Friday, April 28, 2023




Why are people involved in social/political activism, but not into themselves? The greater, the so-called important, the punitively moral or fanatic, idealistic the goal – to which they are willing to devote their entire lives – the more they avoid paying attention to their own personal misery. If my words can make something crystal clear to you, they can also lead you astray and if my writing, would be boring and stupid to you, it could also be funny and interesting.


While I do, occasionally, watch or read the news, am open to different sources and perspectives and, so to speak, know what is going on, I have no urge to get involved with any of it. I rather create my own narrative and have no problem staying with that, as I find my own verbalizations – about my joyful and successful life – to be much more important, than those from anyone, who demands my attention. I don’t demand your attention, that is why I can write every day, to myself, on this blog. It is up to you, to read, understand and appreciate it or to reject it.  


I am amazed by the many positive consequences of what I keep verbally producing. You could do it too, but you don’t. My language is alive and always new, but you always repeat yourself and, of course, this is why your life is so depressing and meaningless. To me, what isn’t funny is funny, as I am clear about what isn’t clear to you and most people. How could  I live with myself, when everyone runs away from me? I don’t do anything to frighten anyone, but you fear me, as I see through your verbal smoke-screen, because I can hear your pretentious lies. I keep you out of my life, so that you can deal with yourself.


My language is plain and simple and I like it that way. Moreover, this is exactly how I get to say what I want to and express, in my own way, what matters to me. As you might have noticed, what matters to you, doesn’t matter to me at all, but – perhaps you can finally begin to get a sense – what matters to me, matters a great deal to you, although you don’t admit it. I don’t care, you don’t confirm what I say, as I validate myself. I will keep saying what only I can say, as I experience immediate as well as long-term positive results by doing this. I am well-aware, that in DL, you have a great judgment against your need for instant gratification. Of course, you too would like to feel good – immediately – about your own language. If it’s not happening right away, when is it ever going to happen? It never happens. You keep endlessly postponing, as you don’t realize, that your language doesn’t work for you, but against you.


Forget about your mind and stop talking about your own or someone else’s thoughts, because they just don’t exist. Say what only you can say and write what only you can write and realize, once and for all, that language is always overt, visible or audible, but never covert, in imaginary, inner, private speech. There have been so many, presumably, meditative people, who spoke about this crazy-making concept of witnessing yourself. The East has never met the West. Meditation, is an Eastern, collectivistic idea, which never gets to the real, individualistic, Western deal, which is: to say what you really want to say and what only you can say, to yourself as well as to others. The so-called Buddhistic person can never go let go of language – which is falsely construed as the mind – as they have never spoken aloud, alone, with the sole purpose, to listen to themselves.


Even if a person would speak with him or herself, he or she would never do this with enough attention, care and sensitivity, to become quiet and peaceful, by being verbal. To the contrary, the whole notion of someone talking aloud, alone with him or herself, is considered a symptom of psychosis, whereas it is, of course, the key to our verbal mental health. Since no psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, priest, guru, politician, teacher or parent knows about the great difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), there is nobody – except me – who consistently, coherently and lovingly addresses our need to calmly talk with ourselves.


Every spiritual path is against our language, as no method or practice involves speaking with ourselves and listening to ourselves while we speak. Surely, EL is not some technique, as it is natural. You will let go of the verbal only, if you have recognized your own DL and, therefore, stopped it. EL is only possible, if you are willing to listen to the confusion, fear, hate, sadness, frustration, senselessness, hopelessness, distrust and unworthiness of your DL. The practice of meditatively witnessing your fabricated thoughts, is absolutely deleterious, as it never requires any of your verbal involvement. In effect, you are merely living in fantasies of having a presumably religious experience, in which you talk with some higher power, instead of with yourself. Spirituality – like social activism for equity, diversity and inclusion – is a way of staying busy with something which is supposedly bigger, greater or better than yourself.


Whatever zealous cause we give our whole life to, is an excuse of not having to deal with our own pitiful, troubled, fragmented, conflicted self. Currently this punitive, forceful, verbally forgetting and forsaking of ourselves, is taking the form of men believing to be women and women believing to be men. Those who know and can have EL, however, don’t care about any of these social movements, which nonetheless are real forms of mass psychosis. This changing-of-the-narrative stuff has been going on for a long time, but it is always again a group-thing, which absolutely vanquishes the individual. Our DL could never produce anything that would make us happy and healthy, to the contrary, it has only made us crazier and crazier and more carried away.


Anyone who is constantly in the news for what they have said or done, is, personally, a big contradiction, a failure and a total chaos. It is absolutely pathetic, that you listen to them, but not to yourself and give power to them, but not to yourself. Although they may demand everyone’s attention, they aren’t in charge of their own lives, like I am. In DL, we are all, unconsciously, attention-grabbers and we get stuck with or trapped by a narrative, which isn’t our own. Those who presumably create a narrative for others to live their lives by, always do this at the expense of themselves. They rather sacrifice themselves on the altar of some stupid cause, than explore their own language, which would make them stop DL, engage in EL and realize their Language Enlightenment (LE).                   




While I am not apologizing for anyone, who breaks the rules or speaking on behalf of those, who want us to stick to the rules, I understand and appreciate the motivations of both sides very well. Since I am the discoverer and explorer of the great difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), I know that DL, our habitual, dull and superficial way of dealing with language, is in favor of rules, which are made by and for others, while EL, our delightful, happy, intelligent way of dealing with language – which only becomes apparent after our own DL has been stopped by listening to ourselves while we speak – is, of course, about ‘rules’, which are not made by and for ourselves, but which we become aware of, because we behave naturally.


Freedom of speech, as understood by our ongoing EL and inspired by our Language Enlightenment (LE), is without any rules, but the so-called freedom of speech, which, unbeknownst to anyone except me, came about, because we were, throughout human history, unsuccessful in identifying and, therefore, stopping our own DL, will always be limited by and, consequently, obsessing about and preoccupied with the rules. As stated, in DL, everyone adheres to rules, which were made by others, although we may still like to believe, we are living by our own rules.


In essence, there are no rules in EL, as EL can only be had without following any predetermined script. However, the magnificent experience of the natural flow of our language, can only come about after our DL has been stopped. Moreover, only when talking with ourselves is considered to be more important than talking with others, will we be able to stop our DL. Also, our EL is first and foremost an experience, which will only be understood, after we give it our own meaning. Thus, our understanding of EL follows from our experience of it. All of this is self-evident.


If a plant doesn’t get any water, it dies. This is not a rule, but a fact of plant-life. Simply stated, with DL, we can never quench our thirst for truth and we live meaningless lives. All we do with DL is fabricate lies about ourselves and each other. Only once we begin to have ongoing EL, do we become aware of and can we laugh about, the blatant nonsense, involved in DL, which happens everywhere, twenty-four-seven.


The proper, intelligent, sensitive and creative way of using our language, is not determined by rules, but by our verbal acknowledgment of what is natural. In DL, we are – whether we know it or not, accept it or not or are aware of it or not – unnatural. According to William Shakespeare, all the world’s a stage and all the men and women are merely players, that is, we are, presumably, always only acting as if we are speaking or acting as if we are listening. However, even this celebrated literary hero, apparently only knew DL, since we are not acting, when we engage in EL. Moreover, in EL we ourselves create – with our language – and live in our reality. Furthermore, the world or the so-called objective or external environment, is nothing else but our experience and couldn’t exist without it. Even what we describe as our own so-called subjective or private experience, is what it is, due to our history of conditioning, due to the way we were once told how to deal with our language. Only when we begin to allow ourselves to speak with the sound of our own wellbeing, do we finally, verbally, catch up with ourselves and become conscious of the correct way of using our language.


How can I write every day so clearly and so joyfully about this? I am not making this up. I live without the rules – which you so forcefully, unconsciously impose on yourself and others, due to your almost permanent involvement in DL – because I can be and stay with myself. You only have a tiny bit of EL, because your natural behavior, just like breathing, is still there. Although this will always be the case, you   experience conflict between your natural and your unnatural behaviors, as long as you haven’t verbally addressed, experienced, approved, permitted and followed through on the instructions of your natural inclinations. In other words, you have never really spoken with and listened to yourself. Certainly, I would never call EL the golden rule, as the principle of treating others as you want to be treated by them, has endlessly distracted you from how you treat yourself. Yes, all behavior is lawful and the negative consequences of your DL are inevitable. Lastly, also the ancient Greeks, didn’t know about the difference between DL and EL and, therefore, discussed the golden mean, as the desirable middle between two extremes. There is no middle between DL and EL, it is either one or the other. The latter is about being an individual and celebrating your LE.          



Thursday, April 27, 2023




Fundamentally, everything I write and say about Disembodied Language (DL) or Embodied Language (EL) makes perfect sense. I don’t need approval, as I am my own authority. I am dead-serious about the fact, that there are no thoughts in my head. I don’t think and, according to me, you don’t think either.


You merely adhere to an ingrained way of dealing with language, which creates the illusion of thought. However, your DL can be stopped – by you – and if that happens, you will be able to have EL, continue  with it and discover: everything is true what I have said and written about it. Your lack of interest is of no concern to me, as it is your loss, you don’t know about the DL/EL distinction and unknowingly always engage in DL. Everything you believe is based on DL.


Fundamentally, you are in the dark about who you really are, but you cover this up with some kind of belief. You cannot be at peace with yourself, as your involvement in DL, means that your language works against you. Whatever you believe about thinking, should be said and listened to. After that, you need to write about how that was for you. This is the only way to acquire self-knowledge, which will allow you to stop your DL or any other self-defeating behavior.


You keep believing in thinking, in having thoughts, but there are no thoughts, there is only language, which can be spoken, listened to, written or read. It is fundamentally wrong and, therefore, profoundly problematic, to believe in thoughts, as it will always distract you from your own talking and listening, but also from writing and reading, about your talking and your listening. The notion that you think, is a product of your DL, in which can never say what you would really like to say. Only if you talk aloud, alone with yourself, can you say what you want to say, as others – with DL – will always distract you from it.


It will be crystal clear to you, once you have stopped your DL and are able to continue with your EL, that you have, fundamentally, misunderstood everything about relationship and interaction. Whatever your assumptions, beliefs, values, morals, principles or convictions may be, they are fundamentally wrong, as they couldn’t be derived from ongoing EL. People become literate, but they don’t know the difference between DL and EL. No matter how highly educated you are, something is fundamentally wrong with your behavioral repertoire. Also, nobody has found anything by becoming spiritual. DL reigns in every domain of human activity, it creates nothing but trouble and yet, we haven’t even considered it, as talking is needed, that is, talking with ourselves.


Your life will be fundamentally different, once you can have ongoing EL, as EL is the expression of your Language Enlightenment (LE). Your new way of dealing with language will continuously renew you and thought turns out to be only a fantasy. It is, in my opinion, fundamentally immoral to prevent EL. However, it is not thought that stops us from having EL. Also DL doesn’t prevent EL, but as long as our DL goes on, we can’t have EL. People believe in all sorts of nonsense. They believe fear prevents them from living their lives, as they want to, but DL creates and maintains fear. Once DL is stopped, the fear is gone. Also, your DL keeps your low self-esteem going, but your EL will make you happy. LE is a fundamentally different way of perceiving yourself and others.


I fundamentally disagree with everyone, as I don’t think and I don’t believe anyone thinks. Perhaps, you can momentarily allow these words, to reveal to you that what I write is true. While you read these words, you don’t think what you read, but you simply read. If you read it out loud and listen to your voice, you would know a bit more certain, that you only read out loud, you only hear yourself, but there are absolutely no thoughts going on in your head.


Right now, you lack the verbal skill to have ongoing EL and you fundamentally disagree with everything that would make you calm, peaceful, certain, happy, relaxed and clear. Although you keep running away from the verbal fact, that your life is complicated,  drained and wasted by your effortful way of dealing with language, you can’t avoid the challenge of the effortless way of dealing with language, which will fundamentally change you. I know, that right now, you still believe, EL and LE isn’t for you, but you are fundamentally wrong. You have read my words and noticed, there is nothing to be thought about them. My words have a fundamentally different meaning.                


Wednesday, April 26, 2023




I can’t be cancelled, as I don’t compete for anyone’s attention. Although I write everyday on my blog, it is not my aim, to reach you and if I do, I am not going to give you, my attention. I pay attention to myself and you should do the same. I don’t care about your opinion. Of course, you can have your opinion, but I am not interested in it. I don’t cancel you, because I stay with myself. I am into Embodied Language (EL) and, as far as I am concerned, your Disembodied Language (DL) is a waste of time. You should know that, because, no matter how famous or important you are, you are wasting your energy on something, which will never satisfy you or anyone else. You can trust what I say. It is reasonable, I ask you to do this.


I know, you are all over the map with your DL and it sounds so noisy, agitated, frustrated and dumb. You really believe, you are saying what others would like to say, but this so-called talking on behalf of others, is bullshit. I am not writing this on your behalf, but because I want to. You are going to continue with your DL, but I will continue with my EL. There is a reason, I can afford to do that, but you can’t: I am enlightened and you aren’t. Yes, you don’t want to talk with me, as my Language Enlightenment (LE)  would illustrate, you are basically just messing around with words. Stirring the pot, is all you are capable of with your stupid DL.


Speaking truth to power – and it absolutely doesn’t matter, whether you are Amy Goodman, Joy Behar, Joe Biden, Joy Reid, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Victor Davis Hanson or the Dalai Lama – is always more of the same DL. The fact, that you don’t know that, is your problem, not mine. If you would read my words out loud and listen to the sound of your voice, you would know – at least a little bit – what I know, as listening to yourself, is the only way to know the difference between DL and EL.


Cancel culture is an approach that is presented, as if it is new and innovative, but ultimately it is old wine in new bottles. This whole idea of putting new wine in old wineskins has, for a long time, been regarded as foolishly wasteful, because the old dried-out wineskin would simply crack and drain out all of the new wine. However, those who are deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner, are still ostracized, boycotted or shunned. This describes the workings of DL, which is the real reason why social change can never happen. DL, that is, our usual way of dealing with language, always has a chilling effect on everyone, because it always involves intolerance. DL is perpetuated by the laughable notion that the prevention of speech is itself a form of free speech, which promotes accountability and gives a voice to the supposedly disenfranchised people. However, nobody can be the voice for someone else. Yet, this superstition is as pervasive as DL in every culture.  


Call-out culture or cancel-culture describes the very essence of DL, in which people, quite literally, make  sure their voices are heard. Speaking out, speaking up and being outraged, especially against powerful people, who dominate the so-called conversation – which, of course, is not a conversation at all – is the  reason you haven’t done anything about addressing, let alone, solving your conflicts and problems. What we are seeing and hearing, every day on TV and on our social media, is the inevitable escalation of DL. All vigilante justice, stalking, shaming, intimidation, hostile debate and harassment is DL 101, but you don’t notice, that an entirely different way of talking is possible, which will enlighten instead of cancel.    

Tuesday, April 25, 2023




I know, it sounds ridiculous and crazy to say that I am a nobody, but I really am a nobody. Although I fully admit, I’m still getting used to it, my presence feels like an absence, because nobody is interested in me, noticing me or talking with me. Strangely enough, I’m doing just fine, although in the past, I have made a big deal about trying to be somebody.


Somehow, I have always been a nobody, although I was – like everyone else – raised to suffer and to be a somebody. For a long time, I was uncertain about myself and imagining to be on some sort of spiritual path of searching and, one day, finding my true self. I didn’t find anything, which would make me say: I am that. Yes, I write and sing songs or play on my ukulele and – since I find nothing more interesting to do – I write about my Language Enlightenment (LE), which gave rise to my Embodied Language (EL), but I wouldn’t say: I am my song, I am my writing or I am my language. To say that wouldn’t sound right.


Each night, in my sleep or when, during my lunch, I take a short nap, I don’t do anything. Although I live a very active life, everything I do is experienced as emerging from this nothingness. You could say, that my nothingness is a work in progress. I was shocked to notice it for the first time, somewhere during my early twenties. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it, but it was not a belief and believing it or not just didn’t matter, as something irreversible had happened. Only today, I seem to be able to verbalize it and, thus, fully realize, what it was and still is.


When I started to listen to myself, while I was saying something, I was still very much involved in trying to be someone, but I instantly knew – that I had always known – that I was and would always be a nobody. It is strange to write this, as I have never expressed myself in writing about this. I seem to have lost my hesitation to express my LE and let others know, this is not merely some esoteric talk, that I am a nobody. I am a nobody and if you want to talk with me, you will have to accept that you are a nobody too.  


While being a nobody was mentioned by me on some occasions, it was never front and center, since my exploration of my DL and EL kept me so busy, that it distracted from my LE. However, this is not the case anymore. For me, it is easy and natural to be a nobody, but for those, who haven’t had, like me, ongoing EL, it is impossible. In DL, everybody is always somebody, regardless whether they consider themselves to be inferior or superior, losers or winners, victims or victimizers. I am a nobody and my LE is only known to me. This morning, in my car, on my way to my work, I was talking with myself about this and having a big outburst of laughter.


I am having great fun being a nobody and feel happy to address this easy topic. Not trying to fulfill any requirement and not comparing what I say to others or to what I myself have said before, is pure delight. The unfolding of EL isn’t anything reactionary, yet, this doesn’t mean, I have to go slow or can’t go fast. When people talk about silence or peacefulness, they often associate it with slowing down, as they, unknowingly, ignorantly and fearfully believe that liveliness and especially talking prevents their bliss. EL, however, illustrates to us, that we can be very much alive and be completely still. Actually, unless we are totally, verbally, alive, we can’t be still.  


The flow of our language has never been clear to us, due to our habitual involvement in DL. Basically, we have endlessly been stopping ourselves and each other from experiencing our own creation. Yes, with our language, we create our own reality. The fact, that we generally don’t experience this and remain unaware we are doing this, means that we create our own prison. Indeed, a somebody will always produce his or her own living hell, as only a nobody is able to use language properly. I can write like this, not because I try to write like this, but because there is nobody, who tries anything. I express, so to speak, what nobody wants to say. Of course, we are only one with one another – we can only experience oneness – when we are nobody. Our idiotic idea of  being ourselves, which doesn’t involve exploring the immense difference between DL and EL, inevitably, is about being somebody. Moreover, there is no way in which a somebody ever becomes a nobody, that is, in DL, we are grandiosely, perpetually denying our mortality, but in EL, we don’t become a nobody, but we realize, we have always been a nobody.


With ongoing EL, we realize our LE and feel at home in eternity. This means, we are not fantasizing about immortality, but by embodying our language, we realize – while vibrantly alive, actively involved in our language and communicating – what we were, before we were born and what we will be, after we die. There are no trials and tribulations anymore of being a somebody, for someone, who knows how to engage in ongoing EL, who expresses and realizes his or her LE. Everything happens in our language now, effortlessly and consciously and our ability to say it, to hear, to write it and to read it, is such, that we are always new. This beautiful, intelligent, generative aspect of language – which determines that we never repeat what we have expressed – can only be appreciated by a nobody. In other words, we can only become objective about our language, if we stop biasing it, by being a somebody. Unlike DL, in EL we tremendously enjoy our language.                     

Monday, April 24, 2023




As I have often stated, nobody with Disembodied Language (DL) wants to talk with anyone, who has Embodied Language (EL). No matter how hard I have tried, to reach out to those with DL, with my EL, it never really worked and it took me many years, to let myself know, it is actually the other way around, because those with EL, don’t want to talk with those with DL. I can now admit, my tenacious tendency, to want to have EL with others, was an indication of my immaturity. Although I wanted to have EL with others, it slowly became clear to me, I was hurting myself as well as others, if I kept wanting that.


I no longer want to have EL with others, as I used to. Something has shifted for me, once I recognized, that DL and EL are incompatible. Initially, upon discovering EL, it felt, as if nobody wanted to have EL with me and only wanted to continue with DL. However, I no longer see it that way. It now seems to me, because I have EL, I don’t want to have anything to do anymore with anyone, who has DL. Instead of feeling rejected by others, I reject them, as this feels so much better. I feel fully justified in having this stern approach to anyone’s DL. If anyone ever wants to talk with me, they will have to let me know, they want to stop DL and make no big deal about my ability to ridicule their inability to do so.


I’m not here to hold anyone’s hand. Each person, from the beginning, must stand on his or her own two feet. EL is not about me making you feel good, but about you making yourself feel good. If you can’t feel good about me feeling good about myself, why should I care about you? I would like you to feel good and that’s why I don’t claim to make you feel good. You need to make yourself feel good and unless you succeed in that, you will never feel good.


I don’t try to have EL with anyone with DL anymore. You are either ready to talk with me or not. I am a happy nobody. It doesn’t matter to me,  no one wants to talk with me, as I can understand why this is the case. I don’t feel rejected anymore, but free from all the trouble that is involved in your DL. There is a need for each of us, to come to terms with our childish demands, defined as our identity. We are not whatever we believe ourselves to be. Only EL can reveal this to us. I remember, when I, for the first time, in my mid-twenties, realized this. It made me cry so much, it never seemed to stop, as I had begun to mourn the loss of my verbal self.


I still, unconsciously, tried to be who I was before my realization, but I could never be anymore, who I had been up till that unusual moment, in which, for the first time, I really heard myself speak. I neither was the speaker nor the listener and – although for years I still went back and forth between DL and EL – my language began to disappear in silence. Only recently have I started talking and writing about my Language Enlightenment (LE), as I wasn’t able to do this before. Being a nobody requires a lot of adjustments in language. I no longer try to remind myself, I am me, as am whatever I can afford to be.


These words are now arranged in this way, since I have nothing to say. Of course, I believed what I said and wrote was very important, but it wasn’t and it isn’t and I am so glad it was and is that way. People have spoken and written about transcending your mind and I have also spoken and written about that, because others did. However, in talking with myself, everything became very different from how I used to talk with others. As far as I am concerned, there never was a mind to transcend, as there was only my way of using language, which either included or excluded death. In EL, we include the irrefutable fact, that all these words will eventually disappear, but in DL, we stupidly pretend to be immortal.


To engage in EL, is to accept death as a verbal fact, which isn’t going to happen later, when you blow out your last breath, but which is happening when you listen to yourself while you speak. The speaker dissolves into the listener and the listener dissolves into the speaker and what is being said deepens the silence. All talk with DL about silence was false, as people assume, that language has to be stopped, to be silent, but it will stop by itself, whether we let it or not. In EL, we let it, but in DL, we can’t let it, as we hang on to everything that hasn’t been said.


Upon discovering the great difference between DL and EL, our struggle – with our language – will be over, yet our old habit of dealing with our language, will still manifest itself, even while we are having EL. Although EL is wonderful, we cannot continue with it forever and the fact that nobody wants to have EL with us, sets the stage for our verbal dissolvement in talking with or writing to ourselves. Inevitably, our LE has the last word, that is, only if we continue to talk with and write to ourselves, only if we speak and write every sentence, we are able to produce to its very end, so that – by including eternity – we have used our language to its fullest.                         

Sunday, April 23, 2023




The word fascism is thrown around a lot these days. If people don’t agree with each other, they call each other fascist or racist. People go out of their way, to avoid being called such names and yet, such terms  and accusations keep going back and forth. What is going on here? Who are all these supposedly good  people, who are cussing out all these presumably bad people? Are you the pot – in the saying: the pot who called the kettle black – or are you the kettle?


I heard a joke. So, my scatterbrained friend accused me of misquoting cliches. Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle racist? Here’s another one. There was a water fight at our park today and I won. Nobody is a match for my kettle. How about this one? My friend said: your jokes can get really racist sometimes. I gave him a long and hard look and said: Really, coming from you? That’s like the pot calling the kettle a thief. One more. I heard about this man who died due to his obsession of taking photos of himself next to a boiling kettle. He had serious selfie steam issues. Although you are still pretending, that it is better to be the kettle than the pot – or the other way around – in Disembodied Language (DL), you never really talk with anyone, who doesn’t agree with you and it doesn’t even matter whether you are black or white. The joke itself is racist and must have been invented by white people.


You – not someone else – keep your ugly DL going, in which you set yourself apart from everyone else. Moreover, your whole so-called special and unique identity, is based on this imaginary notion, that you are this separate person, who is having his or her own equally superior, extraordinary experiences. However, there is no one inside of you, who has these wonderful, special experiences, as this is merely the way in which we are used to talk about ourselves. That we are all used to it, doesn’t make it true. To the contrary, it creates only more problems.


The way in which you deal with language – which derives from how others have talked with you and from how you have come to talk with yourself and others – creates nothing but chaos and conflict and yet, you religiously believe, this to be your sacred reality. You don’t like to admit this, but your denial only makes things worse and this is why you live a superficial life of fear, frustration, stress, anxiety, anger and futility. Your negative emotions can only be quelled by having multiple addictions. You keep your sleezy, mechanical behavioral repertoire going, because you are unconscious about who you are.


To be conscious, your language must change, but such change can only occur, if your current verbal manners are stopped. Only once that has been accomplished will it be evident to you, that your DL determined everything else you did or didn’t do. A whole new set of priorities will reveal itself, once you have stopped your DL and engage in Embodied Language (EL). I know many of these truths, as I reap the beneficial consequences of my EL, but you only get to find out about the results of your DL, since you have never engaged in prolonged EL. Furthermore, you keep making it seem as if you already have EL, but you don’t know what it is, as you have never talked with me or with anyone, who is capable of having ongoing EL. Although you read this writing, the next step – to talk with me and to seriously consider what I convey – most likely, is not going to be taken, as you, unknowingly, still wish to continue with stupid, forceful, effortful, phony DL.


My descriptions of your DL, are not the same the  usual dressing down and telling off of other people, as what I say is not my opinion, but an absolute fact.  Anyone with EL, will say what I say about DL and the only reason – after all your unhappy and dissatisfied years of living with fake self-knowledge – you still haven’t taken notice of this magnificent agreement, is because you have only known DL. Yes, you really don’t want to talk about the facts of your own life, as you are afraid, to be exposed for all the nonsense and cruelty you have proclaimed and justified. It has never occurred to you, that your way of dealing with language, in and of itself, is destructive and harmful.


I don’t take part in your so-called reality, as I create and live in my own reality. You may go on believing in and lying about your reality, but I or anyone with EL – it could be you – can hear what you are doing, that’s why you don’t want to talk with me. Nobody with DL wants to talk with anyone who has EL. This has been the case since the human beings became verbal. Astonishingly, we find ourselves at this point in history, where – whether you know it or not, are aware of it or not, believe it or not or are willing to admit it or not – your DL is on its deathbed and the only positive way forward is with my EL. I say my EL, because, unlike you, I am in charge of how I use my language. Surely, EL could also be yours, but this will only be the case, if you have the humility, honesty and courage to acknowledge your total ignorance about this aspect of your life. With DL, you have neglected to pay attention to how you sound and, thus, you speak with a sound, you don’t like to hear. Yes, it isn’t me you don’t want to hear, but yourself.


EL is in favor of humor and, perhaps, it is better to say that humor is in favor of EL, because, why did the kettle get so hot? It needed to blow off steam. And, what do you call Hitler when he gets angry? Fuhrer-ious. What do you call a non-binary fascist? A Not-she. Your DL is morbid, as it prevents laughter. A fascist, liberal, and communist start arguing who’s got a better ideology. To settle their argument, they decide to see whose ideology can make a cat eat mustard. Fascist takes a spoonful of mustard and forcefully shoves it down the cat’s throat. Liberal puts mustard between two pieces of tasty meat and thus tricks the cat into eating it. Communist smears mustard below the cat’s tail. Poor animal starts meowing and tries to lick it off. Communists says: Note, it’s eating mustard voluntarily and with a cheerful song. It's a well-known fact that Hitler often consulted astrologists and people involved in the occult to get direction while Germany fought in World War II. One day he decided to thank his chief astrologer and called him into his office to say: we've done really well in the war and I'm grateful for your advice. I'm wondering something though, how come you never told me something that would be important to me  like when will I die?
The astrologer said: mein Fuhrer, you never asked.
Hitler says: I'm asking you now, do you know the day I'm going to die? The astrologer says: as a matter of fact I do know the day. You're going to die on a Jewish holiday. Hitler is shocked: that's a horrible thing - a Jewish holiday! What Jewish holiday am I going to die on? The man says: any day you die will be a Jewish holiday.
Likewise, I know  when your DL dies, it will be a celebration, as the root cause of fascism has finally been addressed.