Saturday, December 23, 2023




Once you recognize the great difference between your own Disembodied Language (DL) and your own Embodied Language (EL), you will know, that your new understanding of yourself and your language, didn’t happen by itself, but because of your inquiry.  It is because you dare to ask your own questions, that you will find, that only your own answers, are the correct answers and are, therefore, satisfying.


Since you need to have your own answers, to your own questions, you must ask yourself about every small thing. Nothing is off limits, because you talk with yourself and you know very well, this is more important than any of your so-called conversations with others. It is more important, because others mainly engage in DL, but when you talk out loud, alone, with yourself, you know, you explore your EL.


With DL, we unconsciously ask ourselves millions of questions and try to find answers, but we are never successful in finding the right answer, because these questions weren’t our questions. Our inability to find answers, discouraged us from asking our own questions. We aren’t curious about why we behave as we do, as it never really helped. Every question raised more questions, but none of these questions were our own. Do you actually have any question?


When you ask yourself, why do you engage almost permanently in miserable DL, you will immediately know, it is because of your frustration, fear, worry, perversion, distraction or confusion. In other words, when you ask yourself, why is my language working against me, instead of for me, you know the correct answer is: because my language is always negative. 


I know very well, you don’t ask yourself this and you don’t answer yourself, in the way I describe, but I can and want to write this, because I have asked and answered my own questions. Funny how, upon recognizing the difference between my problematic DL and my delightful EL, my EL began to effortlessly continue and my stressful DL withered away and as my DL dissolved, all my questions dissolved as well.


Although I can ask myself any question, with my EL, I have found, that I don’t have any question about myself. In EL, the speaker is the listener and the one who asks, is the one who answers, who, therefore, is the answer. So, with my EL, I have discovered, I am the answer to all my questions and I call this my Language Enlightenment (LE). I’ve got to ask you a question: are we from the same planet? I’m just kidding.


We are not as different as we claim to be. Our EL as well as our DL are the same for everyone. With EL, we relax, enjoy, play, explore and understand, since  our language is positive and it results in outcomes, which make us want to go on with it, in spite of the astonishing fact that nobody else does. Thus, when you discriminate the difference between DL and EL, you ask yourself: why the hell is nobody talking about this important issue?


You too have a conditioning history with DL. When you ask others, why nobody is willing to talk about the great difference between DL and EL, you never really get an answer, because it is so profoundly personal. The only thing you can do, is to answer your own question, get personal with yourself and be your own answer, by continuing with your EL.  


When people are trying to be helpful, they say: if you need any help, just ask. I am not asking you, to have EL with me anymore, because unless you ask yourself that question, why you are not having any EL – with me or with anyone – it is never going to happen. I am not asking you to ask yourself that question, as I know, you are right, to refuse my help.


There’s no need to ask anyone – not even yourself – about EL, as is it is self-evident. If you still have any questions, you know that something is lacking, you are searching, you are trying very hard and you are hoping for something good, in the future, but it never happens and you failed so many times, to do what you said you would do, that you no longer try. This is how our DL works and your DL only stops, if you ask yourself: why do I still continue with it?  


Be careful what you ask for, is an idiom, which is used to tell people to think before they say that they want something and to suggest that they might not actually want it. However, thinking has never prevented any unintended negative consequences and our conflicted, chaotic, troublesome lives, are the very proof. Moreover, with EL, we find, our faith in thought, in language, which, presumably, occurs inside of our head – without a word being said, heard, written or read – was unfounded, as it always impaired rather than facilitated progress in our lives. Another stupid idiom is: ask and it will be given to you. You can ask until you are blue, but EL will never be given to you. Our DL has continued, because it was never properly addressed. We have never stopped asking and, in fact, demanding and our EL could only occur, after our DL had been stopped by us ourselves.   

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