Tuesday, November 22, 2022




Being happy involves a focus on how you deal with your language. Many people have talked about happiness, but they never brought their attention to speaking, listening, writing, and reading. To the contrary, they are busy with everything else, except with their language. You consider your language as something you have in common with others, who belong to the same verbal community, but you have never stepped away from this so-called group-think, to explore, understand and find your own language.   


How do you prefer to speak? Why do you listen? What do you write, if you would write about your way of talking? What is the use of reading what others have written, which is all based on their involvement in Disembodied Language (DL)? If you would discover your own way of dealing with language, you would be engaging in Embodied Language (EL). There are no books about EL and there do not need to be. Speaking EL is important.


We have greatly overestimated, exaggerated, and misjudged the importance of written language, and we have underestimated, neglected, and remained unaware about the necessity of spoken language. The fact, that we consider written words to be more important than spoken words, indicates that we are not only missing out on EL, which is, simply stated, the beauty and joy of the spoken word, but we are also completely oblivious about the way in which the written word either enhances or undermines the spoken word. If we engage in DL, we are bound to produce writings, which will further set us apart, as the restoration of the importance of the spoken word, by means of writing about it, is as important as speaking about it. You would only be able to write about EL, if you first spoke about it. You can’t do the former, if you haven’t done the latter.


Your happiness has remained merely something you wish for, that is why in DL, you childishly demand the attention of the listener. Nobody else has ever put into proper perspective, why, during our usual way of talking, which is DL, speakers struggle to get and keep getting the attention from the listener? There is only one reason: to dominate the listener.


In DL the speaker, in one way or another, coerces the listener. In principle, this done to prevent the listener from speaking, but this is often covered up by pretending as if the speaker speaks on behalf of the listener. The speaker, supposedly, represents the listener, and, yes, he or she would even claim to give a voice to the voiceless. In EL, on the other hand, speakers do not dominate listeners, because they listen to themselves, and, therefore, they are able to experience how the listener is experiencing the speaker. Thus, EL speakers produce an entirely different sound or energy, than DL speakers.


The listener hears an EL speaker say things, which he or she could have said so him or herself and he or she experiences attunement with the speaker, but listening to a DL speaker, the listener disagrees with the speaker, who he or she experiences as separate or different from him or herself. In DL, the listener is conflicted by the speaker. Such conflict appears to continue, in the listener, even after the DL speaker is no longer there or is done speaking.


Negative self-talk or a troubled mind is an illusion, created by the so-called memory of trauma, which is produced by the fact that our nervous system was conditioned to experience, in the name of ordinary conversation, to endure stress, aggression, fear, humiliation, anxiety, disrespect, oppression, and, stupidity. The worst form of conditioning, is the conditioning of mediocrity, which prevents the listener from becoming a speaker, who can listen to him or herself while he or she speaks. Indeed, DL is the language of superficiality. Obviously, listeners can handle a lot of abuse, but the lack of intelligence of the forceful, dumb DL speaker, conditions millions of listeners to go against their own self-interests.


Happiness is impossible, if we do not know what our self-interest entails, but it will be found if we recognize it in our way of doing things. We can hear it, while we speak, we experience it and prolong it, by becoming aware, our happiness has its own sound. Moreover, our happiness, which I call Language Enlightenment (LE), wants us to do certain things, but protects us from doing things, which are not good for us. Thus, with our EL, we fully express our LE and we find happiness in everything we do.   

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