and regimes are always against humor because they can't stand it when people
say what is really true. We laugh because someone says something that is
usually not said, because it should not be said. If we are getting real, there
is still something to laugh about, but laughter is not for the faint-hearted or for narrow-minded, fearful, whiny little souls.
knows, somewhere, that there never was, of course, such a thing as a soul,
therefore, there is also absolutely nothing to laugh about for the
attention-seeking, tiring, shouty, pushy, supposedly honest or liberated great
souls. Only someone, a real human being, who knows and dares to stand his own ground
- even though we are inundated with nonsense, which we are told to respect -
can really laugh, as only he or she will never talk about anything, which prevents
him or her from laughing.
who knows the real deal about laughter, knows for sure that it is only about
whether he or she can laugh, but not, whether others can laugh at him or her.
Because he or she continues to pursue something funny, he or she can continue
to laugh, even when there is nothing else for others to laugh about. What most
of the annoying, angry, miserable, dull, depressed, confused, arrogant people -
who can't laugh - will probably never learn is, that the less there is to laugh
about, the greater the pleasure of laughter becomes, if one succeeds in rising above
the deadly seriousness. Laughter becomes more attractive, the scarcer it is and
he or she who still knows how to laugh naturally benefits from this.
It doesn't really matter to me,
that others can't laugh about
my humor, because I laugh
at myself and of course I
laugh at the fact, I can do
something that others cannot.
You too could laugh at
yourself and if you did,
you would always have
something to laugh about,
but you only want to laugh
at others and that means
you are missing out
on all the fun.
For you, laughing at others
is more important than
laughing about yourself,
because the other person
can make you forget
yourself, for a moment.
You can continue to do
that, but I maintain, that
there is nothing as nice,
funny and pleasant, as
laughing about yourself.
Also, laughing with and
by yourself has nothing
to do with forgetting
yourself, because it reminds
you, that there is actually
nothing else to do but to
have fun, even if your
whole life is a meaningless,
awful, incomprehensible
trail of tears.
You have been sad,
disappointed, fanatical,
furious, desperate, hopeless
or vengeful so many times,
but you have hardly ever
taken yourself with a pinch
of salt and laughed, even
though that would actually
be the most appropriate
attitude. Now that I'm talking
about your negative attitude,
why do you keep expecting
– and demanding – others to
make you laugh, while you
will fail to do so, in advance,
because, presumably, you
could never laugh at yourself?
What kind of nonsense is
this, that you should be
relieved from your duty
to laugh, because of your
ridiculous fight, your drama,
your chaos, your failure
and the result of your
behavior and your rigid
belief, in the lies about
who you claim to be? You
heard me. In your life, it
is your job, whether you
believe it or not, to laugh
about yourself. You haven't
laughed - at yourself - long
enough, to fully realize,
that it is no longer permissible,
for you, to refuse to laugh
about yourself. You are
literally faced with an
unavoidable dilemma:
either you really laugh
at yourself, or you’ll lose
your ability to laugh
forever. Quite likely,
you have lost it already.
You can't ignore the dreadful
fact, others couldn't really
manage to make you laugh.
It's over for good, with
so-called humor, boring
entertainment and all that
stupid blabbering and
ridiculous ranting, all that
moaning and swearing.
It was never of any use to
you anyway. You fooled
yourself into believing
you appreciate laughter,
because someone yanked
some sort gurgling response
from you, which wasn’t
real laughter, but you, choking
on your predictable stubbornness.
Admit it, for you there is
nothing to laugh about and
you can't laugh, because
you don't really want to.
You've never acknowledged
this before, but I have and
I have laughed about it all along.
You've never really been
able to laugh at yourself
because you've been
conditioned, to only enjoy
or appreciate something,
when it has nothing to do
with you. And, don't tell me,
with your nonsense, that you
ever learned anything, from
that so-called crazy humor,
from those who would have
made you laugh. They may
have given you the
impression, it was you,
who decided it was funny
or hilarious, but it was
never you. You have always,
slavishly, only done what
you were told and what
was expected from you.
In other words, you have
always laughed only on
command, but I don’t
expect you to laugh.
Naturally, the stand-up
comedian, the clown, the
humorist, was no more
able to laugh at himself
than you, that is why he
or she continued to only
concern himself or herself
with you or with others,
because he or she too,
in this way, could avoid
himself or herself. Our fun
is a gigantic conspiracy,
which hides a traumatic,
violent, obsessive, addictive,
repetitive horrendous reality.
By laughing at yourself,
you pull off the wet blanket
of laughing at someone else
and you finally become
sensitive and mature.
Few people know maturity
implies sensitivity. It was
always your insensitivity,
to your language, which
rendered you virtually
incapable of laughing
at yourself. And, it was
always this unconsciousness,
which made you mistake
this bluntness for humor.
Supposedly, it was okay
for you, to demand
others to please you,
with straightforwardness,
because the truth was
that you had already
given up on yourself.
I've actually heard myself
laughing at who I am and
I'm convinced, I'm much
more fun than anyone else,
because I don't hold back.
It's so nice, to be able to
laugh at myself, even
writing about it, as I do
now, is something that
gives me great pleasure.
I am writing this with
the prospect, that I will
read it out loud and
am already looking
forward to that. I will
read it to myself - without
any audience - and then
I put it on my You Tube
channel. Anyone who
wants to hear it, might
start laughing at themselves..