Sunday, July 21, 2024



Iedereen heeft, voor zijn of haar opvatting, over hun eigen manier van doen en laten, altijd gelijk. Zelfs de depressievelingen en de schizophrenen, hebben helemaal gelijk, dat hun depressieve kijk op hun leven of hun psychose, helemaal waar is. Met andere woorden, iedereen houdt zogezegd vast aan wat ze over zichzelf geloven. De verslaafde gaat nog meer drugs of alcohol gebruiken en de ambitieuze strever naar macht, geld en aanzien,  will nog meer invloed en bezit verwerven. Er is geen enkele uitzondering en de wetenschapper is verlingerd aan weten en de crimineel begaat nog weer een misdaad. Wij zijn allemaal onwillekeurig, dus onvrijwilling, verknocht, aan wat wij over onszelf aan onszelf vertellen.


Niemand ziet de dingen, zoals wij dat doen, omdat iedereen ongemerkt gevangen is blijven zitten in hun eigen taal, wat dus Ontlichaamd Taal (OT) is. Als wij echter eindelijk eens gaan luisteren, naar hoe onze stem klinkt, terwijl wij aan onszelf gaan vertellen, hoe het volgens ons zit, dan vindt er vanzelf de plotselinge bevrijding plaats van de taal, waarin wij onbewust gevangen zaten.


Het grote verschil tussen OT en Belichaamde Taal (BT), is dat wij niet naar onszelf luisteren tijdens OT en wel naar onszelf luisteren tijdens BT. Een ander groot verschil tussen OT en BT, is dat in OT willen wij gelijk hebben van anderen, maar in BT geven wij onszelf gelijk en hebben wij daardoor, werkelijk, gelijk. Ook zou je kunnen zeggen, dat wij tijdens OT – al staan wij nog zo op ons eigen gelijk, die wij met vrijheid verwarren –  eigenlijk altijd bezig blijven, met het gelijk krijgen van, of  het macht hebben over, anderen, omdat wij voor onszelf nog geen gelijk hebben. Wij hebben alleen dan pas gelijk voor onszelf, als wij BT produceren.


Het heeft vele jaren geduurd, voordat ik, met mijn BT, volledig aan mezelf kon erkennen, dat ik echt gelijk heb, in wat ik zeg en schrijf over het grote verschil tussen BT en OT. Aangezien, vrijwel niemand geinteresseerd is, om met mij over dit verschil te praten, heb ik lange tijd te maken gehad met mensen, die als puntje bij paaltje kwam, niet konden toegeven, dat ik met mijn BT gelijk had en dat zij dus, met hun valse, pretentieuze, onbesuisde, domme, onbewuste,  OT, het helemaal bij het verkeerde eind hadden.


De duizenden mensen, die door de jaren heen met mij in contact zijn gekomen, hebben zich allemaal weer van mij afgekeerd, vanwege hun eigen zogenaamde gelijk. Indien zij echter, voor zichzelf, hun OT als OT zouden gaan erkennen, dan kunnen zij alsnog ook hun BT ontdekken en daar hun voordeel bij doen. Daar wrikt echter de schoen, want dat willen ze echt niet doen. Om hun eigen erbarmelijke, strijdvaardige en aftandse gelijk te behouden, doen ze daarom meestal alsof hun OT, hun BT zou zijn. Maar dat is dus niet zo. Ik had en ik heb nog steeds gelijk.  


Er ligt een groot taboe op het feit, dat ik iemand ben, die werkelijk, met BT, iets over zichzelf en anderen aan de weet is gekomen. Vanwege de alomheersende, nog nooit correct beschreven OT, is er nog steeds een enorme strijd gaande tussen wetenschap – echt gelijk hebben – en de verzinsels van diverse godsdiensten en cultuur. Objectieve, voor iedereen geldende kennis van de wetenschap, geeft ons allen tesamen gelijk, omdat het om de feiten gaat, maar toch komt dat begrip maar mondjesmaat bij mensen tot z’n recht, omdat er een nog groter taboe ligt op het verwerven van onweerlegbare zelf-kennis.


Er zijn allerlei mensen geweest,  waarvan werd gezegd, dat ze wijs waren en dat wij naar hen zouden moeten luisteren. Niemand van al die bewierookte heiligen, zelfgerealiseerden, gurus en filosofen, heeft het ooit over het gigantische verschil gehad, tussen onze gebruikelijke OT en ons vermogen om BT te hebben. Met andere woorden, we hebben allemaal geluisterd naar zogenaamde autoriteiten, die geen enkel besef hadden van het verschil tussen OT en BT en die, daarom hier nooit over hebben gesproken. Het is voor mij nog steeds een raadsel, dat er nooit iemand was, die naar zichzelf begon te luisteren en met zichzelf begon te praten en zodoende zijn BT begon te onderscheiden van zijn OT.   


Werkelijke zelf-kennis wordt geillustreerd door onze voortgaande BT en door niets anders. Er is dus absoluut geen enkele noodzaak aan religie,  spiritualiteit, filosofie of psychology, omdat die allen onze aandacht hebben weggenomen, van hoe wij – als individu – met onze taal omgaan.  We kunnen aan anderen van alles over onszelf vertellen, maar indien wij met onszelf gaan spreken, om naar onszelf te kunnen luisteren, dan blijkt, dat begrijpen – van wie wij werkelijk zijn – iets totaal anders is, dan het zogenaamde goedpraten dat wij met OT gewend zijn. Wij kunnen onszelf alleen begrijpen met BT, maar met OT zijn en blijven wij in conflict met onszelf.


Wanneer wij het verschil tussen onze eigen OT en onze eigen BT gaan erkennen, dan wordt het ons duidelijk, dat wij, met de OT, waaraan wij ongemerkt en ongewild deelnamen, eigenlijk nooit echt hebben kunnen ervaren, hoe heerlijk het is, om echt gelijk te hebben en om dus onze zelf-kennis als waarheid te kunnen vertrouwen. Je hebt dus volledig gelijk, als je voort blijft gaan met je BT, omdat je niet langer meer geloofd, in de belachelijke zogenaamde noodzaak, dat je over jezelf zou moeten en kunnen nadenken. Je weet, dat je nergens meer over kan nadenken, want er is eenvoudigweg geen innerlijke taal.          

Saturday, July 20, 2024

 Mission Possible,


In the TV series Mission Impossible, Mr. Phelps listens to his next task, which is recorded on an audio-tape, which, after the message has been played and listened to, will destroy itself in five seconds. The popular series – I was between eight and fifteen years old – played from 1966 till 1973. Each episode was about a small covert team of secret government agents, known as the Impossible Missions Force and their sophisticated methods of deceiving, manipulating and thwarting Iron Curtain governments, third world dictators, corrupt industrialists and crime lords, among others.


I like to talk about this obviously pro-American TV program and speak and write about it, in the light of the distinction between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL). It is interesting, in EL, everything we say, out loud, to ourselves and carefully listen to, disappears, just like that self-destroying audio-recording. EL can be said to be Mission Possible, but, actually, like Mission Impossible, it always proved to be possible. Although the series wasn’t intended to show the difference between DL and EL, it le us listen to and watch those, who, presumably, were the bad guys and the good guys. In doing so, it was – no matter how vague – an attempt at illustrating the difference between DL and EL.


The original TV series began in a similar way, by first listening to a message from the higher-ups in the secret service. Before the message had ended, a grim-sounding voice then said: your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to make Stephan – some villain – believe that Thompson’s false information is true and, thus, prevent a disastrous catastrophe. It concluded with: if any of your force is caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. If you decide to accept the challenging mission, to have EL instead of DL, there will be no team, to bail you out, as you will be entirely on your own against the evil of everyone with DL. However, the false information is contained by your DL, but you will be endlessly distracted into the belief, that being busy with the DL of others, is more important. Fact is, that the DL of others, always triggers your own conditioning.  


People have, historically, always tried to address DL with more of the same DL. As you can tell, from the Mission Impossible series, those who, supposedly, are the good guys, they are tasked, to wipe out the bad guys and this is exactly how DL has always worked. In the ongoing battle for the attention of the audience – others – some speaker, presumably, is more powerful, smarter, intimidating, strategic, deceiving or holy. Those who claim, to have the moral high ground, most likely do most of talking and remain in power. In EL, on the other hand, we give up on this brutal race to the top, that has been going on forever. We can only do so, if we pay attention to our own DL and stop it as often as is needed, to be able to achieve, what seems to be impossible: happiness and satisfaction, which derives from using our language to our own advantage.  


With DL you can never achieve the wellbeing, which occurs when your language fits with your behavior. Basically, you are, unconsciously, on a mission impossible. As you get older, you can’t keep up with you own lies anymore and like Joe Biden, you say or leak things, which reveal your real evil motives. Simply stated, during DL, you are always trying to take someone out, that is, you are always on a trip of revanche for pain, which has been caused to you by others in the past. In effect, DL is the sentimental, childish, negative, demanding way of talking, in which everyone is projecting their traumatic problematic history of conditioning on others and seeks to get away with it. It sounds horrible, to hear your own DL.


Lastly, in DL – which is our usual way of talking in which we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak – we are always hiding and protecting some ugly, dreadful, embarrassing secret. There are, so to speak, many verbal-skeletons in our closet and these concepts and constructs have all been created and maintained by our DL. We need to express these falsehoods to ourselves, not to confess, but to match our language with our behavior. The LBGTQ so-called ‘coming out’, is again always directed at others, that is why we should all supposedly pay attention to them. It signifies, how, in DL, speakers dominate their listeners, as they refuse to listen to themselves. Moreover, there is, the real coming out with EL, which I do here on this blog and on my two You Tube channels 1) Maximus Peperkamp and 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw. 

You may not yet know anything about the difference between your own DL and EL, but you can hear, in the sound of my voice, what this important difference is all about. You can hear me talk with myself and be myself. You can talk with yourself and be yourself too, if you listen to yourself and let yourself know it has to do with how you sound. DL is impossible, as it forces you to follow expectations of the group, but EL is possible, because it is truly the future of mankind, to speak from our own individuality.           

Friday, July 19, 2024



I’ve spent many years studying psychology. I’ve worked for many years in mental health, and I’ve taught psychology many years as an associate faculty. Presumably, psychology is the study of the human mind, and is the basis for many forms of mental health treatment, particularly, psychotherapy. If that isn’t vague enough for you, psychology is said to play a role in our behaviors, emotions, relationships, personality and much more. I don’t believe in the existence of a mind, as there is no inner language, so the only thing to really study is, how we talk about our experiences. This is what I have done and continue to do and why, unlike most people, I can continue with my Embodied Language (EL) and experience my Language Enlightenment (LE). 


There is also no such thing as mental health, as there is either a healthy way of dealing with our language – EL – or an unhealthy way of dealing with our language, which is our unintelligent, common, insensitive, unnatural Disembodied Language (DL), we habitually engage in every day. Once we hone in on how we deal with our language, it is very apparent, that there is no such thing as mental or emotional wellbeing, as we are only concerned about the big difference between our incorrect or our correct use of our language. EL is the correct use of our language, in which we listen to ourselves, while we speak and describe our experiences in a coherent and satisfying manner, but DL is the incorrect use of our language, in which we are not listening to ourselves, while we speak and are incapable of matching our language with our experience. In DL, there is conflict between our experiences and our own description of our experiences.    


Once we listen to ourselves, while we speak and engage in EL, instead of our usual DL, it’s done with our ridiculous talk about the mind, which supposedly, is a special place, because it thinks. The illusion of private covert speech of conversing with and listening to our so-called inner being, inevitably, includes the false notion, that our illusive mind can be distinct from our brain and that we have, besides an inner self, a spiritual soul, which is directing our behavior. In EL, we discover, how deeply problematic these unrealistic concepts are, as they derive from DL.


I hope you don’t mind I don’t have a mind. Actually, I don’t hope it, because I know, I don’t have a mind and you don’t have a mind either. I repeat, there are, 100% certain, no sentences or words anywhere inside of us. This is just the way in which we talk about stuff. If you still can’t accept this truth – by the way, this goes along the curved lines, that the earth is not flat, but round – why does everything you, so to speak, got on your mind, disappear, the moment you say it? It was never there in the first place and saying what you were supposedly thinking, shows, your language is an overt – and not a covert – phenomenon. Let’s cut through the crap and never mind your so-called mind.


Why don’t you just say it, hear it, experience it and realize, once and for all, that when you are getting clear about your EL, by talking out loud with yourself and by listening to the sound of your voice, that there is no mind? It isn’t fear, which is holding you back, but an unconscious ancient habit of not listening to yourself, while you speak. To you, listening means: listening to someone else or making someone else listen to you, but in DL, listening doesn’t mean, speaking with yourself and listening to yourself about the things you can say about your own experiences. The DL-concept of listening to others, makes deal with language incorrectly, because you are always busy with others, never with yourself.


If you do the necessary work, experimentation and reinterpretation – of everything, which you previously viewed from your DL perspective, to your new, exciting, energizing, revealing EL-way of perceiving, of listening to yourself –  you will have to admit, it isn’t me, who said you don’t have a mind or inner conversation, but it is you, who, at long last, got in touch with yourself, as you switched from DL to EL and acknowledged, that EL has nothing to do with having any belief.


Probably, you still don’t get the important point I am making. Let me rephrase what I have just said, so my words get through to you. Surely, there is no such thing as a mind to get through, as there is only observable language, which you can see and read and hear and experience. Yes, there is no inner speech, and you only imagine, you have millions of thoughts. All you need to do, is simply say to yourself, there are no words inside of me and then, whatever you were concocting, it stops, it disappears, because it is true. Yes, your EL only continues, if who you believe to be is no longer of any concern to you. And, yes, you can only be yourself, if you don’t have any idea of who you are. Stated differently, you are, indeed, a nobody, although you are totally yourself in EL.


Again and again, you keep claiming – with DL, with your horrible-sounding voice, which keeps your fanatic, tragic, pathetic belief in your mind going – to be somebody. If, however, you would continue to speak, alone, out loud with yourself and listen to yourself, you would hear it too, but that’s not what you do. Instead, you only want to find fault in me and, yes, with your mediocre, little, miserly experience and understanding of EL, you would like to accuse me of having DL. I acknowledge, I don’t always have EL, as DL can only be understood as DL, while it is happening. I’m not speaking about hypotheticals, DL is a real thing. You are stuck with it, while I’m not.


You don’t know, there was a fantastic scientific development happening, called Radical Behaviorism, which was distracted from, ignored and banned from academia, in favor of what is known as the cognitive revolution, in which mind is the golden calf. Noam Chomsky and other America-hating communist-activists produced the total woke mess the United States is in today, in which no one has any scientific clue about how behavior – without a fictitious inner behavior-causing self – actually works. As I have stated, the DL/EL distinction is grounded in Behaviorism and Behaviorology, in the one and only science of human behavior.


My ongoing EL allows me to say and connect many things, which you have always wanted to say, but could never say, with your unintelligent, unconscious, superstitious, insensitive, harsh, coercive, automatic, sentimental DL. You, with your so-called mind, are not only pretending, you know EL better than me, with your phony, arrogant, superficial, esoteric DL, but you are also jealous, that I’m able to say, what you had wanted to say. It is not me, who is your enemy, but you are your own enemy, with your belief in your mind, which is maintained by your DL. This so-called mind of yours is the product of your problematic DL, which makes you do all kinds of things, you don’t want to do. Your entire life is a meaningless, stressful, conflicted event, which is the result of your boring DL. Moreover, what you defend as yours, isn’t anything worthwhile and ongoing EL makes that very clear to you.


With DL, you remain forever in the dark about yourself and waste time and energy on fruitless enquiries regarding the body/mind question or the nature/nurture debate. Another enigma is consciousness. Presumably, there is a great deal of subconsciousness or unconsciousness going on, but with ongoing EL, you will find out, these are references, to what you don’t allow yourself to say, but what you can and should say, to yourself. With your miserable DL, you miss out on what matters to you. Your denial of your needs goes always hand in hand with your obsession with fake-needs, which make you chase the dragon and pursue and achieve goals, which cannot make you happy, satisfied, lively, confident, peaceful, truthful and grateful.


You moan and whine, because you don’t have what you supposedly want, because others, presumably, are preventing you. The fact is, you are always experiencing the consequences of what you have done or haven’t done. You stop yourself from having EL and therefore, cannot experience the positive consequences of using your language to your advantage. You do the opposite, and you don’t even realize, that you actually use your language against your own experience, as you foolishly believe, language happens in your so-called mind, involuntarily.


In DL, you don’t know who you are or what you are doing to yourself – and you can’t go on with EL, even if you have tasted its beauty – because you are too far gone, to admit how bad your life is. Your DL is like an addiction, you can’t stop, although you know, your life and health are getting ruined. You can easily disconnect from me and hate me for noticing, what you are doing and for being everything you would like to be. I don’t have a mind that is bothering me, but you believe you do.          

Thursday, July 18, 2024



After you have talked with yourself and listened to yourself and have experienced the difference between your effortful, unnatural, unconscious Disembodied Language (DL) – in which you do not listen to yourself, while you speak – and your effortless, natural, conscious Embodied Language (EL) – in which you listen to yourself, while you speak – you will stop your DL and then, be able to continue with your EL. The justice of our ongoing EL, is what I describe as your Language Enlightenment (LE). Your LE is about your ability to share your EL with others.


Nothing about your ongoing EL is accidental, which means, it only occurs, because it can occur. The absence of your EL, always implies the presence of your DL, because EL and DL are mutually exclusive. Stated differently, your DL or EL, like other behavior, is lawful, that is, it occurs, because it is reinforced. Obviously, your DL occurs at a very high response-rate, because it is reinforced – rather than triggered – all the time, whereas, your EL happens, at best, at a very low response-rate, since it is not socially reinforced and thus, almost entirely dependent on your ability to self-stimulate. Surely, only someone, who knows about the big difference between your DL and your EL, can reinforce your EL. I am that person. Justice comes from Latin iustus, which means upright, righteous, equitable; in accordance with law, lawful; true, proper; perfect, complete, related to Spanish justo or Italian giusto. Ius means right, especially, legal right, as in jurist, jury and injury; also, iustum, which means, what is right or just. Since my EL is ongoing, my other behavior is in tune with my EL and any old behavior, I still might have, due to my conditioning history with DL, subsides. 


After someone has, somewhat, acknowledged the immensely important difference between their own DL and their own EL, they are bound to interpret their first few steps in EL, in terms of what they have come to know with their DL. In other words, they merely experience a brief reprieve from their DL and quickly revert back to it again, as they try defending their old beliefs. It is 'mind-blowing', that during EL all our beliefs dissolve, as the entire phony concept of inner language has been exposed and understood.


Sadly, most people have absolutely no clue at all about the lawfulness of our behavior, because in academia as well as in science, Behaviorism and Behaviorology, were never given the credit they deserve. Everything I say and do is based on my behavioristic knowledge. Our DL and EL are two observable, universal, cross-species, response classes, which are elicited by auditory or vocal stimuli. It has been a great journey for me to be able to interpret the DL/EL distinction in terms of B.F. Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism and L. Fraley’s Behaviorology.


It was, surprisingly, a behaviorist from my country of origin, the Netherlands, who fully endorsed my work. In the various wonderful conversations, I was fortunate to have with Bart Bruins, it was instantly clear, that my work matched with the Theory Of Dominant Active Avoidance from Beata Bakker-de-Pree, who, had lived and worked, without me ever knowing about it, in my hometown The Hague. Simply stated, there are three basic behaviors: Approach (A), Escape (E) and Active Avoidance (AA). The proportion of these three behaviors, for a psychologically ‘healthy’ person, is perhaps something like 10A:5E:85AA. What this means, is that most of our behavior has to involve Active Avoidance of anything that is threatening to us. Escape behavior is kept as small as possible, because evolutionary speaking – and that is what I am talking about – it is the costliest, as we may, inadvertently, approach danger, from which we have to flee, or we die. Ideally speaking, we only approach something, which is beneficial to us. So, as Bart has acknowledged, EL is the approach behavior, which is based on Dominant Active Avoidance.


I hope Bart Bruins is still around and that he reads this, because his recognition of my work, has meant a great deal to me. It was only after I had withdrawn from my PhD-candidacy at Palo Alto University and had moved back to Chico, that I had time to read and study behaviorist’ research. I still insist, behaviorism as well as behaviorology – which you can read about in my elaborate earlier writings on this blog – have played a big role in the crystallization of what I now describe as the DL/EL distinction. Unfortunately, besides my sincere conversations with Bart Bruins, behaviorists were not interested in my work, as I continued with my EL and didn’t want to get involved in their stupid, unscientific DL. This, sadly, also applied to the behaviorologist L. Fraley, who wrote a fantastic book: “About Science, Life and Reality”, which I highly recommend, but who didn’t want talk with me. EL is needed to talk about behaviorology, which, even more so than behaviorism isn’t accepted in academia. Apparently, Fraley, like so many others, are more interested in writing, than in speaking. Over-emphasis on written language and the underestimation of spoken language is the main characteristic of DL, going on everywhere. It is understandable, we want to avoid DL, based on the theory of Dominant Active Avoidence... 


To finish this writing, I now return to the issue of justice.  As you should already know, justice can only be served with EL. There always will be injustice with DL. We shouldn’t even call it injustice, but ineffective use of our language, as when we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we unknowingly dissociate from our own experiences. The justice of ongoing EL doesn’t favor anyone. No one is accused of any wrongdoing in EL, as we describe our DL as truly it is. All of our conflicts and problems were created and maintained by our DL. Once our DL stops, all of our problems stop and then we will be able to continue our EL and experience our LE. This is true justice, that we can finally be who we really are.                 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024



A long time ago, I had one very pleasant skype conversation with the famous neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp. I had studied his book “Affective Neuroscience” and I felt compelled, to get in touch with him. Unlike so many other people, I had tried in vain to contact, I was surprised, to get to talk with him. I remember him saying, at the end of our wonderful conversation: “Keep raking the fields of Affective Neuroscience.”


Panksepp agreed, that his views about primary emotional systems, perfectly dovetailed with my description of the great difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL). These two cross-species ways of expressing affect, contain our negative and positive emotions. These negative and positive feelings, are, of course, audible in the sound of our voice while we speak. Thus, if we listen, we can hear what someone is feeling. Naturally, we can also fake our feelings, but we can detect that too.


The big difference between our DL and our EL, is that in DL, we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak, that is, we just don't want or like to hear it, but during EL, we listen to ourselves, while we speak, because we like and want to hear it. Our autonomic nervous system responds very differently, when we experience negative or positive emotions. During episodes, in which we experience RAGE/Anger, FEAR/Anxiety or PANIC/Sadness, our body has what is known as a fight/flight/freeze response, but when we have positive affect, such as SEEKING/Expectancy, CARE/Nurturing, PLAY/Social Joy and LUST, these evolutionary mobilization responses to a threat are absent and we are in the ideal state to communicate.


The word emotion comes from Latin “emovere”, which means, to move. Therefore, to feel, is to do something, because our emotions motivate us into action, to both survive and thrive. Since we are predominantly engaging in DL, however, we are almost permanently busy with surviving, with negative affect, but seldom with thriving, with EL, with positive emotions. We can only thrive and experience meaningful interaction or EL, in which we listen to ourselves – and, therefore, to each other – in the absence of any threat.


Simply stated, anger is a biological response, which prepares us to fight. The big mistake inevitably made, by people, who don’t know anything about the difference between DL and EL, is in DL, we believe, we can fight injustice by changing the laws or by enforcing new norms. However, all our endless arguments, discussions, debates or disputes prevent EL and will have to be stopped entirely, before we can finally have ongoing EL.


Honoring our anger – by taking the time, to talk  out loud, alone, with ourselves; by describing to our best ability, what it is that is demanding our attention; by listening to the sound of our own voice; by switching from DL to EL – is important for our health and wellbeing. There are so many things, we can become angry about, but with our unconscious DL, we never fully understand, why we keep being so angry. Only if we stop our DL – since we really don’t like to hear the sound of our own voice – our anger subsides, because we consciously decrease our involvement in DL and deliberately increase our involvement in EL.


Due to my discovery of the difference between my own DL and EL, I have found, that the most difficult thing about dealing with my anger was, that because of my mechanical involvement in DL, I felt angry, upset and anxious about being angry. In DL, we are always shamed for our anger. Once we begin to have ongoing EL, however, we realize, we have – in DL – always been punished for being angry. In EL, we come to grips with our anger, as we realize, that it was justified and necessary. While it may have been troubling, our anger was and is blessing in disguise, a form of protection. Moreover, with EL, we don’t find inner, but outer peace, as our relations change, in that, we only engage with those with whom we can have EL.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

 Lying Joe Biden,


In Disembodied Language (DL) – which is our usual way of talking – everyone is constantly lying. We may be able to easily recognize this in others, for instance in Joe Biden, but we don’t realize, we are doing it ourselves. Since we are all conditioned to lie and don’t know, that, we need to listen to ourselves, while we speak, in order to be able to be truthful and engage in Embodied Language (EL), we, inadvertently, keep blaming others for what we do ourselves.


In yesterday’s interview with Left-wing-windbag Lester Holt, who always speaks with a forceful, draining, emphatic, phony voice, Joe Biden got very testy, because the interviewer dared to ask him some questions, he didn’t like to answer. Discussing the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Joe Biden was asked, if he found it acceptable, he still had not heard, publicly, from the Secret Service Director? He answered: “Oh, I’ve heard of him.” However, the Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle, is a woman. Lester Holt, in vain, then tried to save his white master’s flabby ass, by rephrasing the question and asked him “Have you heard from her publicly?” Joe Biden instantly looked troubled, as if he had pooped in his pants. He knew he had embarrassed himself, but, like Poopy Goldberg, who is really full of shit, no way, he was going to admit that, so he said: “Publicly, I’ve sat down in the Situation Room downstairs – the Secret Service, the FBI, the national security agencies, Homeland Security – all the major elements.” It would be quite a story, that Joe Biden doesn’t even know the director of the Secret Service is a woman, but slavish morons, like Lester Holt, are only on TV to enable and deceive, but not to inform. Surely, Lester Holt could have said to Joe Biden: “But, what do you mean, Mister President, you heard from him? The director is a woman?” Do you get the picture, we are all in it together, in DL? And this is just one of the many lies, we keep telling each other and ourselves. Hilarious shit, isn’t it?


Another funny example of someone, who, like Joe Biden, also has problems getting older and uglier, is the hairless, fully painted, pretending to be a white woman, Joy Reed from MSNBC. She doesn’t even seem to realize, that she and her twisted-clown-sisters, Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki, were, of course, only invited to the Republican National Convention (RNC), to expose themselves, for the frauds they really are and to entertain the audience. These three despicable women are the purveyors of violence on the Left, by calling for the elimination of Donald Trump. They are as good as anyone with DL, who blames someone else’s DL. This is what everyone does, whether they know it or not, admit it or not or, are aware of it or not.


Remember, reader, this writing is not about Joe Biden or Donald Trump or the Left or the Right. It is about you, with your DL. You haven’t listened to yourself, while you spoke and discovered your EL. If you had done that, you would talk with me or with other people, who have EL, but where the hell are they? Everyone engages, unknowingly, in DL. Even Joy Reed reads from a script, but if she steps out of line and would actually say what she would like to say, she will lose her job. Cancel culture is haunting this old hag and she probably has sleep paralysis. They call this Old-Hag-Syndrome, when a terrified person wakes up without being able to move or speak. All she can do is anxiously hang onto the script she wrote, to make it seem as if she knows. In EL, such fear is non-existent. To the contrary, in EL, we, voluntarily, become quiet, as we have said what we wanted to say. In DL, by contrast, we are involuntary, unconsciously, effortfully and unnaturally forcing ourselves to say things – if we would listen to how we sound – we don’t like to hear and don’t want to say.


In closing, it should be very clear – thank you, my favorite rag-doll, with funny-dismissive voice and nodding-and-turning bobble-head, Karine Jean-Pierre, for making me so happy, every time I use that word – that if you want to have EL, you will have to give up on all the lies that are promoted by Left-wing political idiots. Unless you begin to see yourself as a free, responsible, accountable individual, there is only going to be the outdated group-behavior, called DL for you. EL fits with the Right, but not with the Left. EL is about the future of mankind, in which everyone is true to themselves, because our language fits with our behavior and our experiences.             

Monday, July 15, 2024

 Different Tone,


In response to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Joe Biden gave a fake-campaign speech. He read another meaningless text, which was written for him - not by him - from the teleprompter. Bottom-line is, Joe Biden, of course, knows damn well, he bears responsibility for this escalation, which he has helped to create. Now his hateful adds have suddenly been stopped.  


Instead of calling Donald Trump a dictator and a fascist or telling the nation – as he did the other day – “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye”, we are now supposed to believe “it’s time to cool it down.” What demented Joe Biden, who makes things up, even while reading something from a piece of paper, clearly meant to say was “It’s time to put Trump in the cross-hears”, which means visible in one’s gunsight. Oddly, the correct expression is hitting the bullseye, which means hitting the center of a target.


Naturally, Joe Biden is relieved, attention is no longer going to his malfunctioning presidency. His handlers let him read from a script, in which he downplays the attack on Donald Trump and distracts the audience’s attention, by rambling on about attacks on other political figures. And, then he says “In America we resolve our differences at the battle box” instead of the ballot-box.


This foolish, stubborn, vindictive man - who, let's not forget, in the past, has even said, he wanted to take Donald Trump behind-the-barn, for a fistfight - now, pretends to be a mature parent, who speaks to the nation in a rare Oval Office appearance “we all have a responsibility” to tone it down, to speak in a way, which isn’t resulting in violence. Really? 


Surely, Joe Biden wasn’t talking about the great difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), but this instance is an example of how – in DL – we deal with the problems, which are created by DL. Presumably, what Joe Biden is saying is: let’s not have any more DL, but EL, but that is not what is happening.


Interestingly, all fear-hate-mongering race-baiting pundits are talking now about the presumed need for a change in the tone of our 'conversation', as if they know, the difference between DL and EL, is about how we sound. Nothing is further away from the truth. People talk about DL with more of the same DL. There is no end to the conflicts and problems, unless DL stops. This is only achieved if we begin to talk with our EL about our DL.


Joe Biden is calling for unity, after nine years of hatred, lies and attacks. He is the arsonist, who pretends to be the fire marshal. Like Hamas, he calls for a cease fire, but he seeks to destroy. Like other Marxist leaders, Joe Biden has no qualms, about making even the people of his own party collateral damage, to keep himself in power. He views – or at least presents – himself as special, but, ironically, members of his own communist party are eager to throw him under the buss, which probably is going to happen... eventually... anyway... 


Anyone, who is a true American, freedom-loving patriot knows, that the so-called ‘high road’ is dead-end. It makes no sense to pretend, DL is EL. Yet, DL is identified correctly as DL only, when we can have ongoing EL. For now, the difference between our DL and EL is as unknown on the Right as on the Left, but the Right is beginning to wake up to EL, the language of our individual freedom.


There is no room for compromise between DL and EL, because we either engage in one or the other. I call on all the people on the Right, to talk with me about EL, so we can stop pussyfooting about DL. The Left wants to make it seem, as if the crazy shooter was a ‘republican’, to label all those who support Donald Trump as domestic terrorists. Yes, they are trying to make it seem, as if they are having EL, but they are having DL. The Left has been inciting violence, by calling all the Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters Nazis, white supremacists, Hitler and a threat to democracy, but they have never addressed their own DL. They try to blame MAGA for their own DL.


Everything that has happened was preceded by our way of talking. Also, everything that is going to happen, will be determined by whether we engage in DL or in EL. Once we have ongoing EL, we know, all misery, all conflict, all atrocity, that has happened, was due to DL – which was never addressed with EL – because we have never had any ongoing, deliberate, conscious, skillful EL. While we may live in Western Democratic societies in the 20th century, millions of people have been killed – in China, USSR, Iran, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Syria – by their own governments, who are all against the freedom of the individual. I predict that unless we learn to have ongoing EL and address our DL, the so-called ‘free’ world will turn again into is already happening...