Wednesday, February 7, 2024




If you have ever watched the science fiction series Star Trek, you are probably familiar with the famous quote: Space, the final frontier. However, in reality, human beings, are not going on some five-year-long mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations. Human beings are at war with themselves and with each other and they are literally going nowhere. Certainly, we are not boldly going, where no man has gone before, on some heroic, fantastic voyage, to other galaxies, in some imaginary, fancy starship Enterprise. To the contrary, mankind is digging its own grave, with its outdated, stupid Disembodied Language (DL).


Our final frontier isn’t something fictional, but it is something very down to earth. Yes, it is our way of communicating, which sets the stage for how we deal with our own and each other’s behavior. If we are going to go, where no man has gone before, we are going to engage in ongoing Embodied Language (EL) or, as I used to call it, in the language that creates space.


With our usual, mechanical, unconscious, coercive, unintelligent DL, we don’t give ourselves and each other any space, to express ourselves. DL is based on a competition between speakers. Those, who are the best at dominating, manipulating, distracting and pretending, they win the struggle for attention. All the talking is, basically, done by only a very small amount of people, our so-called authorities. Not surprisingly, as long as we keep listening to them, we are never going find out about the space, we will experience, if we talk with and listen to ourselves.


Whenever anyone says, I need some space, please, give me some space, what they are actually saying is: stop your DL and, for Peet’s sake, let’s have some EL. We could only say that, however, if we knew the difference between our DL, the language of the group or our straight-jacket language and EL, the language of our individual freedom. Our ongoing EL changes our space-time experience and our perception is new.


Whenever you are in some room, there is always a place – in that space – where it will be very easy for you, to express your EL. If we are in a group and you are trying to find that place, in space, we all agree when you have found your place, your space, where you can express your EL. This is a truly remarkable exercise, which can, of course, also be done alone. When you come closer to that space, you will start to have EL and if you move away from that space, you will produce DL. Furthermore, within your body there is space, but also tension. If you give attention to the tension in your body, with the sound of your voice, by directing your sound into that tense spot, the tension dissolves and will you feel space within your body. Certainly, you can also talk about your so-called problems, which appear to take up space in your imaginary mind. When you say to yourself what is going on and listen to the sound of it, you can tell if it is DL or EL. If you correctly describe DL, it will stop and then, there will be space to have EL.


As long as we engage in DL, we have no idea about our own or someone else’s personal space. Our blatant lack of boundaries in DL, causes us to have conflicts with others as well as with ourselves. Problems with others cannot be solved by, supposedly, making us aware about their space, because as long as we stay busy with others, we are unaware of our own space. Only once we have become aware – with our EL, because we become more sensitive – of our own space, are we capable of respecting the space of others. In DL, we are out of touch with ourselves and each other, as we are busy occupying someone else’s space, by demanding their attention.


In geometry, we consider three-dimensional space. This is a mathematical, physical or Euclidian space, in which three values or coordinates – x, y, z, which can also be defined as length, width and height – are used to locate a point. In classical physics, this serves as a model of the physical universe, in which all known matter exists. However, when relativity theory is also considered – and I should emphasize, that this is only truly the case, when we engage in EL, but only superficially, when we engage in DL – then these coordinates are considered as a local subspace of space-time. In a representation of the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, the x-axis leaves a point, and is pointing towards the observer, the y-axis moves towards to the right and the z-axis goes upwards.


One can easily visualize a transparent cube in space. This tri-dimensional space is the most compelling and useful model of space, to – visually – model the world, as it is experienced by us. However, relativity theory does not directly relate to our sound, as it primarily explains the behavior of objects in the universe – that is, in space – at high speeds and in relation to gravity. Nevertheless, relativity theory has some implications for the behavior of sound waves in certain situations. I would say – with my very limited knowledge of physics – that all current understanding of physics is based on DL, in which we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak. When we engage EL, I predict, we will be able to conceive of aspects of physics – that is of space-time – which, until now, we literally weren’t able to talk about. For instance, the speaker, who listens to him or herself while he or she speaks, produces a different sound from the speaker, who doesn’t listen to his or her own voice, while he or she speaks. Surely, the listener, who listens to the former or to the latter speaker, will also have an entirely different experience.

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