Tuesday, March 15, 2016

May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Behaviorist

Dear Reader, 

While reading his writing this writer noticed that his writing gets better when he writes about himself the way he does right now: in third person. It is the appropriate thing to do because he is constantly experimenting and reporting on his findings. Not a day goes by in which this writer doesn’t learn something new about Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB). His ongoing exploration is especially apparent in his writing, which in turn has its effect on how he communicates. Thus, he instructs himself with his writings and then he is testing his own instructions. This procedure is how SVB came about. 

There was a time when this writer insisted on writing and speaking from a first-person perspective. While he was reminded of that, this writer realized that his eagerness to express his first-person perspective was based on a lack of acknowledgment. Since his exploration of SVB has led to more reinforcement, his need for approval has subsided and his ability to be objective has increased and improved. 

It makes sense that writing enhances a person’s ability to be objective more than speaking. Writing is definitely a more advanced, more complex and also a more refined aspect of our verbal behavior than speaking. Even though this writer has often emphasized that in spoken communication things can be said which cannot be said in writing, he now thinks about how his writing can enhance and improve his spoken communication. However, he still believes that a valid argument can and must be made in favor of the former position. Without an accurate first-person perspective an adequate third-person perspective is impossible. Since one leads to the other, they are both needed.  

Just as each theory has its own limitations and determines what we will be paying attention to and what we will overlook, so too there is validity as well as limitation to our first-person and our third-person perspective. In spoken communication there seems to be more of a necessity for us to be able to move back and forth between the two, whereas in our written accounts there occurs more of an opportunity to favor either one over the other. It is interesting to note that there are many more written first-person accounts than third-person accounts. 

The ratio of scientific versus unscientific writings, whether 5 to95 or10 to90 , is only a concern of scientific-minded writers. Since this is not likely to change any time soon, but needs to change, it is, according to this analysis, more effective for scientists to bridge the knowledge-gap by means of spoken communication. However, such teaching must be characterized by the scientist’s ability to flexibly move back and forth between first-person and third-person perspectives.  

Teachers must learn SVB to be able to facilitate a teaching which bridges first-person and third-person perspectives.  The inability to distinguish between these two is perpetuated by the Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB) of those who presumably teach. Their way of interacting with students cannot set the stage for learning as long as they continue to favor one over the other. Their over-emphasis on third-person knowledge led to a disregard for individual experiences, while their over-emphasis on first-person perspectives led to a lack of education. SVB heralds many innovations in education due to which many  students will be learning because the validation of personal experiences reliably sets the stage for the exploration of third-person perspectives.      

May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Behaviorist

Dear Reader, 

It is a feeling of freedom to be able to say something and yet to decide to not say it. This theme is essential to the maintenance of Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB). With maintenance this writer means that private speech continues SVB, even when public speech consists of Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB). Thus, when negative emotions determine what is said and how people talk overtly in public speech, a person’s private covert speech can still continue with positive emotions. In other words, SVB private speech prevents and protects us from NVB public speech. We maintain peace of mind by not engaging in NVB and by avoiding it completely. 

This writer is amazed by his ability to articulate this phenomenon which so often is completely misunderstood and ends up being a problem that many people struggle with. He used to struggle with this problem too,  but now he often notices he is able to refrain from saying something where in the past he would say something and get himself in trouble.

Our ability to reliably and consistently inhibit NVB by simply refusing to participate in it is a function of how we individually view the relationship between our overt public speech and our covert private speech. As long as a person erroneously believes that his or her SVB private speech is affected by someone else’s NVB public speech, he or she is bound to participate in and contribute to this him or herself. Our inability to continue SVB privately by retreating from NVB publicly is caused by the lack of SVB public speech.   

It is only after there has been enough SVB publicly that we become capable of negating NVB publicly by continuing our SVB privately. Since SVB public speech didn’t happen enough for most of us, our private speech is determined by our lack of SVB. Our tendency to participate in and to contribute to NVB public speech would be decreased if we could experience more SVB public speech. 

However, we are inclined to believe that we can’t experience more SVB publicly because there is something wrong with our NVB privately.  This is mistaken because it is based on the notion that we are individually responsible for NVB privately. The lack of  public SVB sets the stage for the private NVB  belief to persist that we can only have SVB publicly if we first rid ourselves of our NVB privately. This purification-illusion is the reason that we keep thinking that we are individually responsible for how we communicate. 

Anyone, who, like this writer, experienced more SVB publicly, slowly but surely begins to become capable of avoiding NVB publicly, by acknowledging that private speech is a function of overt public speech. What this means is that once there is SVB publicly, there is nothing anymore to figure out psychologically, privately or covertly. Each time an individual thinks  that he or she must work on himself to supposedly attain SVB, he or she misunderstands how SVB works. 

There is no self to work on in SVB and consequently no one gets hurt or upset when NVB is around us. By understanding that our private verbal behavior is determined by  public verbal behavior, we transcend our private selves into social selves, which are modified continuously by our circumstances. Stated differently, in SVB there is nothing wrong with us. 

May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Behaviorist

Dear Reader, 

I dreamed about my father. We stood on the lawn of our new home and we overlooked the city down below and the mountains in the distance. We just bought our house and neighbors came by to introduce themselves. Our house and our garden was full with people. My father was making conversation, but he didn’t have anything to say. There was no real connection between him and me, but it didn’t matter. He was just one of the many people who were there. My wife gave me a meaningful look while I talked with him.

Then, a big African American man walked onto our lawn. He was some kind of celebrity and everyone seemed to notice and know him. I had never seen him before. He was very well-dressed in a three-piece suit and he wore unusual glasses. He smiled and come walking straight towards me, the man of the house. It turned out that he was a preacher from the Behaviorist Church that happened to be right behind our house. My wife smiled as I approached him. 

Almost simultaneously we held out our hand to shake each other’s hand. I held out my right hand, but the preacher held out his left hand. This momentarily threw me off and I shook his left hand with my right hand. It was an odd situation, but there was nothing wrong with it. Then, he used his right hand to hold my right hand and I used my left hand to hold his right hand. After some dance-like movements he said “Behaviorism is misunderstood.”"

I agreed and I promised to come to his church. We chatted and I liked my new friend. I was surprised to hear from him that there is Behaviorist Church, but it seemed acceptable to me. We laughed about the common misunderstanding that most people either think they cause their own behavior or that they believe in a higher power which causes them to behave the way they do. It was funny because the latter is closer to behaviorism. A beautiful girl who was with him was also laughing along and she said that more  and more people were coming to the Behaviorist Church and she would be happy to see me there. While saying that she offered herself to me, but my attraction didn’t make me want to have sex with her, because my wife was looking. 

I went back into our new house and there many people were talking with each other. They were all people I had met and it wasn’t even surprising to me to see them back. To the contrary, it was as if we had just seen each other yesterday, while most of them I had not seen for many years. Our familiarity felt comfortable and my wife approved. We took our seat at a table from where we could see everyone and everyone turned to us. It was time for a toast. 

At this moment, I woke up from my dream which was so enjoyable. I have been having positive dreams lately. It wasn’t always like that, but I am happy the anxiety I so often dreamed about is much less. It was still there in bits and pieces, but it didn’t bother me anymore like it used to. The influence of my father was absorbed by the many positive stimuli that were available. The awkward hand shake with the preacher didn’t matter either and my sexual feelings didn’t trouble me. This is the first time I have dreamed about behaviorism and it seemed as if my dream counteracted my RomanCatholic conditioning.

May 20, 2014

May 20, 2014

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Behaviorist

Dear Reader, 

This is another letter type called “Edwardian Script.” I like it for its elegance and gentleness. It makes me feel very sensitive. I wonder what I am going to write when I let that be my guide. That sounds like a magic formula said by someone in a fairytale. 

I am transformed into a green land with fruit trees and colorful houses. I wonder where the path I am on is taking me. It takes me to a river and I am alone with the calm flowing water. The river is wide and I can see the mountains on the other side. I am in the middle of a lush valley and the vegetation is mesmerizing beautiful. 

Suddenly, I am on the other side of the river. My writing took me there. The story tells itself and I continue my journey towards the mountains. As I get closer, the vegetation becomes sparse and as I get higher, I am surrounded by rocks. 

I look back and see the tree line behind me and in the distance is the river and the green orchards which lie on the other side. The valley stretches out for miles and miles and the mountain ranges look  unfamiliar to me. I have never looked at them, but being up here I have a view of where I have been. I didn’t have this view before. 

Although I have reached to this mountain, which I am about  to climb, something tells me that I want to go back to these hills  that are far away. Is it because I want to go back to where I came from or do I really want to see that place which I haven’t seen before?

After turning myself again to the path, I ascended the mountain and went higher and higher. I came to a ridge where I decided to rest and I looked back again. The river and the valley was now much further away and I felt far removed from my past.

As I sat down on a flat rock I looked across the valley, but this time with a sense of certainty. I knew that one day I would travel the other way and I would find the land that would unite me with my ancestors. For now, however, I was on my personal journey on which I was to meet myself. I had no limitations and I effortlessly climbed to the top. 

Will power and joy made me step from one rock to the next. I smelled the air, I listened to the sounds I made and I enjoyed the view. I reached for the higher rocks with my hands and I pulled myself up. I happily reached the peek. I was going to be here for a while and I wrapped myself in my blanket to keep me warm. I closed my eyes and I thought of my past and nothing seemed to matter anymore. 

I had arrived where I had wanted to be and my thoughts were peaceful. After a while I opened my eyes and I saw what I what I had seen before with different eyes. The land of my forefathers had come  closer to me and if I wanted,I could just jump and be there. My words created a bridge and I traveled through space with grace and dignity. The clouds were close and the rays of the sun occasionally came through. 

The first person I saw was my dear grandmother, who just stood there waiving at me as I came closer. Behind her was my grandfather and he immediately put up some nice music. We were so glad to see each other. My grand mother asked me about my mother and my father. I began to cry and I couldn’t speak. It was understood how it was and we did what we always did when I was at their house: we ate and we enjoyed each other’s company. Then, also my father’s mother appeared. She smiled and said that her prayers had finally been heard. I touched her hands and I prayed with her and I was filled with gratefulness. We didn’t open the picture albums that were laying on the table, but we quietly looked into each other’s eyes. There was nothing to say and the music filled the air. 

May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Behaviorist

Dear Reader, 

Today I choose to write with a new letter type to set the tone for something different. This letter type is calligraphic and its distinct shape had immediate appeal to me. As I am typing these words, I look at them as images, as pictures and this is something which I normally don’t do. The visual stimulation I experience makes me want to create something beautiful. This writing is a way of composing and organizing reality with my words. 

I have often had these impressions, but this type of letter makes me pay close attention to it. For instance, I like the way the first paragraph looks. I appreciate the length of the sentences which run all the way to the end and I am happy when words fit within the exact format of one paragraph. Also, it makes me feel very comfortable to see that this writing creates seven sentences in each paragraph. I have no idea why I do that, but I love it.

There is a particular format which somehow gets filled up all by itself. It has a meditative quality to it, a sense of pure perfection. That these typed words can have this effect is utterly fascinating. It is a blissful feeling of being in control while using my skills. It continues in its own pace and rhythm and how I peck on my key board is more graceful than usual.  I even seem to be breathing calmer and my words seem to follow my outgoing breath. 

This style is uniquely mine. It have developed it without knowing it. I am letting something speak through me which requires this order and support. These words sound like music. They remind me of a bamboo flute I used to play. I was only able to play the tune that sounded good when I was in the right mood. I never practiced to become a great flute player, but my flute was an excuse to find a quiet place where I would find peace of mind. 

Meditation is not something that one does and yet one is in action. Its movement is so delightful and restorative. One eases one’s way into it with reference and gratitude. A blissful touch of language caresses the space within. While one waits patiently, one gets filled with meaning and one’s body loses its boundaries. There is a dream which only happens when one is awake and when one speaks as one writes about this descending silence. 

Now that I can write like this and use these beautiful words to decorate my house of truth, I touch the earth and rest. Here is my home in which my life one day will end. Words slowly take me there. I prepare my death by enjoying my time with these words. They make me see what can be seen and make me hear what can be heard. I love the sight and sound of spoken and of written words. At long last, I learn to write about speaking.

What was a question is now a fact which is shared in this writing which is meant to honor you. My love, it is with you that I talk. It is to you that I write. It is to you that I listen. These are your words I read to you. I let you do the talking. I absorb every word you say. I am so happy you keep this conversation going. We are, we have been and we are going to be in this together, forever. Let’s exchange thoughts, compare notes and open our hearts.