Tuesday, April 30, 2024




Naturally, you feel annoyed with me, because I expose your unhappy, pretentious, unnatural Disembodied Language (DL), while I, without you, continue with my effortless, meaningful, satisfying Embodied Language (EL). Naturally, you feel envious, as you would like to make it seem, as if you are better or smarter than me, but, with me, there is no way to keep up this lie.


You can’t naturally, meaning, habitually, have DL around me, that is why you will, unconsciously, do whatever you can to avoid me. You can’t naturally fly either, that is why we make airplanes. Likewise, you make up verbal constructs, metaphorical airplanes, which make it seem as if you are free, but freedom isn’t a matter manipulative, pacifying, poetic, political, dogmatic, spiritual, Sadsatguru-DeepShitChopra-BullshitheartTole-PatheticBiden-SickDalaiLama-CowardDrPhil-DumbWhoopiGoldberg-language.


Naturally, the truth about ongoing EL, is neither made possible by Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism or Judaism. As a matter of fact, they have all perpetuated DL, although, chances we will be having some EL, are much bigger in Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism than in Islam. Similarly, right-wing politics is more conducive to EL, than left-wing politics. I didn’t decide this, this is just my observation. Furthermore, if we were to pay attention to science, naturally, we would accept it is true, we don't listen to ourselves, while we engage in DL and explore why this is so. EL is, above all, a scientific account of how we talk.   


We would naturally not be interested in religion or politics, if we knew how to have EL. Surely, to have EL, we would first need to acknowledge, understand and stop our DL. Naturally, stopping our DL, would be our priority, instead of all the nonsense which distracts our attention from DL. Naturally, once we have stopped our DL and are able to have EL, we fully recognize and remind each other, that everything, which prevented us from paying attention, to the great importance of the DL/EL distinction, was a waste of our time.  


When you, finally, take your first steps, in your EL, you will realize, naturally, why it becomes more and more interesting and beneficial for you, to do whatever it takes, to go on with it. Moreover, with EL, human destiny isn’t set in stone, because history is only repeated because of your DL. Naturally, everyone’s participation in DL always results in war, conflict, chaos and more problems. Naturally, if someone is holding a gun to our head, we feel threatened and do whatever it takes to survive. In DL, our usual way of talking, we are constantly afraid, and this is why what is actually unnatural seems natural and why we perceive an unsafe environment as safe, while we consider a safe environment as unsafe. This is the devastating, self-defeating, learned-helplessness-consequence of our long, tragic conditioning history with DL. 


Naturally, we still praise and have, unknowingly, always have praised the wrong kind of leaders. No leaders have ever stimulated us, to have EL instead DL. Naturally, such leaders don’t exist, because in EL there are no leaders, as everyone is responsible for him or herself. Naturally, this isn’t an idealistic idea, but reality, that can only be properly addressed with ongoing EL.


You have – with your dull, mechanical, forceful, DL – no idea, how your EL will naturally bring an end to all our problems. It is because with your EL, you will be able to view your problems in a new light. You can hear in your own voice a different sound, which liberates you instantly from your DL. You never believed this was possible. Naturally, it was always your DL, which was bothering you.


The word ‘naturally’ has been endlessly abused by your rigid, blunt, arrogant DL. Naturally, you have always justified your DL, and this is why it never stopped. Naturally, your DL will only stop when you take responsibility for it and become aware about how it has affected you. Naturally, if you speak, day in, day out, without listening to yourself, you are not in touch with yourself.


Naturally, if you read this text out loud, so you can hear you own voice, this text makes much more sense to you. To talk naturally, is to tune into the sound of your wellbeing and to express what you are able to say with the sound of your silence, your peacefulness or your truth. Once you continue with your EL, you will naturally stumble upon your own Language Enlightenment (LE).          

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