Saturday, January 6, 2024




Any reasonable human being would agree, the freedom of – imaginary – religion, contradicts our – real – freedom of speech. Stated differently, our superstitious, forceful Disembodied Language (DL) has always been mutually exclusive with effortless, natural Embodied Language (EL). The only reason, we haven’t addressed, let alone, changed, this major flaw in the United States Constitution, is that we have never even considered, the big difference between our own DL and our EL, in the first place.


The fact, that we still haven’t acknowledged the difference between DL and  EL, isn’t something which will, miraculously, just go away, because we refuse to talk about it. Quite to the contrary, it is going to come back to haunt us, as it is already wreaking enormous havoc, although we haven’t even began to recognize this, since we don’t know how to engage in ongoing EL. Only when we accept the gigantic difference between our DL and our EL, can our EL continue and make us realize, that only EL matches with our freedom of speech, while our DL, which perpetuates our phony relationships with a non-existing higher power, is the biggest stand in the way, to having real relationships among people.


There is no conflict between the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, as everyone is entitled to their own illusions, but there is definitely a huge conflict between the fabricated freedom of religion and the real and absolutely necessary freedom of speech, because this so-called talking with – that is, praying to – entities, we cannot see or hear, always distracts us from talking, realistically, with ourselves and with other people. It is because of our DL, that the First Amendment, in one breath or with one stroke of a pen, guarantees the freedom of speech as well as the freedom of religion. Consequently, there is – as of yet – no law in the United States, which is punishing blasphemy or defamation of religion. However, with the influx of newcomers, pressure in many Western countries is increasing, to adopt new legal codes, to protect religion, which would bypass our First Amendment.


As I have stated, the First Amendment is based on our common, but, unconscious, participation in DL, which means, that you can say something offensive, but it is still protected speech under the law. It is due to this combination of the freedom of speech and freedom of religion, in the First Amendment, that a similar truce was created, in 1641, by the French mathematician and philosopher Renee Descartes, whose dualistic theory of the mind, was to pave the way for modern science to separate itself from the church. A comparable separation is the separation between church and state, but another, even more crucial departure, which – due to DL, our common group-behavior, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language – is never talked about, is that a free individual, adheres to a totally different behavioral repertoire, than someone, who conforms to socially expected so-called groupthink. This is where freedom-rubber hits the verbal-road.    


Words matter, depending on how they are spoken or written. If language is weaponized – as it always is, in DL – then the end – which, of course, is always winning and staying in power – presumably justifies the means. This means, that DL isn’t real language, but predetermined, acted, deceitful, manipulative, distracting, disrespectful, melodramatic, insidious, sentimental, phony, forceful, bla-bla, which is full of smokescreens, gas-lighting and posturing. The relatively new concept of freedom of speech, which is a product of individualistic, Western societies, is based on skepticism and irreverence, but in the rest of the world, faith and rituals are seen as the most important. Only if we, as secular Americans and as Western nations, adopt EL as the language of the individual, are we protected from the hordes, who turn freedom of religion, into forceful demands to curb freedom of speech, which brave men and women have fought and have given their lives for.  


It is a good and necessary thing, a major step for mankind, when governments would declare, the freedom of speech as the enemy of the freedom of religion, because, the truth is, that the former shows us, there is no need for religion. The freedom of speech isn’t to be judged by fools, who are in denial of science, life and reality. Calling the freedom of speech discrimination or blasphemy, is condemning and preventing freedom of speech. Moreover, we should be able to call a spade a spade. Our horrible DL is only going to stop, if we can say what it is. We have endlessly dominated, exploited, oppressed, manipulated, hurt, insulted, humiliated, punished, rejected, abandoned and lied to each other and ourselves, with our usual way of talking. With our DL, we have justified brutality and ignorance with our position of power within the social hierarchy.  


I insist, the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion cannot coexist. How can human beings be free, if they cannot express their own knowledge about their own behavior? Our DL, which promotes all sorts of nonsensical ideas, religion being only one of them, prevents us from talking accurately about our own experiences and unless our DL stops, we can’t have any EL. Moreover, we need more than only a few moments of EL, we must have ongoing EL, to be able to express who we really are. This transfer of our individual knowledge about who we really are, which I call our Language Enlightenment (LE), is essential to our relationship and our overall sense of happiness. Restrictions on the freedom of speech have always prevented us from having EL and expressing our LE and religion has always played an undermining role in this, as it basically made us believe, that explanations from others, were more important than our own findings. The real issue of the freedom of speech – which due to our DL, has remained unaddressed – is not, as we are all inclined to believe, the free exchange of ideas among people, but the freedom to express to each other and to ourselves what we, as individuals, really experience.     

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