Friday, April 22, 2016

September 12, 2014

September 12, 2014

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Behaviorist

Dear Reader, 

Good events are happening. This writer received two calls in one evening. This is unusual, especially because he was called by two behaviorologists, who are interested in his work on Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB). Until only recently this writer was not the least interested in writing, but due to these contacts he has started to write about his work. Now that this writer has found the science of human behavior, which is called Behaviorology, he realizes why he didn’t and couldn’t have the grounding which he needed to write.

What he means by grounding, is how his body has been conditioned by the environments in which he has lived. It is due to conditioning processes that he is now able to write this. He is not an agent, not some internal mystical entity that decides on his own behavior, but he is a body which continues to be altered by circumstances. His conversation with these behaviorologists has changed a lot and their acknowledgement means the world to him. 

Today, it is Friday. This morning this writer gives a class for the parolees and this afternoon he will participate in a staff meeting. Matters seemed to have worked out well at his job and this writer is pleased with the feedback and support he receives for the results of his interactions with this challenging population. In the staff meeting he will praise his supervisor, who is doing good job in teaching him what she knows, and, on the other hand, in reinforcing him for how he relates to the parolees. Although her praise often strikes him as superficial, he nevertheless feels and appreciates the positive effects of it.  

SVB guided this writer into situations which have improved his life. His current success and happiness is the result of how SVB works.          

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