Saturday, March 4, 2023




I feel one with myself and look back with relief and satisfaction on the time when this was not yet the case. When I was still small and people sometimes asked me what I wanted to be, I answered, I want to be big, which is synonymous with being an adult. Because I've come to understand who I am, better and better, getting older – I'm now sixty-four – is very pleasant for me. After discovering that I could talk with myself – and listen to myself while I speak – in my twenties, I started creating my own reality with what I now call Embodied Language (EL).


My ever-increasing self-knowledge, has only began to blossom recently, when I finally completely gave up explaining EL to others. I got into my Language Enlightenment (LE) after I had stopped talking with other people, who, still unconsciously, due to their conditioning, are only able to have Disembodied Language (DL). This long overdue insight enabled me to settle for those few people, with whom I can effortlessly have EL. Until recently, this wasn't the case, as I believed I could educate others about the difference between DL and EL and so, my LE came second place and was only there in the background.


When I was hoping to let others know about EL – as talking immediately about my enlightenment seemed less realistic – my LE wasn't, as it is now, fully in my attention. Right now, writing about my LE is more real to me, than talking about my EL.  Everything became more concrete, now that I trust my self-knowledge of the realization, that LE causes EL (as opposed to EL leading to LE). As my LE is now in the foreground and both EL and DL are in the background, a new perspective is unfolding.


In the Dutch language, nouns, such as, chicken, egg (or perspective), are denoted by an article, such as the, it or one. The, it or one, refers to the directness,  unambiguous, plainness, comprehensibility, clarity  of what something is. Reality is understandable, so to speak, because a book is a book and a cat is a cat. That word enlightenment, which has the word light in it, comes into its own very differently in the short metaphorical sentence: I have seen the light. What is peculiar here, is that it is about something that can be seen. In LE, however, it is about a sound – the sound of our own voice, while we speak – which is heard and coincides with the silence, from whence it came and into which it disappeared. Thus, EL is the appearance and disappearance of our resonant sound, creating a new reality and through our new way of speaking – EL instead of DL – we can be very verbal, very explicit, very tangible about our LE, as we hear our vibration and our words, undeniably, express, a totally different sense of who we are.


Anyone who reads my writing about my LE can already have an experience of EL, as these lucid words are felt. This is a completely different text than the text, that was written and read because of someone’s participation in DL. There is another sensation, which is an invitation to a conversation with yourself, in which the crystallization of what is written here can begin to take place in the reader.

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