you finally tell yourself, with your Embodied Language (EL), that it is really
true, that your language never takes place inside you, but always outside you,
then you suddenly have a different attitude towards yourself. This new attitude
is still strange to you, because with your Disembodied Language (DL) you have
always believed that you can think and have a conversation with yourself
internally, without any sound.
Although, because of our usual DL, we are not used to talking out loud about our language with ourselves, it is, of
course, out of the question, that there exists such a thing as covert, inner language or private speech. The way
we deal with language - which came about through our DL - makes us, to put it squarely, fantasize there are words, images, sentences, texts inside our heads
and we also say, we have so much going on in our mind, that our head explodes.
writing is not intended to convince any reader that what I say is true. I am
writing this solely for myself, to let myself know, with the words I possess, what I
have only just come to know. It is of enormous importance to know that language
always only takes place outside us, as this is the correct attitude
towards language, which has become clear through EL. The narrow-minded attitude
of DL has made everyone believe that language is within us.
who has ever taken a biology or neurology class knows, our brains contain about
86 billion neurons and about as many other cells. Our brain activity is made
possible by the interconnections of those neurons and release of
neurotransmitters in response to nerve impulses. It is said that these neurons
communicate with each other, but this is a matter of electrical and chemical
processes. So, there are absolutely no words involved at all.
to the way of speaking, which I call DL, we still talk – if we talk at all – to
our own detriment, mainly about the functioning of our brains, in metaphorical
terms. We speak about storing something in our memory, as if there were a cupboard with
drawers in which what you know would be kept. We also constantly say, we have
images or pictures in our heads or that we have a belief, a memory, an idea or
an ideal. That there should be language in our heads is a madness which is caused
and maintained by our usual, considered to be normal way of speaking.
electrician knows that a voice can be amplified with the help of a microphone
and come out of speakers. The sound waves are converted in the microphone into
an electrical signal, which travels through the cable and is converted back
into sound via an amplifier on the other end, which then comes out of the
speakers. So there is no voice, language or words in that electricity cable,
because there is only an electrical or a digital signal, which will only have any
meaning, if it is converted back into language.
course, comparing language and our brain, with electricity, microphones and
speakers, is also only a metaphorical construction, but our ears do have
something in common with the microphone and our brains have something in common
with the amplifier and our vocal cords, mouth and tongue, have something in
common with the speaker. Just as the microphone converts the sound of the voice
into electricity, our ears convert the sound we hear into a wordless,
neuro-electro-chemical process, which we
can only take note of, if we can talk about it and, therefore, can hear it and
understand it.
we have unconsciously continued to engage in DL, it has never been properly
discussed, that we do not think, but that we only talk in a way, which has created
the illusion, that language would take place in us and, therefore, we believe
we think. This is – with EL - an understandable attitude, but with our DL, we act
frantically about our thinking, as if it were true that we could think. Since
time immemorial, we have continued to hold on to the false belief, that we are
thinking beings.
Descartes (1648) was a famous French philosopher and mathematician, who made
the statement, cogito, ergo sum, I think, therefore, I am. His approach to the
problem of scientific knowledge and the so-called nature of the human mind - which
still exists, due to our unconscious involvement in DL – played an
exceptionally important role in philosophy, because he managed to achieve the
necessary separation between religion and science.
Descartes was undoubtedly one of the most important founders of the Western scientific
revolution, it is partly because of him, that we are still stuck with the
madness, that we think. Like him, I am firmly convinced, we should only concern
ourselves with matters about which certain and undoubted knowledge is possible.
My attention to the major difference between DL and EL is based on the
undeniable fact that language has absolutely nothing to do with thinking,
because it is an audible, readable and objectively observable phenomenon.
course, Descartes too could, only because of his use of language,
systematically doubt everything and continue to do so, until he could come to
certain conclusions. It is remarkable that his philosophy of rationalism,
because of DL, is dualistic, and based on the separation between body and mind.
Continued EL, however, always results in the unmistakable, joyful unification-experience,
which I call Language Enlightenment (LE), which will also have many scientific
implications. Yet, to this very day, all of science is still automatically based
on DL and I am alone in advocating the great importance of spoken, rather than
written, scientific language. It is because of this quasi-scientific attitude,
that the printed and written word is, supposedly, more important than the
spoken word, that all of humanity is still saddled with, on the one hand,
thinking, which doesn’t exist, but on
the other hand, with the unintelligent, unnatural, forceful handling
of language (DL), which causes us nothing but gigantic problems.
usual attitude towards language is completely ridiculous. We talk, day in, day
out, in a spurious, nonsensical way, because DL – in which we pretend to think
and therefore experience language as a belief within us – is diametrically
opposed to our sensory perception. With EL, we finally come to know, for good, that our language has nothing
to do with an inner, inaudible process, but is a matter of speaking and
listening, to the astonishing fact, that language actually only exists, if it
can be said, heard, written and read. It is straightforward and simple,
because, if nothing is said, then nothing can be heard and if nothing is
written, nothing can be read.
have been writing for hours and I am perplexed by what I have written. I feel enormous
power in my words, because I am aware, that what I write has far-reaching
consequences. My attitude towards language has changed forever, now that I know
with certainty, that there never was or is language inside of me. Furthermore, I
can give my full attention to my language because my illusion of inner language
– thinking – has dissolved. This also means, that any form of belief in
something that came about through my old conditioning with DL – and which,
therefore, does not actually exist – has disappeared as well.
insist, we never bring our language from within to the outside, when we express
ourselves and we are, with our language, always outside of ourselves. I mean
this quite literally, for it cannot be repeated often enough, that there is no
language in us. This conditioning has had many negative consequences because
what we have heard and learned was not true. The fact that millions of people
believe they think - that they can manipulate concepts in their minds, they
have ideas, they decide, conclude, are confused or confident in their faith,
morals or identity, that they supposedly consult with an inner self, which is
supposed to regulate and even cause their behavior – does not mean that it is
is as idiotic to claim that you think, as it is to say the earth is flat, as it
isn’t true. When, with our new attitude to language, with our EL, we experience
a different perspective or perception, it
becomes clear, that there is always a difference between our language and our
experience. However, this is not a dualism, but a fact, which is as true as the
difference between a table and a chair. However, with EL, our experience is
described correctly, and we benefit from this, but with DL, our experience is always
described incorrectly and, consequently, we have all kinds of problems. Moreover,
with EL, our language no longer stands in the way of our experience, as it
always did with DL. As a result, we are attentive to what happens in the moment
and not entangled in an involuntary jumble of words, which doesn't make any sense.
I like
to emphasize once more that embodying our language does not in any way imply language
takes place within us. On the contrary, the embodiment of our language is
possible, because the experience that accompanies our language, which is
outside of us, is fully realized and is not, as in DL, distorted, denied,
forgotten or repressed. In EL our language flows without any fear or restraint
and we can therefore say or write anything that our language allows us to. Of
course, if we deem it necessary, we can introduce new terms, to clarify what we
are talking about, but it is not necessary to adopt the verbal constructions of
others. In EL we can stay with ourselves, because we have found our own way
with our own language, to speak and write about our own experience. Here it is important
to mention, that our understanding of ourselves is not an insight, but something which takes place outside of us. When we listen to ourselves while we speak, we hear our voice from the outside, while we feel what the experience of resonance is like. Surely, insofar we have written something, we can read what we have said.
writing and reading make visible or visual what we say and hear and that is awareness.
Something also happens to our sense of time when we finally begin to experience
our language, as outside of us, rather than within us. We have suddenly ended
up in eternity, where our lives happen, like a flickering light in the
darkness. There is not a moment for us to lose, because everything is now expressed,
heard, and everything is written, read and understood, by us, with our own
language. So, we are completely ourselves with our EL, which is the right
DL we always walked crooked, but with our EL, we walk upright. These metaphors refer
our body, which produces, sees, hears, reads and understands language. Embodied
understanding this is a very active process, because with EL we are - not
thinking but - talking with ourselves, which literally means, we speak out loud
with ourselves and we can, therefore, hear ourselves or that we write to ourselves,
so we can read our own writing. Our attitude keeps us focused on ourselves and we remain focused on ourselves, as our EL
is audible and visible and our language is always alive and new, because we
experience the pleasure of saying and writing our own words. Of course, we will
have EL with others, who, like us, have started to make the distinction between
their own DL and their own EL. EL is the language of the future of mankind.
we are done speaking and writing, we are at peace. We know without words,
without thinking, without understanding, this bliss and clarity is the essence
of EL. With EL, we never return to our old conditioning with DL, which has kept
us so restless, conflicted and unhappy. Our new attitude towards language is
a transformation of who we are. With EL, we immediately witness our LE, and it
is crystal clear to us, what we, supposedly, thought we were, was not true, as we
didn’t yet talk about talking and we had not yet written about our new