Tuesday, February 20, 2024




Regardless of our denial and our ability to avoid, that we are underperforming during our usual way of talking, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to continue to pretend, as if any of our so-called interactions, conversations, debates, discussions, arguments, narratives or dialogues are working.


Although we fail, as a  group, as a tribe, as a race, as a political party, as a religion, as a community, as a town or as a country, it is much more important to acknowledge that we underperform on a personal level. Each of us experiences, individually, the fear, anxiety, stress, frustration and powerlessness of not having any control over our language. As a result, we become more and more demanding, uptight, rigid, coercive and insensitive in our behavior.


The meaning of underperform is easily recognized in finance. If an investment or asset fails to produce financial gain, we adjust as soon as possible, before we lose a lot of money. However, when it concerns our language, we don’t even seem to notice, that we could actually do much better, because we are all so used to and conditioned by our dissociative, unnatural, energy-draining Disembodied Language (DL).


DL is the language of underperformance, because it is our automatic, common way of talking, which undermines all our actions. The often-lamented difference between saying and doing, invariably, refers to our DL, in which we say one thing, but do something else, that is, if we do anything at all. In Embodied Language (EL), on the other hand, we do as we say, because in EL saying equals doing. In EL, we take action, we are pro-active, we are responsible and accountable.


Whether we admit it or not, in DL, we underperform, but in EL we succeed, as no energy is wasted, and all of our efforts are always paying off. Furthermore, our positivity in EL creates a surplus, while in DL we are faced, in one way or another, with deficits. Stated differently, our underperformance in DL is always subject to penalties, terminations or reductions in our business affairs as well as in our personal relationships.


Since we keep trying to effortfully, domineeringly, stressfully, strategically, manipulatively, ambitiously, arrogantly, shamefully, tenaciously turn around our presumed failure – our dreadful underperformance – we accept DL as normal and we consider EL as the exception to rule. This has been and continues to be our situation, because we have no understanding about the big difference between our DL and our EL.


Currently, there is no incentive whatsoever, to address, let alone, stop and replace our DL, which is normally going on everywhere, as it has always done. Our consistent underperformance, which is maintained by our unconscious DL, manifests as our conflicts, wars, struggles, problems, fears, doubts and as our negative emotions and experiences.


Oddly, while each of us individually feels unhappy, dissatisfied, frustrated, superstitiously-confused and eternally-distracted by and endlessly-preoccupied with meaningless nonsense, we never acknowledge or talk about these troubling experiences at the level of the group, we believe to belong to. In effect, we carry, individually, the burden of the group, we identify with. Consequently, we underperform, as a group, as long as we don’t do well, individually.


A person may underperform, due to injury, trauma, addiction, abuse, depression, etc., but everyone underperforms, because of our unaddressed DL. In that sense, our DL determines we are in the same boat. Hilariously, while everyone is like crazy trying to out-perform or out-compete everyone else, everyone is unconsciously underperforming. By contrast, when we engage in EL, we perform at out best and, yet, we aren’t trying to out-do each other or beat ourselves up. It is this whole nasty issue of pushing ourselves, to supposedly do better, which makes us underperform. In EL, we behave naturally, without pressure or compulsion. This is why we are more effective, confident and happier than before.  


Interestingly, in EL we are free, which means we are not setting any standards or goals for ourselves or for each other and that is why we do so well. To be a catalyst, in a group of underperforming students – I used to be a psychology instructor and know how this works – you should introduce them to EL and have them talk with and listen to themselves, then you will begin to notice, that it was because of DL, that they were underperforming. 

Sadly, as long as this difference hasn’t been properly addressed and therefore, was never even acknowledged, we keep talking, as if people have no motivation, no respect, no confidence, no awareness, no responsibility, no accountability, no pride or just a bad attitude, while in fact, these are the inevitable consequences of our DL.


With EL everyone is self-motivated, to do the best they can, as their own language will bring this about. We always speak about underperforming, to describe a situation, in which someone doesn’t the meet the expectations or performs at a satisfactorily level, according to someone else. Surely, our DL is the language of expectation and punishment if this expectation isn’t met. Besides, what is presumably satisfactorily to someone who only has DL, is never satisfactorily to anyone who knows how to have EL.


When we, with EL, become aware of what we want and don’t want, it is easy to satisfy ourselves, as this has nothing to do with fulfilling any expectations. To the contrary, EL is the let go of expectations, which allows us to say, experience, hear, understand, feel, recognize, do, approach and achieve, what we truly want. Whatever we will be doing, when we do what we want, is always done with the utmost care and diligence. If, however, it isn’t done in that way, this simply means, it is not what we want and we are just doing something what was expected from us, which we have come to expect from ourselves.


Thus, we, unknowingly, underperform, when we don’t want to do what we are doing. In terms of our language, we always underperform in DL, because we do not and cannot express ourselves accurately and effectively. We underperform, as we don’t listen to what we feel, while we speak, we dissociate and are not in touch with ourselves. Our effortless focus on our language can only come about with our EL, which transforms our mediocre underperformance into a marvelous experience of success, clarity, consistency, effectivity, satisfaction and happiness. Our EL expresses our Language Enlightenment (LE).     

Monday, February 19, 2024




There are, of course, limitations, which life itself imposes on each of us. Someone may be high on drugs and believe, he or she can fly, but if such a person jumps off a roof, he or she will certainly fall to his or her death. Likewise, millions of people may be fanatically convinced, they are all very special or chosen, because they are praying to, talking with or even listening to their so-called higher power, but their superstitious reality is, they live in a childish fantasyland. The validity of our concept of reality depends always on how we deal with our language.


Reliability and validity are essential concepts in research, especially when designing studies or interpreting results. I have always approached the gigantic difference between Disembodied Language (DL) – our usual unconscious way of dealing with language as a group – and our Embodied Language (EL) – the conscious language of the individual – as a scientific issue. Only our EL can be considered as scientific speech, but our common, automatic DL is hopelessly biased, and, therefore, unscientific speech. Reliability refers to the consistency of a measurement or test. It assesses whether the same method, technique or test produces consistent results when repeated under similar conditions. Surely, our EL is neither a method, technique or test, as it is our natural way of talking with the sound of our wellbeing, yet our EL is absolutely reliable, as it consistently yields positive outcomes. Validity assesses how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure. If a test accurately measures a particular skill, it demonstrates high validity. Validity is the quality of being logically or factually sound. The soundness or cogency of our EL is self-evident, that is, you can’t really miss it. If you doubt, whether you have EL, you are not having it. In EL, we are without any doubt. High reliability often indicated validity, that is, if a test produces accurate results, they should be reproduceable. Although EL is certainly not a test, but merely our natural, effortless way of dealing with language, it is reproduceable, as anyone who speaks with and listens to him or herself, will find out about the great difference between their DL and their EL.  


One doesn’t need to be a hopeless junkie or some humorless ascetic, to live a superficial, meaningless, unintelligent life. Sadly, since everyone, engages, almost permanently, stubbornly, in DL, our false beliefs, generally speaking, proliferate from the cradle to the grave. Indeed, we are conditioned and the only reason for us, to ever move beyond our conditioning history, is a different way of dealing with our language. Obviously, first, our mechanical DL must be stopped, before our EL can even begin to occur. Thus, we can only finally begin to use our language correctly, when we fully acknowledge, our incorrect use of our language has been disastrous.


Our astonishingly, destructive, tenacious ignorance isn’t – as we can read in the publications of clever psychologists – a matter of a lack of appropriate scientific or philosophical training, but rather, it is the habit, we have, to not listen to ourselves, while we speak. Regardless how knowledgeable we have become, our lack of self-listening is still the missing link in all our knowledge, since our self-knowledge can only be acquired, if we talk with and listen to ourselves. Of course, such overt self-talk will only occur to the extent, we find it more important than so-called thinking, our imaginary covert language. Furthermore, our talking, out loud, with ourselves and by ourselves, will only happen, when we sense that all our talking with others, is unreal and phony.


The validity of our ongoing EL doesn’t depend on our agreement with others, but on our agreement with ourselves, that is, on the match between our experience and our use of language. During DL, we put the horse – our language – behind the wagon – our experience. Consequently, there cannot be any congruence, between our language and experience, because our language regulates and determines all our behavior. Moreover, it is overt language – not, non-existent, impossible, inner speech or thought – which causes our desirable behavior to increase and our undesirable behavior to stop or decrease. Thus, the self-evident validity of the revealing, powerful process of listening to ourselves while we speak, can only be denied, by not listening to ourselves, while we speak. In other words, DL and EL are mutually exclusive. Once we begin to listen to ourselves, while we speak, DL will stop, and EL will continue.


Anyone can understand and acknowledge, that our brains mediate – but do not contain – our language. If we suffer from a stroke, our language production or comprehension is impaired, because our brains have been damaged. Any recovery from such an event requires overt speech therapy. Our language doesn’t mysteriously emerge from inside of us, but it occurs due to antecedent environmental stimuli. Babies born in Rome, learn to speak only in Italian – not Chinese – and, thus they do as the Romans do.


When we say, brains interpret stimuli – in terms of whether they are threatening or safe – it is not our brains, which use language, but it is due to outgoing air of our lungs, going over our vocal cords and our lips and tongue moving, that we speak a language. It isn’t until words come out of our mouth, we can hear ourselves or someone else speak. Likewise, it isn’t until someone has written something, as words in this text, that a reader can read what was written. Thus, there exists no such a thing as mind-reading, as there is no mind, as our language is always overt.


With our EL, we are, at long last, capable of talking as individuals, about the validity, truth, joy, energy and meaning of our behaviorally created model of reality. There is no me, inside of me, who makes me say what I say or causes or coordinates my behavior. There is no validity, to an inner behavior-regulating agent, but with DL, we keep assuming its existence. Moreover, our utterly false, profoundly problematic, verbal identity, creates a myriad of other convoluted models, which will only be abandoned, when our DL is stopped. However, our DL was never stopped by more of the same dumb, dull, forceful, reactive DL. To stop DL, requires EL. Only when we can talk with EL about our conditioning with DL, will our DL stop.


Stated differently, we inevitably engage in DL, due to our conditioning history, as our neural behavior was previously affected only in such a way, that we could speak – as in the previous example – Italian, but not Chinese. Only different – overt – Chinese stimuli, can and will bring about the so-called learning of this other language. Only once our neural structure has been sufficiently affected by such environmental stimuli, can we – without having language inside of us – react appropriately, in a Chinese manner, to a Chinese speaker, by speaking the Chinese language.


The saying, the proof is in the pudding, refers to the configuration of our neural structure, which must have occurred, once we can hear, experience and be aware of the enormous difference between our DL and EL, because our DL has stopped, and we can now effortlessly continue with our EL. We are in total bliss, when this is the case, and we experience our EL as a novel form of happiness and a source of understanding and wellbeing. Immediate as well as long-term positive effects of our EL are so tangible. We can’t miss, we are truly ourselves. Indeed, our Language Enlightenment (LE) is due to ongoing EL. However, it is very important to acknowledge, that we have achieved this new way of responding, due to the rearrangement of environmental stimuli. We have controlled and stopped our DL, so that our EL and LE could be expressed and become clear to us.


There is no doubt or fear, when we engage in EL, as we experience an environment, which is free from aversive stimuli. Magnificently, we ourselves create and maintain this environment. Our ongoing EL is the most supreme form self-management. With our EL, we can finally behave as an individual, who is no longer inhibited or troubled by the DL, which instills fear-based, inherently, punitive, group-behavior. In effect, with our EL, but also with our DL, we behave our own individually experienced reality. However, with our DL, we, inadvertently, behave a conflicted, chaotic, negative environment, but with our EL, we continue to modify our neural structure, in such a manner, that our reality is peaceful, clear, positive and stable. The discriminative way of behaving, that allows us to stop our DL, so we can express, hear and act on, what we say to ourselves with EL, is made possible by listening to ourselves while we speak. We hear in the sound of our voice, if we engage in DL or EL. The validity of our assessment is always evident in the consequences of our actions.                                        

Sunday, February 18, 2024




There is an enormous difference between repeating something with our Disembodied Language (DL) or repeating something with our Embodied Language (EL). With the former, you are getting deeper and deeper in trouble, but with the latter, you liberate yourself, you renew yourself, and, yes, will you stop repeating. Only those who continue to have DL, are always unknowingly repeating themselves, while they are making it seem as if they are so modern and advanced. They always repeat the same struggle, conflict, misery and tragedy and their problems keep accumulating and escalating. 


Anyone, who truly recovers from his or her dreadful history of conditioning with DL, will have to say, out loud, to him or herself, as many times as necessary, everything, he or she has believed, he or she was thinking, while he or she was still engaging in DL. It can be compared with having a bad dream. Upon waking up, you continue to feel upset, confused or frightened about what you dreamed about. Unless you say repeatedly to yourself, it was just a dream, a nightmare, you continue to feel troubled, ashamed, sad, frustrated or even obsessed about your dream.


The word repetition comes from Latin, repetitio or  repetitionem, a repeating, repetere, doing or saying things again. Later, in old French, repeter, say what another has said; actions or events recurring or done again; do over again; do, make or perform again. Reputation, as in, upon repetition, I swear; also representative; repertory, Latin, repertorium, index, list, inventory, catalogue; repertus, reperire, to find, get or invent; parire or paerere, to produce, bring forth, procure; repertoire, list of performances an actor or company can stage. Of course, in EL, we repeat not what another has said, but what we say. Thus, we produce and create our own reality. As I have said and written many times, EL is the correct way of using our language, but our DL is incorrect, as it perpetuates the falsehood, that our language occurs inside of our body, as thinking in our head.


There is truth to the fact, that if you keep repeating – with DL – the same propaganda, someone is going to believe it, especially, because they don’t know anything about the difference between DL and EL. However, once they have found out about this difference, this doesn’t mean, that the conditioning history with DL has all of a sudden ended, as it is the beginning of becoming conscious about this history. Each time we consciously repeat to ourselves – with our ongoing EL – our conditioning history with our DL, we are reconditioning ourselves, into freedom.


Due to our habitual, mechanical DL, an unhealthy process of de-conditioning has occurred. This can be compared to an elderly person, who doesn’t walk anymore, but sits in a chair all day. Our muscles will inevitably atrophy, due to our sedentary lifestyle. Surely, such a decline can perhaps be prevented or at least somewhat reversed, if we exercise again, which would then involve a process re-conditioning. Obviously, doing a regular fitness routine, to retain or regain muscle strength, would involve repetition. 


During the transition, from being a nonverbal baby, to becoming a fully verbal human being, our first words – Mama or Papa - were celebrated by others, but, the older we get, the less reinforcement our verbal behavior receives. We were conditioned, to have DL, not EL – because nobody knew about the difference between the two, as there never really was anyone, to socially reinforce our EL –  and we could only retain our access to our EL, by means of automatic or self-reinforcement. Only if we would listen to and enjoy the sound of our voice, while we speak – in the same way, as a guitar-player enjoys to hear the sound, he or she produces, while he or she is strumming some chords on his or her instrument – do we attain the ability or skill to continue with EL.     


In every religion people repeat their scriptures, but they do not know, they repeat their DL. Unless they knowingly stop repeating their DL, they are never able to have any ongoing EL. Sometimes, they stop their DL, accidentally, but never skillfully, consciously and continuously and so, whenever their DL stops, they accidentally, momentarily step out of their repetition. They fabricate many superstitious ideas around this issue of having stopped their DL, but the repetition of these assumptions never results in truly stopping their DL. Only if we get clear about the difference between DL and EL, can we stop our DL reliably. We stop our DL only, when we realize, we want to go on with our EL. This natural preference happens by itself, as we will effortlessly choose what is best for us.    

It is necessary, enjoyable, intriguing and so relaxing to repeat to yourself, that it is really true, that you can stop your DL, that you can go on with your EL and that you can experience your Language Enlightenment (LE). It is really needed to let yourself know again and again, to counteract your own conditioning history with DL. Each time, when you say and hear what you appear to be thinking, you find out that thinking dissolves, because it was an imaginary product of your DL, in which you could not say what you wanted to say. Each time you say what you can say, you let yourself know, you are enlightened because your language makes you happy and full of delightful energy.    

Saturday, February 17, 2024




I am not an expert in astronomy, but I have read, that a black hole is a region in space time, where gravity is so strong, that nothing including light and other electromagnetic waves has enough energy to escape it. Black holes are formed by gravitational collapses of massive objects, such as stars or galaxies. I don’t find use of metaphors productive, but in the case of a black hole, I make an exception.


In this writing, I will refer to our habitual, unnatural,  unconscious way of talking – in which we produce what I call Disembodied Language (DL), in which we, as speakers, do not listen to ourselves – as a black hole. Black holes are often personified and talked about in terms of human actions, such as eating, devouring, and spewing matter. Often, black holes are depicted as predators, beasts or monsters.


Although a black hole is not really a hole, but just a metaphor, we are not very sophisticated about our use of language and this is why, many view a black hole as some mysterious space entity, which is up to no good. Perhaps, it helps to reflect on the meaning of a metaphor, as a writing or communication tool. It gets messy really quickly with metaphors, because the entire notion, that there is language inside of us and that we think, is – in and of itself – a metaphor.

To be clear, here are a couple of common metaphors, so that everyone knows why thinking is also a metaphor. Time is money. No man is an island. He had a heart of stone. Laughter is the best medicine. He was a late bloomer. Age is a state of mind. She was living in her own bubble. So, a metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. Likewise, I think therefore I am, is also a metaphor. 


We never talk about the metaphor, that we think, because our dull, insensitive DL simply doesn’t allow us to do that. We need Embodied Language (EL), to get clear about the undeniable fact, that so-called private speech – that, we can have a quiet, inner conversation, inside our head with ourselves and we are thinking about our thinking – isn’t the same as talking out loud with ourselves. In other words, metaphors, will only help us to learn, by making useful associations, as long as we are not getting completely carried away by our fantasy language.


Our DL is a black hole, because we never even talk about the immense difference between our EL and our DL, between real human interaction and the pretention or the assumption of communication. We need to have EL, to be able to talk about the great difference between DL and EL. Indeed, we have to lighten up, to get out of our dark hole of DL.


I can only laugh, if there is EL. All the amusement that is based on DL, I find utterly boring. Yes, you cannot laugh with me, because of your automatic DL, but I continue to have fun with my EL, without you. My humor doesn’t depend on your humorless way of dealing with language. Actually, I am quite comfortable laughing by myself and talking out loud with myself. While you may regard this as a sign of madness, I consider my EL as the basis of sanity.  


Make no mistake, it is you, who can’t laugh and who is insane. It is you, not me, who needs someone else to make you laugh, who is a demanding, fanatic, miserable, dissatisfied, angry problem-maker. It is you, who keeps claiming to have the solution for all the troubles, which you keep creating. Your silver bullets never hit the target they were supposed to hit. Such a great wild-west-cowboy metaphor. You are not a straight shooter and you aim at the wrong target anyway. Shooting from the hip with your DL and taking pot-shots, isn’t working, when your goal is to live a happy, fulfilling, peaceful, meaningful life.


You need to hit rock-bottom, with your inability to laugh. I will verbally do whatever I can, to help you achieve that deep level of profound understanding. I know, my humor is for me and not for you and that is why I keep rubbing it in, because it feels so good, to get this off my chest. I have no problem with you down there. By all means, be yourself and remain as you are: stupid, distracted, arrogant, superstitious, ignorant and phony. I will continue to do my thing and let you know how much fun I have, up here.


During our horrible DL, everybody always pretends to be better than or above someone else, but once we finally can have our EL, we realize, we are truly better off, than those zealous morons, who imagine themselves to be superior to others. I am not in any kind of hole, financially or psychologically. My life is a thorn in your eye and my scornful voice hurts your ears, as I am not bound by your rules of seriousness and denial. I can say what I want to say, that is why I say what makes me laugh, as I can see, you are still trying to run away, while you are already in a hole.


You are not as special as you believe yourself to be, and you are afraid of being exposed for your lies. It is funny, to hear you tremble. You know as well as I do, you can’t even keep up with any of your own tragic, repetitive sob-stories. I’m not listening to you, so you have the chance to listen to yourself, but I also just don’t want to hear your DL. I don’t look at you, as I don’t like to look at you. I don’t talk with you, because I have much better things to do.  


You are deserving of my rejection. I have such great fun condemning you, while I am moving further and further away from you. I am out of reach. You are on your own – without me – inevitably lost, unhinged and confused. You have never acknowledged, when I was still around you, I gave you comfort, I accepted you, I didn’t force anything on you, but now that I’m gone, you must admit, you are a mess, as you are no longer able to put me down. How is it going for you, down there? Having any fun yet? Yes, I am up here.


You put yourself above me, a million times, because I was open to you and honest with you. You put me down so often, but how do you feel now, that I am laughing at you? Your deceitfulness is hilarious and isn’t getting you anywhere. I feel so vindicated where I am, because my EL guides every step I take, but you keep digging yourself deeper and deeper into the hole, you are in, because of your forceful DL. Go ahead. You are doing great, keep on digging, you are getting deep now. How could I write or say this, if I wasn’t standing – metaphorically – next to your dark hole and giving you my loud instructions?


You need encouragement, to finish the job. You’ve got to go so deep, that when you look up, you can see the bottom. Hahaha, stop complaining, get on with it. This is what you wanted. This is what you are good at. This is who you are. This is your life’s purpose and you are almost there. Don’t slow down, don’t give up and dig this grave, you feel so entitled to. You have put so much effort and time into it. Nobody could stop you. You have definitely made your point, somewhere, down there. Bye.  

Friday, February 16, 2024




When you have found your own truth, because you have acquired self-knowledge – with your Embodied Language (EL) – of course, you are right. Moreover, you want to be right, even if no one believes you. It is total nonsense, that self-realized or enlightened people don’t want to be right or, that for them, being right, presumably doesn’t matter. I say with 100% certainty, that anyone who speaks or writes about the truth, consciousness, meditation or self-knowledge, but can’t even explain the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and EL, is always someone, who is verbally coercing others into accepting, he or she is right. They don’t know what the hell they are talking about, as they can’t handle the real self-knowledge, which can only be acquired with their ongoing EL.


Anyone who has ever talked with me, knows very well, that I am right. The fact, that they don’t want to admit it, is their problem. They rather go to fake people, who tell them what to do, so that they can go on imagining, they are living in la-la-land. You are damn right, that I am right, and that I am not hiding my truth. However, I don’t speak truth to power, as that would be a waste of my time. I speak my truth to myself and that is all I do. I am my own authority.


I’ve heard and read so often, that if a person wants to be right, or insists, that he or she is right, this is a sure sign, they are ignorant, because – according to all the wise and well-meaning gurus – someone who claims to be enlightened, cannot be enlightened. It is so incredibly stupid, as all of these creepy, holy people, sneakily keep asserting their own, presumably, humble, but always boring, lifeless verbiage. Only someone like me – who is so convinced, he is right, that he audaciously accuses all the world’s religious leaders, their so-called religions, and their psychologically sleepy, fanatic followers of being full of shit – who is never ever allowed to be right. Someone like me, with real self-knowledge, is always ignored and refused.  This is why we engage, as we have done since time memorial, in DL and create more chaos and conflict.


I have discovered the difference between DL and EL, but my self-knowledge is taboo for anyone who has DL. Nothing changes the fact that I am right, as I deal with my language correctly, while everyone with DL, unknowingly, engages incorrectly with their language. I always have positive consequences of my EL, but with DL, we always experience negative consequences. The fact that everyone with their DL always keeps denying this, only makes things worse.


It is very easy to ignore me and, most likely, even if you read and understand this or listen to and watch you my You Tube videos, you will still continue to do what you have always done. I know this, because I have found out about my Language Enlightenment (LE) with my ongoing EL. I want everyone who reads this to know, I am right. Everyone who continues with DL is completely in the dark about themselves, because of how they deal with their language. My being right, is not about convincing anyone, but about my being. There is no need to convince anyone, as you are here with me, right now, whether you like it or not. You read this and you understand these words.


You need to convince yourself, you can – and you should – stop your own problematic DL and engage in intelligent EL. I am right, you must do for yourself, what no one can do for someone else. I am right, being busy with someone else, is a waste of your time and energy. You have your family, your social network of friends and colleagues, your community you imagine belonging to or being obliged to, your team, your religion, your professional and political affiliation, but you are never just verbally busy only with yourself. You cannot be, because your dull DL wouldn’t let you. You are not free and when you talk about freedom, you get stuck in your DL, which is a group-behavior, that denigrates your individuality.


It has been said, many times – one wonders why? Oh, I get it, it was always said with DL – man exists for and in himself alone and that his highest end is self-knowledge and self-realization in conformity with the dictates of his reason, apart altogether from the state and society. Yes, yes, yes, bla, bla, bla, and, Plato said, in 399 BC, an unobserved life isn’t worth living, yet millions of people have kept on living like that, with automatic, unconscious DL.


The absence of self-knowledge and of the absolute certainty that we are right, underlies many of our weaknesses and problems. We have endlessly tried to fix or improve on our so-called blind-spots, but the difference between DL and EL isn’t a matter of observing something that is visible, but of hearing something that we didn’t listen to. We have never listened to ourselves, as we were all conditioned, to listen to others or to make others listen to us. During DL, listening, means listening to someone else, and, therefore, we continue to lack any self-knowledge.


Anyone who, like me, can have ongoing EL, is not only against DL, but he or she is also against all the group-behavior, which was created and maintained by our unaddressed involvement in DL. So, yes, I am right, because I am conscious of the self-defeating behavior everyone is involved in. I am not trying to get people involved in EL – I admit, I have done that, but I no longer do that – but everyone with their DL, keeps trying to get me involved in their DL. I hate DL and I despise everyone, who is pushing their agenda on me and on others. I don’t have any agenda and my EL shows what matters, each time I engage in it.


When I don’t engage in EL, I am nowhere or rather, I am now-here, without language. This absence of my language is my presence. I’m as fine without my EL as with it. I like to go wherever my EL takes me and my silence isn’t some future ideal, but my everyday reality of how I deal with my language. I am proud of what I’ve achieved, as I’ve abandoned everything and everyone that relates to idiotic DL. Surely, it is very significant that hardly anybody reads my blog, watches my videos or talks with me about the importance of EL, the language of self-knowledge, which, whether we are willing to admit it or not or conscious or not, of course, applies to everyone.


Many people talk these days about nonduality and have latched onto what is known in India as Advaita. This ancient philosophy identifies the individual self or atman, with the ground of reality or brahman. Supposedly, we gain self-knowledge, by studying this rotten old doctrine, which is said to take us from duality into unity. Nothing is further from the truth, as the difference between our DL and EL is never talked about. Therefore, these overrated, mystical, Vedic scriptures, like any other writing, are of course, a product of our cross-cultural, dumb DL. Indeed, all writing, which is considered to be more important than speaking, is a stand-in-the-way to our EL. In EL, duality is not an issue and neither is our listening. We make a big deal of these matters, due to our DL.


Our lack of attention for our own spoken language – by listening to ourselves while we speak – shows us,  how constantly distracted we are, by everything that is competing for our attention. Luckily, I gave up on this dreadful struggle, to get anyone’s attention for EL. I am no longer sad or disappointed about it, that almost nobody cares about their EL. Actually, I am very happy and relieved, that I no longer care whether you will ever be able to have EL with me. It was a great burden, I have carried for very long. Yet, I still like to be more emphatic about the undeniable fact, that I know something nobody knows or even wants to know. Go ahead and quote me on that. I write and speak about my own self-knowledge, which could only be acquired with my own ongoing EL.


You waste your time, energy and money on people, who don’t know themselves, let alone others. You can only acquire self-knowledge, if you speak with yourself and tell yourself, what is going on with you. I don’t tell you what you need to tell yourself. I am not into any debates, discussions or even so-called dialogues. I have found, to my own astonishment and great disbelief, that none of our well-intended efforts, to really communicate with one another, have ever resulted in our ongoing EL.


You either stop your own DL and, then, you can talk with me and have EL with me or you continue doing what you have been doing and things will – as they always do with DL – get worse and worse, although you will try to do everything you can, to prove to yourself and to others, that you are doing fantastic. Perhaps, you even succeed in fooling others, but if you read this, you will have to admit, that you have  never succeeded in fooling yourself. There really is this possibility of genuine self-knowledge, but you haven’t discovered, experienced or explored it yet. You still have a chance, as long as you are alive. You can do it right now and acknowledge that I am right. However, the great difference between your DL and your EL has nothing to do with working on yourself. You will only continue with your EL, if you enjoy it.


If you weren’t seeking self-knowledge, you wouldn’t be reading this. Yet, this text or what I or someone else is saying, cannot give you self-knowledge, as you need to tell yourself – with your EL – what you know and what you don’t know. Self-knowledge is like EL, you either have it or you don’t. When you have it, you know that you have it and if believe that you don’t have self-knowledge or that you only have limited self-knowledge, this simply means, that you are still engaging in DL. In EL, your self-knowledge is unlimited and constantly renewing itself. There is no such thing as wrong self-knowledge. You were never having any self-knowledge in the first place, if your self-knowledge turned out to be completely bogus. And, this is the situation you are in, due to your DL.


When you have had EL, you will have expressed your self-knowledge and, then – only then – can you sit in contentment and be empty. As I have stated in my other writings, this has nothing to do with meditation – which is an outdated construct – as this is an entirely different process of, first, having been busy with language and, then, being without any language. The immaculate silence and peace, we are experiencing, is a product of our EL. As we stabilize in EL, we are aware of our LE, our presence, which is there, while we are having EL and which continues, after we are we are done with our EL.  

Thursday, February 15, 2024




During our habitual, unconscious Disembodied Language (DL), we are constantly acting out our own as well as each other’s conditioning history. In other words, we expect ourselves and each other, to have DL. Due to that expectation, our DL never really stops, because we remain fearful of what happens, when we don’t do as we were told and have learned to instruct ourselves. The word expectation has its origin in Latin, ex-spectare, to await, look out for, desire, hope, long for or anticipate; look for with anticipation; from ex, thoroughly, + spectare, to look; specere, to look at; the root, spek, to observe.


A big belly shows that a woman is expecting a baby. However, in hierarchical DL, domineering speakers expect much more, than only something to see, as they demand to hear the listener’s subservience. In the case of a stand-up comedian, a speaker expects an audience to laugh; in the case of an adulterating prince, who got promoted to be king, people must bow, and say, your highness; and, in the case of the perverted, child-licking – yak – oh so very kind Dalai Lama, humble, meditative people say, your holiness.


In a previous awkward attempt, to pander to the black vote, Biden said something, I find hilariously cringeworthy and racist, in an interview with Lenard Larry McKelvey, who is a radio host, TV personality and comedian, who professionally calls himself Charlamagne tha God. I guess that ridiculous name is meant to demand respect and you are supposed to feel really impressed. However, not fuddy-duddy Biden. Nobody on the left has ever called him out on his bullshit, but Biden condescendingly said: I’ll tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you are for me or for Trump, then you ain’t black. I hope his expectation, to get more votes fails, as his horrible administration finds illegal migrants more important than any minority group, blacks included. The American people have the expectation of their president, to close the border and keep us safe. It is my expectation, that Biden is going to be voted out.      


During DL, we can never say to other people what we want to say and, therefore, everyone constantly talks behind each other’s back. People still talk, but not with those, who are supposedly more important than them. Shit always rolls downhill, so we only talk with those, who tolerate us, so-called friends, our family, those we expect not to betray us. We all know – even though we don’t know about the difference between DL and Embodied Language (EL) – even those who are close to us, put themselves above us and try to get away with their pretentions, intimidations and defensiveness. Basically, in DL, we are all at war with each other and ourselves and we are not having any expectation, it will ever change.


Once you have tasted the difference between your DL and your EL, you have a different expectation. In DL, all your expectations were frustrating, because you were never correctly predicting your happiness, but during EL, your expectation comes through. You experience more and more positive consequences of all the behavior which is under control of your EL. In other words, in DL expectation is a bad thing, but in EL, it is the name of the game and things just keep getting better. Surely, EL defies all expectation.


When you know, that you can have EL, you will have a very different expectation, than everyone who has DL. You expect others to have EL with you, because you don’t want to have any DL anymore. In other words, you want an audience, who is like you and who responds to your verbal behavior, in the same way, that you respond to it yourself. Ideally, this is the case, that is why – generally speaking – when we speak the same language, we understand each other. Although we speak the same language, we still don’t understand each other, because we don’t know, we engage in DL. Actually, in DL, we pretend to understand each other and know our place, but the underlying expectation is, to do as we are told.


When people say to each other, that you shouldn’t have any expectations, they basically mean to say, that in DL, you only get what you, supposedly, really want, if you demand it. Only those speakers, who impress, and, therefore, dominate their audience – which, obviously, isn’t allowed to speak – will win the battle for attention. This is why, during our usual way of talking, only a few speakers, do the talking, because there is no turn-taking in DL. In EL, on the other hand, speakers become listeners and listeners become speakers fluidly and without any rules.


I used to be sad, frustrated and dissatisfied about the fact that nobody would have EL with me, but my understanding about the difference between DL and EL has continued to evolve. There is nothing wrong with the expectation of others, to have EL with me – and, I would even say, it is necessary – but, similarly to speaking the same language, such an expectation only works with those, who know the same EL, but it doesn’t work for those, who only know about DL. I expect them to have their stupid, insensitive, phony, sentimental, competitive, mechanical DL. Surely, my expectation now doesn’t bother me, as I am correct, because with DL, people will always continue with their attention-demanding, needy, superficial crap.


I was at the Open Mike last night and played a peaceful melody on my recorder. Since I had not been there for many months, people seemed to have noticed my absence. In the past, I shared with others, I write this blog about EL and my Language Enlightenment (LE) and I post videos on You Tube, but this time, I didn’t even try to talk with anyone. Although I was kindly welcomed back, nobody came to talk with me about EL, because they are all stuck in pretentious DL. Luckily, I was one of the first to perform. While I was playing my tune, I felt aware, I would like to have an audience, who hears, like I can hear myself and for a brief moment, it even seemed as if this audience was present, but then, disturbing noises were heard, as people couldn’t listen. Only those who have listened to themselves, can listen to others. Those who engage in DL, don’t listen to themselves and their so-called listening to others is, from my perspective, a form of lying and disrespect. Everything was exactly as I had expected it to be. I realized, why I hadn’t gone there anymore. I felt so relieved, to leave that crowd and to go home early.  


While I was young, I travelled to Italy, Greece, Israel and Egypt. My expectation was to find something meaningful about the root of Western civilization, but all I found, was a bunch of ruins and museums, which upon visiting, didn’t interest me very much. While I met many friendly people, the majority was hopelessly stuck in their cultural identity and unable to comprehend, there exists a reality beyond what they were used to. I searched for my true self, but also this expectation went up in smoke. With my DL, I was never able to find what I was looking for, but with EL, I’ve stopped looking, as everything became clear. Expectation is such loaded word, because it is true for everyone with DL, that our childish wishes don’t come true. When we grow up and can finally engage in ongoing EL, we laugh about our LE, which makes us always expect and achieve the very best.     

Wednesday, February 14, 2024




Whenever we are talking about what we are supposedly thinking, we are, without realizing this, always only just talking about our way of talking. This is not some word game, but this is a very serious issue. Since there are no thoughts, words, sentences, concepts, theories, pictures, narratives or ideas, inside of our heads, but only, approximately, 86 billion neurons and 40 different kinds of neurotransmitters, it should be clear to anyone – who has a rudimentary notion of neuroscience – that whatever we say about our so-called mind, is merely just that: talk. Thus, when we stop talking about our mind, there simply is no mind.


In the same way, that we can all agree, the world is round, not flat, and 2+2=4, not 5 or 3, we should all  be able to agree with each other, it is due to our usual, accepted, unconscious, effortful, negative, unnatural Disembodied Language (DL), we never talk about the far-reaching, profoundly problematic implications and consequences of the irrefutable fact, that our language doesn’t exist inside of us.


When someone is cancelled from a social media platform, it is not because of what that person is thinking, but because of what he or she was saying and what other people don’t want us to hear or because of what he or she was writing and what others don’t want us to read. I read somewhere, that Kevin Newsome, the governor of California, was saying that Trump is dominating the narrative, but aren’t all politicians always trying to do exactly the same? Newsome urged his fellow Democrats to become more aggressive and he even insisted, that the Democrats are justified to do so, as they have all the facts on their side. What is described here is the battle for attention, which is the main characteristic of DL, our adversarial way of talking, which creates and exploits the illusion of thinking, inner language, so-called private speech or our overrated mind.


Only when someone is talking, can we hear what someone is saying and only when something is written, can we read what someone has written. Moreover, only when we say something ourselves, can we hear ourselves and only if we have written something – to or for ourselves – can we read and understand what we have written about ourselves. Certainly, we can also write and read about what we as well as others have said or written and, thus, we can instruct ourselves or each other, about how our language – that is, how our way of talking – either sets the stage for desirable or undesirable behavior.


Due to our almost permanent, automatic, reactive, unintelligent involvement in DL, our way of talking is such, that the gigantic difference between our DL and our Embodied Language (EL) is never properly addressed. Surely, we have tried to address it, but we never succeeded, as it was impossible for us to talk with DL about our DL. Whenever we did that, as the example of the windbag Kevin Newsom illustrates, our DL got even more insidious, and, obviously, this led to all the chaos and conflict in our world today. Certainly, we have created the reality as it is, with the way in which we are talking with each other.


There is only going to be any significant progress in human relationship, when we begin to talk with EL about our DL, as only such a way of talking will allow us to stop our DL, because we can finally recognize and fully acknowledge, how terribly destructive and problematic our DL is. However, as of yet, we cannot and do not stop our DL, as we haven’t acquired the EL, that is necessary to address it, let alone, stop it.


I am the only one, who can talk about DL, because I have the EL to do it. When you listen to my You Tube videos – just type my name Maximus Peperkamp and you will find it – you can’t miss the undeniable truth, that my lively, sensitive, funny, energizing, insightful, positive, knowledgeable, surprising way of talking is completely different from your boring, draining, demanding, scripted, dominating, dumb, bombastic, coercive, pretentious way of talking.


Whenever you are truly excited about something, you just can’t stop talking about it. This is why I talk about my EL every day. Anyone, who would know about the enormous difference between their own DL and their EL, would also be as excited as I am and they wouldn’t want stop talking about their EL either, because it is so valuable and so meaningful.


I want the reader to know, with this writing, it is crucially important to stop doing what you consider to be your duty and to start talking. However, you need to talk with yourself, instead of with others. It is only when you listen to yourself, while you speak, that you realize, you were forcing yourself to do all sort of things, which you didn’t even want to do, but you did them anyway, as you are used to acting out of your conditioning with DL. In DL, we are told to stop talking and to do our duty, but in EL, begin to talk with ourselves and we begin to realize, that we want to do something else than what we were told.


When you will have EL instead of DL, you will say to yourself: now you are talking. In EL, you will be able to say things, which you were never able to say to others. Furthermore, you can say whatever you want to say and are capable of saying, to yourself. Your EL makes you quiet, peaceful and joyful. Whatever confused, worried, stressed, depressing, frustrated, irritable or distracting thoughts you believed to be having, will be totally gone. As your EL continues, talking with yourself makes you happy and, of course, you want to talk with others in the way you talk with yourself.


If you have read my text this far and you still seem to be thinking, that you are thinking, I want you to say it out loud, to yourself and to listen to how you sound. Now ask yourself, do you like to hear that? I bet you don’t like it and you shouldn’t, because you are listening to your dreadful, distrustful, defensive, fearful, arrogant, repetitive, hostile, miserable DL. I am not making this up and neither are you. If you can agree with me – just for this once – your DL will stop and then, your EL will be possible. If you let your EL continue, you will begin to sense your Language Enlightenment (LE), which is expressed by your EL.


You will be joking and having so much fun talking out loud with yourself, because you’re finally talking sense to yourself. Yes, this is more important than talking with others and again being stuck in your DL, because this is how you will acquire your EL. It is because you stop listening to what others are saying and it is because you are speaking – with yourself – that you can hear, experience and enjoy yourself talking. It isn’t weird to talk out loud with yourself, but it is the very basis of your sanity. And, you need to say it, to hear it: that’s why I’m talking to you.