Tuesday, July 11, 2023



The only language that has meaning is our own language. No one has Embodied Language (EL), because it is completely discontinuous with the  Disembodied Language (DL), everyone is engaged in because of their conditioning. Even though we experience the negative consequences of it daily, we have never concluded, that our own DL - and not the DL of others - is a huge problem for us.


As far as our own language is concerned, putting the hand in our own bosom is a matter of listening to ourselves as we speak, alone, to ourselves about what is happening to us. This is our own process, in which we dissolve, because no one else is speaking but ourselves and no one is listening but ourselves.


If we take the time and have the guts, to be our own authority and thus to judge for ourselves whether what we say makes sense or if it is nonsense, then it will immediately become apparent, we are quite capable of recognizing, OT is not our own language, even though, we are, by habit, used to pretending that it is. This realization has far-reaching positive consequences, which we will experience with EL.


Having established – for ourselves – the undeniable, great, immediate difference between our own DL and our own EL, we cannot help, but admit, to ourselves, that, because of our old habit, we are constantly mechanically and unconsciously dealing with our language. In fact, we are ignorant, heedless and insensitive about everything, because of our own DL, which immediately stops, as soon as we let ourselves know this with our own resonant sound.


Actually is an adverb, which
 also means factually or really. 
So, we each - by nature – possess 
the quality to have EL, but, 
because we live so unnaturally, 
we always go against it with our
 DL. Although this is definitely 
our conditioning, it hasn't 
fundamentally changed us. So, 
it's actually exactly the same for
 everyone and we all face the same
 life-and-death decisive challenge,
 as we all still have that innate 
quality, which, because of our 
DL, we can't get to. 


Only when we come to realize the seriousness of our participation in stressful, anxious, dissociative, malignant DL - and finally stop doing so, only to then, reassured, relaxed, amazed and energized, we will transform into our own, creative, meaningful, conscious, self-evident, effortless EL – our lives will take the turn we secretly longed for. We do this in our own interest and can only do this for ourselves.


Owning our own language, means that with EL – our new way of dealing with language – we literally and figuratively become a different person, because who we were, or supposedly, who we thought we were, has disappeared. Even though our conditioning with DL will continue to remind us of our old ways, this remembrance reinforces our own experience of EL.  There's really no going back after we've discovered who we really are and remain with our EL.


The way our own well-being triumphs over all our problems is caused by our EL, which instructs us to stop worrying about DL, as everyone else does. This implies, we always keep following our own energy - even if we are completely alone in this - as we keep talking to ourselves about and listening to what we cannot discuss with others, but what happens to us.


Having our own language solidifies our 
Language Enlightenment (TV), from 
which not only our own unique 
verbal behavior, but also, all of 
our other behavior seems to emerge.
 As all of this takes place, a 
realization arises, that our own 
enlightenment is something 
entirely different from what 
we have heard or read. In the 
, DL-derived explanation of 
enlightenment, it was always 
about, supposedly, going beyond 
This ridiculous effort of
 trying to lift of ourselves, 
by our own shoelaces, 
has never – as was claimed – 
transcended the duality, which,
 presumably, was the root 
cause of all our struggles, 
conflicts and problems. However, 
our DL  could finally be understood 
through our own EL, thus dissolving
 the illusion we called our mind.





De enige taal, die betekenis heeft is onze eigen taal. Niemand heeft Belichaamde Taal (BT), omdat het helemaal los staat van de Ontlichaamde Taal (OT), waar iedereen vanuit de conditionering mee bezig blijft. Ook al ervaren wij er dagelijks de negatieve gevolgen van, we zijn nog nooit tot de conclusie gekomen, dat onze eigen OT – en dus niet de OT van anderen – een enorm probleem voor ons is.


Wat onze eigen taal betreft, is het steken van de hand in eigen boezem, een kwestie van luisteren naar onszelf, terwijl wij hardop, alleen, met onszelf spreken, over wat er met ons aan de hand is. Dit is ons eigen proces, waarin wij oplossen, omdat er niemand anders aan het woord is, dan wijzelf en waarin er niemand anders luistert, dan wijzelf.


Als wij de tijd nemen en het lef hebben, om onze eigen authoriteit te zijn en om dus te beoordelen of wat wij zeggen, zin heeft of kant noch wal raakt, dan blijkt onmiddelijk, dat wij heel goed in staat zijn, om te erkennen, dat OT, niet onze eigen taal is, ook al zijn we, vanuit gewoonte gewend, om te doen alsof dit zo zou zijn. Deze realisatie heeft verstrekkende positieve gevolgen, die wij met BT gaan meemaken.


Nadat wij – voor onszelf – het onomstotelijke, grote, onmiddelijke verschil hebben vastgesteld, tussen onze eigen OT en onze eigen BT, dan kunnen wij niet anders dan aan onszelf toegeven, dat wij, vanwege onze gewoonte, voortdurend mechanisch en dus onbewust met onze taal zijn blijven omgaan. Eigenlijk is het zo, dat we onwetend, onachtzaam en ongevoelig zijn, vanwege onze eigen OT, die direct stopt, zodra wij dit, met onze eigen klank, aan onszelf, laten weten.


Eigenlijk is een bijvoegelijk naamwoord, dat ook  zowaar, daadwerkelijk, feitelijk of echt betekent. Wij hebben dus ieder – van nature – de kwaliteit om BT te hebben, maar, omdat we zo onnatuurlijk leven, gaan we daar, met onze OT, telkens weer tegenin. Ook al is dit zonder meer onze conditionering, toch zijn wij hierdoor niet fundamenteel veranderd. Het is dus eigenlijk voor iedereen precies hetzelfde en we staan allemaal voor dezelfde, leven-en-dood beslissende uitdaging, want we hebben allemaal nog steeds, die aangeboren eigenschap, waar we, vanwege onze OT, maar niet aan toe kunnen komen.


Alleen wanneer wij de ernst gaan beseffen, van onze deelname aan stress-volle, angstige, dissociatieve, kwaadaardige OT – en er daardoor eindelijk mee ophouden, om dan, gerustgesteld, ontspannend, verwonderd en vol met energie, te transformeren, naar onze eigen, creative, betekenisvolle, bewuste, vanzelf-sprekende, moeiteloze BT – zal ons leven de andere wending nemen, waar wij heimelijk zo naar hebben verlangd. Uiteraard doen wij dit uit eigen belang en kunnen wij dit alleen voor onszelf doen.


Eigenlijk betekent eveneens, dat wij met BT – onze nieuwe omgang met taal – letterlijk en figuurlijk een ander persoon zijn geworden, omdat wie wij waren of zogezegd dachten te zijn, is verdwenen. Ook al zal onze conditionering met OT aan onze oude manier van doen blijven herinneren, deze herinnering zal onze eigen ervaring met BT alleen maar versterken. Er is dus eigenlijk geen weg terug, nadat wij hebben ontdekt, wie wij werkelijk zijn en blijven met BT.


De wijze waarop ons eigen welzijn het wint van al onze problemen, wordt veroorzaakt door BT, die ons instrueert om ons niet meer, zoals iedereen doet, druk te maken over OT. Dit impliceert, dat wij altijd eigen energie blijven volgen – ook al zijn wij hierin helemaal alleen – aangezien wij met onszelf blijven spreken over en luisteren naar wat wij met anderen niet kunnen bespreken, maar wat met ons gebeurt.


Het hebben van onze eigen taal, zetelt ons in onze Taal Verlichting (TV), vanwaaruit niet alleen ons eigen uniek verbale gedrag, maar ook, gaandeweg, al onze andere gedragingen blijken voort te komen. Terwijl dit alles zich voltrekt, ontstaat er een besef, dat onze eigen verlichting iets heel anders is als wat wij hebben gehoord of gelezen. In de uit OT onstane uitleg van verlichting ging het ogenschijnlijk altijd over het voorbij gaan aan taal. Maar dit belachelijke optillen van onszelf, bij onze schoenveters, heeft ons nooit, zoals dat wordt beweerd, doen onstijgen aan de dualiteit, die werd verondersteld de oorzaak te zijn van al onze strijd en problemen. Het was echter onze OT, die eindelijk met behulp van onze eigen BT kon worden begrepen, waardoor de illusie, die we onze mind of ons denken noemen, kon oplossen.        

Monday, July 10, 2023




I write about my Embodied Language (EL), because I like to read what I have written. These words and sentences appear so calmly and deliberately. This is how I like to be with my language. I have no axe to grind and I’m not competing with anyone, as I know that my words pertain, exclusively, to my reality.


Although everyone verbally creates and lives in their own reality, nobody is capable, like me, to capitalize on this fact. This is why everyone pretends, as if it is possible and necessary, to live in, what is believed to be a shared reality. However, there exists no such thing, as there is only for each of us our individual description, formulation, perception or memory of  what we call the world or the objective reality.  


Due to our constant involvement in Disembodied Language (DL), we’ve never been fully able, to grasp and accept the truth, that we create and live in our own language-reality. Of course, with DL, this isn’t and can’t be our Language Enlightenment (LE), as we don’t listen to and are unconscious about what we say. All our struggles are always about our mistaken assumption, that we, supposedly, live in the same world, but, presumably, see, hear and experience things differently. Fact is, however, we each live in the consequences of our own actions and inaction.


My behavior isn’t any different from anyone else’s behavior, in that, it will only continue, due to the reinforcing consequences, it received in the past. Surely, all behavior is lawful. What behaviorists call operant behavior, resulted in many formulations about how things work, in scientific verbal behavior. Thus, we recognize different disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, biology, just to name a few.


The different realms of science couldn’t have been discovered without agreement and verification, but sadly, in spite of all our scientific endeavors, we haven’t acknowledged the difference between DL and EL. As a result, we are impaired by and stuck with our DL, a superficial, superstitious, mechanical, unintelligent way of dealing with our language.


It is no coincidence, in science, everything is about written language, which determines how we speak, but, we are, verbally, putting the horse behind the wagon, as it is, naturally, an irrefutable fact, that we write and have always written, in the way that we have spoken.  


In EL, we are no longer fighting, arguing or debating, as it is self-evident, to each of us, as individuals, that we are using our language for ourselves, instead of, as we keep claiming to do in DL, for others. Science is the effective way of using language. Thus, we can capitalize on our language only, if we are rational.


What we, generally, refer to as our emotions, are, in fact, experiences, we haven’t been able to get clear about, because we’ve never been able to continue with our EL for any significant period of time.


There is nothing paradoxical or contradictory about our need to be rational about our emotions, but this is only going to happen, if we are going to listen to ourselves while we speak. Since we don’t do this in DL, we are emotionally confused and, unknowingly, endlessly, carried away. Unconsciously, with DL, we are emotionally enslaved and exploited, as this gives us the sense of order or stability we crave, because we don’t know how to create order, with our EL, by simply listening to ourselves while we speak.


With DL, we can’t capitalize on our language. Those, who, presumably, enslave and exploit others, are always themselves enslaved and exploited, but since we don’t know anything about the great difference between DL and EL – and have never continued with our own EL, in the only way it can be continued, which is, in a skillful, deliberate, effortless, natural manner – this duality, between the oppressor and the oppressed, the powerful and the powerless, the intelligent and the unintelligent, the sensitive and the insensitive, the courageous and the coward or the skillful and the unskillful, was never dissolved by our language. In effect, we’ve never actually had the conversation, in which this inequality disappeared.


We couldn’t and didn’t’ capitalize on our language, as our DL, which is our common way of dealing with language, kept us trapped in dualism and, therefore, cast out any sense of oneness. Only with EL, are we able to fully understand, why we’ve come to live as fearfully, as chaotically and as conflicted as we do.


The coercive order, which, on the one hand, was, and still continues to be, imposed on us and which we keep trying to, inadvertently, impose on others, is the only order we know and we tend to merely spiritually, economically, philosophically, culturally, fantasize about some sort of higher order of things, rather than have the actual conversation, in which order and harmony is created, by the sound of our voice, as we speak. Order is only revealed by us, if we capitalize on our language, because we continue to express and enjoy the sound of our wellbeing.


EL isn’t higher or better than DL, but it shows us, that DL is forced and involuntary, while EL is free and voluntary. The freedom of EL is afforded to us due to our understanding of our conditioning with DL. Freedom is verbal, as we can say, what couldn’t be said, as long as we were repeating ourselves.                

Sunday, July 9, 2023




The absolute certainty, that one has Embodied Language (EL), is so very beautiful, mysterious and enjoyable. To be certain about one’s language isn’t the case in Disembodied Language (DL), although everyone keeps pretending and endlessly arguing, they are right. What one will be able to say, write, perceive, create and verbalize in EL, is truly baffling, as one knows, this would never be possible with DL.  


In EL, one is finally alone and uninhibited with one’s language and, therefore, capable of putting words together, in the way, one finds fitting. Foremostly, this has to do, with the sound of one’s voice, but also with the pace and the rhythm of one’s speech, of one’s writing, of the time it takes, to address matters, which can only be addressed, if one is patient, dedicated, conscious and playful.


We constantly experiment in EL, because we never take our language for granted. The latter refers to our conditioning history with DL, which, basically,  taught us to never pay attention to our language, because, supposedly, as people say: it is what it is.


Our language is what it can and should be in EL, as in DL, we are, unknowingly, underperforming.  We could all do better than that, but, strikingly, each and every attempt at improving our DL – and there have been many – was doomed to fail. Since we weren’t able to switch, reliably and diligently, from DL to EL – and experience, for ourselves, we really want EL, not DL – we have been unable to change any of our problematic behaviors and replace them with productive, effective and satisfying behaviors, with which we want to continue, because we have again and again experienced beneficial outcomes.   


Astonishingly, nobody in the field of psychology, of which I was a part for so many years, picked up on the importance of what I have been talking and writing about. However, now that I have given up trying to let others know about EL, I acknowledge, that my perspective about the so-called spread of EL, has always been wrong. Over the years, I’ve had to remind my myself, a million times, my EL is only for me and it really is. If you are going to have your discovery and exploration of EL, you will come to the same conclusion. I hope, you won’t be as troubled by it, as I have been, but I can’t guarantee, as it is all up to you or rather, it is going to be your history of conditioning, which is going to determine how you are going to deal with the epiphany, you are bound to have, when you for the first time stop your own DL and are able to carry on with your EL.


Most likely, you aren’t going to be able to deal with your certainty of having EL any better than I have, because in the more than forty years that I’ve been trying to let others know about EL, there is, to my knowledge – besides my lovely wife – only just one person, who pursues it as thoroughly as I do. This is my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, who, after many years, got back in touch with me again, to continue the delightful conversation, we were already having some twenty-five years ago, when I was still living in the Netherlands. I keep telling everyone, in all my writings, I look forward to talking with people about EL, but that’s all I can do. Looking back on all my interactions with people, it was almost always the case, I initiated these conversations. I have, at long last, given up on doing that. AnnaMieke is so dear to me, because she caused me to give up my teaching.


Sure enough, I was able to let go of my relentless enthusiasm and energy, to let others know about EL, because just one person, AnnaMieke, really wanted to know about and explore EL, for herself. Miraculously, our delightful connection resulted in our conceptualization (with our EL) of our Language Enlightenment (LE). We are two enlightened human beings, whose language began to work for, instead of against them. We have both stumbled on this  certainty: in DL – our usual way of dealing with language – our language always works against us.


Of course, AnnaMieke speaks and writes about EL in a different way than I do. Anyone, who finds EL, will speak or write about it in their own unique way and anyone with EL knows, with perfect certainty, it is EL and not some esoteric, poetic, spiritual nonsense. In DL, we are ignorant and unconscious, about the sad fact that our own language is utterly self-defeating, as we erroneously, but fanatically, believe to have a mind, thoughts and covert private-speech, but in EL, we are cured from that illusion. Moreover, our LE, which is revealed by our EL, is properly articulated.


AnnaMieke and I will tell everyone, who wants to hear and know about it, that they are enlightened, but you don’t know about it yet, because of how you were taught to use your language. We have encouraged each other, to believe in the certainty,  our DL could not and, therefore, never did express our natural selves. It is very strange to us, that everywhere, around the world, helpless, hopeless,   fearful people, day in day out, engage in DL, which can’t express, who they really are. Obviously, this creates tremendous problems and hence we have created our society, our culture, our reality, in the way it is. AnnaMieke and I are the living proof of the certainty, all our problems can come to an end, if we change from DL to EL. This is not our belief, but the truth of our lives. Come and join our conversation,  Sunday at 4:30am Pacific Standard Time (PST) on skype. My skypename is limbicease and I chose that name, because our limbic system, will only be able to calm down, due to a new way of talking, in which we hear and follow the sound of our own wellbeing.               

Saturday, July 8, 2023




In this writing, I explain, why, for such a long time, I was against writing about Embodied Language (EL) and would never produce a scientific article or book about it. As anyone who reads my blog knows, I am not against writing about EL, but I was so strongly against it, as I found – and still find – that talking about EL, is more important, than reading about it.


You can never read yourself into this new way of talking and dealing with language, which I call EL. I am absolutely convinced, we are fooling ourselves into believing, that our written language can change our spoken language and the fact that Disembodied Language (DL) dominates every society, around the world, proves my point. Our over-appreciation and our over-estimation of the importance of written or printed language, inevitably, signifies our neglect, ignorance, under-appreciation and under-estimation of our spoken language. Consequently, language has become disembodied, because nobody cares about the sound of their own voice enough, to be able to embody their language again. I blame books, not just any particular book, but all books and I propose a public book-burning, to bring your attention to EL.


Of course, I am aware the Nazies burned books, but they certainly weren’t the first to do this. Whenever people have fought wars, they have always burned all the books, in a stupid attempt, to eradicate the acquired knowledge. Mankind has gone through many dark ages, because knowledge was destroyed.


I only want to burn old, meaningless books, which nobody wants to read. When I studied psychology, I bought and read tons of books and when I stopped teaching psychology, some time ago, I felt, I wanted to get rid of these books, which were just in boxes in my garage. We’ve had various garage sales and each time, I spread out all the great books, I had read and felt inspired by, on my driveway. However, nobody wanted to buy any of my dear books. We sold clothes, furniture, an old tea-pot and some CDs, but none of my precious books were sold. I couldn’t even sell one for one dollar. Occasionally, someone picked up a book and glanced through it. I felt like talking about that book, as I knew exactly what was in it, but they weren’t particularly interested in talking with me either and quickly put the book down again. It was a sobering experience, a real contrast with the pretentious hype, stress and torture of my costly graduate study. I guess, I could have, but I didn’t burn any of these expensive books and I just dumped all of them in the garbage can.


Books haven’t delivered and we’ve been shooting ourselves in the foot, by imagining and fantasizing, that writing another bestseller book, would make a real difference. The only real difference is that some authors, like some speakers, receive more attention than others and, become famous. The competition for attention, in written publications, is as severe, as the struggle for attention, which is the unintelligent, underlying, brutal principle of all human interaction.


I have never read the same book twice, because I never felt the urge to read it again. Actually, as a child, I never liked reading books and only in my adult life – at age forty-two, after I had immigrated to the United States – as a student of psychology, science, behavior, philosophy and language, did I become an avid reader. Also, I never wanted to have the same conversation, as it bored me. Although I haven’t always known this as clearly, as I do today, people read the same book over and over again, in the idle hope, to have some stability, knowledge or control over their language. By citing, quoting and repeating texts, they create the illusion from which they believe to derive peace and clarity and waste  their entire lives on this enterprise. I was raised in a Catholic family, but from a young age I felt deeply troubled, as I didn’t and couldn’t believe anything about what was written in the Bible. I now know that DL is the language of repetition. It creates its own sort of order, in which everyone, supposedly, has and, presumably, knows, their place in the hierarchy of society. I used to call EL, the Language Which Creates Space, as it creates a different order, which isn’t hierarchical and it never repeats itself.      


Every time people push some political, religious, but also psychological, philosophical or, presumably, scientific narrative, they ban – and might as well burn – books, they violently censure publications and they basically kill any feed-back or criticism, by de-platforming each other from social media. Make no mistake, DL is war. Surely, violent protests – in which people with any particular view, opinion or belief, are threatened and intimidated by screaming, rioting aggressors – are part of the normalization of violence, which is and was always condoned by DL.


If we are going to have EL, our written language will change. Right now, everything, yes, everything, yes, everything (3x), that was written, derives from DL and this writing, only this writing, only this writing (3x), is the first writing, which emphatically, clearly, unmistakably derives from EL. Stated differently, whatever people have written, has always followed the way in which people have interacted with each other and have related to each other. Although, you probably find it hard to believe –  and I’m not asking you to – that we’ve never deliberately had EL, this is why the world is full of chaos and conflict. Our way of dealing with language hasn’t changed and as a consequence, cultures come and go, as there never was a lasting peaceful way of using our language.  


As far as I am concerned, there will never be a book about EL. This writing on this blog is the only written version you will ever read. I didn’t write this for you, but for myself. No, this is not my journal, this is my way of owning and protecting my language. You may read it, but you need to write your own words, in the same way, that you need to speak your own words. Nobody can be the voice for someone else and this whole issue of so-called representation is based on DL. I don’t represent anyone, that is why my EL can flow, that is why I delight in my Language Enlightenment (LE). I am not someone screaming in the desert either, as I can hear myself and don’t need your attention or approval, to know that EL is our only future, because your DL is on its deathbed.                      

Friday, July 7, 2023



Due to our almost permanent participation in Disembodied Language (DL), it was of course inevitable that the voice with which we speak our language every day, would sound more and more disgusting, ridiculous, arrogant, pushy, nasty, scared, bastard, vicious and irritating. And, of course, the madness becomes both more visible and audible, because as long as we continue with DL, our struggle for attention will also become bigger, fiercer, more destructive, unconscious and meaningless. Inevitably, the unwieldy, large, groups of millions of people - entire tribes of peoples, who, at first, always pretended again and again, that they really had something very beautiful and important in common with each other - split up again, the division and strife flourishes and escalates into gigantic chaos. However, if one dares to pay a little attention, one can hear and see, that for the vast majority of people - in politics, in religion, in economics, in culture and in what is now presented as the so-called LGBTQ community - hearing and seeing means, that we are deaf and blind. Not for nothing, there is suddenly a huge increase in young men, who believe and claim that they are women. It is noticeable, however, that women, who pretend to be men, receive much less public attention, because we still, apparently, live in a man's world, where the battle for survival is always won by the strongest.


I just read in a post that at some university, many needy, otherwise confused, unhappy students are being offered an up-to-date, new approach to psychological counseling, in the form of voice lessons. This is really presented as a modern, promising, target-group-adapted therapy, for those who claim to have changed from male to female or from female to male and also for those who claim, they are neither, but different. In this progressive approach, each client will practice, in order to eventually sound, the way he or she, or whatever, would like to sound. So, the point here, in this diagnosis, is not so much – as in the more traditional therapeutic model – that they sound like themselves, but learn to sound like they would like to be heard by others. In this badly-needed voice-distortion therapy, much appreciated by many, all the attention is not on the client himself, but on how the client would like to be experienced and heard by others. The therapeutic effect of this method does not lie in listening to, experiencing, accepting and understanding ourselves, but in how one would like to sound in the ears of others and be understood by others. 

When I first discovered my Embodied Language (EL), I knew right away, I would always want to sound like this. It had, to my great surprise, nothing to do with others at all, because, for the first time, I heard myself speak, in the sound of my voice that I truly liked. My discovery was just so clear, because I realized very well, I usually didn't speak with that voice. In the investigation that started afterwards, about why this was the case, it seemed again and again, as if it were about how others experience me, when that was precisely the reason, which diverted my attention from my own experience. In the experiment, in which I investigated why I, unconsciously, did not listen to myself, it became clear to me that I, habitually, kept getting bogged down in DL, because I was too concerned with how others would hear me. That tendency is much less now, but I recognize, it is still there and probably always will be to some degree. As soon as I worry again about how I would like to be heard and experienced by others, I lose track of myself. Being off track lasts only a short time these days and as soon as I hear myself again, I feel the great relief that my temporary madness is over. Even though my old habit of having DL, like everyone else, is minimal, it seems—when I have it again—as if I momentarily embody all the madness of the entire world. I am really perplexed by this, but it is verbally true, I am the world, both positively and negatively. I know better than anyone the valuable, good consequences of EL, but I am also aware, that DL always has nothing but catastrophic consequences.


Our participation in DL or EL does not depend on what we believe we choose, but it is true, our DL can only be understood with our EL. My EL has definitely increased as I've come to understand my DL and it seems only now, after all these years of trying, that can I really understand why DL continued to have such a great effect on me. I've always felt incredibly judged and hurt about DL, because everyone seemed to be able to get away with it, except me. I did not accept or understand why my DL always meant trouble. My DL always made me feel like I didn't fit in and that has kept me from identifying with groups. Still, I really wanted nothing more than to belong. The only way open to me was to stop my DL. However, I did that because of others and not because of myself. The whole idea of reducing our DL and having more EL is bullshit. As a result, we all, unknowingly, involuntarily keep busy with each other, but we pay no attention to ourselves. This is also the reason, why we hardly speak with the sound of our beneficent, authentic voice. You have that voice only, if you listen to how you sound, while you talk. If you don't listen to yourself again, because you would like others to listen to you, your voice is still there, but you don't use it and, therefore, you can’t hear it. Since you have either DL or EL, it is  not a question of continuing with your EL, but of observing whether you have DL or EL. If you hear from your own voice, that you are again acting from your conditioning with DL, then your DL automatically ceases and turns into EL. So, you actually do nothing at all to have EL. In listening to yourself, you always immediately notice whether you have DL or EL. If you have DL, then it changes to EL and if you have EL, then you will effortlessly continue with it. If you don't listen to yourself while you speak, you won't notice it, but you will experience – whether you like it or not – the adverse effects of your DL. If, like me, you've  listened to yourself once, a selection process inevitably begins, because you've made a distinction between DL and EL and that will never go away. You can always remember yourself, because your own voice has always been there. You produce that voice of EL, not because of others, but entirely for yourself, because that's how your Language Enlightenment (LE) works.




Het kon – vanwege onze bijna permanente deelname aan Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) – natuurlijk niet uitblijven, dat de stem, waarmee wij dagelijks onze taal spreken, steeds walgelijker, belachelijker, arroganter, drammeriger, schmiechteriger, banger, hufteriger, venijniger en irritanter ging klinken. En, uiteraard wordt de waanzin, zowel meer zichtbaar als hoorbaar, want zolang als dat wij door gaan met OT, wordt ook onze strijd om de aandacht alsmaar groter, heviger, destructiver, onbewuster en zinlozer.


Onvermijdelijk, splitsen de logge, grote, groepen van miljoenen mensen – hele volks-stammen, die, in eerste instantie, altijd opnieuw pretendeerden, dat ze toch echt iets heel moois en belangrijks met elkaar gemeen zouden hebben – zich weer verder op en floreert en escaleert de verdeelheid, de strijd en de gigantische chaos. Indien men echter nog een klein beetje durft op te letten, dan kan men horen en zien, dat voor de verreweg de meeste mensen – in de politiek, in de religie, in de economie, in de cultuur en in wat zich tegenwoordig voordoet als de zogenaamde LGBTQ gemeenschap – horen en zien, letterlijk is vergaan. Niet voor niets, is er ineens een enorme toename aan jonge mannen, die geloven en beweren dat ze vrouwen zijn. Het valt echter op, dat vrouwen, die zich inbeelden mannen te zijn, minder publieke aandacht krijgen, omdat we nog steeds, kennelijk, in een mannen-wereld leven, waarin de overlevings-strijd door de sterkste wordt gewonnen.  


Ik las zojuist in een bericht, dat bij de een of andere universiteit, aan tal van behoeftige, anderszins verwarde, ongelukkige studenten, een bij-de-tijdse,  nieuwe aanpak van psychologische hulpverlening wordt aangeboden, in de vorm van stem-lessen. Dit  wordt werkelijk gepresenteerd als een moderne, veel-belovende, doel-groep-aangepastte therapie, voor zij, die zeggen te zijn veranderd van man naar vrouw of van vrouw naar man en ook voor hen, die beweren, nog het een, nog het ander te zijn. In deze vooruitstrevende benadering, gaat iedere client dus oefenen, om uiteindelijk te kunnen klinken, zoals hij of zij, of wat dan ook, zou willen klinken. Het gaat er hier dus, in de diagnose, niet zozeer om – zoals in het meer tradionele therapeutische model – dat zij klinken als zichzelf, maar leren te klinken, zoals zij door anderen gehoord zouden willen worden.   


Alle aandacht gaat – in deze hoog-nodige, al door velen gewaardeerde, stem-vervormings-therapie, tot grote opluchting van de zich-niet-geaccepteerd voelende client – niet naar de client zelf, maar naar hoe de client zou willen worden ervaren en gehoord door anderen. Het therapeutische effect van deze methode, ligt niet in het luisteren naar, ervaren, accepteren en begrijpen van onszelf, maar in hoe men zou willen klinken, in de oren van anderen.  


Toen ik voor het eerst mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT) ontdektte, wist ik meteen, dat ik altijd zo zou willen klinken. Het had, tot mijn grote verbazing, helemaal niets met anderen te maken, omdat ik voor het eerst mezelf hoorde praten, met het stem-geluid dat ik aangenaam vond. Mijn ontdekking was juist zo duidelijk, omdat ik heel goed besefte, dat ik meestal dus niet sprak met die stem. In het onderzoek, dat daarna op gang kwam, over waarom dit zo was, leek het er keer op keer toch weer op, alsof het ging over hoe anderen mij ervaren, terwijl dat nou juist precies de reden was, waardoor ik telkens weer mijn aandacht voor mijn eigen ervaring verloor.


In het experiment, waarin ik onderzocht, waarom ik, ongemerkt, niet naar mezelf luisterde, werd het mij duidelijk, dat ik, onbewust, telkens in OT verzandde, omdat ik me teveel bezig hield met hoe anderen mij zouden horen. Die neiging is veel minder nu, maar ik erken, dat hij er nog steeds is en waarschijnlijk altijd wel enigszins zal blijven. Zodra ik me weer bezorgd maak, over hoe ik door anderen zou willen worden gehoord en ervaren, ben ik met mezelf de draad kwijt. Het van de kaart zijn, duurt vandaag de dag nog maar heel kort en zodra ik mezelf hoor, voel ik de ontlading, dat mijn tijdelijke waanzin voorbij is.


Ook al is mijn oude gewoonte, om, net als iedereen OT te hebben, inmiddels minimaal, toch lijkt het – als ik het weer heb – alsof ik kortstondig alle waanzin van de gehele wereld belichaam. Ik sta hiervan echt perplex, maar het is verbaal werkelijk zo, dat ik de wereld ben, zowel in positieve als in negatieve zin. Ik ken, als geen ander, de waardevolle, goeie gevolgen van BT, maar ik ben mij er eveneens van bewust, dat OT altijd niets dan catastrofale consequenties heeft.


Onze deelname aan OT of BT hangt niet af van wat wij geloven te kiezen, maar het is wel zo, dat onze OT alleen met onze BT begrepen kan worden. Mijn BT is zonder meer toegenomen, omdat ik mijn OT ben gaan begrijpen en het lijkt wel, alsof ik nu pas, na al die jaren van uitproberen, echt kan begrijpen waarom OT zo’n groot effect op mij bleef houden. Ik voelde heb mij altijd heel erg veroordeeld vanwege mijn OT, omdat iedereen  ermee weg leek te kunnen komen, alleen ik niet. Ik accepteerde niet en begreep ook niet, waarom mijn OT altijd gedonder in de glazen betekende. Mijn OT maaktte, dat ik het altijd het gevoel had, dat ik er weer niet bij hoorde en dat heeft het mij ervan weerhouden, om mij met groepen te identificeren. Toch wilde ik eigenlijk niets liever, dan erbij horen. De enige weg, die openlag, was om met mijn OT op te houden. Ik deed dat echter vanwege anderen en niet vanwege mijzelf.   


Het hele idee om onze OT te verminderen en meer BT te gaan hebben, is flauwe kul. We blijven daardoor allemaal, ongemerkt, onwillekeurig met elkaar bezig en we hebben geen aandacht voor onszelf. Dit is de reden, waarom wij nauwelijks spreken met de klank van onze weldadige, authentieke stem. Je hebt die stem, indien je luistert naar hoe je klinkt, terwijl je praat. Als je weer niet naar jezelf luistert, omdat je zo graag zou willen, dat anderen naar je luisteren, dan is je stem er nog wel, maar je gebruikt hem niet en je hoort hem dus ook niet. Aangezien je, of OT, of BT hebt, is het dus geen kwestie van voortgaan met BT, maar om waar te nemen, of je OT, of BT hebt.   


Indien je aan je eigen stem kunt horen, dat je weer handeld vanuit je conditionering met OT, dan houdt je OT vanzelf op en verandert het in BT. Je doet dus eigenlijk helemaal niets, om BT te hebben. In het luisteren naar jezelf bemerk je altijd meteen, of je OT of BT hebt. Als je OT hebt, dan verandert het in BT en als je BT hebt, dan ga je er vanzelf mee door. Als je niet naar jezelf luistert, terwijl je spreekt, dan merk je dat niet, maar je ervaart wel – of je het nou wil of niet – de nadelige gevolgen van je OT. Als je, net als ik, ooit een keer naar jezelf hebt geluisterd,  begint er onvermijdelijk een selectie-proces, want je hebt onderscheid gemaakt tussen OT en BT en dat gaat nooit meer weg. Je kunt jezelf altijd herinneren omdat je eigen stem er altijd al was. Je produceert  die stem van BT niet vanwege anderen, maar voor jezelf, omdat je Taal Verlichting (TV) zo werkt.