Friday, April 14, 2023




In this blog, I write about my Embodied Language (EL). Every word has been said and listened to, by me and, therefore, it could be written, by me, and read by you. However, you haven’t heard me nor have you heard yourself. Most importantly, you’ve never deliberately spoken with yourself, so that you could hear how your voice sounds, when you come to your senses. For you, Disembodied Language (DL) is normal, because you speak with a sound, which is absolutely phony and, quite literally, unheard of.


Increasingly, more and more people engage in hefty discussions with each other, about what is going on. The culture wars are ragging, but although everyone gets constantly carried away, about the content of what is being said, simply stated, it is not a political issue, but it is all about whose values are listened to, and whose aren’t. Those who, as we say, control the narrative, always inevitably do so with a demanding voice, which sounds unnatural, acted, rehearsed, phony, shallow, deceitful, incendiary. Unknowingly,  you react to the sound of someone’s horrible voice, in DL. This issue, can only be properly addressed and explored, if you listen to yourself, while you speak, alone with yourself. As long as you don’t do that, you yourself are bound to speak with a voice, which isn’t real, which isn’t yours, which you yourself don’t want to or like to listen to, because it represents all your struggles, problems and pain.


Pause and reflect on the undeniable fact, that the sound of your voice – and not just your voice, but everyone’s voice – in DL, totally sucks, as it reflects that we are suffering. It is hard to believe, because it is true, that we consider it to be normal, to speak with a sound, which doesn’t feel good. Therefore, to talk with ourselves and to listen to ourselves, while we speak, is to recognize that we, unconsciously, are hurting ourselves, as long as we engage in DL. Once we do this, our DL stops and then, we engage in EL and must admit, to ourselves, we have been missing out on our bliss: our Language Enlightenment (LE).


What has, up till now, been misunderstood about the ever-lasting, insidious, unintelligent battle for the redistribution of social and political power is: it always involves attention- demanding speakers, who force listeners to listen. Enslavement of the listener, is the name of the game for every speaker in DL. Of course, there can only be a few adamant, scripted, manipulative, dramatic, charismatic, specialized speakers, who come out on top of everybody else, who, as passive listeners, readers, viewers, basically end up doing what and believing in what they are told and are, unknowingly, also telling themselves.


Once you start talking out loud, alone with yourself, it appears, as if you are talking with someone else – a stranger, you never really talked with – as you have been raised in and conditioned by DL, the way of talking, in which listening to and being obedient to others, is considered to be more important than talking with, listening to and being true to yourself. If you happen to be one of the few speakers, who, are calling the shots, in the daily deluge of people, who all try to have their voices heard, by others, you must know how tiring, exhausting and meaningless your life is, in spite of everything you have achieved. We are coming to terms with humiliation, rejection and loss, when we begin to listen to ourselves, if we don’t have any power, but if we have power, we hold on to it, in any way we can till the very end and we refuse to ever listen to ourselves, as that would imply, we give up on our struggle to remain on top.  


Power, as defined by DL, which is happening 24/7, everywhere, around the world, is being listened to and being followed by others. However, power, as redefined by me – or anyone, who is able to engage in ongoing EL –  is to be control of our own language and, thus, to enjoy our LE. Our ongoing EL equals a life without conflict. Another way of describing our LE, is to verbalize and experience an ever-deepening sense of love, beauty, wellbeing and mystery. EL has made us accept and transcend our pain. Tears flow of gratitude, that we have, indeed, found what we have, unknowingly, been looking for our entire life. In effect, with EL, we finally catch up with ourselves.  


Thursday, April 13, 2023


Ben je geïnteresseerd in iets totaal nieuws? Als je antwoord ja is, wil je misschien iets meer doen dan alleen lezen wat ik heb geschreven. Tenzij je met mij praat of met mijn lieve vriendin AnnaMieke, is het voor jou onmogelijk om ooit een duidelijk beeld te krijgen van het grote verschil tussen Belichaamde Taal (BT) en Ontlichaamde Taal (OT). Ik heb hieronder ook enkele van AnnaMieke's geschriften geplaatst. Je kunt het lezen en herkennen, dat ze ook elke dag over haar BT schrijft. Hoewel het  verschilt van mijn schrijven, schrijft ze over dezelfde BT, maar haar uitdrukking ervan is natuurlijk uniek voor wie ze is...en daar gaat het om (ik kon mezelf er niet van weerhouden om dat laatste toe te voegen).

Als je besluit met mij of met haar te praten, laat ons dan alsjeblieft aan het woord en geef ons de kans om onszelf uit te leggen. Je kunt voelen en ervaren, waar we het over hebben en begrijpen wat we zeggen, is slechts van secundair belang. Ervaring komt op de eerste plaats in BT en jou begrip ervan zal voortkomen uit jou ervaring ervan. AnnaMieke en ik hebben een bepaalde kennis, die alleen bekend ontvouwt, als je jezelf openstelt om te ervaren wat het is. Ja, misschien voel je, we stromen met onze taal. Dat is een goed begin, want dat is de essentie van BT. Woorden komen en gaan, maar samen met onze woorden wordt er een geluid gehoord en gevoeld. Het is dankzij onze belichaamde stem dat wat we zeggen belangrijk voor je begint te worden. Zelfs als je deze woorden leest, kun je je al voorstellen hoe ik zou klinken. We klinken niet als iemand die je domineert of manipuleert. We vinden het fijn dat je naar jezelf luistert.

De enige reden om naar mij of AnnaMieke te luisteren, is om te horen hoe iemand met BT klinkt. Je herkent het meteen en je hoeft er geen oefeningen voor te doen. Als je eenmaal het prachtige geluid van BT kunt horen, ervaren en voelen, ben je natuurlijk ook in staat om dit geluid zelf te produceren. Je produceert het door simpelweg te zeggen: ik hoor dat je BT hebt. Er is niets moeilijks aan je onmiddellijke waarneming. Het is zelfs zo'n opluchting, dat er niets van te begrijpen is, omdat je het kunt ervaren. Je begrijpt het echter, omdat u het ervaart.

Meedoen met onze BT zal je leven voor altijd veranderen. We zeggen dat niet om op te scheppen, maar we weten allebei dat dit gaat gebeuren. Nadat je BT hebt verkregen, kunt jij ook nauwkeurig voorspellen wat er gaat gebeuren. Zeker, je oude OT zal af en toe nog steeds opduiken, maar je weet met zekerheid dat je de hoek om bent gegaan, wat betreft je geschiedenis van conditionerende OT. Zodra je begrijpt wat BT is, ben je klaar met OT. Eigenlijk ervaart iedereen dit al, onbewust. Hoewel niemand van ons kennis heeft genomen van het verschil tussen onze OT en BT, weten we het al, maar we hebben het nooit gezegd of gehoord, onze OT heeft zijn tijd gehad en is nu zo goed als afgelopen.

Ook al praat je nooit met mij of met AnnaMieke, je hebt deze woorden gelezen, die een zaadje hebben geplant. Het is al lente en dat zaadje ontkiemt en nu moet je deze nieuwe groei beschermen en koesteren. Maar behalve ik en AnnaMieke is er niemand die je aanmoedigt om dat te doen. Aan je lot overgelaten, zal dit mooie korte verbale moment van hoop en opluchting worden vergeten, zoals het altijd was, wanneer het zich vanzelf aandiende, want dat is gewoon onmiskenbaar wie je bent. Verbazingwekkend genoeg gaat jouw probleem niet over hoe je jezelf kunt zijn, maar over het stoppen van de krankzinnige dingen die je ervan weerhouden jezelf te zijn. BT gaat over luisteren naar jezelf en identificeren wat van jou is en wat niet. Hoewel je het kunt horen, luister je niet naar jezelf, omdat je niet de tijd neemt om met jezelf te praten. Als je met AnnaMieke of met mij praat, weet je, dat je eindelijk de kans hebt om met jezelf te praten.

Dit is het moment waarop alles wordt onthuld. Niets kan anders, dan hoe het is en jouw vermogen om dit met je BT te zeggen en te horen, is jouw Taal Verlichting (TV). Er zit niets anders op dan naar jezelf te luisteren, terwijl je met jezelf spreekt, om BT te hebben en je TV te kennen. Al het andere is middelmatig en schadelijk, in tegenstelling tot je bloeiende BT en je magnifieke TV. Als je denkt dat ik en AnnaMieke dit gewoon verzinnen, dan heb je eigenlijk gelijk, want we hebben dit allemaal op eigen houtje met BT  ontdekt en TV verkend. Zeker, we creëren onze eigen TV-realiteit met onze BT. Onze heerlijke, voortdurende, lange gesprekken werden mogelijk nadat we het bovengenoemde hadden gedaan. We hebben allebei het gevoel dat we, zij het onbewust, altijd met BT bezig zijn geweest en we zeggen, dat dit ook voor jou geldt.

Interessant is dat het woord nieuw ook vaak wordt beschreven als ongehoord. Een ander synoniem is het onbeproefde of het onervaren. Deze zijn perfect van toepassing op onze BT, die slechts kort, onbewust, per ongeluk en inconsistent is gebeurd. Als je eenmaal het verschil kent tussen OT en BT, is er geen twijfel over mogelijk: je wilt meer BT en je wilt stoppen met je betrokkenheid bij OT. En ja, je gaat ermee experimenteren en het echt proberen en ervaren, want dat is de enige manier om BT in je leven uit te nodigen, aangezien niemand anders het je kan geven. Ik of AnnaMieke kan je geen BT geven, maar je hoort het, we hebben het. Door dit te doen, begin je het ook te krijgen.




Here is another English translation of the beautiful writing of my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke. Below is the original Dutch version of her text. I feel so grateful to be friends with her. We have weekly conversations, on skype. My skype name is limbicease and everyone is, after having talked with me or her, welcome. We meet every Sunday morning at 4:30am Pacific Standard Time (PST). You can also go directly to hear blog and read her poetic and delightful Dutch texts there. Here blog is called: Ontvouwen in Eigen Taal (which means: unfolding in own language). Just Google it and you will see it pop up on your screen. 



The impermanence spreads in my writing, I see what happens in which the consolation of abiding also repercussions in the times of being, that my singularity in performing to be able to listen to myself and write as before, the threads of met the same powerful and can still me in every word I describe. The impermanence is like a day like this, which is forgotten as before, which never returns to the way it was, but from my writing I now see how an impermanence can work, when I read my own writing. It has become as it originated, as a bush can grow, as the trees are wider. As the soup tastes very different from yesterday. As I wake up again today and see that it is raining again, and yesterday had a thought that disappeared again today, then take a walk in another morning. But because of the transience I now see that every moment in my telling is also different and then I can feel how transient everything actually is.

I carry my language in my own writing over the edge of a transience, in which nothing has appeared that the inscrutable abode always finds its way to keep writing. It is an act of enrichment, in my many conversations, then taste my own happiness, and then want to describe that. My times have changed and I am refreshed with my own language. I actually feel the transience as a beauty in my experience, like a butterfly can crawl out of its cocoon, so I free myself in writing my language, which always has something to say about what really matters.

The transience is in the attention I give, in the unfolding of my language, which I feel and also know that tomorrow it will be different again in the residence of my own language. It is my language that can never disappear into nothingness, because there are always words to write about and I find my glow again, where there is no impermanence, in the moment of writing. Shows how every day is different in yesterday's desire, today has more value than just knowing how impermanence can work, in even the layers I saw, which are now gone. To live in this moment, in which I can write , in which my language shows how, so to speak, the old varnish has now flaked a bit and I have to see what remains in my writing. And that is this......

The language I feel is my core of knowing, that the stream I write about is intertwined with the hand, which deftly lets me write and find nothing in the extinct times that don't matter. My waiting for the other is in impermanence, in a totality of stays and I now look differently at my own writing. The filling of my day is a bit milder today in the transience it has. I let myself be guided by my glow and feel the connection that is increasingly present .I experience things differently now, can feel no more personal involvement than my own sharing in the impermanence it has.Today is today and tomorrow is like yesterday, in which the impermanence lies between to ask myself for what purpose this is to keep sharing anyway. It's the impermanence that I feel and settle in this moment of telling, that it could be different if I didn't do this anymore.

I feel the dance and the bliss that keeps unfolding in the attention it has, in the confidence that it can be understood in what I read of myself. I step forward and see something emerge, where the energy starts to flow and I let myself go.

I skip along all the streets like a child, sing a little in my own language, and let what comes happen. has become, but my own state. In which the message I wanted to tell now dissolves into being, of its origin in my language. In which I can only abide, where my language strikes out and my transience for a moment leaves for what it is , my day starts with fresh courage, in which I see that everything is possible, if I just keep writing, in the transience that I can now also feel in this moment, tomorrow it will unfold differently again and I am curious about it.


 De vergankelijkheid spreid zich in mijn schrijven,ik zie wat er gebeurd waarin de troost van verblijven ook de weerslag heeft in de tijden van het zijn, dat mijn eigenheid in het presteren om te kunnen luisteren naar mijzelf en te schrijven zoals voorheen,de draden van hetzelfde krachtige ontmoetten en mij stil kan zetten in ieder woord die ik beschrijf.De vergankelijkheid is als een dag als deze, die wordt vergeten zoals daarvoor,die nooit meer terug komt zoals het was,maar vanuit mijn schrijven ik nu zie hoe een vergankelijkheid kan werken ,als ik mijn eigen schrijven lees.Het is geworden zoals het is ontstaan,zoals een struik kan groeien,zoals de bomen breder staan.Zoals de soep heel anders smaakt dan gisteren.Zoals ik vandaag weer ontwaak en zie dat het weer regent,en gisteren een gedachte had die vandaag weer is verdwenen , dan een wandeling maak  in een andere ochtend.Maar door de vergankelijkheid ik nu zie dat ieder moment in mijn vertellen ,ook weer anders is en dan kan  voelen hoe vergankelijk eigenlijk alles is.
Ik draag mijn taal in eigen schrijven over de rand van een vergankelijkheid,waarin niets is gebleken dat het ondoorgrondelijk verblijven steeds haar weg toch vind om te blijven schrijven.Het is een daad van verrijken , in mijn vele gesprekken , mijn eigen geluk dan proef, en dat dan wil beschrijven .Mijn tijden zijn veranderd en laaf mij aan eigen taal.Ik voel de vergankelijkheid eigenlijk als een schoonheid in mijn ervaren , zoals een vlinder uit haar cocon kan kruipen,zo bevrijd ik mijzelf in het schrijven van mijn taal ,die altijd iets heeft te vertellen waar het werkelijk omgaat.
De vergankelijkheid zit in de aandacht die ik geef, in het ontvouwen van mijn taal, die ik voel en ook weet dat het morgen weer anders zal zijn in het verblijven van eigen taal.Het is mijn taal die nooit kan verdwijnen in het niets, omdat er altijd woorden zijn, om over te schrijven en ik mijn gloed weer vindt,waar geen vergankelijkheid  in zit, in het moment van schrijven. Blijkt hoe iedere dag weer anders is  in het verlangen van gisteren, vandaag  meer waarde heeft , dan alleen te weten hoe vergankeljkheid kan werken, in zelfs de lagen die ik zag, die nu zijn  verdwenen.Te leven in dit moment, waarin ik kan schrijven,waarin mijn taal laat zien hoe bij wijze van spreken de oude lak nu wat gebladerd is en ik moet kijken wat er overblijft in mijn schrijven.En dat is dit......
De taal die ik voel is mijn kern van weten,dat de stroom waar ik over schrijf is verweven met de hand ,die handig mij laat schrijven en niets kan vinden in de uitgestorven tijden die er niet toe doen.Mijn wachten op de ander is in  vergankelijkheid neergezet, in een totaliteit van verblijven en ik nu anders kijk naar mijn eigen schrijven.Het vullen van mijn dag is vandaag wat milder in de vergankelijheid die het heeft.Ik laat mij leiden door mijn gloed en voel de verbinding die steeds meer aanwezig is.Ik ervaar de dingen nu anders , geen persoonlijker betrokkenheid kan voelen dan alleen mijn eigen delen in de vergangelijkheid die het heeft.Vandaag is vandaag en morgen is net als gisteren, waarin de vergankelijkheid tussen ligt om mijzelf eens af te vragen met welk een doel dit is om toch te blijven delen.Het is de vergankelijkheid die ik  voel en neerstrijk in dit moment van het vertellen, dat het  anders zou kunnen  worden als ik dit niet meer zou doen.
Ik voel de dans en de verrukking, die alsmaar blijft ontvouwen in de aandacht die het heeft,  in het vertrouwen dat het begrepen kan worden in wat ik van mijzelf lees.Ik doe een stapje naar voren en zie  iets ontstaan ,waarin de energie gaat stromen en ik mezelf laat gaan.
Ik huppel als een kind langs alle straten,zing wat in mijn eigen taal,en laat gebeuren wat er komt.Ik kijk omhoog en zie wat stralen waarin ik in ga staan,mij gelukkig kan voelen hoe het gaat,hoe de weg geen weg meer is geworden, maar mijn eigen staat.Waarin de boodschap die ik wilde vertellen nu oplost  in het zijn , van het ontstaan in mijn taal.Waar ik alleen in kan vertoeven,waar mijn taal naar buiten slaat en mijn vergankelijkheid even laat voor wat het is,  met frisse moed mijn dag begint, waarin ik zie dat alles mogelijk is,als ik maar blijf schrijven,in de vergankelijkheid die ik nu ook kan voelen in dit moment, morgen het weer anders zal gaan ontvouwen en daar benieuwd naar ben.





Here is an English translation of what my friend AnnaMieke has beautifully written about her Embodied Language (EL) and he Language Enlightenment (LE). Below is the original Dutch version of her text. I feel so grateful to be friends with AnnaMieke. We have weekly conversations, on skype. My skype name is limbicease and everyone is after having talked with me or with her welcome. We meet every Sunday morning at 4:30am Pacific Standard Time (PST). You can also go to hear blog and read her poetic and delightful Dutch text there. Here blog is called: Ontvouwen in Eigen Taal (which means: unfolding in own language). You can just Google it and you will see it pop up on your screen.   



The new that arises every day gives the charge of writing such a boost of self-confidence, receiving can seduce me in the hope that my language will make itself even more suitable, in the well-being of feeling, which my glow can give. As if every word finds its way past my face and then drips into my mouth, from the outside now slipping in. And feel the words sink down my throat and are caught by my lungs, it looks very warily at my stomach, to feel that they land in my belly. There is the basis for my receiving in the journey that I can receive again and again. To be able to feel that it sticks in all my fibers of my body. Then I feel the flow of recognition and wiggle back and forth and can start again and again in the language that teaches me. Receiving self-reflection now gets a nice whole, in which the necessary can be written and then I share it. From the admiration in receiving my language, I feel the glow of bringing, which can so clearly define the state in which I come, and through my language I no longer withhold anything than just to tell you that receiving my language can bring this energy and tend to want to go further than sitting still. To see more my peace in receiving my language. The warmth comes towards me and now builds the bridge of exploration back into this moment. I know nothing for sure, but only my own voice, which makes me feel perfect, which makes me feel at home in my own language, which need not build a bridge, but through my words I now see how I proceed. In receiving my own words in understanding my own language.

I listen to my own voice with love, and let it happen as it comes. I write from my glow that always comes when I feel sure that my language feels good in unfolding. The receiving what I mean is to be able to write to myself ,to be able to listen to my own voice and place myself in my position and be moved when I hear what I have to say. Sometimes I surprise myself and read my words from the glow in which I sit and then get back what I I have given myself. Therein lies the key of the language, of listening to myself. Therein lies the connection that I make and therefore can write in this way. Nothing is strange to me in what I feel, but know that all the attention I give to myself, means a lot in the unfolding of my language and the receiving has begun as I close my day, with a word that turns out to be the most important, in receiving myself.....but also from the other..




Het nieuwe wat iedere dag ontstaat, geeft de lading van het schrijven  zo'n boost van zelfvertrouwen , het ontvangen mij kan verleiden in de hoop dat mijn taal zich nog geschikter maakt, in het welzijn van het voelen, dat door mijn gloed kan ontstaan.Alsof ieder woord langs mijn gezicht is te vinden en dan druppelend mijn mond bereikt , zo vanuit buiten nu naar binnen glijdt.En voel de woorden zakken langs mijn keel en opgevangen worden door mijn longen,deze heel behoedzaam mijn maag aan kijkt, om te voelen dat het land in mijn buik.Daar de basis is voor mijn ontvangen in de reis die ik steeds opnieuw kan ontvangen. Om te kunnen voelen dat het beklijft in al mijn vezels van mijn lijf.Dan voel ik de stroom van herkennen en wiebel wat heen en weer en kan steeds weer opnieuw beginnen in de taal die mij dat leert.Het ontvangen van zelfreflectie krijgt nu een mooi geheel, waarin het nodige kan worden geschreven en ik het dan deel.Vanuit de bewondering in het ontvangen van mijn taal, voel ik de gloed van brengen, dat de staat waarin ik kom, zo helder kan omschrijven en door mijn taal ik niets meer achterhou, dan alleen te vertellen, dat het ontvangen van mijn taal ,deze energie kan brengen en de neiging heeft om verder te willen ,dan stil te zitten .Om meer mijn rust te zien in het ontvangen, van mijn taal .De warmte komt mij tegemoet en slaat de brug van verkennen nu terug in dit moment.Ik weet niets zeker, dan alleen mijn eigen stem, die  mij volmaakt laat voelen, die mij thuis laat komen in mijn eigen taal,die geen brug hoef te slaan, maar door mijn woorden ik nu zie,hoe ik verder ga.In het ontvangen van mijn eigen woorden in het verstaan van mijn eigen taal.
Ik luister met liefde naar mijn eigen stem,en laat gebeuren zoals het komt.Ik schrijf vanuit mijn gloed die altijd komt wanneer ik zeker voel dat mijn taal zich lekker voelt in het ontvouwen.Het ontvangen wat ik bedoel, is te kunnen schrijven naar mijzelf,te kunnen luisteren naar mijn eigen stem en mij kan plaatsen naar mijzelf en in ontroering kan zijn, als ik hoor wat ik te vertellen heb.Soms verras ik mijzelf en lees mijn woorden vanuit de gloed waarin ik zit en krijg dan terug wat ik aan mijzelf gegeven heb.Daar ligt de sleutel van de taal,van het luisteren naar mijzelf.Daar ligt de verbinding die ik maak en daarom zo kan schrijven.Niets is mij vreemd in wat ik voel, maar weet te ervaren dat alle aandacht die ik geef naar mijzelf, veel betekend in het ontvouwen van mijn taal en het ontvangen is begonnen terwijl ik mijn dag afsluit, met een woord wat het belangrijkste blijkt,  in het ontvangen van mijzelf.....maar ook van de ander..





Are you interested in something totally new? If your answer is yes, you really might want to do a little bit more, than only read what I have written. Unless you talk with me or with my dear friend AnnaMieke, there is no way, for you, to ever get a clear picture about the difference between Embodied Language (EL) and Disembodied Language (DL). I also posted  below some of AnnaMieke’s writings. You can read it and recognize, that she is also writing about her EL every day. Although it is quite different from my writing, she’s writing about the same EL, but, of course, her expression of it is unique to who she is.


If you decide to talk with me or with her, please, let us talk and give us the chance to explain ourselves. You can feel and experience, what we are talking about and understanding what we are saying, is only of secondary importance. Experience comes first in EL and your understanding of it, will emerge from your experience of it. AnnaMieke and I have a certain knowledge, which is only known, if you open yourself to experiencing what it is. Yes, perhaps you can feel, we flow with our language. That is a good start, because that is the essence of EL. Words come and go, but along with our words, a sound is heard and felt. It is due to our embodied voice, that what we say begins to matter to you. Even while reading these words, you can imagine, what I we sound like. We don’t sound like anyone, who is dominating or manipulating you. We like you to listen to yourself.


The only reason for listening to me or AnnaMieke, is to hear what someone with EL sounds like. You can recognize it right away and you don’t need to do any exercises. Of course, once you can hear, experience and feel, the wonderful sound of EL, you are able to produce this sound yourself as well. You produce it by simply saying: I hear that you have EL. There is nothing difficult about your immediate perception. In fact, it is such a relief, that there is nothing to be understood about it, because you can experience it. However, you understand it, since you experience it.


Joining our EL will change your life forever. We don’t  say that to brag, but we both know this will happen. After you have acquired EL, you too will be able to accurately predict what is going to happen. Surely, your old DL will still pop up once in a while, but you know with certainty, you have turned the corner, on your history of conditioning DL. Once you get what EL is, your DL is done. Actually, everyone, already, unconsciously, experiences this. Although none of us have taken note of the difference between our DL and EL, we already know, but we have never said or heard, our DL has ran its course and is finished.


Even if you never talk with me or with AnnaMieke, you have read these words, which have planted a seed. It is already spring and that seed is sprouting and now you have to protect and nurture this new growth. However, besides me and AnnaMieke, there is nobody to encourage you to do that. Left to your own devices, this beautiful brief verbal moment of hope and relief will be forgotten, as it always was, whenever it presented itself naturally, because that is simply and undeniably who you are. Amazingly, your problem is not about how to be yourself, but stopping the insane stuff, which prevents you from being yourself. EL is about listening to yourself and identifying what is yours and what isn’t. Although you can hear it, you don’t listen to yourself, as you don’t take the time, to speak with yourself. When you speak with AnnaMieke or with me, you know, you finally have the chance to speak with yourself.


This is the moment in which everything is revealed. Nothing could be any other way, than how it is and your ability to say this with your EL and to hear this, is your Language Enlightenment (LE). There is no other way, than by listening to yourself, while you speak with yourself, to have EL and to know your LE. Everything else is mediocre and harmful, in contrast to your blooming EL and your magnificent LE. If you believe, that I and AnnaMieke are simply making this stuff up, you are actually correct, as we have each, on our own, discovered EL and explored LE. Certainly, we create our own LE-reality with our EL. Our delightful, ongoing, long conversations, became possible, after we did the aforementioned. We both feel that we have, albeit unconsciously, always been busy with EL and we say, that is true for you too.


Interestingly, the word new is also often described as unheard of. Another synonym is the untried or the inexperienced. These perfectly apply to our EL, which has only happened shortly, unconsciously, accidentally and inconsistently. Once you know the difference between DL and EL, there is no question about it: you are going to want more EL and you want to stop your involvement in DL. And, yes, you are going to experiment with it and really try it and experience it, as that is the only way to invite EL into your life, as nobody else can provide it for you. I or AnnaMieke cannot give you EL, but you can hear, we are having it. In doing so, you begin to have it too.                   

Wednesday, April 12, 2023




What is the root of all evil? It is how we deal with our language. People are puzzled, when they find out how evil, cruel and deceitful others can be, as they false assume, we ought to be civilized by now. The fact is, however, that as long as we engage in Disembodied Language (DL), we remain uncivilized, as we are irresponsible of our behavior. Moreover, in DL, we, inevitably, harm to ourselves, as we are unconscious about the consequences of our actions.


We can only become conscious of the outcomes of our own actions, when we recognize, that language – that is, how we talk with ourselves – connects the dots. Due to DL – our common way of talking, which sets the stage for how we deal with language and all our other behaviors – this never happens. Thus, our DL has to be stopped, before we can have Embodied Language (EL) and take control of our own lives. Our sense of behavioral control is distorted and thus, ineffective, due to our DL. As long as we pretend to have EL, but continue with DL, we are in trouble.


Once we acknowledge the great difference between DL and EL, it becomes evident to us, that during DL, we lie to ourselves and others. No wonder, our behavior spirals out of control in mental illness (which is absolutely not an illness, but simply a set of behaviors, which continues, due to its results), addiction, crime, entertainment, consumption and religion. Our overrated so-called individualism, which represents our highest value – freedom – doesn’t translate to how we deal with our language.


Our way of talking, which determines how we deal with our language, doesn’t make us conscious that we create our own reality and are responsible for how we live our own lives. Embarrassingly, we have never addressed in our universities and colleges, the crucial difference between DL and EL, as we make it seem, as if the difference between left – and right– wing politics is more important. Also, we talk about right and wrong, without ever acknowledging, there is a correct and incorrect way of using our language. Obviously, using our language consciously is correct and using it mechanically is incorrect. Surely, our notion about right and wrong, cannot come from anywhere else than from how we use our language.


DL is everywhere, but we never hear anyone speak knowledgably about EL, as we consider talking with others to be more important than talking with ourselves. We only consider the possibility of talking with ourselves, as having to do with problems, but never as being without any problems. We couldn’t conceive of the latter, as we never truly talked with ourselves. We are ashamed of our individuality and, consequently, we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak and equate listening, with listening to others.


Our reality is what it is, regardless of how we deal with our language. Since we don’t know about EL, let alone, how to have ongoing EL, we have no other option than to describe our reality with our DL. Who we believe ourselves to be, our identity, is a product of our DL and, although this isn’t recognized, this is, of course, a gigantic problem. Who we are naturally, happily, calmly and intelligently, only becomes clear to us, when we speak often enough with ourselves, with the sound of our own wellbeing. It is so simple, yet nobody does it. This is why everyone is trapped by their terribly painful conditioning history with DL.


We are all, unknowingly, traumatized, due to our involvement in and exposure to DL. To engage in EL involves de-conditioning and re-conditioning, which can only be performed by us ourselves, if we start talking with ourselves about the difference between our DL and EL. Our motivation, to stop our DL – and, thus, increase our EL – derives from acknowledging this difference in terms of its outcomes. With DL, we keep creating undesirable outcomes for ourselves, but with EL, we feel confident, what we do results in positive consequences. As anyone who reads my writings may have noticed, I seldom speak about any particular other person than myself. This is not because I am narcissistic, egoistic or anti-social, but because I know for sure, there is no one to turn to, other than ourselves, when it comes to having EL.


Turning to ourselves means: using our language for ourselves and has nothing to do with going inward or with all this spiritual mumbo-jumbo. Our esoteric garbage has never produced any EL. Certainly, there have been many famous people, who, supposedly, have said important, memorable things, but nobody has identified and consistently verbalized EL, as I am the first human being to do this. I fully deserve my place in the Guinness Book of Records, because I have, single-handedly, discovered and developed an entirely new field of psychology or behaviorology.


Due to my EL, I can follow my own reasoning and do not feel any obligation to refer to what others have said or written. Of course, it would be wonderful, if people would be willing to talk with me, so they can  come to know about the magnificent, far-reaching implications of ongoing EL, which become possible by stopping our DL. Certainly, the world would be a better place, as each person, who comes to know about the experience of ongoing EL, will attain his or her Language Enlightenment (LE). Each person, who embodies his or her own language, will determine his or her own unique reality, in a manner, no other person could ever make this happen for someone else. I am always available to speak about this matter, which heralds a new phase for mankind. I know, you don’t believe this, but it is your dull and repetitive DL, which gives you this impression. Evil, in our every-day usage, is narrowly used to talk about profound wickedness against the common good. DL is bad for everyone and yet, we don’t talk about it, but we should. EL is good for me, but also for you and will revolutionize our relationship.            

Tuesday, April 11, 2023




Nothing is more enjoyable, than talking out loud alone with yourself or writing about what it is like to have Embodied Language (EL). Those, who don’t know about EL, engage in Disembodied Language (DL), by default. They simply don’t know any better. Nothing good can be achieved with DL, therefore, everyone, who only knows DL, experiences nothing but problems. Moreover, nothing can really be done about these problems, as long as DL isn’t stopped, so that EL can occur. People have tried, but nothing they have done, has ever worked, because they were never clear about the difference between DL and EL. These two ways of are mutually exclusive.


Only if your DL stops, can your EL begin.  Actually, only when you stop your DL, can you begin to have  EL. Surely, being conscious about both, is necessary, to be able to stop the former and to enjoy the latter. And, of course, as you succeed in stopping your own DL more often, you’ll be able to engage in EL more often. Furthermore, because of this decrease of your DL and increase of your EL, you’ll be more aware about who you are. In other words, as you manage to stop your conditioning, your freedom becomes apparent. There is nothing mysterious about this, as your way of dealing with language makes you conscious or keeps you unconscious.


You have endlessly tried in vain to change yourself. Nothing of what you have done could have worked, because your DL was never addressed, understood and stopped. Nothing needs to be known about EL, as it will be totally self-evident what EL is, after you have stopped your DL. Your DL is best addressed, as your usual way of talking. Thus, stopping your DL, is a matter of not doing what you usually do when you speak. You usually don’t listen to yourself, while you speak and, consequently, you talk with a sound you don’t hear and don’t like. If you don’t do that, you’ll be guaranteed to have your first experience of EL.


Nothing can be done to stop your DL directly, as it is  a matter of noticing, that you are having it. There is nothing wrong with DL, as it is simply how you were conditioned. It only dissolves by itself, when you let yourself know about this. Nothing was said to you about EL. If you read this text out loud, you will be the first one to say something about it to yourself. Nothing can be learned about EL from others. 


Nothing else ever happens during your DL, as you repeat what you have already said or written. There is nothing new under the sun, as you don’t want hear nothing of your own coercive, manipulative, creepy, phony, negative sound, while you speak. To the contrary, in DL, you want others to listen to you, but you don’t listen to yourself. There’s nothing as precious as love, but DL makes you mechanical and unable to talk about what you feel. You engage in DL as if nothing else matter, but EL matters much more.


In EL, we find that we unanimously agree on how we experience each other’s sound, but in DL, we seem to have nothing in common. He who knows nothing, doubts nothing, because, no matter how messed up and conflicted we are, in DL we can’t talk with ourselves, because we talk with ourselves, as if we are talking to someone else. Nothing good can come from our dissociative way of talking, in which listening to others takes president over listening to ourselves. Since we are not holding on to anything in EL, we are flooded with blissful energy. In this letting go of the verbal, possessing nothing makes us feel that we have nothing to lose. Alignment and congruence of our verbal and non-verbal behavior comes out of nothing, as our language effortlessly unfolds. Nothing can be gained by remaining still and the only way to recognize your DL and your EL is to experiment, by speaking out loud and by listening to your voice. By giving your attention to whatever asks the attention and by saying whatever is in your attention, you’ll come to a point, where nothing is asking your attention anymore and EL will happen.