are full of the truth, and we are no longer taking the blame for our DL.   


The full significance of EL only becomes clear, if we manage to continue with it. Of course, this means, that we must have stopped our DL. To accomplish this, we must radically move away from our tendency, to have DL with others. And, this is absolutely not a matter of introspection, because there is no language inside of us. We must detect DL, we can hear and experience and get better at avoiding getting involved. It is only necessary to notice if – according to us – someone has DL or EL. If you wish to be able to have ongoing EL and, consequently, enjoy your Language Enlightenment (LE), there is nothing else to be learned from or about others. You can never be too full of yourself, as you are no longer bamboozled by the gas-lighting of DL.       

Sunday, August 18, 2024



After you have read these few simple words, you are either going to waste the rest of your life with more of the same of your old, stupid, phony, stressful, troublesome Disembodied Language (DL) or you are going to enjoy, who you really are – your Language Enlightenment (LE) – because you have become capable of having ongoing, always new Embodied Language (EL).


Once if had figured out, I could have EL instead of DL, I was, again and again, wondering, why the rest of the world didn’t want to have EL? I never found any answer to that bothersome question, which disappeared from my life. Once you have EL, you are at your best and you no longer worry about the rest. You are no longer interested or involved in the rest of all these awful, boring, dreadful stories, which people tell themselves and each other. You will not be telling your own story either, because you have better, more important things to do with your EL. Sure enough, you leave the rest of all your own old, conflicted, unfinished, chaotic, meaningless stories alone. You take no ordinary break, once you have EL instead of DL, because you can now truly rest in your own language.


With your ongoing EL, you have no problem recognizing the seduction and manipulation of DL, which leaves you hanging. Supposedly, it takes more than outrageous cliff-hangers to win the ratings wars. There is always a struggle for attention going on in DL and the audience isn’t given any rest. We all know cliffhangers usually turn out to be disappointments, but we fell again for it. Moreover, you want to know the rest of the story, because you were conditioned to be a consumer of amusement. The so-called ending of an episode of a drama leaves the audience in suspense. The story or the situation is uncertain, and the outcome is in doubt. All of this is typical DL stuff, but you’ll be fine if you rest a little bit.


Although, initially, you can only have some EL for a little while, it will be clear, you need that rest from your usual way of talking, which is DL. Once you are able to have more EL, you will be shocked, to find out, how worn out you are from DL. You really need that rest. The institutionalization of those, who were said to have mental disorders, was a haphazard attempt, to provide this much needed rest and the deinstitutionalization made us forget about our need for rest, to calm down and have EL instead of DL.


In my opinion, we need asylums more then ever in the twenty-first century. However, with our EL, we cannot avoid the realistic notion that our so-called humanitarianism, understanding and therapeutics were always still based on DL, as the difference between DL and EL was never fully acknowledged. We definitely need a refuge from an unforgiving world – in which DL rules – a place where those, who are worn down and disturbed by life’s tribulations, can escape, rest, reassess and start afresh again with EL.


When someone has died, we say: may he or she rest in peace. This says it all, how we deal with our need for rest. With DL, we postpone it until we die, because with DL, we can’t rest, as we are literally restless. The only rest we will ever have, is the rest we can experience during our lives. There is no rest in death. Due to DL, we believe that numbing ourselves, in one way or another, equals rest. Of course, it doesn’t, but since we don’t know how to truly rest with EL, we can’t help but fall victim for the promise of rest in religion, drugs, alcohol, art, music, amusement, knowledge, meditation, wealth, power, politics and medicine. Nothing comes close, to the rest we can only achieve with our EL, as it is the rest of who we are, when we experience our LE.               

Saturday, August 17, 2024




With our usual, unconscious, unnatural way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we never have an overview of what is actually happening in our own lives and in the lives of others. In Disembodied Language (DL) we are only guessing, pretending, believing and imitating. To be conscious, to know what is going on, to understand the reason, why things are the way they are, we must have Embodied Language (EL), which will only become possible, if we spend time, alone, by talking out loud with ourselves, about our own experiences and by listening to the sound of our voice while we speak. Thus, by becoming our own listener, we stop our DL and begin to tell ourselves, why we have behaved as we did and why we in EL, behave as we do. The irrefutable fact, that we didn’t listen to ourselves in DL, shows, once we begin to talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves, everything starts becoming clear.


Each of us is faced with many questions, about decisions we make, to do this or to do that. Our choices always have consequences. Both, what we do, but also what we don’t do, determines how we live our lives. If we manage, to behave in such a way, that the outcomes of our actions make us successful, happy and satisfied, we have behaved responsibly, but if what we did or didn’t do, resulted into failure, chaos, conflict and despair, we behaved irresponsibly. Our responsibility is a matter of using language as a feed-back mechanism, to let ourselves know how we are doing. Surely, in  DL, our habitual way of dealing with language, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we are irresponsible and we only grow up, so to speak, we only mature, we are only capable of acknowledging, the extent to which what we experience, is the result of our own doing, if we take time to speak with ourselves, in order to be able to listen to our own voice, so that we can instruct ourselves with our ongoing EL.


Once we have deciphered, the great difference between our DL and EL, we realize, we have been busy – in DL – with many questions and answers, which weren’t ours, which we have acquired, due to our history of conditioning. We were all taught, to listen to others, to authority outside of ourselves. In DL, listening means, we are listening to others, or we try to get them to listen to us, but we never listen to ourselves. Although in DL, everyone claims to be in charge of their own lives, we cannot be in charge, as long as our language works against us, because we never speak with ourselves, in order to be able to hear what we’ve got to say to ourselves. Only when our DL has been stopped, because we have begun to talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves and engage in EL, can and will we be able to formulate our own questions and our own answers, about who we are, as individuals, and how we want to live our lives.


It is astonishing, that this essential analysis of our language, is only presented by me, but not by any psychologists, psychiatrists, linguists, lawyers, scientists, teachers, physicians, news anchors, pundits, politicians and religious leaders. This clearly shows, that everyone in authority is, unknowingly, engaging in DL and that our notion of so-called self-knowledge is completely flawed. Naturally, we will only know who we really are, when we stop fantasizing and making things up, as we have done for ages with our DL. Moreover, our motivation, to stop our own DL and to engage in ongoing EL, can only come from reading a text like this or from listening to my You Tube channels 1) Maximus Peperkamp or 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw. If one verifies what I have written and have been saying on my videos, only one conclusion possible: if one can have EL by one-self, alone, with one-self, it is possible and necessary, to have EL with others, who, like us, also stopped their DL and discovered their EL. We are faced with the challenge, to engage in EL, a new form of communication, in which each speaker listens to him or herself while he or she speaks. EL is effortless and energizing and restores our sanity, which was lost, due to our tragic involvement in DL.

Friday, August 16, 2024



Of course, as long as there is our usual Disembodied Language (DL), there is always a sense of fear and threat. However, when we finally have Embodied Language (EL), it is almost inconceivable, we have, apparently, always had such an unintelligent use of language, that had only catastrophic consequences. Our  inability or unwillingness to admit, our DL is terrible, remains one of the most important reasons we continue with it, as it still seems to us - because we act like a victim – that we have nothing to do with it. Surely, this isn’t true. We could have done something about it, a long time ago, but we never considered our DL, because fully recognizing our  lack of responsibility means, we are not – as we like to claim to be – free and we are, therefore, slaves to our habit, created by our conditioning. We prefer to pretend this is not the case and we fool ourselves.


Although it is undeniably apparent, that we act over and over again from an ineffective pattern, to which we seem to be hopelessly stuck - it is just a dumb excuse, our behavior inexplicably keeps repeating itself - we stubbornly continue to do what we have always done, even though we know perfectly well, it cannot and will not have a good result and we are not doing what should be done, to bring about real behavioral change. Moreover, not being capable or  honest enough, to admit, that we don't know what we could do, to achieve something better is not even the point. What truly matters is, we don't realize, we should stop doing something, to prevent our stupid, predictable, repetitive, senseless tragedies.  


We do something significant for 
ourselves, when we describe 
all behavior that was caused,
maintained and conceptually
inseparable from our DL. We
will have to stop all this 
behavior, in order to be 
able to have EL. In other 
words, we are unable to 
actually stop our DL, until 
we have consciously 
engaged in recognizing 
and ceasing the behavior 
associated with our DL. 
Only then will we be able, 
to stop being who we 
believed and pretended to 
be, when we recognize, 
everything we did with 
premeditation – as planned 
with our DL – was completely 
pointless and problematic. 
No behavior should escape 
our attention. Due to our DL, 
we are used to constantly 
paying attention to all kinds 
of matters that yield no good 
results at all. While we assume 
we fulfill our needs, we remain 
busy with supposedly necessary 
things in DL, we are unable 
to distinguish between real 
needs and phony needs. 
Our real need is to be able 
to use our language to 
speak correctly about our  
experiences, but this is never 
discussed with our EL.  


Becoming conscious about our urgent need for realistic, effective and enjoyable language, is also not about, as is so often said, that one, presumably, has deeper or higher needs or that one would be wasting time by remaining occupied with vulgar superficialities, as it simply comes down to the fact that we, in DL, do not listen to ourselves. In other words, there can only be clarity, certainty and continuity in our language if we, again and again, stop our DL and turn it into EL, recognizing first, that we didn't listen to ourselves and then, that we began to listen to ourselves again. Naming our own DL as DL and describing the indisputable fact that we again did not listen to ourselves, is as important as saying that two and two is four and not five.


Any refusal, to wholeheartedly admit, we were not listening to ourselves in our insensitive, automatic, coercive DL derives from DL, which makes us claim that, supposedly, it doesn't matter what happens to us during our lives, because we believe in a power that is bigger and higher than ourselves, which will miraculously ensure, everything will turn out fine. . This grandiose, spiritual, desperate, but ubiquitous madness shows, that we, as individuals, have never gotten around to ourselves and have never taken our necessary individual language serious. Because of our DL, we willingly sacrifice ourselves on the altar of culturally-sanctioned group-behavior and we forget about ourselves. We constantly look away from how we behave, because, without realizing it, we still believe, we belong to an undifferentiated unity-soup. Thus, seen from the DL-perspective, everyone, Left or Right, is in favor of globalization, open borders or that we are all in this together.


Looking away – during DL – is a matter of listening away and, involuntarily, unconsciously, staying busy with many unnecessary things. Listening away means, we do not say and, therefore, we cannot hear, which or what could do us good. As a result, we obsessively do all kinds of things against our own interest.  This all-encompassing dissociative behavior, arises from our usual way of speaking, which everyone considers as normal, in which we unconsciously produce a voice, that alienates us from ourselves. This aspect of DL has never been properly perceived or discussed by us, because we have continued to make many judgments about it, which only caused continuation of our DL.  Whether or not we listen to ourselves while we speak with ourselves or with others,  always depends on the situation in which either one or the other happens. Recognizing that situation, requires us to speak to ourselves and by listening to our voice, we then begin to perceive, whenever we are listening to ourselves and whenever we are not. Thus, with our language, we create the situation in which our DL stops and our EL can continue. In fact, it is the sound of our own speaking voice, which produces our language, that creates the situation for our EL.


In closing, here are ten jokes about sensation. 1) You know that tingly sensation you get when you like somebody? That’s common sense leaving your body. 2) I am sensational when it comes to remembering names. But every Tom, Rick and Larry knows that. 3) Do you know that mouth-watering sensation you get when you smell a steak cooking on the grill? Is that what happens to vegans when they mow the grass? 4) What do you call that weird sensation when you are suddenly teleported from the North Pole to the South Pole, or vice versa? Bi-polar Disorder. 5) My least favorite sexual position is COVID-69. The masks really take the sensation away. 6) Back in the 80’s when I was taking a EMT course, to volunteer on the local ambulance service, we were in the middle of  a class on bodily fluids and gloves and masks. During the lecture, the instructor asked us, “Do you know what the first sign of A.I.D.S is?” It being a new thing back then we really didn’t have any answers. After a few minutes he advised us that “It is a pounding sensation in your ass. 7) I know why I get so many down votes. Apparently, I am a huge sensation in Australia. 8) Having a good friend is just like peeing in your pants. Everybody can see it, but only you feel that warm sensation of happiness. 9) The teacher asked: what is sex? Johnny got up and say: sex is a temptation, cause by a sensation, where a boy stick his location, in a girl’s destination, to increase the population of the next generation. Do you get my explanation? The teacher fainted. 10) Have you heard about the Broadway-bound sensation, “The Linguists?” It’s a real play on words. Hahaha.