Sunday, June 25, 2023




If this is the first time you read my blog, here is a brief overview of Embodied Language (EL) and Disembodied Language (DL). These are two different ways of how we deal with our language. Commonly, we engage, unknowingly, mainly in DL. Moments of EL are very few and because we don’t know how to go on with it, we go back to DL, by default. The only way in which our EL can continue, is when we listen to ourselves while we speak. This is best done while we are alone, talk out loud with ourselves and get a  sense, that in our habitual way of talking, we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. It is self-evident when we listen to ourselves speak and have EL, as this produces a relaxing and energizing experience.


In DL, we feel negative, that is, we experience some kind of conflict, stress, anger, frustration, fear or confusion. Also, it may seem as if something is missing, something isn’t clear or there is a problem that demands our attention. In DL, we never give our verbal attention, to what asks our attention, as our attention isn’t focused on our language, but on others. Moreover, in DL, talking with others, is more important, than talking with ourselves. In fact, talking with others is so overly important, that we never really talk with ourselves. Thus, in DL, we are stuck with the language of others. The only way to get to our own language (EL), is to surrender to the fact that talking out loud, alone, with ourselves, is truly more important, than talking with others.  


You are not going to have EL, by just reading one or two of my texts and you absolutely need to talk with me, so you can feel and acknowledge the immense difference between DL and EL. If you join our weekly skype conversation (free of charge, each Sunday on 4:30am Pacific Standard Time; my skype name is limbicease) please know, that one conversation isn’t going to do you any good. Be prepared to talk with me – or anyone who is interested in EL – for the rest of your life. Nothing will happen, if you don’t put all your energy into it. Don’t expect me to do it for you, because I don’t and I can’t. You are responsible and you will have to do everything yourself. All I am able to do, is share my experience with you. All you are able to do, is to be as receptive as you can, towards me, so that we can move quickly, to the heart of the matter, which is: our Language Enlightenment (LE).


LE is nothing else than saying or writing in your own words who you really are. As long as you are full of turmoil and conflict, you are not yourself, but once you feel safe, calm, peaceful and at ease, you sound very different. Your LE always produces the sound of your wellbeing, thus, your natural, happy, effortless way of dealing with language is your EL. In other words, your EL is the expression of you LE. Once you know about the difference between DL and EL, you will avoid DL and feel attracted to EL, because only in EL is your language adjusted to who you are (LE).  


I got my BA in Clinical Psychology at California State University Chico. I didn’t enroll in the Family and Marriage Therapy program, because the head of this program, accused me of being a Nazi, after I had told him about my enthusiasm for a science. I achieved a Masters of Arts at Ryokan University, but no one had the integrity or the time, to talk with me about my concept of listening to yourself, while you speak. I then got a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and advanced to Ph.D., but gave up on my study and my pursuit, to become a psychologist, since nobody at Palo Alto University was interested in EL. Throughout my many years of study, I have worked in mental health, as a mental health worker, a crisis counselor, a therapist and leader of group-homes for mental health clients. After my study, I was a successful psychology instructor, at Butte College, for nine years, but, there too, nobody was willing to acknowledge the great importance of EL.


For many years, I was studying and working in the field of psychology and education, in the hope to find support for my ideas, but to my astonishment and great disappointment, I’ve found out that none of the psychologists, none of the psychiatrists, none of the therapists, none of the professors and none of the teachers, had any curiosity about the vast implications of my views about DL, EL and LE. I have only met arrogance, superficiality and jealousy and I had to conclude, what I big taboo I’ve stumbled on.


I don’t teach anymore. EL cannot be taught, as it can only be shared, but only with those, who find, that talking with themselves is truly more important than talking with others. Stated differently, in EL, we talk with each other in the same way as we talk with ourselves. This is not only possible, but also needed. Unless we are going to have EL with ourselves and each other, our DL will destroy our lives. It is already doing that. Mental health problems are viewed or, rather, listened to, in a different way, as when we continue to accept DL as our normal conversation.


Lastly, the reason I have this blog, is because I write these words for myself. This is my language. I have it and I know, I will continue to have it. I know, I can’t have EL with most people and I am fine with that. I will still continue with it without them. However, if you want to know about EL, you’ve got to come to me, not just once, but repeatedly and if you don’t do that, nothing is possible, you are hopelessly lost in DL, because nobody is talking about DL, EL and LE as I do. I say this with authority, because I am the originator of these concepts. What others have said or written about it is bullshit. The fact that everyone refuses to talk with me, proves my point. If you talk with me, you come face to face with your ignorance about your conditioned way of using your language.  


In closing, I write this to express my gratitude to those with whom, I have been able to explore my EL. Thousands of you have talked with me and, yet, I don’t hear anything from you, because you still go on with your unintelligent DL. You know that that is not what I am about and that is why you stay away. I invite you again, to have EL with me. Yes, you’ve got to stop your stupid DL, it is about time you do that. I don’t have eternal life and if you don’t make use of this opportunity, it is your loss. DL is the language of victim-hood and EL is the language of victory. Even if everyone, day in day out, has DL, I still have EL. You need to come and talk with me, so that you start to talk with yourself. What I say is not important, but how I say it, matters a great deal, because it shows, you too can talk like that – with yourself – and me.

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