Wednesday, November 16, 2022




I have a message for you, which you are only able to understand, if you stop listening to me or someone else talking and start talking with yourself. Listening to yourself while you speak will liberate you from all your problems. I don’t want you to believe me, as I want you to try it out and see and hear for yourself, why talking out loud with yourself is really more important than talking with someone else. The way in which you have been conditioned determines that talking with others prevents you from talking with yourself. However, when you talk with yourself and listen to the sound of your  calm voice, while you speak, you will find that talking with yourself, which I call Embodied Language (EL), doesn’t prevent you from talking with others. To the contrary, once you have found out about your ability to have EL, alone, by yourself, you will know for sure, that you can and would very much like to talk with others, in the exact same way, that you now can talk with yourself.


When you talk with others, in the same way that you talk with yourself – and when others, of course, do the same with you – you will certainly discover, that your EL is the source of all your happiness. Conversely, as long as you haven’t explored, acknowledged, enjoyed and become aware of your own EL, you never could have been happy. This is an important point to be considered. Most people are and, unknowingly, remain, unhappy, as they have no experience with exploring their own ongoing EL, on their own. Everything will change because of this breath-taking exploration.


Once we investigate and get to know our EL, alone, and verify, that it is, of course, possible to have EL with others, we inevitably become aware of the sad fact, that there is almost nobody to have EL with us. Even those, who we consider to be close or friendly towards us, will only be able to have EL to the extent they are motivated and stimulated to explore talking out loud with and listening to themselves. In other words, we will be continuously challenged to explore EL by ourselves, as our opportunity to have EL with others will be minimal. Therefore, it is never a question of how or when we are going to have EL with others, but always about how or when we are going to have EL with ourselves. The answer to this question is very simply: when we speak with ourselves and listen to ourselves while we speak.  


Absurd as this may, initially, sound, EL implies, that we, to a much lesser degree, are willing to speak with or listen to others than speak with or listen to ourselves, because speaking with and listening to ourselves, is considered to be more important to us. Furthermore, in these very few instances, that we were able to share some our EL with others, we can’t escape the incredible realization, that speaking with and listening to someone with EL is, as delightful, as speaking with and listening to ourselves. While in the presence of those, who only know how to engage in DL, however, we are always reminded, how beneficial it is to have EL by ourselves.  


After we can have ongoing EL, first by ourselves and then, sometimes, when it is possible, with others, we don’t harp on our memory of how good it is to have EL with others, as such a sentiment will distract us from having EL by ourselves. In other words, we no longer want to have EL with those, who only engage in DL, because we know, for a fact, it will affect us in such a way, that we will engage again in DL. In the idle hope to have EL with others, we always end up having DL.


Our ability to continue, on our own, with EL, makes us totally independent, as we don’t even rely on anyone, we can have EL with, to continue with our EL. Stated differently, our EL establishes us into the sacred space of our aloneness. In our aloneness, we transcend our history with DL and realize Language Enlightenment (LE). Our LE is a great treasure, as we have said and continue to say what we are able to say. Our intelligence speaks and we can hear it, act on it and experience the positive consequences, which keep on getting better.


In the beginning of discovering EL, things almost seem to be too good to be true, but as we continue with our EL, all expectations are exceeded. There is no limit to our joyfulness and understanding. Every step and each breath is an enhancement and each verbal expression is a further elaboration of who we are. My message to you is that your LE is already the case, but you only haven’t found your way to talk about it. In EL, you will speak with a sound, which expresses your wellbeing and you only say what matters to you. Thus, in your ongoing EL, you express your LE, as all your needs have been met.      

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