Thursday, July 6, 2023




Your confusion is understandable, because it is an indication of how you use your language. You use your language in an ineffective and unintelligent way. As long as you keep engaging in Disembodied Language (DL), you will continue to be confused. It is not evident to you, that how you use your words, creates the chaos, which is your life. If you read my writings, you notice the order of my words. I write and speak as I do, because I am not confused, as I  engage in Embodied Language (EL). The clarity of my language cannot be denied. Even if you only read what I say and never talk with me, you still get a sense, your conflict isn’t my world, but that my language positively affects you, because it is true.


Nowadays, most people have a Global Positional System (GPS) on their phone, so they can easily find their way, wherever they go, but before we had such technological devices it was useful – to avoid confusion while travelling – to look at the map and to write down some clear directions. EL is like the GPS for our happiness. You have absolutely no idea where you are going, with your life, if you don’t speak with and listen to yourself. There is only one way overcome your confusion, which is: stop taking directions from your DL, the punitive, coercive way of how you were taught, to deal with language.


There is no confusion at all, once you switch from DL to EL, but you must do this and nobody, not even the best psychologist or therapist, can do it for you. Many people, supposedly, are losing it when they are getting old. However, their so-called dementia, their confusion, was already happening during the many years, they were involved in DL. Old people often take many medications for their ailments. It is not uncommon for these medications and their side effects, to cause further confusion and uncertainty for these already struggling people. It was found that if dementia-patients listen to music, which they enjoyed while they were young, their social skills are temporarily miraculously restored. One can only imagine what would happen if, they were instructed  to listen to themselves while they speak. In EL, we produce with our voice, an energy, which stimulates our brain and nervous system like nothing else can.


If you are going to have EL, you will be, like me, one of the very few people, who - in the midst of all the suffering and confusion, which is created and maintained by our usual way of talking - has any clarity. However, those with EL can’t help those with DL and I or anyone else with EL, can’t teach you how to have EL, as you must let yourself know. It is clear, why you don’t want to talk with me, because that would dissolve your confusion and you don’t want that. You are attached, not to happiness, but to your confusion. Confusion is your cop-out, as you always have an excuse for not being responsible. Moreover, it is your rigid, fanatic, forceful, phony, bombastic certainty, which always covers up your confusion.  


With DL, you have nothing to offer to anybody, but your own confusion. Although I offer you my EL, my clarity isn’t going to do you any good. Most likely, it will make you feel disturbed, because you can’t miss  my disdain for your confusion. I don’t feel sorry for you, to the contrary, I make fun of you, as you make it seem, as if your DL is the real deal. Well it is not. You are missing out big time and, I predict, your defensive stance is going to increase your confusion.


I write like this, because you get more aggravated and more provoked by confusion, than by the most painful truths. You can pretend otherwise, but with DL, your life will continue to be a mess. You always demand to have your way, because, supposedly, you don’t doubt. Certainly, doubt and confusion aren’t synonymous. Doubt will make you pay attention to what asks your attention, but your confusion won’t let you that. Hilariously, your confusion dispels your doubt, but it is just a big, stinking, smoke screen.


Confusion comes from the Latin word confusio, which means a mingling, mixing, blending, disorder or consternation. In DL, there is a conflict between who you are and who you pretend to be with your language. It has nothing to do with any struggle between what you feel and think, as whatever you feel or think, are just your verbal expressions, which you have never even taken the time to listen to. The  useful things, you are able to say to yourself, if you speak with an effortless, natural, resonant voice, are totally different from all the garbage you spout with your mouth, when you try to sound strong, happy, friendly, certain, holy, funny or interesting. Indeed,  DL and EL never mingle, that is, only if your DL stops, can your EL begin. We are conditioned to have DL, so even if you stop your EL, you will notice, your DL takes over again, but there is no need for any confusion or despair, as the two never mix.


Regardless, of how long or how short you will be able to continue with your EL, it will always be blissful, peaceful, relaxing, relieving, revealing, comical, interesting and energizing. How can that be? If you continue to have EL and speak with the sound of your wellbeing, you will realize and can’t miss that this is made possible by your Language Enlightenment (LE), your natural way of being, which is now properly expressed with your own language. Your confusion was never about your own language, but always about the language of others.         

Wednesday, July 5, 2023




Het is toch wel grappig, maar niet leuk natuurlijk, dat niemand met mij durft te praten. Het is grappig, omdat het is, alsof ik een soort van besmettelijke ziekte heb, terwijl ik heel levendig en kern-gezond ben, maar het is ook niet leuk, maar wel waar, dat ik natuurlijk voortdurend over allerlei dingen praat, waarover men schijnbaar helemaal nooit niet wil spreken. Grappig, dat dit absoluut niet waar is. Als wij eindelijk, met elkaar – maar, natuurlijk, in de eerste plaats, met onszelf – gaan praten over het enorme verschil tussen Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) en Belichaamde Taal (BT), dan pas gaan we echt lachen.  


Ik vraag me af, of die, voor mij, zo lachwekkende, bevestigende en rustgevende reactie, maar voor de anderen, die automatische, allergische en zinloze weigering, om eens gewoon kalm en betekenisvol met mij te praten, nou is vanwege het feit, dat men niet wil of kan lachen en dus eigenlijk geen enkel gevoel voor humor heeft, of dat men te bang is, om te praten over wat echt voor ons, als individu, van belang is? Het vereist zonder meer moed, om tegen de groeps-druk in te gaan, maar ik heb al heel vaak waar genomen, dat men dat eigenlijk zo graag wil, dat men het doet, ook al heeft men de moed niet!   


Iedereen zit, als individu, met de gebakken peren, omdat wij altijd een zeer hoge prijs betalen, voor onze lidmaatschap van een of andere groep. Onze  ontevredenheid, onrust, schaamte en zelf-haat, is te verklaren uit het feit, dat wij – als puntje bij paaltje komt – tegen onze wil in, mee doen met OT. Erger nog, we spreken dag in dag uit met een stem-geluid, waar wij zelf een hekel aan hebben, omdat het niet onze werkelijke stem is, maar een ge-acteerde stem.


Met veel kunst – en vlieg-werk, houdt iedereen dus eigenlijk, omwille van de zogenaamde vrijheid, een verkrampte, gekortwiekte versie van individualiteit gaande, aangezien wij – naar verluid – de moed niet hebben, om echt te gaan voor wie we zijn. Er is voor iedereen, echter, iedere dag, de gelegenheid, om opnieuw met behulp van BT, zichzelf te erkennen, maar dit gebeurt zonder de erkenning van de groep.


Toegeven, dat men de moed niet heeft, om tegen de sociale druk in te gaan en dus, vanuit een soort van wanhoop, toch weer datgene te doen, waarvan men – tegen beter weten in – blijft geloven, dat men het echt zelf zou willen, is schijnbaar meer toelaatbaar, dan echt erkennen, dat men niet kan of wil lachen, want daar ligt natuurlijk het werkelijke taboo. Het worden uitgelachen, door de groep, is de grootst mogelijke vernedering, die we kunnen meemaken.


Wanneer wij, hardop sprekend met onszelf en dus echt luisterend naar aan onszelf, aan onszelf laten weten, waarom wij niet lachen, niet kunnen lachen, niet willen lachen, niet mogen lachen, niet durven lachen, dan beginnen wij te lachen om onszelf, maar we voelen ons daarbij niet uitgelachen, integendeel, we voelen ons enorm opgelucht, want we hebben ontdekt, dat onze OT het lachen tegenhield en dat onze BT het lachen eindelijk weer mogelijk maakt.


Waarom is het toch zo gemakkelijk, om ons lachen en daarmee, ons eigen geluk, de rug toe te keren? Waarom zijn wij zo bang om om onszelf te lachen? Indien wij daar geen aandacht voor kunnen hebben, ontgaat ons het hele fenomeen van humor en willen wij nep-humor, om maar niet te worden herinnnerd aan het onmiskenbare feit, dat wij niet om onszelf kunnen lachen. Toch is lachen om onszelf de enige manier om ons gebrek aan humor op te lossen.  


Ook al is dit nog nimmer, vanwege onze constante deelname aan OT, in kaart gebracht, het lachen om anderen, maakt ons nog depressiever dan dat we al zijn. Met andere woorden, de weigering om onszelf te lachen, is de oorzaak van psychische problemen. Als wij niet om onszelf kunnen lachen, dan kunnen wij ook niet lachen, om anderen, die ook niet om zichzelf kunnen lachen, die alleen maar doen alsof ze om zichzelf lachen, terwijl ze in werkelijkheid zichzelf verloochenen. De waarheid van het lachen is ons nog nooit getoond, omdat we weg bleven lopen van onszelf. Alleen wanneer wij met onszelf BT hebben en gaan lachen, dan vinden wij de echte humor, die ons dus telkens werd onthouden, omdat er werd verondersteld, dat wij het niet aankonden. Ik ben ervan overtuigd, dat je het wel aankan en zelfs aan wil, maar ik weet ook, hoe ongebruikelijk het is, om luchtige, vloeibare, moeiteloze BT, in plaats van suffe, zwaarmoedige OT te hebben.


Jou humor voldoet, net als jou BT, niet aan jou of aan anderen hun verwachting. Het oplossen van jou verwachtingen of de verwachtingen van anderen is lach-wekkend. Ik weet wel dat dit een hele serieuze dissertatie is, over waarom iets, volgens mij, leuk is, maar het is wel echt waar en het is leuk, omdat het waar is. Wat niet leuk is, is ook niet waar. Alles wat on-lachbaar is, is onbelangrijk en wordt volledig ontmaskerd en ontworteld door BT. Er valt niets te lachen, zolang het on-lachbare ons nog bezig blijft houden. Er is nog nooit iemand geweest, die zo nadrukkelijk en kundig als ik, alles wat niet leuk is, heeft genoemd en geplaatsd en daarom is er een grote aarzeling, om mijn humor te accepteren, als een signaal van vooruitgang. We staan zogezegd voor de keuze, om echte humor als echte humor te erkennen of om maar te blijven doen alsof het leuk was. Tenzij wij echt gaan lachen, zijn wij verloren.


Niemand had ooit gedacht, dat onze eigen humor het centrale thema van deze tijd zou gaan zijn. Er bestaat niet eens zoiets als groeps-denken, want het gaat altijd uitsluitend en alleen over waarover wordt gesproken of gelezen. Tenzij men het hoort of leest, stelt het hele dilemma van waarom we zogenaamd niet om onszelf kunnen lachen, geen ene moer voor.


Deze verwoording, deze analyse, deze conclusie, is niet over wat ik of wat iemand anders gelooft, maar over wat wij, als onbewuste deelnemers aan OT of als bewuste deelnemers aan BT, zeggen. Als het een rechtzaak wordt of een kort-geding (leuk woord!), dan gaat het niet over wat er werd verondersteld, maar over de feiten, die werden gezegd, gehoord, geschreven of gelezen. Er is geen enkel bewijs, dat iemand iets dacht, behalve dat hij of zij het zei of schreef. Het is belachelijk dat we, vanwege OT, ons groeps-gedrag, zoveel waarde hechten aan wat we niet eens kunnen zien of horen. Er valt ook niets te lachen, zolang wat we zien of lezen, belangrijker is dan wat we horen en dus direct voelen en ervaren.


Als jij deze woorden hardop aan jezelf voorleest, dan ga je misschien lachen, omdat je eindelijk eens beseft, dat het altijd en alleen gaat over jou besef van taal, dat vanwege je OT afwezig was. Jou humor is dus een nieuw besef van jou taal, BT, dat je nog niet eerder had toegelaten. Je blijft lachen, als je ermee verder gaat. Je hoeft mij niet te geloven, omdat je voor jezelf kunt vaststellen of wat jij zo belangrijk vindt lachwekkend is of niet. Als het zo is, dan raad ik je aan het te vergeten, zodat je met iets anders, iets beters, verder kunt gaan. Waarom zou je stoppen, bij het niet naar je zin hebben, als je kan lachen om je eigen dwaasheid en onwetendheid? Als je lacht om jezelf, dan rijk je verder dan de rest.     

Tuesday, July 4, 2023



Coming home,


The experience of coming home continues. The relaxation and the tranquility are getting deeper and more beautiful. These are, of course, merely just elated words or metaphorical descriptions, but they come from me. No one else writes or speaks like me, only I can, and, therefore, I do. I have Embodied Language (EL), and, therefore, I am. For all I care, Descartes may keep rolling around in his grave.


Why should I concern myself with the language of others, if I know instantly, it is again predictable, boring Disembodied Language (DL)? The person who can have EL with me, possesses the language, which I will continue to enjoy, talk or write about, because the rest simply no longer interests me.


Of course, with this writing, I let myself and others know, I have not forgotten anyone or anything. I am well-aware, we were all raised to accept DL as our , normal and expected way of communicating, but I will not let anyone prevent me from continuing on my own path, in my life, with EL. If people would take the trouble to understand me, they would discover something of utmost importance.


Presumably, you could say, I can speak meditatively and any listener can immediately be in meditation, because listening to me makes that possible. In my opinion, there is still a lot of confusion about what meditation actually is. In this writing, I do not want to leave any doubt that, even though it is spoken of everywhere very differently, meditation, of course, is always the result of how we handle our language.


What you call meditation, based on the rejection of your language, is – like the attempt to remarry after divorce – a form of self-denial. Surely, language and meditation are inextricably linked. In spite of what everyone else says, I would say, EL is the only real meditation, because language has the central place it ought to have. Any reference to meditation is superfluous, because it is totally self-evident in EL,  we are always actually talking about our Language Enlightenment (LE). This airy-fairy, languageless, illusive, mystical meditation, has such great appeal to us, because it is superficial, special and contrived.


Moments of meditation are precisely 
so incredibly rare, because we seem 
to have stopped – if only for a brief
 moment – to pretend that our language
 has nothing to do with it. Indeed, it 
is always about our own description
 of some blissful, all-encompassing,
 ephemeral state, which nevertheless
 is so important to us, that we keep 
wanting to talk or write about it.


Of course, everyone, especially when having an ecstatic, unique, spiritual experience, wants some kind of confirmation - in language - from others. Even if the intelligence-denying, but generally accepted, mindful meditation, is not about our language – because we keep ridiculously hearing, ad nauseam, quasi-meaningful, that it transcends and goes beyond words – we still need to give lectures, lessons, courses, satsangs or sessions, write books, Facebooks and blogs or make podcasts and videos.


The pervasive notion, that meditation should have nothing to do with language is stupid, hilarious as well as profoundly problematic. We cannot avoid or deny the great importance of our language and we should be concerned with language, in order to arrive at meditation. As I have said before, the term meditation itself is gratuitous, because only in EL, we do as we say. Consequently, we become aware of the best of what our language is capable of: our LE. In our common, daily, sloppy, stubborn, lazy, reactive DL, this is not the case.


Like Prayer, Nirvana, Tao, Qigong, His Holiness or any so-called Higher Power, the word Meditation also derives from DL. Simply stated, we are out of meditation, because of our mechanical, negative, rambunctious, compulsive and energy-consuming use of language, and in meditation, due to our ongoing EL, the natural expression of our LE.   


Since EL is ordinary, effortless and self-evident, and because we never deal – for any significant period of time, let alone, permanently – with our language in this magnificent way, we are burdened with all sorts of meaningless moral precepts and concepts and self-defeating theories, all of which, inevitably, have sprung from our punitive involvement in DL. In short, we are weighed down by our heavy, rigid language, which never expresses, who we really are.


We talk about awareness, knowledge,
acceptance, objectivity, respect, 
insight or patience, but this is just 
talking without walking, that is, 
we don’t listen to ourselves while
 speak and we don’t chew any 
gum either. However, when we
 consider not only our own drama, 
but the whole of human history 
and conclude, everything, that 
has happened, has led to the 
chaos of today, we must admit
 that the so-called human rights, 
world peace, brotherhood, equality,  
international cooperation, freedom
 of expression or religion, have 
not resulted in us being able 
to live peacefully, in a stable 
and viable social structure.


Division among different groups of people is greater than ever and this is explained by the fact, that we have never spoken – neither with ourselves, nor with each other - about the huge difference between DL and EL. People who are involved in meditation or spirituality pretend, their morals are better or higher than those who focus on earthly matters. Since technology has shown us that nothing was true about all our former religions, frantic attempts are made everywhere – of course, with language – to create conformity to new forms of togetherness or so-called group-think, which can be exploited.


We talk about thinking, believing, remembering, awareness, silence, meditation, oneness, knowledge, understanding or consciousness, but we fail to recognize, we always refer to our language. Because we are accustomed to and conditioned by DL, without even knowing or admitting it, we say, we are convinced, that a lot of things cannot be talked about. It is also said, one cannot talk about stillness, meditation or enlightenment, yet everyone wants to talk about it.


Certainly, there is something wrong with making so-called agreements about how we are going to talk about things. The so-called course in EL, for which you have to pay and buy and fill out some tedious work-book, never leads to EL, but only creates the illusion of EL. EL is not a course. Your LE does not come about, because I – or anyone else, who knows about it – want to share my LE with you.  Everyone would like it to be that way, but it isn't. I know what EL is and I guarantee, you will have it, if you talk with me after reading this. Coming home to yourself never ends, as you are going to start talking with yourself, while you talk with me. I don’t teach anybody anything. I don’t meet your expectations, all of which refer to your dreadful conditioning history with DL. When we have EL with each other, we leave behind what we believed to know. In EL, we are new and still, but with our language.






Het thuiskomen duurt maar voort. De ontspanning en rust worden alsmaar dieper en mooier. Het zijn slechts prachtige woorden en omschrijvingen, maar ze komen wel van mij. Niemand schrijft of spreekt zoals ik, omdat alleen ik dit kan en daarom ook doe.


Waarom zou ik me met de taal van anderen inlaten, indien ik meteen weet, dat het Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) is? De persoon die Belichaamde Taal (BT) met mij wil en kan hebben, heeft de taal, die ik blijf hebben, omdat de rest me niet meer interesseert.   


Uiteraard laat ik met dit schrijven, aan mijzelf en aan anderen weten, dat ik niemand ben vergeten en dat ik mij door niemand ervan laat weerhouden, om mijn eigen levenspad te blijven volgen. Indien men de moeite zou nemen, om mij te begrijpen, dan zou blijken, dat het heel bijzonder is wat ik heb ontdekt.


Je zou kunnen zeggen, dat ik meditatief kan spreken en dat een eventuele luisteraar meteen in meditatie kan zijn, omdat het luisteren naar mij dat mogelijk maakt. Er is volgens mij nog steeds grote verwarring over wat meditatie nou eigenlijk is. In dit schrijven, wil ik er geen enkele twijfel over laten bestaan, dat, ook al wordt er anders over gesproken, meditatie altijd het gevolg is van hoe wij met taal omgaan.


Die zogenaamde meditatie, die gebaseerd is op het  verwerpen van onze taal, is – net als de poging om, nadat mensen zijn gescheiden, toch weer opnieuw te trouwen – een vorm van zelf-ontkenning. Taal en meditatie zijn onvermijdelijk met elkaar verbonden. BT is dus de enige echte meditatie, omdat taal een centrale plaats inneemt. Eigenlijk is de verwijzing naar meditatie geheel overbodig, omdat wat wij meditatie noemen vanzelf-sprekend is. Vluchtige, taalloze meditatie heeft zo’n aantrekkingskracht,   omdat het oppervlakkig, speciaal en gekunsteld is.


Meditatieve momenten zijn daarom zo zeldzaam, omdat wij schijnbaar eventjes ophouden, om te doen, alsof het met taal niets te maken zou hebben.   Het gaat hierbij altijd om onze eigen beschrijving van een gelukzalige, alomvattende, kortstondige toestand, die voor ons kennelijk zo belangrijk is, dat we er altijd over willen blijven praten of schrijven.


Uiteraard wil iedereen, juist bij het hebben van een extatische, bijzondere, spirituele ervaring, een soort van bevestiging – in taal – van anderen. Ook al gaat het in de intelligentie-ontkennende, maar algemeen geaccepteerde meditatie, zogenaamd niet over onze taal, omdat het – zoals men dat, tot vervelens toe, quasi-betekenisvol, herhaaldelijk, belachelijk, blijft beweren – verder gaat dan en geheel voorbij gaat aan woorden, toch worden er weer lezingen, lessen, cursussen, satsangs of sessies gegeven, boeken en blogs geschreven en podcasts en videos gemaakt.  


De opvatting, dat meditatie niets van doen heeft met taal is dom en problematisch. Ook al wordt het tegenovergestelde beweert, wij kunnen niet onze taal ontlopen en zouden ons juist met taal moeten bezig houden, om tot meditatie te komen. Zoals ik al  zei, is de term meditatie overbodig, aangezien we alleen met BT kunnen doen, waartoe onze taal in staat is. In onze alledaagse OT is dit niet het geval.


Net als gebed, is ook het woord meditatie van OT afkomstig. Wij zijn dus zogezegd uit onze meditatie, vanwege onze mechanische, onbesuisde, negatieve, dwangmatige en energie-verslindende omgang met taal en in meditatie vanwege de voortgang met BT.


Omdat BT natuurlijk, moeiteloos en vanzelfsprekend is en wij nooit of te nimmer, op deze wijze, blijvend, met onze taal omgaan, zitten wij met allerlei zinloze morele begrippen en zelf- ondermijnende theorien opgezadeld, die allemaal, onvermijdelijk, uit onze OT zijn voortgekomen. Kortom, we zijn beladen met zware taal, die nooit verwezelijkt, wie we echt zijn.


Men heeft het over bewustzijn, kennis, acceptatie, objectiviteit, respect, inzicht of geduld, maar dit zijn slechts praatjes, die geen gaatjes vullen. Wanneer wij echter niet alleen ons eigen drama, maar de gehele geschiedenis van de mens beschouwen en concluderen, dat alles wat er is gebeurd heeft geleid tot de gigantische chaos van vandaag de dag, dan kunnen wij toch niet anders dan toegeven, dat die zogenaamde rechten van de mens, wereld-vrede, internationale samenwerking, verbroedering of de vrijheid van menings-uiting of godsdienst, niet tot gevolg hebben gehad, dat wij nu kunnen leven in een stabiele en leefbare maatschappelijke structuur.


De verdeeldheid in de wereld is groter dan ooit tevoren en dat is verklaarbaar uit het feit, dat wij nog nooit hebben gesproken – met onszelf en met elkaar – over het enorme verschil tussen OT en BT. Mensen, die zich met meditatie of spiritualiteit bezighouden, doen zich graag voor alsof hun moraal  beter of hoger zou zijn, dan zij, die zich meer richten op aardse zaken. Omdat de technologie inmiddels wel heeft aangetoond dat er niets waar was van alle voormalige religie, worden er overal – natuurlijk met taal – pogingen ondernomen, om conformiteit en dus nieuwe vormen van samenzijn te creeren.


Ook al praten wij over denken, geloven, herinnering, gewaarzijn, stilte, meditatie, eenheid, kennis, weten of bewustzijn, we hebben het – ongemerkt – altijd over onze taal. Omdat we, zonder dit te weten of toe te geven, gewend zijn aan en geconditioneerd zijn door OT, zeggen we en zijn we ervan overtuigd, dat er over een heleboel zaken niet kan worden gesproken. Men zegt dat men niet over meditatie kan praten en toch wil iedereen erover praten.


Uiteraard is er altijd weer iets mis met het maken van afspraken, over hoe wij over de dingen zullen gaan praten. De cursus in BT, waarvoor je moet betalen en een of ander stom-vervelend werkboek moet door-worstelen, leidt nooit tot BT, maar tot de illusie van BT. BT is geen cursus en komt niet tot stand, omdat ik of iemand anders, die ervan weet, het zo graag met anderen wil delen. Iedereen zou wel willen dat het zo is, maar zo is het niet. Ik weet wat BT is en jij kunt het alleen aan de weet komen, als je, nadat je dit hebt gelezen, met mij in gesprek gaat. Thuiskomen in jezelf houdt nooit op. Ik geef geen cursus en voldoe niet aan jou gebruikelijke verwachtingen, die allemaal revereren aan jou conditionerings-geschiedenis met OT. Als wij BT met elkaar hebben, laten wij wat wij dachten te weten achter. In BT, zijn wij helemaal nieuw, met onze taal.     

Sunday, July 2, 2023




Today, I spoke with someone at the gym. We had a nice conversation a while ago, in which I mentioned,  she could read about what we had talked about in my blog. I asked her, if she had read my writings and she said yes. I then asked, if she liked it? She said, she was reading it very slowly and carefully. That’s good, I said and asked, but how did you like it? She said, she actually felt kind of afraid, while reading it.


I told her, it is very common for people, to fear the possibility of talking with themselves and listening to themselves, as it means, we begin to express, listen to and act upon, our own language. Moreover, once we discover and explore Embodied Language (EL), we take charge of our lives, because we realize, that Disembodied Language (DL) or, you could say, the language of others, always worked against us.


Each human being experiences the inescapable fear of going their own way, as this implies: going against their own conditioning. DL is omnipresent, because fear is at the core of every conversation, in which one person tries to convince someone else of their beliefs. In EL, there is absolutely no need to convert anyone, as we can experience it, regardless of the disapproval of everyone, because, unbelievable as it sounds, everyone really engages in DL, every day.


It is scary, but also exciting, to admit, that during EL, you are doing something, which almost no one else is doing. As you take your first steps in EL, you know, for sure, everyone is incapable of having EL, as long as they don’t bring their attention to their language, by listening to themselves while they speak. Surely, in principle, everyone who can speak and hear, can hear themselves speak, but, our DL perpetuates our fear of being here and acknowledging what we feel.  


While it is true, that we all experience moments of wellbeing, peace, safety or truth, we fear continuing with the language, which is indispensable for having  more than merely an occasional, accidental episode. Due to our fear of really going our own way, we have no idea, it is because of how we deal with our language, that we keep doing many things against our will. EL shows, we are much better off without our rampant repertoire of neurotic behaviors.


On Fourth of July it is Independence Day, which is the anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence of the United States from Great Britain in 1776. This historic document was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. However, it is going to be our own ability, to overcome our fear and speak and write – like I do, on this blog – about our EL, which will determine if we are going to be independent and free. Of course, the only real freedom, is freedom from our history of conditioning with DL. Freedom is only available for those, who will go against their own fear of it.  


When I immigrated to the United States in 1999, I did so, willingly, voluntarily and consciously. It is pure coincidence, that I was born and raised in the Netherlands, but it was my choice, to become a US citizen. I feel fortunate and grateful, I was able to make this decision. I have aligned myself with the Three Inalienable Rights of every American: Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness. Although I am well-aware, such a phrase is only paid lip-service to by most people, but for me, the right to Life, means to take full ownership of my own life and to be truly an individual. My Life depends on my behavior, not on the requirements of bureaucracy or the actions of legislators or jurists. My understanding of Liberty is not some self-centered, superficial, superstitious, angry notion of doing whatever the hell I want to, but my ability, intelligence and freedom to express my Language Enlightenment (LE) with my EL. Also, my Pursuit of Happiness, is my knowledge and skill to live a meaningful life. To be able to live a life of satisfaction, I have always faced and I will continue to face my own fears. My life is worth living, as I am proud of all the consequences of my behavior.


When I came to the US, I wrote this poem:


Now that I’m here

I know that for year after year

I’ve been avoiding my fear


Now that I see

What is inside of me

I let it come out and be free


Now that I know

My struggle was just a big show

I finally let it all go


Now that I feel

It is not a very big deal

I calmly step out of the wheel

Saturday, July 1, 2023




Can someone, like me, who has achieved – yes, I have achieved it – my Language Enlightenment (LE), still be angry? Sure enough, I am a human being and nothing human is alien to me. However, I consider it total nonsense, to believe, that every human being is sacred. Although I was conditioned in this way, I don’t see it as my duty, to treat everyone with love,  compassion, respect and dignity. I don’t make any assumptions about the supposed uniqueness and beauty of each human being, as I refuse to honor anything I can’t hear, see or experience. False hope is like a bad joke and I don’t give anyone any hope. I don’t need to remind myself of who I am and I am not responsible for reminding others either.  


The justified, intelligent, beneficial, enjoyable anger of someone like me – who is able to express his true nature with Embodied Language (EL) – is different from the destructive anger of people, who engage in Disembodied Language (DL) every day. It is common for people to have negative anger, which isn’t real anger. Real anger is positive, as it dispels ignorance, but the phony, scripted, acted anger of everyone, who, unknowingly, is stuck with their DL,  perpetuates their pathetic lack of self-knowledge. Of course, our real anger is a necessary force, to protect who we are and to stand our own ground.


My entire life, I have been misjudged, because of my anger – which, as I know, right now – always had to do with the irrefutable fact, that I wanted EL, but wasn’t capable of expressing myself clearly about it yet. Thus, unknowingly, I expressed my EL as DL, but, since I’ve achieved my LE, I started to speak and write about my DL with EL, which is the right way.


Appallingly, everyone is only capable of expressing fake emotions. Not only our anger is contaminated by many judgements and superstitions, but also our love is utterly superficial and our laughter is stupid. Furthermore, our so-called sincerity is always a form of holier-than-thou and our despised sadness is only a sentimental victimhood. Obviously, there is such a thing as real sadness, real honesty, real love and real laughter, but our coercive, mechanical, habitual DL doesn’t tolerate any real emotions. Thus, I’ve always been angry, that my real emotions were rejected and even considered crazy. However, it is the other way around: the fact, that people cannot deal with their emotions, drives them mad. It is funny, that madness, in this respect, is expressed as anger.


No one in the academic world of psychology and education – of which I have been a part for so many years – talks about the anger, which is at the core of the lack of learning and, therefore, the cause of our  so-called mental health problems. While everyone is – like I was – basically incapable of verbalizing their true feelings, these feelings are still there, but they are either expressed wrongly, complicating things even further or they are in all sorts of ways ignored or avoided. It is disgusting what people do and force others to do, to stick their head in the sand and to remain at all cost oblivious about their real feelings. Willful forgetfulness is everywhere. Since we don’t know about the difference between DL and EL, we engage in DL, as we simply don’t know any better.


While it appears as if our anger, generally speaking, is always directed at others, once we discover and explore our EL, we cannot deny, our anger is always directed to ourselves. Only when we get clear about our anger, can we stop all sorts of energy-draining neurotic behavior, which reflects our inability to be ourselves. Ultimately, everyone is very angry, that they do not even know how to be themselves and that in spite of all their efforts, nothing really works.  


There will be no remorse or shame about our anger anymore, when we feel, we are liberated from our failed attempts of dealing with and expressing our emotions. To the contrary, instead of regret, we feel confidence and pride, instead of destroying things, we have skillfully created, instead of fighting, we’ve done the right thing, which works and focuses our attention on doing whatever brings us good results.


I don’t need or want to change my behavior, as the outcomes are exactly what I want them to be, but you – who unconsciously engage in DL – constantly experience unintended consequences. You may be frustrated, you complain, worry and stress, but it is to no avail. Your conflicts can never subside, as long as you don’t turn to how you use your language. It is so dumb, you don’t listen to yourself, but you’ll do just about anything, to get others to listen to you.


People rather kill each other, than talk out loud with themselves and listen to themselves. They endlessly force their beliefs on others, but they can’t do this to themselves and their vicious rage, is about their own gloomy sense of failure. While they can’t talk about it with themselves, they either throw their shit on others or they let others tell them how to supposedly deal with it. Nobody is interested in hearing from me, because I am free from this blind anger, because I listen to my own feelings, which are always true. I don’t waste any time anymore with DL, as my wonderful anger allows me to cut through all the crap with great certainty and precision. My anger is funny too, because I really am always right.          

Friday, June 30, 2023




In your usual way of dealing language, which I call Disembodied Language (DL), you are always holding back. You could say, write, express, address, become conscious about, understand and enjoy, much more of your own verbal behavior, than you currently do, if you stopped yourself from stopping yourself and if you gave yourself total permission, to say and write, what you want to say and write and are capable of saying or writing. If you did that, you would change your negative attitude about your own language and discover your own Embodied Language (EL). And, in effect, you would start using your own intelligence.  


Since you mechanically, unconsciously and stupidly engage in DL, every day, your language isn’t working for you, but against you. You can’t hear, what you haven’t said, because you don’t even know, that you don’t even like to listen to the sound of your own voice and, therefore, you never listen to your body or your own experience. Consequently, you can’t read, in your own words, about the results of your  actions, because they were so terrible, you were not inclined to write about them. The real meaning of having faith, is to have faith in your own language.


If you happen to read my words, which were written for myself, you feel, you get back something, which was missing in your life: attention for your language. The power of having and sharing your own language (EL), is awesome. I just heard, that Obama receives $400,000 for a speech, but neither he nor any other famous person has EL. He is paid this much, as what he says is assumed to be important, but what I say in this writing is of greater importance. It’s priceless.


It is so wonderful, to be who I am. I am enlightened. I like to say it and write it, because I love to hear myself and read about my Language Enlightenment (LE). If you find your way to my words, you will read about and feel your own LE too, because what I write and speak about, is for everyone. Our EL reveals our LE, which is our true nature. This is as true for me as it is for you. Of course, like you, I have also endlessly struggled, because my DL couldn’t express who I am or let me be who I am. My body dysphoria didn’t result in the absurd conclusion, I am a woman in a man’s body, but in the abnegation of my DL. In my DL, I tried to be how others wanted me to be, but it didn’t work. However, although I have often made the mistake to believe otherwise, my EL is not how I want to be with my language.


There is no me, who wants to or claims to have EL, as in EL, there is nobody who has it. Moreover, I also don’t want others, you, to have EL, because there is nobody to have EL with. In EL, we dissolve, that’s it. Your LE is expressed by your EL and all your drama ends. This is the most precious gift of my EL: I don’t want to have EL with anyone, who doesn’t want it. What a relief. My false sense of identity, of who I believed myself to be, was about being heard, being listened to, being respected, being welcomed, being celebrated, but now all that has dropped away and I can’t even imagine anymore, I wanted that for such a long time. Right now, I go with the flow and there is, of course, no I, who goes with the flow, because there’s just only the flow of this lovely language, which expresses itself so naturally and effortlessly.


Every time my language stops, there is space for new things to be said or written. I like those pauses, which announce a new revelation. Not everything I say or write is equally significant, but I couldn’t say or write what is significant, if I didn’t say or write what is unimportant. It is just as important to me, to say or write what is unimportant, as to say or write what is important. In DL, we slam each other with what is supposedly important, but we forget to pay attention to what is unimportant. What is important in DL, is blissfully unimportant in EL. Only someone like me – who has EL, who pays attention to what is important and what is unimportant – can write or say something, like this, which is truly important.