Thursday, November 24, 2022




People have been forever protesting for freedom, dignity, equality, and justice, but their call has never led to a change from Disembodied Language (DL) to Embodied Language (EL). Of course, such a change was never anyone’s objective. If that would have been the case, things would be very different, but despite millions of people demanding, screaming, begging, and fighting for change, the hegemony has remained the same. So-called experts everywhere are tooting their horns, yet they do not even know about the difference between DL and EL. If there is ever going to be any positive change, it is going to come from those, who know about that difference and who insist on making this difference, like me.


While many, people, who, presumably, are very important, brag about making a difference, they are incapable of acknowledging the great dissimilarity between their usual way of talking, which is DL and the way of talking, which really makes a difference, which is EL. Right now, only I and a few friends are capable of distinguishing between DL and EL and all those, who do not know, unintentionally, merely advocate for another, supposedly, modern, version of DL. They make others believe, that their version of DL is somehow more effective, as they are better at manipulating, dominating, and deceiving. Not surprisingly, DL, our common, trouble-some way of talking, is everywhere and is making the possibility and necessity of EL even more and more elusive.


Anyone who knows about EL, who, subsequently, also acknowledges the difference between EL and DL, realizes, the opportunities for communicators to change their DL to EL, only become smaller and smaller, as we age and, eventually, do not occur at all anymore. Someone like me refuses to do what others do and is not interested in or effected by the forceful, repetitive, unintelligent actions of others. I only identify, accept, and act on my own interests and readily, happily admit, I have only one single objective: the only thing which matters is what makes and keeps me happy. The fact that millions of people live empty lives of protest, conflict, and anxiety, greatly impairs our relationships. Basically, the continuation of their DL is totally depressing.


Due to your unconscious, mechanical, boring DL, you completely misunderstand and misjudge, the inevitable, devastating effects of your so-called culture-wars. It is not by coincidence, that all of mankind is, when it comes down to it, just like you, against individualism and trapped by tribalism or group-think. You call it climate justice or black lives matter, but you keep describing and categorizing yourself and as others as belonging to this or that group. This – and nothing else – continues your DL.


If your DL remains unaddressed, you are bound to continue with it, without knowing that you have it. Mankind is doomed to the destructive accumulative effects of DL. Nothing changes for you, unless you, somehow, manage to stop your own DL and start to have ongoing EL. There is no other incentive to stop your usual way of talking, than your discovery of your own EL. To your disadvantage, you make it seem as if DL is all you have got. You are your own worst enemy and stopping your DL is the only way to start having some EL. EL is better than DL. Once we have it, we will finally all be on the same page.           


Being on the same page is not some metaphor, but you understanding and acknowledging the truth of these words. Unless you accomplish EL, you have not accomplished anything. People, who talk about making a difference, are wrong. Nobody was doing anything right, if they continued with DL. Moreover, you did not know what you were talking about with DL. It is not your fault, that you were conditioned to only have DL and ignore your EL and your natural way of being, called Language Enlightenment (LE). It is up to you to get involved with your own language.    

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