Thursday, January 11, 2024



There is never going to be an election, in which we will vote in favor of Embodied Language (EL) and against Disembodied Language (DL), because the difference between these two, makes all of politics look stupid. When we have EL, we are done with pushing this or that familiar narrative, to, supposedly, please the base of our party. Besides, in EL, it becomes clear, the issue of representation is complete nonsense. I can not be the voice for someone else and it has been a disaster, so many have believed in this.  


I don’t have EL, to get your vote or your agreement, but I have it, because it is simply how I like to talk. I don’t seek power with my language, because my EL is the expression of my Language Enlightenment (LE). Everyone can talk as I do – and engage in EL – yet, almost nobody does, because they don’t want to admit, that they are basically full of shit, as long as they continue with their insidious DL. I don’t care whether you ruin your own life or the lives of those you talk with, but I refuse to talk with you or listen to you, as I rather talk out loud alone with myself.


Although you still don’t know about the difference between your own DL and your own EL, you have  your own false, political, distracting belief about what DL or EL is. However, everything that is of real importance is taking a back seat, because DL is the language of politics. Instead of feeling happy and fortunate, that you, as a free individual, could have EL, instead of DL, you believe, that democracy is going to be in line with your nasty way of talking.  


Anyone who is, as we say, running for election, is always, supposedly, running against someone else, but anyone who knows EL, knows that anyone with  DL, is always running, competing and struggling with themselves. If you would stop fighting with yourself and being your own worst enemy, you would have EL and lose interest in politics. EL will not make you famous, as it is not about winning the competition for the attention of an audience of voters. Surely, it will cost you the election and even your so-called career, as you don’t care about climbing the ladder.


Speaking about the upcoming election, I don’t see what all the fuzz is all about. The whole country is abuzz, now that someone with DL is running against someone else with DL. Everyone knows, the election is between this narrative or that narrative, so we all know, that we are constantly hearing and listening to and, also repeating to everyone we speak with, the same rehearsed, boring lines. This is so dumb, because with EL, we would be able to say something new. Yes, the country is divided, because of our DL.  


With every election, there will be some fool, who with bombastic, pretentious, obvious bluster, will claim to unite us, who will solve all our divisiveness and who will promise, that things are going to get better. Although one political narrative, presumably, is better than the other, we never engage in EL, but only in the assumption of EL. DL is the promotion of what can best be called election-distraction, since each party virtue-signals, only they are having EL. It is politics as usual – DL – which distracts us from EL.   


Today, one candidate announced, he was no longer  running for election. It was interesting, because in his speech, in which he told his followers, why he was stepping down, you could hear, he was, in fact, trying to have some EL, but, of course, he is so used to and impaired by his political ambitions, that he started sounding really soppy. However, this is the inevitable experience of coming down from our high horse of DL, where we always make all these claims, which, when we calm down, turn out to be foolish.


Also, I read about another political maniac, who had recently been forced to give up his post, because he was caught lying so outrageously, that his narrative burst at the seams. This needy, painful and troubled character was literally begging for another chance. He clearly seemed to believe, that by talking about his mother, beating him with a stick for what he had done, one election cycle would be enough for people to forget about his deceitful demeanor. Another politician surprised his base, by changing his narrative, in a failed attempt to be truthful about who he is, as a depressed, unhappy person. These examples show, that even hard-core politicians need to change from over-the-top DL, to calm, honest EL.


When someone has won the election, that is, when someone has acquired the power, which they were after, they usually give an election or victory speech. Everyone is hanging on the lips of these empowered leaders, who, interestingly, may feel so comfortable with all the attention, which they are getting, that they get kind of drunk on their own words. This is especially the case with preachers, teachers, actors, writers, media-personalities, athletes, but also with all sorts of other leaders and so-called authorities. Actually, they may even have some EL, although it isn’t acquired consciously, but automatically, due to being treated as someone, who is very important.   


The rigging of the election is part of every election, as each party, each candidate, does whatever they can to win. The end justifies the means, and this is why they say politics is a blood-sport. Supposedly, it is a brutal competition, but, of course, it has nothing to do, with how people always communicate, when they are not competing and when they are actually really working together. Moreover, EL or genuine interaction, is never a competition. When we are not adversarial, in any way, we will have effortless EL. It is only with EL, that we become immune to the election-distraction, because our EL is exciting and interesting, as it reveals our LE, but DL strikes us as draining, outdated and unintelligent.              

Wednesday, January 10, 2024




When you, unconsciously, speak the empty words of your Disembodied Language (DL), your meaningless expressions predictably have bad consequences, but when I speak, consciously, joyfully, truthfully, with my Embodied Language (EL) about the emptiness of my Language Enlightenment (LE), I am flooded with bliss. Anyone who dares to experience with me, the fulfilment of the empty space of their own LE, will do whatever it takes, to have it. They adjust their language, stop their own DL, so they can have EL.


Our fulfilment, that is, our LE, can only be expressed by our EL. With DL, we can’t express our satisfaction and, therefore, even if we, miraculously, experience some wellbeing, our use of language destroys it. This is why people don’t talk about their peaceful feelings, because such feelings come to an end, the moment they open their mouth. However, it has nothing to do with language as such, but with the difference between DL and EL. The more we speak with our EL about our happiness, the better things get, but everything beautiful is ruined by our DL.


The word fulfilment, is superficially used in a variety of contexts, but never with regard to our own use of  language. If we would use our language, in the way that we really want to and would take the time, to figure out how our own language-fulfilment actually works, we would do ourselves a big favor, but we don’t do that and that is why we seek fulfilment in all sorts of other ways, except in our language. In effect, DL endlessly distracts us from EL. The notion that use of language, in and of itself, can be fulfilling is alien to us. Nevertheless, once we recognize the difference between our DL and our EL, our effortless  ongoing EL illustrates our LE, which is our fulfilment.


Nothing else, than our own language, EL, is needed to find our truth, our happiness, our fulfilment. You can just start talking out loud with yourself and you can hear and recognize in the sound of your voice, that you are unhappy, worried, stressed, drained, angry, dissatisfied, confused or troubled. Of course, you can let yourself know, that you don’t want this, but that doesn’t help. You can endlessly run away from what you really feel about your life, but when you listen to the sound of your voice, you no longer do that. By listening to your own negative vibration, you realize, you don’t want this and then, it stops.


After your DL was stopped, because you accept, you want something else, you can let yourself know how you would like to sound. It is very clear, you don’t like your own voice, when talk with yourself about your problems and you don’t even want to listen to it. If you keep talking, you can’t miss the moment, in which you begin to sound better. You can hear it and you can allow yourself, to continue with your EL. You don’t do anything else, but listen to your own sound and, suddenly, your fulfilment or LE begins to speak.


As long as you are not busy with your own language, you cannot and will not find fulfilment. Yes, you can chase the dragon and go after all sorts of nonsense, but it will not bring you, it cannot bring you, where only your EL can bring you. Actually, your EL doesn’t bring you anywhere, as it makes you aware about being in the here and now. Moreover, fulfilment or LE is about the joy of knowing, there is no mind, no thought, as there never was any language inside of you. This emptiness is just unfolding with your EL. I used to call EL, the Language Which Creates Space.


Your fulfilment has nothing to do with destiny and once you give yourself permission, to continue with your EL, you realize, you didn’t have EL, because you were afraid to be without any purpose. This is your great fortune, that you can experience how your EL flows by itself and you go with your EL wherever it goes. Your fulfilment of continuing with EL becomes deeper and deeper and it is amazing, that your LE is really made possible, by only being busy with your EL, which is your own, unique, comforting language.


What I write here on my blog, has nothing to do with any prophesy. Prophet comes from the ancient Greek word pro-phetes, an interpreter, spokesman, harbringer or proclaimer. Pro, means, before, hence, in front and phetes, from phanai, to speak, tell, say. Propheteia, is the gift of interpreting the will of the gods. Also, pheme is a speaking, speech, utterance, voice, phone, sound, tone, pronounciation. There is no god, there is only you and you speak for yourself. In your EL there is immediate fulfilment, because you speak about your own experience in an accurate manner, with the sound, which you always like to listen to.                               

Tuesday, January 9, 2024




Only a few lines are needed, to create the optical illusion, that you are looking at a landscape, where, seemingly, bigger objects are close by and smaller objects are in the distance. You are looking a flat, two-dimensional surface of a piece of paper, but even in the most primitive paintings – in which, probably, for childish reasons, objects are out of proportion – a sense of perspective is evoked. While you know, you look at something, which has only two dimensions (length and breadth), you are distracted into believing, you are looking at three dimensions (length, breadth and depth). A similar illusion occurs with our language, but, the illusion, that is created by our usual Disembodied Language (DL), is what we call thinking, thought or our mind.


Gestalt is a school of psychology and a theory of perception, which emphasizes the processing (thinking?) of entire patterns and configurations and not merely individual components. We say the whole is bigger than the sum of its parts. Perhaps, you have seen, the black and white picture of two white faces, but if you look at the black space, in the middle, you see a cup. Either you perceive these two faces, or you see the cup and your perception flips back and forth, because it isn’t clear, which one is the most important. Of course, your conditioning history determines, if you prefer one or the other. My point is, that our conditioning is a distraction, which makes us see things, in this or in that way.     


You haven’t been able to look at the bigger picture and attend to the great difference between your DL and your Embodied Language (EL), because there is just too much distraction going on. Presumably, all sorts of other things, are more important and the illusion of your thinking, could never become clear to you. What you imagine, you are doing, while you are, supposedly, thinking, has nothing to do with silent inward seeing or with your ridiculous fantasy about being conscious, but with the inevitable consequences of how you have used your language. These consequences would change, if you had EL.


When you switch from DL to EL, you know, that you have finally stopped your own distraction from your own language. You so-called thinking or your mind, was maintained by your DL, therefore, language was your biggest distraction from what was important to you. Surely, in DL, you don’t listen to yourself, while you speak, but in EL, you listen to your own voice. In EL, you produce a very different sound than in DL, because you speak with a voice you enjoy and like to listen to. You know, in EL, that you speak with your own voice, but in DL, you mechanically, habitually, involuntarily speak with a voice which isn’t yours. In DL, because you don’t listen to the sound of your own voice, you believe, that you are thinking. Once you switch from DL to EL, you find, all your so-called thinking effortlessly stops, because you correctly perceive your language, as happening outside of you, instead of, incorrectly, inside of you.


Like everyone else, you seek to be distracted from your so-called thoughts, because, at a physiological level, your body has always known, your words and sentences do not and could not occur within it. You go for a walk, to supposedly, clear your head, but if there is relief from your self-imposed make-believe, it is always because, by walking, you brought back again your attention – which was all over the place – to your body. Of course, if you would do this, with your own EL, the effect will be much greater and more beneficial, than if you only went for a walk.


When you calmly say, out loud, to yourself, what you want to say and what you are capable of saying, about what is – according to you – going on with you, you take charge of your language. With your EL, you will experience an immediate, effortless, transformational distraction from your presumably, dark, confused, chaotic, fearful, meaningless, energy-draining mind. Suddenly, you feel full of energy, lighter than a feather and unburdened. Of course, although you have made the switch, from DL to EL, your conditioning history with DL will still continue, so you still, occasionally, believe that you are thinking, but each time you hear yourself say, what you, supposedly, think, it disappears, just like that. Thus, each time you are able to continue with EL, you realize your Language Enlightenment (LE).


Since nobody talks – alone, with themselves – about the great difference between DL and EL, everyone, unknowingly, engages in DL. You could say, DL is the language of distraction, because we continuously yank each other around with our language and we accept this as normal, as business as usual, when in fact, this is a gigantic problem. When we are finally able to look at politics, religion, amusement, books, newspapers, social media, movies and advertising from our newly acquired EL-perspective, we realize, these are important, due to our need for distraction.


When we are not merely having a brief moment of much-needed distraction from your depressive, dull, fucked-up, manipulative, automatic, unintelligent, forceful, repetitive, humorless, deceitful, disgusting  DL, with our EL, but when we are actually capable of continuing with it, we cannot miss the obvious fact, that we do not think, although, with DL, we were conditioned by and used to a way of talking about thought, as if our thought was true. Our common way of talking, which sets the stage of how we deal with our language, is a distraction from ourselves. This is not an optical, but auditory illusion, as we are enthralled with dominating speakers, who engage in DL and who with the sound of their voice pretend to be strong, certain, knowledgeable, in control, calm, friendly, certain, open, funny, relaxed or truthful. In DL, people just act as if, but they are not authentic.


Since we don’t acknowledge the difference between DL and EL, we have no idea at all about the extent to which our common way of talking, which is DL, is a constant distraction. Going back to the possibility of optical illusions and seeing things, perspectives, which aren’t really there, with our EL – by talking with ourselves and listening to ourselves – we begin to pay attention to things, we have been told and have heard. By listening to ourselves and by bringing our language in touch with our voice, we realize that thought doesn’t exist, as our language is overt, that is, we say it and hear it and we read it and write it.  Unless we talk out loud with ourselves and listen to ourselves, we remain enthralled, with what we have been told and we dismiss what we say to ourselves and thus, with EL, we step out of our conditioning history with DL. Even if it may seem, as if we still think, each time we let ourselves know, we were only temporarily overtaken again by our DL, which is our common distraction, our mind quickly dissolves.      

Monday, January 8, 2024


Tabula Rasa,


The foundational principle of empiricism, is the philosophical notion, that individuals are born empty of any build in mental content and that all knowledge comes from later perceptions or sensory experiences. This is known as tabula rasa or blank slate. I would say, we are not only born in that way, but we also live and we die that way, as there is no such thing, as language inside of us. The Latin term tabula rasa, comes from the Roman tabula, a wax-covered tablet used for notes, which was blanked, rasa, by heating the wax and then smoothing it.


Later, in English, it became blank slate or rather erased slate, which refers to the emptiness of a slate, prior to it being written on with chalk. Both the tabula rasa or the blank slate may be renewed repeatedly, by melting the wax of the tablet, or by erasing the chalk on the slate. A stylus, is a sharp tool, to write in the wax, which became chalk on a blackboard. With my Embodied Language (EL), the Latin vocalis –  sounding, sonorous, speaking, vox, voice – is my stylus, with which I create my reality.


When you read this writing, you must admit – even if you are almost dead and have wasted your entire life, like Chomsky, on the absurd lie, that language is innate and thus occurs inside of you – these written words are not inside of you, but they are, on this page, in front of you. Therefore, with EL, you’ll find out, that you do not think, but you write, so that you can read, what you have written, and, before you write, you speak, so that you can hear what you have said. I insist, your language is always outside of you, while the sensory experience of who you are, is inside your body. EL is the correct use of language, in which your words are always only outside of you.


I have a little, plastic, white board, on which I used to write something new every day, with a sharpy. It hangs on my wall, with a small poem, that stayed…


I erase

To put new words in place

This is how I make my case


In Disembodied Language (DL), you cannot really talk or write about what you exactly experience and, consequently, you imagine, as if language happens, by itself, inside of you and that this is your so-called chattering mind. This falsehood dissolves, the moment you switch from DL to EL. Such a change is brought about by speaking out loud with yourself about your own experience – whatever it may be – and by listening to your voice while you speak. This simple exercise will put you back in the driving seat of your language. Basically, being in charge of your own language, which is, of course, your EL – but not your DL – is your Language Enlightenment (LE).


The idiotic nature versus nurture debate, of course, takes on a completely different form, if it takes place with natural, peaceful, relaxed EL, rather than – as it has always done – with forceful, pretentious, boring DL. Actually, with our EL, there wouldn’t even be any debate anymore, as we would just talk sensibly with each other, about the extent to which all our behavior is hard-wired and genetically determined – which is nature – or if it is the effect of environmental conditions of development – which is nurture. If you had not read these words, which I have written on this blog, you would never be able to consider the difference between your DL and your EL and you would find the irrefutable fact, that language is, of course, overt, that is, in the environment, extreme.  


With our joyful EL, it is clear to us, that zealous, political nativists, like Chomsky – who, like so many religiously-blinded, arrogant persons, in spite of all the evidence, stubbornly, unscientifically, continue to believe, that concepts, mental capacities and mental structures are innate, rather than acquired by learning – are the extreme ones and not those, who, like me, have stated, there is no thinking going on inside of us, no covert language, and, no inner behavior-causing self. I salute all behaviorists and behaviorologists, who have claimed this all along, but who, like everyone else, also only engage in DL.


I recognize, we are biologically determined, and I don’t see any reason, why we shouldn’t extend this determinism to all our behavior. Yes, our behavior is determined by environmental stimuli and if we miss out on verbal stimuli, in early development, we will never be able to learn, what could only have been learned, if our brain had been stimulated properly. I believe that our usual way of talking and sounding with language – DL – is why a lot of people, me included, are on the autism spectrum. In retrospect, I am sure, I have only learned from, I have only been able to listen to, people who had what I now call EL.


Of course, my genetic endowment made it possible, to learn what I have learned, but my psychological traits, aspects of my personality, my knowledge, my wisdom, my social and my emotional behavior, were not, were not – yes, you read it twice – imprinted by my environment onto my so-called mind – like the stylus would write on the tabula rasa – but it first had an effect on how I came to listen and speak and, then, later, on how I learned to write and read.  I grew up in the Netherlands, therefore, I learned Dutch and my language – and not some imaginary, non-existing mind – was, obviously effected by my environment. The tabula rasa makes it very clear, that these written words are here, outside of you.


Did you know the locomotion of cats is very unique? Their gait is always balanced and in a straight line, right-front/left-back forward and left-front/left-back forward. They did research on kittens being exposed to environments, which consisted only of horizontal or straight lines and they found that cats, who were raised in environments with only horizontal stripes, they grew up, to become blind to vertical lines and  constantly bumped into the legs of chairs, whereas cats that were raised in environments, where they only saw vertical lines, they became blind to seeing horizontal lines and they couldn’t jump on the seat. Obviously, nobody would consider these horizontal or vertical lines to be inside the kitten’s head.


As I already stated, how can we begin to accurately determine, which influence is nature and which one is nurture, if we don’t even realize, that we will bias our results with our DL? Since we have never even acknowledged the difference between DL and EL, we engage in DL by default, and, consequently, we are inclined to be biased towards dispositional over situational influences. Surely, we are genetically determined, but we are not born with innate mental content, because there never was, there never is and there never will be language in our brain. All language is outside of our body or, as we say, in the environment, that is, we can say it, hear it, write it or read it. Therefore, we are tabula rasa, before and after we have spoken, listened, written or read, but also, while we speak, listen, write or read. This is our LE.           

Sunday, January 7, 2024




Our usual way of talking – in which our language doesn’t match with our experience – which I call Disembodied Language (DL), is really the language of stupidity. If you would notice this yourself, you would immediately recognize your ability, to have Embodied Language (EL) and leave behind your DL, your old, stupid and unrealistic way of dealing with your language. Stupidity is not freedom and as long as you have DL, you continue to act like a zombie.  


You could also say that DL is the language of others, but EL is your language, that is, the language of the individual. Individual freedom requires a different way of dealing with language and since you haven’t made the change from DL to EL, your life is one big, tragic, stupid contradiction. You cannot be free and enjoy your individuality, as long as your language is only allowing you to express your stupidity. You’ve got to stop your DL, so that you can finally instruct yourself with EL, to move away from your stupidity.


When you at long last have EL and ask yourself, why you did not have any EL before, you immediately realize the stupidity of this question and you laugh, as you know, you are having it now, but you didn’t know what you know now. Of course, you know it, when you have EL and the whole notion, that you must work on yourself, to have it, is pure stupidity.  When you have EL, you don’t need to ask yourself any questions, as you know what you are talking about. Your stupidity only lasts as long as you are still involved in DL, but when DL stops, it is gone.


We imitate each other, to fit in and to, supposedly, feel safe, but acting as others do, is sheer stupidity. If you would have EL, you would know this instantly and acknowledge and accept yourself, but with DL, you tell yourself, to try harder, to be accepted or to get recognized by others. Basically, with your DL, you remain hopelessly stuck in your own stupidity. It isn’t anyone else’s fault, you keep on pretending that your stupidity has any meaning or is something valuable, that needs to be defended or asserted.


With DL, you shoot yourself in the foot and you fall victim to your own stupidity. I didn’t make it so, but you did. Only if you stop having your DL, things are going to change for the better. The saying, much ado about nothing, refers the common stupidity, when people create a lot excitement and fuss about something that is actually of little or no importance. Your DL always implies, there is much more activity, thrill, eagerness or expectation, then your situation deserves. Your stupidity always makes a big deal out of nothing. Comedy is a study of human stupidity.


Only with EL, will you be able to laugh about your own stupidity. Catching yourself while you have DL, is like catching yourself in a moment of stupidity and switching to EL, allows to be grateful to yourself for being able to laugh about and to learn from your own stupidity. It is about time, that you realize what has been bothering you all along. Your stubbornness is ninety percent of your stupidity and perhaps even more. With EL, you don’t beat yourself up about your own stupidity, because you can laugh about it.


Your EL reveals to you, that not listening to yourself while you speak, is the most blatant act of stupidity. You keep having DL, because it is easier to recognize the madness and stupidity in others. With DL, you always want to punish stupidity, as if it was a crime, but your EL shows, this has only made things worse.  The difference between malice and stupidity, is that the former is said to be intentional, and the latter is unintentional. However, it is always after we finally are done arguing, whether it was one or the other, that we realize the stupidity of it all. With EL, we all agree, that malice, of course, is a form of stupidity.


Since I am speaking about the difference between DL and EL, on my own authority and not from some officially, socially sanctioned, professional capacity, it is easy to continue with your stupidity of defying me. To me, it makes absolutely no difference at all anymore – it did in the past, but this is no longer the case – whether you agree with me or not. I know for a fact, that if you continue with your dumb DL, you will experience the negative consequences of your own stupidity, but if you engage in EL, you will reap the wonderful fruits of your own intelligence.




Ideally, we only approach something, if it is beneficial to us and we avoid everything, that is harmful. However, if the situation is such, that we  have come closer to something dangerous, we try to escape or mobilize, as our autonomic nervous system goes into fight-flight-freeze overdrive. When we approach ourselves, by speaking with ourselves, by listening to ourselves and by taking the time, to let our language catch up with our experience, we approach a most exceptional feeling of safety and wellbeing, because we talk with our peacefulness.


It makes a big difference, if we talk with Embodied Language (EL) or with Disembodied Language (DL) about the proportion of our biologically-driven, autonomically-mediated behaviors. If we talk about it with our EL, it is clear, that it is healthy for us, to voluntarily avoid negative stuff as much as possible, to escape dangerous stuff as little as possible and to spend as little time as possible, identifying, focusing on and approaching helpful, useful, valuable stuff. In other words, with EL, we are instantly aware of our  Language Enlightenment (EL), we effectively avoid danger, we don’t need to escape, as we feel safe.


Since we, unconsciously, engage in DL, every day, we talk about our so-called happiness – the good things, we presumably want to approach – in a very different way than in EL. Our usual way of talking, DL, maintains our belief in what, supposedly, makes us feel happy, but when we talk about it with EL, we realize, that with our DL, we have involuntarily, obsessively, fanatically been approaching all sorts of dangers, from which we have had to escape or couldn’t even escape. In other words, with DL, we inevitably, approach and remain busy with all sorts of meaningless stuff, which has nothing to do with us, drains our energy and endlessly frustrates us.  


The proportion 85:5:10 would be an example of the percentage of avoidance/escape/approach behavior, when we engage in EL, but with DL, it may look more like this 50:20:30. These provisional numbers show us, that as long as we engage in DL, instead of EL, we are less capable of avoiding, and, therefore, we are bound to approach more danger, from which we more often have to escape. And, it all remains to be seen, whether we manage to escape and survive. We must approach food and water to survive, but to continue with our EL, we choose to be alone.


Although we certainly can and will have EL with others, who, like us, have kept it going – by being alone, by talking out loud with themselves, by listening to themselves, by writing about their EL, by reading about their own LE – we spend most of our time by ourselves, because we avoid the DL, which is going on everywhere, twenty-four-seven. During our time with ourselves, we approach silence, by talking and writing about it. In DL, we have always feared and avoided our own quietness and solitude, but with EL, we move towards it willingly, knowingly and with a sense of wonder and gratefulness. We have never before believed that we could approach and achieve such extasy with our own language.


When you approach me or anyone else who is able to have EL, you approach yourself. It would be great if you approached and talked with my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke and also with me, then, you could hear and see two versions of EL and LE. Even if you have never approached yourself with your own EL, my EL or the EL of someone else, introduces you to yourself. Of course, the EL of me or someone else can only be received by you, if you allow it and trust it. By reading this, you approach it and can feel the truth of it. However, there is more to this approach, than accepting the invitation. If you experiment by talking alone with yourself, you find, everything you have read is true. You could approach AnnaMieke or me and talk with us, so that we can share our EL and our LE. It will be a great day, when you do that. Here is the link to her blog: Natuurlijk Ontvouwen. (

Saturday, January 6, 2024




Any reasonable human being would agree, the freedom of – imaginary – religion, contradicts our – real – freedom of speech. Stated differently, our superstitious, forceful Disembodied Language (DL) has always been mutually exclusive with effortless, natural Embodied Language (EL). The only reason, we haven’t addressed, let alone, changed, this major flaw in the United States Constitution, is that we have never even considered, the big difference between our own DL and our EL, in the first place.


The fact, that we still haven’t acknowledged the difference between DL and  EL, isn’t something which will, miraculously, just go away, because we refuse to talk about it. Quite to the contrary, it is going to come back to haunt us, as it is already wreaking enormous havoc, although we haven’t even began to recognize this, since we don’t know how to engage in ongoing EL. Only when we accept the gigantic difference between our DL and our EL, can our EL continue and make us realize, that only EL matches with our freedom of speech, while our DL, which perpetuates our phony relationships with a non-existing higher power, is the biggest stand in the way, to having real relationships among people.


There is no conflict between the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, as everyone is entitled to their own illusions, but there is definitely a huge conflict between the fabricated freedom of religion and the real and absolutely necessary freedom of speech, because this so-called talking with – that is, praying to – entities, we cannot see or hear, always distracts us from talking, realistically, with ourselves and with other people. It is because of our DL, that the First Amendment, in one breath or with one stroke of a pen, guarantees the freedom of speech as well as the freedom of religion. Consequently, there is – as of yet – no law in the United States, which is punishing blasphemy or defamation of religion. However, with the influx of newcomers, pressure in many Western countries is increasing, to adopt new legal codes, to protect religion, which would bypass our First Amendment.


As I have stated, the First Amendment is based on our common, but, unconscious, participation in DL, which means, that you can say something offensive, but it is still protected speech under the law. It is due to this combination of the freedom of speech and freedom of religion, in the First Amendment, that a similar truce was created, in 1641, by the French mathematician and philosopher Renee Descartes, whose dualistic theory of the mind, was to pave the way for modern science to separate itself from the church. A comparable separation is the separation between church and state, but another, even more crucial departure, which – due to DL, our common group-behavior, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language – is never talked about, is that a free individual, adheres to a totally different behavioral repertoire, than someone, who conforms to socially expected so-called groupthink. This is where freedom-rubber hits the verbal-road.    


Words matter, depending on how they are spoken or written. If language is weaponized – as it always is, in DL – then the end – which, of course, is always winning and staying in power – presumably justifies the means. This means, that DL isn’t real language, but predetermined, acted, deceitful, manipulative, distracting, disrespectful, melodramatic, insidious, sentimental, phony, forceful, bla-bla, which is full of smokescreens, gas-lighting and posturing. The relatively new concept of freedom of speech, which is a product of individualistic, Western societies, is based on skepticism and irreverence, but in the rest of the world, faith and rituals are seen as the most important. Only if we, as secular Americans and as Western nations, adopt EL as the language of the individual, are we protected from the hordes, who turn freedom of religion, into forceful demands to curb freedom of speech, which brave men and women have fought and have given their lives for.  


It is a good and necessary thing, a major step for mankind, when governments would declare, the freedom of speech as the enemy of the freedom of religion, because, the truth is, that the former shows us, there is no need for religion. The freedom of speech isn’t to be judged by fools, who are in denial of science, life and reality. Calling the freedom of speech discrimination or blasphemy, is condemning and preventing freedom of speech. Moreover, we should be able to call a spade a spade. Our horrible DL is only going to stop, if we can say what it is. We have endlessly dominated, exploited, oppressed, manipulated, hurt, insulted, humiliated, punished, rejected, abandoned and lied to each other and ourselves, with our usual way of talking. With our DL, we have justified brutality and ignorance with our position of power within the social hierarchy.  


I insist, the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion cannot coexist. How can human beings be free, if they cannot express their own knowledge about their own behavior? Our DL, which promotes all sorts of nonsensical ideas, religion being only one of them, prevents us from talking accurately about our own experiences and unless our DL stops, we can’t have any EL. Moreover, we need more than only a few moments of EL, we must have ongoing EL, to be able to express who we really are. This transfer of our individual knowledge about who we really are, which I call our Language Enlightenment (LE), is essential to our relationship and our overall sense of happiness. Restrictions on the freedom of speech have always prevented us from having EL and expressing our LE and religion has always played an undermining role in this, as it basically made us believe, that explanations from others, were more important than our own findings. The real issue of the freedom of speech – which due to our DL, has remained unaddressed – is not, as we are all inclined to believe, the free exchange of ideas among people, but the freedom to express to each other and to ourselves what we, as individuals, really experience.