Monday, October 9, 2023




How wonderful, that my Embodied Language (EL), expresses my Language Enlightenment (LE). To be enlightened, according to me, is to have acquired the language of happiness. People do all sorts of weird things, in the hope, that it will make them happy, but they don’t speak with themselves and listen to themselves, to assure themselves, their happiness depends on their EL. Without EL there is no happiness and with our usual Disembodied Language (DL), there’s only the illusion of happiness.


One person believes, he or she is happy or will be happy, if she becomes a he or if he becomes a she, while another is convinced, belief in a higher power, gives him or her happiness. Others pretend to find happiness, in drinking alcohol, using drugs, racing cars, watching sports or travelling the world, but nobody can be happy, because they don’t recognize, they engage in DL, which is the language of despair.  


This writing is a wonderful testament of the beauty of my LE, which is expressed by my EL. It couldn’t be expressed any other way. LE is the wonderful, direct experience of abundant happiness, which is created by the way in which we use our language. Of course, we use language very differently in EL than in DL. It is absolutely shameful, nobody in academia or in the media promotes this wonderful possibility.  


Everyone with DL, is trying very hard, to be like this or to be like that, but nothing fulfills them, as their language doesn’t allow them to express satisfaction. It is not that satisfaction doesn’t exist, but it is their language, which prevents them from acknowledging their own sense of satisfaction. Everyone has brief moments of satisfaction, even if it is for the wrong reasons. Although people feel satisfied, putting each other down with their DL, they don’t take note of what they are doing. Of course, they can never feel good about of their intimidating, coercive, forceful behavior, as they don’t know why they do what they do. They feel guilty about their satisfaction and fear, that someone with EL, will expose who they are.  


Unlike the wonderful, effortless, natural, original, gentle and humoristic qualities of EL, in DL, we all keep repeating, running, rushing and raging. I did not invent this. You can say for yourself, the extent to which you engage in DL or EL. You want to make it seem, as if it is no so bad, but it is really bad, that you almost permanently engage in DL, because you have no idea, how to continue with you EL. Surely, you have tried, but you have failed. You have failed so consistently, that you have given up on it. If you want EL, you will have to stop making things more wonderful, than they are. Your DL truly is very ugly.


It is very likely, you are totally unable to fully admit, how wonderful it actually is, to read these hopeful words and that is why I remind you, you are having this positive experience, which happens by itself, as you read these lines, which were written by my EL. You may not know, but a wonderful future is ahead of you and this isn’t some spiritual, political empty promise, but a prediction, which is going to come true, if you begin to speak with yourself and listen to the sound of your voice while you speak. Yes, it is very simple and you don’t need to practice, you can do it just like that, without any exercise, it happens.  


If you want to, you can hear my latest song on You Tube. Just click my name Maximus Peperkamp and you will hear a wonderful song, which I recorded yesterday. Thank you AnnaMieke for your wonderful response. I hope people also will read your blog, so  they can have another sample, in Dutch of your EL and LE. I wish everyone a wonderful Monday.              

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