Wednesday, March 22, 2017

February 24 , 2016

February 24 , 2016

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

In Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971) Skinner explains that reality doesn’t change because our theory about reality changes. Reality stays the same and theories are only as good as they can bring us in touch with reality.  By being in touch with reality we create control. On page 213 he writes “What does change is our chance of doing something about the subject of our theory. Newton’s analysis of the light in a rainbow was a step in the direction of the laser.” The “subject of our theory” is how we communicate.  The Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB)/ Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB) distinction allows us to permanently change and improve the way in which we talk. 

Due to SVB we will have no more problems with ourselves or with each other and we will understand ourselves and each other. In NVB, the opposite is the case. In NVB we keep creating problems. Another benefit from SVB is that we perceive saying as doing.  The separation between what a person says and does or, what a person believes or does, is based on the assumption that saying is not doing. Saying is doing and we do a lot of harm by what we say. If we were aware of what we do to ourselves and what we do each other by how we speak, we would be stimulated to talk in a different way. 

Each moment this awareness sets in, a person’s NVB effortlessly transforms into SVB.  SVB is a conscious, sensitive and flexible way of talking, but in NVB we are insensitive, inflexible, mechanical and on automatic pilot.  In SVB, our focus is effortless and effective, but in NVB, we struggle with ourselves and each other to get the attention and to pay attention. Skinner is absolutely correct by stating that the traditional conception of man “was designed to build up the individual as an instrument of counter control, and it did so effectively but in such a way as to limit progress (p.213).” However, this counter control is only asserted during NVB, it is not elicited in SVB, which reinforces all the communicators and supports progress.

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