Monday, May 13, 2024


Two writings from AnnaMieke, 

Below are two beautiful writings translated from Dutch, written by my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, with whom I have weekly conversations about our Embodied Language (EL) and our Language Enlightenment (LE) on Skype. Come and join us. We would love that. Email me at My skype name is limbicease. AnnaMieke writes and speaks in Dutch on Stiller Ervaren. (  and has many fabulous, fascinating, fantastic videos on her You Tube Channel: Luisterend Spreken.   


Portal of Silence.


Portal of silence that I find myself in, where the entrance to all my writing and speaking is located and I can notice what a silence can do when I stand still in the moment of experience and my voice that I have, as a cast reflection of myself can take me along, into the space I create, that walking through the portal, find reassurance in my calmness of speaking, in the flow I am in and invites me to write or speak about this in my language came into existence. Where the value of my life is placed in a link, which remains the clue in the portal of silence, to dare to take that step, to listen to yourself, to experience that your own voice demands it, to know that wearing so many other things no longer suits you. Who, under the assumption of experiencing who you really are, has been waiting for so long for the permission you give, to see what the portal of silence can bring you in life experiencing your own voice. Where embodiment can come again and let arise in what comes. The entrance that I have found in the silence that I have, in being able to experience that in every conversation, wisdom can unfold, my flow of experience can be established from the silence that I have discovered. To then be able to speak and write in the creation that this morning while I was walking I saw a stork standing and was reminded of a birth that I know well and could draw to me as very symbolic and then saw that the portal of silence showed me that this will be the entrance to speaking and writing from my language. Where my silence can be found in being able to be silent and not wanting anything else than where I am now. I walked further and saw a turtle he got lost and crossed on a busy road, where a very friendly girl picked up the turtle and put him on the other side. I was able to look at him for that little head that I saw, but when I started talking to the turtle, I saw how he stood listening to my voice and then came out and wanted to walk in the beautiful rhythm it had, in the fleetingness of the experience and that I felt how adventurous his sudden appearance brought me back to the calm and rhythm that I saw how the turtle showed itself. In the end, someone took it who had room for it, and I continued walking in the experiences I had and felt so happy in what this morning brought me again, in what I remain telling from the portal of silence, which remains in the new movement, but also continuing to feel the invitation to direct myself to the other and take you to the portal of silence, which is ultimately possible for everyone, and there you could find your own silence in order to make the attempts in the steps you take, to experience your own silence, in speaking to yourself and find your own portal there, where in your own silence you are always told how you would experience can land as you create.




What the individuality of understanding has taken the form of the sound that I create myself, that in my wildest dreams, the sun shines again, can greet the trees as if they were my family and let mother earth feel the tingle in the steps that I take. I put what happened to me into listening to myself. There is no similarity to be drawn in sharing on my blog or speaking as it wants to unfold, where the rhythm I feel has softened, in the readiness of my language, which so improbably no longer wants to have a similarity, than to let it arise in every moment of sharing. The layers of being in the realm of rarity, where the ergo in sounding seems no different than the wings that a bird has, than the moon is more beautiful to experience if I pay attention . My day can also start as I am writing now. No longer being crushed in what I do not know, but in the confidence in who I am, being able to look further for a single reason, that in my world there is no struggle or pleasure, or a distorted opinion, where manipulation always lies. But I can remain in my own conviction, in the value of experiencing, always put it in the foreground and always stand still, in every moment, where my beauty can arise. That the opportunity I take to tell myself and then see that my individuality has shifted to an area where my silence wants to blossom and can go along with the waving of the reeds, which in the whole of interpretation tells nothing else that I am investigating what my silence tells. It is the atmosphere that I taste of daring to experience, what silence can do to me and can present as a revelation, in speaking to myself and sitting still, no words can find more, but to experience what it feels like, what my silence now tells. Being equal and feeling one as nature can show and bending towards all the flowers that open in front of my face, in the colorful reception in my do it every day, that in the simplicity of my experience I can do this every day. My individuality in writing, but also in my speaking, where my language is the foundation, where my experience of my silence continues and can show that there is is more than what I can describe and meets my loving silence there. I rub my hair and feel on my face that the traces of some wrinkles mean little to me anymore. Because the silence I feel has a different focus than it shows in the individuality I find, daring to be as I am, in my individuality of sharing and being able to show that nothing is too crazy for me to describe from the silence that I have.



Ook al ontdekte ik het toen ik ongeveer twintig was, ik ben er nog steeds aan het wennen, dat ik Belichaamde Taal (BT) kan hebben en dat mijn voortgaande BT mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) is. Je zou ook kunnen zeggen, dat ik nog steeds niet helemaal ben opgelost en dat dat laatste restje schijnbaar wacht totdat ik dood zal gaan. Toch voel ik mij zielsgelukkig – ook al geloof ik niet in het hebben van een ziel – en is, dat ik, af en toe, Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) kan hebben, een dankbare herinnering, aan hoe ik ben gekomen tot waar ik nu ben. De positieve veranderingen blijven zich maar aandienen en in het heerlijke leven dat ik leef, wordt alles als maar beter.


Ik moet er vooral nog steeds aan wennen, dat ik echt zo’n liefdevol iemand ben, die ondanks al de liefdeloosheid, zichzelf al vijfenzestig jaar lang heeft weten staande te houden. Vanwege de liefde, die ik ervaar met mijn vrouw, Bonnie, ben ik niet gek, maar verlicht geworden. En, er is een iemand, AnnaMieke, mijn dierbare Nederlandse vriendin, die net als ik, met zichzelf spreekt en waarmee ik wekelijks praat over EL en onze TV. Vroeger hadden wij beiden nog een hoop drama, maar nu is dat opgelost of lost het zich alsnog op, in het schrijven op onze blog en in het praten met  onszelf, zoals ik hier doe in deze tekst of op mijn You Tube videos. Ik ben werkelijk zo verguld als een onbetaalbaar Rembrandt-schilderij en voel hierin ook iets oer-Hollands, maar apprecieer ook het levendige kleuren-spel van Vincent van Gogh. Omdat ik veel naar mezelf heb geluisterd, kan ik zoveel zien en daarvan genieten. Er was een tijd, waarin ik Russische classieke muziek ontdekte, waardoor mijn verdriet kon stromen.


Ook kan ik er nog steeds niet aan wennen, dat er verder niemand echt geinteresseerd is in het stoppen van hun eigen OT en in het hebben van BT. Waarschijnlijk weiger ik het gewoon te geloven. Indien een iemand zoals ik – die zich, zo droevig, ontevreden, afgewezen en miskend  heeft gevoeld – het wist klaar te spelen, op te houden, om bezig te blijven met alle ellende, die door OT werd veroorzaakt, om voort te gaan met zijn eigen BT, en om, tot grote verbazing, te bemerken, dat de weldaad van zijn BT alsmaar blijft toenemen, dan zou dat toch voor iedereen mogelijk moeten zijn? Voor mijzelf heb ik gelijk. 


De veel-gehoorde uitspraak, dat we er wel nog even aan moeten wennen, heeft, vanwege onze OT, dat nare woordje moeten erbij gevoegd. In BT is er echter geen enkele sprake van moeten. We mogen en kunnen er dus aan wennen, dat de soep echt nooit zo heet wordt gegeten als hij wordt opgediend. Het geduldig laten afkoelen van onze heet-gebakerde OT is van enorm groot belang. Het bakeren bestond onder meer in het warmen van de zuigelingen bij het vuur. Kwam men daar nu te dicht bij, dan werd het kind te heet gebakerd, prikkelbaar of ondoordacht van natuur. Ik ben, grappig-genoeg schijnbaar, nog steeds aan het wennen, dat ik geboren ben. Het vuur is echter natuurlijk de OT, die ons omringd.


Men verweet mij vroeger heel vaak, dat ik toch niet zo heet gebakerd zou moeten zijn, maar ik heb, tot op nu – omdat ik zojuist de oorsprong opzocht op – nooit geweten wat het nou eigenlijk betekende. Men heeft het er ook wel over, dat het babietje te stijf werd ingebakerd, waardoor deze lastig of rumoerig werd. Deze uitdrukking wint aan beeldende kracht, wanneer men haar volledig hoort in de Klucht van Lichte Wigger, waar iemand tot een ander zegt: jou moer heit je te heet ghebakert voor een eicken vier. Daar ziet men een moeder of kraembewaerster met het kind op schoot, gezeten in de bakermat, over de grote schouw, waaronder eikeblokjes vlammen en knetteren.


Ik ben er ineens weer aan herinnerd, dat mijn moeder mij, vlak voor mijn emigratie naar de Verenigde Staten, ineens apart nam, omdat ze mij nog iets wilde vertellen, waarover ze nooit eerder met mij had gesproken. Ik voelde me meteen gealarmeerd. Ze liet ze me weten, dat de opgewekte, vaak-zingende, verloskundige – die eveneens haar dierbare vriendin was en die haar al eerder heel goed had geholpen, met de thuis-geboorte van mijn twee oudere zussen – daags voor mijn geboorte in een auto-ongeluk was overleden. Mijn moeder was dus in rouw toen ik was geboren en onophoudelijk huilde. De vreemde, plaatsvervangende, vroedvrouw, was een ongeduldige, sigaret-rokende, jonge, onervaren vrouw. Mijn moeder had het gevoel, dat ik door die droevige omstandigheid, waarin ik ter wereld was gekomen, was bepaald in mijn levenslot en we huilden hierover allebei…


Mijn hele lang leven al, ben ik aan het wennen, om niet weer van de kaart te raken over de OT, waarin ik was opgegroeid. Ofschoon, ik ook zelf heel wat heb afgeschreeuwd, heb ik altijd een enorme prijs betaald, voor mijn deelname aan DL. Omdat mijn overheersende vader, met zijn straffende geschreeuw, aan iedereen zijn wil oplegde, was er veel ruzie in de familie waarin ik opgroeide. Ik was als kind altijd buiten, om hieraan te kunnen ontkomen. Er waren ook wel mooie momenten, waarin iedereen goed met elkaar was, maar dat was altijd van korte duur.


Ik weet van de gedragsleer, dat als men in een situatie opgroeit – waaruit als kind niet valt te ontsnappen – vindt er een soort gewenning of gewoonte-vorming plaast, waarin het individu overleeft door zich aan te passen. Dit gaat altijd onvermijdelijk gepaard met de ontwikkeling van  neurotisch gedrag. In het ergste geval heeft dit als traumatisch gevolg, dat het zenuwgestel zich zo ontwikkeld, dat een onveilige omgeving als normaal wordt ervaren en een veilige omgeving als abnormaal. Dit heeft voor mij betekend, dat ik – ofschoon ik het verschil tussen OT en BT al had ontdekt – het toch niet kon geloven, dat het mogelijk was om met BT verder te gaan. Ik ben daaraan dus nog steeds aan het wennen.


Het klinkt misschien ongelovelijk, maar, ook al is iedereen, overal ter wereld, geconditioneerd om OT te hebben, toch kan en wil men er maar niet aan wennen, omdat BT niet alleen mogelijk is, maar hoognodig is. BT is natuurlijk, moeiteloos, vanzelf-sprekend, maar OT is dwangmatig, onnatuurlijk en energie-verslindend. Ongemerkt smachten we allemaal om eindelijk BT te kunnen hebben. We doen allemaal wel net alsof OT heel normaal is, maar als wij de keus zouden hebben, om te kiezen tussen OT of BT, kiezen we steevast BT. Mijn schrijven op deze blog en mijn spreken op mijn You Tube kanalen 1) Maximus Peperkamp en 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw, is om de lezer of luisteraar eraan te laten wennen, dat onze gebruikelijke wijze van spreken – DL – dus eigenlijk abnormaal en zeer problematisch is.

Sunday, May 12, 2024



Famous people – like Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Satguru, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Osho, Ramanana Maharshi, Gautama Buddha, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, B.K.S. Iyengar, Thich Nhat Hahn, Alan Watts, Mahatma Gandhi, Lao Tzu, Joel Osteen, Henry David Thoreau, Mother Teresa, Wayne Dyer, Ophra Winfrey, Paramahansa Yogananda, Jim Carrey, Byron Katie – often feel the urge, to make a big deal about being in the here and now. They are with many more, than thirteen in a dozen. I’ve lost counting. Interestingly, none of them have ever spoken about the great difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL). Anyone who talks about being in the here and now without mentioning, that we must first stop our DL, so that we can have EL, doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.


All so-called wisdom, mankind has accumulated in books, laws, videos, podcasts, courses, blogs, seminars, stories, songs, poems or other works of art, hasn’t led to acknowledgement of the DL/EL distinction. Consequently, our highly problematic DL, in which we, as speakers, don’t listen to ourselves, has continued unabated. Day by day, it becomes more painfully obvious, when it comes to talking, listening, interacting, communicating, we are hopelessly stuck. Our problems aren’t addressed, let alone solved. We live on a ticking time-bomb. Any moment, we may explode again. Yes, there’s nothing new going on, as our usual way of talking has always escalated in another outburst of war and chaos.


Anyone can have access to this writing. Anyone can have access to me and talk with me about the difference between DL and EL, but nobody seems to want to admit, that what I say is true. I have done what it takes, to be able to continue with my EL and that is why I can express my Language Enlightenment (LE). Only someone, like me, is able to speak and write, coherently, about the devastating DL, that everyone is unconsciously busy with, no matter how diverse, inclusive, equitable, spiritual, meditative or mindful, they believe or claim to be. We keep being busy with meaningless nonsense, because we can’t talk.


I tremendously enjoy myself, but this doesn’t mean, that I don’t hear and see, how everyone is going insane. I am not someone shouting in the desert. If you happen to read this, you must know, your DL is ruining your life, as well as the lives of the people you say you care about. You lie on a permanent basis, as your DL doesn’t allow you to be truthful. The only way for you, to get back on track with yourself, is to talk out loud with yourself and to listen to the sound of your own voice. Only then, you will be able to hear the difference between your DL and EL. I didn’t invent the DL/EL distinction, but I discovered it. Many people have unsuccessfully tried to address EL.


Your EL can only be addressed with your EL and my EL or anyone else’s EL, isn’t going to be any good to you, unless you can get to your own EL. Since you don’t know the difference between your own DL and your own EL, you are in vain trying to address your DL with your DL. As long as you are trying to do that, you are shooting yourself in the foot. DL is utterly self-defeating. Regardless of how, presumably, successful you are, you are tormented by what you call your mind, the inevitable fantasy of inner language, which occurs due to your frustrating, dull, unconscious DL.


Surely, your DL can only be properly addressed with your ongoing EL, in which you listen to the sound of your own voice, while you speak. You haven’t done this. Rather than admitting this, you keep asking questions – to yourself and to others – to avoid doing what needs to be done. When you really listen to yourself, you are not asking any questions, as you are simply talking. Of course, there is no inner you, as a speaker, who speaks, with the inner you, as a listener, as there is only the act of listening while you speak or speaking, while you simultaneously listen.


The speaker is the listener and the other is you. Of course, these are merely some simple words, to address the conundrum of our common way of talking – DL – in which listening to others or making others listen to us, is more important than listening to ourselves. We never listen to ourselves in DL and we are disconnected from our own experience. Unintelligent, automatic, coercive, unnatural, intimidating, superficial, effortful, awful-sounding, dissociative speech continues to waste your time and energy.


I write this because I want to and I always like what I say. Nobody can say it as I do, because I have EL. What everyone says is meaningless to me, because they engage in DL. I stand alone and I challenge everyone to talk with me. It is disgusting, that people demand money, just for some talking. Therapy or psychiatry is a phony enterprise. All professional speaking is a joke. None of them know anything about the DL/EL distinction. I don’t ask anything from anyone but invite everyone to explore their EL with me.


I already have what I want, that is why I don’t engage anymore in your needy, demanding DL. I withdraw from your fake-conversations, which are harmful and inevitably escalating into violence. I am fine on my own with my EL. I know exactly what I want, and I have it, every day. I hear in the sound of your voice, that you are unhappy, dissatisfied, distracted, defensive and deluded. If you talk with me, all that will change. You’ll be surprised, how soon you’ll be done with DL and enjoy your EL, which reveals your LE. This is what you must do now. Go to skype and contact me. 

My skype name is limbicease. I chose that name, when I took a class in neuroscience. The limbic system is a group of structures in your brain that regulate your emotion, behavior, motivation and memory. It is also known as the emotional nervous system, because it connects your physical and emotional wellbeing. With EL, you induce the regulation of your autonomic nervous system. My skype name is limbicease, because with EL your limbic system is at ease. You can also check out my two You Tube Channels: Maximus Peperkamp or maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw   

Saturday, May 11, 2024



Talk about love is nonsense without Embodied Language (EL). You can hear it in someone’s voice, if there is love or not. We engage, unknowingly, in Disembodied Language (DL) and, therefore, our language doesn’t match with the experience of love. As long as we go on with DL, we can’t love and keep failing at expressing what should be considered as the most important experience of our lives. Although everyone can hear the great difference between DL and EL, due to DL, we don’t pay close enough attention to the sound of our voice, to recognize the sound of love. 


When we have ongoing EL, there is no need at all to say: I love you. Our love is not expressed by loving words, but by our loving sounds. Loving words are meaningless, when spoken with the sound of stress, anxiety, fear, confusion, distraction, sadness or hype. In DL we, unconsciously, sound negative and that is why we try to say, supposedly, loving things.


From the previous paragraph, the three main reasons, why we don’t listen to ourselves, when we engage in DL, are very clear. 1) In the name of love, we speak, presumably, loving words, to the loved one. However, due to our outward orientation, we want the other to listen to us, but we are not listening to ourselves. We direct all our attention to the other. This is why people speak about losing themselves in love. Also, we do everything, to get the attention from the person we, supposedly, love. 2) During DL, we struggle to get the listener’s attention. And this struggle prevents us from listening to ourselves. In DL, we are, unknowingly, always experiencing many negative emotions. We struggle to come across in a positive manner, but we are conflicted, between how we perceive ourselves and how the person we love might see us. 3) Although we speak poetic words of love, we are fearful of being rejected. We try to find the right words and are endlessly obsessing about every word that is being said. This verbal fixation prevents us from listening to ourselves. The worst thing is, that we are trying to sound loving. In EL, we don’t try to sound loving, but we sound loving.


People become a couple, or they marry, because they love each other. However, in DL everything is always about love for each other, but in EL we are able to talk about love for ourselves. Due to our EL, we love each other, because we actually love ourselves. This is so radically different from the so-called love we believe to be having with our DL. In DL, in which we sound demanding and needy, we don’t love ourselves, as we can’t love ourselves, because our DL doesn’t allow us to express what we really feel. Therefore, in DL, we need others to love us. This may, perhaps, work for a while, but it is unhealthy, if we don’t love ourselves and expect the other to love us.


When we talk out loud with ourselves and listen carefully to the sound of our own voice, we will engage, all alone, in ongoing EL, and for the first time, experience the immense beauty of being able to love ourselves, with our own language. Now we are able to give to ourselves, what we always wanted from others. Loving ourselves with our EL, is a delightful matter, which makes us realize our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Whenever we have heard or read about some, supposedly, great love affair, it was always some sentimental, overrated, exaggerated, fabricated sob-story, which was, inevitably, based on our ubiquitous DL. With EL, we will not have any love affair, as the person who engages in EL, is able to love him or herself. Surely, such people will be very loving to each other, but their relationship is of a completely different magnitude, because they never interfere with each other. Love only exists in freedom, which comes with our ongoing EL.


With DL, we keep entertaining the illusion, that success depends on our intelligence, motivation or persistence, but with EL, all our actions are born out of love. Whatever was achieved with the, presumed, unconditional love or support of others, turns out to be irrelevant to us, once we are able to have EL. Nobody who engaged in DL, has ever helped us to have EL. We had to leave all those people, who we believed loved us. Our journey with our EL illustrates, nobody has ever loved us, like we can love ourselves. With EL, we break the greatest taboo: we love ourselves.


Here are my comments on what a few famous people said about love. Osho, formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, said… love makes no conditions, no ifs, no buts. Love never says: fulfill these requirements, then I love you. Love is like breathing, when it happens, you are simply love. It does not matter who comes close to you, the sinner or the saint. Whosoever comes close to you starts feeling the vibe of love, is rejoiced. Love is unconditional giving - but only those who are capable of giving who have…As you can tell, Osho doesn’t know about EL, because EL – without which there cannot be any love – definitely has requirements. It is only for those, who listen to themselves, while they speak. Everyone unconsciously engages in DL and when they come close to anyone who has EL, they remain ignorant about their love. Moreover, EL – or love – doesn’t magically happen, but we make it happen, that is, we do it, skillfully, consciously and thus, we know we do it. Furthermore, once we come to find out about the gigantic difference between our DL and EL, we are done with the total bullshit called unconditional giving. In DL, however, we remain busy with giving to others, that is why DL must stop before we can have EL.


J. Krishnamurti said…Love comes into being when the mind is naturally quiet, not made quiet, when it sees the false as false and the true as true. When the mind is quiet, then whatever happens is the action of love, it is not the action of knowledge. Knowledge is mere experience and experience is not love. Experience cannot know love…Krishnamurti, like Osho, speaks repeatedly about the mind, but with EL, we know mind never existed, as it was merely the fantasy about inner language that was created and maintained by our DL. In other words, Krishnamurti also doesn’t know about the DL/EL distinction. However, neither our imaginary – covert – inner speech, nor our audible – overt – speech needs quieting. Our DL will only stop, once we have recognized it as such, that is, once we know the difference between our DL and EL. We are never quieting our insensitive, noisy DL. Krishnamurti rails against knowledge, but it isn’t knowledge, which prevents love, but how we deal with language, due to DL, our usual unnatural way of talking. According to Krishnamurti, knowledge is experience and experience is not love, but in EL, there is nothing wrong with our knowledge or with our experience. In fact, knowledge and experience are necessary conditions to be able to have EL.  


The Dutch Advaita Vedanta guru, Alexander Smit, had an intense confrontation, in Bombay, India, with his guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, who got incredibly angry with him, because, according to him, Alexander wasn’t serious enough. He screamed and threw the presents Alexander had brought for him on the ground. Presumably, that was when the authority was transmitted. Such nonsense. Back in the days, I went to one of the so-called Satsangs by this Alexander Smit, in which he pulled the exact same shit on me, as his former so-called guru had pulled on him. He got angry with me for the exact same reasons, and I also believed, I had become self-realized. However, looking back on my own experience, as well as the experience, which Smit himself later described with Nisargadatta, it is very clear, that all this non-duality bullshit, is based on coercion and manipulation and, therefore, on DL. After that confrontation with Nisargadatta, Alexander wrote him a long letter of apology and then he was allowed back in. He wrote very obediently, slavishly and ignorantly, to the overpowering, authoritarian, absolutely stupid, Nisargadatta: I want to be here in love. Astonishingly, this was all I could find Smit has ever said about love. Surely, EL is not about convincing or confronting. Anyone who knows about the difference between DL and EL, will avoid oppressive DL, because our DL and EL never meet. At the time, that I met Smit, I was still struggling with my own authority issues with father. It was due to my EL, that I figured out, I could give to myself, what neither my father nor Smit could give to me. There’s no love in Advaita Vedanta, all you get is people imitating each other.

You can also check out my two You Tube channels  maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw or maximus peperkamp                      

Friday, May 10, 2024




Why do so many people go overboard? There is a reason. Why is the world is getting crazier, day by day? It is because of how we talk. Our usual way of talking is driving us mad. We engage in Disembodied Language (DL) and we are out of touch with ourselves. We don’t realize this is happening. Even if we did, we wouldn’t know how to change it, so we accept DL as normal.


Anyone who takes time, to speak with him or herself and listen to him or herself, would find out, that a different way of talking is possible and necessary. When we hear the sound of our own voice, while we speak, we engage in a new way of communicating, because we experience the immediate relaxing, wholesome effects of our Embodied Language (EL). By switching from DL to EL, we step out of all the madness, and we understand, why we went overboard. We did what we did, because we wanted something else, but we didn’t know, how to get to it. With EL we finally know what we had always wanted.


Going overboard isn’t a good thing, as you will drown. You have, unknowingly, been drowning in your DL. Only EL is going to prevent this from happening. I want everyone, who got addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, crime or some other maladaptive behavior, to know, that they went overboard, because they actually wanted to have EL. Even all those mental health clients or homeless people, with their endless dramas, abuse, depression, mania, psychosis, paranoia or anxiety, are constantly going nuts, because nobody knows how to have EL. The fact, that we don’t know how to have it, doesn’t mean, we don’t want it. Surely, unless we have EL, we will go overboard again, because this is the only way, we know how to deal with our horrific DL.


I've studied psychology, I've worked in the field, and I've taught psychology for many years. In my view, there is a point, why so many people want to, unconsciously, go overboard. Nobody knows how to produce ongoing EL. All the problems, which were created by our DL, are presumably remediated, with more of the same stupid DL. It is infuriating, demotivating and gas-lighting, that psychology hasn’t produced anything useful. The entire discipline is based on nonsense, purported by DL. I just read that Enloe Behavioral Health – this name is of course a big joke – in my hometown, Chico, California, where I got my feet wet, as an enthusiastic, naïve, undergraduate psychology student, is closing shop. Good riddance. They only medicate everyone. All so-called mental health professionals are idiots, who refuse to acknowledge the difference between DL and EL.


Everyone who, in one way or another, is going overboard, is actually ahead of their time. They have every right, to reject things, the way they are. As far as I am concerned, they are not losers or basket-cases, because they are right, that something is fundamentally wrong in our society. I have always been intrigued by people, who don’t keep it together, who go overboard, because they are more open to EL, than those who are ‘normal’. This is no coincidence. When I talked with them, I’ve always found, they were very strongly against DL. Apparently, they held out hope for something better, but nevertheless they got crushed by the ubiquitous, destructive force of our DL.


In Greek mythology, Sirens are beautiful women with bird-like features, who attracted the sailors with their voices and yanked them overboard. Presumably, their haunting songs, were echoing across the vast expanse of the sea, promising wisdom, but it led to a watery grave. Sirens are a symbol for so-called dangerous temptation embodied by beautiful women. The word Siren has a pre-Greek origin, seira, rope, cord or eiro, to tie, to join, fasten, binding, entangling, one who binds or entangles through magic song.


There is something very interesting about these tempting Sirens, who lured these mariners to their doom. Their mesmerizing melodies were full of sorrow, longing and despair and appealed to the dreadful DL, everyone has always been going through since the beginning of time. Their deadly songs – about knowledge, insight, understanding and salvation – enchanted those who heard them. You could say they promised ongoing EL and, also Language Enlightenment (LE). When it was already too late, they dragged them overboard into the deep. 

Another salient detail of Odysseus’ story is, he was warned by the sorceress Circe – supposedly, someone who knew about the difference between DL and EL – for the treacherous hypnotic voices of these Sirens. Odysseus took precautions and ordered his crew to plug their ears with beeswax, thus protecting them from the Siren’s DL. Odysseus knew his own insatiable curiosity and desire for knowledge and, therefore, he had himself tied to the mast of his ship, so he could hear the Sirens’ song, but would not succumb to its pull. It reminds me of my psychology-study, which would have endlessly distracted me from my EL. Luckily, I didn’t become a psychologist, and I gave up teaching psychology during the Covid pandemic, because I didn’t like online-teaching.


Once you recognize the immense difference between your own DL and EL and begin to have ongoing EL, you will come to acknowledge the devastating fact, that everyone is, unknowingly, engaging in DL. And everyone is, inadvertently, trying to address DL with DL, which, of course, results into more DL and more people going insane. In DL, we all go overboard with what we say, but we ignore how we say it.    

Thursday, May 9, 2024




Whenever you hear or read about tranquility, you almost immediately relate it to something spiritual, religious, mystical or philosophical, but this is, because you engage, unconsciously, every day, in Disembodied Language (DL), in which there can be no tranquility. With DL, you are in a constant turmoil, because you imagine, that language happens inside of you or that you have thoughts or a mind. 

Although there are no sentences or words anywhere inside of you, the belief, that you can have an inner conversation with yourself, is so strong, because you would really like to say and hear what you believe to be thinking, but your DL doesn’t allow you to do that. However, if you would be able to have Embodied Language (EL), you would overcome your tenacious belief a behavior-causing inner self and experience your life in a peaceful way, because you say what you want to say and are capable of saying. With ongoing EL tranquility is simply your natural way of being. The beauty of EL is, you can hear it in the sound of your voice.


Recognizing your tranquility, with your ongoing EL, makes you aware of who you are. With EL, your attention effortlessly and naturally goes to the serene sound of your voice. You do nothing to produce this sound. You have this resonant sound, because you are at peace with yourself. You have never used this sound to speak with. What will you say, when you identify this voice and say with this voice, what you can only say with this voice? And what will you do, after you have given yourself instructions with this voice? You will do exactly, as you have said you would.


The congruence between your conscious way of using your language and all your other behavior results in the increase of your tranquility. Nothing can produce your tranquility, as your EL can. Your EL is more than merely speaking, as it involves listening, while you speak. Also, to maintain your EL, in spoken form, you need to write about your EL, so that you can read it. Spontaneous expression and fluid formulation of EL in spoken form, needs to be documented, made solid and further elaborated on, in written form, so that all four aspects of your language – speaking, listening, writing and reading – have been fully covered.


Traditionally, various folklores have used texts to, supposedly, achieve tranquility, but since the difference between DL and EL has never been properly addressed – with EL – we have never used our own writing, about our own ongoing EL, to experience and enhance our tranquility. Moreover, due to our habitual involvement in DL, we experience tranquility, as a movement away from our language, rather than a movement into our language. However, in EL, there is no inner language or mind, as there is only the switch from DL to EL, which dissolves our DL-created-illusion. The experiential nature of our phony tranquility is, due to our DL, believed to involve a so-called spiritual or meditative process of quieting the mind. Yet, we all experience moments, in which we feel tranquil, we have an intuitive sense of what it is, but our insensitive, mechanical, dull DL doesn’t capture it and thus, it disturbs our experience.


With EL we can finally talk about our tranquility to our heart’s content. This is such a nourishing, healing, ecstatic, enlightening event. As a result of our ongoing EL, our tranquility no longer slips through our fingers. In other words, we are not anymore struggling to define it, to share it or to hang on to it. With ongoing EL tranquility lasts, as it reveals our Language Enlightenment (LE).


The common notion of inner peace is based on the falsehood of the subsidence or quieting of our private speech. As stated, there exists no inner language, but DL makes us imagine, that we have a covert conversation with ourselves. If we would ask ourselves – out loud – what is this presumed inner self, who supposedly, inwardly, is inaudibly talking, we are puzzled, confused or even crazy? And, who, inside of us, is having a conversation with who? One answer always only results in even more questions and on and on, because we are in the fantasyland of the psychotic, in which we quite literally believe to be hearing voices. We speak about thoughts, but the fact is, we are imagining inner speech. Only during EL, while we talk out loud with ourselves and listen to ourselves, do we get clear about the many fabrications our DL. 


The tranquility of EL is so wonderful, you won’t want to leave it. Although you’ll lose it again and again, you will look for it and find it, as you know, you will find it, by speaking with yourself and listening to yourself. You’ll go through whatever it takes, to have EL, because your LE – your ongoing EL – implies lasting tranquility. The times of despair are behind you, once you have acknowledged the enormous difference between your DL and EL. Your EL keeps steadily increasing, while your DL becomes less and less and, although you do, whatever it takes to make this happen, it feels as if this is happening by itself. Naturally, your EL keeps unfolding and showing, you are new, but you know, you do it, you have transformed.


Tranquility is a behavior, like breathing, which goes on with everything you do. During EL, your breathing, like your voice, is regular, deep and calm, but during DL, you hyperventilate, or you are holding your breath. Moreover, when you truly pay attention to how you sound in DL, you never like to hear the sound of your anger, fear, confusion, sadness, frustration or pretention.


With DL, we just don’t take the time, to enjoy our tranquility, but with EL, we finally allow ourselves to recognize and fully enjoy our own gracefulness. In principle, we can all see the beautiful sunset, hear the birds sing or smell the roses, but these effortless moments don’t register, because of our DL. When we, for the first time, discover the difference between our DL and EL, we are delighted, that we can pay attention to whatever asks our attention, as we can hear and feel, our ongoing EL deepens our tranquility.       

Wednesday, May 8, 2024




In each language there is a word for dishonesty. However, it isn’t – as we tend to believe, with our unnatural Disembodied Language (DL) – a person, who is honest or dishonest, but it is the kind of language, which is used, which is honest or dishonest. Our effortless Embodied Language (EL) is the language of honesty, but our usual, automatic, insensitive, effortful, energy-draining DL, is the language of dishonesty. Our DL and EL are different languages, like Italian and German.


Although, of course, it sounds ridiculous to say, that Italian is the language of lies, but German is the language of truth, within Italian, there is DL-Italian and EL-Italian and in German, there is DL-German as well as EL-German. We have not considered, let alone explored, these two very different patterns of behavior, that exist within each language, as such an undertaking requires that we stop our DL and engage in ongoing EL.


Res turpis is the Latin term for dishonesty. Res (noun), meaning, things, matter, business or reality, and turpis (adjective), meaning, ugly, filthy, foul, disgraceful or deformed. Other Latin words are: fraus (noun), fraud, deceit, trick, duplicity; improbitas (noun), depravity, badness, immorality, bad quality, rascality; inliberalitas (noun), dishonesty, unworthy conduct; improbitatis (noun), dishonesty. The thing to get from this writing, is that with DL, we simply cannot be honest. Moreover, trying to be honest, isn’t honesty. In EL, we are not trying to be honest, because we are honest.


Dishonesty – which, in our usual, unconscious, scripted way of talking, is viewed as the act or practice of being intentionally deceptive or not fully truthful in some way – is experienced very differently during DL or EL. The aforementioned description clearly derives from DL, because in EL, we would say, dishonesty is determined by a person’s inability to listen to the sound of his or her voice, while he or she speaks. Moreover, in EL, we don’t accuse anyone, who has DL of not listening to him or herself, as that would mean, we are again engaging in DL. However, in DL, we always accuse someone of being dishonest and, consequently, we continue with our DL, that is, we never become honest and engage in EL, as long as we still punish each other with our DL.


During DL, we endlessly attack the other person for his or her presumed dishonesty, because we assume, that they are intentionally deceiving or misleading us, by telling us lies, omitting parts of the truth or twisting the truth, but once we have EL, we realize – to our big surprise – that everyone – yes, everyone! – engages in DL unconsciously, and, therefore, unintentionally.


Once we recognize the immense difference between our DL and our EL, we acknowledge, we have been lying to ourselves and to others with our DL. Moreover, once we recognize the difference between our DL and our EL, we no longer want to have DL, as we prefer to have EL, so that we can recover from our dishonesty.


Another unaddressed aspect of why we can’t be honest as long as we engage in DL – which, as I have repeatedly stated in previous writings, is group-behavior – is that honesty, in our usual DL, is considered a key element of pro-sociality. In other words, our honesty is always directed at others, but not to ourselves. We overrate the importance of prosocial behavior, in which we intend to benefit others or society as a whole, because this means, we forget about ourselves.


Since we have never been able to address and fully understand – with our EL – the difference between DL and EL, we tend to exaggerate the importance of prosocial behavior and we are inclined to misjudge antisocial behavior, which, in essence, is a failed attempt, at caring about ourselves. With ubiquitous DL, we have never – yes, never (!) – been able to truly care about ourselves and this problematic inability, to care about ourselves, keeps us busy with others or with animals, to, presumably, care about them.


Many aspects of dishonesty are based on lies, which we have been told – and which we are currently told – about our so-called social behavior. While it surely is important, to have empathy and concern about the welfare and rights of others, to be cooperative and fair, it is quite another thing, to view the world through idealistic-pro-social-colored glasses. Make no mistake, the term pro-social has grown into a globalist-political-communistic movement, which preaches a world without borders, but is willing sacrifice, the hard-won freedoms of the individual. We have never experienced ongoing EL and we haven’t been taking good care about ourselves. Instead of working for social change and remaining busy with others, we must bring attention to ourselves, by speaking out loud with ourselves and by listening to ourselves. We only experience so-called psychological safety, if we can engage in ongoing EL, the language of our individuality, intelligence and honesty. Our usual DL is an outdated ancient group-behavior, which cultivates and perpetuates our dishonesty.