Thursday, April 25, 2024




I don’t imagine, I have Embodied Language (EL), I have it. Also, I don’t imagine, I have stopped my own Disembodied Language (DL), because I have EL. You can only have EL, if your DL has been stopped. If this offends you, it is because you have, in vain, tried to stop your DL, that is why, you can only, perpetually, imagine having EL. You imagine all kinds of nonsense, but what you really want, is what you can’t have. EL is not a fantasy, but a reality, but DL is your ugly reality, from which you try to escape with your fantasy.


You even imagine – with coercive, stubborn, unnatural, arrogant DL – that it is needed, to be offended by someone like me, who has EL, but isn’t helping you, because he doesn’t want to talk with you, as that would be a waste of time. I don’t want to talk with anyone, who has DL, as it never changes. I rather have EL by myself and today, I want to write like this, to let you know, EL has nothing to do with your imagination.


Only when you have acknowledged, addressed and accepted your disgusting, brutal, unintelligent, chaotic DL, will it stop, and, only then, will your EL be possible. Surely, I will never ask you: can you imagine that? This dreaming, visualizing or seeing in your mind’s eye, always assumes inner language, private speech or thought, but EL, is about the sound, only you can produce and hear. It is completely irrelevant, whether others will hear the sound of your EL, as, in EL, they will listen to their own voice. Everyone hears themselves, in EL, that is why listening to others is no problem.


During EL, you give attention to everything that asks your attention, by saying it out loud and by listening to the sound of your voice, while you are saying it. You hear and experience whether what you have addressed is no longer asking your attention. Maybe you talk with yourself about what you feel, remember, hear, smell, look at or want to do later and you just let your attention jump from one thing to the other. So, you don’t imagine the liberation of your EL, as you actually create it.


During DL, you are trying to imagine and figure out, who you really are, and, yes, you are also trying to imagine and figure out, who the other people are, but, neither you are, who you imagine or believe yourself to be, nor are the others, who you imagine or believe them to be.


John Lennon is only just one of the millions of idiots, who sang, wrote, screamed, preached, prayed, meditated or talked about imagining a world of peace, without materialism, without borders separating nations and without religion. A peaceful, realistic, pragmatic man wouldn’t encourage anyone to imagine, what the world would be like without the freedom, which could only come about in a capitalistic system, while, basically, endorsing communism.  


Once we are having ongoing EL, we are no living in fantasies, we are no longer speaking in contradictory, nebulous language, because our language creates the reality, which we, as individuals, want and can have. Moreover, we will realize, once and for all, imagination equals escapism and cowardice. Indeed, it is always in DL, that manipulative people tell others to imagine, while they take advantage of their gullibility.

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