Wednesday, December 6, 2023




Ik hou van de mist, omdat die alles in een deken van stilte hult. Tijdens het rijden door de heuvels ging ik soms de mist in en uit. Ook verschijnt en verdwijnt de zon soms, waardoor de mist het karakter krijgt van een kruipende sluier over het land. Het is prachtig om te zien hoe de mist in de lager gelegen gebieden blijft en verdwijnt, als je hoger de bergen in gaat en er van bovenaf naar kunt kijken.


Wanneer we spreken over gedachten, overtuigingen of ideeën, waardoor onze geest zogenaamd zou worden vertroebeld, proberen we onbewust, maar slagen we er niet in, om aan te pakken, dat we ons zijn blijven bezighouden met Ontlichaamde Taal (OT). Wanneer we echter door met onszelf te spreken, aandachtig naar onszelf gaan luisteren, dan houden we ons ineens bewust en moeiteloos bezig met Belichaamde Taal (BT). Bovendien, als we erin slagen onze BT voort te zetten, wordt onze Taal Verlichting (TV) onthuld. Wie we werkelijk zijn, werd schijnbaar verborgen onder een dikke deken van woorden. In OT verbergen we onszelf.


Met OT doen we alsof we gelukkig, sterk, capabel, deskundig, moreel of bewust zijn, maar de realiteit is, dat onze waarheid door woorden wordt bedekt.  Deze mist is niets vrijwilligs, daarom moeten we grote voorzichtigheid betrachten, bij het navigeren door de gevaren van de zogenaamde communicatie in ons dagelijks leven. Onze vrijwillige BT is een grote opluchting, want het gevaar is dan geweken. De toekomst is voorspelbaar en we kunnen verder weg kijken, omdat BT de realiteit zichtbaar maakt.  


Misschien heb je wel eens gehoord van oorlogsmist. Het wordt vaak genoemd in de context van het rechtvaardigen van het doden van onschuldige burgers. Het is duidelijk dat er tijdens oorlog altijd sprake is van grote onzekerheid in het situationele bewustzijn van degenen die betrokken zijn bij de militaire operaties. Er is natuurlijk angst om te sterven, omdat men niet zeker is van de eigen opties of de mogelijkheden en bedoelingen van de vijand.


Wanneer mist het zicht beperkt tot minder dan tien meter, is het heel gevaarlijk om te rijden en is het absoluut noodzakelijk om onze snelheid te verlagen. Als we het echter over OT hebben, dan hebben we het over de mist, waardoor we niet kunnen horen wat er wordt gezegd. Er zit zogezegd watten in onze oren. We horen van alles behalve BT. Er is niets te zien in OT en wat er getoond wordt, is slechts een afleiding van wat verborgen gehouden wordt. Door bezig te zijn met wat zichtbaar is, kunnen we dus niet luisteren, wat zou onthullen wat niet gezien kan worden. Het is duidelijk dat de dichte mist van OT ervoor zorgt dat we altijd de nadruk leggen op visuele, geschreven stimuli, maar dat we auditieve, vocale stimuli onderschatten. Langzamer spreken zorgt er niet per se voor dat we gaan luisteren, maar luisteren naar onszelf – terwijl we spreken – wel.


We zijn nog steeds helemaal ondergesneeuwd door onze, eigen, oude, mens-onterende OT en we zijn er niet in geslaagd om echte zelfkennis te verwerven. In feite hebben we alles en onszelf verborgen onder het klamme, smerige, stinkende dekentje van onze taal, waaraan wij krampachtig vasthouden en zijn we niet in staat om verstandig, eerlijk, volwassen en realistisch over onze eigen ervaringen te praten, omdat OT – onze gebruikelijke manier van spreken en omgang met taal – ons ongemerkt loskoppelt en dissocieert van onze gevoelens. De mist rondom onze zogenaamde gedachten, lijkt alsmaar zwaarder te worden, zolang we er niet in slagen, om onze eigen OT te stoppen.


Mensen praten over een mist van twijfel, maar het lukt hen nooit, om hun emoties nauwkeurig uit te drukken met hun OT. BT impliceert de afwezigheid van twijfel en de absolute zekerheid, dat men zijn eigen taal uitdrukt, dat wil zeggen, onze TV. Ook wordt de mist van verlangen vaak genoemd, omdat we dag in dag uit bezig zijn met OT, maar als we dat eenmaal weten, dan drukken we onze TV uit, met onze BT en is er geen enkele sprake van verlangen. Integendeel, met EL, drukken we alleen onze volledigheid en gelukzaligheid uit.


Je kunt jezelf niet zien in een beslagen, mistige spiegel. Tenzij je het schoonveegt, krijg je op zijn best de vage contouren te zien van wie je bent. Dit is een perfecte metafoor voor OT. Pas als je overstapt van OT naar BT, krijg je eindelijk duidelijkheid. Hier is nog een andere verwijzing naar de zogenaamde ondoordringbare mist is in je hoofd.  Natuurlijk heb je geen goed gevoel over jezelf, zolang je OT je, onbewust, verhindert jezelf te zijn. Er is echter niets mis met je hersenen, maar er is iets mis met je taalgebruik. Op de zelfde manier, dat een en een, niet drie is, maar twee, is OT incorrect taal gebruik en BT is correct taal gebruik. Als je jezelf traag, wazig of vertroebeld voelt, praat dan hardop met jezelf, luister naar je stem, totdat je het geluid produceert, dat je graag hoort. Zo stap je over van je OT naar je BT. Alleen jij bepaalt voor jezelf, wat jou OT of jou BT is.




Regardless of what everyone is claiming, saying, pretending and writing, we all basically engage in Disembodied Language (DL), every day. First of all, we don’t even know, this is the case. Secondly, we all believe, we can say what we think, but once we express our Embodied Language (EL), we finally  acknowledge, our thinking or our so-called inner dialogue, doesn’t exist and is a delusional product of our usual way of talking. Thirdly, we accept and expect DL as normal, but we reject and ignore our ability to have EL. However, EL – the language of individual wellbeing – is the essence of happiness.  


All these millions of people, who come to Western Europe or to the United States, unconsciously, want the freedom, which is enjoyed by the inhabitants of these countries. They didn’t have that freedom in the countries where they came from. However, they are not necessarily supportive or respectful of this new freedom. To the contrary, they mostly wish to continue to live with the same beliefs, they used to have, before they went to these freer societies.


Everywhere you go, people talk a lot, but we are still not very good at communicating, getting along with each other and understanding each other as well as ourselves. I am talking about you, my dear reader. You really aren’t all that good, as a communicator of  your own experiences. The fact, that you engage in DL almost permanently and have failed to continue with EL so often, that you gave up on it, illustrates an aspect of your meaningless, dreadful, mechanical life, which you refuse to admit and talk about.


Since we find ourselves repeatedly in threatening environments, we have all become habituated to it. Surely, this is an effect, which occurs, due to how we have come to deal with our language, which in turn, is, of course, a consequence of how we interact with each other. Due to our DL – which is our common way of talking – we all, unknowingly, experience threatening environments as normal and experience non-threatening environments as abnormal. This is also known as the learned-helplessness paradigm. It is because we believe, we cannot escape the DL, which is going on, everywhere, all over the world, that we give up on our own individual freedom.


We have used all kinds of ridiculous prayers, rules and affirmations, but we have never stopped our DL in its tracks. For that to happen, we must all speak with ourselves and listen to ourselves. Yes, as long as we keep speaking with each other and attempt to listen to each other or try to make others listen to us, our DL will not stop and, thus, we are unable to have any EL at all. We are deluding ourselves, by saying, that it’s okay, that we know, what we experience is all right. With DL, we may say to ourselves, all is well, I am safe – this is just a lesson, an experience, which, for my own good, I must pass through and learn from – but the bottom-line is, our DL remains unaddressed and continues unabated.  


It is very interesting to watch, that on the one hand, all Western civilization is giving up on itself – which is an alarming consequence of the fact, that, as of yet, individualism hasn’t affirmed EL, the language, which is necessary, to be an individual – while, on the other hand, millions of people are, seemingly, eager to acquire what Western people have or at least, are trying to enrich themselves in every way they see possible. Surely, they make good use of the democratic values, which allows them to demand rights, like everyone else. Certainly, their birth-rates are going to determine the future of the free world.


Although we hear a lot about the great difference between the Western culture and the cultures of these new-comers, the importance of so-called cultural differences has always been exaggerated. All over the world, people, generally speaking, very much want the same thing. However, people in the West and people from elsewhere, pursue incredibly different agendas, since they engage, all the time, in DL and seldom if ever in EL. And, if they have a few, brief moments of EL, it is not a conscious act, but a coincidence. Yet, these lucky moments are bound to occur, because, in spite of the fact, that we deny this with our DL, all human beings still want to feel safe, happy, peaceful and, yes, free of threat or coercion.


Due to our common conditioning history, we all, unconsciously, engage, day in day out, in deeply problematic, unrealistic, superficial DL. Even though we have failed at it again and again, even though we have we forgotten or never even acknowledged, the possibility, the necessity, the importance of EL, we still want to have it, as it is the natural, effortless expression of who we are, when we feel good. And, although DL disconnects us from our experience, our experience is still there, waiting for our EL, to fit with it. When our language fits with our experience, we will realize our Language Enlightenment (LE).


I know I am going back and forth between a lot of things, but hang in there, until it all comes together. As I was saying, regardless of all our absurd beliefs, which – how could it be otherwise? –  of course, are created and maintained by our DL, we are still trying to achieve a sense comfort, affluence, health, safety and peace. Although, understandably, we all claim to have truth on our side, we don’t succeed, we can’t succeed in creating and prolonging our happiness, because we don’t know, how to skillfully step out of our DL, so we can have EL. Such an ability will only be acquired if we talk, first, with ourselves and then, with each other, about the difference between our DL and EL. We haven’t done that. It remains to be seen – and heard – if we are ever going to do that. No matter what, I am already doing that and that is why I can speak and write like this. After all, my EL is the language of freedom, and its continuation is my LE.


Anyone who reads this – I am really happy to notice, all of a sudden, many people are reading my blog – can get a sense, my language is not beholden to any group and is only true to who I am. However, I am a proud US citizen. I went through a legal immigration process, when I immigrated in 1999 from the Netherlands to the United States. To me, America is the country of individualism and my contribution to America, is my EL and my LE. Of course, I am concerned about the fact, that our borders are clearly not protected by my government anymore. By the way, the same thing is happening – with a few exceptions – all over Europe and in the Netherlands, my country of origin. When Western people – like myself – notice that their freedom and culture is trampled, eroded, overtaken, disrespected and obliterated, by those, who are illegally invading them, they should not want to have anything to do with them. Let all of them take care of themselves. I mean this quite literally. People must get things in order where they are. 


All you need to know, is the difference between DL and EL, to be able to gain clarity about the immense chaos, which is currently rapidly unfolding. Anyone who has understood this gigantic difference, doesn’t want to have anything to do with anyone, who has DL, as DL is against our individuality. You can only be yourself, if you can express yourself. Only if you recognize and avoid all DL, will you be able to express your LE with your EL. Once have acquired the language of your own individual freedom, you will happily, effectively and bravely avoid everyone with DL, like the plague.  EL is about being proud of your own independence.


The American Dream of freedom and prosperity has been exploited and continues to be taken advantage of by many, because DL has remained the common way of dealing with language. If we are truly a country of individuals, we would abandon our DL and have EL and permanently leave behind all destructive behaviors, which were created and maintained by our DL. Surely, we wouldn’t want to do any business, with anyone, who isn’t as sympathetic to us, as we are to them. Right now, Western civilizations continue to make deals with the devil, because they have failed to establish and celebrate EL, as the language of individualism. In the name of commerce and trade, we are throwing our values about individualism overboard and this goes on, for the sake of having oil, weapons and products, which were produced by cheap labor, in non-democratic countries, which are ruled by dictators and regimes.


Sadly, Western culture has given up on itself, as it has never dealt with DL, which goes on everywhere. Stated differently, the West has been living in a contradiction, because, supposedly, individual freedom is the ultimate, but, in reality, when it comes to how we actually use our language, we are just like all those other countries, which are against the West. It is hard to believe that this is true, as we assume, we are more advanced, but – to put it squarely – there is no difference whatsoever, as far as speakers dominating the listeners.


All around the world, the same foolish, primitive, unnatural DL is going on, in which speakers force, intimidate, manipulate, distract, ignore and oppress the listener. All DL-speakers insist, the listener must listen, and do as he or she is told. They justify their authority with their status in the social hierarchy of their society. All those, who have power over others, tell them what to do and how to behave. This has always been going on and it is still going on, as our DL was never properly addressed. In EL, nobody has power over anyone. Since we talk without any fear or pressure, we always express our positive emotions. There is punishment in DL, if we don’t behave the way we are told to, and this is why so much of our behavior is so problematic. Our ability to avoid punishment, is a natural inclination, but it is also a huge problem, because it creates problem behaviors, which will have to be stopped, if we want to be happy. With EL, by contrast, we never have to stop or decrease any of our behavior, as all our behavior is effective.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023




I feel liberated from the heavy duty, which I had, unknowingly, taken on myself, to change the world, because I can express my Language Enlightenment (LE) with my Embodied Language (EL). People who, unconsciously, mainly engage in unnatural, blunt, superficial, troublesome, Disembodied Language (DL) aren’t interested in LE or its natural, effortless expression: EL. They will do what people with DL have always done, they create conflict and chaos.


When people claim to be liberated, they usually have DL, but this is not the case with me. Those who are most vocal about their so-called freedom, aren’t free at all, because they don’t know the difference between DL and EL. People have been imprisoned or enslaved by each other and, then, presumably, at some point, they were liberated, but they never got out of their self-imposed language-prison with DL.


There is no other freedom than LE and the language of freedom is EL. Obviously, both our EL and our LE are very personal matters. This is why each person is truly unique. In DL, however, everyone tries so hard, to be special and get the attention from others, but it is more of the same mediocre, boring, repetitive language. Indeed, without EL, there is no originality.  


People have forever tried, to become liberated from what was socially or culturally enforced on them by their societies, but they have never managed to free themselves from the language, which, of course, has conditioned them. Surely, without de-conditioning of our coercive DL and re-conditioning with EL, the idea of liberation or freedom is only a pipe-dream.  


As long as we remain exposed to threatening stimuli, we cannot and will not be liberated. Due to our DL, we remain on guard, even if the coast is clear. We remain busy with each other or outward oriented, even if there is no need for it, out of habit. We can only be liberated by the flow of EL, which reveals our LE, in which we are and stay with ourselves.


Although nobody wants to believe this or seriously consider this, we can only be liberated from all the complete nonsense, we have come to believe with our forceful DL, by radically stopping our DL and by prolonging our engagement in EL. Each time, we can have EL instead of DL, we feel liberated, but unless we have ongoing EL, our LE remains out of sight. Actually, unless we have ongoing EL, we don’t hear our LE and if we can’t hear it, we become oblivious of it, even if we have recognized it, when we noticed the immense difference between our DL and our EL.


When we hear the horrendous stories from the liberated hostages and see the enormous relief of the family members and friends, who were worried crazy about their wellbeing, we get a bit of a sense  of how wonderful and necessary it is, to feel safe and cared for. Although Holland and Europe was liberated by the allied forces – which, we tend to forget, also consisted of Russians – it didn’t result in the consolidation of the language of individualism.  


A lot of attention has gone to shaping the narrative, in determining, what others should or shouldn’t talk about, but nobody is staying true to what they want to talk about with themselves. Moreover, if we really listen, to what we say to ourselves, we are not predetermining what we are saying. We are not having scripted, pretentious, phony, coarse, pushy, automatic, manipulative, defensive, domineering, intimidating DL, but we are engaging in intelligent, spontaneous, lively, humoristic, useful EL. We are liberated – this is our LE – and capable of saying who we really are, only when our EL can continue. Our EL is the verbal expression of our wellbeing.         

Monday, December 4, 2023




I love the fog, because it wraps everything into a blanket of silence. While driving through the hills, I sometimes went into and out of the fog. Also, the sun, then, sometimes appears and disappears, giving the fog the character of a crawling veil over the land. It is beautiful to see, how the fog stays in lower areas and dissipates, if one goes higher into the mountains and one can look at it from above.


When we speak about thoughts, beliefs or ideas, clouding our minds, we, unknowingly, try, but fail, to address, that we engage in Disembodied Language (DL). However, when we listen to ourselves, while we speak, we engage consciously and effortlessly in Embodied Language (EL). Moreover, if we manage to continue our EL, our Language Enlightenment (LE) is revealed. Who we really are, was seemingly covered up by words. In DL, we conceal ourselves. 


With DL, we pretend to be happy, strong, capable,  knowledgeable, moral or conscious, but the reality is, that our truth is shrouded by words. This fog isn’t anything voluntary, therefore, we must to take great caution navigating our way through the hazard of our daily life. Voluntary EL is a great relief, because the danger is gone. The future is predictable and we  can see further away, as EL shows us where we are.


Perhaps, you have heard about the fog of war. It is  mentioned, in the context of justifying the killing of innocent civilians. Obviously, in war, there is great  uncertainty in situational awareness experienced by those who are involved in military operations. There is fear of dying, as one isn’t sure about one’s own options or the capabilities and intent of the enemy.


When fog reduces visibility to less than a quarter mile, it is dangerous to drive and slowing down our speed is absolutely necessary. However, when we are talking about DL, we are talking about the fog, which prevents us from hearing what is being said. There is nothing to see in DL and what is shown is merely a distraction from what is kept hidden. Thus, keeping busy with what is visible, prevents us from listening, which would reveal what can’t be seen. Clearly – pun intended – the dense fog of DL, always makes us overemphasize visual, written stimuli, but underestimate aural, vocal stimuli. Speaking more slowly, however, isn’t necessarily going to make us listen, but listening to ourselves, while we speak, is.


We have remained blanketed by our own DL and we have not been able to acquire real self-knowledge. In effect, we have been covering up everything and ourselves with language and are incapable of talking sensibly about our experiences, because DL – our common way of speaking and dealing with language – disconnects and dissociates us from our feelings.  The fog around our so-called thought grows heavier and heavier, as long as we fail to stop our own DL.


People talk about having a fog of doubt, but they can never succeed, in accurately expressing their emotions with DL. EL implies the absence of doubt and the absolute certainty, that one is expressing  one’s own language, that is, one’s LE. Also, the fog of desire is often mentioned, because we engage, day in day out, in DL, but once know, we express our LE with our EL, we don’t express any desire. To the contrary, in EL, we express our fulfillment and bliss.


You can’t see yourself in a foggy mirror. Unless you wipe it clean, you get, at best, the vague contours of who you are. This is a perfect metaphor for DL. Only when you switch from DL to EL, do you attain clarity. Another reference to fog is the brain fog. Of course, you don’t feel good about yourself, as long as your DL, unknowingly, prevents you from being yourself. However, there is nothing wrong with your brain, but with your language. If you feel sluggish, fuzzy or clouded, talk with out loud with yourself, listen to your voice, until you produce the sound, which you like to hear. This is how you switch from DL to EL.

Sunday, December 3, 2023




Although I do not believe in miracles, it is something wonderous that, because of my Embodied Language (EL), I have come to recognize my Language Enlightenment (LE) and am therefore able to speak or write about it very succinctly.  


As is always the case with language, it is really about something. My attention to Disembodied Language (DL), EL and LE forms the basis of my life. Since both DL and EL have already received a lot of my attention, I can now speak and write freely about my LE. What I am saying is that if DL is not first spoken and written about, no significant EL can take place and without ongoing EL the awareness of LE cannot really dawn on us.


EL has its own logic and everything runs according to the manner in which our unique, individual LE unmistakably expresses itself. Moreover, it is very pleasant to have EL, but once we are able to say or write with EL our LE, then we are completely in seventh heaven. LE is pure ecstasy and I can say that because I experience it every day.


Of course, my LE is my own experience, in which I am no longer concerned with how you, the reader or the listener, experience this. If you get to the point of considering your LE with your EL, then you too will no longer worry about how others experience it or what they - due to their lack of experience - say about it. The reason why your language works so well in EL, is because it is always about your LE. You only notice this properly when your EL has stabilized and you can therefore continue to draw the conclusions that are inevitable for you.


How can you talk about your LE, if you have not yet established for yourself, that talking with yourself is actually more important than talking to others? You know from your EL, that talking to others almost always involves DL and that you can only have EL with others, if they have explored their own EL as much as you have. The conversation with EL always ends immediately, where someone's conditioning with DL comes into play.


In the desire to have EL with others, talking to others involuntarily becomes more important than talking to ourselves. So, it is actually always the case that our EL with each other only continues insofar as we can talk to each other as enlightened beings. When, like now, I write about it or talk to myself about it, I have no one to deal with but myself. And, even when I say or write something about others, it is always only about me. Every reader of my writing cannot escape the impression, that there is a huge taboo on the recognition of our own LE with our EL.


The realization that, because of our LE, we have left all the misery behind us, is a mortal sin, because language must apparently always be about – the endless suffering of – others, but we are no longer intimidated by this judgment. Not only do we face our own DL conditioning, but we literally dare to be unheard by others, because we hear ourselves. It is clear to us, that we can listen to ourselves much better, than others can listen to us.


In DL, everyone is always stuck in the shared illusion that a listening ear - from someone else - would be the solution to our problems - hence the whole therapy businesses - but in EL we are finally our own listener. In EL, we are resolutely leaving that ever frustrating illusion that we need others to listen to us and in LE we are no longer concerned with it, because leaving DL has already happened. Even though, in my case, it had happened many times before, that I had left my DL and continued with my EL, I still couldn't believe my LE was a reality. I imagine this will be the case for others as well, although I am here, to let you know that given our conditioning with DL, this is to be expected.


The reason you do not believe I am enlightened is because you cannot believe in yourself, that you recognize yourself in me. You have never read or heard these words, because they had never been said or written before. All kinds of spiritual nonsense - we have heard and read from so-called gurus, enlightened masters, or self-realized attention-grabbers - has never led to an appreciation of our own EL. On the contrary, because of their ridiculous instructions, we have neglected and written off our own language even more than we were already used to because of our conditioning.


Of course, neither of us can ever talk about his or her LE, as long as we didn't know what it was. I am apparently the first, who has discovered this and who can therefore speak and write about it from my own irrefutable experience. Others who, with the help of my descriptions, begin to speak to and listen to themselves and follow their own instructions with EL, will have less difficulty in recognizing their LE, especially when they speak to me, because then everything falls into place very quickly. In other words, the wheel does not need to be reinvented.


I believe it is quite possible that, within a very short time, a very large group of people will have been made aware of their LE and will be able to have EL with each other. I realize that possibility and talk about my LE here, to make that happen. There are only a few candidates for the time being, but this could suddenly change. Even though this may sound a bit strange, I'm counting on it, even though it will probably never happen. My LE is a fact and I live for what I consider to be the future of all humanity. I know how people, with DL, think or judge about this and would also like to say something about the lie of their so-called inner language.


You see these words, that you are now reading, here in front of you and when you hear me, someone else or yourself speaking, then someone produces a sound, which is heard. So, no language ever takes place within you. It's just as nonsensical as saying the earth is flat. This self-defeating rubbish - just like your idiotic religion - was talked into and forced upon you with DL. So, if someone is canceled from Face Book, it is not because of something he or she supposedly thinks, but because of what he or she says or writes, that others, apparently, believe you should not read or hear. Even though everyone pretends that it is about thinking, it is always only about what we say, hear, write or read. Every teacher, every psychologist, every scientist should agree with this and if not, they are worthless.


The ecstasy of our LE is that there has never been anything like our mind. Our so-called thinking is fantasy, which is maintained because of our spoken DL. Our language has run wild because of our superstitious, stupid, problematic conditioning and we are literally driving ourselves and each other crazy with anger, fear and madness, because we have never taken the bull – our DL – by the horns. Only someone with LE has the insight and skill to actually do this. Even though many people claim they know what they are talking about, I don't believe they ever talk about their LE.

Saturday, December 2, 2023




Ofschoon ik niet in wonderen geloof, is het iets heel wonderbaarlijks, dat ik, vanwege mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT), mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) ben gaan herkennen en daardoor dus in staat ben, om er heel onomwonden over te spreken of te schrijven.


Zoals eigenlijk altijd het geval is met taal, gaat het echt ergens over. Mijn aandacht voor Ontlichaamde Taal (OT), BT en TV vormt de basis van mijn leven. Aangezien zowel OT als BT al volop de aandacht hebben gekregen, kan ik vrijuit spreken en schrijven over mijn TV. Wat ik hiermee zeg is, dat als er niet eerst over OT wordt gesproken en geschreven, er geen noemenswaardige BT kan plaatsvinden en dat zonder voortgaande BT het besef van TV niet echt tot ons door kan dringen.


BT heeft z’n eigen logika en alles verloopt volgens de wijze, die onmiskenbaar onze TV tot uitdrukking brengt. Bovendien is het zeer aangenaam, om BT te hebben, maar wanneer wij in staat zijn, om met BT onze TV te zeggen of te schrijven, dan zijn we helemaal in de zevende hemel. TV is pure extase en ik kan dat zeggen, omdat ik dat iedere dag ervaar.


Uiteraard is mijn TV mijn eigen ervaring, waarin ik mij niet langer bezig hou met hoe jij, de lezer of de luisteraar, dit ervaart. Indien jij zover komt, om het, met jou BT, over jou TV te hebben, dan zal ook jij je niet meer bekommeren, over hoe anderen dat ervaren of wat zij – bij gebrek aan ervaring – ervan zeggen te vinden. De reden, dat in BT je taal zo goed werkt, is omdat het altijd gaat over jou TV. Je hebt dat pas goed in de gaten, als je BT is gestabiliseerd en jij dus voort kunt blijven gaan, met het trekken van de voor jou onvermijdelijke conclusies.


Hoe kan jij het nu hebben over je TV, indien jij nog niet eens voor jezelf hebt vastgesteld, dat praten met jezelf daadwerkelijk belangrijker is dan praten met anderen? Je weet vanwege je BT, dat praten met anderen bijna altijd OT inhoudt en dat je alleen BT met anderen kunt hebben, indien zij net zo vaak hun eigen BT hebben onderzocht als jij. Het gesprek met BT, houdt altijd meteen weer op, waar iemand’s conditionering met OT om de hoek komt kijken.


In het verlangen om BT met anderen te hebben, wordt het praten met anderen onwillekeurig belangrijker dan het praten met onszelf. Het is dus eigenlijk altijd zo, dat onze BT met elkaar alleen voortduurt, in zoverre wij met elkaar kunnen praten als verlichte wezens. Als ik er, zoals nu, over schrijf of met mezelf over praat, dan heb ik met niemand anders te maken, dan met mijzelf. En, zelfs al zeg of schrijf ik iets over anderen, het gaat altijd alleen om mij. Iedere lezer van mijn schrijven, kan niet aan de indruk ontkomen, dat er een gigantisch taboe ligt op de erkenning van onze eigen TV met onze BT.


Het besef, dat wij, vanwege TV, alle ellende achter ons hebben gelaten, is een dood-zonde, want taal moet schijnbaar altijd over anderen gaan, maar wij laten ons niet meer door dit oordeel intimideren. Wij zien niet alleen onze conditionering onder ogen, maar wij durven letterlijk ongehoord voor anderen te zijn, omdat wij onszelf horen. Het is ons duidelijk, dat wij beter naar onszelf kunnen luisteren, dan dat anderen naar ons kunnen luisteren.


In OT blijft iedereen altijd hangen in de gezamelijke illusie, dat een luisterend oor – van een ander – de oplossing zou zijn voor onze problemen – vandaar die therapie-busines – maar in BT zijn wij eindelijk onze eigen luisteraar. In BT stappen wij resoluut uit die altijd frustrerende illusie en in TV zijn wij daar niet meer mee bezig, want het uit OT stappen is al gebeurd. Ook al was het, in mijn geval, al vele malen gebeurd, dat ik uit mijn OT was gestapt en met mijn BT was verder gegaan, toch kon ik nog steeds niet geloven, dat mijn TV echt een feit was. Ik kan me zo voorstellen, dat dit ook voor anderen het geval zal zijn, ook al ben ik hier, om je te laten weten, dat dit, gezien onze conditionering met OT, te verwachten is.


De reden dat jij niet geloofd, dat ik verlicht ben, is omdat jij niet van jezelf kunt geloven, dat jij jezelf in mij herkent. Deze woorden heb je nog nooit gelezen of gehoord, want ze waren nog nooit eerder gezegd of geschreven. Allerlei spirituele priet-praat – die wij van zogenaamde gurus, verlichte meesters, of zelf gerealiseerde aandacht-trekkers hebben gehoord en gelezen – heeft nooit tot een waardering van onze eigen BT geleid. Integendeel, we hebben vanwege hun belachelijke instructies, onze eigen taal nog meer verwaarloosd en afgeschreven, dan dat wij al vanwege onze conditionering gewend waren.   


Uiteraard kan geen van ons ooit over zijn of haar TV vertellen, omdat wij niet wisten wat het was. Ik ben schijnbaar de eerste, die dit heeft ontdekt en die dus vanuit mijn eigen onweerlegbare ervaring hierover kan spreken en schrijven. Anderen, die met behulp van mijn beschrijvingen met zichzelf gaan spreken, naar zichzelf gaan luisteren en hun eigen instructies met BT gaan opvolgen, zullen minder moeite hebben, om hun TV te erkennen, vooral als ze met mij spreken, want dan valt alles heel snel op z’n plaats. Anders gezegd, het vaak genoemde wiel, hoeft dus niet opnieuw uitgevonden te worden.  


Het is volgens mij goed mogelijk, dat, binnen een zeer korte tijd, een hele grote groep mensen op de hoogte is gebracht van hun TV en in staat zullen zijn geraakt, om BT met elkaar te hebben. Ik besef die mogelijkheid en vertel hier over mijn TV, om dat te kunnen laten plaatsvinden. Vooralsnog zijn er maar weinig gegadigden, maar daarin kan plotseling een  verandering komen. Ook al klinkt dit misschien wat  vreemd, ik reken daar op, al zal het waarschijnlijk nooit gebeuren. Mijn TV is een feit en daarvanuit leef ik voor wat ik beschouw als de toekomst van de gehele mensheid. Ik weet wel, hoe men, met OT, hierover meent te denken of te oordelen en wil ook nog iets zeggen over de leugen van innerlijke taal.


Deze woorden, die je nu hier leest, zie je voor je en als je mij, iemand anders of jezelf hoort spreken, dan wordt er door iemand geluid geproduceerd, dat wordt gehoord. Er vindt dus nooit enige taal plaats binnenin je. Het is net zulke grote onzin, als dat de aarde plat zou zijn. Deze flauwekul was je – net als je idiote godsdienst – met OT aangepraat en opgedrongen. Als iemand dus van Face Book wordt gecancelled, dan is dat niet vanwege iets wat hij of zij denkt, maar omdat hij of zij iets zegt of schrijft, waarvan anderen dus schijnbaar vinden, dat jij dit niet zou moeten lezen of horen. Al doet iedereen alsof het over het denken gaat, het gaat altijd alleen maar over wat we zeggen, horen, schrijven of lezen.


De extase van onze TV is, dat er nooit zoiets heeft bestaan als onze mind. Ons zogenaamde denken is  fantasie, die vanwege gesproken OT in stand wordt gehouden. Onze taal is vanwege onze bijgelovige, domme, problematische conditionering volledig op hol geslagen en we maken onszelf en elkaar letterlijk gek van woede, angst en waanzin, omdat wij nog nooit, de koe – onze OT – bij de horens hebben gevat. Alleen iemand met TV heeft het inzicht en de vaardigheid, om dit te echt doen. Ook al beweren  vele mensen dat zij weten waar ze het over hebben, ze hebben het, volgens mij, nooit over hun TV.             




Why aren’t you laughing as much as you would like to? You would like to laugh more, but each time you laugh – which is not very often – you are painfully aware, it didn’t last very long. It never lasted long enough. You’ve got every reason to feel upset. Just when you got the taste of it, it was already gone.


Those people, you have known, who you might have laughed with, have died, but they haven’t gone to some heaven or somewhere else, because they are absolutely gone, because death is the end. Your belief in some imaginary afterlife is funny, as it stops you from laughing, while you are still alive. I have never heard anyone speak about the Here-After, Heaven, Walhalla, Nirwana or The Happy Hunting Ground as a place, where we are going to laugh.  


Your laughter was always short-lived. And this didn’t happen just once, but it happened all the time, always. Of course, this is frustrating. Laughter and frustration don't go well together. You don’t laugh, you can’t laugh, because, even if it happens, you feel so frustrated, it never lasts and it is gone before you know it. Why can’t you keep on laughing?  


When men can’t get an erection anymore, they may take Viagra, but the fact remains, that they have lost their passion. Likewise, when people want others to be funny, so that they can laugh, it is evident, they have lost their own sense of humor. Nobody seems to acknowledge, but it is embarrassing and boring, when all laughter is gone. There’s much more to the absence of laughter, than we are willing to admit.


Why have sex, if there is no orgasm? Why watch a movie, if you can’t keep watching it till the end? You don’t want to turn it off in the middle, right? You want to know what happened and how did it end? There is a conclusion, a result, an outcome of being able to laugh, at your heart’s content, but you never find out about that, since you’ve stopped laughing already, and you have remained dissatisfied about the outcome of your laughter, without realizing it. Actually, you feel cheated out of having fun, as you know very well, you have been stopped by others from continuing with your laughter again and again. Nobody is going to help you. Even the best so-called stand-up comedians have completely failed you.


At best, your mediocre appetite for humor was slightly wetted, but you never followed through, on your own personal longing for laughter. Perhaps, you went on some torturous spiritual journey. May be, you tried to climb a high mountain, but you could never imagine, humor was going to take you somewhere and was going to reveal something of great importance to you. Your laughter died an early death, due to your attitude. Be honest and admit, you never bothered to give it any consideration.


Mostly, you have stopped your own laughter, but, since it is easier to blame others, you have never paid much attention to this. If you did, you might actually begin to become capable of laughing a little longer – and more often – so you can draw your own conclusions from your improved mental health. The issue is not, whether there is something funny for you to laugh about, but whether you are capable of laughing, without having anything to laugh about. How long will you be able to keep it up, in spite of the fact, that there is no support for your laughter, anywhere? Unless you are highly motivated to keep on laughing, you will give it up and this is exactly how you have always backed out of your own ability to have fun. The question is: will you go on like this?     


I don’t wait until you are gone, to enjoy my solitude, as I already enjoy it, by laughing about it, while you are still here, with your nasty, treacherous, coercive, overwhelming Disembodied Language (DL). I don’t postpone, as I am already here, with my delightful Embodied Language (EL). You have gone off the deep end with your DL. However, all DL is done, because EL is the future. You have never swayed me from my own ability, joy and courage, to laugh about all your nonsense. My laughter, about anyone’s pathetic DL, signifies my Language Enlightenment (LE). I need it, because without it, I could never have stopped my own DL.


I find humor in your DL, because I laugh at myself and my own dreadful conditioning history with DL. If you consider your laughter-deprived, contradictory, chaotic, stressful, fearful life a little further, you’ll notice, in your current situation, you don’t seem to have any desire for prolonged laughter, because you only want a few cheap laughs. In other words, you got what you asked for and you would only get something different, if you asked for something else. Moreover, it makes a huge difference, whether you ask someone else or yourself. Naturally, others can’t give to you, what you can only give to yourself and that is why, they are bound to disappoint you.  


Laughter has basically been gone from your life for so long already, that there is no trace to be found of it anywhere. Indeed, the more you look into it, the more you realize, the minimal amount of fun you once had, has been gone without you being aware about it. You’ve accepted the absence of humor as a fact of your troublesome life. When you dare to ask yourself for more laughter, you realize, how miserly  you have always been. You actually always wanted much more laughter, than you have ever asked for.


Your request for laughter – which only occurs when you engage in DL – is going to determine how much you are going to get. You get nothing. Even if you manage to have some laughter, it is like a drop on a hot plate. Immediately, your uncomfortable, phony, canned laughter evaporates. After it is gone, it is, as if the volume was turned off and everything seems even more tiresome and serious. You are only going to laugh more, if you acknowledge how ridiculous it is, to demand more laughter and that you are really laughable, without having anything to laugh about.  Of course, this only happens, when your DL is gone.  


Only when you engage in EL, you acquire that lovely sense of silliness, which is necessary to shake off all the self-imposed requirements, which could never produce what you wanted anyway. So, there you are, for the first time, trying your luck, on your own humor. You keep telling yourself – with DL – that you are not funny, that you can’t be funny, but – with EL – you are funny. You have to let yourself know, that you are not who you believed yourself to be. That person is gone, when you have fun. You believed to be someone, who was starved for some humor, but this was setting you up for failure. You are way funnier, than you believed yourself to be.


Your EL lets you know, there is a difference between having fun or having fon. You have little fun, as long as you perceive yourself to be someone, but when that someone is gone, you have a lot of fon, when you get really turned on and begin to bring it on. It is quite a phenomenon, to come upon and act on your own kind of fon. Another relieving aspect of your own humor is, that it is not a given, that you have to roll over the floor or have to laugh until you have pain in your stomach. Such expectations are unrealistic and illustrate, your concept of humor was a stand-in-the-way. As I have previously stated, the stand-up-comedian is also a stand-in-the-way to your own humor. The so-called belly-laughter can be a wonderful thing, but it is overrated, as there is much more to humor, than such a visceral response.


You haven’t had much genuine laughter, because you never paid attention to the subtle, vocal, verbal aspects of your own humor, which don’t involve any strong physiological responses. Such refinement is a product of your EL, which can only occur when your blunt DL is gone. As you read or hear these words, you can feel a pleasure in this text, which definitely is in support of laughter, although it is not making you laugh. It prepares you for divine  laughter – your LE – which continues, because you do – with your EL – what it takes, to make it happen. There is much more to laugh about yourself, than about others.  


You have not gone beyond your usual way of dealing with language, but if you talk, out loud, alone, with yourself, so you can hear yourself, you find so much joy in your voice, which invites you to explore your LE with your EL. Your DL has gone on way too long and has taken you so far away from yourself, that, most likely, you don’t recognize your own authentic voice anymore. However, if you persist in talking with yourself, about things which are funny to you and keep listening to yourself, you will hear your real voice reappear in the absence of any fear. All your fear is gone, when you move on from your DL.