Tuesday, December 20, 2022




Since I am the one, who is writing these words, I am, so to speak, on this side of this text, but since you are the one, who is reading these words, you are, presumably, on the other side of this text. I would like you to come to my side of this text. I know, it is probably too much to ask for, that is why I ask you to imagine what it would be like if you did.


Your imagination allows you to engage in Embodied Language (EL). It is such a rewarding experiment, to fantasize about what EL could be like for you. I can tell you how it is for me, but you need to have your own experience of it. So, please, don’t worry about not being on my side yet. Of course, you are still on your side of this text. Give yourself permission to feel, what it would be like, if you said or wrote this?


If you would say or write these words, you would have positive feelings. Of course, you would want to say or write this, so that you could continue this valuable experience, while you speak or write. It can become stronger, as you verbally give yourself the opportunity to feel this way. What might you say or write, when that happens? I am sure, you would say or write something similar to what I say and write.


Imagine what it would be like, to say and write what I say and write? You already, unconsciously, have done this, many times, but with other people. Why not do it consciously, deliberately, experimentally, with me, this time? You would be on my side and say or write something so simple and easy, that you are surprised, you have never spoken or written so effortlessly. You can’t help, but wonder, why is this only just now the case? Why did I never speak or write like this before? You know the answer: this text invites you to speak or to write like that.


What you write, you could also say and what you say, you could also write. You enjoy both, as your EL pertains to both. Also, you read and hear your own writing, which is different from reading and hearing that you are used to. Usually, when you read, you don’t hear anything, but now, you read out loud and, therefore, you hear what you read. Moreover, you now hear something else, than your habitual Disembodied Language (DL), which you usually hear, but which, of course, you never liked to listen to. You hear something totally different, as you listen to yourself speaking or writing to yourself.


Normally, you speak with or write to others, but at this moment, you stick to your side of what you say or write. It is such a great delight, to stick to your own side and not to bother about what happens at the other side. Interestingly, once you don’t worry anymore about what happens on the other side, you are, all of a sudden, crystal clear about what is happening there. You know what happens on the other side, not because you are some psychic, but because you pay attention to what happens to you.


You don’t decide what happens on the other side, and you also don’t decide, what happens on your side. What happens on your side, as well as what happens on the other side, is simply what happens. You have a sense of how words come across, as you listened to yourself and have written to yourself and let yourself know, how you experience the consequences of what you have said and written.  


You get what you like, if your assessment of what is happening when you speak or write is correct. This makes the whole issue of being on different sides of what is said or written, change in being on the same side. People talk about being on the same page, but there is no such thing. When I write page 112, it will be a miracle, if you even reach page 20. Most likely, you don’t even reach that far. Being on the same page is a problematic metaphor, as you read slower than I can write or I speak faster than you can listen. The real issue is and has always been: being on the same side of the words that are spoken and written.


These words are as much yours as mine and neither one of us has more power over these words than the other. Thus, we speak, write, hear and read in a common language, but this new way of speaking and writing and reading and hearing, takes speaking  a common language to a whole new level. It is the language of our shared wellbeing, our Language Enlightenment (LE), we speak and write about with our EL. There are no different sides to feeling at ease, safe, comfortable, present, and full of energy.


What you say or write, in EL, is as valid, important, and meaningful, as what anyone has said or written, who shares his or her positive experiences with you.  You are on my side and I am your side and, yes, we are one, in that what we say or write really matters to both of us. I read what you wrote with the same interest, as I read my own text and I listen to your spoken words, as if I listen to myself. Only in DL is there the other side, but in EL, we are on the same side, always. You may not believe this or trust that this is possible, but your distrust evaporates in EL.  You will have to eventually abandon your distrust in what you say or write. When finally do that, even if you only fantasize that you do that, you will say or write the most intelligent and wise things, as you have transcended both sides and merged them into one. I speak or write to myself and, therefore, I can speak and write to you, to do as I do. When you do that, we will engage in ongoing EL, as you will say and write what your LE sounds like from my side.                  

Sunday, December 18, 2022




I am truly amazed that my Embodied Language (EL) never bores me and always let’s me know about something interesting and funny. I find these two always go together. It is at the same time hilarious, but also extremely interesting, to ponder about why basically, nobody has EL, while it is so much better than our hard-headed Disembodied Language (DL).


I can laugh about the general ignorance about EL, because I continue to have it, I don’t miss it, and I don’t care that you don’t have it. Somehow, I have stopped wanting to have EL with you. I find that very interesting, because for more than forty years, I wanted nothing more than to have EL with you.  


It has nothing to do with having given up on you, but it has to do with me, that I have stopped giving up on myself. Yes, for all these years, that I wanted so badly to have EL with you, I was treating myself as if I was incapable of going on with it on my own. Now that I am doing that, I am so happy, so fulfilled, that I laugh about my own foolishness. I was more concerned if you were having EL, than I was having it myself. Looking back, I acknowledge, I was having much DL myself, while, supposedly, I was teaching others about EL. Of course, I never taught anyone anything about EL, as I was only trying to share my own experiences with those who were open to it.


It is such a conundrum, that EL cannot be taught or learned and that someone as flawed as me, has actually discovered that. Of course, I was firmly believing that EL could be taught, but I no longer believe that. That is why I stopped being busy with you or with others. Quite frankly, it is more fun and much more interesting, to remain with my own EL and to celebrate the fact, that I, somehow, have transformed into the happy person I am today.


I used to feel dissatisfied, unaccomplished, unsure, and all over the place, but these days, I am proud, satisfied, certain and I stay in the place I want to be. Surely, I could be imagining all of this, but I can’t help but believe, it is because I somehow figured out how to continue with my own EL and stay true to my Language Enlightenment (LE) in my daily life.


I find it entertaining and intriguing, I can write so much about this, because, in the past, I was strongly against writing about it, as I considered the written word as the enemy of the spoken word. Although, I can still see, how for you, the written word prevents you from taking your spoken word more seriously, I no longer see that as my problem. To the contrary, I consider these written words the best way to get under your skin, because I didn’t write these words for you, but for myself. You probably don’t believe me and that is amusing to me, as I know you can’t help contemplating the possibility, that everything I write is true and you are missing out in your life on what I describe and can experience every day.  


These words are as real as each breath you take and rather than taking your breath away, they make you conscious of your breathing and if you get to laugh at your own stupidity, like I do, you even begin to breathe deeper. Moreover, when you engage in EL, your breathing is calm and deep, as you abide in the same realm as when you have a dreamless sleep.


Your so-called mind has been accurately described and, therefore, understood as a figment, not of your own imagination, but of your morbid, rigid, repetitive DL. Imagination only fits with EL and all the escapist fantasies you keep having, due to your DL, are perversions, as your natural way of being remains unexpressed. I imagine only about what I produce, because I enjoy the outcomes of my verbal behavior. My imagination doesn’t involve anyone else but me, as I am thankfully enough unto myself.


These written words have already been spoken by me to myself. You can have them and use them, as I no longer have any use for them. I always felt like making fun of the big fuss they make, in academia, about plagiarism. We all use words, which have been used by others. We talk languages, that have been spoken by generations of communicators. I don’t own these words and neither does anyone else. Such moronic claims are only made due to DL, in which we always completely misunderstand the joke and laugh with false laughter, for the wrong reasons. It’s interesting to me, I apparently am the only person, who can say and write this, while it seems so obvious, everyone is able to understand that there is no speaker, who speaks, there is no listener, who listens. DL as well as EL  just happen because it is the only thing which can happen.                    

Saturday, December 17, 2022




When you explore your Language Enlightenment (LE) with your Embodied Language (EL), you will find that there is so much to see, to do, to enjoy and to be surprised, thankful and motivated about. Your life is like a grand parade of wonderful experiences and you get to be the person, who you like to be. Strangely, you do not become that person, as you have always been that person, but as long as you were side-tracked by your Disembodied Language (DL), you could not be yourself, as your language to be able to behave in that way, wasn’t there yet.


When people say, they have become the person they wanted to be, they are always lying. Nobody has ever become, who they wanted to be. You are  on this, presumably, spiritual quest, to be who you want to be, to be who you can be, to be who you were meant to be or to be who you were born to be, because of your almost permanent involvement in DL. As you begin to discard all your self-defeating behaviors, which, due to DL, you have acquired, the contrast between DL and EL keeps getting more clear, because, every time you shift from DL to EL and from EL to DL again, you are increasingly more aware that going back and forth between these two is very disturbing. You can no longer miss, deny, or forget about this contrast, when you talk out loud with yourself about what is really going on with you.


The dramatic contrast between your own DL and EL, shows that you keep holding on to something, you keep something behind. There are many things you haven’t said. You didn’t complete your sentences. You didn’t listen to your own reasoning. Therefore, you couldn’t follow through and act on your own intelligence, because you never devoted yourself to letting yourself know how you want to live your life.


If you do not tell yourself about how your LE works, you remain oblivious about your ability to create your own reality and, consequently, you will live in the illusion of reality, which is created for you by others. In other words, in EL everything is yours, but in DL you have nothing. This means, however, that in EL, you are only having what is yours, but in DL, you are burdening yourself (and others) with what isn’t yours. When you engage in EL, you want less and less, because what is yours can and will only reveal itself after you have abandoned all the junk, garbage, trash, and useless crap, you considered to be your biggest treasure in DL. Your LE can only be embodied by your language (EL), when you are no longer hindered by the burden, you forced yourself to drag with you, due to your dreadful, sickening DL.  


When I see the enormous amount of garbage that is produced by the homeless population in my town, I ponder about the significance of the contrast, they, inadvertently, create with their unwanted presence. It is sad, but mostly disgusting, to anyone, who can wear clean clothes and live in a home, to witness these people, who are living in and pushing around in shopping carts and shopping bags, the filth they accumulate everywhere they go. Homeless camps are appalling, stinking landfills, which destroy the natural environment. The meaning, someone like me – who knows about his LE due to his EL – gives to this unavoidable, undeniable, increasing problem is that the despised, shunned and discriminated homeless people, hold up a mirror to society, as a whole, but we keep refusing to look into. Surely, the homelessness problem is but a small part of a much bigger problem: the dirty way in which we talk.


Anyone who has the courage to acknowledge the extend to which he or she engages in DL or EL, will have to admit, there is an important, but, as of yet, missing link between DL, our usual way of talking and why so many people become addicted, suicidal, criminal or, as we say, mentally ill. However, it is only clear in EL this link even exists and that our common way of talking has negative consequences, we simply don’t want to talk or know about. In addition to wars fought with weapons, there are wars of words going on – everywhere – and, while there is certainly rampant destruction of natural habitat, there is also environmental degradation, due to how we sound while we speak. Moreover, on top of wide-spread hunger and thirst, in many parts of the world, there is a hunger and thirst for truth and genuine interaction, which can only be fulfilled, if we engage in EL. Surely, what we call civilization is based on our particular way of talking.


Not only poor, discriminated or deprived people are suffering, but everyone is suffering, because DL is still going on everywhere. In the name of parenting, politics, psychology, education and religion, people are sacrificed on the altar of language. I worked for many years in academia and in mental health, but I  found, that even the most highly educated and most affluent among us, unconsciously, have DL and therefore, are utterly incapable of leading the way.  


We all know, we are heading for a great calamity, but nobody has the clarity of language, to change course and to really make a difference. We hear a lot of talk about making a difference, but all our solutions, our so-called strategies, haven’t worked. There is good reason, they didn’t and couldn’t work, as they were always aimed at others, but not at ourselves. Moreover, the only way to make a real difference, is to stop ourselves from having DL, so that we can finally have EL and recognize our LE. If you want, we can talk, on weekends, free of charge, about this on skype. My name is limbicease                         




We can get drunk on words, in the same way, as we can get drunk on alcohol. This happens each time we don’t hear the sound of our own voice while we speak and engage in Disembodied Language (DL). We get carried away by what we say, by the words we speak, but how we speak presumably doesn’t matter. Drunk drivers would tell police-officers, they only had a few, but the breath-test shows how much alcohol they had in them, at the time of the accident. Drunk drivers have crashes and drunk speakers crash into everyone, everywhere, all the time. Not what any evil or immoral person says, but the fact that our common way of talking is outright dangerous, is not talked about, because it is normal.


In the court of public opinion, talking about how we talk isn’t an issue anyone is willing to pay attention to, yet, whether we know it or not, accept it or not, or are aware of it or not, this is and will remain the issue, regardless of what we are talking about. We can’t move away from our DL, unless we talk about it – not with each other, but with ourselves. We don’t need to talk about DL with each other, after we have dealt with it ourselves, but as long as we insist on talking about DL with others, we simply never get to talk about our own DL with ourselves, thus DL will continue to reign supreme everywhere.


Since it is inevitable, the notion, that what we say has an effect on what is going to happen, is a topic,  which is finally sometimes discussed these days. However, there is no appreciation at all for the fact that each of us creates his or her own reality with how we talk – with ourselves. Obviously, most of us don’t even realize, that we never really talk with ourselves, as all our energy is drained by the illusion that we can think about ourselves and each other.


Instead of using language correctly, by recognizing,  exploring and enjoying our Language Enlightenment (LE) with Embodied Language (EL), we habitually, faithfully, fanatically, stubbornly,  unconsciously, aggressively, and desperately engage in DL, with the false hope, there will one day be better outcomes for ourselves. Moreover, we only concern ourselves with how others talk, but not with our own way of talking. When it comes to our own way of talking, it is always, supposedly, what we say, which matters most, but when we talk about how others talk, we, unknowingly, try to address how they talk, but fail to do so and, therefore, we endlessly accuse each other of precisely what we keep doing ourselves.  


While we ourselves keep having DL, we only want to talk about the DL of others. As mentioned, this common tendency is treacherous, as it creates and maintains all of our problems. Yes, in the same way, that the earth is round and not flat, our own way of talking – not how others talk – always goes hand in hand with everything we experience in our lives. This unavoidable mind-blowing realization is always waiting for us, when we sober up from our words.


We may not yet fully recognize or acknowledge this, but we are destined to come out of our primitive, superstitious, ultimately, involuntary DL, to discover our self-nature, our LE, with our realistic, voluntary, response-able, and blissful EL. We only postpone it, by believing that how others talk, is more important than how we talk – with ourselves. Surely, it is not how others talk, why all the things in our lives are as they are, but how we talk with ourselves, and, yes, how we keep failing to talk with ourselves, since we only consider talking with each other as necessary. 


Only once we talk with ourselves, there is going to occur a real change in how we talk with each other. The shift from DL to EL, must first take place, by talking out loud, alone with ourselves. Only after we have done that, are we able to have EL with others. Those, who haven’t yet had EL by themselves, can hear, feel and experience the EL of someone, who has had EL with him or herself, but they will never be able to learn to have EL in this way. Once we talk with ourselves and experience the shift from DL to EL, a revolution begins to unfold, in which we will abandon all the behaviors, that were acquired due to our involvement in DL. Although, initially, this can  only happen each time we engage again in EL, we  will spend the rest of our lives being in awe about the creative power of our EL, as we live a life, which is firmly grounded in our own LE. It is impossible to understand the many magnificent implications of EL at once, but we will feel blessed, again and again...               

Friday, December 16, 2022




As I was doing my deliveries today, I was listening to the radio. Someone spoke in a hurried and intense manner, about the terrible situation in some other country and stated, our media should do a better job reporting on this. As I considered the demands and claims that were made, I felt like laughing, because, supposedly, this one particular case was so incredibly urgent, that it was more important than any other case, according to the stressful reporter.     


In Disembodied Language (DL) everyone is saying the exact same thing, as this so-called investigative journalist, who seems to believe, she gives a voice to the voiceless. Whatever their case may be, it is always the most important. Indeed, our DL sounds familiar, because, according to this or that news program, according to this or that interest-group, this or that problem is always more important than anything else. And, they endlessly complain and argue, that it is unfair, that their issue is not addressed, ignored or not getting the attention it needs or deserves.


Surely, during DL, which continuous to be our usual way of talking, not only anyone’s special problem requires our attention, but all our problems are the same, in that, presumably, they all very badly need our attention. Thus, our common way of talking is about some falsely-claimed special problem, which has managed to get our attention. Consequently, all speakers in OT, in one way or another, demand our attention. Although certain topics are more or less addressed, they are never sufficiently covered, as the news anchor only has another thirty seconds left or needs to go to the commercials, as commercial topics take priority over what presumably is the news.


It is beyond dispute that our usual way of talking is based on demanding each other’s attention. Once we take this perspective, we can’t deny, that none of our well-intended efforts – to get our point of view across, to get our beliefs confirmed, to get our concerns properly addressed and our problems resolved – have worked. To the contrary, our problems have not only become more numerous, they have also become bigger and our struggle to get each other’s attention has dramatically intensified, to the inevitable point of escalating again in violence. This is how we, within and between cultures, deal with one another. Inasmuch as we would like to believe in a difference in cultural conditioning, the reality is, that the way of talking, in which speakers dominate the listener, by competing for the attention of the listener, is ubiquitous, universal, or cross-cultural.


Everywhere, around the world, speakers attempt to oppress, exploit, and silence listeners, who are often not even allowed to speak. DL rules and divides us into those, who presumably have power and those, who presumably want to have power. However, both, the oppressor as well as the oppressed speak the same language, as they engage in DL, in which everyone knows their place or is punitively told what their place is. This is the world we create and maintain by how we speak.  


The aforementioned illustrates, that none of our relationship problems are accurately addressed, let alone, resolved. We never get to talk about our way of talking, yet our DL creates our problems and keeps them going. Our difficult way of talking never gives way to Embodied Language (EL), our easy way of talking, which will solve our problems. This transition is the only thing that is really going to make a difference. Once we have EL instead of DL, everything changes. EL exceeds all our expectations, as it has nothing to do with expectations, but with our own verbal skill.                

Thursday, December 15, 2022


For real,


(This English text is also available in Dutch below)


We are only really talking with ourselves, when we talk with ourselves out loud. Of course, there is not someone else, inside of us, who talks to us – who speaks out – and who, so to speak, talks to himself, because we are all of this ourselves. However, we do not realize this at all, as long as we do not produce the sound we want to have, so that we can actually begin to listen to and really hear ourselves. Instead of having a real, overt, audible, conversation with ourselves, we've kept thinking and, consequently, believing, that we are having an inner, inaudible, problematic dialogue with ourselves. In short, our crazy, contradictory, illusive, so-called mind never seems to stop and keeps us busy day and night.


Once we have Embodied Language (EL) and can therefore hear our true, pleasant voice-sound, the sound of our wellbeing, we effortlessly step out of the duality between the so-called speaker and the so-called listener. In other words, it's all of us, thus, in EL, the speaker is one with the listener and the listener is one with the speaker. Surely, there is no longer a speaker or listener at all, because in EL there we are listening to ourselves while we are speaking. When people ask, why they don't have EL, it happens involuntarily from their Disembodied Language (DL). The question, why they always have DL, while they would actually prefer have EL, is also asked from their DL. We stop asking questions and giving answers as soon as we have EL, because only then we can say what we want to say and can say and because we also hear what we can and want to hear. Certainly, we can hear that we have EL and we can become aware of the fact that most of the time, without realizing it, we continue to engage in DL.


It is always as an afterthought, in EL, we realize we  kept having all kinds of problems as long as we were in DL and those problems would only stop if we could or were allowed to have some EL for once. However, when we ask ourselves again, how it is  possible that EL is completely problem-free and that all our energy-consuming, misunderstood and unsolved problems are always related to DL, then we are, for the umpteenth time, ended up in DL.


We keep wondering about many things, because we have not yet allowed ourselves to stop living out our conditioning. EL allows us to listen carefully to the tragedy of our conditioning. In hearing our already endured, honestly-articulated suffering, we are aware of our automatic, compulsive behavior, which effortlessly transforms into sound, living, self-evident, authentic and intelligent verbal behavior.


Our behavior is fully alive in EL, because EL is the expression of our Language Enlightenment (LE). In DL, however, we never get around to LE and we endlessly yearn for, hope in vain for and always work hard for the solution, the so-called ideal, to solve the problems which arose from our DL. In DL our behavior is clipped, as our wings are broken. We do this to ourselves, even though in DL it always seems as if this is being done by others. Both having EL and DL depends entirely on our individual participation. Our DL immediately turns into EL, once we realize that everything depends on us. The other, which we keep using to hide ourselves behind, is nothing but our own poor-language creation. Our mind, always preoccupied with the other (or with our wretched so-called true self), so as not to be really responsible for our own behavior, is essentially the erroneous, pretentious verbal formulation of our own fear, narrow-mindedness, pride, suspicion, stress, despair, and chaos.


With our insensitive way of speaking, we create the sprinkle man, whom we bring in every time we can't find an answer to our attention-demanding questions. We believe in a non-existent self, a thinker who thinks, because supposedly there is a speaker who speaks and therefore a listener who listens. The fact is, of course, that there is only living behavior. There is only a process, but not an object or a subject. The flow of life, of genesis, can only be properly expressed when we speak without the hindrance of a fear-instilling speaker. It is also out of complete disrespect, we are constantly reduced to being listeners by the self-proclaimed speaker. Even if we try to really talk to ourselves, we always give up very quickly, because the so-called speaker in us always overwhelms the so-called listener in us. So, it is only when that speaker in us finally starts to listen, to the listener in us – who speaks – that we can step out of our DL and start having EL.




We zijn alleen dan pas echt met onszelf in gesprek, wanneer we werkelijk hardop met onszelf praten. Er is natuurlijk niet iemand anders, in ons, die met ons praat – die zich uit spreekt – en die, zogezegd met zichzelf praat, want we zijn dit allemaal zelf. We hebben hiervan echter geen enkel besef, zolang we niet zelf het geluid produceren, dat we willen en kunnen horen. In plaats van ons echte gesprek met onszelf, zijn we zogenaamd blijven nadenken en een innerlijke, onhoorbare, problematische dialoog met onszelf blijven hebben. Kortom, onze mind lijkt nooit stil te staan en blijft ons maar bezighouden.


Zodra we Belichaamde Taal (BT) hebben en dus ons ware, aangename stem geluid kunnen horen, dan stappen we moeiteloos uit de dualiteit tussen de zogenaamde spreker en de luisteraar. Met andere woorden, wij zijn het natuurlijk allemaal helemaal zelf en in BT is de spreker een met de luisteraar en de luisteraar is een met de spreker. Anders gezegd, er is eigenlijk niet langer een spreker of luisteraar, omdat er in BT alleen luisterend gesproken word.  


Wanneer mensen zich de vraag stellen, waarom ze geen BT hebben, dan gebeurd dat onwillekeurig vanuit hun Ontlichaamde Taal (OT). Eveneens wordt de vraag, waarom ze toch altijd OT hebben, terwijl ze eigenlijk liever BT willen, vanuit hun OT gesteld. We houden op met het stellen van vragen en met het geven van antwoorden, zodra we BT hebben, omdat we dan kunnen zeggen wat we willen en kunnen zeggen en omdat we eveneens horen, wat we kunnen en willen horen. Het is zeer zeker zo, dat we kunnen horen, dat we BT hebben en ons bewust worden van het feit, dat we meestal, zonder er erg in te hebben, ons met OT blijven bezig houden.


Het is altijd, een achteraf, in BT-ontstane realizatie, dat we allerlei problemen bleven hebben, zolang we in OT zaten en dat die problemen ophielden, als we weer eens een keertje, eventjes wat BT konden of mochten hebben. Wannneer we ons echter weer gaan afvragen, hoe het toch werkelijk mogelijk is, dat BT geheel probleemloos is en dat al onze energie-verslindende, onopgeloste, verkeerd begrepen problemen altijd met OT samen hangen, dan zijn we, voor de zoveelste keer, in OT beland.


Uiteraard is het een voor de hand liggende zaak, dat we ons allerlei dingen af blijven vragen, omdat we nog niet van onszelf hebben mogen ophouden met het onbewust uitleven van onze conditionering. BT  stelt ons in staat om aandachtig te luisteren naar de tragedie van onze conditionering. In het horen van ons reeds doorstane, oprecht verwoorde leed, zijn wij ons bewust van ons automatische, dwangmatige  gedrag, dat moeiteloos transformeert in levend, vanzelfsprekend, intelligent verbaal gedrag.


Ons gedrag komt volledig tot leven in BT, omdat BT de expressie is van onze Taal Verlichting (TV). In OT komen we echter nooit toe aan onze TV en blijven we eindeloos smachten naar, tevergeefs hopen op en altijd maar hard werken aan de oplossing, het ideaal, voor de vanuit ons OT-onstane problemen. In OT wordt ons gedrag gekortwiekt, onze vleugels gebroken. We doen dit allemaal helemaal zelf, ook al lijkt het in OT telkens weer alsof dit door anderen wordt bewerkstelligd. Zowel het hebben van BT als OT hangt af van onze individuele deelname. Onze OT veranderd onmiddelijk in BT, als we beseffen, dat alles van ons afhangt. De ander, die we telkens gebruiken om onszelf achter te verschuilen, is niets anders dan onze eigen taal-creatie. Onze mind, die altijd met die ander (of met ons beklagenswaardige zogenaamde ware zelf) bezig blijft, om maar vooral niet echt verantwoordelijk te hoeven zijn voor ons eigen gedrag, is in essentie onze foutieve verbale formulering van onze eigen angst, benepenheid,  hoogmoed, argwaan, stress, wanhoop en chaos.  


We creeren met onze ongevoelige manier van spreken de strooi-man, die we er elke keer weer bij halen, als we geen antwoord kunnen vinden op onze aandacht-eisende vragen. We geloven in een niet-bestaand zelf, een denker die denkt, omdat er zogenaamd een spreker is die spreekt en ook dus een luisteraar die luisterd. Het feit is natuurlijk, dat er enkel levend gedrag is. Er is enkel een process, maar niet een object of een subject. De stroom van het leven, van het ontstaan, kan alleen op de juiste wijze worden verwoord, als wij spreken zonder de  belemmering van een uit angst-gecreerde spreker. Ook is het uit een volledig gebrek aan respect, dat wij voortdurend, door de door-onszelf-gecreerde spreker tot luisteraar worden gereduceerd. Zelfs wanneer wij pogingen doen om echt met onszelf te praten, dan houden wij daar toch altijd snel weer mee op, omdat de zogenaamde spreker in ons, altijd de zogenaamde luisteraar in ons overweldigd. Het is dus pas wanneer die spreker in ons eindelijk gaat luisteren, naar de luisteraar in ons – die spreekt – dat we uit OT stappen en BT gaan hebben.         

Wednesday, December 14, 2022



(This Dutch text is available in English below)

In dit schrijven kom ik nog weer eens terug op het onomstotelijke feit, dat Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) ons ervan weerhoud om onszelf te zijn, omdat wij niet kunnen of mogen zeggen of schrijven, wat we kunnen of willen zeggen of schrijven. Het is allemaal heel voor de hand liggend, als we Belichaamde Taal (BT) gaan hebben, dat wij daarom een soort van uitleg bekokstoven en geven aan anderen, maar ook natuurlijk aan onszelf, waarom we bepaalde dingen beter zogezegd voor onszelf kunnen houden. We zeggen of schrijven deze zaken niet om afkeuring, afwijzing, conflict en sociale isolatie te ontlopen.  


Om de maatschappelijke ladder te beklimmen, is het een voorwaarde, dat we ons leren houden aan het voorgeschreven inhouden van onze taal. Men slaat dit vermogen overal zeer hoog aan, omdat we veronderstellen, dat het om een specifieke vorm van zelf-discipline of zelf-controle gaat, die absoluut noodzakelijk is, omdat de groep waartoe wij, vanwege ons geloof, cultuur, taal of interesse behoren, altijd van het individu vereist, dat het zich niet als zichzelf, maar als een lid van de groep gedraagd. Bijgevolg zit het individu altijd, of hij of zij het nou beseft of niet, hoe dan ook, opgezadeld met wat hij of zij niet mag zeggen of schrijven.


Er is dus eigenlijk een hele grondige reden, waarom iedereen gelooft dat ie een mind heeft, omdat we, zonder ook maar enig stem-geluid te produceren, in ons hoofd, onhoorbaar dus, met onszelf praten en zogenaamd nadenken, plannen, herinneren, associeren, interpreteren, analyseren, verwerken, vergeten, leren of zogezegd de eer aan onszelf houden. Ja, wij geloven heilig in ons denken, omdat we, simpel gezegd, bang zijn gemaakt, om het te zeggen of, zoals hier, te schrijven. Iedereen die dit leest, kan logisch gezien meteen beseffen en erkennen, dat ons overmatige, alomtegenwoordige, zwaar-overdreven denken – wat dus iedereen’s persoonlijk religie is – altijd impliceerd, dat wij onszelf niet meer expliciet verbaal kenbaar maken.  


De prijs, die we allemaal, onbewust, al te graag, betalen voor ons hardnekkige geloof in een mind en de belabberde illusie, dat er iets unieks zou plaats vinden, vanwege dit algemeen geaccepteerde, maar zelf-ontkennende en zelf-ondermijndende dogma, is dat wij ons volledig tegen onze eigen taal hebben gekeerd. Het komt hierop neer: wij begeven ons dag in dag uit in OT, omdat wij zijn geconditioneerd om onze BT verwerpen. Er valt dus letterlijk niets te horen wanneer we denken, want we maken geen geluid en hebben zogezegd onze stem verloren. Dit betekend dus, dat onze gefantaseerde mind ten koste gaat van onze betrokkenheid bij onze taal.


Uit het voorafgaande is het eveneens begrijpelijk, dat het hebben van een zogenaamde mind, een prima manier is om mensen te laten praten, zoals de om-aandacht-vechtende, winnende sprekers dat vereisen. Of je aan het woord mag of kan komen, wanneer en hoelang, wordt altijd bepaald door stressvolle, negative, maar dominante sprekers. Ook is het overduidelijk, dat onze niet bestaande, verzonnen mind, met al onze beklagenswaardige, problematische, onuitgesproken gedachtes, een volslagen opgelegde illusie is, want het is altijd vanwege anderen, dat wij hierin geloven.


Zodra wij echter met onszelf gaan praten en dan pas dus weer naar onszelf kunnen gaan luisteren naar onze eigen stem, dan blijft er helemaal niets over van onze zogenaamde mind, omdat wij hem of haar volledig hebben uitgesproken en correct aan onszelf hebben beschreven. Eigenlijk is dit ook weer niet waar, want we uiten natuurlijk onze mind niet, maar we zeggen of schrijven eenvoudigweg alleen uitsluitend wat wij kunnen en willen zeggen en schrijven. Bovendien zijn wij vrij om onszelf te zijn, als onze taal onze ware natuur tot uiting brengt. BT maakt ons dus bewust van onze Taal Verlichting (TV).  


Voor iedereen, die nog steeds, na het lezen van mijn text, gelooft dat hij of zij een mind heeft, dat hij of zij kan denken, dat hij of zij een prive gesprek met zichzelf kan hebben, wat niemand kan horen, wil ik het volgende vaststellen: jou denken of jou mind, is precies hetzelfde als het kinderlijke geloof in een zogenaamde hogere macht. Hoe jij met jezelf wil praten weet alleen jij. Jij bent het, die bepaalt of je OT of BT hebt. Als mensen beweren dat ze in god geloven, dan keren ze zich onwillekeurig tegen hun vrijheid en individualiteit. Een soortgelijke zelf-verloochening vindt ontegenzeggelijk plaats in het idee dat we een mind hebben en dat er een innerlijk zelf is, dat de oorzaak zou zijn van ons handelen. Er zit geen spreker in me die spreekt, een luisteraar in me die luisterd en er is ook geen denker, die denkt, maar dit alles is wel degelijk het resultaat van onze gebruikelijke, alledaagse wijze van praten, waarin we voortdurend, automatisch en plichtmatig onszelf en elkaar ervan weerhouden om iets te zeggen, om geluid te maken, dat door ons gehoord kan worden, ook al luisteren wij slechts alleen maar naar onszelf.


Ongetwijfeld is het onze onechte wijze van spreken,  die evenwel bepaald dat we slechts fantaseren dat we spreken. Dat is wat we dus onze mind noemen, ons denken. Wanneer we echter BT gaan hebben, dan produceren we geluid, dan horen we onze stem en dan zeggen we wat we kunnen en willen zeggen, omdat we niet langer fantaseren, dat we denken of een mind hebben. Als gevolg van BT zijn we stil en vredig, omdat we onszelf in de gelegheid brengen, om onze eigen realiteit te creeren, in plaats van te fantaseren. Er is enorm verschil tussen die twee.


Aan het creeren van onze eigen realiteit, met BT, komen geen gedachtes, ideen, of beslissingen te pas, omdat wij woorden spreken, die gehoord kunnen worden of woorden schrijven, die gelezen kunnen worden. Echter, bij het fantaseren over onze werkelijkheid, met OT, veronderstellen we, keer op keer, dat we denken en dat ons denken ons doet doen wat we doen, terwijl we eigenlijk nooit doen, wat we willen en kunnen doe, maar altijd op de een of andere manier, bezig blijven met het doen wat we geloven te moeten doen. OT wordt altijd gekarakteriseerd door dwangmatigheid.


Er is tegenwoordig vaak sprake van censuur, waarin iemand letterlijk de mond wordt gesnoerd of het vermogen wordt ontnomen om anderen te laten lezen wat hij of zij heeft geschreven. Met andere woorden, mensen zijn dan niet langer in staat om hun zogenaamde gedachtes, hun geloof of mening kenbaar te maken. Ze worden van hun platform, van Facebook of Twitter gegooid, maar het hele punt van dit schrijven is, dat ze niet meer gehoord of gelezen kunnen worden. Het gaat dus helemaal niet over wat ze zogenaamd denken, maar om wat ze zeggen of schrijven. Bovendien is het in OT niet de ander, die ons ervan weerhoudt om te zeggen of te schrijven, wat we willen en kunnen zeggen of schrijven, maar wij zijn het zelf, omdat wij niet naar onszelf willen en kunnen luisteren of naar onszelf willen en kunnen schrijven. In OT blijven we dus allemaal hangen in het onvervulde verlangen, om door anderen gehoord of gelezen te worden, maar we horen of lezen onszelf nooit, omdat we niet met onzelf spreken of naar onszelf schrijven. Hierdoor lijkt het alsof we mind hebben, die verdwijnt als sneeuw voor de zon, zodra we BT gaan hebben.




In this writing, I return once again to the irrefutable fact that Disembodied Language (DL) prevents us from being ourselves because we cannot or should not say or write what we can or want to say or write. It is all very obvious, if we are going to have Embodied Language (EL), that we make up and give some kind of explanation to others, but also of course to ourselves, why we should keep certain things to ourselves, so to speak. We do not say or write these things in order to avoid disapproval, rejection, conflict and social isolation.


To climb the social ladder, it is a condition that we learn to adhere to the prescribed content of our language. This ability is held in high esteem everywhere, because we assume that it involves a specific form of self-discipline or self-control, which is absolutely necessary, because the group to which we belong by reason of our religion, culture, language or interest always requires the individual to behave not as him or herself, but as a member of the group. Consequently, whether he or she realizes it or not, the individual is always burdened with what he or she is not allowed to say or write.


 So there is actually a very solid reason why we believe 
we have a mind, because, we believe that, without 
producing any voice sound, in our head, inaudibly, we 
talk to ourselves and, supposedly, think, plan, remember, 
associate, interpret, analyze, process, forget, learn or, 
so to speak, keep the honor to ourselves. Yes, we firmly 
believe in our thinking because, simply put, we've been
 made afraid to say it or, as I do here, write it. Anyone 
reading this can logically realize and recognize right 
away that our excessive, ubiquitous, exaggerated thinking
 – which is everyone's personal religion – always implies
 that we no longer explicitly express ourselves verbally.


The price we all, unconsciously, all too willingly, pay for our stubborn belief in a mind and the lousy illusion that something unique would take place, because of this widely accepted, but self-denying and self-undermining dogma, is that we have turned completely against our own language. It comes down to this: we go into DL, day in and day out, because we have been conditioned to reject our EL. So literally nothing can be heard when we think, because we don't make a sound, as we have lost our voice. This means that our fantasized mind is at the expense of our engagement with our language.


It is also understandable from the foregoing that having a so-called mind is a great way to get people to talk, as he attention-winning speakers demand. Whether you are allowed to speak, when and for how long, is determined by dominant speakers. It is also abundantly clear that our non-existent, made-up mind, with all our pitiful, problematic, unspoken thoughts, is an imposed illusion, for it is indeed always because of others that we believe in this.


 However, as soon as we start talking to ourselves and 
only then can listen again to our own voice, then nothing
 at all remains of our so-called mind, because we have 
fully expressed it or described it to ourselves. Actually, 
this is also not true, because, of course, we do not express 
our mind, but we simply say or write only what we can 
and want to say and write. Moreover, we are free to be 
ourselves, if our language expresses our true nature.


For anyone who still, after reading my text, believes that he or she has a mind, that he or she can think, that he or she can have a private conversation with himself or herself that no one can hear, I want to establish the following: your thinking or your mind, is the same as the childish belief in a so-called higher power. Only you know how you want to talk to yourself. Moreover, it is you who determines whether you have DL or EL. When people claim to believe in god, they involuntarily turn against their freedom and individuality. A similar self-denial  takes place in the idea that we have a mind and that there is an inner self that would be the cause of our actions. There is no speaker in me who speaks, and,  there is no listener in me who listens, and, there is no thinker in me who thinks, but all of this is indeed the result of our usual, everyday way of talking, in which we constantly, automatically, dutifully keep each other from saying something, from making a sound, that can be heard by us, even if we would only speak with ourselves and listen to ourselves.


Undoubtedly, it is our false way of speaking that determines, however, that we only fantasize that we speak. That is what we call our mind, our thinking, our internal, covert, private speech. However, when we start having EL, when we produce our sound,  then we hear our voice and then we say what we can and want to say, because we no longer fantasize about imaginary thinking or a mind. As a result of EL, we are quiet and peaceful, as we allow ourselves to create our own reality, rather than only fantasize  about it. There is huge difference between the two.

Creating our own reality, with EL, does not involve thoughts, ideas, or decisions, as we speak words that can be heard or write words that can be read. However, in fantasizing about our reality, with DL, we assume, over and over again, that we think and that our thinking makes us do what we do, while we never do what we want and can do, but somehow, stay busy doing what we believe we should be doing. DL is characterized by compulsiveness, coercion and a constant sense of fear.


Censorship is common today, in which someone’s speech is literally silenced or he or she is deprived of the ability to let others read what he or she has written. In other words, people are then no longer able to express their so-called thoughts, beliefs or opinions, as they get kicked off their platform, off Facebook or Twitter, but the whole point of this writing is that they can no longer be heard or read. So, it is not at all about what they supposedly think, but it is all about what they actually say or write. Moreover, in DL it is not the other, who prevents us from saying or writing what we want to say or can say or write, but it is we ourselves, because we do not want to listen, we cannot listen to ourselves or we do not want write, we cannot write to and read ourselves. So, in DL we get stuck in the unfulfilled desire to be heard or read by others, but never get to hear or read ourselves, because we don't speak to ourselves or write to ourselves. As a result, we are stuck with our fictitious mind, which disappears like snow in the sun as soon as we start having EL.