Thursday, June 29, 2023




How is it possible, that I, my loving wife Bonnie and my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, are the only three individuals in the world, who recognize the beauty of having Embodied Language (EL)? It is because we know the great difference between dealing with our language, according to our conditioning history and using our own language to be free. Perhaps, I should say, we know the great secret, as nobody has a clue, it is, not the freedom of speech, which matters, but our own speech about our own freedom. Freedom isn’t some hypothetical concept, you either have it or you don’t. You can’t be free with Disembodied Language (DL). To be free, you must move beyond your conditioning history, which is always based on the language of others and, acknowledge, you have your own language, even if others, apparently, don’t want to know about it. Everyone, who mechanically,  unconsciously, unintelligently and cowardly engages in DL, still has the chance, to turn their life around.


How are you going to learn about your own EL? The only know-how you need, is in my writing. All you need to do, is speak out loud, alone, with yourself and listen to the sound of your voice. When you read and understand my blog, you are going to try it out and experiment with it. You can hear it in your own voice, if you have DL or EL. How can you keep denying, you keep having DL? This is our common way of dealing with our language. Everyone does it, as we were all conditioned to do this. We became literate due to others, but how we use language, depends on how we explain, to ourselves, our own experience of the consequences of our language.


How much longer can you afford to waste your time and energy on superficial crap? Your life, right now, is such a mess, because your own language doesn’t get any of your attention. It isn’t true, you suppress EL, as you don’t even know how to have it. If you knew how to have EL, you would already have it, because it gives you better outcomes than your usual DL. How can you accept that your life is a constant struggle? How can you expect happiness, health and satisfaction, if your language is always about conflict, negativity and stress? You are as confused and distracted as you are, because you religiously believe, that the psychological prison of your DL is your only choice. Basically, your way of dealing with language determines, you are not free.


So, you might ask yourself: how are you doing? I am not asking you to do this. You are asking yourself. Of course, you are going to say, I’m fine, everything is fine, but you are not fine, nothing is fine in your life and nothing can ever be fine with your stupid DL. If you say this to yourself, you hear your own dreadful sound of it. If you are really so fine, why don’t you sound fine? You don’t sound fine at all, admit it. You sound anxious, annoyed or depressed. You don’t like hearing yourself. How is it possible, that listening to yourself overwhelms you with self-loathing? Why are you so incredibly disgusted with and so viciously judgmental about yourself? If you start to talk with yourself, out loud, alone, about how you really feel about yourself, you can’t help, but recognize the nasty consequences of your daily involvement in DL.  


How do you sound, when you have what you want or when you are totally at ease? Why doesn’t it last? Although you believe, you are trying to get what you want, you never seem to really have it. You just keep running for something else. You never achieve a real sense of satisfaction. What you want is taken away from you. May be, briefly, you have it and then, it is gone again and you keep chasing the dragon. Yes, you are addicted to the drama and turmoil of your DL and unless you view your repeated participation in DL, as having a so-called high, you aren’t going to kick the habit. DL is about hype and you are a slave to it. You can’t turn off any of your many bad habits, because your sneaky DL causes and maintains them.


How can you have a loving, honest relationship, if your common way of talking disconnects you from your own experience? This is what happens in DL. Also, you falsely believe, you have thoughts in your head. You erroneously believe, you can have inner  conversations with yourself, in your so-called mind, while in reality, you never really talk with yourself, as you are only having some fantasy about what it is like to be yourself and to be free. All your so-called ideas about yourself aren’t true, as they reflect your almost permanent involvement in DL. When you, by chance, engage in a brief moment of EL, you don’t have any ideas about yourself, as your language just flows naturally. The newness, effortlessness and simplicity of your kind, meaningful, caring EL, stands in such a stark contrast to the rehearsed, boring, bombastic, self-defeating, grandiose bullshit, you force on yourself and others with your rigid DL.


How can our sense of wonder, innocence, creativity, wellbeing, spontaneity, aliveness and humanity, be restored in our lives, if our insensitive, habitual language makes it seem as if it isn’t important? Many people, these days, make a big deal about how they like others to talk with them. However, they fail to pay attention, to how they talk with themselves or rather, how they don’t talk with themselves, as they engage, like everyone else – albeit in the name of equity, diversity and inclusion – in DL. How we talk with and, therefore, deal with others, is only going to change, if we finally begin to talk with ourselves. The quintessential issue of our time is not how we communicate with each other – as that has been proven to be an utterly unproductive topic – but whether we will at long last talk with ourselves, because we truly find that talking with ourselves, is more important than talking with others. When we talk with ourselves, it doesn’t matter how we talk with ourselves, as we will find our own language.        


During EL, everything you say or write has meaning. It is like that and it can be like that, as there is no you, inside of you, who does what you do, who experiences what you do. In other words, there is just your language, which is your verbal behavior. The fact that you enjoy EL so much, is because there is no you, who enjoys anything, but there is only the experience of joy. The issue of identity is completely transformed in EL in which you are, so to speak, one with your own behavior. As stated, there absolutely is no one, to be one with one’s own behavior. This formulation of our Language Enlightenment (LE) is unavoidable. The bottom-line is: in DL, we suffer so much, because we use our language incorrectly.                 


Wednesday, June 28, 2023




People have had all kinds of celebrations, but they have never celebrated their joy, at hearing their own sound, while they speak. Listening to your voice, while you speak, about anything you want to address, is very revealing. You will have a big sigh of relief, because it is instantly clear to you, that in your usual, habitual, mechanical way of talking, you don’t listen to yourself. So, when you listen to your voice, while you speak – with yourself – you realize and become aware, you had lost yourself, while you were speaking with others and that is why it was so  troublesome, tiring and upsetting. When you finally hear yourself again, you have returned to who you really are, as you can say what you want to say.


When you take time, to be alone and talk out loud with yourself, about stuff you couldn’t talk about with others – because you weren’t aware about it yourself, until you started to speak with yourself – your celebration begins, when you hear a peculiar change, in the sound of your voice. At that moment, you know, you are listening to yourself, because you produce no longer the sound of frustration, anxiety, stress, fear or distraction. In other words, you can hear and feel, your Disembodied Language (DL) has stopped and you greatly enjoy hearing the sound of your own Embodied Language (EL). You celebrate who you are, by continuing your EL, but you forget who you are, each time you engage again in DL.


When you keep speaking with yourself and listening to the sound of your natural voice, while you speak, you effortlessly continue with your EL, as you give yourself permission, to celebrate your own truth. It is remarkable, what you are able to say to yourself with the sound of your wellbeing. You are surprised  it is so easy, so meaningful, but also, so sad, as you know very well, you haven’t attended to your own EL. Initially, when you stop your DL and discover you are able to continue with EL, you can’t help feeling an enormous sense of loss, as you, inevitably, have to admit how much you short-changed yourself.


I cried and cried, each time I caught myself having DL again, as I felt so blessed, to have found a way to return again to my EL, by simply listening to myself while I speak. I am convinced, in principle, we all want to have EL instead of DL, but we don’t want to acknowledge and mourn the tremendous loss of having wasted so much time and energy with our own senseless DL. And, of course, it is even more deeply troubling to recognize, that all of mankind is hopelessly, unconsciously, stuck with DL. You are bound to feel alone, as nobody is interested in EL.


To celebrate our EL, our tears must flow, as human beings have been at war with each other and with themselves since the beginning of time. However, we are not crying any sentimental tears, as we are no longer experiencing the struggle and the conflict, which is our usual way of dealing with our language. We celebrate our aloneness and our tears, are tears of thankfulness, because in EL, we can be alone with ourselves and whole again. There’s no holding back on the great joy and self-knowledge of our own EL. Likewise, there’s a tremendous process of relief and unburdening, due to our permanent departure from DL. During DL, we, as speakers, always struggle to get the listener’s attention. In DL, our voice sounds demanding, that is, like children, we cry and throw temper-tantrums. However, in EL, we have stopped crying for or about others, as others, unconsciously, engage in DL and don’t recognize the importance of EL. Thus, in EL, we talk with and cry for ourselves, as we celebrate this opportunity to liberate ourselves.


To celebrate derives from Latin, celebrationem, numerous attendance, especially upon a festival celebration; celebratus: kept solemn, performance of a religious ceremony, repeated; celebrare means: assemble to honor, to sing praises of, to practice often; celeber means: to frequent in great numbers. Thus, to celebrate, is to commemorate or honor with demonstrations of joy. What a wonderful word. We celebrate our EL, which, of course, didn’t come out of the blue, because it is the verbal expression of who we are, when we are without any struggle. It is only when we celebrate everything our EL brings to our attention – and, by verbally giving attention to whatever asks our attention – we realize, it is of course, our true nature or Language Enlightenment (LE), which makes us want to have EL instead of DL.


While it is delightful, interesting and energizing, to engage in ongoing EL, it is, due to our long, dreadful history of conditioning with DL, that the enormous potential of our EL remains hidden. Obviously, with DL, sorrow is closer to our everyday experience than bliss. Religious texts have often addressed this issue, but it never resulted into the conceptualization of DL and EL, let alone, in LE. In spite of our so-called spirituality, our DL has continued unabated. Surely, if we are going to accept our LE, because our ongoing EL instructs and convinces us to do so, our EL is going to forever replace our misguided, superstitious, unintelligent infatuation with some sort of higher power, which, of course, was always the projection of our own need to have real communication or EL. Only in EL can we and do we celebrate our own language. Hilariously, we have to accept, we can only cry and laugh our way into it.            

Monday, June 26, 2023




Please read the following words out loud and listen to the sound of your own voice. This will give you an example of what it is like, to listen to yourself while you speak. I’ve already got it, but you don’t. Of course, you’ve got it too, but your language makes it seem, as if it is never enough for you. For me, it is perfectly fine the way it is. Everything is the way it is, because my language lets it be that way. I hope you will talk with me and then discover, you can do it. You can listen to the sound of your voice, while you speak with others and realize, you want to say something different from what you’ve always said.


If you can admit, that I really have it, you suddenly find, you have it too, but as long as you still pretend to already have it, but I, presumably, don’t get it or don’t even understand it, then you can’t receive it, because you are not open to it and you don’t want to approach me, to get it. You would benefit, if you could set aside your pride, just drop it. There is something much better waiting for you, you know it.


It doesn’t make much difference, whether I give it to you or whether you give it to yourself. Fact is, when  you engage in Embodied Language (EL), you always know, you do it and you are responsible for it. Since you aren’t capable yet, to give it to yourself, there’s nothing wrong in getting it from me or anyone, who is capable of providing it and giving it. Once you’ve acknowledged, you can give it to yourself, it is no longer allowed to get it from someone else. You still long for it, expect it, whine about it or ask for it, but you aren’t getting it anymore. You know, it is better, to give it to yourself. You can’t bother others about it anymore, as it clearly depends entirely on you.


When you got it from others, you were dependent and rather helpless, if they wouldn’t give it to you, but when you concluded, that you can and must give it to yourself, you finally took action. It doesn’t come to you, it never came to you and, yes, you either go to it or you will never experience it. Your word is action, which makes your freedom possible. Without such energetic verbal behavior, you fail to recognize the inevitable, far-reaching consequences of how you deal with your language. I know, you don’t like it, you don’t like to read this. I can speak and write about it and want to talk about it with you as well. You don’t want to talk with anyone about it.


Talking and listening to your own sound, first alone, but later, with me or with others, is the only way, to dissolve the illusion, that you have thoughts. You’ve learned, you think and have a mind, but it isn’t true. Disembodied Language (DL) keeps this fallacy going, but in EL, your thoughts disappear, like snow in the sun. Moreover, you say something new, when you get it, that your language is a completely different matter than the language of others. Sure enough, it is possible that your language is shared with others, but such an exchange is only possible with those, who embrace their own language. This has never happened before and if it happens, you feel, you are fortunate, to have this awesome experience. It had to happen, in this way, where you are, right now.


Although you only read this text, if you read it out loud, you can hear, that these words have created a different circumstance for you. Some words, some sounds are yours, but others aren’t. Separate what is yours, from what doesn’t belong to you. If I can do it, you can do it too. You can do it, as you read what I have written and I can do it, because I write it. We can do it, because we fully comprehend and accept it: our language is really ours. It was always ours and it will be always ours. The language of others, by contrast, was never ours, even though we’ve tried in vain to make it our own. We’ve always known, our stressful, anxious and fearful attempts to act as if DL was ours, was doomed. DL was never our language and we could hear it in our tone of voice. Whenever we spoke with the sound, which made it clear, we were punished and shamed for having the audacity to speak our own language. The more we insisted on our own language (EL), the more social disqualification, rejection, ridicule, abandonment, neglect and hatred we’ve endured. What we say with EL, goes against everything what, everyone says in DL. Our EL refutes and debunks DL.


It is difficult, to live with the irrefutable knowledge,   we can have our own language and yet, it is taboo to have our own language. There is no appreciation for anyone, who enjoys his or her own language, as none of the people who surround us, know their own language. We are ignorant about it, because we have never explored the difference between DL and EL. Those, whose language was mostly avoided and ignored, have suffered enormously. They can  recognize in EL, what they have longed for. While they could not join us, they didn’t punish or stop us, so that we could continue our EL a little longer.


Where were you, all this time, you weren’t here? Now that you get it, you acknowledge, you have always known what it is. Your DL wouldn’t allow you to be here. Now you have the words to describe it. You always hear if you have DL or EL, but it is your description of DL with your EL, which makes you aware about it. How is it even possible, that you can recognize, it is better for you, to continue with your EL? It is your Language Enlightenment (LE), which  makes you prefer EL, as in EL, you embody your own language. This is not some theory. You either do it or you don’t. If you doubt it, you don’t have EL, but DL. Your LE is already the case, you know it, but you haven’t trusted it, as your language says something so entirely different from what everyone else says.


To continue with your EL, you’ve got to ignore DL, your own DL as well as the DL of others. Somehow DL creates a spell, an auditory illusion, which seems so attractive, mesmerizing and worthwhile, but if you listen to it, you don’t like to hear it. You don’t like to hear your own DL and you also don’t like to hear the DL of others, because in DL, we speak with an unnatural sound. Moreover, in DL we fall into the trap, that others, presumably, can give us EL. I can’t give it to you either, although you can hear, I have it.


If you follow my instruction in this writing, you let yourself know, you already know what EL and LE is and, only just now, do you take your first steps in EL, while reading this text. You can hardly believe it is true, but you can and should also begin to say it to yourself without this text. Your DL can and should be stopped and you can have ongoing EL instead. It is possible and when you go and flow with your EL, there is no holding back. You feel, you can trust it, as you speak about what really matters to you and what is, at any given moment, in your attention. You don’t have to believe it. The many positive results of  your EL are self-evident. I look forward to hearing your EL. The future of all of mankind depends on it.      

Sunday, June 25, 2023




If this is the first time you read my blog, here is a brief overview of Embodied Language (EL) and Disembodied Language (DL). These are two different ways of how we deal with our language. Commonly, we engage, unknowingly, mainly in DL. Moments of EL are very few and because we don’t know how to go on with it, we go back to DL, by default. The only way in which our EL can continue, is when we listen to ourselves while we speak. This is best done while we are alone, talk out loud with ourselves and get a  sense, that in our habitual way of talking, we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. It is self-evident when we listen to ourselves speak and have EL, as this produces a relaxing and energizing experience.


In DL, we feel negative, that is, we experience some kind of conflict, stress, anger, frustration, fear or confusion. Also, it may seem as if something is missing, something isn’t clear or there is a problem that demands our attention. In DL, we never give our verbal attention, to what asks our attention, as our attention isn’t focused on our language, but on others. Moreover, in DL, talking with others, is more important, than talking with ourselves. In fact, talking with others is so overly important, that we never really talk with ourselves. Thus, in DL, we are stuck with the language of others. The only way to get to our own language (EL), is to surrender to the fact that talking out loud, alone, with ourselves, is truly more important, than talking with others.  


You are not going to have EL, by just reading one or two of my texts and you absolutely need to talk with me, so you can feel and acknowledge the immense difference between DL and EL. If you join our weekly skype conversation (free of charge, each Sunday on 4:30am Pacific Standard Time; my skype name is limbicease) please know, that one conversation isn’t going to do you any good. Be prepared to talk with me – or anyone who is interested in EL – for the rest of your life. Nothing will happen, if you don’t put all your energy into it. Don’t expect me to do it for you, because I don’t and I can’t. You are responsible and you will have to do everything yourself. All I am able to do, is share my experience with you. All you are able to do, is to be as receptive as you can, towards me, so that we can move quickly, to the heart of the matter, which is: our Language Enlightenment (LE).


LE is nothing else than saying or writing in your own words who you really are. As long as you are full of turmoil and conflict, you are not yourself, but once you feel safe, calm, peaceful and at ease, you sound very different. Your LE always produces the sound of your wellbeing, thus, your natural, happy, effortless way of dealing with language is your EL. In other words, your EL is the expression of you LE. Once you know about the difference between DL and EL, you will avoid DL and feel attracted to EL, because only in EL is your language adjusted to who you are (LE).  


I got my BA in Clinical Psychology at California State University Chico. I didn’t enroll in the Family and Marriage Therapy program, because the head of this program, accused me of being a Nazi, after I had told him about my enthusiasm for a science. I achieved a Masters of Arts at Ryokan University, but no one had the integrity or the time, to talk with me about my concept of listening to yourself, while you speak. I then got a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and advanced to Ph.D., but gave up on my study and my pursuit, to become a psychologist, since nobody at Palo Alto University was interested in EL. Throughout my many years of study, I have worked in mental health, as a mental health worker, a crisis counselor, a therapist and leader of group-homes for mental health clients. After my study, I was a successful psychology instructor, at Butte College, for nine years, but, there too, nobody was willing to acknowledge the great importance of EL.


For many years, I was studying and working in the field of psychology and education, in the hope to find support for my ideas, but to my astonishment and great disappointment, I’ve found out that none of the psychologists, none of the psychiatrists, none of the therapists, none of the professors and none of the teachers, had any curiosity about the vast implications of my views about DL, EL and LE. I have only met arrogance, superficiality and jealousy and I had to conclude, what I big taboo I’ve stumbled on.


I don’t teach anymore. EL cannot be taught, as it can only be shared, but only with those, who find, that talking with themselves is truly more important than talking with others. Stated differently, in EL, we talk with each other in the same way as we talk with ourselves. This is not only possible, but also needed. Unless we are going to have EL with ourselves and each other, our DL will destroy our lives. It is already doing that. Mental health problems are viewed or, rather, listened to, in a different way, as when we continue to accept DL as our normal conversation.


Lastly, the reason I have this blog, is because I write these words for myself. This is my language. I have it and I know, I will continue to have it. I know, I can’t have EL with most people and I am fine with that. I will still continue with it without them. However, if you want to know about EL, you’ve got to come to me, not just once, but repeatedly and if you don’t do that, nothing is possible, you are hopelessly lost in DL, because nobody is talking about DL, EL and LE as I do. I say this with authority, because I am the originator of these concepts. What others have said or written about it is bullshit. The fact that everyone refuses to talk with me, proves my point. If you talk with me, you come face to face with your ignorance about your conditioned way of using your language.  


In closing, I write this to express my gratitude to those with whom, I have been able to explore my EL. Thousands of you have talked with me and, yet, I don’t hear anything from you, because you still go on with your unintelligent DL. You know that that is not what I am about and that is why you stay away. I invite you again, to have EL with me. Yes, you’ve got to stop your stupid DL, it is about time you do that. I don’t have eternal life and if you don’t make use of this opportunity, it is your loss. DL is the language of victim-hood and EL is the language of victory. Even if everyone, day in day out, has DL, I still have EL. You need to come and talk with me, so that you start to talk with yourself. What I say is not important, but how I say it, matters a great deal, because it shows, you too can talk like that – with yourself – and me.

Saturday, June 24, 2023



I personally consider it a form of psychological hygiene, to spend a substantial amount of time, every day, with my own language, instead of with the language of others. You might want to consider doing this as well. Talk with me and my dear friend AnnaMieke on Skype tomorrow, Sunday at 4:30am Pacific Standard Time and get a sense of why such a consideration might change your life forever. My skype name is limbicease and you can join us without any strings attached, free of charge. We are not a group, but we would like to hear others put an end to their Disembodied Language (DL) and discover their own Embodied Language (EL) too.


No matter who you are, where you turn or what you do, the language of others (DL) is everywhere and,  whether you believe it or not, you are conditioned by it, in such a manner, you don’t even know about it. If you did, getting to your own language, almost seems like an impossible task. For the most part, people keep failing to have their own language and give up on it, because every time they tried it, they were punished, side-tracked or overwhelmed by the language of others. After you have felt, for the first time, the difference between your own language and the language of others – which I describe as EL and DL – it either becomes a daily necessity, to actively withdraw from and avoid your conditioning history with DL or your DL will continue as usual and your EL never gets any chance to grow and blossom.


Our DL turns our lives into an endless struggle and conflict. This is the sad situation, which everyone, unknowingly, is in. In DL, people say: you’ve got to pick your battles. Presumably, certain fights aren’t worth it, while others, supposedly, are essential and requiring all our energy and attention. However, in EL, there is no battle at all and the whole issue of choosing your battles seems ridiculous. With EL, we never voluntarily go into battle. In other words, we are always only with DL coerced to fight, defend, flee, freeze or hide, as we are scared or stressed, by how others talk with us and treat us. We, who can have EL, acknowledge, our EL is never reciprocated. Quite to the contrary, our openness, kindness and patience, is constantly taken advantage of by those who continue their DL, regardless of our empathy.


Only when we, finally, take our EL completely for ourselves – it has taken me many years, to come to that conclusion and to stand by it – and, therefore, have given up on trying to share our happiness with others, we will meet those, who do as we do and can we, whole-heartedly, respectfully, confidently, joyfully and continuously, engage in EL with others. The selection-process, which takes place, due to our continued EL, is relentless, as everyone with DL is abandoned, no matter how challenging that me be.


Truly stopping our own DL and continuing with our EL, is an incredibly drastic change, for which we, given our dreadful long history of conditioning with DL, aren’t ready. It is inevitable, we go through, talk with ourselves about and fully acknowledge, all our painful, negative, troublesome experiences, we will leave behind, when we continue with EL. Once we do it, we feel so good, but before we take that jump, we suffer more than others, as we have become aware of our language, as our source of suffering.     


To be free, we return to our EL, which, initially, we seem to be unable to share with others, because it can only be shared with those, who like us, are free. We immediately recognize each other, even if it was only for just one second. Our freedom is our nature. Although – because of our DL – we keep missing out on it and, supposedly, forgetting about it, it never goes away. In spite of us turning our backs on our own freedom, it is always effortlessly there, when we speak again with ourselves, listen to our own voice and adhere to our own language. There is no other way, than by talking with ourselves, that we can become aware about our own language.


People have made so much unnecessary fuzz about what they refer to as religion, prayer, redemption, higher power, forgiveness, kindness, meditation, becoming conscious, enlightenment, non-duality or finding inner peace, but when we have EL, we can’t avoid the conclusion, that all of these, were merely failed attempts at acquiring our own language. Also, people have changed religion, divorced from their wife or husband, lived in communes, monasteries or gated communities, gone off the deep end, become addicted, climbed the Mount Everest, achieved a Ph.D., colored their hair, have tattoos or become gender-fluid, but none of this did or could result in EL. We’ve done everything to forget ourselves, but we haven’t turned towards our own language, by speaking with and by listening to ourselves.

It is interesting to consider the fact, that in DL, we abandon everything that is good for us and that is why, if we continue with EL, we can’t be bothered by or busy with anyone’s DL. Our courageous ability to permanently leave DL behind, is our Language Enlightenment (LE). While we still experience the pull of our history of our conditioning with DL, our LE is pulling the other way. Our EL makes this clear.


If we surrender to our EL – to what it wants us to do or not do, to how our EL can continue and to how we will be able, to enjoy the magnificent outcomes of our new way of dealing with our language – there is no conflict, but as long as we aren’t clear about why DL and EL can’t go together and never come together, we are our own worst enemy. Everyone who is ignorant about the significant difference between DL and EL, inadvertently, is trying to prove to themselves and to others that DL is the real deal. It is devasting, the great lengths that people will go to prove their point. The only way for them to be right, is by forcing their DL on themselves and on others and the price they pay for this is: conflict.

In DL, conflict is always viewed as if it is between people, but never between the conflicting behaviors in our own repertoire. Consequently, in DL, people purge all behavior, which is authentic, natural and effortless, as these behaviors will make them aware that their phony, dreadful, forceful behavior always prevents freedom. The often-mentioned struggle for freedom is ridiculous, as it can’t be fought for, but, due to DL, our idea of freedom has remained linked to struggle and conflict. In EL, we find our freedom so easily, that many people immediately say, it is too good to be true. Yes, we give up our fight in EL, as we understand – verbally – it is actually impossible to fight with ourselves. Our imaginary conflict with ourselves was created and solved by the way in which we deal with our language. If we manage to go on with our EL, we realize that everyone is stuck with their DL. We couldn’t continue with them, as  our EL made us consider, reflect on, contemplate or meditate about living a very different way of life.         

Friday, June 23, 2023




There is nothing like having my own language, because this is the only way for me to get something clear. My Embodied Language (EL) is, of course, also proof that your Disembodied Language (DL) is destructive. If you took the trouble to talk to me about the difference between your DL and my EL, you'll find that your DL turns into EL, and that now that you finally have that choice, you prefer, like me, your EL over your DL.


You can join the conversation about EL free of charge on skype every Sunday morning at 4:30 am Pacific Standard Time. My skype name is limbicease and you are most welcome. You can then hear me and my Dutch friend AnnaMieke and draw your own conclusion whether EL is something you want to be involved with. AnnaMieke and I have been talking about this for quite some time and so both of us know quite a lot about it, which we like to share with others. You only talk to us to have EL, however, because we are not waiting for your or anyone’s DL.  Surely, we believe what we say is true for everyone. Since nobody knows the difference between DL and EL, it never really becomes clear that we all really only want to have EL.


Of course, many people have already tried to speak more clearly about their feelings. However, when you come to talk about your experiences with yourself – and therefore simultaneously with others – in EL, you’ll immediately notice, you have never done this before, in this way, and, yes, you have never really truly spoken your feelings. This staggering experience only comes about in EL, because we can only face this fact in EL. This occurs because what we feel and experience – while we are  speaking – is something quite different, when we continue to listen to the sound of our own voice. The so-called seeing of what is going on is therefore determined by our hearing of ourselves talking.


In fact, everyone tries in vain 
to get to their own language 
and yet no one realizes that 
getting to EL is what getting 
to your own language is really 
about. There is no clarity about 
what real communication is. 
You hear a lot lately about 
whistle blowers, people who
 broadcast important information
 that should have been kept secret. 
Supposedly, their morals are of 
the highest order, for they 
sacrifice themselves as martyrs. 
It is always about someone who
 has a conscientious objection, 
because he or she possesses knowledge,
 which is extremely burdensome for
 him or her, because they disagree 
with something or consider it a 
great injustice. They even take
 the risk of committing a criminal 
offense, because according to them 
it is absolutely necessary that they
 speak out publicly about this abuse. 
As mentioned, their organization 
or government has no desire to listen 
to them, because they go against the
established order. So, they are looking 
for another audience that has an ear
 and attention for what they have 
to say, so that they can finally be
 recognized – in what they fight 
for – with what they claim and believe.


Communication everywhere, again and again, degenerates into deafening blaring, exhausting bullshit and energy-consuming bla-bla, because expensive lawyers and power-hungry so-called champions of the truth, never, with a word, have said anything about EL. Under the guise of truth, officially recognized, famous experts have only continued old-timers DL, as they never stopped fighting. In EL, however, there is no struggle and not a single suffering that still affects us.


Although AnnaMieke and I can still experience the effect of our old, problematic language habits, the influence of our conditioning with DL has almost completely diminished. We may, every now and then, experience something that seems like a struggle, but we don't fight anymore, because our fight, every time, was resolved in our EL. And, even if it sometimes seems as if we are still apparently experiencing some suffering again, we are no longer suffering, because all of our problems were just a storm in a cup of tea. In other words, we no longer identify with what we used to believe in. As time passes, all sorts of things – which turned out to be insignificant – fall away by themselves. We both still feel the need to keep repeating to ourselves what our EL is like, as each time we do that, it adds something new and becomes even more complete.

Our Language Enlightenment (LE) is 
becoming more and more interesting, 
clearer, simpler and more fun. Because
 we really have come to find our 
own language to be much more
 important than the language of 
others, we feel chosen, as we 
don't let anyone impose anything
 on us with DL. Anyone who 
reads, that for me and AnnaMieke,
 talking to ourselves is more 
important than talking to others,
 probably immediately thinks, 
we are crazy. This is how, in
 general, people with DL reason
 about someone with EL. Only 
we have our own truth, for 
which we do not depend on 
anyone, since we are not martyrs
 or moral knights. We laugh our
 asses off at the great nonsense 
that is spoken in your DL.


When someone supposedly has found their own audience, with the way they handle their language, artificially, superficially and automatically – with a book, song, poem, lecture, video, course, podcast, publication, interview, TV program, play, or memoir—they have become but the banner-bearers of DL. It's just ridiculous how fake intellectuals everywhere, always demand attention and how the stupid public, willingly gives attention, only to lose themselves once again. Real intelligence is never audible in any social, political, scientific, public, philosophical discussions or debates. I know my intelligence speaks in EL. I don't feel misunderstood because I recognize myself. Others, however, feel misunderstood and judged by me, because I do not participate in their DL. They always notice this.


Although I no longer feel the need 
to throw away my pearls before 
the swine, because I know very 
well, without speaking to me or 
to AnnaMieke, people are simply
 unable to do it - not for us, but 
for themselves – to recognize that
 DL must be stopped,  somewhere
 people do experience that everything 
is completely different for us. 
Whether they know it or acknowledge
 it or not, they are taking something
 from us, that they, apparently, had 
to resist at first.  I'm all too familiar
 with that resistance, having studied 
psychology and behavioral science
 for years, worked in psychiatry 
and being a psychology teacher 
at Butte College. Despite my
 unusual demeanor, perceived 
by many as clumsy, there is a kind
 of influence that produces irrefutable
 change. I have always been a catalyst
 and I can let the dust fly,  because I
 have a long breath and I blow well.


With my EL, I named and identified everything that demanded my attention. My biggest fear, my deepest hatred, my morbid disgust and my vilest lies, have all been heard and released by me. It is precisely because of this, that I have gained access to my sense of wonder, love, gratitude and have no reservation whatsoever about what I have already said, heard and experienced about myself, because it is clear, my intelligence continues to add to this as long as I live. According to me, anyone who cannot allow this, is in deep trouble. If you would talk to me and AnnaMieke, it would become clear fast that all your dramas and problems are related to your DL. So, I don't care whether you're going to join our conversation next Sunday or not, because I've already written this and said this to myself. We don't concern ourselves with the suffering and struggles of others, because we know, there clearly is a completely different way to deal with that.     




Er gaat niets boven het hebben van mijn eigen taal, want dit is voor mij de enige manier waarop er iets duidelijk kan worden. Mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT) is natuurlijk eveneens een bewijs van het feit, dat jou Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) destructief is. Als je eens de moeite nam, om met mij over het verschil tussen jou OT en mijn BT te spreken, dan zal je merken, dat jou OT in BT verandert, en dat je – nu je eindelijk die keuze hebt – net als ik, jou BT boven jou OT verkiest.


Je kan vrijblijvend en gratis aan het gesprek over BT deel nemen op skype, iedere Zondag ochtend, om 4:30 am Pacific Standard Time. Mijn skype naam is limbicease en je bent van harte welkom. Je kunt mij en mijn Nederlandse vriendin AnnaMieke dan horen en de conclusive trekken of BT iets is, waar je je mee bezig wilt houden. AnnaMieke en ik hebben hier al geruime tijd met elkaar over gesproken en weten er dus beiden behoorlijk veel van af, wat wij graag met anderen zouden delen. Je gaat alleen met ons in gesprek om BT te hebben, want wij zitten niet op jou OT te wachten. Wat wij zeggen is volgens ons voor iedereen waar. Omdat niemand het verschil kent tussen OT en BT, wordt het nooit echt duidelijk, dat wij eigenlijk allemaal alleen BT willen hebben.


Uiteraard hebben vele mensen al geprobeerd om duidelijker over hun gevoelens te kunnen spreken. Wanneer je echter in BT, met jezelf – en daardoor dus tegelijkertijd met anderen – over je gevoelens komt te praten, dan weet je meteen, dat je dit nog nooit eerder, op deze manier, hebt gedaan en dat jij dus eigenlijk nog nooit echt over je gevoelens hebt gesproken. Deze onthutsende ervaring komt alleen tot stand in BT, omdat wij dit feit alleen in BT onder ogen kunnen zien. Dit doet zich zo voor, omdat, wat wij – tijdens het spreken – voelen, iets heel anders is, wanneer wij blijven luisteren naar de klank van onze eigen stem. Het zogenaamde zien van wat er  aan de hand is, wordt dus bepaald door ons gehoor.


Eigenlijk wil iedereen aan zijn eigen taal toekomen en toch heeft nog steeds helemaal niemand in de gaten, dat het daar werkelijk om gaat. Er is geen duidelijkheid over wat echte communicatie is. Je hoort de laatste tijd heel veel over die zogenaamde whistle blowers, dat zijn mensen, die allerlei belangrijke informatie aan de grote klok hangen, die eigenlijk geheim had moeten blijven. Hun moraal is van de hoogste orde, want zij offeren zich op als martelaar. Het gaat altijd om iemand, die gewetens bezwaren heeft, omdat hij of zij kennis bezit, die voor hem of haar enorm belastend is, omdat ze het ergens mee oneens zijn of het een groot onrecht vinden. Ze nemen zelfs het risiko, om hierbij een strafbaar feit te plegen, want volgens hen is het absoluut noodzakelijk, dat zij zich publiekelijke over deze misstand uitspreken. Zoals gezegd, heeft hun organisatie of regering er geen trek in, om naar hen te luisteren, want ze gaan in tegen de gevestigde orde. Ze zoeken dus naar een ander publiek, dat oor en aandacht heeft voor wat zij te vertellen hebben, zodat zij eindelijk erkent kunnen worden – in waar zij voor vechten – met wat zij beweren en geloven.  


Communicatie ontaard, overal, telkens opnieuw, in oorverdovend geschetter, dood-vermoeiend gelul en energie-verslindende poe-ha, omdat peper-dure advocaten en andere macht-beluste zogenaamde voor-vechters van de waarheid, nog nooit, met een woord, over BT hebben gesproken. Onder het mom van waarheid, hebben officieel erkende, beroemde experts enkel oud-bakken OT voortgezet, want ze bleven altijd maar strijden. In BT is er echter geen enkele strijd en geen enkel leed, dat ons nog deert.


Ofschoon AnnaMieke en ik nog wel de werking van onze oude, problematische taal-gewoontes kunnen beleven, heeft de invloed van onze conditionering met OT zo goed als geheel afgenomen. Wij ervaren misschien, zo af en toe nog wel eens iets, dat even lijkt op strijd, maar wij strijden niet meer, want ons gevecht, was elke keer weer opgelost in onze BT. En, ook al lijkt het er soms even op, alsof wij schijnbaar weer wat leed ervaren, wij lijden allang niet meer, want al onze problemen waren slechts een storm in een kop thee. Anders gezegd, wij identificeren ons niet meer met waar wij voorheen in geloofden. Met het verstrijken van de tijd, vallen allerlei zaken – die onbelangrijk bleken te zijn – vanzelf weg. Wij beiden voelen nog steeds de behoefte, om voor onszelf te blijven herhalen wat BT is, omdat het elke keer iets nieuws bijdraagt en daardoor nog vollediger wordt.


Onze Taal Verlichting (TV) wordt steeds boeiender, duidelijker, simpeler en leuker. Omdat wij echt onze eigen taal veel belangrijker zijn gaan vinden, dan de taal van anderen, voelen wij ons uitverkoren, omdat wij ons door niemand iets laten opleggen met OT. Iedereen die leest, dat voor mij en AnnaMieke het praten met onszelf belangrijker is, dan het praten met anderen, vindt waarschijnlijk meteen, dat wij gek zijn. Zo wordt er, over het algemeen, door mensen met OT geredeneerd over iemand met BT. Alleen wij hebben onze eigen waarheid, waarvoor wij van niemand afhankelijk zijn, want wij zijn geen martelaren of moraal-ridders en we lachen ons rot, om al de grote onzin, die in OT wordt uitgekraamd.


Wanneer iemand zogenaamd zijn eigen publiek lijkt te hebben gevonden, met de wijze waarop ze, heel gekunsteld, oppervlakkig en automatisch, met hun taal omgaan – met een boek, lied, gedicht, lezing, video, publicatie, cursus, podcast, interview, TV programma, toneelstuk of memoir – dan zijn zij  slechts de vaandel-dragers van OT geworden. Het is ronduit belachelijk, hoe nep-intellektuelen overal, altijd de aandacht blijven eisen en hoe het domme publiek, gewillig aandacht geeft, om zichzelf weer  te kunnen verliezen. Intelligentie is nooit hoorbaar in maatschappelijke, politieke, wetenschappelijk, openbare, filosofische discussies. Ik weet dat mijn intelligentie spreekt in mijn BT en ik voel mij niet miskend, omdat ik mezelf erken. Anderen voelen zich echter door mij miskend en veroordeeld, omdat ik niet mee doe met hun OT. Ze merken dat altijd.  


Ofschoon ik allang en breed de behoefte niet meer heb, om mijn BT te grabbel te gooien, omdat ik wel weet, dat men, zonder met mij of met AnnaMieke te spreken, niet in staat is, om het – niet voor ons, maar voor zichzelf – te erkennen, toch ervaart men ergens wel, dat alles voor ons totaal anders is. Of ze het nou weten of erkennen of niet, ze pakken toch iets van ons op, waar zij zich eerst, schijnbaar, tegen hebben moeten verzetten. Ik ben maar al te bekend met die weerstand, omdat ik jaren psychologie en gedragswetenschap heb gestudeerd, in psychiatrie heb gewerkt en psychologie-leraar ben geweest, bij Butte College. Ondanks mijn ongebruikelijke manier van doen, die door velen als klunzig wordt opgevat, is er toch een soort van invloed, die onweerlegbare verandering veroorzaakt. Ik ben altijd een catalyst geweest, die heel wat stof heeft doen opwaaien, omdat ik een lange adem heb en goed kan blazen.  


Met mijn BT benoemde en vereenzelfigde ik mij met alles wat mijn aandacht vroeg. Mijn grootste angst, mijn diepste haat, mijn ziekelijke walging en mijn  gemene leugens, zijn allemaal door mij gehoord en losgelaten. Ik heb juist daardoor toegang gekregen tot mijn verwondering, liefde, dankbaarheid en heb geen enkele terughoudendheid ten aanzien van wat ik al over mijzelf heb gezegd, gehoord en ervaren, omdat het duidelijk is, dat mijn intelligentie hieraan zal blijven toevoegen, zolang ik leef. Iedereen die dit niet kan toelaten, zit diep in de problemen. Als je met mij en AnnaMieke zou praten, werd duidelijk, dat al je dramas en problemen samenhangen met je OT. Het kan me dus niet schelen of jij de komende Zondag gaat deelnemen aan ons gesprek of niet, want ik heb dit al geschreven en aan mijzelf gezegd. Het leed en de strijd van de ander, daar houden wij ons niet mee bezig, want wij weten, dat er echt een heel andere manier is om ermee om te gaan.