Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Big Deal,


The paradox with Embodied Language (EL) is, it really is a big deal, but the moment you make a big deal about it – as I certainly have – it is no longer EL, but Disembodied Language (DL).  


With DL, we make a big deal about so many things, which are totally unimportant, once we can have EL. Ironically, my name is Maximus, which means: the biggest. Perhaps, this is why I was for so long inclined to make a big deal about EL, although, it never made any sense.


Nobody can make a big deal about EL, even when it makes them realize their Language Enlightenment (LE), which it will. People usually view me as someone, who makes a big deal out of nothing. Storm in a cup of tea, is what we used to say, in The Netherlands, the country where I grew up.


Everyone can listen to the sound, which they make, while they speak, however, the big deal is, nobody does this. We either want others to listen to us or we try to listen to others, but we don’t listen to ourselves. We make it seem as if this is normal, but it is a big deal that nobody is listening to themselves, because DL creates and maintains all our problems. Our in violence and chaos escalating problems, are a big deal, which we can longer deny. However, your problems have endlessly distracted from paying attention to the DL/EL distinction. Unless that becomes a big deal to you, they get bigger and bigger. So, minimizing the importance of how you use your language, is a big deal, as it sets the stage for all your other behaviors. Surely, all behavior that is associated with DL, turns out to be problematic.


We don’t want to rock the boat, we don’t want to make a big deal about anything, as we fear social ostracization. We make such a big deal about being accepted, being recognized, fitting in or being understood, because we fear being alone. With ongoing EL, we stop being fearful. Interestingly, just because we realize, that EL, truly is a big deal, it is no longer a big deal to us.  


When we are able to have EL, we acknowledge, that everyone, unconsciously, always makes a big fricking deal about their dumb, demanding, energy-draining DL, because it is impossible to make a big deal about our delightful, lively EL.


We have all heard the question: what is the big deal? The big deal is always DL. Nothing is going to be a big deal anymore, when we are going to have EL. You can’t believe, it is possible, to not make a big deal about anything, because you were conditioned to have DL. So, you have to make a big deal about your DL, because it isn’t going to stop, unless you pay attention to it.


Although it seems that way, it is never a person, who is making a big deal about something, but how we use our language. Hilariously, we don’t want to make a big deal about the elephant in the room: how we communicate with each other. We rather go to war and kill each other, than to pay close attention to how we actually interact. Our own DL isn’t anything we like to bring our attention to, as it is nothing but negativity.


Once you have explored the difference between DL and EL, you can no longer turn away from it, as it determines everything. The fact that we all unknowingly engage in DL, indicates we haven’t even begun to explore the immense difference between our DL and EL. Simply stated, our lives are either based on our participation in DL or in EL. In the former, we live – although we pretend otherwise – unhappy lives, but in the latter, we are happy, as DL is no longer a big deal to us.       

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