can hear by my voice that I am enlightened. However, these words cannot be
heard unless you read them out loud to yourself. And, if you do, then you do
not hear me, but yourself and that is the only way in which you too can
experience the Embodied Language (EL), which lets you know your Language
Enlightenment (LE). What you are reading here is not some outlandish, long-winded,
chewed-out, tedious story, that emerged from Disembodied Language (DL), in
which some speaker always childishly demands the attention of the listener.
is no restraint in my language or in my sound. I know what I'm talking about, because
I enjoy my own voice. You can't know what you're talking about until you hear
yourself. I'm not saying that my EL sounds like music to my ears. My language
is not to be compared to that so-called beautiful music you say you love so
much. However, my language is music, which you have never heard. The wonderful
thing about my EL, is that I don't experience the sound of my language from my
memory either.
and many others have said, written, heard and read about enlightenment, but
none of it is true, in my opinion, as no one, like me, enters into – and stays
with – language. All the so-called enlightened ones merely play power games
with language, but I don't. You expect me to do what has already been done, but
that is not how I treat my language.
wanted your enlightened hero or heroine to have an effect on you, so that you
could finally let go or transform your thinking. Well, forget it, because
that's not how EL works. This illusion, that you or anyone else thinks, arose from
DL, which is only said, heard, written or read by you, but not by me.
are as stupid as all those retarded enlightened ones, that you have kept
listening to, for you speak of your thinking, as if it were really happening
and as if your fantasized mind exists. If you had listened for only one moment
to yourself, you would have immediately forgotten about your fake knowledge.
I, but you, are, inadvertently, day after day, hallucinating that you can
reason and that you have problems, which, on the one hand, are caused by your
thinking, but, on the other hand, supposedly, could be resolved by proper,
clear, rational, realistic thinking. Language takes no central place in your
life and so, you just on keep hating and stamping, drifting, melancholy
grinding, baling and whining and complaining and accusing and condemning.
have no energy and you are negative, because, unconsciously, you are completely
preoccupied with your own DL. As a result, you fabricate all kinds of concepts,
such as freedom, consciousness and insight, which don’t help you at all. You
create and you live in your own cramped, anxious, phony reality, but you don't
want to admit to yourself that you too can have EL and be without any problems.
you want to believe it or not, there are no problems anymore in your EL, because
for you too, only your own EL can express your original state, which,
therefore, I call LE. In LE, you are without problem, because you are without words,
as where you came from, before you were born and learned your language and
where you supposedly go when you die, has nothing to do with language at all.
You sometimes talk about being conscious, being in the here and now, but what
you actually refer to, is your language, which only happens, when you are alive.
can only be language and the consequences of how you deal with language, as
long as you live and this realization makes a huge difference in how you live
your life. Everyone is wasting their lives on DL, because so many other things supposedly
are more important than their language. You are frantically searching for the deeper meaning of your
existence and you boast about your spiritual experiences, but you do not even listen
to yourself, because you want others to listen to you or you keep on listening
to others, instead of to yourself. As a result, you will always consider the
speaker and the listener as two separate entities. In EL, by contrast, you
experience that the speaker and the listener are always one.
Your worn-out duality (speaker/listener,
life/death, good/bad) is not the result of
language as such, but of your DL,
which prevents you from experiencing
the oneness of who you are. You too
can produce that sound, but it happens
so rarely, so insufficiently and so
irregularly, you do not know, you
can follow the sound of your own
well-being, by listening to it while
you speak. Your EL doesn’t take
to your LE, but it reveals, that
LE can only be expressed and
heard – after you have
stopped DL – with your EL.
LE doesn't want DL either and by saying this over and over again and
investigating further, you give yourself the opportunity, to speak from your
self-knowledge. This text, however, is my language, which is only of interest
to me and no one else has to do anything with it or can do anything with it,
unless you start listening to the sound of your own language, so you can act on
and deliberately begin to pursue, what you have told yourself in this way.
is such a wonderful thing, that since the day before yesterday, I suddenly began
to speak and write in Dutch about my LE, because I had never done that before.
There is a sense of gentleness in my Dutch language, which eluded me in the
English language. You could say that my English language represents more a
detached, rational side and my Dutch language represents more my emotional
order to have EL, it is important to speak and write much more slowly,
sensitively and calmly than we are used to, in our rushed, stressed, chaotic DL.
When you start to speak about all your fears, frustrations and defense mechanisms
from your rest, patience and acceptance, you can still cry or scream with justified
anger or sadness, about what has happened to you, during DL. Since you only
talk to yourself alone in EL, there are no complicated consequences of sharing
your negativity with others. In EL, we take full responsibility for our own
language, so it's also not a question of us, together, with our EL, going
against the whole world, against everyone who still has DL, as there are no longer
any DL-groups, to which we believed to belong.
In EL,
you belong only to yourself. When you seek support from others with your
trauma, something disastrous happens,
because you continue to live in the delusion, that others play an important
role in how you should deal with your past with DL. This social obligation always
goes hand in hand with some form of group behavior, but it will fall by the wayside,
if you, as an individual – as an indivisible whole – start to express yourself
and, subsequently, dare to set yourself
free, by behaving as you want.
has any interest in EL and yet, the future of mankind depends on the few,
honest, courageous, intelligent and lively persons, who understand that our DL
is completely screwed up. There is no future for our superstitious, compulsive,
problematic DL, even though we all, like zombies, unconsciously go on and on with
it. Unless a large mass of people - for themselves - discover EL, we will meet
our demise. However, this is not a political, spiritual or cultural change, but
a personal, verbal, spoken and written development, which can only happen on a grand
scale, if parents, teachers, governments, educational institutions, psychology,
psychiatry and behavioral sciences recognize EL, as the primary language of all
instruction. You're the one, who will have to make that happen, as I am already
doing everything I can.
I was still a psychology instructor at Butte College, I did many successful
experiments with all my students, in which I showed them that EL can be learned
by anyone. I am still so incredibly happy to have left that teaching position,
because I did not receive any support from my colleagues, although I had also
organized several very successful seminars for them. Unless I happen to run
into you, here or there, and unless you want to talk to me, there's no other
way for you to get to know EL. You, reading this, are really the only one I can
possibly reach.