Friday, July 19, 2024



I’ve spent many years studying psychology. I’ve worked for many years in mental health, and I’ve taught psychology many years as an associate faculty. Presumably, psychology is the study of the human mind, and is the basis for many forms of mental health treatment, particularly, psychotherapy. If that isn’t vague enough for you, psychology is said to play a role in our behaviors, emotions, relationships, personality and much more. I don’t believe in the existence of a mind, as there is no inner language, so the only thing to really study is, how we talk about our experiences. This is what I have done and continue to do and why, unlike most people, I can continue with my Embodied Language (EL) and experience my Language Enlightenment (LE). 


There is also no such thing as mental health, as there is either a healthy way of dealing with our language – EL – or an unhealthy way of dealing with our language, which is our unintelligent, common, insensitive, unnatural Disembodied Language (DL), we habitually engage in every day. Once we hone in on how we deal with our language, it is very apparent, that there is no such thing as mental or emotional wellbeing, as we are only concerned about the big difference between our incorrect or our correct use of our language. EL is the correct use of our language, in which we listen to ourselves, while we speak and describe our experiences in a coherent and satisfying manner, but DL is the incorrect use of our language, in which we are not listening to ourselves, while we speak and are incapable of matching our language with our experience. In DL, there is conflict between our experiences and our own description of our experiences.    


Once we listen to ourselves, while we speak and engage in EL, instead of our usual DL, it’s done with our ridiculous talk about the mind, which supposedly, is a special place, because it thinks. The illusion of private covert speech of conversing with and listening to our so-called inner being, inevitably, includes the false notion, that our illusive mind can be distinct from our brain and that we have, besides an inner self, a spiritual soul, which is directing our behavior. In EL, we discover, how deeply problematic these unrealistic concepts are, as they derive from DL.


I hope you don’t mind I don’t have a mind. Actually, I don’t hope it, because I know, I don’t have a mind and you don’t have a mind either. I repeat, there are, 100% certain, no sentences or words anywhere inside of us. This is just the way in which we talk about stuff. If you still can’t accept this truth – by the way, this goes along the curved lines, that the earth is not flat, but round – why does everything you, so to speak, got on your mind, disappear, the moment you say it? It was never there in the first place and saying what you were supposedly thinking, shows, your language is an overt – and not a covert – phenomenon. Let’s cut through the crap and never mind your so-called mind.


Why don’t you just say it, hear it, experience it and realize, once and for all, that when you are getting clear about your EL, by talking out loud with yourself and by listening to the sound of your voice, that there is no mind? It isn’t fear, which is holding you back, but an unconscious ancient habit of not listening to yourself, while you speak. To you, listening means: listening to someone else or making someone else listen to you, but in DL, listening doesn’t mean, speaking with yourself and listening to yourself about the things you can say about your own experiences. The DL-concept of listening to others, makes deal with language incorrectly, because you are always busy with others, never with yourself.


If you do the necessary work, experimentation and reinterpretation – of everything, which you previously viewed from your DL perspective, to your new, exciting, energizing, revealing EL-way of perceiving, of listening to yourself –  you will have to admit, it isn’t me, who said you don’t have a mind or inner conversation, but it is you, who, at long last, got in touch with yourself, as you switched from DL to EL and acknowledged, that EL has nothing to do with having any belief.


Probably, you still don’t get the important point I am making. Let me rephrase what I have just said, so my words get through to you. Surely, there is no such thing as a mind to get through, as there is only observable language, which you can see and read and hear and experience. Yes, there is no inner speech, and you only imagine, you have millions of thoughts. All you need to do, is simply say to yourself, there are no words inside of me and then, whatever you were concocting, it stops, it disappears, because it is true. Yes, your EL only continues, if who you believe to be is no longer of any concern to you. And, yes, you can only be yourself, if you don’t have any idea of who you are. Stated differently, you are, indeed, a nobody, although you are totally yourself in EL.


Again and again, you keep claiming – with DL, with your horrible-sounding voice, which keeps your fanatic, tragic, pathetic belief in your mind going – to be somebody. If, however, you would continue to speak, alone, out loud with yourself and listen to yourself, you would hear it too, but that’s not what you do. Instead, you only want to find fault in me and, yes, with your mediocre, little, miserly experience and understanding of EL, you would like to accuse me of having DL. I acknowledge, I don’t always have EL, as DL can only be understood as DL, while it is happening. I’m not speaking about hypotheticals, DL is a real thing. You are stuck with it, while I’m not.


You don’t know, there was a fantastic scientific development happening, called Radical Behaviorism, which was distracted from, ignored and banned from academia, in favor of what is known as the cognitive revolution, in which mind is the golden calf. Noam Chomsky and other America-hating communist-activists produced the total woke mess the United States is in today, in which no one has any scientific clue about how behavior – without a fictitious inner behavior-causing self – actually works. As I have stated, the DL/EL distinction is grounded in Behaviorism and Behaviorology, in the one and only science of human behavior.


My ongoing EL allows me to say and connect many things, which you have always wanted to say, but could never say, with your unintelligent, unconscious, superstitious, insensitive, harsh, coercive, automatic, sentimental DL. You, with your so-called mind, are not only pretending, you know EL better than me, with your phony, arrogant, superficial, esoteric DL, but you are also jealous, that I’m able to say, what you had wanted to say. It is not me, who is your enemy, but you are your own enemy, with your belief in your mind, which is maintained by your DL. This so-called mind of yours is the product of your problematic DL, which makes you do all kinds of things, you don’t want to do. Your entire life is a meaningless, stressful, conflicted event, which is the result of your boring DL. Moreover, what you defend as yours, isn’t anything worthwhile and ongoing EL makes that very clear to you.


With DL, you remain forever in the dark about yourself and waste time and energy on fruitless enquiries regarding the body/mind question or the nature/nurture debate. Another enigma is consciousness. Presumably, there is a great deal of subconsciousness or unconsciousness going on, but with ongoing EL, you will find out, these are references, to what you don’t allow yourself to say, but what you can and should say, to yourself. With your miserable DL, you miss out on what matters to you. Your denial of your needs goes always hand in hand with your obsession with fake-needs, which make you chase the dragon and pursue and achieve goals, which cannot make you happy, satisfied, lively, confident, peaceful, truthful and grateful.


You moan and whine, because you don’t have what you supposedly want, because others, presumably, are preventing you. The fact is, you are always experiencing the consequences of what you have done or haven’t done. You stop yourself from having EL and therefore, cannot experience the positive consequences of using your language to your advantage. You do the opposite, and you don’t even realize, that you actually use your language against your own experience, as you foolishly believe, language happens in your so-called mind, involuntarily.


In DL, you don’t know who you are or what you are doing to yourself – and you can’t go on with EL, even if you have tasted its beauty – because you are too far gone, to admit how bad your life is. Your DL is like an addiction, you can’t stop, although you know, your life and health are getting ruined. You can easily disconnect from me and hate me for noticing, what you are doing and for being everything you would like to be. I don’t have a mind that is bothering me, but you believe you do.          

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