Saturday, October 14, 2023




Being alone is an entirely different matter with Disembodied Language (DL) than with Embodied Language (EL). With DL, you don’t want to be alone, but with EL, you enjoy being alone. I used to feel sad about being alone, because I wanted so badly to be with others, but now that I know, that being with others mostly means, that I can’t have any EL, I like to be alone and continue with my EL. 


Being alone, allows me to wait for the right words, which I like to say, hear, write and read. Everything which is important to me, is expressed exactly in the way I want to say, hear, write and read it. Although you can read, on this blog, about my EL, it is only for me. My EL can only do any good for you, if it makes you realize, you need to have your own EL. You need to be alone, by yourself, talk out loud with yourself, to be able to listen to your own voice and hear the beauty of your EL, which, effortlessly and naturally, expresses your Language Enlightenment (LE).  


When people, with DL, consider the notion of being alone, they talk about being by themselves, that is, of being without someone else. However, being alone, in EL, has a different meaning. In EL, you are always alone, even when you are with other people. In other words, aloneness is the essence of your EL. You have no problem with it, as your exploration of EL, made it clear to you, this is your LE. I never ask anyone, to leave me alone, for a moment. People always leave me alone, but without any question.  


We have all heard the statement, that we are all born alone and we all die alone. Of course, it is a fact, but it is utterly meaningless to us, because in DL, we merely repeat what others have said and by doing so, we completely disconnect from ourselves. When people casually speak about death, they talk about their preference of being buried in a grave, next to their loved ones or of being cremated and having one’s ashes spread out somewhere or taken home in an urn. They are more concerned about what happens, after they die, then when they live.


Being alone – and, therefore, being yourself – is only possible with your EL and not with your mechanical, insensitive, repetitive DL. You may have had some moments in which, perhaps, you have noticed, that being alone didn’t seem so bad after all. It implies,  you too have tried so hard to be with others, but you nevertheless ended up all by yourself. People only say in DL, it was a blessing in disguise, because in EL, everything is revealed. Actually, there are no disguised blessings in EL, as you know, it is your LE.


What happens, in that moment, when you expected to be with others, but you find yourself, being alone, is that, to your own surprise, you enjoy it, as it is a relief. Thus, the so-called blessing, is only disguised by your DL, but not by your actual experience. As a matter of fact, your direct experience sets the stage for a new way of dealing with language and this old expression – it was a blessing in disguise – should be changed, in simply: it was a blessing, to be alone.   


When you, for the first time, switch from your usual DL to EL, you witness a big change, from perceiving yourself, as a crowd of fragments, to experiencing a sudden sense of oneness, you had always felt, but never had the words or the way to express. It is very moving, to be, finally, verbally alone and to discover, with your EL, that you really need to be by yourself. Moreover, you will know it, when you deliberately step out of your long conditioning history with DL.  


In DL, we, unconsciously, keep talking talk about our crazy, busy, troublesome, stressed-out lives, in which we hardly ever have one moment – alone – for ourselves; about finally being able to speak with someone, alone, for ten minutes, who was so hard to get a hold off; about experiencing the burden of being together and wanting to be left alone for a while; about feeling so miserable, helpless, hopeless and meaningless, as we are feeling so alone; about not being able to leave each other alone; about not being able to leave it – whatever the hell it may be – alone; and about screaming – alone – in the desert.


Being alone has been dreaded by millions of people,  because, the reality is, that we, unknowingly, dread our own DL. Once we acknowledge this, we come to terms with being alone, with being ourselves, with being an individual and with having language, that fits with our natural way of being. Surely, DL is a  survival-group-behavior, which dominated mankind  ever since human beings became verbal, but, due to individualization, it has lost its value. Being together and staying together, has always been praised as the highest moral value, but with EL, we discover, there is much more to our own lives, than to only fulfill our duties, as members of the groups, we believe, we have – because of our conditioning – to belong to. Moreover, with EL, we don’t want to belong to any group, as our freedom is about being alone.                

Friday, October 13, 2023




Now that I confidently and happily continue with my own Embodied Language (EL) and express the bliss and beauty of my Language Enlightenment (LE), I want to put into words, the great disappointment I have felt, that hardly anyone is interested in talking with me about this. I no longer feel frustrated about it, but in the past, I was very upset, if you did what you always do: have Disembodied Language (DL).


After I discovered my LE with EL, I was as dissatisfied with my own DL, as I was with the DL of others. It infuriated me, that because of our conditioning, we all keep having this stupid way talking and dealing with language, which has only negative outcomes. I could not and would not accept it, not from myself nor from someone else. Although I still abhor DL, I no longer expect anyone to have EL with me.


Even when I didn’t know what I know today about EL, I was, apparently, always searching for people to have EL with me. Again and again, it seemed as if I had found them, but my disillusionment was always just around the corner. I literally got thrown out of many of the groups, I once tried to belong to. Later on, I decided to voluntarily leave behind the so-called community, I had wanted so much to be part of. 


We talk about fitting in, but what the hell is that? It means, you are not being yourself, as you do what is expected from you, by others. This group-pressure, is so enduring, that even if we speak with ourselves, we insist, we shouldn’t have any expectations of ourselves. It is wrong to have expectations of others – so the reasoning goes – and,  therefore, it must also be wrong to have expectations of ourselves.  


Obviously, you will never be able to live up to your own expectations, as long as you don’t even allow yourself to have expectations. This is typically an example of how, in DL, we are always fighting with ourselves. However, when you have EL, you will stop  with all that nonsense. Surprisingly, you will not have any expectations of others, only expectations of yourself, which come true. In other words, you don’t create disappointment for yourself anymore.  


I had always assumed and tried to have faith in my belief, there would be people, somewhere – I just hadn’t found them yet – who have the common, spiritual, philosophical, psychological, scientific or artistic sense, that there must be a way of talking, in which we work everything out. I owe this tenacious conviction to my abusive father, who said: whatever it is, we can always talk about it. Probably, I owe my great dissatisfaction to him too, because, he never was interested in or appreciative of anything I said. To the contrary, he beat me and he humiliated me.


Looking back, it was because I felt so rejected and let down, that I started to talk with myself, as there really was no one else to talk with. Of course, this is a bit of an exaggeration, as there are always people who are willing to talk, but not in the way I wanted to talk. I had one friend, however, his name was Lak, who – if he wasn’t stoned or drunk – would let me speak about the importance of listening to yourself while you speak, that is, of EL. He kept distracting me with his antics, but I insisted and he blurted out: you want me to listen to myself, but you aren’t even listening to yourself? I laughingly admitted, he was right. He was a witness, to the birth of my EL. After I immigrated to the United States in 1999, we wrote each other, but I ended our correspondence, as he was no longer interested in really talking with me.


I only continue with people – admittedly, very few – who are willing to have EL with me. I don’t feel any regret about leaving everyone with their DL behind. I have listened carefully to my own disappointment and I have concluded, it was justified. The world, as I know it, is created and maintained by my EL, which gives me peace, humor and satisfaction. However, your chaotic, conflicted, brutal, superficial reality, is inevitably created by your mechanical DL. Moreover, you have yet to fully admit and come to grips with your disappointment in how you have used your language until now. As anyone with EL, I can hear, your DL works against you. I know, it can’t give you what you want. Of course, you want what you want, but you can’t have it with DL. You can only talk about your LE – your lasting happiness – with your EL.                

Thursday, October 12, 2023




The most important reason, it is such a great joy for me to engage in Embodied Language (EL), is I no longer feel bothered by the Disembodied Language (DL), everyone else is involved in. And, yes, it is one thing, to engage in DL yourself, but quite another, to be constantly bothered by the DL of others. Looking back, I have been bothered by the DL of others for most of my life, but luckily, recently this changed.  


Initially, when you first discover your EL, which, so to speak, is a great step forward, you also become incredibly sensitive to the DL of others, which, you could say, is three steps backward. Before finding your own EL, you were unconscious and in denial about the many immediate negative effects of your own DL, although you may have been making a lot fuzz about the DL of others. Therefore, when the stark contrast between your own EL and your DL, inevitably presents itself, it can be overwhelming.


With EL, you begin to feel the joy and the strength of being with yourself and this definitely involves a process of recovery from your drama of weakness. It is hilarious, to find out that you have believed in all these absurd verbal constructs, which once you express them with you EL, simply disappear without leaving any trace. You may have believed in god or in some sort of so-called higher power, but when you talk with yourself, you realize, it was all nothing but your own imagination. Most certainly, you have also tried to believe in your inner, true self, which, supposedly, was causing your behavior, but within seconds of just talking with yourself and listening to the sound of your own voice, you will realize there absolutely cannot exist such an entity. Moreover, in EL all your verbally cultivated nonsense evaporates, because you express Language Enlightenment (LE) .


What is perceived as strength in DL, is considered a weakness in EL. It is pure weakness, which prevents you from feeling and expressing your own emotions. In DL, you are defending against your own emotions and this makes you do all sort of hateful, stupid and, at best, ridiculous things. Furthermore, if you can’t even express your own joy, it is always because you are stuck on your negative emotions. You are a total coward, who is merely pretending not to have these negative feelings, which take their toll on you. When you take your first steps into EL, you no longer deny all of this. Actually, to finally cry, will be a great joy.  


Relief and joy will be beyond description, when you come into your own language. It is not what you say, but how you say it, which makes you cry tears of joy. Moreover, your joy is never overwhelming, because by stopping your DL, you have prepared yourself for it, with your EL. Speaking out loud with yourself, by yourself, about your troubled emotions, is soothing and comforting. This is what everyone needs, not only those, who can’t hide their struggles anymore, who, supposedly, have mental health issues. There will be a complete overhaul of psychiatry, which, as it is, is only getting people deeper entrenched in DL.


Parenting and education with EL implies that we will be learning with joy. Sadly, we were all raised and taught with coercive DL, to only have DL, as there was no one, like me, who knew the difference between miserable DL and joyful EL. People have tried to address this difference, but they always failed, as they never detected it, by listening to themselves, while they speak. It is our speaking and listening, which sets the stage for all our other behaviors, including how we deal with our language, which has nothing to do with what we have called thinking.


Once you express with your EL, what you, during DL, refer to as thinking, you find it signifies something you had not previously expressed, but were always able to express. Simply stated, DL creates the false notion, that certain things cannot or should not be talked about. This is what you call your mind. It is what you wanted to express, but couldn’t express, because DL wouldn’t let you. Therefore, once you say to yourself, in EL, what is, presumably, on your mind, you experience sheer joy, as this problematic verbal construct is, at long last, properly addressed and, consequently, dissolved. Thus, your ongoing EL always, immediately, effortlessly articulates your LE.


We seem to have no problem acknowledging, that a child can laugh with joy, but this innocence seems not applicable to adults. When we sensitively speak with a child, we take part in this delight. Of course, a child is still not as entrenched in and imprisoned by DL, as we are, as it is still alive and full of energy. We love seeing and hearing a joyful child. However, as soon as it goes to school, where it will learn to read and write, this joy disappears, as it isn’t expressed by our DL. When we embrace our EL, we go back into this magnificent, unburdened, pre-verbal state.


I never say, my heart is singing with joy, because it is who I really am with – my EL – that is, it is always my LE, which sings. I have no need for soppy, poetic, spiritual metaphors, as my truth is my joy and my truth is verbal. I don’t care for only just one miserly moment of joy, as my EL makes me live a joyful life. This is what all the miserable people with DL try to do. They try to have and hang onto one moment of joy, while, in fact, their whole life remains a mess. I remember, when I first began to have EL or when I heard others have EL, I was always weeping, as I was feeling so moved. Your joy makes you do that too, if you have the guts, to talk with yourself and listen.           

Wednesday, October 11, 2023




Within an hour, all the world’s problems can be solved. Yes, sixty minutes is enough. We just need to have real conversation and that will set in motion all the changes, which need to happen, to prevent the total destruction of the world, as we know it. We know reality, with how we use our language and our use of language, up till now, has been very stupid. You don’t use a hammer, to hit on your thumb, but to hit the nail on the head. Likewise, we should have Embodied Language (EL) instead of our self-harming Disembodied Language (DL). I have the former and I have recovered from the years of using the latter.


Simply stated, everyone should go into recovery. No, there’s no need to recover from any of our so-called  addictions, we need to recover from our DL and the only way to do that, is by having EL. Since DL and EL are mutually exclusive, only when our DL is stopped, our EL can begin. Only someone like me, can know whether this is the case, after he or she has actually done it. Those you hear in the news-media have no clue about how to address, let alone stop, their own DL. In fact, all attention-grabbers, who dominate the conversation, everywhere, are examples of DL.


So, the real problem is, that we are all – whether we know it or not, admit it or not or are aware of it or not – unknowingly, day in day out, listening to the demanding people with DL, but never to someone like me, who has EL. However, this is, of course, not my problem, as I listen to myself and I always act on what I say. As a matter of fact, I act directly and for me there is no difference between saying something and doing something. The delay between what you say and what you do, is due to DL, which makes you postpone and forget to do what is right for yourself.


How can you do what is right for others, if what you do to yourself is harmful? With your pretentious DL, you claim to know what is good for others, while you refuse to do what is good for yourself. This is why everyone is so fucked up, because we have never looked into – by having EL – how our horrible use of language determines our other behaviors. We like to stay busy with our fantasies about how language, presumable, influences the behavior of others and,  supposedly, we already know how it really works.


This writing, which will be finished within one hour, is a rendition of my EL, which, unequivocally, states that our DL is finished. Sure enough, we can and,  probably, still will continue with our dreadful DL, but we are certainly heading for more catastrophic circumstances. This is not shallow fear-mongering, but what I – someone who has achieved Language Enlightenment (LE) – say about the situation in the world, which has remained utterly ignorant about the distinction between DL and EL. The only reason we continue with devastating, moronic, mechanical DL is because we don’t know any better. Once we know the difference between DL and EL, we want to stop our DL, like the paranoid dis-ease it truly is.


The clock is ticking. This may very well be our final hour. We are not heading in the right direction, as long as our distorted DL continues. It isn’t terrorists, which need to be wiped out, but our common use of language. Nobody, in any of the institutions of learning or governments of affluent countries, has ever mentioned the urgent need to stop our DL. It is not going to happen. You can only read it here, on this blog, which I write, because I have the solution. I am no longer in a hurry to reach anyone, as I have done all that and am completely done with all that.


If you read my words out loud and begin to listen to your own voice, you will know, what I say is true. It is true, because you hear yourself say it. Listening to yourself while you speak sets the stage for your EL and in DL, you weren’t listening to yourself. In fact, authority was always outside of you and that is why you were always listening to others or demanding that others listen to you. The audience – from which these narcissistic, grandiose so-called influencers seek approval, so anxiously – is still the authority. I am not waiting for you to have EL, I have it already with those, who are honest enough to have it.


There is ten minutes left. I can say a lot in a short time. I don’t feel hurried, but I have other things to do than to write on this blog and need to get ready to go to work. I am sure, the reader can feel why there is no more time for DL. In EL, however, we transcend time. The future is now and the past is gone, because we are no longer dragging it with us, due to the unintelligent way in which we use our language. If you have EL, you immediately notice, that everything is suddenly completely different. You are enlightened, because your language finally fits with who you have always been. This oneness can only be revealed by your EL. Let me hear from you, then we can celebrate our enlightenment together.                          

Tuesday, October 10, 2023




From the overwhelming number of responses to my blog, you can tell how much interest there is in Embodied Language (EL). People know, that there is an enlightened person living in Chico, CA, but they are too busy with other, apparently, more important matters. I have made myself heard many times. The lyrics of my songs speak volumes. My daily writings have become more and more sublime and yet, no one shows the interest it deserves. That's how it works. I know how it is and I have known this for a long time. The great sadness I used to feel about this has totally disappeared. I am happy anyway.


Despite the lack of interest - which is also a lack of depth and courage - my EL continues calmly, in this chaotic, violent, crazy world, which is inevitably destroyed by the superficial way in which language is handled by us. The Disembodied Language (DL) that is taking place everywhere cannot but have catastrophic consequences. I don't experience those consequences, because I don't deal with DL. The steady progress of my EL is a sign of my Language Enlightenment (LE), which is the reason why, despite all the misery, I can continue with my EL.


My own ability to have self-care does me good, but the attention from others has often gotten me into trouble. I don't want the kind of attention, that one is able to give because of conditioning with DL. I am of no interest to anyone, because I not an authority, not a leader, not a teacher, not a psychologist, not a philosopher, not a scientist, not an intellectual, not an artist, not a spiritualist, not a revolutionary, not a martyr or a world improver and, yes, nobody can place me in their categories. I am a nobody, who reminds others, that they too are nobody. I wanted to be someone – just like everyone else – but I didn't succeed and now I'm so happy, that this is the case. It's really nice to be nobody. I enjoy being left alone.


This writing is not, as one
 is probably inclined to 
believe from DL, to arouse
 someone's interest in EL 
and LE. It is solely for my
 own pleasure, that I want
 to, can and continue to 
say and write stuff like 
this. I don't take any
 responsibility for others,
 as I don't believe in so-called
 leadership. I believe everyone
 can be happy, if they follow 
their own interest. Yes, 
with me, you are on 
your own and only 
dependent on yourself 
and I will therefore 
do nothing for you.


You should actually be grateful to me, that I don't interfere with you and am not involved with your DL. These strange words can perhaps reach you, because they are not intended for you. I write them for myself, as I know and trust, there lies my ability to make myself known, to those who are ready to recognize that DL has disastrous consequences and should actually be stopped completely. Please note, I am not saying, that you should stop your own DL, because it is very important, you begin to tell yourself that.


Our alleged, exaggerated interest in each other, which, when push comes to shove, doesn't mean anything at all, alienates us from ourselves. Being and staying engaged with others is a characteristic of ubiquitous DL. Someone who, like me, has EL, is not narcissistic, but is able to separate the wheat from the chaff. What we could do for ourselves is the grist, which must be separated, linguistically, from what others cannot do for us. There are of course also things, others can do for us and social recognition is, of course, to our benefit, but given the undeniable fact, that mechanical DL causes disasters everywhere, it remains important to act on the instructions, which arise from our EL, as only in EL, we truly have our own self-interest at heart.


You have never consciously had EL, because you have no interest in it. I say and write this, because I never hear from you. I'm not complaining, but I am observing a fact, that is causing me to no longer engage with your DL. I used to do that, in the past, because I lost sight of this fact. I stopped listening to myself and then ended up having DL, but I always came home after a rude awakening. Changing my  behavior turned out to be related to my interest. I have never been interested in DL and have only been able to learn from those who had some EL.


I am convinced millions of
 people – like me – have no 
interest in DL, and, consequently, 
they develop all kinds of 
relationship and learning 
problems. Development 
of positive behavior, that
 benefits us as individuals, 
leaves much to be desired. 
Only with EL can we finally 
do what is really important 
to us, because we act from 
a sincere, verbal interest in
 ourselves. In DL, despite 
our obsessive, fanatical, 
superstitious, compulsive, 
group-behavior, we are not 
at all interested in who we
 are, as individuals.





Ik ben nog steeds aan het wennen, aan het feit dat ik altijd gelijk heb. Ik kan, met mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT), mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) tot uitdrukking te brengen en daarom is het zo. Simpel gezegd, voor mezelf heb ik altijd gelijk. Het feit, dat iedereen onbewust met Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) bezig blijft, toont eveneens aan, dat ik gelijk heb. En, ik hoef dus  niet – zoals ik, zelfs na mijn ontdekking van BT, nog lange tijd geloofde – hierin verandering te brengen.  


In OT wil iedereen altijd zijn gelijk bewijzen en men is, zogenaamd, zo overtuigd van het eigen gelijk, dat men anderen gaat vermoorden, die het niet willen geloven. Door het verdelgen van anderen, kan dit of dat geloof overheersen en doet men het voorkomen alsof men gelijk heeft. In een noten dop, is dit de geweldadige geschiedenis van de gehele mensheid. Men gelooft, dat men gelijk heeft, maar in EL geloof ik niet in mijn gelijk, want ik heb geen geloof nodig. Om BT te hebben, hoef ik ook niemand te doden, in tegendeel, iedereen komt in BT helemaal tot leven.


Het trieste feit, dat nagenoeg niemand BT met mij wil hebben, toont aan, dat men geen flauw besef heeft, van wie men nauw eigenlijk werkelijk is. Met OT geloven we altijd in onzin en ik zie en hoor, dag in dag uit, die waanzin, terwijl ik onverstoord verder ga met mijn BT en zo, dit kan schrijven of zeggen. Ik deel mijn BT alleen met hen, die BT met mij kunnen  hebben. Ook al zijn dat er niet veel, het is genoeg.


Ook al kan niemand met OT dit toegeven, de wijze waarop wij in OT, onbewust, onze taal zijn blijven gebruiken, leidde altijd onherroepelijk tot geweld. Men heeft zich dan wel, keer op keer, druk gemaakt over ophitsende, haat-dragende, fascistische spraak of schrift, maar men heeft nooit – met BT – erkend, dat onze alledaagse, geaccepteerde, onnatuurlijke,   wijze van spreken, altijd resulteert in een perceptie van relatie, die gebaseerd is op bedreiging en angst.


Iedereen die BT heeft, ervaart en weet, dat hij of zij gelijk heeft, omdat OT gelijk staat aan dissociatie, onderdrukking, intimidatie, afleiding, manipulatie en allerlei belachelijke, mens-onterende vormen van macht’s vertoon. Vanwege OT zitten wij nog steeds moervast in ideologien en geloven, die ons er steevast van hebben weerhouden, om, met taal, een vreedzame, stabiele, productieve maatschappij te creeren en in stand te houden. Ik heb voor mijzelf die wereld al gecreerd. Iedereen, die integriteit en moed heeft, om hier met mij over te spreken, kan tot dezelfde ontdekking komen, die ik heb gedaan.  


Begrijpen staat niet gelijk aan goedpraten. OT is en blijft verschrikkelijk, ook al doet iedereen alsof het de gewoonste zaak van de wereld is. Jou BT en jou TV, daarentegen, is werkelijk uniek en staat daarom gelijk aan mijn BT en TV. Je hebt volledig gelijk, dat je twijfelt, aan mij of aan wie dan ook, die beweert gelijk te hebben. Ga het experiment met jezelf maar aan en begin maar hardop met jezelf te spreken en naar jezelf te luisteren. Zeg maar, aan jezelf, alles wat voor jou van belang is. Jou luisterend spreken zal jou gelijk gaan aantonen en ik heb daarin gelijk.


Ga maar eens na, voor jezelf, hoe kort het eigenlijk altijd maar duurde, dat je eindelijk eens gelijk had? Of, dat iemand anders jou gelijk gaf? Of, dat jij jezelf gelijk gaf, omdat je, zogezegd, met jezelf in het reine was? Je was niet meer in conflict. De strijd hield op. De verwarring verdween. Er was geen druk of angst meer. Je was even echt vrij en gelukkig. Dat geeft  weer, er werd iets authentieks gezegd. De waarheid kwam boven de tafel, omdat het op de juiste wijze kon worden gezegd, gehoord, gevoeld en erkend.


De uitdrukking, dat iemand, naar men zegt, deels gelijk zou hebben, is een typisch voorbeeld van OT. Gedurende BT hebben altijd volledig gelijk, omdat wij uitsluitend en alleen namens onszelf spreken. Dit is waarom BT direct onze TV aan het licht brengt. Op het moment, dat onze OT stopt, gaan wij meteen BT hebben, omdat wij onze TV ervaren. Ook al zijn wij  nog zo confronterend en verbaal slagvaardig, we zijn niet direct, zoals dat in BT mogelijk is. In OT, is de spreker verdeeld, over wat hij of zij wel of niet wil of kan zeggen, kan laten weten of onder woorden weet te brengen. Het winnen van het onintelligente gesprek, het argument, de discussie, het debat, is altijd gebaseerd op het mond-dood maken van de andere sprekers. Dat is dus dat zogenaamde gelijk, dat hij of zij kan afdwingen met zijn of haar OT.


Het volkomen gelijk hebben, is alleen mogelijk voor hen die BT hebben en het deels gelijk hebben, valt onwillekeurig ten deel aan hen die, ondanks al hun gegronde opleidingen en studies, gevangen blijven zitten in OT. Alle professoren, politicie en religieuze fanaten hebben de klok horen luiden, maar ze weten – wat BT betreft – niet waar de klepel hangt. Iedereen die mijn blog leest, weet dat ik helemaal gelijk heb en toch keert niemand zich naar mij, om zo hun eigen gelijk te belichamen. Het is duidelijk, men is heel bang voor het hebben van eigen gelijk.


De angst voor het eigen gelijk is niet, zoals iedereen met OT veronderstelt, om tegen iedereen in te gaan. In BT, is er niets meer om tegen anderen in te gaan, omdat we alleen zijn met onszelf. Omdat we niet meer tegen onszelf ingaan, gaan we ook niet meer tegen anderen in. Het tegen anderen ingaan, stond gelijk aan het tegen onszelf ingaan. Daar komen wij pas achter, als wij BT met onszelf en elkaar hebben. Het gekke is, in BT krijgen wij alsnog gelijk over alles waar wij vroeger nooit gelijk in konden krijgen. Voor mij is mijn BT en TV zo belangrijk, omdat ik een heel intelligent iemand ben, die ook nog eens mooie liedjes schrijft over OT, BT en TV, die je op You Tube kunt horen. Type mijn naam, Maximus Peperkamp, maar in, dan kun je de gezongen versie van mijn BT en TV horen. Ik begeleid mezelf op de ukulele. Als je wilt, kun je altijd met mij contact opnemen en een skype conversatie hebben (skype naam: limbicease). Groetjes en ik wens iedereen een hele fijne Dinsdag.         

Monday, October 9, 2023




How wonderful, that my Embodied Language (EL), expresses my Language Enlightenment (LE). To be enlightened, according to me, is to have acquired the language of happiness. People do all sorts of weird things, in the hope, that it will make them happy, but they don’t speak with themselves and listen to themselves, to assure themselves, their happiness depends on their EL. Without EL there is no happiness and with our usual Disembodied Language (DL), there’s only the illusion of happiness.


One person believes, he or she is happy or will be happy, if she becomes a he or if he becomes a she, while another is convinced, belief in a higher power, gives him or her happiness. Others pretend to find happiness, in drinking alcohol, using drugs, racing cars, watching sports or travelling the world, but nobody can be happy, because they don’t recognize, they engage in DL, which is the language of despair.  


This writing is a wonderful testament of the beauty of my LE, which is expressed by my EL. It couldn’t be expressed any other way. LE is the wonderful, direct experience of abundant happiness, which is created by the way in which we use our language. Of course, we use language very differently in EL than in DL. It is absolutely shameful, nobody in academia or in the media promotes this wonderful possibility.  


Everyone with DL, is trying very hard, to be like this or to be like that, but nothing fulfills them, as their language doesn’t allow them to express satisfaction. It is not that satisfaction doesn’t exist, but it is their language, which prevents them from acknowledging their own sense of satisfaction. Everyone has brief moments of satisfaction, even if it is for the wrong reasons. Although people feel satisfied, putting each other down with their DL, they don’t take note of what they are doing. Of course, they can never feel good about of their intimidating, coercive, forceful behavior, as they don’t know why they do what they do. They feel guilty about their satisfaction and fear, that someone with EL, will expose who they are.  


Unlike the wonderful, effortless, natural, original, gentle and humoristic qualities of EL, in DL, we all keep repeating, running, rushing and raging. I did not invent this. You can say for yourself, the extent to which you engage in DL or EL. You want to make it seem, as if it is no so bad, but it is really bad, that you almost permanently engage in DL, because you have no idea, how to continue with you EL. Surely, you have tried, but you have failed. You have failed so consistently, that you have given up on it. If you want EL, you will have to stop making things more wonderful, than they are. Your DL truly is very ugly.


It is very likely, you are totally unable to fully admit, how wonderful it actually is, to read these hopeful words and that is why I remind you, you are having this positive experience, which happens by itself, as you read these lines, which were written by my EL. You may not know, but a wonderful future is ahead of you and this isn’t some spiritual, political empty promise, but a prediction, which is going to come true, if you begin to speak with yourself and listen to the sound of your voice while you speak. Yes, it is very simple and you don’t need to practice, you can do it just like that, without any exercise, it happens.  


If you want to, you can hear my latest song on You Tube. Just click my name Maximus Peperkamp and you will hear a wonderful song, which I recorded yesterday. Thank you AnnaMieke for your wonderful response. I hope people also will read your blog, so  they can have another sample, in Dutch of your EL and LE. I wish everyone a wonderful Monday.