Saturday, November 19, 2022




Whatever I say or write about Embodied Language (EL) isn’t up for debate. It doesn’t matter what kind of opinion or preconceived idea you have about it, as such judgments are always referring to your own Disembodied Language (DL). The point I am making with this writing, is that your usual way of talking cannot accept EL and, therefore, must be stopped, before EL can be heard, perceived, and expressed.  


It must have occurred to you, that how you know or experience yourself, is always something entirely different from how others know or experience you. This is the inevitable outcome of DL, our common way of talking. Only when we can have ongoing EL, we realize, for the first time, if they do not engage in EL with us, others do not and cannot know or experience us at all. This is something crucially important to understand, as we feel constantly judged, scrutinized, weighed, interpreted, or pigeonholed by others, in ways we do not want.


When we disagree with the perceptions of others about who we, presumably, are, we engage in DL. People are against stigmatization or stereotyping, but they do not realize, our DL has to be stopped. What we keep getting frustrated and worked up about, is always about how our language is being used. Unknowingly, we object to the DL of others, but this prevents us from paying attention to our own DL. And, if the DL of others still bothers us, this indicates, we haven’t dealt with our own DL.


Although this may sound very simple, EL is simple, but acquiring EL is complicated by the fact that our DL has a sound, we do not like to listen to. We hate to listen to the sound of our own DL so much, that we rather listen to and bitch about the DL of others. And, this is precisely what we do, as we, day in, day out, engage with others in DL. Our aversion of our own DL is such, that we automatically block out and dissociate from what it feels like to experience it. In other words, we do not hear what our DL is like, as we are psychologically deaf for the sound, which we shamefully produce every day, without even realizing that we ourselves absolutely do not like it. Thus, we talk mainly in an unconscious manner. We do not hear ourselves while we speak, because we are more concerned about whether others are hearing us or whether we are listening to them. 


Ironically, in DL, which is our usual way of talking, we basically only pretend to speak and listen. If we would listen to how we really sound, we would hear – if we don’t have any organic hearing problems –  that it is true that we pretend to sound happy, open, sincere, friendly, attentive, interested, respectful or appreciative, that is, in DL, we are continuously virtue-signaling. Oddly, we are, inadvertently, trying to make it seem as if we are already having EL, since we do not know how to have it. This is the great dilemma of DL: we are trying to fake it until we make it. As such, we keep trying to convince ourselves and each other, that we are having EL, while, in reality, we have become more and more insidious with and trapped by our own repetitive DL.  


EL cannot be faked and no brilliant actor has ever had any EL in any movie. Also, humor, as we know it, could not help us to attain our EL. The tragedy of our conditioning history with DL is, that we cannot be genuine while we speak with one another, as we prevent ourselves and each other from producing an authentic sound. Naturally, our resonant voice is not negative, but positive and always expresses our wellbeing. EL is the intelligent, new conversation, in which our voice keeps guiding us into the beautiful effects of the expression of our positive emotions.


In EL, we are not merely experiencing our positive emotions by ourselves, as we can share them and enhance them in others, that is, we create stable, safe, and healthy relationships, as we co-regulate each other. By listening to the sound of our voice while we speak, we become aware, that we could live a different way of life, than when we remain engaged in DL. The moment in which we realize, we speak with a sound, which we do absolutely do not like, we effortlessly stop making that sound and we start speaking with the sound we like.  


After we have switched back and forth between DL and EL a couple of times, it is very clear to us, that we want EL, not DL. We perceive the much better results of our EL. By being aware, our DL stops by itself and all the behaviors that went along with it drop away. Moreover, there is, during our EL, in our voice, this special sound, which makes us glow with bliss. This targeted unique expression reveals precisely the behaviors we should stop, to make it possible to continue our path with EL.


With EL, we create a new reality for ourselves and although others may share in our experiences, it does not really matter, if they do or don’t, as we are self-determined to continue with our EL. In effect, we attain and share our Language Enlightenment (LE) and enjoy the blossoming of our individuality. With EL, we know ourselves better than how others seem to know us with their DL and those, who are courageous enough to have EL with us, they know us as we are, as they also talk with and listen to their own voice while they speak.                        

Thursday, November 17, 2022




Those who, supposedly, fight against the injustice in this world, have it all wrong, on so many different levels. They claim to be the voice for the voiceless, which is, in and of itself, total nonsense. We don’t need other people to represent us, because we are not voiceless, but we need to become conscious about the sound of our own voice, while we speak.


We all tend to believe, what is often described as group-think, because we view ourselves and each other, as belonging or wanting to belong to a group. What happened to individualism? To be a modern individual, we can’t afford to remain identified with our outdated, ancient affiliation with some group.


It is inevitable that we grow up and are conditioned by various group-environments. We become who we are, due to our families, tribes, clubs, religions, towns, countries, languages or professions. As some point, we say, we have made up our mind, that we belong to this or that party, to this or that belief, to those, who are winners or losers, to those, who are superior or inferior, to those, who are in power or  those, who are oppressed. However, although our so-called identity is always, in one way or another, framed as our kinship, over the course of our lives, we all face the challenge of becoming an individual.  


For most people, there continues to be an intense conflict between, on the one hand, our conditioning history, to conform to whatever social group we believe to belong to, and, on the other hand, our individuality. Such ongoing conflict is maintained by our way of talking, which commonly expresses our everlasting fear, stress, anxiety, chaos and struggle.


Our usual way of talking is Disembodied Language (DL). The fact, however, that we don’t know how to have ongoing Embodied Language (EL) – which, in principle is possible for everyone and would be beneficial to anyone – signifies that we have failed to become individuals, because our way of talking didn’t and couldn’t express it properly. Only in EL is our individuality expressed correctly, as it is the way of talking that is without any negativity or conflict.


Those who have never heard about and who have never experienced the great difference between DL and EL, probably consider the possibility of talking without any pressure or fear, as some idolized state, but those few individuals, who were courageous enough to explore this important difference, are bound to acknowledge the unavoidable truth, that their EL reveals their Language Enlightenment (LE).


Those who manage to stop their DL and continue with their EL, live, as individuals, a life without any problems, because they are no longer motivated by anything, which, presumably, represents them. The issue of representation, is a verbal construct. Simply stated, our identity or who we believe ourselves to be, is merely a bunch of words. Interestingly, in DL, we identify more with what we say, than with how we say what we say. We normally remain verbally obsessed and fixated, but during EL, although we use our language, we are not imprisoned or limited by our words. Our liberation from words is usually, incorrectly, described as getting out of our mind.  


In DL, we keep going around in circles, as our mind is just another verbal concept. There is our group-reality, we like to believe we agree on, due to our descriptions and definitions and there is, of course, our so-called subjective reality, of who we believe ourselves to be, as individuals. Even in the latter, we never acquire the way of talking, that settles our conflict between who we really are and who we are supposed to be.  


Freud also described the aforementioned, as the conflict between our urges, needs and desires of the Id and the development of the Ego. He was correct, in my opinion, in assuming that, ideally, the reality principle, developed by the Ego, solves the problem of the pleasure principle, which is basically the problem of our inappropriate behavior. Indeed, he discovered aspects of EL, which he described as free association, which, strikingly, is the patient talking out loud with him or herself. Yet, Freud remained hung up on his psycho-analytic theory and none of his patients were ever completely psycho-analyzed, as there was no clarity or knowledge about the DL/EL distinction, let alone, about LE, the very core of our healthy individuality. 


Tragically, as long as we don’t know, that we can and should control and stop our DL (which Freud would describe as our Id), we are unable to engage in ongoing EL (which Freud would consider, as the development of our Ego) and realize our LE (which Freud appears to refer to as our Super-Ego). Stated differently, there is only the reality of how we each, individually, deal with our language. We create (with our language) and live in our own reality. Therefore, there exists no mind to assess the reality of the so-called external world. Moreover, EL is the only path, to live a life without any conflict. There is no other way, to understand and end our DL and to be an individual, than with ongoing EL.                       




The fact, that I have finally given up on explaining my Embodied Language (EL) to others, makes that I can write so beautifully about it every day. Who cares about talking with others, when one can talk with oneself exactly how one wants to talk? I can say everything to myself, but I can’t say anything to you. You wouldn’t and couldn’t let me, as your way of talking is based on trying to dominate others.


Don’t tell me, you are open to having real dialogue, because you are not. If you would be willing to have EL with me, we would be having it, but you are not. You are not interested in having EL, as long as you find Disembodied Language (DL) more important, that is, you find talking with others more important than talking with yourself. While you may believe you have, you have never talked with yourself. Yes, you may have talked with yourself, but you have talked with yourself in the same way as you have talked with others. How could it be otherwise? In DL, we talk with others, with the belief, they are someone else, someone different from ourselves. Supposedly, others are independent, different, unique or free to be who they want to be. However, their presumed separate existence from us in what we construe as an external, objective environment, is a falsehood, we keep telling ourselves with DL.


Naturally, others are merely what we experience, remember or believe them to be. In other words, others are or seem to be, how we describe them. When we talk out loud with ourselves, instead of with others, we realize, there is no other. There is neither a me nor a you, as there is only our way of dealing with our language. When we stop talking, we stop being aware of who we seem to be, but this is only the case, if we stop having DL. By contrast, when we stop having EL, we are fully aware of who we are, as we have been able to be verbal about it.


Being fully verbal involves, that we consciously speak, listen, write or read. Surely, we have never been able to become aware about our Language Enlightenment (LE), as we didn’t allow ourselves or  each other to have ongoing EL. In DL, we always want others to recognize, accept and respect us, as we do not and cannot recognize, accept and respect ourselves. We don’t know this, but, inadvertently, we do to others, what we do to ourselves, that is, we force ourselves to believe who we are or seem to be and we also force others to believe, who we believe ourselves to be or would like to be. Since we behave automatically, our DL is never stopped by anything and we can only act out our conditioning history. DL gives a strange twist to the phrase: do unto others what you would have them do to you.


The most bewildering aspect about EL, for those who continue with DL, is that the person with EL doesn’t appear to validate, acknowledge or even pay attention to or listen to anyone with DL. In effect, those with DL are bound to feel rejected by anyone with EL. They are infuriated, as those with EL keep saying, literally, what they don’t want to hear, namely, they aren’t listening to themselves. As I was saying, why would anyone with EL want to do this, as those with DL will continue with their DL, even if those with EL are correctly describing what is going on? Whenever I describe my experience of you, that you are not listening to yourself while you speak, that you are engaging in DL, you are digging in your heels and deny that what I say is true. And, you are angry with me or anyone, who doesn’t buy into your DL. I have done everything I describe and am no longer negatively affected by anyone’s DL.


I have permanently stopped talking with those who have DL, as it was the only way for me to continue with my EL. Besides, I can not stop anyone’s DL, as they will have to stop it themselves. Surely, they would only be able to stop their own DL, if they had a reason to do so, that is, a verbal instruction, which would bring the ancient mechanics of their history of conditioning to a halt. That golden rule is: listen to yourself while you speak. Only then will you hear,  feel and experience, something new taking place.


Nobody can be the voice for someone else. Each of us has his or her own voice and only will respond to it when we really hear this. While we may believe to be speaking with our own voice already, when we bring more attention and energy to how we sound and to what we experience, when we speak out loud alone with ourselves, it is strikingly clear to us, that, in our everyday way of talking, we don’t listen to ourselves at all and, therefore, we speak with a horrible, energy-draining, odd sound, which doesn’t belong to us, as it separates instead of connects us with ourselves. The big difference between DL and EL, therefore, is how we experience our own sound. In EL, we are proud, certain and confident, we have now stopped our own DL, as we hear something which is fresh, alive and creative, but in DL, on the other hand, we feel estranged from ourselves, failed, conflicted, stressed out and distracted.      

Wednesday, November 16, 2022




I have a message for you, which you are only able to understand, if you stop listening to me or someone else talking and start talking with yourself. Listening to yourself while you speak will liberate you from all your problems. I don’t want you to believe me, as I want you to try it out and see and hear for yourself, why talking out loud with yourself is really more important than talking with someone else. The way in which you have been conditioned determines that talking with others prevents you from talking with yourself. However, when you talk with yourself and listen to the sound of your  calm voice, while you speak, you will find that talking with yourself, which I call Embodied Language (EL), doesn’t prevent you from talking with others. To the contrary, once you have found out about your ability to have EL, alone, by yourself, you will know for sure, that you can and would very much like to talk with others, in the exact same way, that you now can talk with yourself.


When you talk with others, in the same way that you talk with yourself – and when others, of course, do the same with you – you will certainly discover, that your EL is the source of all your happiness. Conversely, as long as you haven’t explored, acknowledged, enjoyed and become aware of your own EL, you never could have been happy. This is an important point to be considered. Most people are and, unknowingly, remain, unhappy, as they have no experience with exploring their own ongoing EL, on their own. Everything will change because of this breath-taking exploration.


Once we investigate and get to know our EL, alone, and verify, that it is, of course, possible to have EL with others, we inevitably become aware of the sad fact, that there is almost nobody to have EL with us. Even those, who we consider to be close or friendly towards us, will only be able to have EL to the extent they are motivated and stimulated to explore talking out loud with and listening to themselves. In other words, we will be continuously challenged to explore EL by ourselves, as our opportunity to have EL with others will be minimal. Therefore, it is never a question of how or when we are going to have EL with others, but always about how or when we are going to have EL with ourselves. The answer to this question is very simply: when we speak with ourselves and listen to ourselves while we speak.  


Absurd as this may, initially, sound, EL implies, that we, to a much lesser degree, are willing to speak with or listen to others than speak with or listen to ourselves, because speaking with and listening to ourselves, is considered to be more important to us. Furthermore, in these very few instances, that we were able to share some our EL with others, we can’t escape the incredible realization, that speaking with and listening to someone with EL is, as delightful, as speaking with and listening to ourselves. While in the presence of those, who only know how to engage in DL, however, we are always reminded, how beneficial it is to have EL by ourselves.  


After we can have ongoing EL, first by ourselves and then, sometimes, when it is possible, with others, we don’t harp on our memory of how good it is to have EL with others, as such a sentiment will distract us from having EL by ourselves. In other words, we no longer want to have EL with those, who only engage in DL, because we know, for a fact, it will affect us in such a way, that we will engage again in DL. In the idle hope to have EL with others, we always end up having DL.


Our ability to continue, on our own, with EL, makes us totally independent, as we don’t even rely on anyone, we can have EL with, to continue with our EL. Stated differently, our EL establishes us into the sacred space of our aloneness. In our aloneness, we transcend our history with DL and realize Language Enlightenment (LE). Our LE is a great treasure, as we have said and continue to say what we are able to say. Our intelligence speaks and we can hear it, act on it and experience the positive consequences, which keep on getting better.


In the beginning of discovering EL, things almost seem to be too good to be true, but as we continue with our EL, all expectations are exceeded. There is no limit to our joyfulness and understanding. Every step and each breath is an enhancement and each verbal expression is a further elaboration of who we are. My message to you is that your LE is already the case, but you only haven’t found your way to talk about it. In EL, you will speak with a sound, which expresses your wellbeing and you only say what matters to you. Thus, in your ongoing EL, you express your LE, as all your needs have been met.      

Sunday, November 13, 2022




You, reading this, are not open to experiment with your own language, as long as you don’t read these words out loud and listen to the sound of your own voice. When you do that, you are not only going to hear your reading voice, but you will also become aware about what you experience, while you are reading this text. These words weren’t written to tell you what you should or shouldn’t experience, but to simply effortlessly introduce you to the possibility of listening to yourself while you speak. I know, for a fact, that you don’t listen to yourself while you speak, because our common way of talking, which I describe as Disembodied Language (DL), doesn’t evoke your self-listening, but only your other-listening.


This text doesn’t teach you to listen to yourself while you speak, but it might make you listen to yourself while you read this, as hearing yourself is an experience, which you are not used to. And, of course, you can’t stand it, that you are being told to listen to yourself. If you don’t want to do it, you will refuse and then go on with something else, but in that case, you will not be able to embody your language. There are necessary steps which have to be taken to accomplish EL.   


It isn’t a matter of whether you want it or not, but whether you do it or not, that is, whether you will listen to yourself while read or speak or not. If you do, you will, by just reading this text out loud, begin to engage in Embodied Language (EL), but if you don’t, you will be having more of the same, old, boring, rehearsed, uncomfortable, negative DL. Stated differently, if you listen to your self while you speak, you would, to your own surprise, suddenly feel happy, relaxed, interested, real, positive and energized. If this doesn’t happen, this indicates, that you are not listening to yourself.


Although your natural speaking sound is soothing and resonating, you are still able to experience the memory of not feeling this way, basically, for as long as you can remember. It is evident to you, that you never listened to yourself, as you always wanted others to listen to you or you were forcing yourself to listen to others. This is why initially, listening to yourself while you speak, is a profoundly emotional experience. It becomes even more intense, after you have put away this text and start to talk out loud with yourself and listen to your voice, while you speak about anything that matters to you or that comes to your attention. There is no topic you can’t address by yourself and the more you explore, the more you will not only feel emotionally stimulated, but also intellectually inspired and motivated, to say and know the many things, which you have never said and, were never aware about. As you say them and, after you have said them, write them, you realize, you have always emotionally felt them, but you never verbally, that is, rationally,  described them, known them, expressed them in your own words, with the sound that pleases you.


All the aforementioned, however, can and will only occur, if you, after you have read this text out loud and have become attuned to your reading or speaking voice, begin to talk out loud with yourself and explore the things, which I just have described. It will amaze you that everything I have described, is exactly like that for you as well. Although you have your own experiences, which you will verbalize, you will notice, that your EL is as valid or real as mine. Also, your DL is as limiting, imprisoning and frustrating as anyone else’s. Thus, you discover the lawfulness of your own DL and EL.


Right now, you are reading these words, which only create an opportunity to hear and experience your own sound, if you produce that sound by reading these words out loud and, by listening to yourself while you speak. Another inevitable consequence of doing what this text allows you to do – remember, that your conditioning history doesn’t allow you to do that – is that you will feel the urge to talk with me or with anyone else, who is able to have EL, like you, because you know that, sadly, nobody is doing this, except those who can talk about the immense difference between DL and EL and, who, therefore, will always prefer EL, after they have become able to stop their DL. I look forward to talking with you to confirm your EL and, of course, we will definitely be talking about what happens, when we transcend, with our EL, our history of conditioning with DL and celebrate our Language Enlightenment (LE).      

Saturday, November 12, 2022




May be, this will be my final writing on this blog. Today, I want to say, to anyone who reads this, that I just don’t care, if you don’t respond to me or talk with me. Also, I simply don’t care, if you never get to express your Language Enlightenment (LE), because you refuse to explore the great difference between your own Disembodied Language (DL) and your own Embodied Language (EL). And, yes, it doesn’t matter to me anymore, that I continue to have EL by myself and enjoy my LE alone. Besides, this blog has always been about one thing and one thing only: my ability to actively avoid your unintelligent, energy-draining, superstitious DL. Surely, your mechanical DL is no longer my problem. Since I am not martyr, I mock your ridiculously limiting problematic way of talking.


I find it enjoyable to comment on your DL, because, as you can see, almost nobody seems to have the guts to even write anything sincere in response to me. In my opinion, you can’t say or write anything about my EL and LE, because you are ignorant about your own EL and LE. My disdainful humor derives from my LE and can only be appreciated by those, who know how to maintain ongoing EL. So, just for the record and to be very explicit, there are two sides to what I represent: I don’t approve of your dumb DL and you can’t seem accept or appreciate my irrefutable EL. Of course, I am not making any effort to come your way. I have tried, but it has become clear to me, that I can’t. This is not how EL works. I am not trying to teach anything to you with this writing. I share my experience with those, who dare to share their experiences with me.


I don’t know, who it was, I always forget the names of people, who, presumably, said or did something, which, supposedly, was so important, that others keep bringing it up. I do remember, however, there was this story, about a notorious Zen-master, who, for years, sat in front of a wall, meditating, waiting for the right person. One day, this other spiritual fanatic moron arrived, who cut off his own ear and threw it in front of him and said in a demanding tone of voice: if you don’t turn around right now, I will cut my own throat. I recall this absurd story, which seems to signify everything that is wrong with our so-called spirituality. Here we have this harsh, supposedly, enlightened master, who is visited by this, highly motivated, obviously, self-harming disciple.


What is so horribly wrong about our perception of our spirituality, is that it is, no matter how you look at it, always against having a genuine conversation. This arrogant, frustrated, harsh, non-talkative man, who, demonstratively, sat there, starring at the wall for many years, supposedly, really knew what true dialogue was all about. Give me break! He would only turn around if someone was worthy, that is, willing to sacrifice his or her life, to talk with him, in the way that he approved.


In my teen-age years, I began my spiritual journey, by reading a little booklet with short Zen anecdotes. It was all the reading I could handle at the time and these stories amused me, because they turned logic on its head, yet they still seemed to make some sense. I now find these stories complete nonsense, however, I am in this odd situation, that I am capable of having ongoing EL, but almost nobody wants to talk with me about it. I might as well talk to a wall and I have done that, but I am done with that. I believe that spiritual bullshit, in its many ways and forms, is the biggest stand-in-the-way for anyone to discover and enjoy their LE with EL. Your restless DL inevitably keeps you forever busy with supposedly meaningful nonsense, such as Zen.


I don’t want to talk with you, as you only know how to have DL, so I rather have EL on my own. You can read about my EL here, but you can never acquire it, as long as you still continue to believe, that you can get it from me or from others. You can only get EL on your own. In that sense, EL is the same for you as it is for me. What is so incredibly funny about this idiotic old story, is that one desperate, childish, drama-queen, is willing to hurt himself and is even threatening to commit suicide, if he doesn’t have his way, because this stubborn, wall-staring ascetic refuses for many years to talk with anyone, who isn’t ready to listen to his great so-called enlightenment. Supposedly, a disciple’s zeal signifies his devotion, that is why the illustrious master finally turned around, to actually talk. As I have said, it is about talking, it is all about our language and how we deal with our language.  


The LE, which I have become aware of, due to my EL, is as available to you, as it is to me. Moreover, our EL refutes everything that has ever been said, written, heard or read about enlightenment. There are many schools, religions or so-called spiritual paths, but EL goes against every one of these, as it is simply about how you talk with yourself. Whether you know it or not, when you talk with me or with others, you always only talk with yourself. There is no other, as there is only you in EL, as the other is experienced always only by you, in the way that you experience him or her.


The essence of EL is: the other is experienced as your experience. The same of course is true for the so-called external environment or your inner self. There is no external environment, there is no behavior-causing self or an internal environment, as there is only your own verbal formulation, what you say about it or are allowed to say about it, hear about it or what you are allowed to hear about it, read about it or what you are allowed to read about it and write about it or what you are allowed to write about it. Whatever we do, don’t do or don’t dare to do, is determined by our language, scriptures, laws, rules or nonverbal, ritual, cultural codes of conduct.  


You might as well begin to appreciate the fact that you always only talk about your own experience, your own longing, your own perception, as all the, presumably, objective knowledge, which, we like to believe, we can share together, is merely a verbal house of cards. We like to give ourselves more credit than we deserve, as we keep getting carried away by what we say, as we engage again and again in DL. Only in EL, can we be free and come out permanently out of our religious, pornographic, political, cultural, scientific, ethnic, but, ultimately, verbal fantasies. You don’t want to talk with me, as I already know about the immense difference between DL and EL. There is no need for anyone to know about this, as far as I am concerned. It doesn’t matter to me at all that my writings can't change your so-called mind, as there really is no mind to be changed, as there are only these words and how you and I use them. I used them in this way, because it greatly pleases me and gives me something useful to do. For me saying is doing and my ongoing EL equals my LE.                    

Sunday, November 6, 2022




Those who have, somehow, found their way to this blog, belong to a select group. Very few people get to read, let alone, talk about and understand, these words about my Language Enlightenment (LE). I can speak and write effortlessly all day about my LE, because I deal with language differently than most people: I am able to have ongoing Embodied Language (EL), while others, only know how to have Disembodied Language (DL).


If you happen to read this, you should consider your self fortunate, as what you are now involved in isn’t available anywhere else. Whether you are going to get familiar with EL depends entirely on the extend to which you are sick and tired of your own DL. You may be having enough of the DL of others, but that doesn’t do you any good and it only will make things worse. Only if you pay enough attention to your own DL, will it stop and will your EL be possible. If, however, you still believe that your usual way of talking and dealing with language is getting you anywhere, you will not get involved in EL and remain unaware about your LE, as you continue with more of the same, negative, stupid, superstitious, meaningless, energy-draining DL. I write to put DL in its place: all DL is inevitably the outcome of our conditioning history, in which printed language is considered more important than our spoken language.  


With DL, you end up being a sadist or a masochist. If you consider yourself to be superior (with your so-called morals, as a justification for why you behave as horribly as you do), you will act like a sadist, but if you believe you are victim, because of what was done to you, you behave as a masochist. As a masochist, you will have all sorts of behaviors, which you don’t even want to have and as a sadist, although you may do whatever the hell you, presumably, want to, you still remain dissatisfied, unfulfilled, frustrated and depressed. Only EL allows you to develop, recognize and sustain the liberating behavior repertoire, which fits with your behavioral history and which prevents you from repeating yourself.


Our common way of talking (DL) confines us to our history of conditioning. Only if our way of talking can change, can we be free from our conditioning. Stated differently, EL is the language of freedom. I used to call it The Language That Creates Space, as it creates the opportunity to address and, therefore, include everything we experience. Another way of saying this, is that we can say more and more, due to our EL and understand, why we are who we are. With DL, on the other hand, people talk a lot about who they are or rather, who they believe themselves to be, but they have no clue about why they behave as they do. With EL, we realize, the only way to really be who we are, is to know, to find out, to say and to write, why we are who we are.   


In EL, we say or write to ourselves, exactly what is going on, as we speak in the way that we want to speak and write what we are able to write and like to write. Our so-called understanding of ourselves or our self-knowledge, involves an ongoing process of listening to ourselves and hearing what we have to say to ourselves. When we write about this process, we find ourselves perfectly capable of expressing, in our own words, in our own way, what we would like to read. Our EL makes us truthful, proud, confident, graceful and consistent. With EL, we can continue to build on our previous behaviors, as they have repeatedly resulted in desired outcomes. The opposite is, of course, equally true: our lack of steady, productive and skillful behavior makes us fall apart and shamefully dissociate from our behavior. Therefore, to recover from trauma or mental health issues, it is necessary to find work, so that we can establish a daily routine of being useful and needed.


Not some psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist, but our own EL instructs us about what we should do or not do. The forced false notion that only authority outside of ourselves can tell us what we should do or, supposedly, want to do, is a product of our DL, which has burdened us with false beliefs. We are more resilient, independent and capable than our authority figures would want us to believe. All our teachers, preachers, leaders, politicians, celebrities, authors and news-reporters have constantly gas-lighted anyone, who isn’t as powerful or important as they are, into believing their dominance is needed. In DL, we remain hierarchically divided, as, presumably, only a few of us – so-called representatives, who give a voice to others – do the talking and be in charge, while others are forced to follow, watch, listen and obey. Our EL, however, dissolves any superiority or inferiority and establishes a new form of equality, which we have never before experienced, as it isn’t the opposite of inequality, but the very essence of who we are as human beings.