Wednesday, March 1, 2023




Er valt absoluut niet omheen te gaan: we vieren met Belichaamde Taal (BT) onze Taal Verlichting (TV). Het is zoiets heerlijks en er komt nooit een einde aan. Als het eenmaal zover is, dat wij met onze BT onze TV zijn gaan waarnemen, dan blijven we verwonderd voortgaan, met wat wij aan onszelf te vertellen hebben met onze BT.


Nog nooit eerder is het op deze wijze gezegd, dat degene, die zijn TV realiseert, altijd alleen maar met zichzelf aan het praten is. Als jij dus eindelijk het verschil bent gaan erkennen tussen Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) en BT, dan is het tijd voor een groot feest, want dan kunnen wij samen jou verlichting vieren.


Zij die het grote verschil tussen OT en BT al hebben erkent, weten al wat een geschenk het is, om TV te kunnen ervaren en kenbaar te maken. Natuurlijk is het mogelijk, om de energie, die je, vanwege je OT, was afgenomen, terug te nemen. Je conditionering heeft ervoor gezorgd, dat je het maar allemaal hebt laten gebeuren, dat je niet jezelf mocht zijn en dat het zelfs iets heel beschamends is, om dat te willen.


Het voelt alsof je een dief bent, die op een sluwe wijze de zaak weet te bedonderen. Uiteraard is dit ook zo, want jij bent, vanwege je BT, iedereen te slim af. Omdat jij alleen met je BT verder gaat, leef je een in-cognito-leven, want niemand weet wie je eigenlijk bent, wat je ervaart en werkelijk vindt.


Het is vanzelfsprekend, dat iemand die BT heeft, iedereen met OT maar dom en belachelijk vindt. Dit is echter geen verraad of arrogantie, maar het is wel degelijk een kwestie van het feit, dat je er zogezegd werkelijk boven staat, want je laat je niet meer in met OT en je houdt je BT bij jezelf en voor jezelf.


Anderen kunnen jou niet geven, wat je wil hebben en daarom moet je het zelf durven nemen. Het is geen stelen, maar voor jezelf zorgen, om verlicht te mogen zijn. Ook heeft TV niets te maken met het ontkennen van het geloof, waar anderen in geloven, want voor jou is er geen hogere macht, anders dan wie jij echt bent. Zelfs dat hele idee, van wie je zelf zou zijn, is voor jou heel anders, dan voor iedereen met OT. Jou manier van zijn is tegen niemand.


Omdat anderen jou BT nou eenmaal niet kunnen voortzetten, is het een noodzaak, om gewoon jezelf te blijven. Dit is een heel revolutionair gebeuren, want ook al heeft men het er vaak over, niemand, met OT, weet hoe ze dat kunnen bewerkstelligen.


Er vindt een bekroning plaats vanwege je BT en de ceremonie duurt je hele verdere leven. Het woord ordain komt van het Latijnse ordinare, wat ordenen, rangschikken of aanwijzen betekent. Jou TV is jou gratie en je gedraagd je daardoor zeer waardig, terwijl iedereen vanwege hun OT, ongemerkt, met een gigantisch minder-waardigheids-complex blijft zitten. Men heeft, zo redeneert men, allerlei dingen nodig, die jij niet nodig vindt en dus negeert. Jij laat dus anderen altijd hebben, wat ze zogezegd denken te willen hebben, want jij wil het niet eens hebben. Er is dus geen enkele sprake van competitive, want jou doeleinden zijn heel anders dan iederen met OT.


Jij blijft er voor zorgen, dat jou BT verder gaat en jij kan dat, terwijl anderen dit niet kunnen, omdat zij zich niet bewust zijn van het verschil tussen hun OT en BT. De enige wijze waarop zij ooit tot het besef kunnen komen, dat dit verschil bestaat en van groot belang is, is wanneer zij, door het lezen van een tekst als deze, gaan experimenteren met luisterend spreken en er dus zelf achter komen, dat alles wat door mij was geschreven, echt waar blijkt te zijn.


Het is echt waar, dat je verlicht bent, indien je je BT voort kunt laten gaan, omdat je je OT hebt gestopt. Het is echt waar, dat je je conditionering met OT kunt stoppen en daardoor dus kunt ophouden met al het andere gedrag, dat niet bij jou past, maar waaraan je hebt deelgenomen, omdat je geloofde dat het moest. Het is echt waar, dat je het helemaal verkeerd had begrepen, wie je nou eigenlijk werkelijk bent. Je bent niet die gefrustreerde, gestressde, beangstigde, onbetrouwbare, onechte, acterende, minderwaardige person, die, om zichzelf  een houding te geven, krampachtig doet alsof hij of zij al weet, hoe het, wat hem or haar betrefd, zit.


Het is echt waar, dat je met je OT onwetend bent gebleven over jezelf, omdat je omgang met taal, je ervan weerhield om jezelf te kennen en te handelen vanuit dat bewustzijn. Je bleef allerlei dingen doen, zonder te weten waarom je ze deed, omdat je niet met jezelf kon spreken en aan jezelf kon toegeven, dat jij altijd resultaten bereikt, die je niet wil. Ook al beweer je bij hoog en bij laag, dat jij het al weet en  doe je nog zo je best, om voor anderen de schijn op te houden, dat jij altijd doet wat jij wil, als je BT, in plaats van OT, gaat hebben, dan weet je wel beter.


Samengevat, met OT jaag je allerlei doelen na, die er uiteindelijk alleen maar voor zorgen, dat je je leeg en uitgeput voelt, omdat jou energie werd verspild aan oppervlakkige zaken, die je keer op keer in beslag zijn blijven nemen. Wanneer je echter luistert naar de klank van je stem, terwijl je hardop, alleen, met jezelf spreekt, over wie je bent en hoe je je voelt over jezelf, dan stroomt alle energie, die je in OT was verloren, weer naar je toe en geniet je van je TV. Nooit bega je meer de fout, om dit te grabbel te gooien. Enkel zij, die ook BT alleen met zichzelf kunnen hebben, kunnen hier met jou over praten, omdat zij de enige zijn die meegenieten.              

Tuesday, February 28, 2023




Once you can produce ongoing Embodied Language (EL), you will discover your Language Enlightenment (LE) and acknowledge – although you appear to be talking with others – actually, you are always only talking with yourself. Your new way of dealing with language, makes you leave behind – forever – your conditioning history of Disembodied Language (DL).


Surely, the change from your DL to your EL and the embrace of your LE, is a great transformation. You perceive not only yourself in a different manner, but also others. While it makes no sense, trying to  have EL with people, who keep having DL, there is something else you can do, as you realize, everyone is, albeit, unknowingly, also only always talking with themselves. People don’t know, but they are trying to talk with themselves. This knowledge helps you tremendously in dealing with the DL of everyone.


Since you really become a different person with EL, you now have new possibilities, which, before, you didn’t have. For instance, you will no longer waste your energy, trying to explain anything about EL or DL to anyone. To the contrary, you will only explain it to yourself, how EL and DL work and this is why many of your other behaviors also begin to change. Behaviors, associated with your conditioning with DL, all by itself, simply begin to fall by the way-side.  


Since you recognize and acknowledge, it is really true, everyone, always, unconsciously, only talks with themselves, you are now capable of saying something to people who have DL, which supports them in this process. In other words, you can say something to people with DL – which doesn’t get you involved in DL – which plants a seed of EL, because you were able to say something, which made them feel good.


I am not saying, you should expect miracles, but if you, because it is your job, have to spend a lot of time with people with DL, you are going to find, everything you say – which didn’t get you involved in DL – will evoke a better response from them, over time. Of course, I notice this myself in my own job and I feel so happy, that I am now able to accomplish this.  


Although people mainly have DL, they sometimes still try to talk with themselves – as it is the natural thing to do – but always fail and give up, as it goes against what they have learned. Their condition history compels them to talk with others. When they try to talk with themselves, they talk in the same way, as they have talked with others, but, of course, talking with ourselves is entirely different from talking with others. Anyone who knows about the difference between DL and EL, better not speak about this with people, who have DL, that he or she is spending a lot of time with. The better outcomes, I was referring to, are not talked about with anyone, since you only tell them to yourself. You keep them to yourself or only share them with someone you can have EL with. This strengthens and stabilizes your EL and your LE begins to shine, if you write about this, to yourself.


With your ongoing, effective, effortless EL, you’ll notice, your LE permeates more and more of all your other actions. Everything you do, but also what you no longer do, has the quality of your awareness. Although, you can feel all the stress, anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, shame or sadness of others, you are not in any way effected by it, as you continue with yourself and with your EL. Although you don’t engage in DL, you hear the DL of others, but you are not trying to do anything about it. Only those with DL, always try, in vain, to address the DL of others.


Once you succeed, in not getting involved anymore in DL and in continuing with your EL or in going back to it again, if you had lost track, you will feel happy, self-assured, proud, unburdened, free and satisfied, as you have become a different person. However, others can’t see you, in the way you see yourself, as they can’t hear you, in the way you can hear yourself. They notice, initially, unconsciously, but, eventually, consciously, that you make them feel different about themselves. At some point, they will say it to you, how much they appreciate you. In that moment, they unknowingly express their own EL, as they then actually speak with and validate themselves.              

Monday, February 27, 2023




Het is hilarisch, we blijven onbewust bezig met Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) en lopen de voordelen van Belichaamde Taal (BT) mis. Grappig hoe, we niet eens het grote verschil tussen OT en BT herkennen en toch maar blijven beweren dat we BT te hebben, terwijl we in feite altijd weer hetzelfde OT hebben. Alle vredesbesprekingen zijn schijnvertoningen.


Je kunt niet lachen om je OT, omdat je het nog steeds doet voorkomen alsof je BT hebt. Als je eindelijk toegeeft, dat je keer op keer met OT bezig bent, zou je om jezelf moeten lachen. Het is echt heel hard nodig, veel meer nog dan iets begrijpen. Als je echt lacht, dan probeer je niets meer te begrijpen, omdat je eindelijk om je eigen domheid lacht.


Als je werkelijk lacht, heb je geen remmingen meer over alle idiote pretenties, die je met je OT in stand hebt gehouden. Ja, je bent een totale dwaas geweest, telkens als je weer geloofde, dat je een belangrijke beslissing had genomen. Je enige prestatie is: je bent volledig vastgelopen in wat je zogenaamd hebt besloten. Iedereen met BT lacht om iedereen met OT en zal ze nooit gaan proberen te helpen.


Hoewel het aanvankelijk best wel moeilijk is om volledig te accepteren, dat er geen verband tussen OT en BT is, uiteindelijk kom je tot het besef, het is hilarisch, dat je gelijk hebt, als je gelukkig bent en door kunt gaan met BT, terwijl iedereen overal ongelijk heeft en ontevreden en ongelukkig is met hun OT. Mijn succes met BT, is mijn grote vreugde.


Zeker, ik heb mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) bereikt met mijn BT. Het is hilarisch om te weten, dat ik buiten bereik blijf van iedereen die zich blijft bezighouden met OT. Jarenlang heb ik geprobeerd mensen te bereiken en te interesseren, maar ik heb begrepen dat OT mij helemaal niets te bieden heeft en het doet me dus een groot genoegen om jou OT te kunnen afwijzen.


Mijn veroordeeling van jou OT is niet een besluit van mijn kant, maar een moeiteloze, natuurlijke, hilarische uitkomst van mijn toegenomen vermogen om door te kunnen gaan met mijn BT. Helaas is het onmogelijk voor jou om met mij mee te lachen, omdat jou OT je kwaad op mij maakt, omdat ik niets om je geef. Het is zo hilarisch, je wilt dat anderen jou onintelligente OT steunen.


Ik accepteer dat iedereen, met hilarische OT, ervan is overtuigd, dat iemand hen iets verschuldigd is, maar alleen iemand zoals ik, die het zich kan veroorloven om BT te hebben, weet dat hij of zij aan niemand iets verschuldigd is. Ik geef je dus niet de schuld van je OT, maar wil er niets mee te maken hebben, omdat ik er niet verantwoordelijk voor ben.


In tegenstelling tot iedereen die, onbewust, mechanisch, elke dag met OT bezig is, ben ik elke dag met BT bezig, daarom schrijf ik op deze manier. Als je de weg naar mijn blog hebt gevonden, snap je het hopelijk, het is inderdaad hilarisch of je weet gewoon niet waar je het over hebt en je moet deze blog nu meteen gaan verlaten. Tot ziens.


Voordat je gaat, wil ik dat je weet dat jij degene bent die iets mist. Dit moet niet lichtvaardig worden opgevat, aangezien jij in de problemen zit, niet ik. Voor mij ben je hilarisch, maar ook achterlijk, omdat je nog steeds gelooft, dat je weg kunt lopen van je eigen taal, maar dat is niet mogelijk. Ga maar en verlaat mijn woorden dan maar en ontken maar, dat jou OT je eigenlijk dwars zit, pijn doet en altijd afleidt.






It is hilarious, we keep unconsciously engaging in Disembodied Language (DL) and missing out on the benefits of Embodied Language (EL). Funny how, we don’t even recognize the big difference between DL and EL and yet, we claim to have EL, while, in fact, we have DL again. All peace-talks are make-belief.


You can’t laugh about your DL, as you make it seem as if you are having EL. When you finally admit, that you, again and again, engage in DL, you would have a good laugh at yourself. It really is much needed, much more than understanding something. When you laugh, you are no longer trying to understand anything, as you will laugh at your own stupidity.


In real laughter, you will have no more inhibitions about all the idiotic pretentions, you have had with your DL. Yes, you have been a total fool, whenever you were believing, you were making an important decision. Your accomplishment is: you got stuck on what you decided. Anyone with EL laughs about everyone with DL and will never try to help them.


While it is, initially, difficult, to fully accept, there is no connection between DL and EL, eventually, one arrives at the realization, it is hilarious, that one is so right and so happy, to be able to continue with one’s EL, while everyone else is wrong and unhappy with their DL. My success with my EL, is a great joy.


Surely, I have attained my Language Enlightenment (LE) with my EL. It is hilarious to know, that I am out of reach to anyone, who continues to engage in DL. For many years, I have tried to reach people, but now, I have understood, DL has nothing to offer to me and it pleases me, to be able to reject your DL.


My abandonment of your DL is not a decision on my part, but an effortless, natural, hilarious outcome of my increased ability to go on with my EL. Sadly, it is impossible to laugh with me, as DL makes you angry with me for not caring about you. It’s so hilarious, you want others to support your unintelligent DL.


I fully accept that everyone, with their hilarious DL, is convinced, someone owes them something, but only someone like me, who can afford to have EL, knows, he or she absolutely doesn’t owe anything to anyone. I don’t blame you for your DL, but don’t want anything to do with it, as I am not responsible.


Unlike anyone, who, unconsciously, mechanically, engages in DL, every day, I engage in EL, every day, that’s why I write in this way. If you have found your way to my blog, you get it, it is hilarious, you don’t know what the hell you are talking about or you have to leave this blog, right now. Good bye.


Before you go, I want you to know, you are the one who is missing out. This is not to be taken lightly, as you are in trouble, not me. To me, you are hilarious, as you still believe, you can walk away from your own language, but that isn’t possible. Go and leave my words and deny, that your DL hurts and diverts.


Sunday, February 26, 2023




If you are ever going to talk with me, you will find out, that our conversation has a different result, than any of your usual, so-called interactions, which I describe as Disembodied Language (DL). When you talk with me, you’ll realize, you don’t talk with me, but with yourself. This is the most extra-ordinary experience anyone can have: to talk with oneself, while one is talking with others. I call this Embodied Language (EL) and this is the only way, in which we are able to attain our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Everything quiets down, once we have EL, instead of DL, but this is not silence or being without words, as it is the embodiment of being at peace with our language. What has been called silence, has always prevented us from becoming interested in and resolved about our language. Also, there is no such a thing as our  mind, but there is absolutely a very different result or consequence from our DL or EL.


Participation in DL results in the common illusion, that we have a behavior-causing self and that it is, presumably, possible to be or not to be ourselves, whereas our expression of EL makes us surprisingly certain, that there is no self or soul, as there is only our embodied language, which, of course, makes us aware about who we are, naturally and effortlessly.


As a result of our EL, we can no longer deny our LE, which is self-evident, in that, we feel constantly new and joyfully present. Our perception of reality, that we are always only talking with ourselves, even though it appears as if we are talking with others, is only available to us, due to our ongoing EL, but not by having merely a few haphazard moments of it.


Brief, accidental, fleeting instances of EL, will make us more uncomfortable about talking with others, as we can never fully grasp, the in DL ignored fact, that – whether we understand it or not; whether we accept it or not; whether we are aware of it or not; whether we want to know about it or not; whether we say it or not; whether we remain afraid of it or not; whether we like to hear about it or not or whether we are even allowed to acknowledge it or not – we always only can talk with ourselves!!!


Due to the unaddressed fact, that DL – and certainly not EL – dominates every conversation everywhere, including in academia and science, social dilemmas are broadly defined as conflicts between immediate self-interest and long-term collective interests. This has led to various assumptions and theories about why people are willing or unwilling to cooperate. Of course, no consideration is given to the imaginary, personal conflict, always involved, in having a self.


Words have historically always distracted us from our language, which, unbeknownst to us, is either used correctly or incorrectly. In the former, there is no self, but in the latter, we believe in possessing a  self, in the same way, as we believe in a deity. In other words, paradoxically, our language does not and cannot support us, as long as we still believe in a self, which, supposedly, speaks, listens, reads or writes or in some fictional higher power, who, presumably, watches over us, cares about us and is even causing our actions. The only way, human beings are ever going to be truly responsible, is by admitting, that they are either having DL or EL.


Since we don’t know about the difference between DL and EL, except for a few accidental moments of EL, we almost continuously, unconsciously, engage in DL. However, these rare occasions, in which we have some EL – in spite of our conditioning with DL – illustrate it is possible and necessary to stop our conditioning. Going back and forth between DL and EL is stressful and most likely results in giving up. To have ongoing EL requires total dedication. I speak from my experience, which has crystallized in EL.    


Once we have identified the difference between DL and EL, it makes no sense anymore to go on with our DL. Knowing the difference between DL and EL, means we can stop our DL, by talking out loud alone with ourselves and by listening to our voice while we speak. Ongoing EL, is the result of letting go of our DL conditioning, which establishes us in our LE. While there may be many ups (with EL) and downs (with DL), there is no question about it: EL draws us into our LE. Regardless of how many times we get it wrong and act out our conditioning, we are bound to get better at recognizing – at hearing – DL as DL and EL as EL, and, eventually, we will get it right.


Ongoing EL is not a process of self-improvement or self-help, as there really is absolutely no self to be improved or to be helped. There is only the verbal process of discerning DL or EL. We cannot lie to ourselves and we will find out, due to our DL, we have believed in and pursued all sorts of nonsense. To be able to talk with ourselves, it is necessary to fully comprehend the truth, that we can only talk with ourselves. Thus, we cannot talk with ourselves, as long as we don’t accept the new facts of our EL.


As I mentioned before, there is no self, therefore, talking with oneself is merely another way of saying that we engage in EL. We may use the same words, we used in DL, but use them differently in EL. We still speak, write, hear and read the same language, but our relation with our language has dramatically changed. In retrospect, we understand that in DL, we have used our language in a stupid way, but in EL, we use language in an intelligent manner. The latter is the result of our LE, but the former is the result of our profoundly, problematic, pathetic, pessimistic, punitive conditioning-history with DL.    

Saturday, February 25, 2023




Everyone, who has read my writings and has heard me speak about Embodied Language (EL), must be aware, that I am now capable of drawing inevitable, irrefutable, logical conclusions, about this new way of dealing with language. Everyone, who stops their own Disembodied Language (DL) and listens to him or herself, while he or she speaks, comes to realize their Language Enlightenment (LE). Moreover, what we come to know about ourselves and each other, gives us total peace, as we create our own reality.


Everyone, who recognizes, speaks about and writes about the immensely important difference between DL and EL, comes to this blissful realization, where it is radiantly clear, one has not only accepted, that having EL with someone, who continues to have DL, is impossible, but also, that one fully comprehends, that it is actually unachievable to talk with anyone.


Although everyone with DL believes, we talk with each other, in the reality, which we create with our EL, we find out, we always only talk with ourselves. Stated differently, all our failed attempts and all our endless problems about talking with each other, are finally, during EL, regarded as our tragic inability to speak with or communicate with ourselves. In other words, in DL, our words cannot express who we are.


Everyone, who still wants to continue with their DL, will not speak with me and I am perfectly okay with that, as I don’t want to speak with them either. We already seem to agree, that we don’t fit each other. This agreement is confirmed in this writing, in which someone, who is inclined to have DL, nevertheless, can begin to, somewhat, familiarize him or herself with the fact, that DL and EL are mutually exclusive.


Everyone, who courageously explores, appreciates, and delights in what happens, if he or she continues to speak out loud, alone, and, therefore, is able to feel and hear his or her resonant voice, becomes conscious of his or her way of using language and of what kind of reality is created by his or her DL or EL. Indeed, everyone, who has acquired the skill of experiencing ongoing EL, by him or herself, alone,    perceives the other (who, presumably, is separate and different from him or her) or the so-called external environment (which, supposedly, is outside of him or herself and creates the illusion of an inner world, in which one imagines having private speech with him or herself) as his or her own verbal reality.


Everyone is deluded by the notion, that we can and must only talk with each other, but the fact, that we can only talk with ourselves, remains hidden, due to our DL. Therefore, with DL, we stay ignorant about ourselves. We can only pretend to be talking with each other or as if we care about each other, but our language-reality doesn’t change, because we got carried away by words, in a dream or fantasy, which, obviously, no longer occurs when we die. A big deal is made by everyone, who is afraid of death, that we can attain immortality, because our words, supposedly, will live on forever. This superstitious nonsense shows just how pompous and stupid we are about our language.


Regardless of how everyone talks, perceives and reasons – because DL is everywhere – we always only act or try to act in our own self-interest. There is no bigger taboo than talking with ourselves, than becoming conscious of who we are and, therefore, being enlightened. Surely, everyone who wants to explore EL, must let go of everyone else, to be able to do so. Stated differently, talking with ourselves  becomes more important than talking with others, as talking with others in EL is talking with ourselves.


Everyone will instantly, effortlessly and jubilantly, wake up from their metaphysical sleep, when they finally stop their DL and begin to have EL instead of DL. Instead of creating more conflicts and problems, with EL, we create order and out of this order our LE is revealed. When spoken and written language expresses our self- nature, we become indivisible, which is the root-meaning of being an individual.    

Friday, February 24, 2023




No, I am not busy with you, because, unlike you, I can stay with myself. My Embodied Language (EL) always includes the speaker as well as the listener, the writer as well as the reader. In other words, as a speaker, I am my own listener and as a writer, I am my own reader. Language is utterly meaningless if this is not the case. Yes, I don’t care about you, as long as you have Disembodied Language (DL).


With DL, we pretend to be truthful, meaningful, fair, moral, empathetic or scientific, but the reality is, we have failed again and again, as we are telling ourselves and each other a big fat lie. There can be no peace, as long as we have DL. No matter how often we repeat this lie, in some stupid attempt to convince ourselves, this doesn’t make it true.


How can I be considerate to you, if I don’t even hear myself and am only concerned about whether you are listening to me? In DL, the speaker doesn’t give a shit about the listener and, consequently, the writer – who is used to this disembodied way of dealing with language, in which people don’t listen to themselves while they speak – engages in a form of writing, which sells, because readers, who buy into this nonsense, find such writing very important – even more important than speaking – as they have been conditioned, by DL, to believe in the importance of reading best-sellers, that is, in books which are read by many other people or in scientific papers, which are often quoted in other journals.


The language-industry is a big racket. All so-called journalists, authors, public speakers, leaders and professors, unknowingly, engage in DL, but pretend to have EL. The reason, nobody is able to put his or her finger on it, is because we are all trapped by DL, which only allows us to fake it, until we, presumably make it. And, making it we do, as we create in our lives, for ourselves, nothing but disorder, although, as stated, we go on saying and writing, it is order.


We are endlessly involved with each other, but not with ourselves, not with how we use our language. In DL, we religiously, superstitiously, unintelligently believe, we are talking with others, but the fact is, we are always only talking with our own image, our own memory, our own previous descriptions of who we believed them to be. Thus, although we are, in fact, always only talking with ourselves, we believe the other is someone, who is different from us.  


With EL, we stumble upon an immutable reality, as we are, indeed, simultaneously, the speaker as well as the listener, the writer as well as the reader. In other words, everything that we have for so long believed with DL is simply not true. As far as our language is concerned, we are all the same. Words or sentences do not occur in anyone’s head, but are always, objectively, only spoken with our voice and heard with our ears or written with pen in our hand or typed on a key-board and read and seen with our eyes on a paper or a screen. The old saying “seeing is believing” is incomplete, as it was written from a DL perspective. From a EL perspective, hearing what we are seeing, that is, reading these words out loud and, therefore, listening to what we are reading, is not some belief, but it is the reality of our language.


We notice, we are not frightened anymore, once we shift from DL to EL. Yes, we were fearful with DL and we weren’t even aware of it. DL made us unaware of many things, we don’t like, which fester, because we can’t deal with it. In DL, we remain infatuated with and fearful about our so-called identity. In DL, we are always afraid of losing ourselves, since we do not really know who we are, but as we acquire EL, because we listen to ourselves while we speak, we really come to know ourselves and each other.


In this writing, I am not addressing the reader, who is not the writer, but reader, who is the writer. Due to this writing, the reader can also finally come to and stay with him or herself. This is our Language Enlightenment (LE), which could not be expressed with DL. Once the great difference between EL and DL has been acknowledged, your DL stops, your EL continues and you will, inevitably, realize your LE.