Saturday, July 1, 2023




Can someone, like me, who has achieved – yes, I have achieved it – my Language Enlightenment (LE), still be angry? Sure enough, I am a human being and nothing human is alien to me. However, I consider it total nonsense, to believe, that every human being is sacred. Although I was conditioned in this way, I don’t see it as my duty, to treat everyone with love,  compassion, respect and dignity. I don’t make any assumptions about the supposed uniqueness and beauty of each human being, as I refuse to honor anything I can’t hear, see or experience. False hope is like a bad joke and I don’t give anyone any hope. I don’t need to remind myself of who I am and I am not responsible for reminding others either.  


The justified, intelligent, beneficial, enjoyable anger of someone like me – who is able to express his true nature with Embodied Language (EL) – is different from the destructive anger of people, who engage in Disembodied Language (DL) every day. It is common for people to have negative anger, which isn’t real anger. Real anger is positive, as it dispels ignorance, but the phony, scripted, acted anger of everyone, who, unknowingly, is stuck with their DL,  perpetuates their pathetic lack of self-knowledge. Of course, our real anger is a necessary force, to protect who we are and to stand our own ground.


My entire life, I have been misjudged, because of my anger – which, as I know, right now – always had to do with the irrefutable fact, that I wanted EL, but wasn’t capable of expressing myself clearly about it yet. Thus, unknowingly, I expressed my EL as DL, but, since I’ve achieved my LE, I started to speak and write about my DL with EL, which is the right way.


Appallingly, everyone is only capable of expressing fake emotions. Not only our anger is contaminated by many judgements and superstitions, but also our love is utterly superficial and our laughter is stupid. Furthermore, our so-called sincerity is always a form of holier-than-thou and our despised sadness is only a sentimental victimhood. Obviously, there is such a thing as real sadness, real honesty, real love and real laughter, but our coercive, mechanical, habitual DL doesn’t tolerate any real emotions. Thus, I’ve always been angry, that my real emotions were rejected and even considered crazy. However, it is the other way around: the fact, that people cannot deal with their emotions, drives them mad. It is funny, that madness, in this respect, is expressed as anger.


No one in the academic world of psychology and education – of which I have been a part for so many years – talks about the anger, which is at the core of the lack of learning and, therefore, the cause of our  so-called mental health problems. While everyone is – like I was – basically incapable of verbalizing their true feelings, these feelings are still there, but they are either expressed wrongly, complicating things even further or they are in all sorts of ways ignored or avoided. It is disgusting what people do and force others to do, to stick their head in the sand and to remain at all cost oblivious about their real feelings. Willful forgetfulness is everywhere. Since we don’t know about the difference between DL and EL, we engage in DL, as we simply don’t know any better.


While it appears as if our anger, generally speaking, is always directed at others, once we discover and explore our EL, we cannot deny, our anger is always directed to ourselves. Only when we get clear about our anger, can we stop all sorts of energy-draining neurotic behavior, which reflects our inability to be ourselves. Ultimately, everyone is very angry, that they do not even know how to be themselves and that in spite of all their efforts, nothing really works.  


There will be no remorse or shame about our anger anymore, when we feel, we are liberated from our failed attempts of dealing with and expressing our emotions. To the contrary, instead of regret, we feel confidence and pride, instead of destroying things, we have skillfully created, instead of fighting, we’ve done the right thing, which works and focuses our attention on doing whatever brings us good results.


I don’t need or want to change my behavior, as the outcomes are exactly what I want them to be, but you – who unconsciously engage in DL – constantly experience unintended consequences. You may be frustrated, you complain, worry and stress, but it is to no avail. Your conflicts can never subside, as long as you don’t turn to how you use your language. It is so dumb, you don’t listen to yourself, but you’ll do just about anything, to get others to listen to you.


People rather kill each other, than talk out loud with themselves and listen to themselves. They endlessly force their beliefs on others, but they can’t do this to themselves and their vicious rage, is about their own gloomy sense of failure. While they can’t talk about it with themselves, they either throw their shit on others or they let others tell them how to supposedly deal with it. Nobody is interested in hearing from me, because I am free from this blind anger, because I listen to my own feelings, which are always true. I don’t waste any time anymore with DL, as my wonderful anger allows me to cut through all the crap with great certainty and precision. My anger is funny too, because I really am always right.          

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